81 Desert Irrigation Reform, Land For Oil, Ok

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  • Words: 1,921
  • Pages: 3
October 5, 2005 Dear Editor in Chief,

Perhaps the A.I sees many people living near barren lands that are constantly dry or lack of water. Perhaps the A.I. would suggest detail ideas so that national or international law could be initiated concerning lack of water in deserts and in barren or unproductive lands. UN could make ways providing poor people on barren places loan for conservation of rain done by expert men from foreign lands and imported robotics. Native politicians should not envy those initiatives; or sees them as source of kick backs-because when a person is being helped by someone, the action is sign of being a good man, and that the recipient should be appreciative and thankful-balance; rather than suspicious and envious-false pride-extreme. Since in those barren lands evaporation of water is great because of hot air, perhaps reservoir should be designed and be built underneath the surface of the land to lessen evaporation. And since earth or ground there are mostly sandy and the water would just seep in underground and be lost and unusable-extreme; perhaps through good teachings, law, and science, those balanced governments could have team works to focus their emphasis on how to place counter measures against those extremes. Perhaps since it is sandy and sand have no ability to hold water perhaps pass law that excess waste materials like waste plastics, used rubbers -or anything that could be made into cellophane or asphalt or chemicals to waterproof sands - of other nations should not be dumped underneath the earth, instead the waste should be used to make deserts becomes agricultural fields, forest someday. Perhaps the researches and results could be of help to those people where there is lack of water for planting. And the initiative of the UN would perhaps give hope that someday people on barren lands and deserts could have food and fuel, and source of fresh air not only for themselves but also to the world someday. Or better transfer those people to places where water is plentiful through law. Perhaps since to gather and to transfer waste materials from nations to nation and process them is costly, perhaps there could be cheaper way but longer way to implement those counter measures; rather than doing nothing or minding those big or very big things first-like budgets for war preparedness than minding those essential things first; or simultaneously do those things. Perhaps plant trees first that could biologically produce rubber on places where there is plenty of sunlight. Since underneath the tree, water could easily be wasted, pass a policy that water could be supplied through the roots of that tree using the technology of water dropping through use of plastics bags near the young tree. It is like the principle beyond dextrose system where a patient nutrient is supplied by a needle through a vein little by little through droplets. Since the spot where the tree is planted is designed to balance any extreme then perhaps the ground hole has plastic lining to hold water not to be wasted. And the soil is engineered to be fertile or with good soil. Since man’s supervision of hundred or thousand of lined trees is difficult and expensive, perhaps automation could do the job. Then another line of trees for oil producing; then another line for trees biologically engineered for producing chemicals as binder to produce plastics, and so on… alternately or staggered, etc. Then when harvest comes those fruits could be processed to be made into granules where a Smart Lining Processor could do the difficult work of making a lining underneath the ground to prevent water to go down more under… that the trapped water is very impractical to be pumped out. Perhaps if “A” granules and “B” granules and “C” granules are processed under the ground by the Smart Lining Processor to become: example- a 0.6m wide lining of rubberized plastic called a strip, then two…and then several strips are lapped say 0.1m for every pass then there would come a time that underneath the ground there would be a mantle that would hold on the water to be available; or water could be retained longer.

Perhaps one would question the process…because there are sands falling or cave-ins happening during the process… Perhaps one would just imitate and improve how tunnels are now built. There is boring machine, there is prefabricated section that could be assembled piece by piece to form as a cylinder but protected by systems so that cave in is prevented while the excavating, boring, and assembling is happening. But one difference in the system is…instead of circle that is being bored, it would be rectangular. And with system so that while the three types of granules are being processed to become liquefy epoxy; or just asphalt being sprayed and being rolled to become thin lining strip, the sand is prevented not to cave in by a protector shelf. Then after the boring and transferring of the sand to where there is now lining strip the robotics could move little by little example like an earth worm and could accomplish job one square meter per fifty minutes. And if several example: ten Smart lining Processors are staggered to bore, to protect not to cave in during the process, to spray asphalt or process chemicals to become plastic lining and to lay strip lining while transferring the sand for strip 1, and another for strip 2, and so on up to ten strips then 50m wide of sand’s waterproofing could be laid per 50minutes. And if the contour under could be designed where water could be collected to form a underground lake or catchments or reservoir then perhaps desert’s forest could be flourishing because of technology, law, and good teachings. Perhaps there would be places where depression or crater could be made waterproof and could become small lake or reservoir. Perhaps since there is too much evaporation if reservoirs are exposed to heat perhaps reservoir could be constructed underneath the ground. The elevation and alignment during boring and lying of strip could be under the guide of GPS technology. Perhaps placing rubberized or asphalted lining underneath is very expensive or impractical. Perhaps just leveling the barren desert with grader equipment and spraying the level surface with chemicals or asphalt so that the surface would become hardened and water proofs- but with depression and catchments so that water could be collected and gathered- is cheaper than underground waterproofing of sand. Then after sand’s storms, and rains the surface is covered with sands. Then level again those sands and spray chemicals to let the sands become hardened and could not be moved by strong wind. Then repeat the process until a foot of sand hardened as covering and the engineered surface could be planted with biologically engineered heat resistant plants and trees. At strategically located places, automated sprinklers that could spray water far enough and could be installed energized by solar cell and by wind mills with batteries for energy storage; and with computer chips to supervise the minimum use of water. Perhaps every small tree has a small smart water supplier run through solar cell to manage the support of water during its infancy; and the source of water is from the cool air of the surroundings during night time through condensation. Perhaps water molecules using refrigeration technology could enhance condensation and the collected droplets could be used for emergency cases only when there is really no stored water. Perhaps one hectare proto type reforestation of a barren land or of a portion of a desert could be cheaper than one military tank. Perhaps the technology of a refrigerator could be made small called a smart water collector to collect 1 liter of water through condensation all throughout the night. Perhaps a large track of those smart water collector could be arrange like farm to collect say drums of water per night to support needed water for several grown up tress through automation for emergency cases only. And if a one hectare prototype forest could be practical and cheap in the long run why make a new world wonders by letting groups or clusters of forests in the middle of a desert or at Sahara desert if look in outer space a word like “peace” or “life” or “balance” or any word or symbol could be seen.

World leaders should look the world as one table for zoning of lands so that surplus, idleness-extreme is minimized or avoided; and supply and shortages of food could be well managed and engineered. And focus to trim the surplus of food and convert the excess land for food to land for oil instead. Or change excess land to fuel sources instead and to halt men from too much dependent from fuel or oil mined. Those idle lands, desert, should be converted to oil producing agricultural product so that too much dependency to mined fuel could be minimized or balanced. Imagine million of hectares are converted to oil producing product through law, and the management is through automation. There would be enough oil to fuel cars never depleting because the source of energy is from the sun. Man would concentrate his energy not on food production only but also to let him enjoy life with convenience and comfort because automation is a blessing and not a curse. Future bottom line or battle would be: mined fuels that could be depleted and the people’s money are siphoned to one or few countries vs. never depleted fuel from Sun through plants and many countries could be benefited or blessed especially its own country. Or land to produced food maximized through automation vs. land to produced food manually and a trap in the making to chain man to be poor forever. Pass international law that desert near rivers should be converted to artificially engineered forest to produced fuel from plant. That water that is needed by the tree producing oil should be distributed through engineered series of pipes whose source of water is from the river. The money should be financed by World Bank; also applicable to desert near lake, sea, ocean but the oil tree should be biologically engineered to be adaptable to salty source of water; also applicable to marsh land where fresh water is always present and the oil tree should be biologically engineered to adapt on marsh land with fresh water. Pass law that rain catchments made from artificial man made lake at desert and barren land that could give source of water supply to water oil plant trees should be biologically engineered to resist hot temperature like a desert cactus. Conceited government claiming that if another law or international law would overlap their existing law even if the international law is for the common good of that country; and extremist nationalist would declare the law as interventional is a country full of false pride or victim of the “only” true right administrator. Perhaps bottom line is: land is a magnet so that people would be chained and remain poor or even encourage people to be cheater and stealer and encourage hating because few fertile lands are being quarreled by many people and automation could not penetrate; rather automation is being destroy vs. let men focus on things that automation could not penetrate and let hard works be done by automation on large track of land; or barren lands are converted to productive lands using automation. From Donald who might be dreaming,

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