3 Mink Weaver Math Charts

  • November 2019
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Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.2 Round Whole Numbers to Nearest Ten and Hundred GA/LI/PS: The class will discuss the term estimation. Also, the teacher will instruct what benchmark numbers are. MA/PS/OL: The students will compare two jars of jellybeans and discuss why estimation would be used instead of counting. Reasons will be written on the board. GA/MA: In pairs the students will be given a bag of chips and asked to use a benchmark to estimate the total number in a bag of chips. W: Each student will write in their journals how they came to their conclusion.

Week 1-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.2 JSSOL SS 3.2 JSSOL SS 3.2 Round Whole Numbers to Round Whole Numbers Round Whole Numbers Nearest Ten and Hundred to Nearest Ten and to Nearest Ten and Hundred Hundred LI: The teacher will MU: The class will sing MU: The class will sing explain that in order to the song, “Round it the song, “Round it estimate, one must round it off”. off”. to the nearest 10s or 100s. LI/T: The teacher will OL/LI/CC: Students OL: The class will discuss use the Elmo to explain will read their letters. the importance of rounding how to use a number in comparison to money. line for the purpose of W/PS: The students rounding to the 100s will write their own MA/GA: The students will position. definition of estimation make a “Paper Chain” and and rounding in their number it 30-40, which MA/GA: The class will math notebooks. They will be used to help round produce a floor number will also round their to the 10s position. line using masking tape birth year to the nearest and markers. The 100s. MU/LI: The students will number line will be listen to the song entitled labeled from 500 to GA/LA: In pairs, the “Round it off” 600. students will solve 3 riddles about rounding, HW: The students will do W/PS: After creating and then they will the “Make an Estimate” the number line the create their own riddle. worksheet. students will write a DA: Manipulative can be letter to a friend about PS: Students will do a used for worksheet. how to use the floor worksheet “The Best number line. Estimate”.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.2 Round Whole Numbers to Nearest Ten and Hundred MU: The class will sing the song, “Round it off”. MA: With the newspaper, the teacher will show examples of rounding. GA/A/PS: In groups, students will find 10 examples of rounding in newspapers and magazines. The groups will construct posters of their findings indicating whether the number is rounded. T: The students will be allowed to use the computers to play “Rounding to the Nearest 10’s, 100’s” and “Math Gulf”.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.4 Computing Two and Three Digit Addition/Subtraction LI/MO/MA: The teacher will read Anno’s Counting House to the class. Five girls and five boys will be asked to help act out the story, while the class uses M&Ms as a personal illustration. W/PS: The students will write a paragraph in their journals explaining to a 2nd grader how to decide whether to add or subtract. GA/OL: As a class, the students will discuss what they have learned about addition and subtraction in prior grades. DA: Students can draw pictures of what is done for a 2nd grader.

Week 2-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.4 JSSOL SS 3.4 JSSOL SS 3.4 Computing Two and Three Computing Two and Computing Two and Digit Addition/Subtraction Three Digit Three Digit Addition/Subtraction Addition/Subtraction MA/MO: Students will GA/MA/PS: One OL/MO: In pairs, the each have 10 marbles. In student will place a students will act out a pairs, the teacher will ask group of pennies on a shopping activity and the students to act out 2 desk; another student answer two questions different statements given. will place the same from the board asking (ex. Partner B gives number in another who spent more and Partner A two marbles. group. Students will explaining whether it is How many marbles does write an addition the same action. each have?) sentence telling how many are in total. LI: The teacher will W: The students will write explain to the class the definitions on their LI/OL: The class will different properties of vocabulary cards and the discuss doubles and numbers. teacher will explain doubles plus one. The each.(addends, sum, and teacher will illustrate GA/W/LA: In groups opposite operation) examples on the board. of 4, students will write stories about a situation GA/PS/MA: Pairs will GA/MA: Students will in daily life where the invent and play a game play “Double Time!” in order of doing things with cards numbered 1-12 groups of three. changes the result. involving sums of 20. PS/W: Students will do W/PS: In the same an activity sheet entitled groups the students will “Addition, Doubles and work on “Mental Math: Doubles plus one. Order and Zero”

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.4 Computing Two and Three Digit Addition/Subtraction GA/MA/MO: The teacher will have a group of 11 students come up to help illustrate combining groups and introduce parenthesis. LI: The teacher will further explain the process of adding three numbers together. A/W: A group of photographs will be displayed. Students will write short stories about the photos including addition number sentences. PS: The students will compare their equations to feature the Commutative and Associative Properties.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.4 Computing Two and Three Digit Addition/Subtraction LI/OL/W: The class will discuss the meaning of subtraction and write the definition in their vocabulary cards. LI: The teacher will read Zero: Is it Something? Is it Nothing? GA/MA/W: The teacher will do an activity with a group of students to help illustrate zero and subtraction, while students write problems on their marker boards. PS/W: The students will do a worksheet entitled “Subtraction Rules” . DA: Write Subtraction rules out on self-stick paper for worksheet.

Week 3-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.4 JSSOL SS 3.4 JSSOL SS 3.4 Computing Two and Three Computing Two and Computing Two and Digit Addition/Subtraction Three Digit Three Digit Addition/Subtraction Addition/Subtraction LI/OL: The class will OL/LI: Volunteers OL/LI: The class will review the term regroup. will read their journal discuss the term homework. regrouping and add it A/PS: Students will create a to their vocabulary mosaic-type design on grid OL/LI/W: The class cards. paper. They will then will discuss the terms estimate how many squares estimate and MO/PS: The students of each color were used in difference and add it will find the difference their design. to their vocabulary in their resting and cards. active pulse rates. LI: The teacher will guide the students in learning how MA: The teacher will LI/MA: The teacher to subtract for digit numbers. use the floor number will illustrate line to show how to regrouping by using PS/MA: Students will estimate the base ten blocks. practice subtracting on grid difference in 10 paper, writing each digit in a problems. PS/GA/MA: In pairs, separate square, following students will explain the steps necessary. W/PS: The students regrouping tens and will do a worksheet hundreds subtraction PS/W: Students will do a entitled “Estimate using base ten blocks. worksheet entitled “Subtract Differences”, using Greater Numbers” the Number Sense HW: Worksheet activity. “Regroup Tens”.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.4 Computing Two and Three Digit Addition/Subtraction OL/LI: The class will review the term zero. GA/SS: In groups, the students will find the ages of ten famous people using their birth year. MA/LI: The teacher will illustrate how to subtract across zero’s using base ten blocks. GA/PS/OL: In pairs students will explain how to do three subtraction problems that involve subtracting across zeros. W: Students will explain one problem in their journals. HW: Worksheet “Subtract Across Zeros.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.3 Comparing Greater, Less Than and Equal to A: The teacher will draw comparing pools on the board which will have varying amounts of fish. LI: The teacher will then use a paper crocodile head to model and explain the concept of what greater than means. MA: Students will cut out and color crocodile heads. They will use these to determine and munch the larger school of fish on a worksheet. DA: For students who have trouble using scissors, a precut crocodile is available.

Week 4-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.3 JSSOL SS 3.3 JSSOL SS 3.3 Comparing Greater, Comparing Greater, Comparing Greater, Less Than and Equal to Less Than and Equal to Less Than and Equal to MO: The teacher will divide up the class and they will become the inequality of one side being greater than the other. She will put the numbers up on the board and move students around for separate problems. GA: Students will be placed in groups and given classroom scales. They will be given comparative sets and will need to determine which one is greater. E/M: Students will then create their own greater than questions by using the objects in their sets to compare. Groups will exchange worksheets to test out these inequalities.

LI: Students will be given cards with varying numbers of apples on them. Next the teacher will explain the concept of less than to the class while they follow along with a set of short notes. MO: The teacher will put a large less than symbol on the board and place students to the right or left of the symbol depending on their apple number HW: The students will open up their math notebooks and copy down problems for homework.

MA: Students will be given classroom coins. Money amounts will be placed on the board and the students will have to form this amount using so many quarters and dimes, using only nickels and dimes, etc.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.3 Comparing Greater, Less Than and Equal to LI/LA: The teacher will read The Best Bug Parade.

E: An activity sheet will be given for the students to organize their own parade of animals by sizes. To figure out the parade LI/LS: The teacher will then use these examples to succession, students illustrate the concept of will have to complete equality. Though coins inequalities relating to may be different the the animals. amounts are still the same. E: Students will be given a worksheet with a jumble of items. They will need to take each section and divide them into equal numbers.

OL/LI: Students will place animal names on the board in the order of the parade. Each student who puts one on the board will share the inequality associated with that animal.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.3 Using Greater, Less Than and Equal to Symbols E: Students will be given a matching activity sheet with blank inequality statements. They will match the statement to the correct symbol. T: While students work on their activity sheet small groups of students will proceed to the computer station and play education inequality games. CI: A local nurse will come in and speak on the importance of absolutely knowing these terms. She will explain how equal dosages and amounts affect hospital life.

Week 5-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.3 JSSOL SS 3.3 JSSOL SS 3.3 Using Greater, Less Using Greater, Less Using Greater, Less Than and Equal to Than and Equal to Than and Equal to Symbols Symbols Symbols LI: The teacher will M: Students will learn a PS/L: A chart including song about greater than, introduce a festival project. all classmates’ names less than, and equal to. will be given with CM: Students will work on fictional information on picking out which events L/PS: Students will be the results of events at they are over; pie eating contest, relays, etc. They will the festival. Students given short passages need to display their and asked to solve will use this methods of determining less which symbol each is information to than or greater than asking for. determine who wins the depending on their event. event they are in charge W/M/A: Students will write MO: The teacher will of. a paragraph on their event facilitate a game of and the inequality math “Around the World” M/R/OL: Students will involved in it along with using inequalities. organize this illustrating it. information DA: For students who may numerically, and not draw well, clip art is present the results for available to accompany their each event in class. paragraph

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.3 Using Greater, Less Than and Equal to Symbols CZ: Printed certificates will be given to each student for managing their event. LI: The teacher will have a class discussion about how some events win with being less than, or the least amount in something, and vise versa having been greater than in something. The teacher will also point out that there were some ties, or equal standings. E: The students will then take a quiz on all three inequality symbols.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.4 Relationships Between Addition/Subtraction and Multiplication/ Division OL/LI/W: The class will discuss the term fact family and add it to their vocabulary cards. GA/A: In groups, students will create a poster to illustrate fact family of two related addition and two subtraction sentences. MA/LI: The teacher will relate addition and subtraction problems using Big Daddy’s (candy). W/PS: Students will work at the board, finding related facts. HW: Journal entry on how addition can help subtract, with examples.

Week 6-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.4 JSSOL SS 3.4 JSSOL SS 3.4 Relationships Between Relationships Between Relationships Between Addition/Subtraction and Addition/Subtraction and Addition/Subtraction and Multiplication/ Division Multiplication/ Division Multiplication/ Division MA: The students will MA/T: The teacher will MA/OL/LI: The class use snap cubes to model use strips of stickers on the will use a loaf of bread to addition and subtraction Elmo to illustrate discuss how long twentyand their similarities. multiplication as repeated four slices would last. division. GA/W: In pairs, the W/PS: In their journals, students will use number GA/MA/W: In pairs, students will make up 5 cards 1-9, and =, +, - to students will use strips of word problems involving write addition and stickers to develop planning meals and subtraction sentences multiplication sentences. repeated subtraction. reusing the same numbers. W/PS: The pairs will then PS/GA/W: In pairs, explain in their journals students will exchange W/PS: Students will do how they used addition to their notebooks and solve the worksheet entitled multiply, providing the word problems “Relate Addition and examples. dealing with meal Subtraction”. planning. HW: Students will do the W/GA: As a class, the worksheet entitled, “Model MA/PS: The class will similarities between Multiplication as Repeated use snap cubes to do 10 addition and subtraction Division” for Homework. division problems using will be written on the repeated subtraction. board and in their math journals.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.4 Relationships Between Addition/Subtraction and Multiplication/ Division MO/MA/GA: The class will use the floor number line and physically jump backwards from 10. GA/A: In groups, students will create posters with number lines illustrating division using subtraction. GA/MO: Each group, will physically illustrate their division sentence by using the floor number line, jumping the spaces necessary. PS/W: The students will do the worksheet entitled, “Model Division as Repeated Subtraction. DA: point to the spaces on the number line for physically impaired.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.5 Fine Place Value With Equivalent Fractions and Use Divided regions LI/CM: The teacher will discuss how equal and equivalent are related. LI/T: Students will observe a PowerPoint presentation on this. CM/PS: The class and teacher will spend time thinking of sets for each. These will be put on the board.

Week 7-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.5 JSSOL SS 3.5 JSSOL SS 3.5 Fine Place Value With Fine Place Value With Fine Place Value With Equivalent Fractions Equivalent Fractions Equivalent Fractions and Use Divided and Use Divided and Use Divided regions regions regions MA/LI: Students will be A: Students will color MA: Students will be given fraction strips and pizzas and cut the slices given fraction circles. out. The teacher will explain continue learning the common fractions like, ¼, how these are used. 1/5, 1/8 etc. MA: Students will work with pizzas to discover HW: Students will MA/E: Students will use all the pieces make 1 work out of their their strips to go through a whole, and individual practice book to form worksheet filling in pieces make less than 1 each of the fractions. equivalent fractions. whole or a fraction of the pizza. LI: Students will learn GA/A/PS/M: Students will get into pairs and use overlap today. For their strips to build LI: The teacher will example ½ pizza = 4 fraction houses. They will work mainly with slices (4/8) list what fraction portions halves, i.e.: ½ pizza, ½ they used to build their of 4 slices, etc. house and mark how many wholes within each fraction portion were then used.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.5 Fine Place Value With Equivalent Fractions and Use Divided regions E: The students will take a quiz on equal and equivalent fractions. LI: The teacher will bring in pizzas for the students. They will incorporate the tens place, ones place, and a fractional portion. After a brief lesson, students will be courteous and only take 2 pieces. DA: For students with food allergies, alternative snacks will be available.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.5 Read/Write Decimals

Week 8-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.5 JSSOL SS 3.5 JSSOL SS 3.5 Read/Write Decimals Read/Write Decimals Read/Write Decimals

LA/R/LI: The teacher will read Inchworm and a Half.

LI: The teacher will work with students and explain the tenths place.

LI: The teacher will introduce the hundredths place.

A/LI: The students will decorate their own segmented inchworm. Then the teacher will explain that each of these fractions and measurements has a decimal value. Students will label the common ones on their worm.

MA/LI: The teacher will pull out the classroom money and do examples with plastic dimes expressed in cents. (Working only with tenths)

MA/LI: The teacher will bring out classroom pennies and explain that it takes 100 pennies to make a dollar.

LI: The teacher will introduce students to the number line for decimals.

LI: Students will be taught how to write out the decimal and will read aloud through board examples how they are said.

LI/LA/CL: The teacher will read Olympic Math. (dealing with decimals and percents)

E/L: The students will complete a worksheet converting decimals in the hundredths to words and words into the decimals.

LS: Students will be given index cards and will be shown how to make place value charts and write down the simple way to remember how to make something into a percent value. (Students should keep these esp. for tomorrow’s activity)

HW: Students will have a short assignment including the tenths and the hundredths places.

E: The teacher will give students a worksheet about converting decimal to percent.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.5 Read/Write Decimals LS/GA: The teacher will pass out a price list from a local grocery store. Students will break into groups and pick items off the list for making a salad. They will use the prices to figure out how much it would cost to make their salads to the nearest hundredth. Students may use their charts for this. DA: ESL students may be put with advanced learners for extra help. HW/PS: Inspired by the reading yesterday, students will be asked to complete an Olympics puzzle sheet where participants’ times must be calculated to determine winners.

Week 9-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.6 JSSOL SS 3.6 JSSOL SS 3.6 JSSOL SS 3.6 Comparing Two Comparing Two Comparing Two Comparing Two Fractions Fractions Fractions Fractions LI/W: Students will LI: The teacher will LI: Students will hear a follow along with taking W/LI: Students will take have a balance at the riddle about who chews notes on a handout with notes on comparing and front of class. She will more gum. fraction terms such ordering, to become show the students how denominator, numerator, familiar with the ¼ L of mercury(secured W/TX: Students will etc. terminology. containor) weighs more receive a diagram and R/LA: The teacher will MA/E: Students will have than a ½ L of water. The will fill in the teacher will explain appropriate information read Go, Fractions! laminated number lines what has happened from text problems. passed out. They will be here. E: The teacher will give given simple fractions to MA/PS: Students will out an activity sheet. compare. Students may Students will take their turn the whole number W/R: Students will go use their individual highlighters and match the line into fractional through a packet and erase boards to compare corresponding parts to numbers, like 1/8, 2/8, use their greater than, fractions in a story their fractions. 3/8… less than, and equal to about two roommates symbols to indicate who talk on the phone. what’s the comparison with fractions. DA: Hearing impaired students can get a written copy of the riddle

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.6 Comparing Two Fractions A: Students will get plain wooden blocks in which they will number all the sides 1-6 and color. LI/MA: The teacher will call out fractions and the students will lay out the full number of blocks or the denominator and turn over the amount in the numerator to make fractions. PS: There will be sets of fractions on the board and students will use their blocks to order the fractions from smallest to largest.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.7 Multiplication of Whole Numbers GA/MA: In groups, students will use pictures numbers and words to show each word on a poster (array, factors, and product) W: Students will write the definitions on their vocabulary note cards.

Week 11-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SS 3.7 Multiplication of Whole Multiplication of Whole Multiplication of Whole Numbers Numbers Numbers LI/OL: The class will MU/W: Students will MA/PS/SS: Students will review the term factors and count and record use a grip paper and product; they will label the measures of songs using write five 4 letter codes factor and product on the sheet music (they are into the columns. They board. grouped by four). will decode them. W: Students will write the definition on their vocabulary note cards.

A: Students will create tile arrays with the same designs.

MA/PS: Students will use their personal number lines to skip step their fingers on the factors of two.

SS/MA: Using stamps in a stamp book the teacher will discuss multiplication using arrays.

T/MA/LI: On the Elmo the teacher will use quarters to discuss how many Rachel has if she has 2 quarters form 6 states.

LI: The class will listen to “Times Tables Blues”. DA: Pictures can be draw on definition cards.

HW: Students will do a worksheet entitled “Multiply with 2”.

GA/PS: In groups of four, the teacher will instruct the groups to team up and the class will answer questions as to the number of students in groups and how many groups in each team. LI: The teacher will use three students and 4 sports cards. She will explain that they are going to trade their three favorite. Discussing how many need to be traded. W/PS: Students will do a worksheet entitled, “Multiply with 4.”

MA/PS: With their number lines, students will practice skip counting to find the product of 5X5. MA/LI: Using four boxes with five rocks. The teacher will illustrate how many rocks she has in total. LI: The class will listen to “Times Table Blues” (Specifically the fives section) W: Journal entry, an way to help them remember the five times tables

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.7 Multiplication of Whole Numbers LI/MA: The teacher will explain how many toy cars she has by putting 10 cars on 4 tables. LI: The class will listen to “Times Table Blues” PS/OL/GA: Students will skip count by tens, name the groups and match the numbers in the patterns, then write multiplication facts to match the counting pattern. PS/W: Students will do a worksheet entitled “Multiply with 10” S/W: Students will measure their heart rate for six seconds and multiply it by 10.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.7 Multiplication of Whole Numbers MA/LI: The teacher will illustrate Multiplication with one through the use of 6 bags of marbles each containing 1.The teacher will illustrate the zero property using four empty marble bags. GA/OL: The students will discuss with a partner about how to multiply with 1 and 0. W: The students will both choose the Property of One or the Zero Property for Multiplication and make a list of examples to show the pattern. HW: The students will do the worksheet entitled “Multiply with 1 and 0”.

Week 12-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Day 2 Day 3 JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SS 3.7 Multiplication of Whole Multiplication of Whole Numbers Numbers W: The students will add LI: The teacher will read, Factor and Product to their “Amanda Bean’s Amazing vocabulary cards. Dream”. LI/OL: The teacher will introduce the use of tables in everyday life such as bus schedules.

MA/LI: The teacher will illustrate multiplying with three by using water bottles. They will explain that a hike is about to take place, each of the five people are going to take three.

Thursday Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.7 Multiplication of Whole Numbers PS/S: The students will make up problems about weights of objects on the moon and Earth. (gravity is 6 times more on the earth)

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.7 Multiplication of Whole Numbers MA/GA: In pairs, students will make calendars with 10 weeks; the calendar will show the total number of days in each number of weeks.

LI/OL:The teacher will explain multiplication of MA/LI: The teacher OL/PS: The class will 6 using arrays and a story will illustrate determine the next bus problem. multiplying with 7 arrival. through the use of an MO/PS/OL/LI: In array, repeated T/MA/LI: The teacher will W: The students will write groups, the students will addition, and objects. use the Elmo and grid in their journal an create a skit to explain paper to explain a explanation to a younger multiplication of 6. GA/MA/A: In groups multiplication table and friend how to multiply with the students will patterns that can be found. 3. W: The students will creatively make a write 3 different ways of poster with the seven’s W/PS: Each student will HW: The student will do multiplying in their table. create their own the worksheet entitled, journals and show multiplication table. “Multiply with 3”. examples with the six HW: The students will DA: Grid paper will be times tables. do a work sheet entitled provided if needed. “Multiply with 7”.

Week 13 Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SS 3.7 14 Math Chart Multiplication of Whole Multiplication of Whole Week Multiplication of Whole Division of Whole Division of Whole Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Numbers Numbers Numbers Numbers Numbers Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fridaywill LI: The teacher will read, LI: The teacher will LI/OL/W: The teacher will LI: The teacher will read LI/A: The teacher Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 5 might “Each Orange Had 8 Slices”. illustrate how to multiply introduce the term associative “The Doorbell Rang”. discuss howDay an artist by nineJSSOL by using and commutative use multiplication JSSOL SS 3.7 SSboth 3.7 JSSOL SSthe 3.7students JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SSor3.7 LI: The students willNumbers listen to hands. will Division write themofonWhole their W:Division The classof will write division to arrange tiles in Division of Whole Division of Whole Whole Division of Whole Times Table Blues vocabulary cards. The teacher the term division on a rows and columns. Numbers Numbers Numbers Numbers (specifically portion with LI/OL: TheThe classteacher will will explain the steps vocabulary card. LI/OL: Thethe teacher will LI/T/MA: MA/LI: Using foodused to W/PS: The students will GA/MA: The class will 8). different to multiply three numbers. Students create illustrate how to divide by 2 discuss will explain howways to divide cans, The teacher will make a list of three words A:be dividedwill into two their multiply when 9 is the LI/OL: The students will own designs using with repeated subtraction, by 5 and 10 by using the introduce the special (trio, triple, ext.). Then, use groups each having a MA: The teacher will bring in factor GA/MA: The students will explore two separate multiplication, division, equal groups, and rules that uses and when word a sentence chess board. They will a bug collection of 4related spiders on Elmo, dimes and pennies. divide into one 3 groups will the ways to in divide using a that paste, and construction multiplication fact. dividing with 0 and 1. conveys the idea of equal have to answer the a board and explain how many GA: In pairs, students will place 5 cupcakes on 2 plates model. paper. W/A: In their journals, groups. problem; 16 pieces are legs there are in total. play a game entitled, and give it to each group. MA/GA: Twelve students students will write or LA/MO: In groups the in twoUsing rows.counters, How many “Coloring Counts”. LI/MA: The teacher will MA/LI: the will gostudents to the front and the students act out MA/LI: repeated pieceswill areillustrate in each arow? A: The will make two draw pictures describing W: In theirwill journals, each illustrateUsing how to divide teacher spiderswill outhelp of Styrofoam balls W/PS: students do group will explain how many subtraction using snap and cubes. multiplication problem. class them divide how toThe divide 35 bywill 5 and examples of dividing making and pipe cleaners to illustrate the worksheet entitled, cupcakes there are and their Then the teacher show into pairs. 70 by 10. with 1 and 0. equal groups the teacher MA/LI: Usingwill teddy 16 legs. “Multiply by 9”. process. HW: The students will do how to make it into a will illustrate how to divide grahams, the teacher “The3Meaning division problem.how to W: The students will write a MA/PS: The teacher will A/PS: Students will using and 6 of will illustrate GA/MU: The students HW: studentsinwill HW: do the Division” worksheet. word problem in theirwill createThe lightning the makeThe up students 10 food will labels divide by 4 and 8, work together to find the create a table that has a odd numbers of “Multiply W: Journal Entry about a journals that can be solved classroom by flickering that indicate 2 servings MO: The teacher will while the students use number of bars in must needed column with the factors of Three Numbers”. DA: Snap cube will be description of how to use using by 2.tune with the the students and 1 serving. They will present a simple swing their own teddy to writedividing out an 8-bar ninelights; and a column for the multiplication to find the provided for HW. will be required to count choose any amount for dance to the class to do grahams. 6 verses. product of nine. quotient of 36 divided by HW: The students will do the seconds that it takes the whole. Then, they (done in six beats). The four. the worksheet entitled, for the BOOM to come. will use division to find students will determine MA/T: In pairs, “Divide by 2”. The students will divide the amount of each how many steps were taken students will play DA: visual difficulties will the seconds by 5. serving. by division. “Math Scramble”. be provided with a large printed worksheet. HW: Students will do HW: Students will do W: Students will write in HW: Students will do even problems of, page 279 of Division their journals an the odd problems of “Divide by 5” and Rules. explanation to a friend “Divide by 4” and “Divide by 10”. about how to divide by 3 “divide by 8”. and 6.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.7 Division of Whole Numbers LI: The teacher will read “17 Kings and 42 Elephants”. MA/LI/PS: With gems and rings, the teacher will illustrate how to divide by 7 and 9, while the students practice with their own gems and rings. PS/W: The students will create their own baseball problem that involves dividing with nine (9 innings, 9 players, ext.) MA/T: The class will play “Fridge Magnets”. W/PS: The students will make their own quiz and answer sheet, with division problems using 7 and 9.

Week 15 Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Day 2 Day 3 JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SS 3.7 Division of Whole Division of Whole Numbers Numbers LI/OL/W: The class will LI/OL/W: The class will discuss the meaning of discuss the meaning of the the word operation and term number sentence and write it in their write it in their vocabulary vocabulary note cards. note cards. W: The students will list chores they do at home that suits a problem using addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.

LI/MA: The teacher will introduce the Four-Step procedure to solve problems using number sentences.

W/GA/PS: The student will write a story problem and trade it with their partner, who will have to decide what operation to use and solve it.

PS/LI: The teacher will then guide the students in solving a number sentence problem.

HW: Students will do the work sheet entitled “Choose the Option.

W: In their journals, students will write a word problem that can be solved by writing a multiplication sentence.

Thursday Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.7 Division of Whole Numbers LI/SS/W/ PS: The teacher will explain Profit dividends and use small numbers to present a dividend situation. LI: The teacher will explain how to use a multiplication table to divide. PS/MA: In pairs, students will use multiplication tables to answer the questions in “Divide Using a Multiplication Table” W: In journals, students will write a division fact and how it is related to a multiplication fact.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.7 Division of Whole Numbers MA/GA/LI/OL: Multiplication and Division PARTY!!

Week 16-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Wednesday Thursday Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.8 JSSOL SS 3.8 Story Problems Story Problems

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.8 Story Problems

Tuesday Day 2 JSSOL SS 3.8 Story Problems

LI/CL: The teacher will point out that everyday life is full of math. The teacher will read aloud a story called Bamboo Hats and a Rice Cake See if students can find the math problem in the story, guide them if needed.

LI/S/SS: Students will watch a video about the world around them and the magical world of math.

A/W/M: Have students write a sequel to the story in which the number and type of gifts offered to the statues are different. Also, have them write and solve their own math problem.

LI/LS: The teacher and class will work through some basic story problems together, identifying each of the operations present and the math involved. LA/W: Students will write a journal entry about 3 everyday things or event that would involve math, and at least 2 separate operations.

CI/LI: The local cabinet maker will come in and explain why he must use math everyday to get his measurements just right and what kinds of math he does. MU/MO:Students will learn the math operation song to the tune of the hokey pokey. LI/HW: The teacher will do an example on the board of what an illustrated story problem looks like and will have students start a worksheet on their own. DA: Disabled students can learn alternative hand motions for the song, instead of singing and dancing.

MA/GA/PS: The teacher will bring in uncolored game boards for today’s lesson. Students will color it and break into pairs. Students will have to answer math questions based on a story to move along in the game. T: Students will be working with a math program on the computers in the center today, and printing out the problems they have worked on.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.8 Story Problems PS: Students will try and solve the teacher’s master math problem to figure out a classroom mystery. E/PS:There will be a test on story problems. Students may use any of the methods we’ve used in class but must show all of their work. No homework for the weekend!

Week 17-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.8 JSSOL SS 3.8 JSSOL SS 3.8 JSSOL SS 3.8 Decimals Expressed As Decimals Expressed As Decimals Expressed As Decimals Expressed As Tenths Tenths Tenths Tenths LI: Students will have a GA/R/OL/CM: MA: Students will have A/PS: Students will review of reading and Students will be broken practice exercises with have a coloring math writing decimals. into groups of 3 and their base ten blocks. blaster worksheet. each given a different Students can only blast MO/HW: The teacher Olympic event’s times HW/PS/R/LS: Students (color) aliens that total will use a pocket chart for different years. One will be given copied inside a decimal with to go more in-depth student will be the menus from a Chinese the tenths place higher with decimals as tenths. recorder; one will be the restaurant. Students will than 4. Students will come up reader, and one the need to fill orders by and place the whole presenter. All will work adding the right items LI/T: The teacher will numbers, decimal point, to find the fastest time, together and totaling the review rounding to the and tenths place digit in and by how much to right amount for the nearest tenth. Students the correct spots. Each present in class. bill. will have access to an student will have a approved website to chance, while the class HM: Students will have DA: Any students with compute runner’s times works on practicing worksheets to complete learning disabilities in the Chicago writing numbers with a with simple decimal such as dyslexia will Marathon rounding to hundreds, tens, ones, addition and subtraction have the desired items the nearest tenth of a and tenths place. problems. highlighted, so they second. merely focus on numbers.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.8 Decimals Expressed As Tenths HM/E: Students will work on a review sheet while the teacher individually has students be assessed using the pocket chart. MO/MA/S/LS: Students will proceed to a “lab” station in groups of 4 reading measurements to the nearest tenth of a ml and gram and also using rulers to measure string to the nearest tenth of a cm.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.9 Counting Bills and Coins

Week 18-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.9 JSSOL SS 3.9 JSSOL SS 3.9 Counting Bills and Coins Counting Bills and Coins Counting Bills and Coins

MA/A: Students will draw a 3-column place value chart labeled dollars, dimes, and pennies to help write the amount of money given by the teacher.

LI/OL/W: The class will review the symbols and terms dollar sign and decimal point, they will add these terms to their vocabulary note cards with a picture.

MA/IL: The teacher will display cutouts of money to help explain how to sort money and find the value using decimals and dollar signs.

LI/OL/W: The class will review the coins halfdollar, quarter and nickel and write them in their vocabulary note cards with a picture.

MA: In groups, students LI: The teacher will read will create charts with “Alexander, Who Used to pictures to illustrate bills Be Rich Last Sunday”. and coins with the names and values of each. LI/OL/PS: The class will discuss how much money GA/PS: In pairs, students Grandma and Grandpa will practice sorting, W: The students will gave to each boy. counting and recording describe in their journals the amount of money what they learned about PS/A: Students will find given to them. organizing dollars dimes three different ways to and pennies. use only dimes and HW: Students will do the pennies to show an “Count Coins and Bills” HW: Students will do the amount of one dollar. worksheet. “Value of Money” Then they will draw their DA: Use play money for Worksheet. coins. HW.

MA/PS: Students will play shopkeeper with half-dollar, quarters, and nickels. They will choose a type of shop and five things to sell along with their prices. They will then count up enough money to pay for each item in their shop with the least amount of bills and coins.

MA/LI: With the use of real money the teacher will demonstrate how to organize the money into their charts to solve word problems.

LI/OL: The class will then review the value of half-dollar, quarter and nickel.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.9 Counting Bills and Coins GA/MA/A: In small groups, students will use coin/ bill sets and grocery advertisements. Each student will select a grocery item and then model the cost of that item using the fewest number of coins and bills. A/W: In journals, the students will draw different coins and bills given by teacher and then tell the total amount and explain how they came to that conclusion. PS: Students will identify the amount spent, amount paid and change received from 3 story problems.

Week 19-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.9 JSSOL SS 3.9 JSSOL SS 3.9 JSSOL SS 3.9 Comparing and Making Comparing and Making Comparing and Making Comparing and Making Change of Bills and Change of Bills and Change of Bills and Change of Bills and Coins Coins Coins Coins MA: Each student will MA/OL/LI: The teacher LI/W: The teacher will OL: The groups will be given piggy banks. will give each student a introduce the term display their posters to When a child shows good five dollar bill that they equivalent amounts and the class and talk about behavior throughout the will have to use to buy a the students will write the the cost comparisons week the students will cupcake that costs $1.65. term on their vocabulary among items. receive money to put in The class will discuss note cards. their piggy banks. how much change they IL/OL: The class will each will receive with MA/IL: The teacher will discuss how to show OL/LI/W: The class will their cupcake. illustrate the term coins whose value is discuss the term change equivalent by having the greater than 2 quarters and write it on their GA/W/PS: In pairs, students give two and the coins that will be vocabulary note cards. students will do the different combinations of used. worksheet entitled “Make coins that equal ten cents. SS/A: The class will Change” using play MA/GA: In groups the examine the different money. MA/PS/A: In small students will use a bag designs found on bills. groups, students will cut and play money to count Then, they will establish A/W/PS: In their out two items from sets of money and their own design and journals, the students will catalogs and flyers, compare with the other value for their bill, which draw the change for including the prices. They groups. will be displayed on the buying an item that costs will then paste their items bulletin board. $3.72 and paying with a on a poster from least to W: Journal entry about five-dollar bill. expensive. combinations of coins they can think of that have a value or 15 cents.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.9 Comparing and Making Change of Bills and Coins MA/GA: Students will play count it up with a partner. GA/PS/MA/IL/OL: The class will then participate in shopping at a store of toys. Students will be assigned different jobs to count and compare prices. Ultimately buying items with the money they received in their piggy banks throughout the week. DA: Students will pair up with different cognitive levels to help in process.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.10 Metric and U.S Customary Units LI/S: The teacher will introduce U.S. customary units regarding length, capacity, and weight. PS/E: Students being somewhat familiar with US units will be given the “Reasonable” Inventory comparing measurements and seeing if what it claims is reasonable for the object or material.

Week 20-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.10 JSSOL SS 3.10 JSSOL SS 3.10 Metric and U.S Metric and U.S Metric and U.S Customary Units Customary Units Customary Units A/MA/M: Students will LI/W: The teacher will LI/T: The teacher will make Gallon man and introduce the metric go through uses in the see what fits into him. system. Students will metric system and have handout notes to conversions within the HW/LI: Conversion fill in and are to copy metric system. Students sheets will be given out, examples. will view a PowerPoint and the teacher will of common things and conduct the first few MA/A: Students will their units in metric to examples. Students will create their own metric give some reference. take home whatever system number line, by problems they don’t gluing together colored GA/MO: Students will finish. train compartments get into groups and each “car” with its proceed to metric DA: Patterns will be proper metric units. stations where they will used to trace and be cut each be asked to out to make things compare and personally easier and more use tools to measure accurate for students. metric units. HW: A conversion worksheet will go home with students.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.10 Metric and U.S Customary Units A: Students will colorcode and create a parallel chart of US units and the metric system. E/M: Students will complete a worksheet with a picture and either its US unit or metric counterpart. Students will complete the conversions. T/S/SS: The class will close with watching a short clip of how the metric system is very important, accurate, and used in space technology.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.10 Measurement and Estimation LI: The teacher will recap units of measurement and ask verbal questions in class. LA/R: The class will read How Tall, How Short, How Faraway. LI: The teacher will explain the differences between rounding and estimation, and give examples.

Week 21-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.10 JSSOL SS 3.10 JSSOL SS 3.10 Measurement and Measurement and Measurement and Estimation Estimation Estimation W/LA/M: Students will MA/MO: Students will MO/LS: Students will create a journal log in use their text book to estimate equivalents which they detail every measure and estimate with objects previously part of their morning the perimeter of the set up. For example, routine. They will put class room along with students will estimate down roughly how long its length and width. how much their each task takes and will textbook weighs or how use these figures to E: Students will work many paper clips it estimate how long it on their own to takes to equal a pencil. takes for them to get complete an estimation After estimating, ready in the morning. sheet. students will go in pairs and record the real LA/R/L/SS: Students HS/LI: Students will be measurements. will read a passage on asked to survey their how the pioneers had to parents and find at least E: A brief quiz will be be very good at 3 things they estimate. administered. estimation in order to survive. DA: With varying home situations, students will also be allowed to survey extended family or neighbors.

Friday Day 5 REVIEW AND TEST DAY SOL testing day Early dismissal

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.11 Analyze Area and Volume IL/MA/OL: The teacher will introduce volume through definition and discussion of a rectangular shaped container and how much space it contains inside. W: The students will write this term in their vocabulary cards. GA/MA: In pairs, the students will estimate and find the number of cubes that fill different objects on a chart worksheet while using manipulatives.

Week 22-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.11 JSSOL SS 3.11 JSSOL SS 3.11 Analyze Area and Volume Analyze Area and Analyze Area and Volume Volume W: The students will write PA/T/LI: The teacher LI/MA: The teacher in their journal what they will introduce to the will show the class two learned yesterday about students how to use grid different figures and finding the volume of an paper through the use of teach the students how object a transparency or Elmo. to count the unit cubes and then the volume of IL/OL/W: The teacher PS/MA: The students both together. will introduce and explain will practice on their the term cubic unit and the own grid paper with GA/MA/W: In pairs, students will add it to their visual help from the the students will work vocabulary cards. teacher. with unit cubes, a small box and various MA/PS: The students will A/MA: The students containers. They will use unit cubes to build will use their estimate using their assigned figures. constructions from the journals and construct previous day to mark figures with the same their objects on grid volume. paper with colored pencils. HW: The students will be required to go home DA: A translator will be and explain to someone provided for a child how to find volume, who speaks a different they will record the language. process in their journals

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.11 Analyze Area and Volume MA/LI: The teacher will show an example of what they will be constructing today SS/S/GA: In pairs, the students will construct a house. The house will have a volume of 8 unit cubes. The students will then construct a building with the volume of 24 unit cubes. W: The students will then write a comparison of the two different objects (building and house) in their journals. OL: Volunteers will present their models and comparisons that they wrote.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.12 Drawing Line Segments LI/MA/W: The teacher will introduce the terms line, line segment, ray and angle; illustrating each on the board. The students will write the terms on their vocabulary cards with a picture to illustrate each. W/PS: Students will be asked to write down as many line segments and angles in the classroom as they can find. LI/OL/PS: The teacher will review what the various line segments and angles the class found within the classroom. DA: Students will be permitted to physically look for line segments.

Week 24-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.12 JSSOL SS 3.12 JSSOL SS 3.12 Drawing Line Segments Drawing Line Segments Drawing Line Segments GA/MA/LI/OL: In small groups, the students will use rubber bands to create different shapes on a geoboard and discuss how the shapes are the same and different.

W: In there journals, students will use the words line segments and angles to describe their shape of choice.

PS/W: The students will do the worksheet SS/A: The teacher will entitled “What’s your show the students a Navajo angle” blanket and ask the students whether there are GA/W/PS/OL: With a any lines or line segments partner the students will found in it. check each others answers and write an A/OL: The students will explanation out for their create their own patterns partner about how to do with yarn and plastic the incorrect answers canvas’s. correctly. They will display their patterns to the class pointing out each example of the terms.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.12 Drawing Line Segments

W/A/OL/LI: The students will add the terms parallel, intersecting and perpendicular lines to their vocabulary cards, using pictures to depict each term. The teacher will illustrate the terms meaning..

T/MA: The students will use the computer to create pictures and patterns with 8 line segments, 1 right angle, 2 obtuse angles, 2 acute angles. After printing they will color their patterns and depict the line segments.

LI/A: The teacher will explain that artist’s use line segments to help draw faces.

GA/MO/M: In groups, students will create a dance, where the moves require movements of angles, lines, and line segments. They will then mark their steps out on the floor using masking tape to depict the different line segments used

A/MA: The class will follow the teacher’s instruction and create faces using line segments and then identify parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines.

OL: The students will perform their dance for the class.

Week 25-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.12 JSSOL SS 3.12 JSSOL SS 3.12 JSSOL SS 3.12 Identifying Congruent Identifying Congruent and Identifying Congruent Identifying Congruent and Symmetrical Planes Symmetrical Planes and Symmetrical Planes and Symmetrical Planes LI/W/OL: The teacher LI/OL/W: The teacher LI/OL/W: The class LI/OL/W: The class will introduce the terms will introduce the terms will determine the will determine the regular polygon and plane figure, polygon, side meaning of congruent meaning of symmetry irregular polygon and the and vertex. The students and write it in their and line of symmetry students will add them to will add them to their vocabulary note cards. and write it in their their vocabulary note vocabulary note cards. vocabulary note cards. cards. MA/SS/D/GA: In A/MA/PS: The teacher groups, the students will SS/LI: The teacher will LI/LA: The teacher will will display a large picture examine building plans tell the students that read the book “A Cloak of the White House. The for congruent shapes designer often use for the Dreamer”. students will be required to and draw their own symmetry in patterns on find as many plane figures building plans with objects such as; cloth MA/W: The students will that they recognize. The congruent shapes. and wallpaper. draw and compare circles class will review their with hexagons in their findings. GA/MA: In pairs, the A: The students will journals (as a reaction to students will create draw designs of their the book). MA: Students will use congruent shapes with own with figures that “Shape Up!” to sort shapes the use of pattern have symmetry, which W/OL: The class will into a Venn Diagram. blocks, construction will be displayed name and describe DA: Students will be paper, and tracing paper around the room. shapes that they know. provided with their own They will draw these picture to draw on with W: In journals, students shapes on the board and different colors. will list everyday things in their journals. that have symmetry and explain how to check for symmetry.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.12 Identifying Congruent and Symmetrical Planes LI: The teacher will demonstrate how trace figures onto a grid and determine whether it is symmetrical by using a line of symmetry. GA/MA/A: In partners, students will use pattern blocks, paper and scissors to establish figures with lines of symmetry. MA/PS: Students will choose which block letters have line of symmetry and illustrate how they know by copying them on their paper and cutting them out, then folding them.

Week 26-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Wednesday Thursday Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 Collecting and Collecting and Organizing Data Organizing Data

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.13 Collecting and Organizing Data

Tuesday Day 2 JSSOL SS 3.13 Collecting and Organizing Data

LI/OL: The teacher will explain how to perform a survey of “What is your favorite kind of candy”. Through the inclusion of the class.

LA/LI: The teacher will read, “Harriet’s Halloween Candy”.

LI/OL/W: The class will determine the definition of tally chart, data, and survey. Then they will write it on their vocabulary note cards in their own words. W: In their journals the students will write a story about when a survey would be used and why. HW: The students will write a survey question they desire to be answered by 10 family or friends.

PS/OL: On the board, the class will brainstorm ways to classify the candy that Harriet received and list questions for a survey related to the book. GA: In groups, the class will conduct the survey about Harriet’s book. OL: Each group will be required to present the data and discuss their findings.

LI/MA: The teacher will explain different methods used to research data such as books, magazines, journals, internet, ext. GA/MA: The teacher will assign an animal environment to each student (land, underwater, air). The students will be separated into groups and research the data (height, weight, ext.) for 10 animals using the different methods by going through different stations (computer, magazine, and library station). W: The groups will record the information that they gained on fact cards.

MA/PS: The teacher will have a bag with 6 counters in it. (4 red, 1 blue, 1 green). The teacher will pick a counter without looking and the students will record the color. After the third pick they will be required to predict the number of counters for each color. MA/LI: Through the use of a spinner, (with different colors) the teacher will guide students to understand what changes the chance of spinning a particular color. W: Students will write in their journal how predictions can help in everyday life.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.13 Collecting and Organizing Data LI: The teacher will explain how to organize experimental data into a chart, to help with predictions. GA/PS/A/MA: In pairs, students will make a prediction about how many times a spinner will land on each color. They will then take turn spinning the spinner and record it on a chart. They will then create a poster to display their data and present the data to the class. HW: Students will do the worksheet entitled, “What are the Chances”, problem numbers 1-6.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.13 Interpreting Graphs and Plots CM/LI: The teacher will make a list of birth dates from the class on the board. The teacher will explain that there are patterns and information to be seen in this data. LI/S: The class will observe a bar graph of birthday months. The teacher will explain what the results are and what it means. W/HW: The class will be assigned definitions to look up and write in their notebooks.

Week 27-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 Interpreting Graphs and Interpreting Graphs and Interpreting Graphs and Plots Plots Plots R/LA: (Most of the LI/T: The teacher will LI: The teacher will period) The teacher will have a PowerPoint introduce plots and have students read and presentation on the explain how they are go through the activity different types of used and are similar to book, Graph games. graphs there are and graphs. their uses. GA/MO/W: Students CM/T: The teacher will will get into groups and E: Students will be model how to read a collect information given a worksheet of plot, and explain why from all the group different pictured they are beneficial. The members to be used graphs and they will teacher will pull up the later in the week. need to identify which classroom groups’ data graphs are being one by one on excel, DA: Gifted students pictured. and show them what will be asked to their scatter plot looks organize the like. information numerically and alphabetically. L/W: Students will record the results from each group

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.13 Interpreting Graphs and Plots LS/OL: Students will be asked to examine a set of graphs in class and share their interpretations of the information. CI: An analyst will come in and explain what he does for a living and why graphs and plots are beneficial to society. HW/L: The class will receive data packets with information groupings. Each student is to decide what kind of graph should be made for each set and will interpret one small plot.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.13 Constructing Graphs and Plots LI/CM: The teacher will explain and model how a simple graph is put together, first by organization and then by construction. A/E: The class will take out the birthday information and construct a pie graph to see which birthday month has the biggest slice of pie. E/M: Students will also change the fractions of each slice into a percent.

Week 28-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 Constructing Graphs Constructing Graphs Constructing Graphs and Plots and Plots and Plots LA/E:Refer to your LA LI/CM/T: Students will R: The teacher will read book report charts. The walk through excel with Tiger Math. stickers line up making the teacher. The class almost a bar chart. The will do a sample log S/E: Students will then students will be asked together and pull up a receive short animal to take the current graph. Students become stats. Students will be information and make it familiar with the reviewing line graphs into a scatter plot program. and asked to make one showing a single data for the collected animal point for each week. A/E: The lunch orders speeds. They are to will be taken and label everything as well W: Students will be students will construct a as illustrate a small asked to answer several pictograph of today’s picture of the animal question about their plot lunch order using the under its column. such as how many main entrees: books were read for hamburger, fish, or HW: Students will each week, which week chicken. receive all graded were the most books charts, graphs and plots read?...etc. DA: LD students will to be made into a have a teacher’s aide or booklet to keep and teacher helping them. study from.

Friday Day 5 REVIEW AND TEST DAY LI/CM: Last minute questions will be taken. E: Students will be tested on the computers. They will be shown graphs and asked to interpret them. Also they will be asked to input given information and to produce its graph.

Week 29-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.14 JSSOL SS 3.14 JSSOL SS 3.14 JSSOL SS 3.14 Experiments with Experiments with Experiments with Experiments with Probability Probability Probability Probability LA/R/CM: The teacher MA: Students will be GA/MA/MO/L: E: Students will will read Betcha! to the given decks of cards Students will play a complete an activity class. The class will and asked to record the short modified scrabble sheet of Likelihood. discuss the book. fractions of certain word game in partners. They will determine if occurrences ie, queens, each event is certain, LI: The teacher will red cards,…etc. M/E: Students will then likely, unlikely, or introduce new terms. be asked to count the impossible. LI/MA: The teacher occurrence of each MA: The class will play will explain how letter in the bags. MA/GA: Students will Mrs. Goodwin’s game probability works and Afterwards they will go through a marble of “Horse Races” to have the class pull out need to complete a chart activity in groups experience probability. each fraction on the probability of drawing marbles out of occurrence she lists. drawing certain letters. a pouch and recording certain probabilites. LI: The class will be DA:The teacher will Afterwards they will be taught how to record walk around helping given the actual probability. students. numbers of what was in the bag and will like the first sheet determine likelihoods.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.14 Experiments with Probability MA: Students will have an M&M drawing experiment. After recording they will turn their findings into a pictograph and provide the specific likelihoods within their bag. LI: The teacher will introduce a simple lesson on the counting principle. HW: Students will complete a worksheet to determine outfit combinations.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.14 Give Results of Experiments with Collection Display and Analysis MA: Students will flip pennies and record heads and tails. They will discover the 50-50 probability. CM/LI: The teacher will on the board total the whole class’ results. The class will discuss the results. HW: The students will conduct the same experiment with an 8 sided die.

Week 30-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.14 JSSOL SS 3.14 JSSOL SS 3.14 Give Results of Give Results of Give Results of Experiments with Experiments with Experiments with Collection Display and Collection Display and Collection Display and Analysis Analysis Analysis S/LI: Students will MO/GA: Students will MO/A/S: Students will refer back to horse break into groups of 3 continue to collect and races. They will see that and conduct their own organize information. the probability was not experiment of Posters will be given equal by looking at the probability. Topics will out for groups to numbers stairstep. need to be approved by illustrate and record the teacher. In class, their data. Posters T/L: Students will work students will organize should be decorated, at their computer and designate tasks. and each group member stations today should be prepared to interpreting probability L/MO: Collection of speak on the project. results. data will begin. DA: Students will be allowed to use computers to print out clip art.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.14 Give Results of Experiments with Collection Display and Analysis E: A short quiz will be given. A/LI/OL: Presentations!

Week 31-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.15 JSSOL SS 3.15 JSSOL SS 3.15 JSSOL SS 3.15 Concrete Objects, Concrete Objects, Concrete Objects, Concrete Objects, Numbers, Tables, and Numbers, Tables, and Numbers, Tables, and Numbers, Tables, and Pictures Pictures Pictures Pictures OL/W/LI: The class OL: The class will GA/PS: Each pair will LI/OL/W: The class will discuss the word share descriptions of have a bag that contains will discuss the terms pattern and write it in patterns they have seen. solid figures. Both pairs face, edge, and vertex their vocabulary note will have a chance and write it in their cards. LI: The teacher will feeling each object and vocabulary note cards. explain the four-step describing what they M/LI: The teacher will process used to solve feel without seeing it. MA/GA/S: In groups illustrate patterns found problems. students will explore in songs such as the LI/OL/W: The class nets of solids with the “Happy Birthday” song. MA/PS/LI: The teacher will discuss the terms use of different boxes. will organize blocks to cube, cone, cylinder, M/GA: In pairs make four different rectangular prism, MA/PS/W: The students will create patterns that relate. The sphere and pyramid and students will each be their own lyrics to the class will then add them to their given a rectangular “Happy Birthday” song, determine with the help vocabulary note cards. prism, cube and using the ABAA of the teacher what the pyramid and they will pattern. next pattern would be. MA/PS: Students will be asked to explore the trace each geometric solid figures and OL/A/M: The students HW: Students will do a solid, separating them complete a table about will present their song worksheet entitled by faces. them to the class either “Find a Pattern. through recitation, W: In journals, students HW: Students will do a singing, or poster. will write about worksheet entitled everyday objects that “Explore Solid contain solid figures. Figures”.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.15 Concrete Objects, Numbers, Tables, and Pictures M/LI/ OL: The class will discuss the pattern of beats. The students will then make up their own clapping patterns and have class mates identify and repeat the patterns. OL/M: Six students will go to the front of the class room and do a “Pattern Count” MA/LI/: The teacher will use the Hundred’s chart to help figure out the next number in 5 different series. W: In journals, students will make up problems in which finding a pattern can be used as a solution strategy.

Week 32-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.15 JSSOL SS 3.15 JSSOL SS 3.15 JSSOL SS 3.15 Concrete Objects, Concrete Objects, Concrete Objects, Understanding Patterns, Numbers, Tables, and Numbers, Tables, and Numbers, Tables, and Relations, and Pictures Pictures Pictures Functions LI/OL/W: The class LI: The teacher will LI/A: The teacher will T/A/SS: Students will will discuss the explain to the class the explain that there are look up M.C. Escher definition of a table and steps required to make a patterns in art. online and in the add it to their table. teacher’s activity books. vocabulary note cards. GA/A/W: In groups the The teacher will display PS/GA: Together the students will analyze art by Escher. MA/PS/ HS: Students class will make a table famous art pictures. will complete a table to solve a problem They will locate the LI: The teacher will recipe table of fizzy about the Field Day patterns found in each introduce patterns grape juice, with the Parade. art and write it down in assistance of the their journals E: Students will be teacher. W: The students will given several Escher write in their journals A/MA: The students patterns and asked to PS/MA/W: The teacher the steps to creating a will then their own identify what the will show examples of table. Then, they will artistic pictures that specific objects are. tables (calendars, create a problem for include patterns using multiplication tables, another student to art supplies. DA: Students who ext.). The students will create table for. finish early may describe the information OL/A: The groups will examine Magic Eye in each table and HW: Students will do explain their picture to posters/ books compare and contrast problems 3-6 in the the class and show them. worksheet entitled, where the patterns can “Make a Table”. be found.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.15 Understanding Patterns, Relations, and Functions LI: The teacher will talk about numerical patterns and show examples of them. E: Students will complete a worksheet filling in the next sequence in the pattern. HW: The students will create a multiplication pattern table.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.15 Understanding Patterns, Relations, and Functions LI: The teacher will introduce division patterns. A: Students will make a division pattern chart. E: Students will fill out a worksheet continuing the sequence.

Tuesday Day 2

Week 33-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Wednesday Day 3

Thursday Day 4

Friday Day 5

JSSOL SS 3.15 JSSOL SS 3.15 JSSOL SS 3.15 Understanding Patterns, Understanding Patterns, Understanding Patterns, Relations, and Relations, and Relations, and Functions Functions Functions

JSSOL SS 3.15 Understanding Patterns, Relations, and Functions

R/LI: Students will examine numbers and results in relation to eachother. The teacher will explain the basic concept of mathematical relationships.

E: A worksheet with addition on one side and subtraction on the other will be given for students to illustrate in the middle what relationship the pair has.

LI: The teacher will introduce the missing addend and missing factor functions.

E: Students will go through a comparison sheet activity.

W: Students will write a letter to a friend trying to convince them that addition and subtraction have a relationship and define what that is.

DA: W: Students will take out their graph folders and write paragraphs showing relationships.

E: A worksheet will be given with multiplication and division on each side of the paper with the middle blank. Students will use the middle to illustrate and define a definite relationship between the pairs. A: Students will create a web connecting the related pairs of multiplication and division.

MA/HW: Students will be given notecards with examples of these and their answers on the back. Students will practice addition and subtraction functions.

Monday Day 1

Tuesday Day 2

Week 34 Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Wednesday Day 3




Thursday Day 4

Friday Day 5



Week 35-Math Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.16 JSSOL SS 3.16 JSSOL SS 3.16 JSSOL SS 3.16 JSSOL SS 3.16 Recognizing Patterns in Recognizing Patterns in Recognizing Patterns in Recognizing Patterns in Recognizing Patterns in Numbers and Numbers and Numbers and Numbers and Numbers and Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations LI: The teacher will use R/LI: The teacher will LI: The teacher will LI/ W: Review for most Class party and clean up story problems to read Safari Park and introduce even and odd of class. day!! demonstrate hidden discuss the patterns and number patterns. E: Students will take a operations and patterns. operations mentioned in cumulative test on the book. GA/MA: The students patterns, functions, LI:Students will listen will play an even/odd operations. and on the second time W/M: Students will sequence game in class point out any patterns or make a list of all the in pairs. DA: IEP students may operations they heard. patterns they read have extra time on their The teacher will put about. Underneath each HW: The students will tests. them on the board. they will define what fill in the next 5 terms relationships these for several sequences E/M: At their desks patterns have for us. on a worksheet. students will solve the problems that were put OL: These will be on the board. shared aloud in class.

Legend: A-art CI-community involvement CL-cultural literacy and diversity CM-communication CZ-citizenship DA-differentiation/accom E-evaluation GA-group activity L-literacy LA-language arts LI-listening LS-life skills HS-collaboration with families HW-homework M-math

MA-manip. activity MO-movement/physical activity MU-music OL-oral language PS-problem solving R-reading S-science SS-social studies T-technology TX-text W-writing

Resources: Anno, Misumassa. (1982) Anno’s Counting House. New York: Philomel/Putnam. Zaslavsky, Claudia. (1989) Zero: IS IT Something? Is It Nothing? New York: Watts. Neuschwander, Cindy. (2000) Amanda Bean’s Amazing Dream. Vernon Hill, Ill: ETA/Cuisinaire. Giganti, Paul Jr. (1982) Each Orange Had 8 Slices. New York: Greenwillow Books. Hutchins, Pat. (1986) The Doorbell Rang. New York: Greenwillow Books. Mahy, Margaret. (1987) 17 Kings and 42 Elephants. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers. Nancy L. Carlson. (1989) Harriet’s Halloween Candy. Ancramdale, NY: Live Oak Media. Viorst, Judith. (1978) Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday. New York: Atheneum. Greenes, Carole (2005) Math. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. Fennell, Francis (2001) Mathematics. Parsippany, NJ: Silver Burdett Ginn Rosenthal, Arnold (2006) Mr. R’s Songs That Teach. Los Angeles: Sabro Solutions. Susan, Kramer (2007) Music Dance and Basic Math. New York: Minerva Webwork. Murphy, Stuart. 1999. The Best Bug Parade. New York: Harper Collins Pinczes, J. Elinor. 2001. Inchworm and a Half. Houghton Mifflin Vogt, Sharon. 1996. Olympic Math. GoodYear Books Stamper, Judith. 2003 Go, Fractions! Grosset & Dunlap

Tompert, Ann. Bamboo Hats and a Rice Cake. Adapted from Japanese folklore. Adler, A. David. 1999. How Tall, How Short, How Faraway. Holiday House, Nagada, Ann & Bickel, Cindy. 2002. Tiger Math. Henry Holt Murphy, J. Stuart. 1997. Betcha! Harper Collins Murphy, J. Stuart. 2002. Safari Park. Harper Collins

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