5th September (b) 2009

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CATHOLIC PARISHES OF BOREHAMWOOD SS John Fisher and Thomas More and St Teresa OF THE CHILD JESUS NEWSLETTER for Sunday 6th September 2009 23rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Year B) Newsletter and parish information on line at www.rcdow.org.uk/borehamwood PARISH TEAM Parish Priest – Father Michael Daley - St Teresa’s Presbytery, 291 Shenley Road, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 1TG - Tel - 0208 953 1294 – E mail – [email protected] Catechetical Coordinator - Sister Margaret Jones RSM – 28 Rossington Avenue, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 4LA – Tel – 0208 953 0715 Pastoral Coordinator – Sister Mary Meaney RSM - 28 Rossington Avenue, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 4LA – Tel - 0208 953 0715 Joint Parishes Secretary – Mrs Sue Partington - Parish Office, 291 Shenley Road, Borehamwood, WD6 1TG – Tel 0208 953 1294 – available 10 am till 2 pm Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri

WEEKLY LITURGY SCHEDULE FOR BOTH CHURCHES SAINT TERESA OF THE CHILD JESUS CHURCH, SHENLEY ROAD SUNDAY MASS - Saturday (Vigil Mass) 6 pm – Sunday 10.00 am (Tea and coffee in St Teresa’s Parish Centre after this Mass – all welcome) WEEKDAY MASS – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – Mass at 9.15 am – There is no Mass on a Wednesday or Saturday morning. SERVICES OF WORD AND HOLY COMMUNION – When Fr Michael or a supply priest are unavailable to celebrate Mass, Sr Margaret or Sr Mary will conduct a Service of Word and Holy Communion. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - Saturday – 11 am to 11.30 am and 5.00 pm to 5.40 pm or by appointment PRIVATE PRAYER BEFORE THE BLESSED SACRAMENT – Saturday mornings between 11 am and 11.30 am (except first Saturday of every month) ROSARY GROUP – normally every Friday 7.30 pm in St Teresa’s Church

SAINTS JOHN FISHER AND THOMAS MORE CHURCH, ROSSINGTON AVENUE SUNDAY MASS – 8.30 am and 12 Noon FIRST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH – MASS AT 9.30 am followed by private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament till 11 am. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION will take place between 10 and 10.30 am.

WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS Sat 5/9/09 – 6 pm (St Teresa’s - Vigil for Sunday) – Marjorie and Malcolm CREATON (50th Wedding Anniversary 2009) Sun 6/9/09 - 8.30 am (SS JFTM, Rossington Ave) – Fr Edward HOUGHTON RIP Sun 6/9/09 – 10 am – (St Teresa’s – Vigil for Sunday) – Ted MANSFIELD RIP (anniv) Sun 6/9/09 – 12Noon (SS JFTM, Rossington Ave) – Marie RENDERS (sick) Mon 7/9/09 – 9.15 am – Feria – Rosa RILEY RIP Tues 8/9/09 – 9.15 am – Feast – The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary – All members of the Riley and Schilling families – living and deceased Weds 9/9/09 - No Mass Thurs 10/9/09 – 10.30 am (St Teresa’s Church) – FUNERAL OF JOSE (Joe) MARTINEZ RIP Fri 11/9/09 – 11 am (SS John Fisher and Thomas More Church) – FUNERAL OF PAT HACKETT RIP Sat 12/9/09 – 6 pm (Vigil for Sunday) – Albert D. PETERKIN RIP (anniv)

FINANCES WEEKLY COLLECTIONS St Teresa (30th August) – Planned Giving - £454.70: Loose - £275.50 –TOTAL - £730.20 SS J Fisher and T More (30th August) – Planned Giving - £116.40: Loose - £206.70 – TOTAL £323.10 Please sustain or consider increasing your level of giving – Many Thanks

BAPTISM – If you wish to have your child baptised, please collect one of the yellow forms which are available at the back of both our Churches. Complete the form, and return it to Fr Michael at St Teresa’s. He will then contact you to arrange an appointment to come and see him. MARRIAGE – Please note that if you are planning on getting married, the Catholic Church requires six months notice so that the necessary paperwork, discernment and marriage preparation course can take place. In the first instance you should contact Fr Michael who will arrange to see you. MASS INTENTIONS – If you wish to have a Mass offered, please write the intention clearly and include it an envelope with your offering. If the intention is for a person who is deceased, then please indicate whether this is an anniversary or a recent death. If the Mass is for a person who is living, or for any other intention, then please make this clear to avoid any confusion. Many thanks. GOING INTO HOSPITAL? – In light of the Data Protection Act (1988) on admission to hospital please note that your details must be given to ward staff so that they may be passed on to the Catholic Chaplain. This will not be done automatically. It has to be done by you. You also need to state that you would like the Chaplain to see you. He/she is unable to make enquiries about Catholic in-patients. The request has to come directly from the person being admitted. If you, a relative or friend want to see a Chaplain whilst in hospital, please adhere to these guidelines.

BAPTISMS – We warmly congratulate and welcome Louise Maclennan and David Sampson who were baptised into the Church and our parish family at St Teresa’s this weekend. A TALK ON THE SUDAN – will be given by Fr Paul Annis, a Comboni Missionary, after the 6 pm Mass on Saturday 12th September at 7 pm in St Teresa’s Parish Centre. Fr Paul, a native of Borehamwood, and who was ordained in St Teresa’s Church, has worked in the Sudan for many years and would like to share his experiences. He looks forward to seeing as many as possible. All welcome! HEALING MASS WITH THE SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK – will take place on Sunday afternoon the 13th September at 2 pm at St Teresa’s Church. If you are sick in body, or unwell in soul or spirit then please come along. Illness and disability isn’t always about what can be seen with the eyes. If you are sick or housebound and require a lift to this Mass please contact Sr Mary on 0208 953 0715. Also, if there are any volunteers with a car who would be happy to help a sick or elderly get to this Mass and then return them home please contact Sr Mary. There will be refreshments in the Parish Centre to follow. Attending this Mass will fulfil the Sunday obligation. RELICS OF ST THERESE OF LISIEUX – Dates for your diary - The relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux, the patroness of one of our Churches in Borehamwood, will be in Westminster Cathedral from 12-15 October 2009. Whilst they are here, it will be possible for pilgrims to come and venerate the relics in their casket. There is no need to book in advance, and whilst groups are welcome, coaches are discouraged. It has been recommended that people make their way to the Cathedral by other means. SWINE FLU PRECAUTIONS – Apparently, a second wave of swine flu is to be expected. Because of the pandemic, the diocesan authorities have suggested that for the time being, parishes should refrain from sharing the Precious Blood from the Chalice. Until further notice only the Sacred Host will be distributed at all the Masses on Sunday and weekdays. The Holy Water stoops will be emptied and the sign of peace can be offered by a bow, smile or other gesture that does not involve hand touching. All these precautions, although unfortunate, are in place to lessen the risk of transmission. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION – Application forms for parents of children eligible for First Holy Communion in 2010 (Year 3) are now available at the back of both Churches. Please return them to Fr Michael or Sr Margaret by no later than Monday 7th September. ‘NEW STYLE’ NEWS SHEET – The Jerusalem Mass Sheet or Missalette as it may be more commonly known, which has been in use for many years at St Teresa’s Church, will no longer be available after the weekend of the 19th and 20th September. It will be replaced by a new style of newsletter called ‘Sunday Message’ which is an A3 size full-colour leaflet that will combine the Sunday readings with an in-depth commentary on the Gospel or liturgical season. The inside of the leaflet will contain the newsletter and parish notices. ‘Sunday Message’ will also be distributed at SS John Fisher and Thomas More Church. REFURBISHMENT – Over the next few weeks all the lower panels on the outside of St Teresa’s Church will be replaced and the Lady Chapel will also be refurbished. Refurbishment work at SS John Fisher and Thomas More also continues. If you feel able to make a contribution towards the upkeep and ongoing improvement of our two Churches, all donations would be very gratefully received. RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – The process by which those seeking full communion within the Catholic Church receive instruction starts on Monday the 28th September in the More Room at SS John Fisher and Thomas More Church, Rossington Avenue at 8 pm. Those already attending the Enquirers group should be at this meeting. If you are a non Catholic and are interested in wanting to know more about becoming a full member of the Catholic Church, please complete one of the green forms at the back of both Churches and hand it to Fr Michael or Sr Margaret as soon as possible. READERS at St Teresa’s Church – the new rota is now available at the back of the Church and on the notice board. JOINT PARISHES FINANCE COMMITTEE – the next full meeting will be at 8 pm on Thursday 24th September in St Teresa’s Parish Centre. This is an important meeting and it is hoped that all members will be able to attend. ELSTREE AND BOREHAMWOOD CHRISTIAN COUNCIL – the next meeting of the EBCC will take place in St Teresa’s Parish Centre on Tuesday evening, the 8th September at 8 pm. If you are interested in promoting the cause for closer cooperation between all the Christian Churches in our locality, then please come along. Have a good week – Fr Michael, Sr Mary and Sr Margaret

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