273-penawaran Training Program In Educational Planning Management (280109)

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ran Rava J enderarsudi'#il,

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Nomor : 273 lD1.3lcl200g

Jakarta, Zfl Januari


Lan-rpiran : 1 eksemplar

Perihal : Penalaran Training Plogramme in EducationalPlanning and Management

Yth. Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Iingkr.rngan Depdihnas

Vlenunjuk surat Kepala Biro Kepegar,vaian Setjen Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Nonror: 2070lA4lKPl2009 tanggal 19 Janr.rari2009 perihal tersebut pacla pokok sr-rrat di atas, dengan ini kami sarnpaikan surat pena\,varan UNESCO Nomor: Ref.llEP/Prg.TEP/2008


62 tanggal 1 5 Desember 2008.

jiha ada dosen dari lir-rgkungan pefguman tinggi Saudara ada yang berrninat agar lnengiriml
Demikian untult diketahui dan atas perhatian Saudara kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Sekretaris Ditjen Pendidikan'l'inggi

Suryo Hapsoro TriUtomo NIP. 131471476 Ternbusan Yth, 1. Sell'etaris Jenderal Depdiknas

2. Kepala Biro Kepegar.vaian Depdiknas

T'nta t1saha Firri piman

NOI qg


TGL: 09 .- of


fnternational fnstitute for Educational planning Institut international de planification de l,6ducation


Tel (direct line): + j3. Int ernet :


atcho ar en a@,i i ep. unes co. or g

Ref IIEP/Prg. TEP/2 008. 7 6 2

15 Decernber 2008


Subject: Invitation for candidatures to the 45th session ofthe Advanced rraining Progt'amme in Educational Planning uJuuougement (1 September 2009 _ 30 June 2010) The mandate and mission of the l:rternational Institute for Educational plaruring (iIEp) is to help trNESCo Member states s$ngbhgn their capacities to plan and manage education.

The Advanced Training Programme (A u,", to the development-of national capacities. since i965, more than 1400 specialists from over 150 trNESCo Member states have been trained through the ATp.

I have the honour- of informing you that IIEP is inviting candidatures for its 45th session of the Advanced Training Programme in Educational Pla,rning and Management, scireduled to take nt-eltu"t -10.09.1139 Jry:2.%o This proglanure has now been estabtished as a lli?:"::1,t-feproresstonaL progralrune at thEMaBtEis levelJhereby invite you to present qualifred candid,ates to be considered for admission to our kaining ptogrum-L by the IIEp Selectio' il" large number of applicants, we have r"qu.it"d that each couatry .r;J ; maximurn of--fourlppJtoatlogs' Furthermote, in order to increase the access or-wome#to-;d;"gramrne, Member States are strongly encouraged to propose applications from female candidates.


The enclosed official Announcement provid,es you with full infonaation on the progranune qualifications necessary for application. candidates admitted to the programme wiil participate, on a fuIl-time basis, in the rottowlng two phases of the progru**",--

a'd the

Ministers of Education Member States of LINESCO


7-9, rue Eugdne International

Delacroix, Z 5l l 6 Paris, France Tel; (33) 1.45.03,27.00 (33) - Nafiornl Tel: 0l.45.A3.77.00 Fru..;:




In-Country Phase (l-30 September 2009)

In their home cou:rtries, prior to coming to

Paris, participants will study self-teaching materiais sent to them by IIEP' They will prepare a diagnosis of their particular education ,yrtd and will identify a topic for their Memoir/disiertation. fue would be grateful if you could ensure that admitted candidates are freed from their usual duties in Septemb & zoog in order to the preparatory work leading to the t'aining at IIEp in paris. "o*ft.i.

Training at IIEP (1 October 2009 to 30 Jrtne 2010) The training in Paris is comprised of a Common Core and a Specialization phase. The programme also includes two study visits, in France and in a Member State of IINESCO, and the submission of a Memoir/dissertation. CertiJication

The Advanced Training Programme leads to the participants obtaining the IIEp Master's degree. Depending on the results, certain participants obtain the iIEP Diploma. All parricipants

obtain a certificate of participation. Selection process

Application: *" examined by a Selection Committee which takes into account the applicant's academic qualifications, age: professional experience, and an assurance by the present employer that up'in completion of the progranune, the participant will be reinstaterJ in hislher job. The Committee strives for an equitable geographical and linguistic distribution among Member States and pays special attention to applications from women and least-developed iJs. "orrrrt

Candidates are informed of the decision of the Selection Committee as of May 2009 through the National Commission for LTNESCO. Ali admitted candidates are expected to report to IIEp on Thursday 1 October 2009. Costs andJinancing

Although IIEP covers most of the training costs, partial financial participation is nevertheless requested to finance certain pedagogical costs, as well as living i' paris repreqenting a total of €22,4A0 (twenty-fwo thousand four huncired Euros). Please"*p"rrr", fild aftached the Financial Appendix for details. In addition, participants must foresee the cost incurred in a roundtrip air ticket.



As the process of obtaining fellovg5ftip5 is often long and complex, it is strongly recommended that fellowship requests, to the coicerned agencies be made well in ad.vance by the authorities presenting the candidaies (piease see the attachei Note orz Fellowships). Deadlinefor applications - 2 March 2009

In order to allow for the normal process of review, selection and notification, application forms' duiy completed and bearing uo official declaration by the national authorify (Employeratrational commission), must reach "aoaia#ls IIEp by the 2nd of March zflag. Should you need additional clarification, infonnation.


shall be pleased to provide you with further

Accept, Sir/I4adam, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Mark Bray Director


3 copies 3 copies 3 copies 3 copies

of the Official Announcentent of the Application Form of the Financial Appendix of the Note on Felliwships

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