3 Mink Weaver Language Arts Charts

  • November 2019
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Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.1 Development of verbal, writing, and visual skills. Response questions LI: The teacher will introduce the vocabulary and spelling words for the week. LI: The teacher will explain that introductions make newcomers feel at home and also tell the key guidelines to follow when making introductions. GA/OL/PS/LI: In groups, students will choose a partner to introduce to the group. They will begin by asking their partner 5 questions. Then they will introduce their partner to the group using the key guidelines. W: In journals, students will write about an instance where they where introduced by someone.

Week 1 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.1 JSSOL LA3.1 JSSOL LA3.1 Development of Development of verbal, Development of verbal, verbal, writing, and writing, and visual writing, and visual visual skills. skills. Response skills. Response Response questions questions questions OL/R/LI: Volunteers GA/OL: To begin class, GA/OL: Students will will read their students will participate perform their action journals to the class. in “The Arrangement” stories that were activity to illustrate that developed the previous LI,MA: The teacher length of time to do a day. will explain the key task decreases when elements to use when communication skills GA/LI: Students will speaking to people are perfected. participate in “Secret such as; eye contact, Directions” activity to organized thoughts, R/LI: The teacher will display the importance good posture, ext. introduce class by found in listening. reading a short story A: The students will from Trophies. The W/LI/PS: The class draw a picture of two teacher will explain that will list reasons why it people students can tell stories is important to be a communicating, verbally. The teacher good listener. illustrating the key will explain the basics elements within the telling a story. HW: Students will be picture. required to bring a show GA/PS/W: In pairs and Tell for the next GA/OL/LI: In students will participate class. groups, students will in an “Action stories” explain their pictures, activity. Then they will while using the key write down the action elements that were story that was produced. discussed in class.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.1 Development of verbal, writing, and visual skills. Response questions E: The class will participate in a spelling and vocabulary test. DA: Extra time will be provided for test and instructions because it is the first. LI/OL: Students will participate in “Tell and Don’t Show”, which is like show and tell but the students have to listen extra carefully because the object will be hidden. LI/W/PS: Students will review the importance of listening and write 5 main reasons in their journals.

Week 2 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.1 JSSOL LA3.1 JSSOL LA3.2 JSSOL LA3.2 Development of verbal, Development of verbal, Oral skills, oral reports Oral skills, oral reports writing, and visual writing, and visual and using correct and using correct skills. Response skills. Response grammar. grammar. questions questions L: The teacher will W/R: The class will do GA,A,W: In groups, CM/MA: “Paper Bag introduce the “Airy Answers” writing students will create Speech” vocabulary and spelling activity. “Sand Cards” in order Students will collect words for the week. to help with spelling between 3 and 5 items W/R/PS: In groups words. (From previous that describe them and W: The students will students will write their exercises) put them in a paper bag. write “Super Sentences” own riddles that their Students will give a for vocabulary partners will practice LI: To focus and assess speech using these items understanding. writing and solving. students’ oral skills the to explain why they teacher will begin by describe them. The LI/MA: The teacher GA/W: The teacher will giving an oral teacher will record will discuss the basic then implement instructions activity. informal observations to parts of a book using a “Liscence to Learn”. Students will complete provide feedback. reading book from the Clerks will be assigned individually, and library as an illustration. for the Liscence afterwards as a class we W/PS: Each student Burearu. Students will will go through the will write on a slip of W/GA: In pairs, fill out a “Application instructions completing paper one thing they students will practice Form” worksheet and each one on the board. think they could have finding each segment of submit it to the liscence done better or improved a book and labeling in bureau. LS/LI: The teacher will on. their journals where give tips on how to each was found. PS/W: Students will make the best of oral write rough drafts and instructions. W/PS: Students will do their partners will a worksheet entitled revise, then they will “Parts of a Book submit their assignment to the liscence bureau.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.2 Oral skills, oral reports and using correct grammar. LA/L: The class will participate in a spelling and vocabulary test. R/OL: The class will participate in a choral reading activity. GA/CM: Afterwards, the students will break into discussion groups. DA: Students may use a guide of previously selected questions for discussion.

Week 3 English Chart WeekMink 4 English Chart Jennifer & Sarah Weaver Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.2 JSSOL LA3.2 JSSOL LA3.2 JSSOL LA3.2 JSSOL LA3.2 LA3.2 LA3.2 LA3.3oral reports Oral skills, oral reports JSSOL Oral skills, oral reports JSSOL Oral skills, oral reports JSSOL Oral skills, Oral skills, oral reports Oral skills, oral reports Oral skills, oral reports Reading strategies, and using correct and using correct and using correct and using correct and grammar. using correct and using correct and using correct identifying letter and grammar. grammar. grammar. grammar. grammar. word patternswill LI/CM:grammar. The teacher LI/A: The students will LI/MA: The teacher GA/W: Students The introduce teacher will GA/LI/CM: Students OL: giveto GA/A: The groups class will will what a hear a recorded telling will Students introducewill “How break into of no introduce the will be given interview their persuasive speech “Design a Sign”, myth is. The students of the Indian Paintbrush write a script for a radio more than five to work vocabulary and spelling templates. The class on the best of pet drawing a vocabulary will be led in discussion behind a gentle drum play”. Alsokind the teacher on scripting their own words for the week. will break into partners to own including their word and illustration on to brainstorm what beat. Then students will will have and display a radio play. Every student and conduct interviews. reasons. a piece of construction characteristics of the sun draw a picture summing table of sound props for is to have a role in the LI: The teacher Each paper. moon and water.will up thestudent story. will have a effects. radio play. explain oral skills and turn to interview and to LI/LA/GA/R: The give demonstrations. questions. teacher conference LI: The teacher Students will LI/CL: The teacher will answer DA: Gifted students SS/LI: will Students will MU/MO/MA: with students to offer introduce the Reading tell the story Water, may further illustrate the listen to the radio play, may get up and use the LI/CZ/LA: The( a OL: the activity, on their Strategy of previewing Moon, and Sun storyAfter by creating a story feedback “War of the Worlds”. sound props for effects students will watch and each student will speeches and correct the and predicting Nigerian myth storyslide strip. in their play orand may listen to short clipguide present about the other mechanics of it,will while it is done, found in ateacher’s CM: Students then display invent how or create their looking for one example student and their the rest of class will illustrating the board book) MU/CC/R: The teacher be allowed to ask own sound effects but of each skill and will information. conference and questions oneself. will hand out tales of the peer questions and discuss must havetoatask least five, write it down in their write at least one CM/LI: The teacher and Monaccan Indians. The what happened and how one for every person in notebooks. class HW/LI: Students will strength W/R: Students will students willThe discuss teacher will have the the radioabout play the was their play. will tradition. discuss those be assigned a short preview/predict Uncle oral music instructor come in speech. conducted. examples, and talk speech on what kind of Willie andlast the portion Soup of and use a djembe to LA: The about the strenghts pet they drum think is best to They will to write LA/LI/SS: Two and provide beats HS/HW: Students will Kitchen. class will be used weaknesses from that own. The teacher will there predictions in their volunteers will come up while the students take be asked to brainstorm have group conferencing speaker gracious briefly give aspects a and consult parents on journals, alongand with a and retellbeing the story in turns reading to the of beat. for grammar about the latter. persuasive speech. purpose for reading. their own style adding a ideas for their own radio presentation few new details. play. suggestions. DA: Students who have never had a pet can look through the teacher’s pet care book to decide what they think would be best.

Friday Friday Day 5 Day 5 JSSOL LA3.2 JSSOL LA3.3oral reports Oral skills, Reading strategies, and using correct identifying letter and grammar. word patterns MO/OL/LI: . GA/R: class will RADIOThe PLAYS! read Uncle Willie and or Each group will stand the Soup Kitchen. sit behind a large curtain. As the radio LI/PS: teacher will play isThe performed then discuss with students will usethe class questions toamplify help microphones to students understand pretheir voices. Classmates reading, during reading, will listen for enjoyment and reading andafter comprehension strategies listing questionsand after the each strategy on the performance. board. W/PS/MA: The students will write a chart containing headings; before, during and after reading. They will then organize each strategy from the board into their charts. GA/MA: In groups, students will play a game entitled “Match Me”. HW: “Miss Rumphius” worksheet.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.3 Reading strategies, identifying letter and word patterns LI: The teacher will introduce the new spelling and vocabulary for the week. LI/MA/PS: The teacher will write a sentence on the board that has the word pointed in it. Students will be asked if there is a word with a base word point in it. The teacher will review how to decode words through finding the base word. GA/W/PS: The teacher will write sentences on the board with certain words underlined. In pairs students will copy the words and find their base word and brainstorm other words with the same base. HW: “Base Words” worksheet.

Week 5 EnglishChart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.3 JSSOL LA3.3 JSSOL LA3.3 Reading strategies, Reading strategies, Reading strategies, identifying letter and word identifying letter and identifying letter and patterns word patterns word patterns LI: The teacher will LI: The teacher will LI: The teacher will explain that understanding review and visually show introduce the vocabulary shor vowel sounds can the different vowel and spelling words for help use the patterns. the week. Phonics/Decoding strategy to decode unfamiliar words. Then, a sentence will be displayed and the teacher will show a stepby-step procedure to understand an unknown word.

PS/GA: In pairs students will be given 10 words and will have to circle the short vowel pattern and decode each word. They will then model one answer at the board. GA/MA/PS: In groups, students will be given Lost and Found boxes with items labeled. They will be required to decode.

GA/PS/W/MA: Students will be divided into groups. With provided books, magazines and newspapers, students will do a word hunt for a words depicting each vowel pattern. Then they will make a special list of the words, which were found and display their lists to the other groups. DA: A translator will be provided for English as a second language students.

GA,R: In reading circles, students will read Johnny Appleseed.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.3 Reading strategies, identifying letter and word patterns LI: The teacher will review words from Johnny Appleseed and illustrate how to use structural analysis for independent decoding of words.

LI/MA/W: The teacher will model how to use LI: The teacher will structural clues by using explain that good readers the worksheet entitled are like detectives “Structural Clues”. looking for structural and contextual clues. GA/MA/W: With pairs, The teacher will model students will use a examples from the story. dictionary and the provided chart to use PS/R: Students will structural clues to help determine the word decode words. boisterous from reading the sentences around the OL: Volunteers will word. explain how they used structural clues to figure GA/MA: In groups, out unfamiliar words. students will participate in the “Word Detective” A: Students will make a activity. poster that lists the prefixes and suffixes and their meanings.

Week 6 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.3 JSSOL LA3.3 JSSOL LA3.3 JSSOL LA3.3 Reading strategies, Reading strategies, Reading strategies, Reading strategies, identifying letter and identifying letter and identifying letter and identifying letter and word patterns word patterns word patterns word patterns GA: In groups, students MA/LI: Using Think LI: Using think aloud, will participate in Aloud, the teacher will the teacher will LI/TX: The teacher will “Giving Words Hospital use Meet the Orchestra illustrate how to use introduce homonyms Care” activity for to understand analogies context clues to and the students will spelling and vocabulary. through the use of determine word take notes in a fill in the synonyms and meanings. blank format. W: In journals, students antonyms. will write a paragraph MA/W: Students will LA: Students will be describing sounds heard W/PS: Using Meet the look through magazines given a story with at either a beach, Orchestra, students will or newspapers for mixed homonyms in it. schoolyard or city do a “This is to That unfamiliar words. Then They will not be told street. as…” chart. they will write the which ones they are but words in a chart are to find and circle the R/GA: Reading circles GA/OL/MA: In pairs, containing the headings; words they think are the will read Meet the students will locate unfamiliar word, clue wrong homonym. Orchestra. synonym or antonym words, and meaning. pairs in the classroom They will complete the T/E: The students will LI: The teacher will use then write down several chart with 10 words. proceed to their Meet the Orchestra to analogies. Then they computer stations to illustrate that will pantomime the OL/PS/W: In pairs, play a picture game in synthesising means to elements of each students will write two which the students will combine important parts analogy for the class. unfamiliar words in a be given the of a story to determine sentence from the corresponding its overall meaning. DA: Students will previous activity. Then homonyms and will generate their own they will read their match the correct word. GA: In groups using a incomplete analogies. sentence to the class. facilitator and reporter, students will complete a synthesising chart.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.3 Reading strategies, identifying letter and word patterns E: The class will participate in a spelling and vocabulary test. MO/R/LA: As an opening activity with homonyms, the teacher will put on the overhead a madlib about the students in class. Certain words will be left out that are homonyms. Students will be called upon to come up and fill in the correct word. GA/CM: Students will break into partners and give each other verbal quizzes to spell and use selected homonyms in appropriate sentences.

Week 7 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.3 JSSOL LA3.3 JSSOL LA3.3 JSSOL LA3.3 Reading strategies, Reading strategies, Reading strategies, Reading strategies, identifying letter and identifying letter and identifying letter and identifying letter and word patterns word patterns word patterns word patterns LI/OL/R: Students will LA/SS: Students will A/L: The teacher will R/SS/LA: The class will read aloud complete a giant KWL hand out a coloring finish up the Titanic On Granddaddy’s chart on the dry erase sheet with the letters story. The teacher will Farm. board relating to boats SQ3R all down the systematically go and also the Titanic. sheet. Students will through each part of E/L: Students will write out what each SQ3R with the titanic complete a worksheet in SS/LI/T: Students will character means next to story asking students to review and to continue watch a video it as each is explained, point out or explain. with word study and documentary of Titanic and then decorate it. compound words from survivors. PS/W: Students will the story. LA: The teacher will go answer their question LA/W: The class will through an example cards from the W: Students will take write a journal entry passage with the class information given in the those compound words detailing what they demonstrating the story. from the story and write thought about the video SQ3R method. a new sentence for each and what questions they LI/CM: A brief period in their notebooks. might have. SS/R: The class will of time will be left at begin reading The the end for students to HS/HW: The teacher Titanic: Lost…and ask questions about will hand out flash cards Found ( a non-fiction what they have read. of compound and found in the teacher’s unfamiliar words to be guide book) using the cut out and taken home SQ3R method and to practice with. making the questions from the subheadings. DA: Students who have difficulty with scissors will have an aid come help them.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.3 Reading strategies, identifying letter and word patterns LI/TX: Students will be given highlighters and handouts. The teacher will explain that story highlighting helps to bring out the important ideas in a story. The class will go through an example with the teacher. R/S/M: Students will read about deep sea divers and the dangers of the depths of the ocean. Students will highlight subtitles and key words. LA/MO: The teacher will put up a pocket chart. The students will gather round on the carpet bringing their stories with them. The teacher will create cards for the words the students picked out guiding which key words go up.

Week 8 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.3 JSSOL LA3.3 JSSOL LA3.4 JSSOL LA3.4 Reading strategies, Reading strategies, Comprehension Skills: Comprehension Skills: identifying letter and identifying letter and word and context word and context word patterns word patterns meaning, selfmeaning, selfcorrection, improve correction, improve fluency fluency W: Students will quietly MA/LA: The teacher will LI/CM/E: Students will MO/MA/LI: Students come in and read the put sequencing words up grade their homework in will play a Halloween message on the board on the board for students class and correctly fill comprehension game. telling them to sit quietly to put on index cards. in the answers in red to The teacher will read a and write down use this as a studyguide. few sentences and ask a observations about the R/LI: The class will read question relating to actions of the teacher for Very Last First Time CM/OL: The teacher context questions. If the next few minutes. (found in the teacher’s will ask students to you answer correctly guide book), while the explain how good candy will be given. OL/CM/L: The teacher teacher points out these readers may use context will ask for volunteers to sequencing clues. clues to figure out S/LA/R: The teacher share their observations. MA: The students will be words they don’t know. will use detective LI: The teacher will given a story strip with the reading to have the explain the importance of events all out of order. TX/R: The students will students figure out what sequence or order and Students need to rearrange be given isolated habitat is being spoken how it relates to events in them in the correct order. paragraphs from their about by using context a story. text and asked to figure clues. Related words HW/L: A comprehension out what the passage is should be circled. LS/MA/GA: Students will sheet will go home with referring to. They will break into groups and be the students fill these out on a given kids cookbooks. accompanying the story. worksheet. They will be asked to pick Students will need to use a recipe read it. They will then rewrite each step on slips of paper. Students will take turns within their groups putting the steps in the correct order.

their knowledge of sequence to correctly answer the questions.

DA: An online activity will be available on the computer for students to take turns using word context.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.4 Comprehension Skills: word and context meaning, selfcorrection, improve fluency E/R: This is an informal assessment day. Individual students will come and take the informal reading inventory with the teacher while the rest of the class has silent sustained reading for extra credit book reports. Reading levels, fluency, and measure of self-correction will be checked.

Week 9 EnglishChart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Week Wednesday 10 English Chart Monday Tuesday Thursday Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Wednesday JSSOL Monday LA3.4 JSSOL Tuesday LA3.4 JSSOL LA3.4 JSSOLThursday LA3.4 Day 1 Skills: Day 2 Skills: Day 3 Skills: Day 4 Skills: Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension JSSOL JSSOL JSSOL JSSOL word andLA3.4 context word andLA3.4 context word andLA3.4 context word andLA3.4 context Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension meaning, self- Skills meaning, self- Skills meaning, self- Skills meaning, self- Skills correction, improve correction, improve correction, improve correction, improve GA: The class will LI: The teacher will LI: The teacher will LI: The teacher will fluency fluency fluency fluency participate in the “To Tell explain how to find the introduce the introduce the reading E/HW: Students fill TX/R/L: students LA: Before reading SS/R/OL: Students the Definition Game” for vocabulary and will spelling strategies;The Think about supporting details inwill a out a reading strategy spelling and vocabulary. will perform initial Sarah Plain and Tall choose a person frombyan words for the week. Words, and Selfparagraph and story inventory. Anything they timed text readings approved list ofwhen, famous Questioning throughwith the students will make asking where, don’t check often to needs expression and LI: The teacher willwhat predictions about people in history. LI:beThe teacher use of “Miss Nelson is and why. to improved onwill and explain thatthe the story readerwill Students will then be accuracy. they think introduce; Predict and Missing”. implemented in the should know what is to be be about. given a monologue or Infer through the use of following sessions. looked for and how to find GA/OL/A: In groups, MA/L:The students will speech from a Think Aloud about W/PS: Students will students will that mapperson. a the main idea of a create a fold out book HW/HS: Students are to Students are to read, “Miss Nelson is will participate in “Sentence sentence, paragraph and story from the Reading LA/L/OL: Students the appropriate read practiceonand memorize recite a chosen poem from with Missing”. Completion” center a poster board, story.5-6 pages to a third grade level sight parent or guardian for their speech. A Light in the Attic by assignment to help them answering the three Students the next twoInnights Shel Silverstein. GA/A/MA: groups,and the main questions. Each W: The studentsThey willwill words. remember to readwill the circle words they a work signed onan it. A/MA/SS: Students will students willoff read write any in their journals wholetowards sentencecorrect in order get group will then present mispronounce or stumble article and draw a picture pronounciation and use or create a prop to prediction of what will to understand an their maps to the class, over. They will practice of the main idea write speedy recognition. E: Students willand take a accompanya their happen in the story unknown word. providing list ofspeech. the saying correctly getting all a title comprehension for the main idea short For example, someone through supporting details. the wordslooking right. at MA/R: Students quiz over the assigned having Abe Lincoln pictures. W: Students will will write R/W: The students will play an online madlibs reading each day. could a tallwill black questions they have W/PS:make Students A/W: Students will participate in “Checking game, using these to paper hat…etc. GA: In groups, about the story on the locate details in 10 illustrate the poemthe with a the Main Idea Using a reinforce R/W: The first portion students picture will participate board, which will be different than the Picture” activitiy. Through provided sentences by comprehension. be readthe in students class poem does and the write a in “Choosing Right written in their journals will re-reading for detail and this activity aloud. Students will sentence or two giving the will be able to check their Ending” activity. along with the answers underlining the correct write anorder ad similar main idea of the poem. work in to maketo answer in each the one in the story. sure they understand the W/LA: Students will sentence. DA: have main idea of each picture. writeStudents riddles who about the trouble drawing may look story for their partners DA: Students will do 5 through appropriate to guess the of the 10 provided magazines foranswer, pictures.this will help with inference. sentences.

Friday Day 5 Friday JSSOL LA3.4 Day 5 Skills: Comprehension JSSOL word andLA3.4 context Comprehension meaning, self- Skills correction, E: The classimprove will fluency participate in a spelling and vocabulary test. OL/MO/MA/L: Students will play their LI: The teacher will role and recite their introduce to the class speeches using the the importance of selected props. The classification and how teacher will be many words or grading ideas on fluency and fall into a general expression. classification. L/SS: The students LA/OL/GA: The will hear audio some teacher willclips giveofeach of the real people who group a category and made these speeches they will have to like Martin Luther King pantomime an object Jr. that falls under that category, allowing the rest of the class to guess what it is. A/PS/W: Students will make booklets that will be used for classification using pictures and words.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.4 Comprehension Skills:

Week 11 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.4 JSSOL LA3.4 JSSOL LA3.4 Comprehension Skills: Comprehension Skills: Comprehension Skills:

LI: The teacher will introduce the vocabulary and spelling words for the week.

LI: The teacher will introduce the process of determining fact from opinions.

GA: In groups, the class will do a “Dot to Dot Game” in order to help with vocabulary

LI: The teacher will introduce the reading strategies; Monitor and Evaluate through the use of “Miss Nelson is Missing”.

W/OL/PS/LI: Students will write a fact and fiction short story. Then, students will get in front of the class and tell two stories, one being fact and one being fiction. The class will then determine which story is fact and which is fiction.

LI: The teacher will introduce the skill of perceiveing time relationships.

GA/R/PS/W: In pairs, the students will read the story and answer questions written on the board (read to find out activity) and check predictions in their partners journals. GA/MA/W: In pairs students will create an article for a magazine about their evaluations of the book. Then all the articles will be collected and created into a class magazine.

DA: Students can write a fact and fiction short story in pairs. PS/W/R: Students will be given four paragraphs that they will have to read and determine whether each is fact or opinion.

GA/MA/PS: In groups, students will be given a newspaper and magazine article. They will underline all of the words that tell about time. MA/GA: Using a rope and clothspins, The class will make a timeline of a 100 year time period that is being studied in Social Science, they wll be required to illustrate the time line chart. MA/PS: Students will be given 5 different pictures that they will have to determine which time period that is being depicted in the picture.

LI: The teacher will introduce the reading strategy of cause/effect and seeing relationships. GA/LA/OL: In groups, students will create a puppet show displaying a cause and effect situation. Each group will perform their puppet show to the class. PS: The students will be given 10 paragraphs on a piece of paper. They will then be required to match the cause paragraph with the effect using string and glue.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.4 Comprehension Skills: E: The class will participate in a spelling and vocabulary test. GA/MA/PS: In pairs, students will do “Sequence of Events” using a map of what Miss Jones will see at the grocery store LI: The teacher will introduce the reading strategy, Sequence and Summarizing through the use of “Miss Nelson is Missing”. PS/GA: The class will organize the story into First, Next, Then, and last sequence A/GA/PS/OL: Groups will make a chart on a posterboard to help summarize, using; character, setting, problem, events, and ending. Group leaders will present their charts to the class.

Monday Day 1 Monday JSSOL LA3.4 Day 1 Comprehension JSSOL LA3.5 Skills: wordLiterary and context skills, meaning, selfInterpretation and correction, improve Analyzing of literature fluency of various types. LA: Students will (FABLES)

complete a Word web to L: The teacher will activate prior knowledge introduce the on what they know about vocabulary and where it lost treasure and spelling words for the comes from.


LA/L/MA: The teacher will introduce new CM/OL/LS: The vocabulary and students will students will use theirasdictionaries brainstorm a class to have a defining race for truisms they have each word.

heard and discuss them. R/TX/LA/SS: Students

Week 12 English Chart Jennifer Mink SarahChart Weaver Week 13 & English Tuesday Jennifer Wednesday Mink & Sarah Weaver Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday JSSOLDay LA3.4 JSSOL Day LA3.4 JSSOL LA3.5 2 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.5 LA3.5 LA3.5 Comprehension Skills: JSSOL Comprehension Skills: JSSOL Literary skills, skills, skills, Literary skills, wordLiterary and context wordLiterary and context Interpretation and Interpretation Interpretation Interpretation and meaning, self- and meaning, self- and Analyzing of literature Analyzing of literature of Analyzing of literature of Analyzing of literature of correction, improve correction, improve of various types. various types. various types. various types. fluency fluency (FABLES) (FOLKTALES) (FOLKTALES) (FOLKTALES) A/E/MA: Students will W: Students will be DA: CI/A/LI: The create a flip book asked the will startdoofthe traveling troupe LI: The teacher will based GA: Theat class R/GA: Thedrama class will read on yesterday’s story. class to okay their from the local introduce the section on “Classroom Password the second half ofhigh the story The main must be Game” outlines withassociate the school will come in and Folktales by ideas identifying to help the together; using choral presented and inthat are vocabulary teacher. Any finishing performwhen a couple of the folktale books words with their reaading necessary. chronological order. touches may be made at Aesop’s famous fables. found in the reading definitions. center and explaining MU: class will sing the start of class. The The students poseA about folktales. Lady and a to Flybe to looking relate to T/SS/R: Students will PS: The class will questions purposewill of the found be given time to search determine SS/CM:the Students forrepatition throughout thein the GA/W: class will reading Whyto Mosquitos onlineThe at an approved be asked recall what story. performance. create a web of the Buzz in People’s Ears and or site for more other recovered ships features and purposes of write it on the board. GA/PS: In partners, the information on sunken artifacts they know CM: The class will folktales. students will add to their treasure and recovered R/A: about…hint, hint discussthe those answers With reading partners, hangers sequence of artifacts and ships. (Titanic) and the meanings of the R/W: The class will then the students will read the events and a short Students will organize fables. preview Why Mosquitos first half of the story and summary of the folktale. theirininformation OL/SS: Students willan Buzz People’s Earsinto anda make a hanger depicting simple outline format. share their findings in make a prediction in their illustration of the W/PS: The students will journals of what will Characters, and the think and respond to the less than Setting, 2 minutes.

will read the story Sunken A/LA/W: Each Treasure (teacher’s student will manual) usingpick the one techniques they and write their have own learned SQ3R and story tolike illustrate that happen in the story. preview set. truth or and point. W/GA: Student will create questions at the beginning of each subtitled portion. After reading students will break into partners and ask each other their questions.

R/OL: Volunteers will read their predictions and explain to the class why they came to their conclusions.

location of the folktale. DA: A poster can be improvised.

Friday Day 5 Friday JSSOL LA3.5 Day 5 Literary skills, JSSOL LA3.5 Interpretation Literaryand skills, Analyzing of literature Interpretation and ofAnalyzing various types. of literature of (FABLES) various types. LI: The teacher will (FOLKTALES) formally explain fables. E: The class will participate in a spelling and TX/R/A/W: The vocabulary test. students will be given short parables or fables GA/MA/OL:The students and asked to explain in will hold a mock trial to a brief paragraph. They assess the blame of the will also be asked to trouble in the forest. accompany their fable with a drawing. R: The class will read The Ant and the Grasshopper LA/L: Students will pair up to proofread. GA/W/PS: In groups the students will answer questions that pertain to making judgements, Cause/Effect, story in their journals using summary, literary analysis, Summarizing, and the theme. conclusions, and judgements. W: The students will write a letter of advice to the animals in the story.

GA/MA: In pairs, students will make a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast A Lady and Fly and The Ant and the Grasshopper.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.5 Literary skills, Interpretation and Analyzing of literature of various types. (PLAYS) LI: The teacher will introduce the play genre. LI: The class will follow along in reading with an audio presentation about a set of twin boys. LA: The students will create a compare and contrast chart for the two main characters.

Tuesday Day 2 JSSOL LA3.5 Literary skills, Interpretation and Analyzing of literature of various types. (PLAYS) PS/W: Students will be given a Venn diagram. They will fill out the diagram by what happened to the first boy only, what happened to his twin brother only, and what occurred with both the boys. GA/CM: Students will break into discussion groups and talk about why these events happened.

Week 14 EnglishChart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Wednesday Thursday Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.5 JSSOL LA3.5 Literary skills, Literary skills, Interpretation and Interpretation and Analyzing of literature of various Analyzing of literature types. of various types. (PLAYS) (PLAYS) LI: The teacher will LI/R/A/LA: The students will look at explain mood, tone, and excerpts from a few different types of other literary elements. plays; ie- historical, comedy. W/LA: The students make a story chart identifying all the major elements. Students will decorate these. Students who do neat work, will have theirs put up on the neat work board in the classroom. W: The students will be asked to write a short response to why the author chose to present the story the way he did, and how it would be different if; the characters were girls, the time was present day, etc.

R/OL/LI: The class will participate in a reader’s theatre reading. www.teachingheart.net/readerstheater .htm


YAY!! The class goes to see a musical! MUSIC MAN!

Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.5 Literary skills, Interpretation and Analyzing of literature of various types. (PLAYS) LI/CM: Students will review and recall what they have learned about play genres. LI/CM/CL: The students will discuss the town’s reaction to the music man and analyze the responses of several key characters. W/HW: Students will be asked to write a play review. The length should be one full page.

Week 15 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.5 JSSOL LA3.5 JSSOL LA3.5 Literary skills, Literary skills, Literary skills, Interpretation and Interpretation and Interpretation and Analyzing of literature of Analyzing of literature Analyzing of literature various types. of various types. of various types. (PLAYS) (POEMS) (POEMS) LI/A/MO/MU/OL/CI/HS: The classroom is open for families to hear the class Christmas play. Students have had scripts to work on independently and a few after school practices have been held.

LI: The teacher will introduce poetry’s literary terms.

CM/PS/LI: Have Students brainstorm what kinds of things frustrate them and what LI/LA: The teacher will frustration really means. open with several silly Have the class rate these poems. situations from least to most frustrating. Then GA/W/OL: Groups will ask the students if one be formed and students of these seems funny will be given an object and why. Incorporate to write a simple rhyme how this is like the about. Students will be poem and draw their allowed to share their attention to the poems. illustration.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.5 Literary skills, Interpretation and Analyzing of literature of various types. (POEMS) GA/OL: Have the students break into pairs to reread the previous poem aloud. Each student should take turns reading about every other two lines. LI/LA: When they finish ask students to list any sound effects they found in the poem. These include: repeated sounds, words, and rhyming.

R/LI: Students will read LA/R/MU: Students Song of Frustration will be given a small (Teacher’s Manual) packet of poems to analyze while listening CM/LA: Students will to soft classical music. analyze this boy’s feelings and discuss whether he really means what he says.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.5 Literary skills, Interpretation and Analyzing of literature of various types. (POEMS) LI: The teacher will introduce the vocabulary and spelling words for the week. T/LI/CM: The teacher will show a video of a few of these poems being dramatically read. The teacher will point out techniques and facilitate discussion of their meaning from the packets students completed. E: Students will take a brief quiz on poems and plays.

Week 16 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.5 JSSOL LA3.5 JSSOL LA3.5 Literary skills, Literary skills, Literary skills, Interpretation and Interpretation and Interpretation and Analyzing of literature Analyzing of literature Analyzing of literature of various types. of various types. of various types. (NONFICTION) (NONFICTION) (NONFICTION) LI: The teacher will introduce the genre of Nonfiction explaining the different types of Nonfiction and displaying different examples. GA/A: In groups, students will create a poster displaying the key elements of Nonfiction, providing three examples. R,GA: The class will read a Non-fiction article entitled Moving West. The students will be instructed to picture the people, setting and details described. HW,A: Students will draw a magazine cover for the article that was read.

GA: The class will participate in the “To Tell the Definition Game” for spelling and vocabulary. DA: Students can write out the vocabulary 3 times. OL: Select students will show and explain their magazine covers to the class. W: Students will write a journal response to what they predict will happen in Dancing Rainbows. R/PS:The class will begin reading Dancing Rainbows and the teacher will help students by asking comprehension questions.

R/PS: In reading pairs, students will read the second half of the story. While reading, students will answer questions from the board, in order to set a purpose. GA/A/R/PS: In groups, students will review the story picking out major points found in Dancing Rainbows and create a graphic organizer displaying the information found. Then they will determine the author’s purpose and write it in the beginning of their organizer. W: Students will each write a summary paragraph for one of the pages from their groups graphic organizer.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.5 Literary skills, Interpretation and Analyzing of literature of various types. (NONFICTION) E: The class will participate in a spelling and vocabulary test. Students will determine if their predictions were correct about Dancing Rainbows and make revisions if necessary. S/A: The class will create a diagram of how the sun’s energy warms the Earth. PS/W: The class will determine whether Starry Starry Night is fiction or nonfiction and write in their journals a prediction of what they think will happen in the story.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.5 Literary skills, Interpretation and Analyzing of literature of various types. (NONFICTION) L: The teacher will introduce the vocabulary and spelling words for the week. R: With reading partners, students will read Star Light, Star Bright. W/R: Individually students will generate a list of questions that the article answers. OL/GA: Reading partners will take turns roleplaying an interviewer and an astronomer on the camcorder.

Tuesday Day 2 JSSOL LA3.5 Literary skills, Interpretation and Analyzing of literature of various types. (NONFICTION) GA/A/W: In groups students will create a timeline of the major facts that are mentioned in Star Light, Star Bright. W: Students will use their timelines as aids for writing a summary Star Light, Star Bright on notebook paper. GA/PS: The class will create a campare/contrast chart for Star Light, Star Bright and The Big Dipper.

Week 17 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Wednesday Thursday Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.6 JSSOL LA3.6 Comprehension of Comprehension of nonfiction, nonfiction, incorporating incorporating organizational skills. organizational skills. (biographies) (biographies) GA: The class will do R: The class will read The the “Climb the Babe Didrickson Story. Beanstalk Game” to help read and define GA/PS/W: In groups, their vocabulary words. students will create a timeline of the three PS/W: The class will significant events that list on the board reasons happened in Babe why people read and Didrickson’s life. write biographies. LI/OL: The class will W/PS: Students will discuss the meaning of order what has foreshadowing. happened in their day thus far, illustrating DA: Definition card will be segment of events. provided

LI/OL/PS: The class will discuss the key elements that make up a GA/OL: In groups biography and create a students will talk about class poster as an HW: Student’s will read their posters that contain illustration. The Big Dipper. the key elements of the genre non-fiction.

GA/W: With partners, students will choose something from Babe’s life that forshadow’s her career. HW: Students will write a journal entry determining the different lessons learned from Babe Didrickson’s life.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.6 Comprehension of nonfiction, incorporating organizational skills. (biographies) E: The class will participate in a spelling and vocabulary test. GA/R: With reading partners, students will read Brave Bessie Coleman: Pioneer Aviator. GA/A/W: With partners, students will create a drawing or paper airplane and write a description of how Bessie flew in airshows. W: Students will write in their journals different elements that make the past two stories biographies. GA/MA/PS: In pairs, the class will use research materials provided by the teacher to choose a person to write their biographies on, including facts.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.6 Comprehension of nonfiction, incorporating organizational skills. (biographies) L: The teacher will introduce the vocabulary and spelling words for the week. W/GA: In pairs, students will write their biographies. They will make sure that events are in the correct order and include a strong introductory and concluding paragraphs. MU/GA: In pairs, students will write a song about their biographical person.

Week 18 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Day 2 Day 3 JSSOL LA3.6 JSSOL LA3.6 Comprehension of Comprehension of nonfiction, incorporating nonfiction, incorporating organizational skills. organizational skills. (autobiographies) (autobiographies) LI: The teacher will introduce and explain the key elements of autobiographies.

GA: In groups, students will participate in the “Mix and Match Game” for spelling and vocabulary.

GA/W/PS: The students will create compare and contrast chart to find the difference between autobiographies and biographies in their journals.

W/E: Students will do the “Family Fun” worksheet. This will consist of filling in a web about the different things Carmen’s family did together.

A/W:Students will draw a picture of a favorite memory and write a paragraph explain the chain of events that took place in GA: In groups students will this memory. make a tally chart of all the personal pronouns used GA/OL: In groups throughout the story to students will do a tableau illustrate one way to of one or more of their determine an favorite scenes from autobiography. Family Pictures/ Cuadros de familia and present to the class. R: The class will read Family Pictures/Cuadros de familia.



Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.7 Students will learn and utilize resources and technology to gain information. LI: Students will be introduced on how to use a dictionary. LI/E: They will be given a set of pictures along side a set of definitions. Students will match the pictures and definitions. LI/LA: Students will follow along with a few examples in class of directly looking up certain words.

Week 19 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.7 JSSOL LA3.7 JSSOL LA3.7 Students will learn and Students will learn and Students will learn and utilize resources and utilize resources and utilize resources and technology to gain technology to gain technology to gain information. information. information. LA/L/W: Students will be given a specific list of words and asked to find them individually. Once found, students will use the correct context to create a sentence for each word.

LI: The teacher will introduce how to use an encyclopedia.

R: A “mystery” sheet will be given to the students. Peter porcupine is all mixed up and giving the wrong meanings for what he means to say. Students must help decifer what he’s trying to say and solve his mystery.

CM: Students will have a time for questions.

T/CC/LI: A media presentation on the encyclopedia will be given by the librarian.

DA: students with learning disabilities will have one on one time with the teacher or an aid.

LI/R/TX/MA: Students will be given in-class exercises in which to use encyclopedias. R/TX/GA/CM: The students will compile various information on reptiles. Classmates will compare their findings in groups.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.7 Students will learn and utilize resources and technology to gain information. CL: Students will choose a country to research from a preselected list. R/W/LS: Class time will be used to begin researching from the encyclopedia and any relevant dictionary terms. Students are to make one notecard per fact they collect. Over all by the end they will need 30 facts.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.7 Students will learn and utilize resources and technology to gain information. LI: The teacher will introduce how to use a thesaurus. R/LA/LS: A poorly worded story will be given to the students and they will have to decide what needs to be changed and substitute the more appropriate words. R: Thesaurus checklistStudents will use this to test themselves and see if they can maneuver around a thesaurus.

Week 20 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.7 JSSOL LA3.7 JSSOL LA3.7 Students will learn and Students will learn and Students will learn and utilize resources and utilize resources and utilize resources and technology to gain technology to gain technology to gain information. information. information. T/LI/SS: The teacher will have a map on the computer pulled up, and bring the kids to various locations on the map. The teacher will then introduce how to use an atlas. MA/LS: Students will be given single area pages and given numbered locations to find on their map. They will place stickers on those locations.

LI: The students will be shown how to use the library card catalogue. MA/MO/LS/CC: The class will have a book scavenger hunt in the library. The librarian will be on hand to assist.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.7 Students will learn and utilize resources and technology to gain information.

LI: The teacher will introduce how to navigate around specific websites approved for this project.

LI/R: The teacher will introduce how to use Microsoft word. An example report will be given to the kids.

R/W: Students will be given snapshot handouts to refer back to and can take notes.

LA/L/T: Students will be given a story task and will be asked to correctly type out the story using the various tools on Word.

MA/T: The students will complete a “Find Me” activity by correctly navigating around these various sites.

The teacher will check over work. DA: For students who may not have computers at home, extra time will be given in class, as well as any down time may be used to work on reports.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.7 Students will learn and utilize resources and technology to gain information. R/W/LS/T: Students will have a work day in class. They will be allowed to used any resources and computers to work on their reports. The teacher will be available to answer questions and assist in any way. LI/CM: Conferencing about reports will be going on.

Week 21 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.7 JSSOL LA3.7 JSSOL LA3.7 Students will learn and PRESENTATIONS PRESENTATIONS utilize resources and technology to gain information. LI: The teacher will introduce how to use spell check. She will have students checking over their work. R/OL: Notecards will be examined and sourced collected. The students will work on their overall presentation and oral speeches.





Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.8 Cursive Handwriting & Exercises. W: The teacher will hand out cursive workbooks and demonstrate pattern. The students will trace the first designated set of letters. MA: The students will have string and draw out their letters. W: The students will practice writing these letters on there lined paper.

Week 22 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.8 JSSOL LA3.8 JSSOL LA3.8 Cursive Handwriting & Cursive Handwriting & Cursive Handwriting & Exercises. Exercises. Exercises. W: The teacher will W: The teacher will W: The teacher will demonstrate the writing demonstrate the next set demonstrate the next set direction. of direction writing. of direction writing. MA: The students will line out the next set of designated letters with toothpicks one letter at a time. W: The students will trace and practice writing these letters in their handbook.

MA: The students will trace in sand this set of cursive letters. W: The students will trace and practice writing these letters in their handbook.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.8 Cursive Handwriting & Exercises. W: The teacher will demonstrate the next set of direction writing.

MA: The students will trace these cursive letters with finger paint on paper.

MA: The students will create these cursive letters with m&m’s

W: The students will trace and practice writing these letters in their handbook.

W: The students will trace and practice writing these letters in their handbook.

DA: Paintbrushes will be available.

Week 23 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.8 JSSOL LA3.8 JSSOL LA3.8 JSSOL LA3.8 Cursive Handwriting & Cursive Handwriting & Cursive Handwriting & Cursive Handwriting & Exercises. Exercises. Exercises. Exercises. W: The teacher will W: The teacher will W: The teacher will MO/PS: The teacher demonstrate the next set review the whole have cursive words up will have a classroom of direction writing. alphabet of cursive on the board. The scavenger hunt in the letters. students will follow beginning. Students will MA: The students will along and write simple be given clues on paper take their slate boards MA/A: Students will sentences in cursive. strips. and trace with chalk this make a cursive poster to set of letters. be laminated and put in W/MA:The teacher will W: Afterwards, students their folders. pass out a worksheet will write these clues in W: The students will with pictures and a chronological order in trace and practice W: Students will manuscript sentence of cursive. writing these letters in complete a cursive that picture to be written their handbook. handwriting exercise in cursive. DA: Students who may with words in their have trouble handbook. remembering the order can have someone help number the events on the side.

 From this point on cursive will continue to be used throughout the year and into 4th grad

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.8 Cursive Handwriting & Exercises. W: Students will be given a chart of their own personal information. Students will copy exactly in cursive. W/LS: Students will also spend time getting comfortable enough to write their own name in cursive. R/W: Students will be given a story written in cursive and asked to take home and read and write a short paragraph summarizing it.

Week 24 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.9 JSSOL LA3.9 JSSOL LA3.9 JSSOL LA3.9 Writing: Focus, Writing: Focus, Writing: Focus, Writing: Focus, Organization, and Detail Organization, and Detail Organization, and Detail Organization, and Detail L: The teacher will GA/PS: In groups, GA/LA: In groups, the R/PS: Students will introduce the vocabulary students will brainstorm class will create a play review their own and spelling words for the different ideas for using one of the descriptive paragraphs week. descriptive paragraphs. vocabulary words. asking themselves; Do Students will then some parts seem GA/MA/S: In group determine their topic for LI: The class will stronger than others? students will participate in their descriptive review the what the Could you use better a “Sensory activity”. Each paragraph. introductory, sensory details? person will close their supporting, and eyes and describe that LI: The teacher will concluding sentences GA/W/PS: In peer they taste on a cotton review with the class the do. conference groups, swab. A scribe will write use of metaphors and down the descriptive similes. students will read their words that each person W: Students will then story’s and the members uses. PS: Students will do “The write their draft will determine whether Word Cupboard” activity descriptive paragraphs the paragraph includes LI/GA: The class will sheet. including strong the three main points determine what a introductory and written on the board; descriptive paragraph is. DA: Metaphor/Simile concluding sentences, vivid illustrations, The teacher will explain worksheet can be descriptive sensory comparisons, and exact that a good descriptive substituted. words, and exact nouns. nouns. paragraph includes vivid words that let the reader see, hear, feel, taste and smell. OL: Each group will tell the different descriptive word used for the foods which were tasted.

W/MA: Students will then write 3 simile’s and 3 metaphors that they would like to use in their descriptive paragraph. They will then organize their sensory details in a chart.

W/PS/LI: Students will make appropriate corrections and begin mini-conferences with the teacher for tips on proofreading.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.9 Writing: Focus, Organization, and Detail E: The class will participate in a spelling and vocabulary test. LI/W/PS: Students will finish mini-conferences with the teacher for tips on proofreading. W/A: Students will write their final descriptive paragraph and draw a picture of what they described. OL: Students will present their paragraphs and pictures.

Week 25 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.9 JSSOL LA3.9 JSSOL LA3.9 JSSOL LA3.9 Writing: Focus, Writing: Focus, Writing: Focus, Writing: Focus, Organization, and Detail Organization, and Detail Organization, and Detail Organization, and Detail LI: The teacher will GA: In groups, the L: The teacher will PS: Students will begin explain that a persuasive students will play the introduce the by checking their “Classroom Password vocabulary and spelling paragraph is intended to persuasive paragraphs persuade the audience to Game” for the vocabulary words for the week. for a topic sentence, do something. Then the words. reasons stated clearly, teacher will introduce the GA/R/PS/W: In reading topic for the persuasive and the strongest reason W/PS: Students will then groups, students will paragraphs being; why it organize there thoughts in last. read Piggins. Then they is important to be trusted. the organizational chart. will answer questions GA/R/LI/PS: In peer about the story. conference pairs, GA/R/PS: In groups, DA: Grid paper will be students will read their students will read provided if needed. LI/OL/PS: The teacher illustrations of persuasive paragraph aloud to their paragraphs. They will GA/W/PS: Students will will introduce the topic partner. Then each determine the order that write their introductory of Writing Persuasive partner will respond to the paragraph is written and concluding sentences paragraphs and ask for listener and writer input as to how it might and create their own list of and allow their partner to questions provided on requirements in a revise it. relate to the story. the board. persuasive paragraph PS/W: Students will participate in the Writer’s Workshop assignment.

OL/LI: The class will review different ideas and the teacher will introduce the organizational chart including; opinion, reason, reason, strongest reason, and request for action.

W: After revisions, students will write a draft of their persuasive paragraph including; a sentence stating their opinion, three reasons that will convince their audience, and tell their feeling at the end of the paragraph.

OL/LI/W/PS: Students will participate in miniconferences with the teacher for tips on proofreading. Other students will participate in reading a book or writing their final draft. HW/W: Students will write their final persuasive paragraph.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.9 Writing: Focus, Organization, and Detail E: The class will participate in a spelling and vocabulary test. PS/MO/OL/R: Students will participate in one of the following publication options; presentation, dance, or a tape recording. They will then present their publication to the class.

Week 26 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.9 JSSOL LA3.9 JSSOL LA3.9 JSSOL LA3.9 Writing: Focus, Writing: Focus, Writing: Focus, Writing: Focus, Organization, and Detail Organization, and Detail Organization, and Detail Organization, and Detail L: The teacher will LI: The class will GA: In groups, the LI: The class will introduce the vocabulary review the importance students will create review four major and spelling words for the of sequencing and talk posters with the questions to answer week. about using; Step 1, vocabulary words and while revising How-To Step 2, Step 3, Step 4 or illustrations. Paragraphs. OL/W: Students will give First, Next, Then, Last. examples of different LI/GA/W: The class GA/OL/W/PS: In peer how-to paragraphs, which W/MA: Students will will review topic and conference groups, each a volunteer will write on determine the materials concluding sentences. student will read their the board. needed for their how to Then students will trade how-to paragraph out topic. On separate their sentences with a loud to their group. The MA/GA/OL: In groups, students will observe notecards, students will partner who will help groups will answer the different how-to write each step to their with revisions. four questions paragraphs such as: directions, including pertaining to each recipes, instructions, four steps. Then, they W/A: Students will then person and make directions, ext. Then they will organize their write a draft of their appropriate revisions. will brainstorm different notecards. Last they will how-to paragraph, ideas for how-to make a chart including; including exact A/W/MA: Students will directions. Each student title, materials, and measurements. create a how to booklet will write down their steps in sequential with pictures for groups ideas on paper. A order. DA: Students will draw illustrating. volunteer from each group a picture of each step. will give examples of ideas they produced. HW: Students will HW: Students will write develop their their final how-to PS: Each students will introductory and paragraph drafts and determine their own how- concluding sentences. bring in necessary to topics. materials to demonstrate for the class.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.9 Writing: Focus, Organization, and Detail E: The class will participate in a spelling and vocabulary test. OL/MA: Students will present their how-to paragraphs using their booklets and props.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.10 Writing Revision and Refinement. Writing: STORIES L: The teacher will introduce the vocabulary and spelling words for the week. GA/A: The class will review the characteristics that make a great story and the five major elements. In groups, students will create a story hanger displaying the key essentials to a story. E/HW/PS/W: Students will read an example of a short story Pete, the Patriotic Pig and answer questions about it. LI: The teacher will introduce a story entitled Charlotte’s Web that will be read in reading groups and give background information

Week 27 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.10 JSSOL LA3.10 JSSOL LA3.10 Writing Revision and Writing Revision and Writing Revision and Refinement. Refinement. Refinement. Writing: STORIES Writing: STORIES Writing: STORIES GA/R: Reading groups GA: In pairs, the GA/R: Reading groups will read a segment of students will write a will read a segment of Charlotte’s Web. story using two assigned Charlotte’s Web and vocabulary words. answer questions W/PS: Students will pertaining to the book. determine their story GA/R: Reading groups topic by answering three will read a segment of LI: The teacher will questions on a piece of Charlotte’s Web. review the purpose of paper: Who will be the the three parts of a story audience? What is the LI: The teacher will (beginning, middle, and purpose? How the story explain good tips for ending) and introduce will be published. organizing and planning the story map. W/GA: Students will write three summary sentences of what they plan to write about. They will then trade their sentences with a partner, who will decide which summary sparks the most interst. They will then write a sentence summary and the teacher will check them. DA: Draw a picture and write two summary sentences.

W/PS/MA: On paper, students will write their main characters, setting, and story problem or situation that will be found in the story. Students will then write their main events on a notecard and organize it in their desired order. After organizing notecards into a timeline they will transfer their main events onto their story outline paper using time words for organization.

GA/MA: In groups students will find examples of good short story plots with books provided, taking note in their journals of key points they will want to remember when writing their stories. MA/W: Students will create a plot and use a “Story Map” worksheet to organize the three main events of their plot.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.10 Writing Revision and Refinement. Writing: STORIES E: The class will participate in a spelling and vocabulary test. LI/MA: The teacher will explain how to develop a stories characters and setting, comparing it to painting a picture and using a transperency with questions to answer. W/A/MA: Students will answer the questions about their characters/setting in a word web form and draw a picture to visualize each. Then, they will begin writing their story, describing the characters and setting. HW/R: Students will read an assigned segment of Charlotte’s Web and complete their story drafts.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.10 Writing Revision and Refinement. Writing: STORIES L: The teacher will introduce the vocabulary and spelling words for the week. GA/R: Reading groups will read a segment of Charlotte’s Web. LI: The teacher will review possesive nouns and encourage students to use them in their revisions. PS: Students will evaluate their stories by using “Revising Your Story” worksheet. GA/PS: In pairs, students will proofread stories for punctuation and grammatical errors, using the “Proofreading Mark Legend” HW: Write Final Copy

Week 28 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.10 JSSOL LA3.10 JSSOL LA3.10 Writing Revision and Writing Revision and Writing Revision and Refinement. Refinement. Refinement. Writing: STORIES Writing: LETTERS Writing: LETTERS GA/R: Reading groups GA,W: In pairs, GA/R: Reading groups will read a segment of students will write will read a segment of Charlotte’s Web. “Super Sentences” Charlotte’s Web. using the vocabulary DA: Students will draw words. LI: The teacher will a picture depicting what explain that they will be they read in reading MA/LI: The teacher writing Thank-You groups. will bring in examples letters to a person of of formal and non choice. MA: Students will formal letters. She will decide between two explain and hand out GA/PS/W: In small different publishing addresses for Pen-pals groups, students will suggestions; make a that will be used brainstorm a list of videotape or audiotape throughout the year. ideas for informationton of the story read aloud include in their thankor illustrate in a GA/PS/W: In groups, you letters. They will storyboard format. Then students will create a create a chart to they will proceed to chart to compare and generate ideas. publish their stories. contrast the difference they see between formal MA/LI: The class will and nonformal letters. discuss the five basic parts of a letter W/LI/OL: The class displaying them on the will discuss the ELMO. differences between formal and nonformal A/W:Students will write letters, writing the a draft of their thankdifferences on the board you letters. They will and in their journals. also decorate computer paper for stationary.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.10 Writing Revision and Refinement. Writing: LETTERS E: The class will participate in a spelling and vocabulary test. R/PS: Students will read and revise their own thank you letters, asking themselves three major questions of importance provided by the teacher. GA/LI/W/R: In peer conference groups students will read their letters and the groups will discuss the major questions pertaining to listener and writer. W: Students will make corrections to their draft letters. HW: Students will write their final drafts on their paper stationary and read the ending of Charlotte’s Web.

Week 29 English Chart WeekMink 30 English Chart Jennifer & Sarah Weaver Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.10 JSSOL LA3.10 JSSOL LA3.10 JSSOL LA3.10 JSSOL Revision LA3.10 and JSSOL LA3.10 JSSOL LA3.10 JSSOL LA3.10 Writing Writing Revision and Writing Revision and Writing Revision and Writing Revision and Writing Revision and Writing Revision and Writing Revision and Refinement. Refinement. Refinement. Refinement. Refinement. Refinement. Refinement. Refinement. Writing: ESSAYS Writing: ESSAYS Writing: ESSAYS Writing: ESSAYS Writing: REPORTS Writing:REPORTS Writing: REPORTS Writing: REPORTS LI: The teacher will MA/W: The teacher R: Students will read L: The teacher willThe PS/MA: will GA: Inin groups, students W/GA: The class will introduce essays. will giveStudents out three Storm the Night W/LS/T: The student’s introduce the vocabulary then create their will participate in the create a revising checklist teacher will show an pictures from (Teacher’s Manuel) will use their revisions and spelling for the magazines. “Research Log Journals” and a proofreading example of words an essay. The students “What’s My Word Game” checklist to edit their week. and write questions from using vocabulary words. checklist. They will will be asked to write a W/LA: Students will papers. Final drafts will their K-W-L charts that proceed to revise their R/LS: Students will be half page response on write a one page essay be on the PS/W: The students will they want answered. LI/W: The teacher will owntyped drafts. given a rubric to be used what is going on in the examining figurative determine the answer to review topicthe sentences and computer. in the future, and picture. and descriptive “What does a pinapple LI/MA: The teacher will supporting details and GA/W/PS: In groups, samples a poor language in the story. plant lookoflike?” Theessay class demonstrate how to color formulate sentences from students will discuss their and a well written essay. GA: Students will will formulate a table, code information andhave their topic webs.The reports in a “Writing topic sentence, and in their check. research students create will topic Conference”. They will aplace peeritediting CM: Thewill teacher paragraph. logue. and supporting sentences. answer six questions GA/MA/LA: Students conference with concerning each others will pair up and play a students. R: The class will read a W/PS/MA: Students will LI: The teacher will reports.Then they will game of memory to research report entitled research their K-W-L review the introducing and discover the tips to DA/T: Students may use trade papers with a partner Oranges by Christina questions and record their concluding paragraphs and read/revise reports writing good essays. spell check on Vela. findings in their reseach from the Oranges report using a teacher provided Microsoft to logues. Then the will cut and explainWord that the “Revising Strategies and check basic spelling. LI: The teacher will out their information and introduction presents the Proofreading” list. review the characteristics of a good report. The class will list report topics on the board and create K-WL charts to help select and narrow topics. HW: Find 5 resources on report topics.

use the color codes to help place information in the correct category. They will then paste their information in the form of a topic web to help visualize the main topics and supporting details.

topic and creates interest and the concluding paragraph sums up the main idea. HW: Write introducting and concluding paragraphs.

LI/MA: The teacher will instruct students how to present bibliographical information. HW: Students will write their final draft, including bibliography.

Friday Friday Day 5 Day 5 JSSOL LA3.10 JSSOL LA3.10 Writing Revision and Writing Revision and Refinement. Refinement. Writing: ESSAYS Writing: R/L/E: TheREPORTS teacher will E: The will hand outclass a purposely participate in a spelling poor written essay. and vocabulary Students will betest. told how many grammatical A: Students mistakes andwill make diorama’s of there their are. misspellings reportswill forbe publication They asked to and sharing purposes. find all of the mistakes and correct them on the OL/T:inStudents paper red pen.will be individually video-taped using their diorama’s to help illustrate a newsbroadcast of their reports. DA: Notecards can be used while giving newsbroadcast. HW: Students will write in their journals an analysis of what they learned about the process of writing reports.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL LA3.11 Editing, Grammar and Mechanics Improvement LI: The teacher will introduce the vocabulary and spelling words for the week. LI: The teacher will use interactive teaching to explain that a sentence tells a complete thought and to distinguish the four types of sentences. GA/W: In groups, students will write a journal entry about a gardener containing all four types of sentences. GA/W/A: In pairs, students will make a comic book containing all four types of sentences.

Week 31 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.11 JSSOL LA3.11 JSSOL LA3.11 Editing, Grammar and Editing, Grammar and Editing, Grammar and Mechanics Mechanics Mechanics Improvement Improvement Improvement GA: In groups, students LI: Through interactive MA/OL/PS: Volunteers will read five sentences will particpate in the “Mix teaching and the use of on the board and and Match” vocabulary the markerboard, the determine who or what the game. teacher will explain that sentence is about and put every sentence contains it on the apples of the R/W/PS: Students will a predicate that tells apple tree. read sentences on the what the subject is board and determine what doing. LI: Through interactive the underlined words MA/W: Volunteers will come to the front and pantomime what they would do if they found treasure. The class will write a sentence describing what each person did. W/PS: In journals, students will write a paragraph about different chores they do. Then they will trade their journals with a partner who will proofread and underline the predicate in each sentence.

teaching the teacher will explain what and where the subject is found. LA/W/PS: Students will right riddles about people or objects in the room. Their partners will write responses and circle the subject in their responses. GA/MA/W: Students do “Famous or Favorite Subject” Activity. DA: Students use subjects and simple predicates on notecards to combine into sentences.

replace. LI: The teacher will explain that a subject pronoun takes the place of one or more nouns in the subject of the sentence. A/W/GA: Groups will be assigned a subject pronoun and write and decorate it on a piece of construction paper, placing them in the book of pronouns. GA/LI: Students will practice displaying their pronouns during a short story.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.11 Editing, Grammar and Mechanics Improvement E: The class will participate in a spelling and vocabulary test. LI: The class will review their book or pronouns and the use of subject pronouns. MA/OL/W/PS: Students will look for interesting pictures in a magazine and write a caption explaining it. Then they will go to the front to share their findings. Volunteers will make a statement about the picture using a subject pronoun. A recorder will write the volunteers statements on the board. W/L/PS: Students will participate in the activity “What’s Your Hobby”.

Week 32 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.11 JSSOL LA3.11 JSSOL LA3.11 JSSOL LA3.11 Editing, Grammar and Editing, Grammar and Editing, Grammar and Editing, Grammar and Mechanics Mechanics Mechanics Mechanics Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement GA: As a class students MA/LI: The teacher OL/LI: The class will LI: The teacher will will particpate in a will read three sentences review Singular write two sentences on and then write a list of Posessive and the board containing the “Bingo” game using the vocabulary words. three people and three volunteers will read same subject. A items. Volunteers will their sentences about the volunteer will suggest a LI,MO: The teacher will draw lines from the art. way to combine the introduce the lesson by person to their sentences. Then a writing a present tense posession through A/GA/W: Students will transperency will be sentence on the board and understanding the draw their own artwork. used to illustrate having a student role play sentences. Then switch with a combining predacits. the sentence. This will be partner who will write repeated three times, LI/ MA:The teacher sentences with singular W: Students will do the integrating the teaching of present tense verbs. will use interactive posessive nouns activity “Write a Short teaching about describing the picture. Story”, combining borrowing to illustrate sentences with the same GA: In groups students will play “Subject-Verb singular posessive W: In journals, students subject. Match Up”. Then students nouns. will make a list of six will practice matching objects in an attic and GA/W: In pairs, subject and verb cards, A/MA/W: The teacher then write sentences students will write 5 paying attention to will display paintings about each object and pairs of sentences, each singular and plural. that contain many who it belongs to. pair containing the same objects. Students will subject. They will then HW/E: Given 10 incorrect sentences, write about the elements switch sentences and students will correct the of the paintings using combine accordingly. present time verbs singular posessive accordingly. nouns.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.11 Editing, Grammar and Mechanics Improvement LI: The teacher will write three categories on the board; present, spelling change, and past. Then show how to change verbs from present to past. GA: In groups, students will play “Fast Time with Past Time” GA/W:The teacher will write five past tense sentences on the board that are formed incorrectly and will correct the sentences with a partner. DA: Strong english readers will be paired accordingly. HW/W: A past tense letter in journals about something unual they saw to help a person understand 100 years from now.

Week 33 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.11 JSSOL LA3.11 JSSOL LA3.11 JSSOL LA3.11 Editing, Grammar and Editing, Grammar and Editing, Grammar and Editing, Grammar and Mechanics Mechanics Mechanics Mechanics Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement R/TX: The students will W/R/LA: Students will R/LA:The teacher will LA: The student will be be given a packet of revise each others hand out a subject-verb given a worksheet and short stories to find journal letters for the agreement diagram and will be asked to identify grammar mistakes in. future. explain it. subjects by circling They are to include them and underlining They will circle and positive comments R/W/LA:The students the verbs. rewrite those sentence along with revision. will create their own correctly diagram from sentences GA/W: Students will Students will watch a from Looney Toons. pair up and each will list cartoon short from 8 random things or DA: The smart board Looney Toons of LA: Each student will people. Then they will will be available to use improper grammar. self correct when it is each have to write a gone over in class. sentence with an agreeing verb form.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.11 Editing, Grammar and Mechanics Improvement E: The students will be tested on mechanics with a narrative passage, and given a matching subject-verb sheet. MA/GA: Students will form study groups and will be given quiz cards to prepare each other.

Week 32 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL LA3.11 JSSOL LA3.11 JSSOL LA3.11 JSSOL LA3.11 Editing, Grammar and Editing, Grammar and Editing, Grammar and Editing, Grammar and Mechanics Mechanics Mechanics Mechanics Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement GA: As a class students MA/LI: The teacher OL/LI: The class will LI: The teacher will will particpate in a will read three sentences review Singular write two sentences on and then write a list of Posessive and the board containing the “Bingo” game using the vocabulary words. three people and three volunteers will read same subject. A items. Volunteers will their sentences about the volunteer will suggest a LI,MO: The teacher will draw lines from the art. way to combine the introduce the lesson by person to their sentences. Then a writing a present tense posession through A/GA/W: Students will transperency will be sentence on the board and understanding the draw their own artwork. used to illustrate having a student role play sentences. Then switch with a combining predacits. the sentence. This will be partner who will write repeated three times, LI/ MA:The teacher sentences with singular W: Students will do the integrating the teaching of present tense verbs. will use interactive posessive nouns activity “Write a Short teaching about describing the picture. Story”, combining borrowing to illustrate sentences with the same GA: In groups students will play “Subject-Verb singular posessive W: In journals, students subject. Match Up”. Then students nouns. will make a list of six will practice matching objects in an attic and GA/W: In pairs, subject and verb cards, A/MA/W: The teacher then write sentences students will write 5 paying attention to will display paintings about each object and pairs of sentences, each singular and plural. that contain many who it belongs to. pair containing the same objects. Students will subject. They will then HW/E: Given 10 incorrect sentences, write about the elements switch sentences and students will correct the of the paintings using combine accordingly. present time verbs singular posessive accordingly. nouns.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL LA3.11 Editing, Grammar and Mechanics Improvement LI: The teacher will write three categories on the board; present, spelling change, and past. Then show how to change verbs from present to past. GA: In groups, students will play “Fast Time with Past Time” GA/W:The teacher will write five past tense sentences on the board that are formed incorrectly and will correct the sentences with a partner. DA: Strong english readers will be paired accordingly. HW/W: A past tense letter in journals about something unual they saw to help a person understand 100 years from now.

Monday Day 1 Review

Week 35 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Review and Practice SOL TESTING SOL TESTING sheets

Friday Day 5 SOL TESTING

Week 36 English Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver

Monday Day 1 SOL Testing

Tuesday Day 2 Classroom Publications

Wednesday Day 3 Classroom Publications

LI: The teacher will explain about having a classroom publication. The class will be divided into groups: Illustrators, authors, editors, and presenters.

W: The authors group will finish writing the story today. The rest of class works on their journal entries.

LS: Each group will be given responsibilities in creating the class book. The story idea must be thought of today. W/R/CM/GA: Each group will start working once the storyline is given.

Thursday Day 4 Classroom Publications

R/A/MO: All work is shown to the the teacher for final approval and suggestions. The presenters can go out into A/R/W: Once the authors are the hall with the aid and finished the illustrators and begin putting acting into editors can finish their work. The the story. authors and presenters are working on journaling. R/CM: The rest of the class will read and discuss other classroom publications from different classes.

Friday Day 5 Class Party & Special Fine Arts Performance MO/A: The presenters will act out the story. The teacher will bring in snacks and drinks for a class party. The class will enjoy watching movie.

Works Cited: Abrahamson, Richard F. (1995) Treasury of Literature. New York: Harcourt Brace. Alexander, Rosemary (1986) Big Book of Absolutely Everything. New York: Instructors Books Beck, Isabel L. (2007) Trophies. Orlando: Harcourt. Cooper, J. David. (1996) Invitations to Literacy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Herr, E. Selma. (1961) Learning Activities for Reading. Iowa: Brown Company. Literature Works Teacher’s Guide. (1996) Needham Heights, MA Silver Burdett Ginn. Reading Language Arts Practice Book. (1995) New York, New York. Macmillan/McGraw-Hill School Division. Literature Works Source Bank. (1996) Needham Heights, MA. Silver Burdett Ginn. Idea Zone. (1996) Needham Heights, MA Silver Burdett Ginn. Sweeney, Jacqueline. Teaching Poetry: Yes You Can! (1993). New York, New York. Scholastic Inc. Joy, Flora. Creative Writing Booklets: Easy to Make-Easy to Use. (1985). Carthage, IL Good Apple, Inc. White, E.B. Charlotte’s Web. (1974) Harper Trophy.

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