4th Year's Winter 2008/9

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Winter edition


CONTENTS: · News Stories:

Football 2 more hours a week alcohol To belgium by bus parties heavyweight championship !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !New school options 4th year magazine, 2009

“Welcome to the Sanpa Times” In this Winter edition of the 4th year`s Xanpa Times, we are going to give you unusual information about some subjects that actually are of special interest. Furthermore, we have done a great effort making these magazines because we wanted to assure that they could be a great success. As Seneca said, work and struggle always call to the best, so we have worked a lot asking people with an important role in the school for documentation and personal photographs as well as formatting the best way possible in order to make the magazine attractive. Xanpa Times includes interesting and complete surveys about different issues such as Films, Alcohol, and Parties that gives us an orientation of the world we live on. As well as surveys, the magazine is completed with 20 news stories that have answered the Five Ws (professor William Cleaver Wilkinson), because they are regarded as basics in information. The objective of this magazine is to entertain calling the lector`s attention with an attractive format and a veridical information. Our final area of inquire, was to see whether we were able to work as a team, we have managed to do it so please continue reading.... In this edition, you're going to find loads of brilliant articles such as: Surveys: Music, Parties, Drugs, Tv... News stories: Students, Gossip, Teachers back(for your sorrow), new material... Unedited photos! You're going to enjoy it for sure! Maybe we've written about you.. Have a look!

News Stories Diabolos Around the School Since classes started it seems as if a plague of “diabolos” had invaded our school. Children between 4th primary and 4th year of E.S.O are playing with these objects and achieving some incredible tricks. It all started when some boys from the 4th year of E.S.O brought some of them one day. Younger students saw them and now it has become a new fashion in school. “It’s really incredible” says Marcos Areizaga, a 4th E.S.O student. Pablo Santos

Aibak, the new Catering Company This year our school has changed the dining room’s food, so now the company Aibak is in charge of the kitchen. Last year Miguel was the cook and made all the food but he has retired so Etxeko-Janak brings the food to school. Miguel was 65 years old, so he decided to retire. He was helped by a

young man that now is the principal cook. Aibak has a large team of cooks and waitress that prepare the food in school’s installations. “It is okay, but they give us very little quantity of food” commented one student. Mikel Bravo

New goals on the Black Field for young people with great promise

There are four new goals on the Black Field since October and they are made for the children from the primary school.

The sports director decided to build a new football field for the young people in the primary school, so he decided to put four new goals on the side where there were benches and grass and now there are four little football can be taken off to play a full side football match (which needs all the Black Field). This was a proposal made by the teenagers of the school that later become more important and finally they did

it. They are used in playgrounds and for the “Benjamin” football team. “It is fantastic! Now they have to put grass and our school will be well-known” said Daniel Dong. Eric Polvorosa

To Belgium by bus At the beginning of November, the vast majority of the 4º year ESO students are going to participate on the Belgium exchange. They are going to go there by bus. From the 8th to the 15th of November, the pupils are going to go to Amberes. 46 students are going to take part on this exchange. “Amusing” said one of the pupils of 3º “B” when hearing the news. Alex González

Students job


This year the students from the 4th year can work in the dinning room, the students that get this job have to help children to eat, this job is paid almost 50€, they discount it from the fees of the dinning room, the students work Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There are many students that want to work there, so they separated people into different trims to work in.

The aim of these work is to have first contact with children and to be more responsible not because of the money. Mircea Dumitru from the 4th year thinks: “It is a very good opportunity you learn how to take care of kids, not to mention the money they give you weekly.” Dani Dong

From the outdoor to the indoor This year some students form the forth year are playing indoor football instead of the one we are used to. At once they were going to make up a normal football team, but as there weren’t enough people, they took pot luck with the indoor football. That idea ended up as being very attractive since two more teams made up by girls from primary have signed up. “Firstly, we weren’t very sure, but as we are having very good results playing very well, we are really motivated” said Eric, a player for the indoor football team. Marcos Areizaga

St. Patrick’s Heavyweight Championship

On the 15th of October two students from the third year

had a brutal fight in the 3rd B classroom. The fight started because one of them previously jumped on the other student as a joke during playtime but he didn’t like the joke. Once in class both started a blazing row and immediately to push and hit each other. The fight was so brutal that they used chairs

and tables. Finally, they stopped fighting and none of them was injured. “Suddenly all the students from the corridor were standing in front of the classroom watching or asking what was going on!” said Tomas, a student from the 3rd year. Ignacio Iturrarte

New IT specialist at school


This year we can no longer find Auritze in St Patrick’s corridors or classes because he has gone from school. Now, our new IT specialist is Iker Rodriguez. Auritze has left school because he felt he couldn’t develop his capacities. When he came some years ago he already knew this job in St

New Secretary arrives at school This year a new secretary has been chosen to lend her services to our school. Maider, the new secretary, was chosen for her skills. However, the school didn’t count on the following- Maider has been met with the entire male student’s approval. Why? ‘Obvious, or at least that’s what we think’ commented several 4th year students. Iñigo Oñate

Patrick’s would only last a few years. “All the teachers who knew him already knew he was going to leave school sooner or later” commented Juan Elvira. Iker comes from a company called “Ibernática”. Both IT specialists didn’t know themselves. Eric Laqueche

After being absent for a year, Pilar Goyoaga has come back to school Last year the 4th year ESO Spanish teacher wasn’t seen around school because she had taken a sabbatical year for herself. Although being away 12 months, she didn’t leave Oiartzun, the city where she lives. Instead of Pilar Goyoaga, Pilar Arsuaga gave the lessons. “It’s good to have Pili back; she is a very laid back person. That’s what I like about her” said Uma, a 4th year ESO student. Rocio Chillida

Teacher of school operated on The social studies teacher, Mikel Ochoa has been operated on. He was operated on, in the Policlinica Guipuzkoa Hospital for an eye problem (cataracts). After being operated on, on the Sunday the twelfth of October, he spent a week resting, so Ana was in charge of taking care of his classes during the whole week.

Mikel Ochoa is fully recovered now “he had demonstrated this by going to the Pyrenees with the first year bachillerato students.” While he was not here the work he left was efficiently done. Pablo Martinez

Bus roundabout This year at four thirty student from St Patrick’s English school that go on bus to their homes can’t walk from the centre of the round about to get on their buses more quickly. This new rule has been used as a precaution for students to avoid being run over by the buses. Jesus is in charge of not letting the students pass through the centre of the round about. Daniel Dong a fourth year eso student says “I don’t like this rule but I understand it’s for our safety”. Luis Benito.

Security/ Rules

St.Patrick’s renovates it’s rules New rules for absences in St.Patrick’s English school which the commission introduced for this year in order to increase the discipline and control of the students. The school didn’t want students leaving school without anyone being aware of that any more so the commission agreed to introduce several new, more strict rules.

One of them is that the attendant at school is totally obligatory and either your father,

mother or tutor must inform the school of any absence. Furthermore, the student must tell the tutor if he has to go out of school, and if the tutor isn’t available, the coordinator. Finally, the notification of an absence doesn’t mean it’s justified, so it might be reflected in the marks at the end of the term.

ST-Patrick´s School feels the need of security At the beginning of the first term, the school installed cameras at the main entrance to the school in order to provide a sense of security and avoid robberies. After discussing a couple cases of robbery at the school, the head of administration, headmaster and business manager finally decided the need of installing two cameras. Even though they

had some problems with them and had to replace them, they are currently working perfectly. Now the cameras will try to prevent robberies, such as the few that took place at the school last year in which cell phones and money were stolen, and also to prevent cars being broken into in the parking lot as well as providing a more accurate

Two hours more a week This year, the LOE has changed. As a consequence, all of the ESO students have to work two hours more a week. Due to this change, the timetable increases from thirty to thirty two hours a week. “We had enough with thirty hours, after break we have to work three hours non stop”said Iñigo Oñate from fourth of ESO. Yassir Ahaoual

control of the pupils. “It seems we will have to live as if we are in a jail if that’s the only way of doing it” commented Jesús, the school guardian. Loren Arteche

One Hour more of P.E.

School magazine


This school year due to a new law, the school has added two new hours to the timetable. One of them is another hour of P.E. On one hand it has given us another hour for us to do sport, but on the other hand has taken time off our break which makes a 7 hour day. Many students are looking forward to losing a bit of weight, but others are outraged with their breaks being taken away from them. We will have to wait until the end of the year to see if we all get in shape and the change is beneficial. Bruno Santiago

Like every other year, the press workshop has aimed its work to create a magazine. Throughout the year, our intention is to publish two magazines which are about everything that has to do with the school and a bit of leisure. It has been hard work and in the end we had to struggle a bit in order to finish before the deadlines, but finally we were able to finish it and we hope you all like it. Loren Arteche Eric Laqueche

New options in the 4th year This year the new law let us choose between some subjects, depending on our future studies. The new law has introduced the idea that we should choose earlier what we would rather study. These let us choose between Biology or Audiovisuals

studies “Latin” or physicschemistry and between Art or Technology& IT. A 4th year eso student affirms that “this is much better because if they let us decide we will study the chosen subject a lot more happily. However, other students say that “This is not good a idea

due to some people no have very clear what they would like to study and who may get confused. Macarena Oliván

An “hour less” of English in school this year This year we have an hour less of English in School but we have an hour a week of a subject called Ethics that is in English. This new subject, Ethics, is similar to a tutor’s hour that we always have had every year. It is taught by Mac. the new L.O.E. The L.O.E includes more hours of tutorship, but the

school has considered a better option, which was having the tutor’s hour with an Englishspeaking teacher, so that we could practice English. “The school made these changes because we wanted to teach true English and values of the real life as well as social relationships” said John Phillips, who has a very important role in school, especially in terms of English.


Jon Ander Mendizabal Domínguez Ines Gaviria

Language intensification for all the students in the secondary school This year, there is a new rule in Saint Patrick’s English school. Students in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year ESO have new intensification classes which are Basque, English or Spanish.

The teachers choose the intensification that each students need to improve and if the students is doing well in Basque and Spanish, must go to Press (English). 3rd and 4th year students con also choose French. In each class they review the task, they have been doing in the normal classes, improving all the subjects. Patricia Ascorreta

Films, actors, actresses and illegal downloading What films do you usually watch? , that’s a very frequent question we ask each other every day. Our parents, as far as I’m concerned, like to see historical films and action films but sometimes they don’t let us to watch some interesting films because they are violent. They 13th of October of 2008 we asked more or less 60 people aged between 14 and 15 years from the fourth year some interesting questions about films actors actresses or for example, the influence of films in our life. We received some interesting answers to get to the bottom of this particular survey. Please, read on.

2% 24% 3%


What is your favourite genre of film? This statistics clearly reflect that the most popular genre is comedy, although a lot of people also have chosen pornography as their favourite genre.

Others Action

Pornography Comedy

Do you download films illegally?


It’s an interesting point that most of us download films illegally.

60% Yes


Do you watch films at home or at the cinema? This statistic shows that most people watch films in both places, or at home.

31% 59% 10%




Which is your favourite film? We can see that the huge majority of students have chosen American Pie as their favourite film. American Pie





Which is your favourite actor/ actress? It is noticeable that people, especially boys think that Elsa Pataki is the best actress.

19% 1%


49% Elsa Pataki Johny Depp Uma Thurman Others


Do films influence your life? It is remarkable that people think films do influence their lives.





These statistics represent that we all like the genre of the comedy the most because it makes us laugh. Most of us download films illegally because we don’t have to pay for the films. We sometimes prefer to watch films at home and other times, we enjoy watching films in the cinema. The majority of us, have as our favourite film American Pie and other prefer 300. Our favourite actress is Elsa Pataki, not because of her work, because she is very pretty. To conclude, we think that films influence our lives in some way. For example, American history X has influenced our life. Jon Ander Mendizabal, Daniel Dong and Luis Benito.

The truth about our TV habits Adults are always complaining about our TV habits. They always say we watch too much TV, that the programs we watch aren’t good for us, for example. But is this really true, or are they just exaggerating? The aim of this survey is to find out the truth about this difficult issue. We are curious to see if teenagers spend too many

hours in front of the TV and what kind of series and programs we watch. Our final area of inquiry is to see whether we have to change our habits or not. We asked the whole 4th year a series of questions about their TV habits and then compiled them in some easy to understand graphs.

What kind of series/programs do you watch? Action 15% Football 2%

Comedy 80%

Crime 3%

We can see that the kind of programme most of us like to watch is comedy. So why do our parents say that the programs we watch are so horrible? Isn’t it good thing to laugh a little bit after a hard day at school?

How often do you watch TV? Twice a Week 13%

Daily 87%

As the graph shows, here we’ve got a problem. Most of us watch TV daily, which can distract us a lot from our studies. It would be a better thing to reduce a little our time in front of the TV if we want to get better moves at school.

Do you watch it primarily alone or with your family? Both 48%

Alone 33%

Family 19%

Here we can see that there are moments in which we prefer to watch alone, and moments in which we prefer to watch to with our family, as nearly half of us have both habits

Do you have a TV in your room? No 58%

Yes 42 %

More than half of us don’t have a TV in our room, which is a positive thing if we want to reduce the number of hours in front of the TV, but from another point of view, it can also be a negative thing because then we’ll have to deal with our parents or brothers/sisters to decide which programme to watch.

How many TV’s are there in your house? Three 30% One 11% Six 2% Four 20%

Two 22% Seven 5% Five 11%

The graph shows that the majority of us have 3 TVs in our house. But there are some of us that have up to seven TVs (nea 5%) so in this case it wouldn’t be the child’s fault if he watched too much TV, it would be the parent’s fault, having an unnecessary number of TVs at home.

Do you watch the news? Yes 53%

No 34%

Sometimes 13%

Here there’s a great surprise: Most of us actually watch the news! So our parent’s complaints about watching trash TV is just an exaggeration because most of us, more than half, watch the news at least sometimes. So we are interested in what happens around the world, which is a sign that we are not the anti-social group we are sometimes supposed to be.

What influences the type of programmes you watch? Likes 75%

Publicity 14%

Actors 12%

Here we can see that our likes are most influential on each other regarding the type of program we watch, and that advertisements only influence us to a small degree which is a bit surprising.

These statistics show that apart from reducing a little bit the number of hours in front of the TV, our TV habits are not as bad as is believed. Most of us watch the news, don’t have a TV in our rooms, and we watch TV with our families. And there is also another important fact, which

is that advertisements don’t influence us so much as the TV producers hope to.. Rocio Chiillida, Iñigo Oñate, Ines Gaviria.

How Much Does Music Really Attract Us? A lot of us often consider we depend on music more than we should. However, do we use it as much as it is thought? What music habits do most of us have? And where do we get all the music from? In this survey our objective was to try to get to the bottom of this “massive” social habit. How far does the society affect how much and what types of music we listen to and does music help

to expand our knowledge of languages? Perhaps music is the key to the intellectuality philosophers are seeking. We asked the whole of the fourth year, 68 in total, a few questions about music habits and then created some graphs to make it easier for you to observe any remarkable answers. We encourage you to continue reading and hope you find the statistics of interest.

1- What kind of music do you listen to? 45.00

Pop - 42.6% Rock - 39.7% Hip-Hop - 23.5% Techno - 26.5% Punk - 1.5%

33.75 22.50 11.25 Pop


0 Hip-hop



The most popular style of song among teenagers is pop. But there is not much difference between pop and rock which are separated by less than 3%. Hip-hop and techno are also pretty popular among teenagers, but on the other hand, but punk isn’t popular at all.

3- Which radio station do you listen to? 40 Principales - 70.6% Kiss FM – 7.3% Other radio stations - 8.8% Do not listen to music - 13.2% And the award of best radio station goes to… “Los 40 Principales”. This radio station is listened to by 70.6% of us. It’s the most popular station by far. What is noticeable in this graph is that the second most listened one is only listened to by 9% of us. More than 13% of the students don’t listen to the radio.

2- Do you like going to concerts? Yes - 92.7% No - 7.3% This statistic clearly highlights the fact that nearly everybody likes going to concerts nowadays. There is just a minority of 7.3% of us who don’t like attending musical spectacles.

13% 9% 7% 71%


40 principales Kiss FM Other radio stations Do not listen to music




4-Which languages do you listen to music in? 85.00

Spanish -76.5% English - 80.9% French - 19.1% Basque - 5.9% German - 1.5%

63.75 42.50 21.25

The vast majority of us listen to music Spanish English in English, something remarkable for French the reason that we live in Spain. As it is Basque German appreciable, not many people listen to music in German or Basque. Nearly everyone listens to music in Spanish or English.

5-How do you get on to know about different types of music? Friends - 63.2% Internet - 39.7% TV - 8.8% Radio - 14.7% Other - 8.8% One the one hand most pupils at St-Patrick’s get to know about different types of music through their friends and through the internet. On the other hand, a vast minority

65.00 48.75 32.50 16.25 0 Friends Internet




get to know about different music through the internet and music channels on the TV.


6- How much time do you spend listening to music every week?

10% 4%


0-5 hours - 30.9% 5-10 hours - 32.3% 10-15 hours - 23.5% 15-20 hours - 3.5% More than 20 hours - 9.8% We can see that there isn’t a fixed tendency in the amount of music we listen to. What is perhaps, most noticeable, is the large number of people who listen to music more than 20 hours a week, or said in a different way, nearly 3 hours a day; one of every 10 of us does so.


32% 0-5 hours 11-15 hours more than 20 hours

6-10 hours 16-20 hours

7- Do you download music? If so, how often? Do you do it legally or illegally? Yes - 94.2% No - 5.8%

6% Yes No


Legally - 1.5% Illegally - 98.5%

Daily - 49.1% Weekly - 40% Monthly - 10.9%



49% 40% 98% Legally





These statistics clearly highlight that nearly everyone of us is used to using the internet not just for working, but also to download music illegally. Downloading music illegally is something which is against the law, but very typical nowadays. Half of us download music daily, a result which shows our dependency of making use of it for our social life.

The previous statistics show how much music influences us in our everyday life. However, what stands out most is how nearly every single one of us has been influenced by what the vast majority of us listen to. For instance, nearly 100% of us download music from the inEric Laqueche, Alex González, Loren Arteche

ternet illegally, but, is it simply pure chance? The truth is society has influenced our habits and has limited what we are allowed to think and like to a point. Concerts also take up a serious part in our life since more than 90% of us state that we like going to them.

It seems that as time goes by music is developing more and more, and the easy access to it is making us listen to much more music than we used to. It has reached such point that some of us admit they depend on it in our daily lives.

TEENAGERS + DRUG = ADDICTION! Don’t say you’ve never wondered about teenager’s consumption habits of alcohol and cannabis, because we all have. I’m not referring to tedious articles in which they try to encourage young people, especially teenagers, not take either alcohol or cannabis. But to modern and up-to-date facts. We went to a secondary school and asked 60 4th year students. We have the answers to the most common questions but questions, questions that have never answered until today. When you get to the end of this article, you will know the truth abut what teenagers do.

DO YOU CONSUME… alcohol? We can clearly see that the majority of the students consume alcohol.


29% 71%



Clearly students do not consume cannabis as much as alcohol.



We found out that the vast majority started consuming alcohol last year.


However we also found out that some others started consuming it three years ago.

25% 40%


In this question we discovered that 45% started consuming it this year and also that a 10% started 3 years ago.



40% 40% 10%

alcohol? There we found out that more than half of the people spend 5€. Although the vast majority do not spend a lot there are people who spend more than 15€.


cannabis? Well, there is nothing to comment, the results are clear to understand.


5€ 15€


10€ MORE



Almost half of the parents know that their sons or daughters consume alcohol if they do so or cannabis if they do so. I can’t think of a reason for which teenagers do this, don’t they know that drink and drugs aren’t the definition for fun? In my opinion they do this to gain popularity, and because they think that like this they are more mature. But the truth is that it’s very childish of them to think in this way. The worst thing is that they don’t control it, and when they stat to feel that they have serious health problems, they are already hooked. INVITED

Laura Arrieta, Patricia Ascorreta, Macarena Oliván.


Young People’s Habits in Parties We have carried out this survey to find out which and what type of habits the students in the 4th Year of secondary have. We asked the whole of the 4th Year (68 students in total) some questions related to our

free time and what we do at parties. We hope it is going to be interesting to know this information, so please read on.

>Do you drink alcohol during parties? YES

No We can see clearly that the majority of us drink alcohol during the

No 22% YES 78%

>Do you have to drink alcohol to enjoy the party? This statistic c l e a r ly highlight s that the majority of the students don’t





need to drink alcohol to enjoy the p a r t y.

>Do you smoke during parties? If so what? NO We observe that the majority of the students don’t smoke and that the



small during group of 14 parties. students the majority are used to smoke cannabis

Who do you mingle with in parties?

16% 80%

This statistic shows that 55% of the students try to meet new people or friends they don’t know really well, while 45% spend their party time to stay with people they really know, like; friends or school mates.


45% 55%


>Until what times do you normally stay out in parties? This statistics shows that the clear majority stay out at parties until 1:00 – 2:30.

11:00 - 12:00 3:00 - 3:30

1:00 - 1:30 4:00 and more

2:00 - 2:30

10% 5% 19%



>Where do you go to parties? These statistics clearly highlight that a majority of students prefer going to the Port or to the Old part than going than going to other places.

Bataplan Port & Old Part



1% 6%

Port & Old Part 90%


>Do you go to pubs/discos? We can see then that not a lot of people go to pubs/discos, maybe because we are not old enough.



These statistics are remarkable for many reasons. The clear fact that teenagers between 14-15 years old are used to consume alcohol during their party time is a clear reason to make us think about our students habits…this is what an adult would answer if he was asked to comment this survey…but all the students we asked about what they though about their drinking habits seemed to be confident and not worried about that, also when we asked the questions they answered with decision. Also the fight of two ideas is making a really important effect in the fourth grade student’s way of answering: the minority (16%) think they need to drink alcohol to have a good time, while the majority (84%) do not have the need the drink alcohol to have a good time.

So there is an exchange of ideas, apart from these opinions on the alcohol, also there are people who plead for the item consumed of the alcohol…so a crushing majority support the consumption of alcohol and cannabis. Mikel Bravo, Pablo Martinez, Eric Polvorosa.

Finally we think that drinking alcohol with moderation is not dangerous and you can have a good time, but the idea of abusing of alcohol and other drugs like cannabis is not certainly good for your health.

Football Survey

People complain that the Premiership is better than the Spanish league because of the players that they have. What do you think about that? In this survey we have tried to get the answers of these questions. What team do you support? Are we supporting the team of our city or is it that we are starting to support teams that attracts us because of the way they play? We have done this research in the San Patrick‘s school (4 year students, 68 students in total). The questions are related to our taste about football but that is not all the statistics are compiled based on the answers of the students. We hope you carry on reading and also that you enjoy this survey.

Do you like football? YES




As we can see the majority of the people like football. I can say that the majority of students that don’t like football are girls.

Do you prefer Spanish league or premier league? Spanish league Premier league



What team do you support? Real Sociedad Liverpool Real Madrid FC Bacelona Athletic de Bilbao

9% 18%


15% 13% We can see many different opinions. On the one hand most of the people support the team of our city but on the other hand we can see that 9 percent of the 4 year supports our eternal rival.

Do you think football is overvalued? YES


31% As we can see the opinion of the people is quite divided. More or less half of the year prefers the Spanish league.


That is another yes, no question there isn‘t much to say but as we can see nearly the 70 percent of the 4 year think that football is overvalue.

Do you practice football in a team? Or just for fun? YES in a team

YES for fun



The majority of us play football just for fun.

nearly the whole people who don’ t like football are girls. The first chart shows us the similarities of the opinions. The second one shows us that the whole year only like the premiership and obviously the local league. supported is the local team. The fourth one talks about the opinions if football is overvalue, most of the students think that football is overvalue. Nearly the 80 percent of the year just play football for fun. It seems that the answer to the question above is the opinions are quite divided and also that the majority of the girls don‘t like football.

These statistics are remarkable for many reasons, what stands out most is probably that there is 9 percent of the year that support our eternal rival, the Athletic de Bilbao, that’s not all we can see that Bruno Santiago, Daniel Goiria and Yassir Ahaoual

The Truth About the Relationship Between Students and Teachers A lot of us think that if there isn’t any problem bet ween a teacher and a student, everything is perfect. But do we really know what students think about their teachers or the exams they have to pass? In this survey we decided to try to get to the bottom of this thorny issue. So are some of the stereotypical things students say true? We asked the whole of the fourth year (68 students in total) some questions related to the school teachers and then made some graphs with the results. We hope you find them interesting.

Which teachers do you think is the funniest? 10%9% 12% 12%


As we can see, a lot of students think Chema is the most amusing teacher (31%), but other people like Josemi or Josean seem to get on well with their pupils.

Chema 31% Josemi 12%


Blas 26% Josean 10%

Juan 12% Others 9%

Which teacher do you think sets more homework? As the chart shows, the majority of people (31 %) think that Reyes has to reduce the amount of homework she sets. However, we can also see there are many different opinions between students.

7% 7%7% 9% 10%


12% 16%

Reyes 31% Igone 10% Josean 7%

Sussie 16% Carmen 9% Alazne 7%

Begoña E 12% Others 7%

Do you think a teacher has picked on you sometimes? If so who? In this case most students think that a teacher had picked on them but it appears not to be a particular teacher who picks on students as “others” agroups the majority (22%). However, Alazne is for students a teacher who often picks on her pupils.

Yes No


Others 22% Alazne 19% Begoña E 14% Begoña Cenoz 14% Marisa 11% Sussie 11% Chema 11%

11%11% 11% 22% 14% 14% 19%


Dou you think school teachers are modern people?

Do you think you have been the teacher’s pet?

This chart shows that the vast majority don’t think they are (75%). On the other hand only the 2.94% thinks they are modern people, whereas the 22.05% believes only some teachers are modern.

Here we find another topic which, in this case, the majority answered “yes” (56%) whereas the (44%) answered “no”.

22% 3%

No Some Yes

Yes No


56% 75%

Which teacher do you think makes the most difficult exams? 12% 9%7% 13%




As we can see, a lot of students find Simon’s exams the most difficult ones (22.05%). This pie chart shows, as the previous, that not all of the interviewed agree in a particular teacher.

Simon 22% Begoña E 18% Others 12% Isabel 7%

Chema 19% Pilar 13% Josean 9%

Which teacher do you think punish students most? In this case, the biggest amount of the interviewed agrees Chema punishes quite a lot (45.58%). New teachers in the third year like Mac, also punishes a lot.

Alazne 19% Simon 13%

Chema 46% Others 9%

MAC 13%

13% 9% 13% 19% 46%

These statistics are remarkable for any reasons, but what stands out most is that they serve to show what students talk about related to their teachers when they are not listening to their teachers. The first pie chart shows that Chema is the funniest teacher whereas the third one shows Alazne as a strict teacher. This survey also advise you to study a lot for Simon’s exams or shows that many students have been the teachers pet We do know that not all the teachers are going to agree with some results but what we don’t want to do is to make teachers argue in the staff room. - Marcos Areizaga, Ignacio Iturrarte & Pablo Santos -




www. st-patricks .com

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