5 Themes Of Geography

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 174
  • Pages: 6
5 Themes of Geography

LOCATION Know ing w here y ou a re.

-Absolute Location: Lat/Long -Relative Location: Using distance and direction

PLACE Desc rib e w ha t the loca ti on looks li ke.

Hum an Char ac teris tic s: Language, Government, Economy Phys ic al Cha ra cteris tic s: Vegetation, Climate, Waterforms -Pretend you are looking out a window, WHAT DO YOU SEE??

HUMAN ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION Ho w pe ople have cha nge d and ada pted t o the ir envir onm en t. Changed: Building homes, mining coal, cutting down trees. Adapted: Wearing jackets when it is cold, sunscreen

MOVEMENT How peopl e in one p la ce ma ke co nta ct wit h people in anoth er p la ce .

Tr ade , Co mmun icat ion, and Tr ans por ta tio n

REGION Area s tha t s ha re commo n cha racteri sti cs.

Ex: Both Poland and Russia share similar climates, cold. Both India and Sri Lanka mine diamonds.

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