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Kompetensi Dasar/Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi dengan memberi dan menerima informasi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. 3.6.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi. 3.6.2 Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi. 3.6.3 Menemukan berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi. 4.6.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya Menirukan kata/kalimat dalam teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya. Memodifikasi teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya. 3.6

Activity 1. Read the following extracts. Then match them with the right topic. I am writing to organise our next meeting to discuss a Thank you for the reminder about the meeting. I think plan to visit Lombok. I am free between 15 and 20 it would be the best if you hold the meeting on November. Please let me know as soon as possible if Tuesday, 20th Novemnber. If we start at 9.00, I’m sure these dates are convenient. we’ll be finished by 3.30. I look forward to seeing you. ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... I am having problems accessing the internet from my desktop. When I enter my password, the screen freezes. Please, could you solve my problem. ..................................................................................................... The topics: A. Sending information B. Organizing a meeting

I arrive in Palembang at 10.00 on Tuesday 15 June. I shall take a taxi and be at your house by 12.00. ..................................................................................................... C. Agreeing to a meeting D. Confirming

Activity 2. You will hear Sammy reading an e-mail from his father. Fill in the blanks.

My dear Son, I was very (1) ................................... yesterday. I only saw your e-mail this morning. Are you sure you want to work with children after (2) .................................. your master’s degree? Last month, you wanted to be a businessman. Two weeks ago, you wanted to be a (3) ................................... . last week, you wanted to be a famous designer. I suggest you read ‘Seven choices for success and (4) .................................., “written by Dr. Nido R. Qubein. He os the (5) .................................. of may best-selling books and one of the most sought-after speakers in the United Sates. Besides that, he is also the (6) .................................. of Great Harvest Bread and the President of High Point University in High Point, North Carolina. I hope that how he got to where he is today will (7) .................................. you. I’ll be back home next (8) .................................. , so we can talk about this further then. Love, Dad Activity 3. Check your comprehension based on the letter in Activity 2. 1. Who wrote the letter? 2. What did Sammy’s father write to Sammy? 3. What did Sammy’s father advise Sam to do? 4. How is Sammy’s character? 5. How did Sammy’s father salutehis son? 6. How did Sammy’s father close his e-mail? Activity 4. Discuss the following building blocks about letter in the group of four. Building Blocks. a. Types of letter Formal letter (business letter, application letter, complaint letter, etc) Informal letter also known as personal letter. (letter to relatives, friends, etc) b. Social Fuction Personal letters are the letters that are written to people we know such as friends, parents, siblings, cousins. Letters are not only written to inform but to strengthen the bond between two people writing to each other. c. Linguistic Features Sentence Structure - Accuracy of grammar is important. - Complete sentences are expected. - Slang can be used. - Use Contractions such as “I'll”, “ I'm”, “we'll”. - Use personal pronouns such as “I”, “we”, “you”. - Use active voice. Style - Language use may be personal like first and second person pronouns. - Be warm. - Use person's name you are writing to. - Vary sentence length. - Write in a natural, conversational style. - Let your personality shine through in your writing. (Bly, 2004).

d. Structure of Personal Letter Date Date when the letter is written (top left). Address Place where you are writing from (top right). Salutation & Name Greeting and the person's name you are writing to Introduction The opening of the letter usually starts with how are you or refers to previous letter. Body The main part of the letter. It includes what you want to write to the other person. Closure The part indicates the letter is going to end. Complimentary close Short expressions like “love you”, “sincerely yours”, “love”. Signature Signature or initials of the writer. Postscript P. S. After thought in a letter. You begin with P.S. and end it with your initials. e. Some useful expressions for letter writing Gratitude - I'm just writing to thank you for ............ - It was very kind of you to ............ - Thanks very much for ............ - I am very grateful for ............ Giving advice - Well, I thought about it and if I were you, I would ............ - Have you thought about ............ - In your last letter you said you weren't sure what course of action to take, I suggest ............ - I think you shouldn't ............ - In your last letter you asked me about .............., I think ............... Asking for help - I wonder if you could help me. - I hope it's not too much to ask but ............ - I wonder if I could ask you a favor. Could you ............?

Delivering bad news - I'm sorry but I have to tell you that ............ - Bad news, I'm afraid but no way to avoid it, so here it goes ............ - I'm extremely sorry to hear that ............ - It was heart wrenching to read about ............ Delivering good news - I'm sure you will be happy to hear that ............ - I am sure that you'll be interested to know that ............ - By the way, did you know that ............ ? - OMG!! You'll never guess what happened! - I am totally ecstatic to hear about ............ - I was happy beyond limits to read that ............ Apologizing - I would like to apologize for ............ - I'm so sorry that ............ - Words are not enough to erase the pain I have given you but I want to say how sorry I am ............


Examples of expressions used in personal letters. Salutations “Dear”, “Dearest”, “sweetheart”, “darling”, “My dear”, “My love” etc. Salutations depend on how well you know the person you are writing to. Closing “Yours”, “with love”, “sincerely yours”, “all the love”, “all the best”, “affectionately”, “much love”, “best wishes” Starting the letter How are you? Hope this letter finds you…… Thank you for your last letter. It was so good to hear from you. Sorry for answering late. I'm sorry I should have written earlier.……. I am sorry to inform you that…… Conclusion I am looking forward to seeing you soon. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. My best wishes for the coming test. See you. I will have to stop now. I am waiting for a quick reply. Looking forward to seeing you again. Bye. Activity 5. Read the sample personal letter below. Then, analyze the structure of the letter.

......................... ......................... 12th January 2018 My Dear Lovely Siti,


35 Senggigi Raya Lombok 75009 Nusa Tenggara Timur


........................ .

......................... Hello! How are you, sweetie? I know you are angry with me because I am writing to you after a long time. I am so sorry, please forgive me. You know we are in Lombok right now. It is so beautiful beyond imagination. I am writing to you from this really cute little café on the Senggigi beach. As you know, mum loves shopping so she went and will be gone for hours. I took a rain check from shopping and decided to write to you while I enjoy my cup of coffee. You know yesterday we went to Gili Nanggu Island; it is a beach on the southwest of Lombok. The place is awesome. It is so beautiful I couldn't believe my eyes. There are beautiful coral reefs everywhere. We went for snorkeling and we saw most amazing fish ever. I wish you were here; it would have been much more fun. Mum's making sure we don't miss any sight in the whole city, so we've practically been everywhere. I have to go, mum is here. I will see you soon. Lots of love ......................... Lana ......................... Lana P.S. I'm bringing you lot of souvenirs and pictures!! .........................

a. Address b. Closing c. Salutation d.

d. Introduction e. Greetings f. Postscript

g. Closure h. Signature i. Date


j. The Content of the letter

Activity 6. Look at the expressions and match them with the purpose of the letter. The first one has been done for you. Expressions Purpose 1. I am so happy to share this with you. ( j ) a. To apologize 2. Thank you so much for remembering me. ( ..... ) b. To ask for reply 3. Did you know ... . ( ..... ) c. To ask a favor

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I am so sorry. ( ..... ) I will be waiting for your letter eagerly. ( ..... ) Can I ask you for this favor. ( ..... ) Love always. ( ..... ) I think you should think it over before. ( ..... ) I am sos sorry but I have to tell you. ( ..... ) That reminds me of ... . ( ..... )

d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

Closing To give advice To give bad news Changing topic To share some information To thank the person To share good news

Activity 7. Read this personal letter aloud with good intonation and correct pronunciation. Identify the parts of the letter.


Puri Anjasmoro B7/25 Semarang Central Java 50144 Indonesia


August 21st

......................... .........................

Dear Evan,

......................... ......................... ......................... .........................

How are you? I hope you and your family nare fine. My family and I are fine too. Thank you for the bag you sent me. I like it ver much. However, my sister says I shouldn’t wear it to school because it is very big. My sister is the best but sometimes I feel that she talks too much. Do you have any plans to visit me? I hope to hear from you soon. Your lovely friend, Raka

Activity 8. Rewrite the following jumbled statements and phrases into a meaningful personal letter. A. It’s such a relief to hear that the volcanic eruption in the effected area has caused no problem. B. 1 October 2017 C. Hello Ronafa D. Everything is going very well here. I wish you and your family the best. E. Andaresta F. Bancar Asri 16, Lamper tengah Surakarta, Central Java 50242 Indonesia G. Do you want me to send something from Indonesia? Please don’t hesitate to contact me again if you need any help. H. Take care, I. Thank you for your letter of 25 July. I was very pleased to read your last letter. News about disasters always makes everyone very worried, especially when I heard that you were not in your apartment. You know pain filled our hearts when your family and I could not get in touch with you on the phone. Activity 9. Read the following letter and answer the questions.

5 October 2017 Dear Melodi, As you already know, I have recently finished my postgraduate degree and will be leaving for Denpasar at the end of this week. Please consider this to be my sincere goodbye to you. I want you to know that I am leaving here with truly mixed feeling; happy about finishing my education, but sad to be leaving the school where I have had so many unforgettable moments with you. The last two years as an English teacher at our great school was the best period of my career so far. I learned a great deal and worked with you, who, I am sure, I will remain a good frieand for a long time. I can only hope that our friendship will never end. Thank you so muuch for making my time at the school a truly enjoyable one. Let’s keep in touch. Speak to me before I leave on Friday and I will be happy to give you my new phone number and e-mail address. My very best wishes for the future go out to you. Yours sincerely, Dona The questions: 1. Who sent the letter? 2. Who received the letter? 3. When was the letter written? 4. What is the purpose of writing the letter? 5. What is the main idea of the text? 6. What made Done write the letter? 7. Why did Dona thank Melodi? 8. What can you learn from Dona’s letter?





Kompetensi Dasar/Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi dengan memberi dan menerima informasi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. 3.6.4 Menyimpulkan gagasan yang disampaikan penulis yang terdapat dalamteks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi. 3.6.5 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi.. 4.6.2 Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, lisan dan tulis, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks. Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya. Menulis teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya 3.6

Activity 1. Arrange the sentences into a good letter. Tehn answer the questions. How are you? Ihave not heard from you for a long time.

I really like the colour. It is such a nice soft sweater.

The reason why I am writing this letter is to thank you for the beautiful sweater you sent me for my birthday.


That’s all for now.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Your couusin,

I hope you are well.

The questions: 1. What is the letter about? 2. Who is Sisi? 3. What is the gift like? 4. What is the purpose of the letter? 5. What kind of personal letter above? Activity 2. Discuss the building blocks in the group. There are many types of personal letters. Here are a few you might have heard of: a. Pen Pal. A pen pal is someone you communicate with by sendening letters regularly. b. Fan mail. You write Fan mail to someone you admire. You might choose to write to a famous actor, rock star, author, os sport hero. c. Love. You can write a love letter to someone whom you love or care about. In this letter, you express feelings of affection and romance. d. Farewell. In a farewell letter, you say goodbye and good luck to someone who is moving interstate or overseas, or changing schools. e. Get well. You send a “get well” letter to wish someone a speedy recovery from illness. f. Condolence. In a condolence letter, you show sympathy, usually for the loss of someone close to the recipient. You might wish them strength through their grief, say you are sorry for their loss, or share memories of the person they have lost. g. Congratulations. You would sent this letter to congratulate someone on a birth, wedding, achievement, or award. h. Thank you. When you write a thank you letter, you are showing your appreciation to someone. Perhaps they invited you to their birthday party, gave you a thoughful gift, or did you a favour. This is less formal than an appreciation letter, and would be sent to a friend or family member. i. Holiday/celebration. Your holiday letter could celebrate a birthday, Eid ul Fitr, Christmas, New Year, or any other special event or holiday. Activity 3. Rearrange the following jumbled paragraphs into two meaningful personal letters. Then, determine the type of the personal letter. a. With love, Michelle b. Wait for me. I am coming soon. c. She was a very dear friend and we shall greatly miss her cheerful outlook on life, her generous nature, and her warmth for anyone in need of help, but above all we shall miss her for her wonderful sense of fun. d. Your sister, Sari e. How is everything? I am glad you have had a lot of experience in how to deal with cases of juvenile delinquency. I agree that charity events are very important for your juveniles in a correctional facility because they need attention. Moreover, they are the future assets of the country. f. Dear Henry, g. Tom and I send you our love and our assurance of devoted friendship now and always. h. Dear Sigit, i. Actually they want to be understood despeartely and to tell their stories, but not many people care about them. Fortunately, there are many leading companies working together to motivate inmates at the facility to learn skills. Let’s hope that everything will go well. j. I feel it is almost an intrusion to write to you at a time like this, but I must tell you how deeply sorry we were at the news of Margo’s passing. Activity 4.

Read the letter below and answer the questions. Dear Fred and Sylvia: On behalf of the entire Marsden family I would like to thank you for your unflagging support and kind condolences in recent weeks as we mourned the tragic loss of Raymond. Without wonderful friends like you to spend time with us and help with daily tasks it would have been much more difficult for us to suffer through this very difficult period. I especially appreciated the numerous meals that you prepared and delivered to us as well as the drives to school you provided for Kirstin and Charlie. You can't imagine what a help this was to Carl and I as we tried to focus on Raymond's funeral arrangements while also having to deal with the media. As you will understand, it is going to take some time before our family can get back to normal after this senseless tragedy. So, please don't take our lack of contact during this period as any more than us taking the time we need to try to get back to some semblance of a normal life. Please accept our heartfelt thanks for all that you have done. Sincerely grateful, Susan and Carl The questions: 1. What is the type of personal letter above? 2. What is the purpose of the sender writing the letter? 3. What did happen to Susan and Carl based on the letter? 4. Who are Fred and Sylvia based on the letter? 5. What you can learn from the letter? Activity 5. Complete the following table with information about your favourite song. Type of song Title Decribe the song Pop Kangen by Dewa 19 It was a romantic but mellow Rock Dangdut Etcnic song Activity 6. Answer the following questions briefly. 1. What kind of songs do you like most? 2. Why do you like them? 3. Which is your favourite song? 4. Why do you like it? 5. When did you listen to the song for the first time? 6. How did you feel when you listened to the song for the first time? Activity 7. Use your answers to complete the following letter. Dear Rebecca, Do you like listening to songs? What sort of songs do you listen to?I really like Pop songs. After school hours, I often listen to my favourite songs. I like ___________________ most because ___________________________________ . My favourite song is ____________________________________________ . I like it because __________________________________________ . I listened to that song for the first time when ____________________________________________________________ . when I listend to the song for the first time, I ___________________________________________________________ . How about you? What kind of songs do you like most? Please write soon. Your friend, Mila

Activity 8. Your friend, Sinaga, from Medan, has a one-day holiday and plans to visit your town. He wants to know tourist attractions he must visit. Write a personal letter to tell him about tourist attractions to visit, including any famous food he has to eat. Consider the followings before you start writing; a. Work in the group of three to write the letter. b. Write your letter on colored paper with attractive decoration. c. Write your letter neatly. Dear Sinaga, I am very glad to hear that you are going to visit my town. Don’t worry, I am going to be your guide, so you’ll enjoy some tourist attractions here. Actually, there are many famous and interesting places in my town to make your one-day holiday unforgettable. In the morning, for example, __________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________. In the afternoon, __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ . in the evening _______________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Your friend, _______________________

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