3 Mink Weaver Social Studies Charts

  • November 2019
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Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.1 Contribution of Different Cultures MA/LI: The teacher will have a table displayed with various items from different cultures. The teacher will show each item and explain what it is and where it comes from. The teacher will explain what “culture” is. A: Students will make a culture collage to sum up what culture they are living in, including: hobbies, foods, language, fashions, beliefs, & holidays

Week 1-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.1 JSSOL SS 3.1 JSSOL SS 3.1 Contribution of Contribution of Contribution of Different Cultures Different Cultures Different Cultures A/CL/L: The students CI/LI: Students will T/LI:The class will will make a step book hear from a Chinesewatch a short video clip with construction paper American who moved on how the English about several different to the U.S when he was language has developed cultures using their texts 15. and borrowed from and/or powerpoint notes various other languages. OL/LI: The groups who GA/T: The teacher will OL/LI: The groups who break students into groups had fashion and music & dance will present had tools & weapons, to research contributions today. and music will present in certain areas by the today. various cultures. These areas will include DA: Students who have contributions in: fashion, hearing impairment may music and dance, tools & come to the front of weapons, foods, design class to hear and see the and architecture, & speaker. helpful inventions. Students may use their texts, supplemental books, and the website links from www.usbornequicklinks.com

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.1 Contribution of Different Cultures T/LA/W: The students will watch a media presentation on DaVinci’s inventions and afterwards complete a journaling prompt. OL/LI: The groups who had foods and helpful inventions will present today. CC: The teacher will have a few cultural dishes brought in from teachers to have the students sample. DA: The teacher will have an alternative snack for any students with food allergies

Week 3-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 JSSOL SS 3.2 JSSOL SS 3.2 JSSOL SS 3.2 China Empire China Empire China Empire MA/GA/LI: The class MA/MA: The teacher will LI/PS: The class will discuss will discuss some begin by using a globe to how they think Sitti will live holidays celebrated in illustrate where China is on in another country where they this country. They will the map in comparison to speak a different language. then study pictures and the United states. discuss what they think W: In journals, students will that the pictures are W: Students will write in predict what they think will from. their journals why they happen in the story. think China celebrates the LI/MA: The teacher returning of spring. R/GA: In groups, students will use a graphic will read Sitti’s Secrets by organizer depicting who, GA/MA: The class will Shihab Nye. what, where, and why to develop a word cluster on focus students’ attention the board to help illustrate MA/GA/PS: Students will on the content. the activities that occur research and make posters of during New Years. other countries they think that R/GA/W: In reading the main language is Chinese. groups, students will GA/W: In groups, students read Celebrating a New will write a question about DA: Students acquiring Year. Then, they will the lesson and then pass it English can help others create a to the right for the next understand how people who compare/contrast chart, students to answer, then don’t speak the same comparing our country write another question language speak. to the people of China.

Thursday Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.2 China Empire PS/GA: The class will discuss comprehension and Chritical thinking questions from yesterdays reading. W: In journals, students will discuss the girl and her grandmother’s ability to understand each other. GA: Students will play a marble game and require no talking, such as in the story. Then they will research other games that do not require talking. W: The students will then write a letter home, from the narrator’s point of view, describing some activities in the reading.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.2 China Empire E: Students will be Tested on this section of Social Science

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.4 Reasons for Exploration of the New World PS/MA: In order to activate prior knowledge, students will compare and contrast a Iroquois long house with an Anasazi cliff house. PS/A: Students will determine what explore, explorer and exploration means. They will paint a picture to illustrate each. R/GA/ MA: Students will then read Explorers Come to North America and will complete a graphic organizer to illustrate the cause and effect that exploration of the Americas had on the people who lived there.

Week 5-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Day 2 Day 3 JSSOL SS 3.4 JSSOL SS 3.4 Reasons for Exploration of Reasons for Exploration the New World of the New World GA/LA/R: In groups, students will read the poem Hiawatha’s Sailing and pantomime it.

LI: The teacher will explain the Northwest passage and what the European explorers were searching for. Each DA: For enrichment, of the explorer’s routes students can summarize the will be explained. poem in their own words. GA/A/MA/W: In four PS/LI: The teacher will groups, students will summarize the Iroquois create a floor map of the and the class will water route; each group determine how they will be assigned a differed from the European different explorer. When explorers. the floor map is completed, students will W: In their journals, research their explorer students will write what with resources provided differences between the and write a story from Native Americans and the the explorer’s point of explorers caused conflicts. view.

Thursday Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.4 Reasons for Exploration of the New World PS/A/W: As a class, students will determine the time that the explorer from each group traveled and then will make a time line to sequence European countries voyages of exploration. GA/A/W: In the same groups from the previous day students will create a poster to illustrate the country that their explorer came from, including their flag and other facts about the country. LI/OL: The teacher will reteach the reason why explorers were exploring with the use of question/answer time.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.4 Reasons for Exploration of the New World PS/GA/MA/OL: Each group will present their poster, timeline, and story about their assigned explorer.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.3 Impact of European Explorers MU: Student will listen to a song about Columbus’ voyage. LI: The teacher will launch a lesson on how Columbus came to discover America. R/W/LA: Students will read an excerpt from his diary and write a paragraph on what they learned.

Week 7-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.3 JSSOL SS 3.3 JSSOL SS 3.3 Impact of European Impact of European Impact of European Explorers Explorers Explorers V: Students will watch a GA/R/TX: The students V/LI: Students will video on the Age of will break into groups watch a film strip Discovery. and take turns reading detailing the explorers: about the interactions Christopher Newport, LI: The teacher will between Columbus and Juan Ponce de Leon, introduce a lesson on the his men with the and Jacques Cartier. role that the spice trade Indians. Students will have a fill played in European in the blanks note set. exploration. PS/W/MO: Students will write on the board E: Afterwards students MO/MA/PS: The students and transfer to their will use their notes and will play an exploration game in which students notes the positive filmstrip knowledge to will manage a ship. They interactions and complete an activity will have to plan ahead, negative interactions matching up the manage money, and react explorer to a specific to given situations. LI: The teacher will fact. discuss how the lives of DA: Students with Europeans and the learning disabilities will Indians were changed have a teacher aid help forever. them.

Friday Day 5 Review & Test Day The teacher will answer any class questions about exploration. E: The students will be tested.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.5 Interpret Maps, Tables, Graphs and Charts LI/V: The teacher will show and explain the various types maps, tables, graphs, and charts, and what they are used for. LI/CI: A nautical engineer will come in and explain the importance of the maps and charts he used, and what he used them for. The students will be allowed to ask questions.

Week 9-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.5 JSSOL SS 3.5 JSSOL SS 3.5 Interpret Maps, Tables, Interpret Maps, Tables, Interpret Maps, Tables, Graphs and Charts Graphs and Charts Graphs and Charts T/LI: The teacher will V/L: The teacher will GA/CM/PS/MO: The have different maps on students will be given a reiterate the uses of graphs. The students will the board displayed ie: survey of questions to look at a graph on the topographical, ask in a large group. geographical, etc. The groups will need to ELMO and discuss what it means. Students will receive a organize their data into handout with pictures of a table by question and MA: The students will be each type. number of yes and no given baggies of M&M’s responses for each. ( An and will need to construct A/LS: The class will be example table will be a histogram by the colors asked to individually provided) of the candies. make maps of the LI/CM/MA: The results classroom, paying V/CM/LI: The teacher careful attention to will tally up totals from will be tallied and made into a master graph. The detail and including a all groups on the board key. and turn the information class will discuss how the results compare or differ. into one giant table. The Students may eat their OL/MO: A few class will discuss and M&M’s. volunteers will be asked compare the tables to share theirs and results. DA: Students who cannot explain them. draw neatly wll be given rulers to assist them.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.5 Interpret Maps, Tables, Graphs and Charts LI/T: The teacher will have a PowerPoint presentation about charts. L/HM: Students will be given a packet of charts and asked to answer questions using the charts. M/A: Students will be asked to turn their results from the M&M activity into a pie chart putting the percentage and number in the middle. Charts should be colored by the different M&M’s.

Week 11-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.5 JSSOL SS 3.5 JSSOL SS 3.5 JSSOL SS 3.5 Locate Countries and Locate Countries and Locate Countries and Locate Countries and Regions of America Regions of America Regions of America Regions of America LI/MA/E/GA: The LI: The teacher will MU: The teacher will MA/LS: The students teacher will demonstrate introduce longitude and teach a song to the class will be given the shapes how to use a globe to latitude. taken from Maps & of various states. They find other countries. Globes, called: “A Hop, will use a map of Students will be put into MA/PS/LS: Each Skip, and a Jump” but America to locate the groups and given a list student will be given a adapted to Virginia. state and which region it of countries. Students copy of a world map is in. will use a globe to and asked to locate LI: The teacher will locate these countries several places by their introduce the various V/LI:The students will and place a small sticker given latitude and regions of America: the watch a video about the over that country. The longitude. coasts, Midwest, New various regions and teacher will come England, etc. what each is known for. around and check. M/A: The students will use their maps to make A: Students will color a DA: Gifted students MA/CM/MO: Students a table of the countries map using a different may also find and label will play a classroom that have various color for each region the capitals for states. game of Where in the characteristics, ie: On a and labeling them. World is Carmen coast, has mountains, SanDiego? etc.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.8 Develop Different Map Skills CM/LI/HW: Students will recall what they learned about latitude and longitude. Students will use the poles and equator to give reference and comparison for various locations. MA: The students will attach maps to cardboard and use plastic pegs to locate an area that is South, North, West, East of a certain location.

Week 13-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.8 JSSOL SS 3.8 JSSOL SS 3.8 JSSOL SS 3.6 Develop Different Map Develop Different Map Develop Different Map Effects of Geography Skills Skills Skills on Culture LI/MA: The teacher A: Students will make a MO/GA: Student will MA/LI: The teacher will discuss distance paper-mache globe, and be given a rough map of will show the and size in relation to include labeling for all the school. The class students a map and maps with the class. The four oceans, seven will be divided into discuss the geography class will use a plastic continents, equator and several groups with of several different bar scale with a prime meridian. different path marked locations on the map. movable needle to out. Students will stop practice learning LS: While the globes at several location R/GA: In groups, the distance and size. dry, students will points and record in students will read examine road maps what order they stopped People from Many MA/M/PS: The class identifying several at each location. Extra Places. will be given blank points of interest. credit will be given to maps and rulers and the groups who GA/PS: As a class, asked to use the scale to DA: An adult volunteer correctly use the maps students will discuss trace out distances from will be available to help and their paths to visit why the location of a one city to another. students with their each location. community is They will also be given globes. important to its a few distance in which HW/HS/LS: Students establishment, as well to pick a city and will be given a map of as its growth and connect it to a city that Virginia and asked to development. would make the follow what roads will distance accurate. get them to a specific LI: The teacher will location. Parents may provide the class with assist key facts.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.6 Effects of Geography on Culture LI/PS: The class will discuss key elements needed for successfully living off the land.The class will discuss why people built Cahokia and St. Louis. MA/SS: Students will use maps and yarn to indicate the flow of the major rivers and their branches. DA: Students will explain specific examples of the effects of their major rivers. GA/LI/PS: In groups students will then discuss the population of Cahokia. They will then use almanacs and other sources to help find the population of five or six cities in their own state.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.6 Effects of Geography on Culture MA/LI: The teacher will show the students a map and discuss the geography of several different locations on the map. R/GA: In groups, the students will read People from Many Places. GA/PS: As a class, students will discuss why the location of a community is important to its establishment, as well as its growth and development. LI: The teacher will provide the class with key facts.

Week 15-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.6 JSSOL SS 3.6 JSSOL SS 3.6 Effects of Geography on Effects of Geography Effects of Geography on Culture on Culture Culture LI/PS: The class will discuss LI/PS: The class will LI/PS: The class will key elements needed for discuss the ideas and discuss the term successfully living off the life ways of the Native interdependence and land.The class will discuss Americans in Cahokia. understand why it affects why people built Cahokia culture and how geography and St. Louis. LI: The teacher will is related. Then, they will explain that other discuss the directions and MA/SS: Students will use settlements later started the flow of rivers from maps and yarn to indicate the where Cahokia source to ocean. flow of the major rivers and previously stood and their branches. explain that it became a A/W/PS: The class will busy trading post. then view a picture from the DA: Students will explain 1850s and write in their specific examples of the GA/W: In pairs, journals about how they effects of their major rivers. students will research think the families feel about what safety precautions their journey. Then, they GA/LI/PS: In groups should take place in will choose one family students will then discuss the floodplain areas. Then, member and write details population of Cahokia. They they will create about their imagination. will then use almanacs and newspaper articles other sources to help find the about a flood that is to OL: Students will present population of five or six occur and the and read what they wrote cities in their own state. precautions people about their chosen character. should take.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.6 Effects of Geography on Culture LI/PS: The class will discuss how transportation is one of the causes of change in a community. GA/S: In pairs, students will construct a small-scale model of a bridge using paper clips, straws, and toothpicks. LI/PS: Students will discuss the use of the Gateway Arch and then use parts of their body to express the symbolism of the Gateway Arch. A/GA: With partners, students will trace the growth of St. Louis and draw a scene showing pictures of the first building.

Week 17-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SS 3.9 Understand Different Understand Different Understand Different Producers and Uses of Environment Uses of Environment Uses of Environment Consumers PS/GA: Students GA/PS: The class will W/PS/GA: In groups, V/LI: Students will will consider why discuss why it would be students will write a watch a video on resources found in difficult to keep moving brief description of the Producers and nature might across the plains and be a climate in their state. Consumers. influence the farmer at the same time. Then they will research location of farms, the types of crops and LI: The teacher will towns and cities. MA/PS: The class will animals found there. launch a formal student the Farm products of explanation of GA: In groups Nebraska map and looks for PS/LI/OL: The class producers, consumers, students will create patterns in the position of the will think and list ways goods, and services. lists and will classify symbols. that the cities and the and organize six farms in a state are PS/CM/V/H: The class terms that will be W/LA/GA: In groups, related. Then they will will compile a list of used in the lesson. students will write a short discuss the fuels and producers/goods and They will use prior poem about what it is like to minerals found deep in services in their local knowledge to guess live in a place with a long, the Earth. area, including a section the meaning of each cold winter. They should on health related items. word. include the effect of the GA/W/PS: The class climate. will create a Venn R/LI: The class will Diagram to help grasp read Communities DA: Advanced learners will the similarities and Are Built Near write a story about a person differences between Resources. traveling down the river who coal and oil. visits a farm near each city.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.9 Producers and Consumers MO: Students will check items around the classroom to see where they are made. A Tally board will be made as each country is listed and tallied for each item made there. V/LI: The teacher will have a PowerPoint on the interdependence of world trade. The class will be given a picture chart with various goods and where they came from. HW: The students are to go home and look at 5 different items recording where they came from. DA/HS: Parents may help students determine where items came from.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.9 Producers and Consumers LI: The teacher will introduce the simple version of supply and demand. GA/R/CM: Students will get into their reading groups to look at a simplified article on the supply and demand of several services and their trends. The class will discuss what they read, facilitated by the teacher. V/SS: Students will watch a short video clip on the oil crisis of the 70’s.

Tuesday Day 2 JSSOL SS 3.9 Producers and Consumers GA/MA: The class will play the short “Export Game” from Super Social Studies. V/GA: The students will be shown an advertisement on tv and asked to identify the producer, good or service, and the consumer being targeted. Afterwards the students will be broken into groups and given several magazine ads. The groups will write the same information on each as they did for the tv ad. M/LS/HW: $100 dollar Consumer activity to be turned in tomorrow.

Week 19-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Wednesday Thursday Day 3 Day 4 Review & Test JSSOL SS 3.10 Day Economic Systems DA: Students with IEP will be given additional time to test

LI/MA/A: The class will listen to a song entitled Making Choices and will look at pictures to identify different items the girl may wish to have. W/PS: Students will use the information from the song and their ideas to make a list of ways that children earn, save, and spend money. W: Students will write in their journals whether they would want the same things as the girl pictured. Why or why not? LI: The teacher will read Casey at the Bat to the class. HW: Students will keep a log of money spent.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.10 Economic Systems PS: The student will begin their unit project and choose a goods or service to advertise. PS/GA: The class will research about four questions pertaining to New York City, Portland, Phoenix, and Ellicottville. GA/W: In groups, students will be given the decision to move to one of the four locations mentioned. They will use a given decision making chart and discuss and write about the considerations that go into their decision. MA/GA: The class will use pictures and captions to discuss communities.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.10 Economic Systems W/A: Students will draw pictures of the good or service they chose previously. LI/OL: The class will discuss what sequence of events is.

Week 21-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.10 JSSOL SS 3.10 JSSOL SS 3.11 Economic Systems Economic Systems Economic Choices PS: Students will make their advertisement complete by including the name, price, and why the item should be bought or used.

OL: Students will present their goods and service commercials to the class.

W/PS: Students will finish their log of money charts and OL/GA/LA: assess whether they spent Students will GA/R/LA/OL: In groups their money wisely or not. present their students will read a section sequence of on Opening a Savings PS/LI/GA: The class will events plays. Account: A Sequence of discuss different methods to Events. Then, they will create use in order to insure wise a play on the sequence of money spending. events which took place, emphasizing first, next, then OL: Students will then finally. present their log of money charts to the class and DA: Advanced students will explain if they would have use sequence clue words to spent their money differently write a paragraph about their after-school routines.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.11 Economic Choices

MA/PS: Money will be displayed in different denominations of coins and bills and students will identify each denomination.

LI/OL/PS: The class will discuss what a budget is, why people make budgets, and where. They will also discuss the terms income, spending and saving.

R/OL: The class will read Earning Spending and Saving. Then will discuss how to earn money.

LA/GA: In groups students will be provided with play money and objects for sale. They will pantomime spending, saving and earning money.

GA/PS/A/W: In pairs, students will discuss if they would use different ways than Robin to earn money. Then, they will create a poster of things that can be done each week to earn money. These posters will include pictures and writing.

M/GA/PS: The teacher will display a budget for a school’s end of the year dinner. Students will identify the savings and total budget. Then they will calculate how much is needed to meet the requirement.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.11 Economic Choices R: The class will read Saving Money. MA/PS: Students will use a newspaper advertisement to find an item to buy and then make a budget to show how one might save for it. W: In journals, students will discuss the difference between Robin’s saving plan and their saving plan. GA/A/MA: Three groups will make a mobile illustrating ways of earning saving and spending money. Students will use pictures, artifacts, captions and labels.

Week 23-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Day 2 Day 3 JSSOL SS 3.11 JSSOL SS 3.11 Economic Choices Economic Choices PS/LI/OL: Students will brainstorm ways a thirdgrader would earn money. Then, the class will discuss how these jobs might teach them about running businesses.

OL: Students will give examples of a time when they made wise choices when spending money.

R: The class will read Choosing Wisely and discuss the term Economic choice by R/OL/LI: Students will read, considering what will be Giving to the Community. The bought with a $50 prize. Also, class will discuss the reading the definition of opportunity about Mr.Goizueta and how cost will be determined. he contributed to the community. W/MA/PS: Students will make a chart to help them W/PS: Students will identify choose between two items an ordinary person in their they would like to purchase community who has started a and then compare their charts. new business. They will write HW: Students will study for a letter to the Caring Institute test. in Washington D.C. giving three reasons why they should DA: Students will instead use be selected. five words to make an economic choice.

Thursday Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.12 Significance of Government E: Students will take a test on Economic Systems and Choices.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.12 Significance of Government R: In reading groups, students will read Communities are Built for Government. LI/OL/PS: The class will discuss that locations is important for places of government by making a chart of what, who, where, and why. GA/PS/A: In groups, students will use books, magazines, newspapers, and maps to figure out why they think the nation’s capitol is located in Washington, D.C. Then, they will make a poster to illustrate their findings and present it to the class.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.12 Significance of Government LI/PS: The class will discuss why the nations capitol needs easy access because our government is run by the people. PS/W/MA: Students will describe the physical feature of where the capitol is built. Then they will compare and contrast two pictures of the capitol. (an old one and a new one). DA: Advanced students will use a map to locate the middle of the nation today. GA/S: In groups, students will research using an encyclopedia or almanac the average temperature in D.C.

Week 25-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.12 JSSOL SS 3.12 JSSOL SS 3.13 Significance of Significance of Importance of Government Government Republican Government LI: The teacher will PS/LI/OL: The class OL/PS: The class will relay the important will review the discuss the three branches contributions of Andrew, significance of of Government; the Ellicott, Benjamin government and its President, the Congress, Banneker, and Pierre location. They will and the Supreme Court. L’Enfant to the building also review the terms of the National Capitol. that were discussed at W/GA: The students will the beginning of the create an anticipation A/PS: The class will week. guide that will be used review two different during the reading to drawings of what these W/OL: Each student determine if the facts men desired the capitol will be assigned two support or contradict what too look at. Then they states. They will write they predicted. will compare the a gazetteer entry about drawings to what today’s their state capitols GA/R/PS: In reading capitol looks like. including; the name, groups, students will read, capitol, population, How the National A/PS: Students will date it became capital, Government Works. research the architecture and one interesting While reading, they will of the capitol building of fact. They will then make corrections in their their state and then draw present their findings. anticipation guide also a detailed picture of the The class will bind all writing down specific building. 50 state Gazetteer’s in pages that their alphabetical order. verifications were found.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.13 Importance of Republican Government LI: The teacher will relate the three branches of government to their own community, discussing their community’s government and who leads the government. DA: Students acquiring English will use separate index cards to writ the definition of terms. W/GA: The class will discuss what the president’s duties are. They will write these duties on the board. GA/W: In groups, students will create a time line of 5 different presidents.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.13 Importance of Republican Government

Tuesday Day 2 JSSOL SS 3.13 Importance of Republican Government PS/GA/W: The class will put W: Students will write these presidents in order. specific questions They will research and find about the voting one accomplishment of each process that they want president during their answered in order to service. do their own voting process. LI/OL: The class will discuss the responsibilities of GA/OL/LI: A each citizen. They will also member of a specific discuss the election process civic group will attend and importance of it. class and explain the voting process that GA/PS: The class will do takes place when their own election. First, choosing someone for students will be divided into president of their civic groups. Today, they will group. Students will decide which person in their be provided with a group is going to be the time to ask their representative of the group. questions about he voting process.

Week 27-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Wednesday Thursday Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 Importance of Republican Importance of Government Republican Government GA/OL/LI: The class will discuss different issues that could be dealt with through this class election process such as; bathroom rules. GA: Groups will be provided time to discuss what the main points that their leader is going to touch point on. LI/OL: The class will begin discussing the importance of Congress and the two parts of Congress; House of Representatives and Senate.

GA: With groups, using provided materials, students will begin creating election posters and slogans. R/GA: In groups, students will read Congress Makes New Laws. W/PS: Students will individually find the names and addresses of their representatives. They will then write a letter asking for a picture, how long they have been in office, the issue that the representative is most concerned with and any other questions thought necessary.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.13 Importance of Republican Government MA/W: Students will be provided with maps and trace with their fingers the states that have only one representative and ones with 30 or more. In journals students will discuss the reasoning. DA: Students will look in the newspaper for articles that discuss the president or congress. PS/GA/A: The class will discuss what the Supreme Court does; interprets laws. As a class the students will read The Supreme Court Interprets Laws. Explain that some judges still have wigs and in groups have students make their own wigs out of yarn.

Week 29-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 SOL TESTING Importance of Importance of Importance of Republican Government Republican Government Republican Government GA: The class will GA/PS/OL/W: The E: The class will take a finish making the class voting will occur. test to assess the section materials and speeches One person will be on Importance of needed for their voting assigned as the Republican process. organizer of speakers. Government. The representatives will GA/PS: The class will give their speeches. participate in a game Then the class will vote about the constitutional in a voting booth for the convention organized in best representative. the classroom. GA: In groups, students will create a chart that shows how the national government works. R/OL: The class will read or listen to the news reports to identify a real problem in our nation. In groups, the students will decide how the problem should be solved and then share with the class.

Friday Day 5 SOL TESTING

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.14 Diversity of Americans CM/M/CZ: The teacher will conduct an in class survey and the results will be made into a graph on Excel. The teacher will discuss the differences even among the class, and encourage the class to be individuals reminding them they are all unique. V/LI: The students will watch a video about the U.S.A being a “melting pot”. HW/CL: Students will be given an assignment to trace their heritage.

Week 31-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.14 JSSOL SS 3.14 JSSOL SS 3.14 Diversity of Americans Diversity of Americans Diversity of Americans W: Students will have a writing prompt on how they spend Christmas and Thanksgiving including all family traditions. W/V: Students will continue work on their heritage project organizing their information and making a final draft. Students should think of a prop to bring in to accompany their presentations.

OL/CL: The class will hear the short presentations of each student’s background and ancestors. Each student will get 1 to 2 minutes to share. DA: Students who may feel more comfortable reading, rather than memorizing can use index cards to present their background.

OL/CL/LI/CM: Any unfinished presentations will go. The class will then discuss the various backgrounds, places, and/or traditions involved in the speeches. A: The class will make a large poster map of all the countries represented in the backgrounds of the class.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.14 Diversity of Americans LI/V: The teacher will read Snow in Jerusalem. LA/CM: The students will complete a character web of the 2 boys and their various differences. The class will discuss the story. V/CL: The class will watch a video about how Americans celebrate different traditions including Jewish and Muslim holidays from the story.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.15 Native Americans LI: The teacher will explain what the term “native American” means. LA: The students will complete a KWL sheet including information on the past lessons with Columbus and the Indians. V :The students will watch a general video on Indian tribes.

Week 33-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.15 JSSOL SS 3.15 JSSOL SS 3.15 Native Americans Native Americans Native Americans MU/CM/LI: Students will hear recordings of music from Native American tradition. The class will discuss what they noticed about the music.

V/CL: The students will watch a video on the most common tribes in Virginia and their specific customs and traditions.

CI/LI: A speaker from LI: The teacher will the Virginia Native give a PowerPoint American Cultural presentation on the three Center will come in and largest North American give a presentation tribes, and the general allowing students to ask customs: religious questions. beliefs, hunting, shelter, etc.

A: Students will create an Indian name for DA: Gifted students will themselves and be make a brochure on one called this by classmates of the presented tribes. all week.

V/W: Students will look at a handout of various Indian crafts and lore. The students will complete a worksheet describing the differences of each craft for the different tribes. A/LI/MA: The teacher will present a lesson on the symbols used to make up an Indian’s face. Students will have a face cut from a paper bag, and will choose symbols to paint or draw on their face. W: The students will complete a writing activity on “An Indian Journey”

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.15 Native Americans MO/A/CL: Students will take a field trip to Amazement Square and in particular spend a lot of time with the Monacan Indian exhibit. The students will be given a list of questions to answer from the displays in a scavenger hunt format. LA: Students will finish their KWL charts.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.16 Location of Native Americans Northeast LI/V: The teacher will introduce the Iroquois League: (Mohawk, Onondaga, Seneca,Oneida, and Cayuga) V/W: Students will see a short clip about the hero, Hiawatha and answer a few questions in their notebook afterwards. LA/LI: The class will be read a poem on the hero by Henry Longfellow.

Week 35-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.16 JSSOL SS 3.16 JSSOL SS 3.16 Location of Native Location of Native Location of Native Americans Americans Americans Southeast Plains Southwest V/LI/CM: The teacher will show a video on “The Five Civilized Tribes” The teacher will facilitate a discussion about what made these Indians to be considered civilized. A/SS: Students will create a timeline of events with these tribes interactions with the U.S. DA: Students who have trouble writing small, may use a word processor to write out their events.

R/GA: The students will break into groups and will be given 10 minutes to research a given tribe of the great plains.

V/LI: Students will watch a video on the warrior tradition of the Southeast Indians, particularly the Nvajo, Apache, and the Pueblo Indians.

OL/LI: Each group will present their tribe in a 1- A/LA: The students will 2 minute presentation. do an artifact study on items by these tribes: R/CL/LA: Students will whips, kachina dolls, read an old newspaper ceremonial bows and account of the Massacre arrows, etc. at Wounded Knee and write a guided journal R: The students will entry. read a story about the warrior Geronimo from the Apaches.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.16 Location of Native Americans Great Basin LI: The teacher will give a lesson on the similarities and differences between its nine tribes. R: Students will read a short story about Indian women and how they care for their babies. HW/E: The class will be handed out a worksheet with the various basket and beadwork of the basin Indians. The students will be asked to match them.

Legend: A-art CI-community involvement CL-cultural literacy and diversity CM-communication CZ-citizenship DA-differentiation/accom E-evaluation GA-group activity L-literacy LA-language arts LI-listening LS-life skills HS-collaboration with families HW-homework M-math

MA-manip. activity MO-movement/physical activity MU-music OL-oral language PS-problem solving R-reading S-science SS-social studies T-technology TX-text V-Visual W-writing

Works Cited: Caselli, Giovanni. (1985) The Renaissance and the New World. New York: Peter Bedrick Books Doherty, Gillian & Claybourne, Anna. (2001) The Usborne Book of Peoples of the World. New York: Scholastic Inc. da Costa, D. (2001). Snow in Jerusalem. Germany: Whitman Albert & Co. Murdoch, David. (1995) North American Indians. New York: Dorling Kindersley Publishing Van Tine, Elizabeth & (Various Authors). (1999) Super Social Studies! New York: Scholastic Inc. Tidd, Charles & Sullivan, George. (1993) Essential Map Skills. Maplewood, New Jersey: Hammond Inc. Marsh, Carole. (1997) Virginia Indians!: A Kid’s Look at Our State’s Chiefs, Tribes, Reservations, Powwows, Lore & More. Gallopade Int. Hunt, Ben W. (1954) Indian Crafts and Lore. Racine, WI: Western Publishing Company, Inc. Frazee, Bruce & Guardia, William. (1994) Helping Your Children with Maps & Globes. Glenview, IL: GoodYearBooks Harris, Nicholas. (2002) People of the World. Michigan: Blackbirch Press Boehm, Richard G. (1997) Living in Our World. New York: Harcout Brace & co. Bednarz, Sarah (1997) Share Our World. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Foresman, Scott (2005) Social Studies Communities. New York. Pearson Education Inc. Wolff, Jean (1993) Hands On Social Studies. Grand Rapids: Instructional Fair, Inc.

Begun, Ruth Weltmann (1995) Social Skills Lessons and Activities. San Francisco: Jossy-Bass. Forte, Imogene (1996) Integrating Instruction in Social Studies. Nashville: Incentive Publications.

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