6. Batik L3 Cocu-3 - Batik Silk Screen (71-85)

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Job Area

Batik Production

NOSS Title

Batik Production Operation

Competency Unit Title

Batik Silk Screen Production

Learning Outcome

Competency Unit ID

The person who is competent in this CU shall be able to produce batik silk screen product in accordance with customer requirements. Upon completion of this competency unit, trainees will be able to:  Identify batik silk screen design specifications  Prepare batik silk screen materials, tools and equipment  Prepare batik silk screen colour and colour fixation  Produce batik silk screen  Carry out batik silk screen finishing  Pack batik silk screen product Training SS-100-3:2013-C03 Level 3 432 Credit Hours 43 Duration


Work Activities

Related Knowledge

1. Identify batik silk screen design specifications

i. Job order ii. Batik silk screen production requirements  Regulatory and statutory body requirements (Malaysian standard – SIRIM, Kraftangan)  Production quantity  Time frame  Product quality  Production flow  Techniques iii. Batik silk screen conceptual design, pattern, motif and theme  Flora and fauna  Geometric and abstract  Ethnic (culture and tribal) iv. Batik silk screen principles of design  Layout  Design placement v. Batik silk screen principles of colour scheme  Red, Green and Blue (RGB)  Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-

Attitude/Safety/ Environmental

Related Skills

Training Hours 64

Delivery Mode Lecture

Assessment Criteria i. Regulatory and statutory requirements listed out ii. Batik silk screen production quantity, time frame, product quality, production flow and techniques listed out iii. Batik silk screen conceptual design, pattern, motif and theme described iv. Batik silk screen principles of design and colour scheme explained v. Application of dye selection, colour guide and colour studies explained vi. Batik silk screen design


Work Activities

Related Knowledge

Related Skills i.

ii. iii.

iv. v. vi. vii. iv. v.

Attitude/Safety/ Environmental

Obtain batik silk screen job order and sample approval from designer Identify batik silk screen production requirements Identify batik silk screen design which includes pattern, motif and theme Interpret batik silk screen principles of design Study application of dye selection Study colour guide Study colour studies (colour wheel) Confirm batik silk screen design specifications Identify types and characteristics of batik silk screen fabric

vi. Confirm colour sample and fabric materials for batik silk screen production activities

Attitude: i. Resourceful in gathering information ii. Attentive to 73

Training Hours 16

Delivery Mode Demonstration and Observation

Assessment Criteria

Work Activities 2. Prepare batik silk screen materials, tools and equipment

Related Knowledge i.






Attitude/Safety/ Environmental

Related Skills

Types and characteristics of batik silk screen fabric  Silk  Cotton  Rayon  Linen White fabric materials preparation  Pre-washing  Measure fabric size  Cut fabric (length and width)  36, 45 and 60 inch Types of batik silk screen tools and equipment  Silk screen frame  Silk screen/printing table set  Squeegee  Registration mark  Container  Steamer  Setting machine Batik silk screen materials, tools and equipment preparation procedure Batik silk screen materials, tools and equipment inspection procedure Safety requirements

Training Hours 16

Delivery Mode Lecture

Assessment Criteria i. Type and characteristics of batik silk screen fabric listed out ii. White fabric materials arranged according to job order iii. Type of batik silk screen tools and equipment listed out


Batik silk screen materials, tools, equipment condition and functionality checked and confirmed v. Batik silk screen materials, tools and equipment prepared vi. Silk Screen frame 74

Work Activities

Related Knowledge

Attitude/Safety/ Environmental

Related Skills i.

Identify type and characteristics of batik silk screen fabric ii. Prepare white fabric materials according to order iii. Determine type of batik silk screen tools and equipment iv. Prepare silk screen frame and photo stencils/emulsion v. Check batik silk screen materials, tools and equipment condition vi. Arrange batik silk screen materials, tools and equipment vii. Confirm batik silk screen materials, tools and equipment preparation according to production requirements viii. Set fabric on silk screen printing table as per batik silk screen making requirements

Attitude: i. Meticulous and organised in preparing batik silk screen materials, tools and equipment

Safety: 75

Training Hours 72

Delivery Assessment Mode Criteria Demonstration preparation and confirmed Observation vii. Organza confirmed fixed to the frame viii. Stencils materials applied as per requirements ix. Design transferred onto the organza which includes photo emulsion, cut and paste (positive and negative) as per design specifications x. Batik silk screen materials, tools and equipment preparation confirmed as per batik silk screen making requirement xi. Fabric set up on silk screen printing table confirmed as per batik silk

Work Activities 3. Prepare batik silk screen colour and colour fixation

Related Knowledge i.

ii. iii. iv.



Attitude/Safety/ Environmental

Related Skills

Colour scheme and formula preparation  Type of dye  Colour quantity  Colour mixing  Colour shades  Thickener agent Colour mixing process Colour mixing specifications Different level of colour absorption according to type of fabric materials Colour fixation materials preparation  Fixative type  Fixative quantity  Fixative amount/ dilution level Batik silk screen fixation process tools and colouring unit set up procedure


Training Hours 40

Delivery Mode Lecture

Assessment Criteria i. Type of dye, colour quantity, colour mixing, colour shades and thickener agent listed out as per production job order ii. Batik silk screen colour scheme, colour formula and colouring techniques described iii. Colour mixing/ formulation process execution confirmed according to colour formulation

Work Activities

Related Knowledge

Attitude/Safety/ Environmental

Related Skills i.

Identify type of batik silk screen colour requirements ii. Determine batik silk screen colour scheme, colour formula and colouring techniques iii. Execute silk screen colour mixing process and techniques iv. Detect colour absorption result on batik silk screen fabrics v. Confirm batik silk screen colour mixing according to specifications vi. Obtain batik silk screen colour mixing sample approval from customer/superior vii. Prepare batik silk screen colour fixation materials viii. Set up batik silk screen fixation process tools and colouring unit

Attitude: i. Meticulous and organised in preparing batik silk screen colour and colour fixation 77

Training Hours 48

Delivery Mode Demonstration and Observation

Assessment Criteria iv. Colour absorption result tested on batik silk screen fabrics

v. Batik silk screen colour mixing specifications explained as per customer requirements vi. Batik silk screen colour fixative type, fixative quantity, fixative amount/ dilution level preparation confirmed as per production job order vii. Batik silk screen fixation process tools and colouring unit setting confirmed as per production

Work Activities 4. Produce batik silk screen

Related Knowledge

Attitude/Safety/ Environmental

Related Skills


Batik silk screen design specifications  Design layout  Size  Motif placement ii. Silk screen techniques  Single colour  Multi colour


Training Hours 32

Delivery Mode Lecture

Assessment Criteria i. Batik silk screen design layout, design size, sieve size and motif placement confirmed as

Work Activities

Related Knowledge

Attitude/Safety/ Environmental

Related Skills i.

ii. iii.


v. vi. vii.

Determine batik silk screen design specifications  Design layout  Size  Motif placement Determine sieve size Apply silk screen techniques  Single colour  Multi colour Execute quality control on first repeat  Design  Colour  Registration Confirm silk screen result Monitor stencils life cycle based on output Steam fabric to fix colour

Training Hours 80

Delivery Mode Demonstration and Observation




Attitude: i. Meticulous and creative in producing batik silk screen Safety: i. Careful in handling silk screen tools and equipment ii. Adhere to workplace safety and cleanliness 79


Assessment Criteria per design specifications Application of single and multi colour techniques confirmed as per design specifications Application of design, colour and registration on first repeat confirmed as per design specifications Silk screen result checked and assured as per design specifications Stencils life cycle checked and confirmed based on output

vi. Colour fixed on fabric tested and confirmed as per colour specifications vii. Workplace safety and cleanliness

Work Activities 5. Execute batik silk screen finishing

Related Knowledge i.

ii. iii. iv. v.

Attitude/Safety/ Environmental

Related Skills

Drying methods and techniques  In door  Out door Soaking process work flow Washing process requirements Rinsing process requirements Fabric softener and colour enhancement


Training Hours 8

Delivery Mode Lecture

Assessment Criteria i. Soaking process work flow followed as per finishing requirements ii. Washing and rinsing process execution follow as per finishing requirements

Work Activities

Related Knowledge

Attitude/Safety/ Environmental

Related Skills i.

Dry batik silk screen fabric ii. Soak coloured batik silk screen fabric into fixation materials iii. Wash batik silk screen fabric iv. Rinse batik silk screen fabric to remove excess colour v. Add fabric softener and colour enhancement solution vi. Dry and iron cleaned batik silk screen fabric

Attitude: i. Meticulous in executing batik silk screen finishing activities Safety i. Careful in ironing batik fabric ii. Adhere to workplace safety and cleanliness


Training Hours 8

Delivery Mode Demonstration and Observation

Assessment Criteria iii. Excess colour assured removed as per finishing requirements iv. Application of fabric softener and colour enhancement confirmed v. Drying process execution followed as per finishing requirements vi. Iron clean process execution followed as per finishing requirements vii. Workplace safety and cleanliness adhered

Work Activities 6. Pack batik silk screen product

Related Knowledge

Attitude/Safety/ Environmental

Related Skills

i. Ironing methods ii. Folding techniques iii. Type of packing and labelling materials iv. Packing and labelling methods  Men  ladies  Loose materials v. Recording methods vi. Recording procedure


Training Hours 4

Delivery Mode Lecture

Assessment Criteria i. Ironing methods followed ii. Folding techniques which includes design placement and folding size determined

Work Activities

Related Knowledge

Attitude/Safety/ Environmental

Related Skills i. i. ii. iii.


v. vi. vii.

Iron batik silk screen finished product Apply finished product folding techniques Identify packing and labelling materials Determine packing methods according type of batik silk screen product Pack and label finished product according to company requirements Adhere to workplace safety and cleanliness Record batik silk screen production activities Compile batik silk screen production record

Attitude: i. Meticulous in packing batik silk screen product Safety: i. Careful in packing batik silk screen product ii. Adhere to workplace safety and cleanliness


Training Hours 4

Delivery Mode Demonstration and Observation

Assessment Criteria iii. Folding techniques applied iv. Packing and labelling materials listed out v. Packing methods which includes men, ladies and loose materials determined according type of batik silk screen product vi. Packing and labelling method followed as per requirements vii. Packing and labelling techniques applied as per packing requirements viii. Batik silk screen production activities record and compiled according to company procedure

Employability Skills Core Abilities 01.01 02.01 02.04 03.01 03.02 03.03 03.05 06.02 06.03 01.04 03.08 04.01 04.03 04.04 01.11 02.11 03.16 05.02

Identify and gather information. Interpret and follow manuals, instructions and SOP's. Prepare brief reports and checklist using standard forms. Apply cultural requirement to the workplace. Demonstrate integrity and apply practical practices. Accept responsibility for own work and work area. Demonstrate safety skills. Comply with and follow chain of command. Identify and highlight problems. Analyse information. Develop and maintain a cooperation within work group. Organize own work activities. Organize and maintain own workplace. Apply problem solving strategies. Apply thinking skills and creativity. Convey information and ideas to people. Identify and assess client/customer needs. Inspect and monitor work done and/or in progress.

Social Skills

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Communication skills Conceptual skills Interpersonal skills Learning skills Leadership skills Multitasking and prioritising Self-discipline Teamwork

Tools, Equipment and Materials (TEM) ITEMS

RATIO (TEM : Trainees)

1. Batik silk screen production job order 2. Batik silk screen fabric 3. Batik silk screen colouring materials 4. Silk screen frame 5. Silk screen/printing table set 6. Squeegee 7. Registration mark 8. Container 9. Steamer 10. Setting machine

1:25 As per required As per required 1:5 1:5 1:5 1:5 1:5 1:5 1:5


References REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Technique of Batik, Noel Dyrenforth, The University of Michigan, Batsford (1988). Batik Design, Pepin Van Roojen, Shambhala (1997), Pennsylvania State University, ISBN 1570623287, 9781570623288. Batik: Fabled Cloth Of Java, Inger Mccabe Elliott, Illustrated, Reprint, Revised, Periplus Ed, 2004, ISBN 0794602436, 9780794602437. Malaysian Batik: Reinventing A Tradition, Yayasan Budi Penyayang Malaysia, Noor Azlina Yunus, Tuttle (2012), ISBN 9780804842648. Batik Tie and Dye Techniques (3rd Edition), Nancy Belfer, Dover Publications, Inc., 31 East 2nd Street, Mineola, N.Y – 11501, ISBN 0-486-27131-5. Proses Batik: Batik Tulis, Batik Cap, Batik Printing, Dari Awal Persiapan Bahan dan Alat, Mendesign Corak Sampai Finishing, Didik Riyanto, C.V. Aneka (1993). 7. Teknik Membuat Batik Tradisionil dan Batik Modern, Volume 20 Of Seri BIPIK, Proyek BIPIK (Indonesia), Departemen Perindustrian, Proyek Bimbingan Dan Pengembangan Industri Kecil (2007). 8. Adasko, L. & Huberman, A. 1975. Batik in many forms. Morrow. ISBN 9780688003401. 9. Arney, S. 1987. Malaysian batik: creating new traditions. Kraftangan Malaysia. ISBN 19923478. 10. Belfer, N. 1972. Designing in batik and tie dye. Davis Publications. ISBN 9780871920478. 11. Eiseman, L. 2000. Pantone ® Guide to Communicating with Color.HOW BOOKS.: Ohio, USA. ISBN 966638328. 12. Gokarneshan, N. 2009. Fabric Structure and Design. New Age International. ISBN 9788122424706. 13. Gupta, P. 2008. Fashion Technology and Management. Coronet Books Incorporated. ISBN 9788175331228. 14. Kerlogue, F. 2004. The Book of Batik. Archipelago Press. ISBN 9789814068246. 15. Kight, K. 2011. A Field Guide to Fabric Design: Design, Print & Sell Your Own Fabric; Traditional & Digital Techniques; For Quilting, Home Dec & Apparel. C&T Publishing Inc. ISBN 9781607056188. 16. Kraftangan Malaysia. 1993. Siri Kedua Batik Tulis: Sistem Pengeluaran dan Teknik-Teknik Pembuatan. Perbadanan Kraftangan Malaysia. ISBN 9839965425. 17. Kraftangan Malaysia. 1993. Siri Pertama Batik Tulis: Bengkel Pengurusan dan Kewangan. Perbadanan Kraftangan Malaysia. ISBN 9839965417. 18. McNamara, A. & Snelling, P. 1995. Design and practice for printed textiles. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195533712. 19. Pepin van Roojen. 1994. Batik Designs: Traditional Textile of The Malay World. Pepin Press. ISBN 9789054960034. 20. Piper, E. 2001. Batik for Artists and Quilters. Hand Books Press. ISBN 9780966638349. 21. QuaChee, Em. K. 2005. Batik Inspirations: Featuring Top Batik Designers. Q.Ce. ISBN 9789810544478. 22. Singer, M. 2007. Textile Surface Decoration: Silk and Velvet. University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 9780812220001. 23. Sumathi, G.J. 2002. Elements of Fashion and Apparel Design. New Age International. ISBN 9788122413717. 24. Watson, L. 2008. Vogue Fashion. Firefly Books. ISBN 9781554074372. 25. Wisbrun, L. 2011. The Complete Guide to Designing and Printing Fabric: Techniques, Tutorials & Inspiration for the Innovative Designer. A. & C. Black. ISBN 9781408147009. 26. Zaliha Hj Hussin. 2008 Batik Merbok Menelusuri Tradisi Seindah Seni. MPH Publishing & UiTM Kedah. ISBN 9789833698981. \


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