54102-mt----analog & Digital Ic Design

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Code No: 54102/MT M.Tech. – I Semester Supplementary Examinations, September, 2008

ANALOG & DIGITAL IC DESIGN (Common to Embedded Systems/ VLSI & Embedded Systems) Time: 3hours

Max. Marks:60 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ---

1.a) b)

2.a) b)

Derive an expression for ID in both linear and saturation region of a MOSFET. Derive an expression for the voltage gain of common source single stage amplifier with resistive load. Draw the variation of gm with the input voltage. Design a two stage CMOS Op amplifier with the following specifications. A0 =55000, GBW = 1.2MHz, SR = 2.5v/µsec Discuss the choice of selection of input stage.

3.a) b)

Give a linear model for typeI PLL. A cellular telephone incorporates a 900 MHz phase locked loop to generate the carrier frequencies. If the low pass filter’s cut off frequency is 2π × (20KHz) and the output frequency is to be changed from 901MHz to 901.2MHz, how long does the PLL output frequency take to settle within 100Hz of its final value?


Explain briefly about each basic building block of a switched capacitor circuits. Find the capacitance values needed for a first order switched capacitor circuit such that its 3-dB point is at 10KHz when a clock frequency of 100KHz is used. It is also desired that the filter have zero gain at 50KHz and the dc gain be unity. Assume CA = 1pF.


5.a) b)

Design a 3-input, 5bit multiplexer that fits in a 24-pin IC package. Write the truth table and draw a logic diagram and logic symbol for your multiplexer. Show that a 4-bit ones’ – complement with end-around carry is a feed back sequential circuit. Contd..2.,

Code No: 54102/MT


6.a) b)

Give the design flow for high-speed comparator. Explain a simple CMOS non-inverting sample and hold circuit with clock-feed through cancellation.


Define the following terms with reference to data converters. Augment the explanation with the help of one example for each. i) Accuracy ii) Resolution iii) Offset error iv) Gain error v) Integral non linearity error. Consider a 3-bit DAC operating with Vref = 4v, with the following measured voltage values. {0.011, 0.507, 1.002, 1.501, 1.996, 2.495, 3.491} i) Find the offset and gain errors in units of LSBs ii) Find INL and DNL errors iii) Find the effective number of bits of absolute accuracy. Find the effective number of bits of relative accuracy.


8.a) b)

Evaluate the average value of quantization error using stochastic approach and hence deduce the signal to noise ratio for an ADC. Explain the following terms in detail with respect to data converters. i) Sampling time uncertainty ii) Dynamic Range.


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