• November 2019
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Daily Digest

Working replica Nautilus sub

Xeni at Web 2.0 Wed 11/4 in SF: Future of Online Video Panel

Poster art by Jason Munn/The Small Stakes

The US Presidential Election: Open Thread http://twitter.com/xenijardin

Unconscious communication as ”honest signals” Software to make duplicate house keys

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0262162563?ie=UTF8tag=boingboing0efrom photos 20linkCode=as2camp=1789creative=390957creativeASIN=0262162563


Is This Thing On? 4-1 odds on the existence of God


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/rel Power-offers-odds-of-4-1-that-Godexists.html

You Are Never Alone When You Have Casiotone For The Painfully Alone http://www.cftpa.org/

Left-handed people more inhibited? You Will Not, In Fact, Put Anyone’s Eye Out


Breakdowns: Portrait of the Artist as a Young

Papercraft heart of rotating gears

http://www.geocities.jp/kamikara1967/gearsheart The Visible Woman Stalks The Catwalk 1

Tiny horse runs amok


Lovely photo of Lemming skeleton

Charlie on the M.T.A. in French

http://www.sciencenews.org/view/access/id/38318/name/splemmingskeleton.jpg A photograph of America’s new president. Tone Generation: audio history of electronic music


Chart of marijuana-related ballot initiatives for 2008: big wins

Art show: Moira Hahn, Tessar Lo, and Bill Blair

http://www.mpp.org/library/2008ballot-initiatives.html Medic Aesthetic Alert Amazing Al Capp At AnimationArchive.org M.I.A. Down In The Hole http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87HHQmIQ8U8 Designing for Space: Core77 visits NASA’s Industrial Design Team Letters From Johns Phoenix M. Lander is guestblogging in Gizmodo. Intentional action and Asperger Syndrome

http://gizmodo.com/5075490/nasasphoenix-mars-lander-guest-blogging-ongiz http://www.pitt.edu/˜machery/papers/The20folk20concept20of20intentionalitymachery.pdf

Guy teaches his dog to say ”Obama.” To do in SF: Boing Boing Boing Boing tv Laughing Squid Next New Networks Metblogs = Spontaneous Drinkup 2

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