3rd Year Summer Magazine

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Times Summer Edition


“Welcome to the Sanpa times” In this spring/summer second edition of the 3rd year’s Sanpa Times, we are going to offer you unusual information about some subjects that are of special interest to us nowadays. Furthermore, we have made a really big effort to finish this magazine, because we wanted to make sure that it could be a great success. This press class have been encouraged by Tim, to be a group of pupils that always want to do their best, so this is why we think this second edition’s magazine is going to be an excellent one. We included some interesting and incredible articles that are going to make the reader want to read our whole magazine. As well as articles, we have included some funny and interesting new stories and also some interviews, which have a great deal of interest for us. Also, we have included some film reviews, whereas in the first edition’s magazine we didn’t include any. Finally, we also included in our magazine a new section called “discursive compositions” that are some pieces of writing where we explore topics of interest to us. Our goal was to work as a team and do the best we could, so this magazine will be read by you and be remembered in the school as one of the best magazine ever written in this school. In this edition you’re going to find some fantastic articles about: • • • •

1) 2) 3) 4)

New stories Film reviews Interviews Discursive compositions

News Stories Abortion, YES or NO Abortation, yes or no, this has cause a lot of argues at school. There are two part: the ones who say yes and the ones of no. The yes ones is because if you don’t like to have a baby you can abortate. Nevertheless, the other ones is because they say that is killing a person that can not say what he wants.

invested because we don’t know what would have happen if we had not done anything. We have to look after and treat very well our school, a normal repair can cost a large amount of money. by Ainhoa Uribarren


A 50,000 Euros wall! Our school’s bus entrance’s wall had a crack, so on the 23th of February the wall’s reparation started, costing a sum of 50 000 Euros, Kellerterra, a construction company was in charge. The wall has had that crack for a long time, and as the school is very old it had to be repaired, some rods had to be introduced in the wall to do the same effect as an anchor. This money has been very well

The last Thursday before holidays the third year students did a survey about how did they thought the teachers of St. Patrick’s teach us. This survey consisted in ten questions per teacher which were about whether the teachers’ explanations are understandable, if they teach us with more resources than the text book, if we thought our qualifications were and that sort of things. ‘I think most of the people were sincere while doing this survey’ said Asier who was happy about this initiative. So I think this survey is quite important and the teachers should take it very seriously to improve their teaching quality. By Ander Movilla.



Ship on "La Concha" 28th

Last Saturday, of March, a beautiful big ship was stranded on “La Concha”. The strong and masive waves broke the ropes that were keeping it in the port. The ship, stayed on the beach the whole weekend, until the sea reached its highest level and two other boats also helped to bring it back to the sea again. “There was such a wonderful view with the ship on the beach”, said the people who saw it.

eating habits. With the new rules and the dinning room monitor, Chema, watching carefully to our movements, we have to follow the rules, and if you don’t want to follow them, good luck! ‘‘I think that some rules are necessary, as the dinning room without rules is a mess, but I also think tat some other rules aren’t necessary at all, for example not to use the mp3 in the dinning room” says Ander Movilla, one of the 3rd year’s student.

Taking split ends is a new drug? Irene Ascorreta started last year to remove her hair’s split-ends. Her most closed friends thought it was horrible to see a girl removing her split ends, so they always hit her to stop that fad. Little by little, the girls of 3ºA started taking them out when they saw Irene, the fad went to 3ºB, and girls from the 3rd year, pass it to their sis-

New rules in the dining room: We have been using mp3, mobiles phones in the dinning room without any problems… but that has finished, as they think that we should have proper !

ters. When they went on the English exchange, English girls started doing it, and the same happened with the French exchange. On weekends, people who have the fad now, pass it to people in other schools and it’s becoming a contagious illness or addiction that if you try it, you will keep doing it every time. Will it end up being like a kind of drug PAGE 2


Congratulations to the winners!


Last year, a group of the year, watched the film “23 obsession”. It was about a man that sees every where the number 23, and he ends up mad. Since we watched that film, the number 23 is EVERY WHERE! It’s like an obsession. If you’re going to eat yoghurt, I bet it will expire on the 23rd. If you’re going to go somewhere strange, you will have to take the 23 bus. Every time you look to the watch, it will be any hour, 23 minutes. At night, when you are going to sleep, you will look it, and I’m sure it will be 23:23. If you go out to the streets, it will be 23º degrees. In class, we are always on page 23, or doing the 23rd exercise. 23 is everywhere. Now that you have read this, you will see it’s true. Don’t look for it. It will just come on its own, and you will see that, on the end, it becomes being really strange, mysterious, and a little bit scary.

Cakes After all the fun we had on St-Patrick's day, now it's time to receive all the prices, which for some, is even better! Here are the winners in 2nd of ESO in the cakes competition:

Saint Patrick’s day The 13th of March San English day took place in this school. Normally it is celebrated the 18, but they move it of day because the 3rd year went to Burgos. There where some traditional games that are played all years. The year that has win is 4th A (46.5p) followed by 4th C (40p) and 2nd A(31p). Game 1º- 1º- 2º- 2º- 3º- 3º- 4º- 4º- 4ºs A B A B A B A B C Tug of war







Guillermo Gonzalez pupil of 2nd B.


In 2nd A, the winner cake had been done by five pupils which are the following: Irene Olaizola Clara Azurmendi Sara Chocarro Adriana Azpeleta Laura Mañero. As the cake was done by five people, the price will also have to be distributed equally by he five of them, so what it was a 20 euros card for Elkar will end being 5 euros!






6 6

3 1

3 Points Shoots











4 2









2 4






3 4



Game 1º- 1º- 2º- 2º- 3º- 3º- 4º- 4º- 4ºs A B A B A B A B C Apple


Cross- 1 os


Cross- 1 as




3 6







2 2






4 3

3 8



4 6







26 31 30 10 12. 46. 9 5 5


The winner of cakes is a 4º year student . There is rumour that the cake of the person that won was made by his father that is cakemaker. Last year instead of using ballons in the game calles ballons ,they usd sponges. But this year they have changed and used ballons again . it is much better with ballons has said Jorge Ruiz. By Adrián Tejeda and Adrián Agüeros

Successive Magazine Is this year magazines better than the other ones? This year at school the magazine has been very successful and that’s why it is hung on the internet. The students of 3rd and 4th press class have done such a good job, that in February Tim decided to put it on the internet so !

the rest of the world could read it. It has excellent photographs, useful surveys and interesting news stories.” I feel very proud of the magazine” said a press student.

MOC's piece of news. During the second week of February, StPatrick's English School's students in 3rd and 4th of ESO have been doing the MOC exam in order to prepare the First and Advanced Certificates in English exams, on their English's hours. In general pupils think it has been quite hard, but as every year, there is a wide variety of results starting with some very good ones and ending with other ones which aren't so good. Now students are looking forward wither to maintain or improve the results in June, when the examinations will be done. Let's hope they do so.

3 rd of E.S.O Tournament A 3rd of E.S.O tournament has start on Wednesdays at school. Chus the sport manager has create a tournament at school for the 3rd of E.S.O students. He have done 4 groups and they have to play each them. The matches are in the hochey field. Each team has 5 persons and the matches are of 12 minutes each part on Wednesdays. PAGE 4

Chus says: “This tournament is to try people to enjoy football at playtime”

I’m now very happy with my achievement”.

Our dear friend is gone

Burgos Trip

One of our beloved friends and class mate that for some reasons didn’t want me to say her name has moved on to new Zeeland for the next 3 years due to her mom’s work. She left us the last January and now she’s living in Palmerton, new Zeeland, and she’ll be there till 2nd baccalaureate, and all of this is because her mother received an offer to work there and she accepted. But we have nothing to worry about cause she’ll come back to visit us as soon as she can, sometime in summer and Christmas and so on. And about how she’s doing there, well, now she’s going to an only girls school, and she hasn’t meet yet any guy but at least she has many friends. “Hallo, we miss you a lot” said Manu & guinea,

Burgos trip has finally ended with a nice impression of it. All third years, have arrived in San Sebastian hoping that the trip gets longer, however, it can never be substituted four days of holiday. The trip started with a stop in Burgos where self orientation, and cultural visits, which was elected by the students as the most interesting and fructiferous activity. Then after we had finish eating they went by bus to Pisuerga River to do some canoeing, while others went to El Canal de Castilla, to take some photographs, and then the other way round.

Daniel Botello’s achievement At the beginning of this term, there was great news for Dani Botello, a student from 3º of E.S.O. The thing is that, he came a few years ago without knowing any English and now he has made such enormous improves with his English that his teacher Tim, has decided to pass him to a higher level.” It was fantastic news and

! The second day they spend it walking in Santiago walk and under the hot sun. We passed along two villages where we stopped to have a rest, the first one was Boadilla Del Camino in which we spend most of the time in the sweet shop, and finally in Fromista where we took our bus and went to the youth house. The last days after packing up, they took the bus and leave the youth house and went to Yuso and Suso where they visited the monasteries where the first Spanish



texts where written. Finally they went to San Sebastian.

Trip to Italy Pupils from 2nd of bachillerato went to Italy the13th of May at 6:30 am and came back the 22nd. It was their last trip before they finish school; they had to collect money. They visited Niza, Monaco, Menton, Bergamo, Vicenza, Venecia, Roma, Florencia, Pisa, Siena, San Giminiano, Avignon and Carcassone. They went to 3 countries; Francia, Monaco and Italy. When they went the police noticed that two persons where carrying something illegal so they obligated them to come to San Sebastian and because of that they didn’t visit Verona. However, one of the pupils said that: “We had a great time because we saw lots of monuments and we had lot of free time”.


been different. They have gone to Burgos. This is because every year something bad happens in Salamanca such as formal complaints or sheer madness at nights. Pilar Goyoaga, the teacher in charge of this trip, wanted to make a change in the trip, so she change the place. Some teachers say that Saint Patricks’ pupils should not appear in a little village near for a long time, until an incident that happended there three years ago, gets forgotten. “We had a very good time in Burgos, and we haven’t got any problem with the 3rd year students this year” says Pilar after the trip.

English exchange, can’t be cooler! The past week, 27 students from the 3rd year went on an exchange trip to England, to Chandler’s Ford, near Southampton. All the students had a very good time and would like to repeat the experience. Although the excursions were good, the best things were the activities with the English students. “It’s been fantastic! We had a very good time. Maybe one of the best weeks of my life! We can’t wait ‘till they come back” says Susana Santaolalla, a pupil on the exchange.

Who? 3º year students Why? A lot of problems in Salamanca. When? In March. Where? Burgos. What? A excursion. The 3º year students, normally go to Salamanca as a school trip. This year, it has !


Film reviews Index

comedy burn after reading You can see the quality of this film reflected briliant, also the actor's give life to the on the actor's terrific performance as much script with their great performances. the as in the film itself. this movie is about an ex- only possible drawback is that if you know agent from the CIA nothing about the col war you my loose some called Ozzie Cox, gags. but even though, you're going to totally who loss a diskette love it. with his memoirs , This is the kind of film that you should watch amd it's found by with friends if you're older than 13 years. l i n d a l i t z ki e a n d Chad Feldheimer, and they try to exchange it for money. this is a hilarious comedy mixed with some crime, and not only the script is


Tecnhical info. Director: Coen Brothers Staf f: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, John M a l kov i ch Fra n c e s M c D o r m a n d , Ti l d a Swinton Susana Kaiana



The Pink Panther is a comedy action film with a funny actor and funny scenes that amuse the people easily. According to peoples opinion Steve Martin, interpreting

It is a great film wich has provoked Inspector Closseu, didn’t perform them role interest because of the special effects as of inspector Closseau much as for the great acting. In this film nobody likes Hancock, although he is a hero, This is the perfect film to see with all the so a public relations adviser wants to make family and enjoy a funny film. everyone change their rude, stinky and drunk impression they have of him, turning him into the hero everybody wants.Hancock is a comedy action science-fiction film which included big-budget chases, a lighhearted

Technical info. Starring Steve Martin Directed by Harold Zwart

plot, portraying real-life situations with 92 minutes impossible quests, all designed for pure All the family audience escapism. With a P.G. rating and both comedy


and action it is the perfect film for people who love laughing.


Directed by Peter Berg Starring: Will Smith and Charlize Theron.

Che is a two-part film

Length: 92 min.

which has provoked

Rating: everybody

interest in the audience

It is available on DVD and Blue Ray.

as much because it is

Ainhoa Uribarren

based on the real life of a very famous person, Che Guevara, as for the

The Pink Panther 2

film itself. The film is based on the life of an important revolutionary man who changed a lot

This is a film which has provoked a lot of

of peoples’ lives. He was successful

interest in children and also in adults, thanks because of his knowledge in medicine and to the direction of a good director like other subjects as much as because of his Harald Zwart.The story is based on the theft


of a famous diamond called the Pink

The film is a plot-driven drama in which Panther .Inspector Clousau is the leader of a you can appreciate the personal thoughts of detective group that tries to get back the the Che and see his own character famous diamond. development.



The great actor’s performance (Benicio del Toro) is one of the most important things, as


he won a Goya for it. This is a great film for people that want to know about how revolution was in This film has created a lot of expectation as some countries of South-America.

much because of the fascinating plot as

Starring: Benicio del Toro, Franka Potente

because the film is based on Stephanie

Directed by: Steven Soderbegh

Meyer’s best-seller “Twilight”.

140 minutes

The story concerns a girl (Kristen Stewart)

Asier Amenabar

who is new in the school and meets Edward

The Dark Night

Cullen (Robert Pattinson). They fall in love with each other, but Bella discovers Edward’s biggest secret: he’s a vampire. Twilight is a romantic horror drama film that has managed to get every single teenager’s

The film has provoked a great deal of interest as much because of the excitement of the story as for the catastrophic death of the actor Heath Ledger. The story is based on the frustration of the Mafia because they can not move their money as they would like because of Batman and because of Harvey Dent the districts prosecution. This frustration makes the Mafia employ a very strange assassin that even they don’t understand.

attention with the love story between Edward and Bella, and with Edward’s great charm. The horror part of the film is quite entertaining, but it’s not the main part of the film. The only unsuccessful feature of the film is that there are some details of the book that they don’t include in the film, so the book’s fans were quite disappointed. Generally the film is brilliant, and is perfect for boys and girls, as it includes a romantic story with a horror background.

The Dark Knight is an action-drama that it will show you the craziness of an assassin, the exasperation of missing some one you love and the serenity and obligation of doing the correct thing. There is no possible drawback in my opinion. I think we are talking about a masterpiece.

Technical info. Starring Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner Directed by Catherine Hardwick 122 min

Technical info.


Starring Christian Bale, Heath Ledger and

Released soon on DVD.

Aaron Eckhart

Guinea Fernández

Directed by Christopher Nolan 152 minutes Rating PG Now available on DVD and Blueray



Gran torino

I only give 4 stars to Gran Torino due to the fact that even the job of Clint Eastwood as actor absolutely

brilliant, as director he could made a slightly better film showing young actors like Bee Vang how to act better. This is recommendable to all sorts of audiences but you need to have

patience because some parts are a bit slow. However, extraordinary job, Clint!

Director: Clint Eastwood 116 minutes Rating: +13 Now in cinemas.

Technical info.

Ander Movilla

Starring: Clint Eastwood and Bee Vang.

Action HOLES

This is a film which makes you think. The story is based on a boy that is sent to a kind of jail and they have to dig holes every day. Stanley, the main character, wants to escape from there and finds a secret about a curse on his family. “Holes” is an adventure film and often a quasi-action with stunts and chases. The only possible drawback is that it is a little bit unrealistic and the special effects weren’t very good, they could be much better.

James Bond: Quantom of Solace

With a PG rating and both adventure and action this is a perfect film to watch it wherever, whenever and with whoever. Technical info Starring: Shia Lebeouf. Directed by: Andrew Davis 117 minutes. Rating PG It’s available on DVD. Susana Santaolalla

Quantom of Solace is a non-syop action thriller. There is a lot of action in exotic locations. The only possible drawback to the film is that in the first part you can feel

This is a film which has obviosly provocked

sick because there is a fight with special

a great deal of interest as much because of

effects to make it quicker.

the actors as for the film. The story is based on the search for the assasin who killed James Bond’s girlfriend in the previous film. James bond find someone to help him.


Technical info Staring: Daniel Craig and Olga Kurylenko Directed by: Mark Goster 106 minutes /Rating +12 Sergio Tome






The film has provoked interest as much

This is a film were lots of special effects

because of the religion involved as for the

are used, which look almost real and were

performance of Harrison Ford. The story is

you can see the hard work of the actors.

based on the bribery of policemen. John, who is a policeman, and an Amish family

The story is based on how two American

who get involved in it.

people (Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning), who live in Hong Kong and have special

Witness is a crime film with some fast action, and with a shocking final. There are

powers, have to save the world from a company.

no amazing effects, but the script is really original. The stunts quite entertaining,

Push is a Sci-Fi, Thriller in which you may

without focusing too much in them. Instead

not stop watching for a second because

of focusing on fights the film focus on a

you will get lost and not find out what is

real situation involves a policeman and an

going on. A good feature of this film is the

Amish family.

quality of the actor’s performance, the drawbacks aren’t too important. One of the

This film is a definitely for teenagers of adults, because it is a plot driven story. This film might be perfect to watch at home alone; to reflect on it.

possible drawbacks you may notice at the end is how they changed the name of D a ko t a s Fa n n i n g ch a ra c t e r a n d t h e similarity of the film with the Heroes TV series.

Starring Harrison: Ford, Kelly McGillis and

This film is perfect for people who like Sci-

Lukas Haas.

Fi films and that may watch the TV series

Directed by the Australian filmmaker Peter


Weir. Running time 112 min. Available on DVD

Starring: Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning

Adrián Tejeda

Directed by Paul Mcguigan 111 minutes Script: David Bairla Rating PG Now in cinemas. Carla Aldabaldetrecu





Moulin Rouge

Musical High school musical This is a film which has provokes a great deal of interest because it isn’t as good as the other ones. The

This film has been recently fitted into 3rd

story is based on the two other films. It’s

year music timetable for having, musical

directed by the director Kenny Ortega and

and social values. The story is based on the

stars Zac Efron (as Troy Bolton) and

hard life of a prostitute, with an incredible voice. Later on she is asked to sing for one

Vanessa Hudgens (as Gabriela Montez). This film is about the last year in high school.

company of composers, however, medics diagnose her with tuberculosis.

It’s a musical film full of dance routines and centered on combinations of music

Moulin Rouge is a dramatic musical, with catchy songs and beautiful choreography. The film also sends deep messages that make you feel as a real person suffering from tuberculosis, however, the musical part of the film lasts a little bit too much, and may bore some people. This film only can be recommended to teenagers as the film is about drugs and the exhausting life of a young woman.

and dance. But this film has drawbacks that the other two didn’t have, the script is unimaginative and the special effects are very simple. The only two possible positive things are absolutely brilliant acting of the two main characters and the wonderful music.

This film is not recommended to boys or girls of 15 years old, but is the perfect film for children of 10 to 12 years.

Starring: Nicole Kidman Directed by: Bazz Luhrmann

Starring Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens

Rating PG 129 minutes

Directed by Kenny Ortega

Manuel Santos

90 minutes Now available on DVD Patricia Porta




Interview with Lourdes P!rraga Lourdes Párraga, the teacher of 3 year olds, answers some questions about her start at school,her professional life and her personal life. She was the Past Children first teacher to teach for the two Her professional life year olds and surprisingly our Her personal life year was the first one to be in the 2 year old class.


Past children What do you remember about us? A lot of things, you were a very special group, very nice and very pleasant.

Can you remember something special about us? I can remember a lot of things; I remember what happen to Patricia Pola because she went to America when she was 3 years old. "

Can you remember any accidents that we had?

What feeling did you have when you saw us for the first time?

It was a year where some boys were biting.

I wondered if I was able to care for you all.

How did you care for us when we were sleeping?

What do you think when you hear a teacher talking about us?

I had an assistant and when you were sleeping another person came to help us.

I think that I’m older and that you are growing up very fast. PAGE 1


Her professional life

the children are dependent on you.

Why did you choose to be a teacher for 3 year olds?

Why did you choose to work in an English school?

First I joined the school as an English assistant, then I taught the 2 year olds for seven years and when Marimar left the school two years ago I decided to change.

I chose to work in an English school because I knew how to speak English. First I worked in the English school, and then I was going to America when they called me form this school.

What main thing do you teach the children? The main thing for me is that the children have to be used to a daily routine.

How do you react when 2 boys/girls have a row? I try to listen to both stories, then I tell them to forgive each other and sometimes I put them together to work.

What difference do you find between a secondary teacher and a primary teacher? The only big difference I find is that


How do you prepare the children for school? I prepare the children for the next school year. It is not a job of only one teacher all the teachers from 2 year old to 5 year old prepare the children for school.

Personal life Why did you decide to bring your boys to this school? I decided to bring them here because they had the opportunity to learn English

How do you treat your children at home? I treat them in the same way I treat them at school, because they are in fourth year of primary school.

Have you got the same power to teach your children at home and to teach the children at school? Normally yes, but sometimes when I finish my work at school I’m very tired.

Are your naughty?


No, they are very, they behave like children of their age (9 years)

Are you very hard when you punish them? No, I try consistent.



What thing are you always telling them? I tell them not to fight; they have to respect each other.



Five minutes with John Phillips John was born in Llane!i a sma! town in the South of Wales. He came here nearly by an accident and now arranges most of the exchanges in Saint Patrick"s.

Q. Why did you decided to come to Spain and to be a teacher? A. It was an accident. While I was travelling through Europe I met some people from Santander who invited me to come to San Sebastian. Later they told me that I could be a teacher here because I knew English, so I stayed here. Q. When you first came here did you know any Spanish? A. I had a dictionary and by reading I started learning it little by little. Q. Now you arrange most of the exchanges in the school. Do you also organise the exchange with France? A. No, that one is organised by Carolina but I talk to her about


how it is going and I know what happens. Q. Do you know anything about the problems the French have had about coming here? A. Yes. This year the number of students who will go to France is smaller so fewer students will come. Due to this the cost is being shared between fewer people and the French government might not give them the money they need. Q. The fourth years had to go by bus to Belgium. Why was that? A. I usually try to go in the cheapest way and by airplane a lot of politicians go there who have a good reason to go and they also have money. So it isn’t easy to find a cheap flight to go there. This year the

cheapest way was going by bus. Q. Are you happy with how the exchanges are working? How do you think they may develop? A. I’m very happy with how they are working and I think that in the next few years more people will take part continuing the trend. For example: last year 23 people went to Liverpool and this one 36 people will go. Q. Have you think about arranging new exchanges? A. A teacher from the school we are doing an exchange with has moved to another school. She wants to start a new exchange there with as but there is nothing certain.



!"#$%&'$(!('#)!*+,$-"! Josean, our maths teacher, answered some question that at first were going to be about

what is it like to work in the same place as his wife, but in the end it turned out to be an interview mostly about his personal life, and he arranged an interview with Susana Kaiana, hope you like it. K: What do you like to do at the weekends? J: Well, I would like to go out more with my wife and do less work, but what can I do? K: What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you? J: Cover my pants with chuck, and that happens every day. K: Who is your favourite football team? J: My favourite team is athletic of Bilbao K: What is the most meaningful thing that has happened to you? J: Well, I think that it is that I had to move on from Madrid to here, San Sebastian. K: What’s your hobby? J: Well, listening to music, I love to listen to jimmy Hendrix and that kind of music, going to the cinema J: I think they’re for small and, of course, sports. st K: What is it like to work kids, kids from 1 of priK: Do you share your hobwith your wife? mary. bies with someone? Who? J: I feel independent, I K: Has the crisis affected J: Yeah sure, I share them mean, I don’t really work you? If so, how much? with my wife, Elena with her, we’re just in the J: No, I mean, it hasn’t afK: Is maths a hobby for same building. fect me that much, as long you? K: Which class would you as I have my job I don’t J: Yeah, maths, I love it. say is the most stressful? think it will. K: Is there any sport that J: I don’t really know, I K: Have you ever wanted you like doing? mean, they’re very similar, to leave your job and famJ: Yeah, I like swimming so I don’t know what to say ily and change your life? and going for a walk. K: Have you ever felt atJ: No, I’ve never wanted to K: Do you play any intracted by a student? do something like that. strument? J: Yeah, well, not in the K: What has your life like J: Well, I play the guitar strong sense of attracted lately? and I know how to play but there are pretty girls in J: It’s been good, in general some songs from the 60’s this school I mean, I’m very happy or 70’s. K: What do you think with my life and how it K: Where do you like to go about “Canutillos”? treats me. on holiday? J: I normally go to Ibiza.




Interview with “Chus” IAfter a no stopping summer, Jesus has finally has got the job of sports coordinator at St Patrick’s English school. His life is sport. He has dedicated life to it, as a football player and a trainHe has arranged an interview with Manuel Santos, who will ask its professional, personal and hobby life; let’s see what he finds out.

Where were you born? In San Sebastian In which school did you study? In Axular Lizeoa What is your best memory at school? I miss enjoying time with friends The most embarrassing When in primary we had to go to Carnival as a pirate, and I went as Chinese people. Would you like to relive your school life? Yes and no. I’d like to spend more time with my friends but, I’d definitely choose my present life. Did you study at university? Yes as a Sports teacher Where did you work before here? At Axular as a substitution teacher and a football trainer at St Patrick’s What objectives do you have for school sport?


As much as I can give I’ll try to expand it and make people enjoy it more. How can sport affect a student? The main things are in terms of health, having fun and relationships. It is very important indeed What is you favourite sport? Football without doubt How often do you play? When training, and on Saturdays as I play matches with my group of friends Which of these two places would you prefer: mountain or beach? The beach as I like going swimming and relaxing Are you any supporter of any team? Real to the death What do you think Real will do at the end of the season? Unfortunately they will stay where they are.



Interview with Iker Maybe you don’t know who Iker is. He is the new IT maintenance and the one that has substitute AuÕ ritze. He spoke to Carla Aldabaldetrecu and they discussed about how he fells working in the school, his impressions, what he wanted to be, about what he wants to do in future and what does he like to do in his free time.


Carla-How did you find this job? Iker-I found it because an ex-collage told me about it and I thought it was a good idea. C-Do you feel comfortable working here? I-Yes, I like working here and the staff at school is fantastic they are really nice with me. C-It seems to be difficult to work in maintenance at this school? Is it? I-Well at first it was difficult but it’s getting easier with time. C-Would you like to stay here for a long time? I-Yes I think this job is interesting. C-How much time did you take to prepare everything? I-I think it took around a month because everything was a mess. C-What was your first impression of the school? I-It was a good impression.

Hobbies, Future !

C-Do you have enough time to do what you want? I-It does take me a lot of time but I still have enough time. C-What type of things do you like to do? I-The things I like doing most are sports like football and basketball. C-What do you want to do in the future? I-I haven’t thought about it but I would want to stay here for a long time. C-Did you think that you would work in a school? I-I had already worked in a school and I like it. C-You did have an interview here and I would like to know what it was like? I-Well I felt nervous but when the interview was finishing I didn’t feel do badly.

Past, IT

C-Is this your first job? I-No, as I said before I had already worked in a school. C-Do you have to work much harder than you thought? I-At first with all the changes and pressure to get everything on time I had to but now everything is easier. msul C-Do you think we use the computers well or that we break them too easily? I-In general everything is alright but here are always some special case. PAGE 6


Rafa Nogal Rafa Nogal our sports coordinator has decided to retire, but he will continue with us for at least a few more years because of his new retirement contract.

1- Which was the most successful team? The most successful team was the team in 1994 because of their long run of wins and because they won the schools first “La Concha Cup”

2- What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you in school? The worst thing was that in the year 1993 I could not organise the journey to the Gotia Cup very well, it was a bad experience for me.

3- What was your impression when you came to school? My first impression was that this school was marvellous in comparison with Mundaiz, my last school.

4- Who was your best friend? Have you got any enemies? I don’t like to talk about enemies, but if we talk about friends I don’t have any doubt, my best friend is Jesus.

5- Actually how many hours do you work? I work two hours per day until I work the thousand hours I need to work. I think I will finish working in five yeas time.


6- Which is the pupil that has succeeded most in his sports life? Elena Urquizu, she won the third place in the Olympics playing hckey with the national selection.

7- Have you got any secret for the sports in school? The only secret I have is working hard, if you want something done you should never give up, there isn’t any other secret.

8- What are your plans for the future? I would lie to travel to Africa, Africa is my passion, I have been a few times, and it was wonderful. Well, and if have some free time I will pay you a visit.

9- Do you think we will ever see the black field green? I don’t want to say much about it , because I don’t know much, but what I know is that that will not happen in a short period of time.

10- Do you think the schools sports will improve in the future? I think it will improve, I am sure about it, but it is going to be difficult in a short period of time.



QUESTIONS TO UMAA. 1-RELATIONSHIP WITH HER PARENTS: 1-Who do you argue with more? -with my mum, I think 2-You live in Biriatou. Do they let you come to San Sebastian at weekends? How? -Yes, they let me, but I’m so lazy that I only come for important events. 3-How do you come to school every day? -I go by car or bike to the train, then by bus or bike to school. 4-What would your parents say if they knew that you had gone to San Fermín?


-Perhaps they would be disappointed 5-What is your relationship like with your brothers? -Very good. 6-How strict are they related to school work? -They aren’t very strict, but I’ve learnt to work by myself. 2-HER PARENTS IN SCHOOL:

1-How do you react when you see them in the corridors? -It’s strange because they talk to me in English. 2-What do you talk about at home after school? -we normally talk about school anecdotes. 3-Are there differences between your parents in school or at home? What? -yes, at school they act coldly as if I weren’t their daughter. 4-What advantages are there of having your parents in school? -There aren’t any advantages 5- What disadvantages are there of having your parents in school?



-That people think that I am a teacher’s pet.

this, however, I have my own reasons aswell.

6-What do you think about your parents’ clothes? -My dad doesn’t worry about clothes and my mum has a very personal style.

2-Would you feel bad eating any kind of meat? Why? -yes, because it is eating animals.

3-VEGETARIAN: 1-Why are you vegetarian? -because my parents have educated me like

3-How do you feel when you smell a good piece of meat? -I don’t react because I have accepted that this society eats meat even I don’t.

4-What would your parents say if they saw you eating meat? -Perhaps they would be disappointed. 5-What do you think about fishing? -I wouldn’t do it, but I don’t really care if someone else does. 6-What would you think if you saw your mother with a fur coat? -I would think she was ill.

!people think that I am a teacher"s pet#




,-.%+/(%0(-1!!"#$%&!'()*$+$" Raquel Aizpurua forms part of our school. She is a pupil (4th of Primary), one of the first ones receiving plenty of changes introduced. People say that in general the changes are good but what do the pupils think? One of them talks us about swimming activities, changes in law and general idea of how the school is like. Do you think it was a good idea? Why?

1 - S w i mmi ng: Do you know this activity been done?

why has

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How many hours per day did you do it? :"!3-3! -)!)*,""!*1(,#! 6",! 3';! 81,! )*,""! 0""/#$! #1! -)! 0'#! <=! 3';#9

What was the experience like? >)! 0'#! '! 7",;! ?113! "56",-".&"$! %"&'(#"! 41#)! 18! 4;! &2'##+ 4')"#! 3-3.@)! /.10! *10! )1! #0-4$! '.3! ) * ' . / #! ) 1! ) * " # "! &1(,#"#! )*";! *'7"! 2"',.)9


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2- New l aw :

Do you think teachers should do it as well? Why?

Do you know that a new law has been created?

A 2 ' ( ? * # B! C 1 4 "! )"'&*",#! /.10! )1! #0-4! '.3! &',,-"3! )*"! '&)-7-);! 1()! 0-)*! (#9! D2#1! #14"! 41,"! )"'&*",#! *'7"! 31."! -)! 0-)*! (#9! >! 01(23! ,"&14+ 4 " . 3! " 7 " , ;! )"'&*",!31!-)9

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What was the best thing?


SANPA TIMES MAGAZINE !"#$! %$&'! "(&)! *+&(&! "(&! *,%! !%(&! +%-('! %.! /"*+'0! 12"$#'+! %(! 3"'4-&0! "$5! 1%6#"7! 1*-5#&'! #5! 8#9&$! #$! 3"'4-&:

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What do you think about the changes? ;+&7'%! ?&6"-'&! 1%6#"7! 1*-5@ #&'!#'!8#9&$!#$!3"'4-&! +"(57
Your brother studied the fourth year, four years ago, what does he think? /
If you could make any changes, what changes would you make?


D! *+#$E! #*C'! ?&**&(! *%! ?&! "!*&"6+&(! ?&6"-'&! #*C'! <%-! ,+%! 8#9&'! *+&! &J"!'! "$5! *+&! 2-*'! *+&! !"(E'0! ?-*! <%-! +"9&! *%! ,%(E! "! 7%*! "$5! '%!&*#!&'! &$5!*+&!5"
What mark do you give to this school from one to ten? DC5! 2-*!1%6#"7!1*-5#&'! ?"6E! #$*%! 12"$#'+:! ;+&$! DC5! +"9&! 7&''! 3"'4-&:! D! ,%-75! "7'%! +"9&! %$&! !%(&! +%-(! %.! G+<'#6"7! &5-6"@ *#%$0! "$5! *,%! +%-('! %.! 5("!":! H#$"77
3 - T eacher s and s u bject s : Could you say who is your favorite teacher? /
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What is thing?



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What do you think is better to be a teacher or a student? PAGE 11


School Change A lot of people change of school when they are kids. This girl after being 13 years in (Eskibel) has decided to come to San Patrick’s English School. She has some friends in this school but she is sure it will be a great experience to meet more people. She has spoken xanpa’s times Adrian Tejeda to speak about the reasons and the impressions about San Patrick English School.

5) What was your first impression about this school? It was a great impression because it is much more bigger.

6) What do you think about the uniform? I think that the uniform is the best uniform in all San Sebastian.

7) Are you looking forward to starting in this school? Yes, I can’t wait to start!!!!

8) You are in a girl’s school. What is that like?

(She laughs) well… the truth is that it is not so bad as it sounds, sometimes you would like to be in a mixed school… but it is ok.

9) What are the differences between the 2 schools?

1) Why did you choose this school? I chose this school because they have told me very good things about it

2) Do you know someone from this school? Yes, I know Gabriela; she is one of my best friends, and a couple of other friends.

3) When did you decide to change school? Well really since the 1st year I was thinking about it, but this year I talked with my parents and they agreed.

4) Do you think you will adapt well? Why?

I think so because I think I’m a very friendly person. !

There are more opportunities for university, and it is much bigger, there are boys and girls mixed up, and there is no religion.

10) We have now 2 new subjects, citizenship and ethics. What do you think about them? Do you have them in your school? I have Ethics, but it was quite different, and citizenship… I’d rather not say.

11) What do you think about the timetable? I like the timetable because there is a lot of help for people that fail subjects.

12) Have you done any exam?

Actually no… and I expect not to do any (she laughs)

13) Are you going to use extra services? (Bus, dining-room…)

Yes of course, the bus and dining-room for sure PAGE 12


Raquel Balencia Raquel Balencia, now a model recognized internationally for her prices as a professional model, one of them the MISS Guipuzkoa tittle, was a student of the St. Patrick’s English school. 9 years after she left school, is now in the best moment of her professional life, and she has accepted to do an interview with the Sanpa times, with Asier Amenabar, in which we will get information about how the life as a model is but she also gives us some information about her personal life. Professional life: -When did you start to be a model? My first contact with the modeling world was when she was 13, but she didn’t start her international career until she was 21. -How much time had you been working before winning Miss Guipuzkoa? 4 years, in an easy way in the Basque country. -Why did you start this job? Because my mum convinced me to do my first modeling job, and then I continued because everybody thought I had a lot of opportunities. -Have you won any other tittles? Yes, two other nationals, one European and the other one international called international top model, that took place in Beirut, Lebanon. -For which magazines and in which countries do you work? Mostly I work in Italy, Miami and Spain, but I also travel a lot for specific jobs. For example last year I was In Turkey, Beirut, Paris, Hamburg, Sicily and the south of Spain, besides my usual residences. -Which one has been your most important job? My most important job was Hansgrobe international calendar for 2009, last summer.


-Do you have any special diet? No, I eat as my parents taught me, since I was little, as they are dietitians. School time: -What was the school like when you came here? The school changed a lot from the first time I went since I left. First was nicer, not so crowed and with a lot of green fields. -Who was/were your favorite teacher/s? There were a lot of teachers that I liked, but I have a special fondness for my math’s teacher, Juan Elvira. -Were you a good student? Yes, very good! (she laughs) -In how many schools did you study? Just one, for 15 years. -What was the school uniform like in your times? I used to wear a green jersey with a yellow shirt, and a grey skirt with green shocks. I used to love it! -Have any of your school partners chosen the same job as you? No, none. Personal life: -What are your plans for the future? To continue working as a model and start a career in TV in Italy, as I’ve just done and consider the job offers the have made me for TV and cinema in Spain and decide if they interest me. -Which sports do you play? I love surfing, snow-boarding, playing tennis with my cousin and trying any other water sports.



Water polo

Ander Goitia tells us about it

2 years ago, when he was 13, Ander Goitia !a st"patricks# school student$ started playing water"polo, now he trains more than 7 hours a week so that h% can go to important matches.

Would you like to play as a professional water polo player when you are old? No! I wouldn’t like it at all, it is only my hobby. How many awards have you got? I’ve got 7 medals and 3 cups do you have to go to a qym? How many hours? Apart from training 7 hours a week I have to go to a gym fro 2 hours a week Have you been to another town for a match? Yes, I have been several times to Bilbao and Vitoria, last week I went to Bilbao for an important match. How many people are there in your team? There are 17 of us What number are you? I am number 9 but as I always liked the number 4 I would like to be that. Are there any girls in your team? No, there aren’t girls, we are all boys, the trainer is also a man.


In a match where do you play? I play at the front on the right, with two more players. I’m an attacker Why did you decide to start playing water polo? I was looking for a sport to do; and some friends told me that if would be fun to join the team. Do you like the idea of not having girls in the team? It doesn’t matter you me, but if girls aren’t in our team I’m sure there is another team for them. The strength is the only thing that makes a difference, if there wasn’t that difference it would be nice to have girls. Where do you play water polo? In Anoeta, there are much more places to play, but this is near school. Have you ever thought about leaving the team? Sometimes, I think it is always the same, but I like playing and having fun with friends so I still go.

How much time can you stay under water? Well I’m not sure but I think about a minute and 20 seconds. Does anybody in you family play water polo? No, they don’t really care much about it, perhaps it could be good if I shared a sport with someone in my family. If you didn’t play water polo, what would you like to do? I would like to do motocross, having you own motorbike… I like the idea a lot! You normally wear contact lenses while playing is there any problem with that? Normally no, but you culd loose a contact lense, it is very easy to do, I normally don’t wear them. So, if there is anybody who wears contact lenses and wants to play water polo remember, don’t wear them while you are playing, unless it doesn’t worry you if you loose one.



t u o b a ! ! a g n i m n a r z a e Le el L k i M

Mikel Lezama is a student from the 4th year in this school and he has some interesting things to say and comment about this school, because of the fourteen years that has been as a student in St Patrick’s. That is why The Sanpa Times met with him to get some insightful information of his academic life; his personal life and which are his hobbies.


Academic Life 1) What are the main differences between the 3rd year and the 4th? The main differences are that you have to study more and the teachers make you study a lot, because next year will be an important one.

2) How are you doing this year?

Unfortunately bad, but I`m making a big effort to improve my reports.

3) Are you a good student? Absolutely yes, of course I am.

4) Will you continue studying at school next year? Why? Yes, because this is the best school!



5) What would you like to study in the future? Why? I would like to study something related to sports and economy, because I love sports.

6) What do you think about the new subjects at school? I really don’t care, but I think they will be helpful for future business.

Personal Life 1) Are you a problematic person? No, because I control my self and I don’t like to be in trouble.

2) What is the worst thing you have ever done in your life? Why? I nearly cut the head of a classmate, because they were bothering me and laughing at me.

3) Do you like school food? Why? Yes it tastes nice, but I have to say that I like all kind of food except for vegetables. (I love food!)


4) Do you think you are attractive to girls? You can ask the girls that, Ha Ha Ha!

5) What is the thing you want to do most? I want to be a football player or professional in any other sport, because as I said, I love sport.

6) Who is your favorite teacher? Why? Juani, because she makes the most boring things to funny things.

Hobbies 1) What are your hobbies? As I said, I like exercising my self and doing all kinds of sports, but I also like lying on the sofa and watching T.V. for hours and hours.

2) Do you play any sport at the moment? Yes, I try to play all the sports I can, but I am in a football team. Although, I always play all the sports I can like for example: basketball, skying...

I support the Real Sociedad, but I really love Liverpool and Barcelona.

4) What is your greatest achievement playing that sport? In one year I’ve gone from playing in an awful team to playing in a quite good one, and for Guipuzkoa`s football team. I’m quite happy about that.

5) What influenced you to start to play that sport? The team in which I play now called me four years ago and I left the skiing competition which I was quite good at and starting playing football more seriously.

6) When did you start to take that sport seriously? Why? When I realized that I wasn’t good enough to play in the team I wanted, but I’ve made a great effort and now I am in the team I want.

“I nearly cut the head of a classmate”

3) What team do you support?



Interview with Xabi San Martín

Maybe you don’t k now his name but Xabi San Martín is the composer and keyboardist of La Oreja de Van Gogh, and he’s the person responsible for you singing all the band’s songs. He spoke to Sanpa’s Guinea Fernández – Dans and they discussed about the new tour of the band, the compositions and the changes in La Oreja De Van Gogh.

spite of the difficult year it has been, we have got all the love and support of the people here. G: How were you received by the audience in San Sebastian? X: As I said in the other question they were a really amazing audience.


the most important things.

tries in Central and South America.

Guinea: Apart from the singer, are there any changes on this tour? Xabi: Well, on this tour we kind of got back the spirit we had at the beginning, so the tour is going to be more or less like the first two tours, where the songs were

G: Is it international? In that case, which countries will you visit? X: Yes, the tour is international. Since the second CD all the tours are international.We’ll be here in Spain, of course, and nearly all the coun-

G:Your concert in San Sebastián, the first of the tour, was sold out. What does this success mean for you in your own town? X: Well, it was really cool and I feel really happy about that. That means that in


G: Are you performing song from your previous records? X: Yes, we are going to perform them, because although our first singer has left the band, there are our songs, so we are going to perform them. G: Apart from the music itself, what is the most important feature of a concert for you? PAGE 17


X: I think that in a concert the important thing is the music and to connect with the people, to transmit our feelings to them. I think they aren’t other features that are important.

Compositions G: What is more satisfying, writing new song or playing the piano? X: I think writing new songs is more satisfying, because I play the piano really badly! (Laughs) G: Where do you find the inspiration to compose: in places, situations or in people? X: Well I find it mostly in people or situations. I think writing about other people’s lives is good for songs because you have a wide theme to talk about, And in situations, I often base the songs in other people’s situations as well. G: Have you ever composed for other bands? In that case, do you find it more difficult?


X: Yes, I have composed for other bands, for example: Paulina Rubio, Fran Perea, Sergio from OT and for some TV ads. I don’t find it more difficult because I don’t directly write the songs for them. There are songs I write for La Oreja De Van Gogh that we don’t use on the CDs and the record company gives them to them. G:Why did you choose a subject like 11M for your song “Jueves”? X: Well, since the beginning we wanted to write a song about that subject, so we decided a long time along, we just decided to do it. G:Have you ever thought of writing in English for the American Market? X: No, I haven’t thought about that, but just because I write in Spanish because it is the language in which I can express myself best. Maybe I could translate them, but never write in English.

G: Of all the songs you have written, what is your favorite one? X: I think “Jueves”, “La Playa” and “Rosas” are my favorite ones, and they are also our fans’ favorite ones.

Changes in La Oreja De Van Gogh G:You have a new singer in the ban, Leyre. Have you had to change your style for the new songs or has she fitted in without any problems? X: Well, before joining the band, Leyre’s style was very similar to our style so she has fitted in without any problems. G: Did you have to introduce any changes to the previous songs to adapt them to Leyre’s voice? X: No, because Leyre’s voice was very similar to Amaia’s, the first singer. G: Do you think there has been an evolution in your style over your long career? X: Yes, as we make Pop music, I think we

have improved our sound since the first CD. People say we have become more mature, but I don’t like saying that, because usually when they say that it is because the CD is worse and because the singer and band is old, for example that happens with Madonna. (Laughs) G: Many bands have disappeared, meanwhile you are still here. How do you explain your success? X: It’s all because our good looks, definitely. (Laughs) G: Your fans range from children to adults. What is the secret? X: Well, we haven’t got any secret.We first write songs that we like and we hope the people like them too. But I think we’ll never write a song that our fans would like but we wouldn’t, so I think that’s the secret. G: What are your plans after the tour? X: Collective suicide. (Laughs) PAGE 18


Paraolimpics games

! Ana Rubio Zabala is the youngest of five brothers, all of them swimming in the CDN Bidasoa XXI. She was born on the 21st of February of 1993. What that means is that she was the youngest person representing Spain to go to Peking. She has been swimming for 9 years with her friends, our reporter Sergio Tomé went to meet her to talk about the Paralympics games. Your physical disability hasn’t prevented you from taking part in the school championships. When did you start taking part in adapted competitions? I started taking part in adapted competitions in 2008, I went with the Konporta Kirol Elkartea but I still train with Bidasoa. Participating in this type of sport. Have you had good results? Yes, I went to the Spanish competitions and I got 6 second places in: 50, 100, 400 metres freestyle, 200 metres styles, 100 metres butterflies and 100 metres breastroke. When you found out that you had been selected to go to Peking? What did you feel like? I found out when I was competing in the Berlin Open but I wasn’t sure. I was surprised and happy when they told me that I was going to Peking What was your preparation like in the days before going to Peking?

I wanted to get good marks in Peking. With the news about Peking you also received an invitation to be the town coyer during Irun’s holidays. How did you receive that news? I was very surprised. They also let me invite more people. Therefore, I invited all my friends from the swimming club. You have been in the Spanish youth team in Peking. What was your relationship with the rest of the people like? At the beginning I didn’t talk too much but when I arrived in Peking I started to talk and started to make friends with all the others. What was a normal day like before they began the competitions? What was the thing you most enjoyed? It was fantastic. There were a place call International place, and there were a lot of shops.

Your first event was 100 metres breastroke. What do you remember of this event? I was happy because I did two second better than my previous best time. And with my time I was the 9th so I went to the final. After this event, were the 200 metres style and breastroke. What would you say of your performance in these events? I felt would do it better. Although, I also did two second better that my previous best. What memory will you always have of the last days? A friend got a gold medal so I was so happy that I began to cry. Everyone started to laugh at me. But it is a good memory. Did you miss your friends, family… during your stay in Peking? No, because they came with me and with a lot of equipment. They made some t-shirts with my photograph and that made me feel happy.

My preparation was very hard but I did it because !


Abortion: legality or morality? Technology has improved our lives in a huge way. But what is the frontier between progress and human morality? Why would a mother have a child if she doesn't want to? Shouldn't people think before they act? On the one hand we have to understand the woman!s point of view, but we also have to realize there are some problems.

Abortion's legality has some positive features. It gives a woman the right to decide her future and gives her the opportunity to !

solve problems easily. It's also logical for a woman to abort in the case the son or the mother is in danger, the same as if the woman has been violated.

drawback is that girls under the age of 18 won!t need authorization from her parents to abort, while as if they want to have a legal piercing this is essential.

However there is also a list of bad points. Human beings use to make mistakes (at the moment science can't change this fact), after making them human being has to solve them by their own and learn from the experience. Abortion makes these steps even more difficult. Thanks to the new law, there would be people working on avoiding human life and earning money and from it. Another

There's no doubt this will not make our lives better, young people will stop thinking twice the idea of using the preservative, won't learn from the bad experiences and will solve the problems as if they had a time machine. Now the important thing is not how legal it is, but how moral for society and the human being itself instead.


Babycide or not babycide With the new law that says that abortion is legal, many people have started to discuss this controversial issue and most of them are against it. so, is it fair to take a poor baby's life away? and the mother? she also has the right to choose if she wants to have a baby.

I wouldn't say that abortion is a good thing, I would only say that women have the right to decide if they want to have he baby or not. Let people take their own decisions about something that is very important and respect their decisions. by Kaiana Aizpurua

Abortion, according to people who are against it, has its exceptions like if the girl was raped. however, the mother also has the right to decide if they want to have the baby. Furthermore it's proved that most of the people who are against abortion are men and not women, who are the ones that have to go through the whole thing. Lastly the baby doesn't su!er it isn't alive yet. However abortion has a darker side. For example you risk death when you abort. People against abortion say that when you abort you're not respecting life by killing the baby. Finally the person who has an abortion get into a risk of getting de} pressed.



God!s Great biG"banG We all know something about the big-bang and god. There are two theories; on the one hand God (or any other god) created the universe and all the things in it. On the other hand in ancient times there was an enormous explosion (produced by a gas accumulation) called the big-bang. But what about a mixture of the two? Do you ever ask yourselves if it could be possible that god provoked a big bang? Why do people defend one theory or the other? Science believes that the universe was created by an enormous explosion. It has been demonstrated that an enormous explosion took place and after that some stars were created… but… it’s impossible that there was an explosion if before there was nothing. So that is a point that the theory of the big-bang does not explain. However science has demonstrated some facts that religion hasn’t. Even though believers in science are growing in number, there is still a great part of the population that believes that had created everything. It is true that there isn’t much proof, but that is because god wants to see people who believe in him without proof. The dark side of this theory is that there is a point without explication. How was God created? There is a small group of that maybe God prothe beginning these two dogs and cats… but now that are starting to mix positives and negative facts, it’s up to you which to believe in!

the population that thinks voked the big-bang. Since theories have been like there are some people them. All them have some

By: Adrian Tejeda



Do we really know where everything comes from? ! Everyday we leave home and see the sky, trees, water… but do we know where all these things come from? There are some different theories that explain this mystery, for example the theory of creation. The theory of creation explains the way in which God created the Earth. He was swimming in the darkness when he realized that that place was very empty, and he said “this place needs grass” and the grass appeared, then he realized that place was still empty, and he said “this place needs light” and the light appeared, and he continued creating things until he thought it was sufficient. Then he thought that the Earth needed some human beings, and he created Adam and Eve. This is when the famous story about the fruit of the tree of


knowledge comes from. This story describes the punishment that God imposed on Eve for eating an apple from the tree of knowledge, the tree of Evil, and that God had previously warned them about. The punishment imposed by God was to send Eve out of paradise. This is one of the theories that explains where we come from. ! There are some other theories that explain how everything was created, but the one that lots of people believe in is the theory of creation. One of the other theories that lots of people believe in is the BigBang. This one says that everything comes from a big explosion, hence its name, but do you think that all these things can be made just from an explosion? By Asier Amenabar


TeleViolence We all watch TV nearly every day and we don’t control the time we spend watching it. We haven’t stopped to think if the TV does have an influence on our type of life, or if it is better to spend time watching it instead of going out with our friends. Do we really learn something useful from it or is it just a waste of time? What we see does a!ect our type of personality by making us an intelligent person (if we learn) or it could make us more violent. The TV has got lots of positive features. TV can tell us about what is happening in other countries, also about the economic situation, a b o u t famous people a n d a b o u t politics. It can also be a form of having s o m e fun, watching our favorite TV series, and we can watch it with our parents or friends.


However TV is not all good. TV is time consuming; you can spend hours watching it and then find out that you cannot do what ever you wanted to do. There are also lots of types of violence and

nowadays people, many of them teenagers, are making violence an important characteristic of their lives. No one can say that the TV doesn't playing an important role in their lives or that TV is a bad way of communication. Thats why people still watch TV but we have got to take care of what we watch. By: Carla Aldabaldetrecu


ADDICTION TO INFORMATION? ! yo a re u ! add ict


als o ed


In a world that has advanced technologically in a way that few years ago was it impossible today to imagine computers are one of our basic elements. Spending a day without it, could cause stress. We all depend on computers!!

What we like most about computers is the internet. There a lot of positive and negative aspects about it.

One positive aspect is that we now have much more access to information. Secondly, you can talk to other people that are not in your country. Another positive point is that children are more informed about illnesses and drugs and its effects. Now we are available to do lots of things with the different programs in the computers. The mainly negative aspects are that some information that we may get, isn’t true, and always an encyclopedia is more reliable. There are a lot of cases of children addicted to the internet or just to games on the computer. Another negative point is that we spent a lot of time in the computer while we could do many things and that you could end up with a headache. A lot of times, children have access to webs that they shouldn’t.

how far can internet go?

Finally after observing the positive and the negative aspects, I have come to the conclusion that computers are one of the best human-made tools. If we use it without excess it is very useful, but if we end up depending on it, it could be a problem.

Susana Santaolalla. !


Illegal downloads in Internet. Stealing or sharing? Nowadays people download lots of things as music or films by Internet completely freely and illegally. As this is very difficult to control the Spanish Government decided to apply a special tax to the mp3 players to give the artists and the record companies for this problem. But if we already pay for downloading why it still being illegal? On one hand we have the record companies that still complaining because they think that this money is not enough and they would earn more money with the sales of their records. Can we steal these companies? On the other hand we h a v e t h e c o n s u m e r ’s opinion that say that we can share the things we


buy with whoever we want. This is what lots of programs do share the music through Internet. The problem is that they are so many people the ones who can download it that they produce in these companies huge amounts of money lost. However, don’t we have the right to share the things we buy? This problem has a very difficult solution. In my opinion the government’s response to this problem is completely wrong because if you paying for having something cannot be illegal , does not make

sense. A provisional solution for this could be buying a fourth or a half of what we download. Like this the companies` losses would be less and we could have the right to share what we buy. Ander Movilla


Discursive Composition Yes to P.C. or No to P.C.? We all use a P.C. for different reasons and nearly everyone has one or has contact with it in some way nearly everyday. However, do we ever stop to think if it is the best computer or are there better computers? Is this computer the best way to use the internet and to use at work? Are there more positive points or negative points to using this type of computer? The P.C. has lots of positive features. We can use it to find out important bits of information. It can make really excellent pieces of work, be

cause it has some incredible and intelligent programs, such as: microsoft excel, microsoft word and adobe premier. Finally, it is a clear and simple way of using it and all its programs. However it isn`t all positive. P.C.s also have their drawbacks. There are constantly lots of problems using the internet with this type of computer. Some of the problems are: it sometimes goes really slow, it sometimes has problems in saving your work or modifying it and it doesn`t detect hackers` programs. Now there is a new and really interesting type of computer in the shops. It is called Mac (its logo is a funny apple) and it looks like there is going to be an exciting “war” between these two types of computer. There is no doubt that the P.C. has changed the way we work and we look at the world. We can do lot of things by only using our fingertips. However, remember that there isn`t only one type of computer, so the next time you go to buy a computer, compare the different types that exist.

By, Pablo Carbonero



F!r kings for one cro" We all know football, we all know Barcelona and Real Madrid they are always fighting for the Spanish league, I personally think that a league of two teams is really boring, don’t you agree? On the other hand we’ve got the Premier league, where the fight is not between two, at least is between four teams!! Liverpool, Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal. Don’t you think that is better? The Premier league has a lot of positive features. It’s rarely decided until the end of the season, not as in other leagues that if you lose against your rival you have lost the league. Also in the English league you’ve


got something that you won’t find in any other league, the best supporters in the world. In addition we can talk about the high level the teams have. In the Premier league according to experts they play the best football in the world. Anyway there is no doubt the English league is one of the best leagues in the world, where four of the best teams in Europe are fighting to conquer one cup. Liverpool, Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal won’t give up in the greatest fight each year; THE PREMIER LEAGUE. By Adrian Agüeros


Two teams,one winner

Nearly all the people that like football like the spanish league, some people think it is perfect but like all things it has good and bad points. The Spanish league has lots of positives features ,it is a good league because it has good


teams like Barcelona and Real Madrid.In Spain they give a lot of importance to the youth team so that’s the reason there are lots of Spanish players.Another good thing that has is that it is not clear who will win so that makes the league interesting. However it isn’t all positive.The Spanish league has also got bad points.One of them is that only 2 teams have lots of money and as

a result of this,there are only 2 strongs teams and a big difference with other teams.All this is one one of the reasons the league is not as competitive as other leagues. Even though the league has some bad points,if you like football you will like watching the Spanish league because is one of the best leagues in the world. Iñigo Fernández


“If you get an A in French, I’ll get you a nose-job” We teenage-girls, and I think boys also, want to have the perfect body and face. At our age, appearance it is very important. Yet I think it’s impossible to be totally happy with our appearance. Is it worth having plastic surgery to correct your imperfections? Have you ever stopped to think about the side effects of this type of surgery? Plastic surgery in teenagers has some good features, but not too many. With plastic surgery we’ll get a generation of beauties and we’ll only have one size of clothing. Girls would not have the problem of not liking their appearance when they look in the mirror and all girls could get the boys they wanted. On the other side there are many drawbacks and side effects. If everyone looks as they want, no one will stay as they are and we’ll all be artificial and be like Barbie and Ken. Furthermore we also run the risk that every operation has. If all of this can happen to an adult, imagine what could happen to a teenager. Since when did parents gift their daughters two size more of breast if they passed an exam? For me, all of this is really horrible. In four years plastic surgery in teenagers has increased dramatically, and getting to this state I think is alarming. And with all these developments we are showing that the only important thing is our appearance and that our feelings or what we are really like isn’t relevant. In my opinion all this takes us to a frivolous world where only the canons of beauty are important. This is really sad, I think. Guinea Fernández - Dans




We all like eating in McDonalds, Burger king and Pans & Co. However, do we ever stop to think if it affects our health? Do we ever question if that food has passed all the veterinary controls? We all like junk food. It is cheap, it’s very tasty, the hamburgers are very greasy and the French fries are crispy. This type of food is the best thing you can eat if you don’t have time to eat anything else. Also you don’t waste time in cooking and it has a lot of energy. However it isn’t all good. Junk food has its dark side. If you eat too much junk food you can have health problems such as: obesity, heart problems or even sleeplessness. The country, which eats most junk food, is U.S.A, *15% of the teenagers


have obesity thanks to junk food and 30% of the adults have health problems. There is no doubt that junk food has more negative things and good things. The world has more and more teenagers with obesity and health problems who cannot move quickly and have to do special diets to lose weight. I think that you can eat junk food but in moderation; for example on a special day as a celebration and for the rest of the days you should eat normal food. For those people who are obese they could STOP EATING SO MUCH! * Connect with kids.com Patricia Porta


For ever young? We all hear our grandmothers, telling us how big and tall grown up we are. We all consider it as a positive thing, but, have ever you stopped to think about what it really means? What

m o r e t i m e w i t h y o u r f r i e n d s and h a v i n g f r e e t i m e t h a n w o r k i n g. In t e r m s o f h e a l t h , y o u d e f i n i t e l y are m o r e a c t i v e a n d w a n t t o enjoy e v e r y l i t t l e f r a c t i o n o f t i m e , besides you never get tired.

should growing up be

Clearly we have seen

like? How do we take it?

t h a t b e i ng an adult or a child have lots a dvantages and

Does it have a remedy…?

Growing has lots

advantages, for examp l e being inde p e n d e n t i s , o r h a v i n g your drivin g l i c e n s e . W h e n y o u ’ r e an adult you e n j o y y o u p r o f e s s i o n a l life, even b e t t e r y o u ’ r e t h e o w n e r of your lif e . F u r t h e r m o r e , h a v i n g kids has to b e a w o n d e r f u l t h i ng , i n spite of the f a c t y o u m i g h t n o t b e a ble to sleep to o mu c h . On the othe r h a n d , g r o w i n g u p w i l l also close s o m e d o o r s . F o r e x a mple, when y o u ’ r e f i f t e e n y o u sp e n d !

drawbacks, h o w e v e r, do you r eally think that y o u c a n go

up of

b a c k i n t o t i m e ; I d o n o t t h i n k so. T h e r e ’s n o r e m e d y f o r g r o w i n g old, w e ’ r e a l w a y s g e t t i n g o l d e r and t h e r e i s n o t h i n g w e c a n d o a b o ut it. I n m y o p i n i o n w e h a v e t o t h a nkful w i t h w h a t w e h a v e a n d a r e , now and in the future.

b y Ma n u e l S a n t o s


What consumes what, marihuana us or us marihuana?

Legalizing marihuana is one of the most important discussions of the se current times, more than 162 million pe ople all around the world* consume it. Firs t ly, marihuana can help people with medical illnesses, as it makes side effects of treatments for the illne sse s disappe ar. Until now criminals have been selling drugs,which is dangerous for people who

buy it. However if they legalized it people would not to be in danger if they bough t i t, as a to smoke tobacco, which result criminals could not also affects our lungs very earn so much money. badly. Nevertheless, it is bad for our health, it affects our muscle s, our brain and heart. It leads to difficulty in thinking, learning and taking decisions. Furthermore people tend to become addicted to it and it is also more common

I believe the best thing to do is to legalize it but only for medical uses and only with prescriptions. *h t t p://w w w.t n i .o rg / de tail_page .ph t ml? page=media_cannabis

by Ainhoa Uribarren !


Having a motorbike at this age

Having a motorbike at this age has a lot of positive points, yet it has a few drawback. All the teenagers who want oone will talk about the good point, although they won’t mentioned the drawback.

Having a motorbike has good points such as the parents don’t have to worryabout where their children have to go. In addition, we don’t have to think about traffic jam becauser you can jump them

However, haveng a motorbike also has drawbacks. Even though you drive carefully a car can touch you, and you can easily break something. Despite being careful, if it is raining the probability of falling increases.

To sum up, although there can be quite few accident, nowadays a lot of people still have motorbikes. In my opinion, when we have a motorbike our responsibility increases, or at least it should!!!!







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