79 Balance Land Reform Ok

  • November 2019
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October 2, 2005 Dear Editor in Chief, What if an artificial intelligence would comment about scenario 1- managing a one hectare land retained through “bias land reform” law versus scenario 2 - managing ten or fifty even a hundred hectares had there been no “bias land reform” or redistribution of farm lots from large to smaller because government could not give enough alternative jobs to people during those days where classless society ideology is spreading all throughout the country; or the world. Perhaps the A.I. would suggest, give questions, comment, and give series of suggestion taken from randomly incorporated ideas from various experts and scholars, journalist, common people with common sense, like: The A.I. would suggest to use available technology from toys to let a hand tractor becomes robotic; or an automated hand tractor that could accomplish farm works with little help from men for scenario 1 and/or scenario 2. Perhaps for both scenarios the people were happy and surprised because of automation but also were saddened because many would be out of work. And the efficiency of the machine is to farm not only 1 hectare but 100 hectares all through out the year. Perhaps granting that if without automation and all labor is paid, the profit for 1 hectare is only $30 per month. And a family should live normally for about $50 per month; so because of land reform, people are drawn to be destined to be poor or even would manipulate to do bad things like stealing, cheating to have the $20 lacking to maintain a normal living. But if man uses automation, the man would perhaps have a profit of $50 per month but still he is drawn to be attached to that one hectare and become lazy and perhaps he would use his energy to nothingness and idleness rather than to be detached to the 1 hectare land and look for better opportunity in urban places. What are the good of “bias land reforms” if automation would not enter? 1) It redistributes the farm land so that many people will have rice to eat for survival only but would be drawn to stay backward forever 2) It lessens the tensions if government was bias to the landowner cause by the battle between “classless society vs. capitalism” which is now not debatable; look China and India-the emphasis is on automation and capitalism, and just right amount of socialism 3) It calms the people and lessen the panic, or halt rebellion or divert the attention of men cause to check the corruption oriented mind setting cause by twisted word influenced perhaps by the word “only” good leaders What are the goods vs. the bad if “bias land reforms”-farm lots to be redistributed for just ones sustenance- are not implemented and automation would enter in? 1) It would minimize supervision and management duplicity and equipment duplicity vs. create lot of waste in manhour, equipment idleness, create conflicts, disputes, and make gaps between relationships of owner and workers 2) It would increase more surplus for capital vs. create lot of unnecessary over heads, like duplicity of office works that should had been focus on profit oriented mind setting for private offices and services and social work for public offices, 3) people will not be trapped to be backward in their works, and instead would be forced to look for a higher standard of job and living vs. people would not be delivered from the trapped instead would not look beyond the horizon, 4) the capital generated would boosts a chain of capital because a cycle of capital could evolve to have several sources for cycle of capital vs. no cycle was created instead waste and duplicity, idleness, too much managers and for just eating only oriented mind set, 5) it would return the respect, harmony between owner-profit oriented and tenant/worker-efficient work, equipment oriented mind settings again vs. forever feeling of resentment because of the twisted word cause by classless society mind set. 6) The “bias” mentality of classless society because of intimation by armed men to those ‘agricultural land dispute courts’, to those ‘agriland bank’ engineers and legal officer to side to classless society perhaps would now be lessened or removed. And ‘agricultural land dispute offices’ would be out of business and let civil court flourish thus creating stimulus where the courageous, brave and profit oriented mind set would be primed-parable of the talent teachings from the bible is given more emphasis vs. duplicity of work at ‘agricultural land dispute offices’ that only create too much waste of time and effort; and intimations. What would the government do instead to balance the trap in the making by “bias land reform law”? Reform for land is balance or unbiased if all aspect should be balance or reconsidered; like considering the blessing of automation, too much gap between the landless and those that have too much land but those with enough should not be redistributed, focus on other markets, opportunities, etc. Perhaps a standard should be computed for how much really a family should have to have profit and not for survival only! Example a family should farm 10 hectares- balance- with profit but not more than 50 hectares-too much, 1 or less lacking-extreme; and should be equipped with automation and supports and strict policies counter balancing any extreme done by beneficiaries, like selling, mortgaging, renting to others of the land redistributed, threatening the land owners not to file sue in court, etc. Then give them assistance but never redistribute land as a trap or to kill capitalism. Good teachings don’t allow it. 1) That if there is surplus of people, or people are displaced because of automation, relocate them; but

don’t be sad, it is still a blessing because the efficiency of business oriented mind set is maximized and the cost is lessened versus people are trapped to be backward and it creates chances that the people would start cheating or stealing or even hating! Remove the excess people from the farm and relocate them to a new smart city but never to a congested cityextreme. A congested city should be decongested; instead build a new smart city-New; not that it just evolved where all people want their own way; but where all excess people would be relocated and reformed, reeducated-balanced. Since there is now surplus of food because most idle lots and unprofitable farm are now having profits then people’s energy would be focus on some other things that automation could not penetrate. And food is no longer a problem because there is a surplus, and sources of capital from the agriculture. The problem is where the relocated people would found money to buy the food the automation produce. This is the problem of the balance government: To create jobs were recycle of resources is the key. Activities or jobs that create money even out of nothing like talent shows to make others: laugh, stay healthy, exercise, play sports, pray, experience happy moments, give donations, have bliss, have skills, create services, give tithes or alms, donate, watch drama, see movie, pay to clean dirty street, man the traffic, insurance where accident, sickness, calamities could prime the economy to flourish, etc. Balance government should initiate to give high pay to clean things, fix small things first, and motivate others to be sensitive to the start of any problem. To make ugly, disorderly become orderly and beautiful to look at, and other small things first to be fixed is the key so that goods produce by automation could now be consumed. This system is called a lifting of the standard of living in a new hierarchy or level. A janitor, a garbage collector could now bring home money not only for his survival or sustenance but also for other essential things to enjoy life. People could give opportunity to the old people to enjoy life to the most. The healthy people could give also privileges to sick people to enjoy life, etc. through insurance, pension, food staff, raffle, etc. “Bias land reform” where the primary purpose is to kill balance capitalism is extreme. But if the purpose of land reform is to kill the excess of too much land from the few land owners, encourage idle lots to be developed, open mind to the wrong type of crops planted on the soil to be changed to other product for world market oriented set, rent idle lots from uninterested land owners so that forest could bloom and fresh oxygen could be enough through systems and let other jobless people have opportunity to manage the idle lots; then need of fresh oxygen could stimulate cash to flow and increase people to be capitalist also and consumers also, and create cycle of generating capital and not only for its sustenance, etc.- then it is balance. Now what should be done if land reform passed is bias and doom to fail-people are trapped to stay poor? Look what happened to ordinary drinking water- fewer stimuli are produced vs. bottled drinking water- more cash stimuli is produced that create cycle! a) Perhaps pass law where a tree on any land would now ask some incentive from the government for exchange of fresh oxygen; or some privilege; but if it is now a forest the owner might be given some for profit-to stimulate cash to flow. Perhaps the money to pay could be taken from the surplus resulted because of automation. b) Perhaps pass a law repealing “bias land reform” tilting to classless oriented state of mind. Let former land owners’ sue bad farm beneficiaries who mortgage, rent, sell, never give rents to land owners free of charge or with minimum pay to lawyers; or instead pass law to return the land; after all farmer had already enjoy the fruits for 20-35 or more years without rent! c) Pass a law that land owners could now reclaim those farm lots not being developed by farmers like farmlands not profiting, uplands, idle lots, etc. And government officers bias to land owner and contributing to the bias land reform resulted on the killing of balance capitalism should also be sued in court thus produces job stimulus to lawyers. d) Pass law to emancipate farmers to be forever become depended to survival eating purpose oriented state of mind only rather he should be removed and be transferred to a place where he could still have chance to enjoy life to the full in his remaining years. d) Pass a law that those bank personnel who manipulated the computation of the sell of the land from the landowner very cheap and not considering the interests could still readjust the compensation justly. e) pass a law that land owners could redeem their former farm land same as the amount bought from them before with little interest or adjustments; or the former owner would return the money which was paid to them by the agri-land bank before in exchange to own again the farm because the selling before was the product of intimation; or the selling was at a very low price. And let the former land owners have again chance to manage the farm where the emphasis now is on the creation of cycle of capital and emancipation of the poor people cause by the trap on the making because of classless oriented mind setting. f) Pass a law that a balance government should change manual labor to automation from land preparation to the caring, and to harvesting and selling using available technologies-imagine someone at home could now farm the land far away using remotely control technology and internet technology, g) Pass a law that upland should be retained to land owners so that it could be converted to a productive land instead to be a source of jealousy, envy, quarrel, among farmers, one farmer enjoy more lot from other farmer because of intimation. Instead return to the rightful owners so that rule could be restored. Or else sometimes or instead it pushes people to steal, to cheat others-

telling the other cheater, stealer like: its not yours-it’s owned by the coward, fearful landowner due to classless oriented mind set; so its mine already because its free for all; or I am mighty because I am protected by the bias land reform law, etc. Perhaps bias land reform should be repealed; instead pass balanced land reform whose emphasis is not only for survival oriented mind set; rather it should be for business oriented mind set. And safety nets of the people being displaced due to automation should be the focus of balanced government. From Donald-a farmer dreaming of farming in Africa!

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