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NAME: ___________________________________________________ GRADE/SEC. _________________________________________________

DATE: ____________________ SCORE: _________________

FOURTH PERIODICAL EXAMINATION IN SCIENCE 7 MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each statement carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet. 1.









Natural resources are materials or elements from the environment . Which of the following is the characteristic of natural resources? A. not created by people B. invented by people for themselves C. use by people to meet their needs D. observe by people by using scientific equipment Why are coal, petroleum, and natural gas considered non-renewable resources if they were produced from plant and animal remains? A. It takes a very long time to produce them B. Using them as results in environmental problems C. They are difficult to locate and explore from earth D. The Philippines is dependent on supply from other countries Renewable source of energy is naturally replenished , it may be derived from solar, wind, geothermal, or hydroelectric action. Which pair of resources is renewable? A. cotton and leather C. soil and minerals B. aluminum and iron D. coal and solar energy What do you call the a resource that people can use again and again but its supply can be replaced? A. renewable - capable of being replaced by natural processes B. recyclable –to alter or adapt for new use without changing the essential form C. reliable- safe; dependable; tried and tested D. unlimited- limitless; boundless Soil is a thin material covering the earth’s surface and is formed from the weathering of rocks. What two factors have the greatest influence on soil formation? A. temperature and rainfall B. slope of the land and rainfall C. kind of soil particles and temperature D. reforestation and use of compost as fertilizer Betty tried to scratch some minerals to find out its resistance to scratching. Which is the softest of the following minerals tested? A. calcite C. fluorite B. talc D. apatite Lilia found a rock within the vicinity of Mayon Volcano. Which of the following rocks could it be? A. basalt C. quartzite B. sandstone D. dolomite Zandy’s teacher asked her to locate places which can be found on Northern Hemisphere. Where should Zandy look on the globe? A. above the equator C. below the equator B. left side of the prime meridian D. right side of the prime meridian Which of the following statements is TRUE?



12. 13.







A. The closer the latitude to the equator, the warmer the climate. B. The farther the latitude to the equator,the warmer the climate. C. The closer the latitude to the equator, the colder the climate. D. The distance of latitude to the equator has no effect to the climate. The Grade7 students were asked by their Science teacher to show or identify the longitude lines on the globe, which of the following must be used by the students as point of reference? A. prime meridian C. equator B. above the equator D. below the equator To locate exact places on Earth, one must look at A. the lines of latitude only B. the lines of longitude only C. a neighboring area to describe the location D. the intersecting lines of latitude and longitude When measuring the lines of latitude, always begin with the_____________, which represents 0 degree. A. prime meridian B. equator C. longitude D. north pole In which latitudes, could you find the Philippines? A. between 0 degree and 30 degrees North B. between 0 degree and 30 degrees South C. between 120 degrees East and 180 degrees East D. between 120 degrees West and 180 degrees West We depend on energy for many of our daily activities. Which of the following statements show conservation of energy? I. Switch off lights when not in use II. Recycle materials like paper and glass container III. Turn off electrical appliances when they are not in use IV. At low tide, water is allowed to run out through the dam to turn electrical generators A. I only B. I, II C. I, II, III D. I, II, III,IV Which of the following DOES NOT describe a wise conservation of energy? A. constructing dams near waterfalls B. using solar power cells to run electricity C. making windmills in areas with strong seasonal winds D. dumping of bagasse and agricultural wastes into the rivers Which is the BEST example of physical weathering? A. the rusting of nail B. the chemical reaction of limestone with acid rain C. the formation of sandbar along the side of the stream D. the cracking of rock caused by the freezing and thawing of water Is there a relationship between the presence of minerals in the Philippines with any geologic structure? A. No, there is no direct relationship between the presence of minerals in the Philippines with any geologic structure. B. Yes, the presence of minerals in the Philippines indicates that the country is rich in resources. C. No, the presence of minerals in the Philippines has no connection with geologic structures. D. Yes, the presence of minerals in the Philippines indicates the presence of geologic structures like active faults and volcanoes. John see pieces of cardboard, empty soft drinks cans, and broken wooden chair dumped in a vacant lot on his way to school. What materials are being wasted in the dumpsites? A. paper B. metals C. wood D. all of these Stephen lives near the mountainous area. Their community is rich in metallic minerals. Which of the following should the community undertake in order to conserve such precious mineral deposits? A. Use all of them to earn money B. Put up tunnels to harvest all metallic minerals C. Formulate laws and ordinances to regulate the mining of minerals











D. Use dynamites to clear out the mountain and reveal the mineral deposits What are the factors which affect the soil formation? A. climate, temperature, amount of rainfall B. slope of land, temperature, particle of soil C. amount of soil, amount of rainfall, slope of the land D. reforestation, use of compost as fertilizers, amount of rainfall Is there a relationship between our latitude position and high diversity of life forms in the country? A. Yes, the Philippines is surrounded with oceans and bodies of water. B. No, there is no relationship between our latitude position and high diversity of life forms in the country C. No, the latitude position of the Philippines has no connection with high diversity of life in the country. D. Yes, the Philippines is near the equator where there is sunshine all year round and rainfall is abundant Which of the following list of materials correctly match of which it was produced? A. cans and knives: farm B. leather shoes, spoon, and fork: mines C. food products and house components: mines D. paper and bags: trees and other plant fiber, starch The quality of air and water in our environment is the responsibility of the government. What agency takes care of this? A. Department of Science and Technology B. National Air and Water Council C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources D. National Pollution Control Commission On your way to school you saw piles of uncollected garbage. What is the BEST thing that you can do about it? A. Lecture the people nearby about garbage disposal. B. Report it to the proper authorities. Make follow up of your report for immediate action C. Burn the garbage yourself. D. Scold the people in the area. Why does deforestation cause flooding in lowlands? A. Flood waters erode the soil. B. No more trees are left to absorb the water. C. Soil in lowlands can readily absorb water. D. Soil held by the roots are loosened. Exhausts from motor vehicles are pollutants because_____________________. A. their water content is very high B. substances that change the appearance and quality of the air are present C. ammonium compounds are present D. the carbon dioxide content is high What is the correct order of earth’s atmospheric layers from bottom to top? A. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere B. Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere C. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere D. Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere What is meant by “trace” gases? A. They are not harmful. B. They are present in very small amount. C. They are naturally occurring on Earth. D. They are emitted by trees. Why is the presence of ozone above the troposphere important for the survival of living things on earth?












A. It helps in cloud formation. B. It warms the earth’s surface. C. It offers protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays. D. It makes jet flying more comfortable. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. Without a natural greenhouse effect, the temperature of the earth would be about- 180C instead of 140C at present. Why are scientists concerned about the greenhouse effect? A. Human activities like burning of fossil fuels and deforestation enhance the greenhouse effect. B. The human population is increasing rapidly, more carbon dioxide will be released to the atmosphere. C. Planting trees in wider areas is not possible; earth has many desert areas. D. There is no technology that will keep the temperature of the earth constant. Why do hikers put on thicker clothes when climbing a high mountain? A. to add more weight so they will not be pushed by the wind B. so they can easily be located when they get lost C. the air temperature decreases with latitude D. for protection against insect bites What happens when air is heated? A. it spreads, then rises C. it spreads in all directions B. it expands, then rises D. it moves toward a lower elevation In what direction do winds blow? A. from the Southwest to the Northeast B. from the Northeast to the Southwest C. from high pressure areas to low pressure areas D. from low pressure areas to high pressure areas Which is NOT TRUE about ITCZ? A. It occurs in the Philippines all year round. B. It results in thunderstorms. C. It occurs in countries near the equator. D. It is a place where winds in the tropics meet, rise, and form clouds. What happens to the surrounding air as warm air rises? A. moves toward the place where warm air rises B. moves away from the rising air C. moves to a higher latitude D. moves in all directions Igneous rock can be intrusive rock or extrusive rock. These rocks are all formed from____________. A. crystals B. sediments C. magma or lava D. earth’s crust Which of the following conditions can cause an eclipse of the moon? A. When the moon passes between the sun and earth B. When the moon passes through the shadow of earth C. When moon is at first and third quarter phases D. When moon is halfway on its orbit around the earth Alison and Rachel were investigating the banks of the river and discovered a large section had been eroded away. They could see layers of different soil types. These visible layers are called____________. A. Cementation B. Sedimentation c. Calcification D. Stratification A boy standing in an open field on a bright sunny day casts a long shadow pointing east. What time of the day is it? A. late afternoon B. early afternoon C. high noon D. early morning What is the cause of earth’s seasons?









A. Earth’s elliptical orbit and varying speed of revolution B. Earth’s greater distance from the sun during winter than summer C. Inclination of earth’s axis of rotation to the planet of its orbit and revolution around the sun D. Variation in the amount of energy given off by the sun Why do you think the earth and the moon do not bump with each other as they travel around the sun? A. Because the moon is smaller than the earth B. Because the moon is far away from the earth C. Because the earth rotates faster than the moon D. Because the earth and the moon have their own orbital planes If the moon had only one phase which is full moon, how would it affect the fisherman’s lives? A. It would be difficult for them to catch fish. B. They can catch more fish. C. The fishermen had the best time for catching fish. D. It would be dangerous for them to catch fish because the sky is clear. Why do seasons change in the Philippines? A. Seasons change because the direct rays of the sun shift from one hemisphere to the other as the earth goes around the sun. B. Seasons change because the earth is stationary directing its rays to Northern Hemisphere always C. The sun is somehow tilted to both Northern and Southern Hemisphere. D. The sun is directed to the Southern Hemisphere Water vapour and carbon dioxide are both greenhouse gases. Why are we so worried about increasing carbon dioxide and NOT water vapour? A. This is usually an indication that an El Nino event is under way. B. Land heats up faster than water during the day and it also cools faster at night. C. Global warming is pprimarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. D. Water vapour collects in the atmosphere but falls as rain when they are heavy enough. Which of the following human activities contribute to global warming? I.Planting trees in wider areas III.Deforestation II.Burning of fossil fuels IV.Overpopulation A. I only C. I, II, III, IV B. II, III, IV D. IV only How does energy from the sun enter the atmosphere? A. The sun’s energy enters anywhere in the space including earth. B. It reaches earth and enters the atmosphere through radiation. C. It enters the atmosphere by vibrating through air particles of the atmosphere. D. The plants in the earth attract the sun’s energy making it enter the earth’s atmosphere. Which of the following statements account for the occurrence of land breeze, sea breeze and monsoons? I.Warm air goes up II.Different locations warm up or cool down differently III.Cold air moves “toward” the direction where warm air rises A. I and III B. II and III C. I and II D. I, II, and III While on the beach, a group of Grade 7 learners are studying local winds. Andrei, the leader of the group explains that the wind direction during the day is usually the reverse of the wind direction at night. Which of the following statements supports Andrei’s claim? A. There is more water in the sea than on land. B. This is usually an indication that an El Nino event is under way. C. The water remains at about the same temperature all throughout the day. D. Land heats up faster than water during the day and it also cools faster at night. For number 49 Study the diagram that shows the local winds

49. What type of breeze forms in diagram Y? A. Land breeze B. Sea breeze

C. Mountain Breeze

D. Valley breeze

For numbers 50-54 Label the diagram of the rock cycle below

Figure 1

For numbers 55-60 Draw/ iilustrate how soil is formed from rock. Follow the steps given below. 1. When a piece of rock is exposed to the sun, its outer part expands. 2. On cooling, at night time, the outer part of the rock contracts or shrinks. 3. Once broken, water enters the cracks causing some minerals to dissolve. 4. Air enters the cracks, and oxygen in the air combines with some elements such as iron to produce iron oxide which is brittle and will easily peel off. Then, carbon dioxide from the air reacts with water to form an acid causing the rock to soften. 1.




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