27 June -3 July 2009

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1 ahðKê U.260.00 6 cûiKê U.130.00 3 cûiKê U.65.00 Uuû c^ò@Wÿe ð / aýûu Wâû`Ö @ûKûeùe _VûA _ûeòùa ö Manager, Nijukti Khabar,

TS-3/193, Mancheswar I.E., Bhubaneswar - 10

RNI No. 52621/93

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^ò~êqò Lae WûKùe ù^ùf


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Employment & Education based leading weekly bêaù^gße

27 Rê^þ- 03 RêfûA 2009


BHUBANESWAR 27 June- 03 July 2009

K§cûk Ròfäûùe iõù~ûRK _\aú Lûfò aäKþ iû]^ùK¦â iõù~ûRK (BRCC) ^òùdûR^ iµKðòZ aòmû_^

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{¾æS{¾æS LÿÀÿ;ëÿ : Hostel Free INDIAN SCHOOL OF FIRE & SAFETY ENGINEERING A/49, Sahid Nagar, Near Satsang Bus Stop, # NH-5 BHUBANESWAR—751 007, Tel : 0674–2546392, Mobile: 9937040664, [email protected] www.isfsefiresafety.com

^ò~q ê ò Lae Gùa Aeù^Uþùe www.nijuktikhabar.net nn




27Rê^þ-03 RêfûA 2009

Nijukti Khabar


Reqd. more than 10 yrs. exp. Accountant working in a CA Firm having good knowledge of accounts, taxation and M.S. Office Apply to email: [email protected] M:9830804916 vvv Wanted one tally knowing 2/3 years experienced Account Assistant apply [email protected] vvv

Required Marketing / Sales expert for Industrial Oil & Base Oil for Kolkata & Durgapur, C.V. to: [email protected]

Minimum 4-5 years experience, attractive remuneration. Magnatron Intt.56C, Mirza Ghalib St. Kolkat-16 (Inside Armenian College) Ph:22292771, 2229-2767, Fax: 22292771. vvv Audit / Account assistants wanted by a C.A. Firm. Contact S.K. Saha, 10A, British India St., Kolkata -69. vvv ACK-learn MIS, Tally, Tax & get job in Haldiram, Rupa, Relliance within 24 hrs. Mob:9674245433. vvv CA Firm require: C.A. Inter with good exposure in Bank & other audits for Kolkata and a Computer Savvy experienced B.Com. for Itanagar (A.P.) Contact 24235104/ 5086. [email protected]. vvv Wanted A/c Exec. for KPO, B.Com 1+ yrs. exp. age-21-30, fluent in English, Night shift. 9831759390. www.smartservicez.com vvv Renowned. Business House at South Kolkata requires Accountant experienced in Tally & Excel, capable of finalization of accounts. Apply with CV & photo at [email protected] vvv



1) One Senior Accountant for factory for overall charges of Cash, Store, Excise matter with Computer knowledge. 2) One Accountant having knowledge of handling Sales Tax and other statutory matters with Computer knowledge. Apply with expectation to [email protected] Required Computer Accountant with 5 yrs. Experience for Manufacturer Exporter near Minto Park Fax/Email resume to 22870564 or [email protected] vvv A reputed Export house in Kolkata urgently requires Accountants with minimum experience of 1 year. Freshers may also apply Interested candidate may send in CVs within 3 days at [email protected] vvv Wanted Commercial Official Min. 810 Yrs. Experience in VAT, Income Tax in Civil Construction Business. M: 9830051069. vvv An experienced dealer in cash and F & O is required with certificates 98303 36720.



Accountant / CA

Accountant (JR) Steno Typist


vvv Required a Marketing Executive for Assam & Imported Coal Minimum 10 years experience. Contact: 9903820202, 9331051345 Email:[email protected] vvv

PATH REMINDER HR EXECUTIVE, KEY ACCOUNTS MANAGER Job Desc: Managing the entire recruitment cycle from end to end recruitment, sourcing, conducting personal interview, maintain client relationship etc. Profile: Candidate should have prior domain experience in hardcore recruitment, preferably handling insurance and banking sector. Mature, outgoing and should have ability to handle a team as well as working alone on assignment. Exp:0-4 Location: Mumbai.Bengaluru/Bangalore, Hyderabad/ Secunderabad. E m a i l : [email protected], [email protected] vvv

DEUTRON TECHNOLOGIES TELLECALLER/RECRUITMENT EXE Job Desc: Call customers and clients. Gather Data and verify information. Create reports. Recruit suitable candidates based on profile suitability. Effectively Follow up with clients and candidates. Profile: Smart.pleasant.self motivated candidate with res-onably good english speaking skills. Ability to establish good rapport with clients and candidates. Sales oriented and have the ability to remain positive. Honest .dedicated and sincere in carrying out reponsibilities. Freshers can apply. Exp: 0-3. Location: Afghanistan.Ernakulam / Kochi/ Cochin Email: [email protected] vvv


HR. EXECUTIVE. Job Desc: The candidate is required to manage all HR functions in the areas of recruitment, joining formalities.maintainence of HR records, conducting employee engagement activities and attending employee grievances. Profile: Should have good communication skills. Experience in the HR field would be an advantage.Knowledge in contemporary HR practices and processes. Exp: 0-1 Location: Mumbai, Mumbai Suburbs Email: [email protected] vvv

CSMO PHARMEXX INDIA PVT. LTD. MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVE Job Desc. Promoting pharma products. Profile: Fresher /Experienced in Pharma Industry.Exp: 0-1. Location: Delhi,Chennai,Thrissur / Trichur. Email:[email protected] vvv


27June-03 July 2009




ELECTRICAL OR ELECTRONICS MAINTENANCE ENGG/ SUPERVISORS/CHIP DESIGN Job Desxc: We are looking for talented fresher to join our team as Electrical Or Electronics Maintenance Engg / Supervisors /Chip Design Engg / Embedded System / Network Administrator /Testing Engg/VLSI Design Profile: we are looking for talented fresher to join in our team. Candidate should have good communication skills, good interpersonal skillsand leadership qualities. Candidate should have knowledge of Embedded System .VLSI Design. Exp:0-5. Location: Bhubaneshwar, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru/ Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Ernakulam / Kochi/ Cochin, Hosur, Hyderabad / Secunderabad, Kolkata Email: [email protected] vvv

ION EXCHANGE SERVICES LTD ENGINEER - INSTRUMENTATION Job Desc: Must have hand on exp in Instrumentation, Control Panel, Automation. Identifying new markets and exploring business opportunity with new prospect. Vendor development, Enquiry generation, payments follow up. Profile: Basic knowledge of instrumentation. Exp: 0-2 Location: Kolkata Email: [email protected] vvv


Job Desc: Service engineer for onsite In-house service, repairs & maintenance of the equipments. Profile: Diploma / BE in Electrical, Electronics. Exp:0-3 Location: Mumbai, Mumbai Suburbs Email: [email protected],[email protected]

MISCELLANEOUS FLAMINGO PHARMACEUTICALS LTD, MANAGEMENT TRAINEEINDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (TALOJA) MALE CANDIDATES ONLY Job Desc: Should have experience in IR activities.Male candidate from pharrna background preferred. Candidates having Degree/Diploma in Labour studies,Labour Laws can apply. Profile: Should have experience in IR activities.Male candidate from pharma background preferred. Candidates having Degree/ Diploma in Labour studies.Labour Laws canapply.Exp: 0-2 Location: Mumbai Email: [email protected] vvv


RECRUITMENT CONSULTANT, Job DescThis is an urgent requirement for Recruitment Consultant havingatleast 2yrs experience in recruitment industry. Profile: Desired candidate must have good communication skills & require internet at home. Must have atleast 2 yrs of experience in this field. Exp: 0-3 Location: Delhi/NCR, Bengaluru/Bangalore, Hyderabad / Secunderabad Email: [email protected]




Applications are invited in the prescribed form for the following teaching posts of the Institute of Mathematics and Applications, Bhubaneswar so as to reach the undersigned on or before 01.08.09 (1st August, 2009). Details of the Teaching posts are as follows :SI.No. Name of the post No. of Posts Scale of Pay 1. Professor 2(Two) UGC Scale as approved by the State Govt. 2. Reader 1 (One) 3. Lecturer in Mathematics/ 2 (Two) Computer Science Non Teaching Staff : 4. System Analyst 1 (One) On contractual basis 5. Librarian 1 (One) On contractual basis 2) Essential Qualification : Professor (i) An eminent scholar with published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with ten years of experience in post-Graduate teaching and experience of guiding research at doctoral level. OR An outstanding scholar with established reputation who has made significant contribution to Mathematics, (ii) In exceptional cases, candidates with 15 years of UnderGraduate teaching at honours level/research experience could also be considered. Reader :- (i) Good academic record with doctoral or equivalent published work. In addition to these, candidates who are from outside the University system shall also possess at Master’s degree level at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade of B in seven point scale with latter grades OABCDEF. (II) Five years of Experience of teaching and/or Research, excluding the period of research spent for obtaining the research degrees and has made some mark in the areas of scholarship as evidenced by quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curriculum. Lecturer:- (i) Good academic record with at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ST Candidates and for candidates with Ph.D degree prior 19.09.91) or an equivalent grade of B in seven point scale of OABCDEF at Masters degree level, (ii) For the post of Lecture in Computer Science, the candidate must posses a Master degree in Mathematics and or higher degree with M.Tech/ Ph.D degree in Computer Science, (iii) For the post of Lecture in Mathematics the candidate should possess a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics. A candidate who has already submitted his/her Ph.D thesis shall also be considered. Note : i) Reservation is applicable as per State Govt. Rules, ii) The Selection Committee may consider persons with outstanding contribution in Mathematics who did not apply for the post of Professor, iii) Qualification for non teaching post is as per State Govt. specification. GENERAL INFORMATION a) Application form can be obtained from the Institute of Mathematics & Applications or downloaded from the website : www.iomaorissa.org. b) The application form will be obtained from the Institute with Fee: Rs.200/- (Rs. 50/ - for SC/ST candidates) in shape of bank draft to be sent in favour of Director of Institute of Mathematics and Applications, Bhubaneswar payable to any Nationalized Bank, Bhubaneswar. Candidates requesting for application through registered post are required to pay Rs.200/- in shape of Bank draft along with a self addressed stamped envelope of size 23cm x 10 cm (Rs.50.00 for SCI ST~candidates). c) Each prescribed application duly filled in by the candidate should carry attested copies of all certificates, mark sheets, evidence of teaching/research experience, testimonials and other publications. Applications incomplete in any manner or received after the due date are liable to be summarily rejected, d) In-service candidates should route a copy of their application through proper channel or he/she produces a no objection certificate from his/her employer at the time of interview, e) The candidates are required to appear at an interview before the selection committee at their own expenses. f)SC/ST/SEBC candidates are required to furnish a copy of the certificate from the competent authority along with the application, g) The candidate will have to produce the original documents in support of his Her age, qualifications, experience etc. at the time of interview, h) The details of specialization etc. prescribed for different posts will be available in the institute website : www.iomaorissa.org i) Candidates from abroad may also apply in plain paper furnishing their curriculum vitae. j) Issue of this advertisement does not make it binding on the Institute to make appointment, k) All correspondence in this regard is made by designation and not by name. Director, IMA, Bhubaneswar


27Rê^þ-03 RêfûA 2009


Affilliated to NCVT, Govt. of India

Plot No.B-25 (Near Ganguram Sweets), Rupali Square, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar Mobile : 9238100133

ùUùKÜû gòÌ Zûfòc ùK¦â, aâjà_êe

(eûÁâúd ùa÷hdòK _âgl ò Y _eòh\ (NCVT) bûeZ ieKûe Gaõ ^òùŸðgK ùa÷hdòK gòlû I Zûfòc, IWÿg ò û ieKûeu \ßûeû ÊúKéZ_ ò ûâ ¯ @^êÂû^) Ö @ûA.Uò.@ûA. ^ûcùfLû aòmû_^

@ûMâjú ù~ûMý QûZâQûZâúcû^uVûeê ^òcÜfòLòZ _ûVýKâcùe PkòZ gòlûahð 2009 _ûAñ ^ûcùfLû \eLûÉ @ûjßû^ Keû~ûC@Qò ö _ûVýKâc @ûA.Uò. @ûŠ A.Giþ.Gcþ

A^þ`eùci^ ùUùKÜûùfûRò Gaõ AùfKþùUâû^òKè iòÁc ùcù^û^è

_ûVýKâc @a]ô

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AùfKþùUâû^òKè ùcKû^òKþ


cûUòK â _ûi



cûUòK â _ûi

ùcKû^òKþ KµêýUe jûWÿùð Iße



For Details Contact

TECHNO I.T.I., Rama Nagar 2nd Lane, Near Over Bridge, Komapalli, Brahmapur760004, Ph.:0680-2209669, 9437013038 Head Office: Utkal Ashram Road, Brahmapur-1


Gjò @^êÂû^ùe ÊÌKûkú^ ^ò~êqò iêù~ûM @û]ûeòZ aòbò^Ü aòhdùe \lZûbòK ò ]¦ûcìkK Zûfòc \ò@û~ûG



UTKAL UNIVERSITY OF CULTURE Sardar Patel Hall Complex, Unit-II, Bhubaneswar-751 009 Phone-2530213, Fax-2535486, E-mail:[email protected] Website: www.utkaluniversityculture.org


Applications with Bio-Data are invited from Indian Nationals for engagement of Coordinator for a period of one year for the management of Jaina Chair and Buddhist Studies in Utkal University of Culture, Bhubaneswar, Orissa on a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 4,000/- per month. ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION An eminent scholar having 55% marks at post graduate degree in Indian Culture/Prakrit & Jainology/Sanskrit/Philosophy/lndology/Ancient Indian History & Archaeology/ Art History and Epigraphy with specialization in Jainology. Candidates having M.Phil/NET/Ph.D/ Research and Publication will be given weightage. However, candidates having Ph. D. degree in concerned subject are exempted from NET. Age limit is 35 years as on 1.1.2009. The upper age limit is relaxable as per norms of Govt. of Orissa. The last date of receiving applications with requisite testimonials is 06.07.2009. The application received after last date will not be entertained and no further correspondence will be made in this regard. The advertisement does not make it binding on the University to make the appointment. No TA/ DA will be paid for the interview. University reserves the.right to cancel the entire process of recruitment without assigning any reason thereof. Sd./-REGISTRAR

SANJAY GANDHI INSTITUTE OF TRAUMA AND ORTHOPEADICS (Government Of Karnataka Autonomous institute) BYRASANDRA, JAYANAGAR EAST, BANGALORE-560011 Ph: 080-26564516/ 26562500, Grams: SITO Fax: 080-26565222 Email: [email protected] NO.SGITO/AS/APC/08/2009-10 Date: 18.06.2009 ADMISSION NOTIFICATION FOR B.Sc. PARAMEDICAL COURSES Applications are invited for admission to 1st year B.Sc. PARAMEDICAL COURSES for the academic year 2009-10 from students who have passed the Pre-University Examination or an equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology subjects 45% minimum for general category and 5% relaxable to SC/ST category. Students who have passed the Diploma are eligible for Lateral Entry II Year in the respective courses. Sl. Name of no the Courses

No. of Seats No. of Seats for For I year II year Lateral entry


B.Sc. Radiography (Imaging Technology)




B.Sc. Operation Theater Technology




B.Sc.Anaesthesia Technology 10 11 Application may be obtatined from the college on payment of Rs. 100/-(each course) by Cash/DD payable to The Director, SGITO,Bangalore. in person or by post by enclosing a self addressed envelop of 24cms x 18cms size with postal stamp of Rs.50/Date of issuing aPplication: 22.6.2009, Last date for issuing and Receipt of application: 25.07.2009 by 4.00pm, Last Date for admission: 10.08.2009 Sd/- DIRECTOR

Sree Satyanarayana Spinning Mills Ltd.,

TANUKU- 534 215, W.G.Dt., Ph. 08819-224166 Email: [email protected]




27June-03 July 2009

ITI ùUâ^òõ


OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION OPPOSITE SAFDARJUNG AIRPORT. NEW DELHI-110003 Advertisement No.: A. 32013/2/2009-E.II Applications in the prescribed form are invited from candidates for filling up of 72 Group ‘A’ posts in the Civil Aviation Department on short-term Contract basis. Retired Govt. Employees who are below 65 years as on 30.06.2009 can also apply for the said posts. The closing date for receipt of applications is 03.07.2009. The number of vacancies may change at the discretion of the Department. 2. The period of contract is likely to be one year. Details of posts, remuneration, age limit, Educational Qualifications and application form in which applicants are to apply are given in the DGCA website (www.dqca.nic.in) Applicants are requested to go through the details given on DGCA website and satisfy themselves that they meet all requirements mentioned therein and apply accordingly. Sd/(K. Unnikrishnan) Deputy Director of Administration


Contact: 9437752009 9861393508

A Multintional Company Zû’e Bhubaneswar Office _ûAñ 24 RY candidate (Male/Female) @ûagýK KeêQò ö Qualification: 10th, +2 Pass/ Above. Earn upto Rs.4200/- per month. Age: Below 28 Yrs. ^òRe BIO-DATA ij @ûi«û 7.7.09 eòL c¤ùe iûlûZ Ke«ê ö



Spinning Master (Production), Spinning Master (Maintenance), Accounts Manager, Personnel Manager, Training Officer, D.S.Ms. (P&M), A.S.Ms. (P&M), A.E. ( E l e c t r o n i c s ) , Supervisors( (P&M) and Civil Supervisor.


HOTEL MANAGEMENT, TOURISM & SOCIAL WORK Oldest Degree, Only P.G., Biggest (120 seated) & ISO Certified (USA) College affilliated to UUC & NCVT. Govt of India 10% less for Women



Part / Full +3 Pass

Hotel Mngt. & Tourism


Practical Bus Computer Lab

ion iss m Ad

Production Dept.

Training Restaurant Lodge/Bar/Front Officer Lowest Course Fee Placement Card

Tahasildar/ M.P/M.L.A. Certificate for Rural Concession

H.O- BOMIKHAL, BEHIND EKAMRA TALKIES- BBSR M- 9437211668, 9861076697, 2571964, www.bpchmt.org.in



l Marine Mechanic Fitter l Marine Welder One year Training programme for 10th Pass or above students. 4 months for ITI (Fitter or Welder) Trade

hip rs a l ho st Sc Te able ail Av

100% Job Guarantee

Ea Morn S a 1 re la 15 0,00 thanry ,00 0 t 0P o .M .

Overseas for Immediate placement on

SHIPYARD, DOCKYARD, OIL REFINERY AND PLATFORMS for Form and Prospectus send Rs.200/- by M.O. or D.D. in favour of EEURO MARITIME ACADEMY, BBSR

Corporate Office : 166, Soubhagya Nagar, Siripur, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar

Ph.0674-2385773, M: 9437114882



27Rê^þ-03 RêfûA 2009


Arya Offshore Services Private Ltd is one of the largest integrated service providers to the Oil and Gas Industry in India with over three decades of experience. We are seeking a professionally qualified and experienced candidate to Head the Accounts Department of our Regional Office.

Position: Manager - (Accounts) Location- Visakhapatnam)

Chartered Accountant, aged 30-35 years with a post qualification experience of 5-8 years in accounts, preferably from service industry. Should be familiar with branch accounting, MIS, blling, service tax, branch co-ordination and have sound knowledge of accounting systems. Candidate must have good communication skills and computer proficiency. Fluency in English & local language is a must. Our compensation structure matches the best industry standards. Interested candidates may email their resumes to: [email protected] & [email protected]

WALK IN INTERVIEW A reputed Industrial Electrical & Instrumentation Contracting company is looking for the following personnel to work in their projects at various Industries in India. Who willing to work anywhere in India only may Walk/ Apply. Designation Exp. Ex.in the field of *SITE ENGINEER 2 to 10 yrs Dip./BE in EEE/ECE/Inst with 2-10 yrs Exp. in Industrial Elec/Inst Project works * SITE SUPERVISOR 2 to 10 yrs ITI/Dip in EEE/ECE/Inst with Exp. in, Industrial Elec/Inst works * SITE ACCOUNTANT 2 to 5 yrs B.Com * STORE KEEPER 3 yrs Any Degree * INSTRUMENT FITTER 3 yrs Exp. in Impulse Tubing & Cable Tray works * INSTRUMENT 3 yrs Testing, calibration, erection & TECHNICIAN commissioning of all type of instruments * ELECTRICIAN 3 yrs Glanding, loop checking, termination of HT, LT, Control & Automation cables * WELDER 3 yrs Industrial Projects People who got the relevant experience and willing to work anywhere in India only, can Walk in/Apply to following Address.




Yercaud Main Road, Kannankuruchi, Salem- 636 008


Qualification: LAW- M.L. with 3 years experience in court practice or B.L with 5 years experience in court practice with good English communication. Qualification for Humanitites: M.A./ M.Phil- English/ sociology/History/Political Science/Economics/Librarian/Physical Director Prosecution Trainers- Retired Persons who have served as D.S.P. Level with good English. Better salary will be offered for NET/SLET/Ph.D candidates. Apply within 7 days with detailed resume and recent passport size photo


An ISO certified Technical Training Institute in the Sultanate of Oman invites Application for the following Positions Trainers of Faculties in the Following Positions. n MECHANICAL INSTRUCTOR n ELECTRICAL INSTRUCTOR n CHEMICAL INSTRUCTOR n INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUCTOR Minimum Criteria: Engineering Graduates or Bsc with minimum 5 year’s experience (Includes minimum 3 years Teaching Experience and 2 years Industrial Experience). Excellent Communication skills and working knowledge of computers is highly required. Candidates having exposure to Iron ore industry will be given priority. Interested Applicants may fax their CV to + 968 24446757 or email to [email protected]

Rusayl Institute IIc

P.O. Box: 16, Rusayl 124, Sultanate of Oman


ADMISSION NOTICE RAVENSHAW UNIVERSITY Invites Application for Admission into

M.Sc. (ITM)

“INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT” LAST DATE for on line Submission of Application Form is 30th June 2009. Features of the course :• Wide career opportunity as Software Developer / Network Administrator, and a gateway to Software / Network Engineering as well as Management • Course is conducted in collaboration with M/s Star Computer Institute in self financing mode. • The course fee for B.Sc (ITM) is Rs 35,000/- per year Eligibility : Passed B.Sc(ITM)/B.Sc(IT)/B.Sc (comp.Sc.)/ B.Sc(IST)/BCA/ B.Tech(C.S/IT) How to apply : The Application fees Rs.160/- can be paid either by DD in favour of “Ravenshaw University” Payable at Cuttack. OR can be directly deposite Rs. 160/- in cash only At SBI Ravenshaw University Campus Branch. By Internet: Visit www.ravenshawuniversity.com click at “Admission 2009”. Selection-Based on Entrance Examination,09 Date of Entrance Examination: 12th July, 09 at 2.30- 4.30p.m. Course Director FOR DETAIL INFORMATION & MAKING ON LINE FORM CONTACT: Department of Information Technology Management Ph : 0671-2612508, 9861025251/9090065252 Visit: www.itmdept.com



45- 44A-9/3, 1st floor, Akkayyapalem, Vizag-16, Ph: 0891-2720090

(set up by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India) A-34, Sector-62, Noida 201301 (U.P.) ADMISSION TO M.Sc. HOSPITALITY ADMINISTRATION (July 2009-June 2011) Extension of Last Date of Receipt of Application Form to 14th July 2009 The two-years full time M.Sc. Hospitality Administration Program offered by the NCHMCT and IGNOU is offered at Institutes of Hotel Management at Bangalore, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and New Delhi (Pusa). Eligibility: • B.Sc. Degree in- Hospitality and Hotel Administration from NCHMCT and IGNOU; OR Bachelors Degree in Hotel Management and Catering Technology from AICTE approved • Institutes affiliated with recognized Universities; OR • 3-Years Diploma in HMCT from NCHMCT + Graduation in any discipline; • Faculty from Hotel Management Institutes fulfilling any of the above qualifications with minimum of two years of teaching/ industry experience. Interested candidates may access website www.nchmct.org for amended advertisement and download Brochure and Application Format. Director (A&F)

27June-03 July 2009


(Affiliated to NCVT, New Delhi) At- Bankual, Tankapani Road, Bhubaneswar-751002 Tel.No.:0674-6571608,2310601, Mob.: 9437575806, 9437249549

WALK -IN-INTERVIEW Name of the Posts



ITI in the concerned subject with


minimum 3 years experience

Engg. Drawing

Diploma in Mechanical / ITI

Salary will be commensurate to the qualification and experience. Candidates having the requisite qualification may attend the Walk - In - Interview with all testimonials on 5.07.2009 at 10:30 a.m. at the institute Campus. No T.A. or D.A. shall be paid to attend the interview. CHAIRMAN

Institute of Management & Information Science (Approved by AICTE, Govt. of India)



Administrative Office, 2nd Floor, Regional Library Building, Tirupati Andhra Pradesh - 517 502, Ph: 0877-2248006,2248155 Advt.No.4/RC/2009 Dated: 22-06-2009 FACULTY RECRUITMENT

Applications in the prescribed format along with registration fee of Rs.750/- (Rs.375/- for SC & ST candidates) are invited from the eligible candidates having requisite VCI Registration for the vacant posts of (i) Professor (23 posts) and (ii) Associate Professor (45 posts) (RPS 1996-UGC Scales) in the Faculty of Veterinary Science of Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University. For details of vacancies in the respective departments, rule of reservation, prescribed qualifications and for application blanks please log on to: www.vetversitytirupati.gov.in. Service will be counted from the date of eligibility in the feeder cadre for persons selected under CAS, for purpose of reckoning as service/experience. The University reserves the right not to fill all or any of the vacancies notified. Those who have already applied in response to University Notification No.1/RC/2009 need not apply again. The filled in application form together with Registration Fee by way of crossed Demand Draft only drawn in favour of The Comptroller, SVVU, Tirupati on any Nationalized Bank payable at Tirupati (Cheques and cash are not accepted) should be submitted in person or sent by Registered Post so as to reach THE REGISTRAR, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Administrative Office, 2nd Floor, Regional Library Building, TIRUPATI - 517 502 on or before 25-07-2009 by 4.30 p.m. Sd/- S.UMAMAHESWARA RAO REGISTRAR

IMIS one of the premier management institute in the eastern & central India invites applications for the following positions. Security Officer (2 Posts)- Ex-Servicemen/Ex Police officer or persons with 5 years experience as Securityofficer. Age within 50yrs. Security Guards (30 Posts)- 10th class with minimum 2 years of experience as security guard. Salary - As per the norms of the Institute. Interested candidates having good physique may submit their Bio-Data with recent passport size photograph & experience certificate within 7 days to: Personnel Officer IMIS, Vivekananda Marg, Bhubaneswar - 751 002 Ph. : 0674 - 2431953, 2433762, 2435697 E-mail : [email protected]


PRAMILA PROJECTS PVT. LTD a leading engineering construction company having branch office at Delhi, Rourkela, Jajpur & Kharagpur urgently requires: Manager Finance : B.COM/M.COM with 10 years experience or MBA(Finance) / CA (Inter) / ICWAI (Inter) with 5-7 yrs of experience in independent handling of accounts, sales tax, service tax, PF & ESI, commercial functions and should have knowledge in financial analysis. Proficiency in Tally is a must. Experience in Construction projects shall be preferred. Project Manager : Mechanical Engineer having 8-12 years experience in Fabrication, Erection and PEB work. Should be conversant with project planning, execution & monitoring of engineering construction. Capable to manage the site independently. We also require candidate having experience in the line of Refractories & Mechanical Equipment Erection. Salary will be not a constraint for the deserving candidate. Interested candidates should apply via post / e-mail within 7 days of publication with latest CV.

Pramila Projects Pvt Ltd.

AASHRA, Plot No-1433(P), Near Raja Madhusudan Dev College, Patia, Bhubaneswar-31. T,el: (0674) 2725109, Cell: 9861130430, E-mail: [email protected]




27Rê^þ-03 RêfûA 2009


Jr. Clerks-Sal. $2,400, Skilled Technicians-$ 2,080, Security$1920, Stores Asst.-$1,600-,CV Selection, Contact Mr. Das 9337377335 (Bhubaneswar) Visa.Ticket ,F & A Free. E-mail: [email protected]

Biju Patnaik Institute of Information Technology & Management Studies

(Approved by AICTE, Govt. of India & Affiliated to BPUT, Orissa) F / 4, Chandaka Ind. Estate, Infront of Infocity, Bhubaneswar - 24 Visit us : www.biitm.ac.in


Applications are invited from intending candidates for following ELIGIBILITY posts. 1. Asst. Prof. /Lecturer As per AICTE norms (Marketing / Finance / IT / Communicative English) (Remuneration as per AICTE norms) 2. Jr. Placement Officer Professional Graduate with min. 3 yrs of relevant exp. 3. Ladies Hostel Warden Graduate with 3yrs relevant experience. Interested candidates may send their resume, copies of experience certificates & testimonials within 10 days of publication of advertisement. Applicants can e-mail their resume to biitm [email protected]/ [email protected]





MARKETING MANAGER (1 POST): The selected. Candidate will lead a team of 30 Marketing Executives, based in all the District Head Quarters of Orissa. 1 The candidate will be independently responsible for all the marketing activities of the Company, including Corporate Training Programs, Generating Government Training Program, Setting up New Franchisee Centres and Canvassing of Students. Young dynamic MBA Graduate with marketing specialization and 5 years working experience in similar capacity will be preferred. The job involves extensive traveling across ORISSA. MARKETING EXECUTIVES (30 NOS) :1 post based in Each District Head Quarters. The selected candidate will be responsible for all the marketing activities in their District and will report directly to the Marketing Manager. The candidate should young, dynamic and a local candidate of the District. Experience (if any) will be preferred. Application should clearly mention name of the District Head Quarters for which the candidate is applying. Both the above post carry attractive salary, incentive, TA& DA. Apply by post giving one self addressed stamped envelope. Only short listed candidates will be called for interview. No TA/ DA for attending the interview. Apply by Post Only Giving Your Self Addressed Stamped Envelope:


NICE-National Institute of Computer Education, Kasturi Estate (1st Floor), Ashok Nagar, (Near UCO Bank) Master Canteen, BHUBANESWAR-751009. Ph.: 0674 - 2536799 / 3253229 /3203229.



At/Po-Kishorenagar, DistCuttack, Pin-754131 Aided College with Arts & Science in +2 & Degree classes


Wanted lecturerers in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Zoology on contractual basis. Candidates having 55% of marks in Post Graduation may come for walk-in-interview with all testimonials at 10.00 a.m. on dtd. 02.07.09. They have to deposit Rs.150/which is non-refundable for the said purpose. PRINCIPAL-CUMSECRETARY


(Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi) Shiksha Nagari Champua, Keonjhar (Dist), Orissa-758041


1 . Trained and Experienced teachers for all Subjects. 2. Cashier cum Accountant : - Minimum 5 years experience required. 3. Driver with Heavy Licence. CBSE scale will be provided to deserving candidates. Apply immediately with complete Biodata and recent Photograph. For details Contact: 9437237855 9438117108 & 9438784713 PRINCIPAL

AzêK _âû[ðú /_âû[ôð^úcûù^ ^òRe aûùdûWûUû / ewú^ `ùUû Gaõ @ûKûõlòZ \ecû ijòZ 5 \ò^ c¤ùe ^òcÜfòLòZ VòKYûùe @ûùa\^ Keò_ûeòùa ö

@ûUðùWùKû @ûWbUðûARòõ ibòði _âûü. fòcòùUWþ, aò-57, _â[c cjfû, ecûù\aú cjòkû cjûaò\ýûkd iûc^û, GPþWG ò `þiò GUòGcþ _Q_U, gjú\ ^Me, bêaù^gße-751007, IWÿg ò û, ù_û^þ - 0674-2540281


27June-03 July 2009

bûeZúd Lû\ý ^òMc....1c _éÂûe @agòÁûõg ùgâYú aòbûM-3 _\aú _\aú ùKûWÿ ^ûc

iað^c ò Ü ùaZ^ adi Z.RûZò Z.C_RûZò Iaòiò _òGPþ ùcûU jûeùe ùcûU (01.01. (G^þiò ùaZ^ 2009 iê¡û) Gfþ) 08 GRò-1 (jò¦ú) U.5760- U.12727/- 28ahð 01 01 11140/(bòGPþ) 09 ùRA(iòA) U.5760- U.12727/- 28 ahð 01 01 02 11140/(IGPþ) 10 GRò-2(jò¦ú) U.5160- U.11401/- 28ahð 03 02 03 00 08 9500/11 GRò-3(G/iò) U.4820- U.10650/- 25ahð 01 01 8530/(IGPþ) 12 GRò-3(Wò) U.4820- U.10650/- 25ahð 34 42 60 13 149 8530/(bòGPþ=04, GPþGPþ=05, IGPþ=04) 13 GRò-3(Rò/ U.4820- U.10650/- 25ahð 06 10 08 03 27 UûA_òÁ) 8530/(bòGPþ=01, GPþGP=01, IGPþ=01) 14 UûA_òÁ(jò¦ú) U.4820- U.10650/- 25ahð 01 01 02 8530/(bòGPþ) ùgâYú aòbûM-4 _\aú _\aú ùaZ^ iað^c ò Ü ùaZ^ adi Z.RûZò Z.C_RûZò Iaòiò _òGPþ ùcûU ùKûWÿ ^ûc jûe jûeùe ùcûU (01.01 (G^þiò ùaZ^ 2009 iê¡û) Gfþ) 15 IßûPcýû^ U.3850- U.8507/25ahð 64 18 08 37 127 4175/(IGPþ) 16 ùcùi¬e U.3850- U.8507/25ahð 04 00 60 06(bòGPþ= 70 4175/02,GPþGPþ= 02,IGPþ=2)

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CENTRAL RICE RESEARCH INSTITUTE (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Cuttack- 753006 (Orissa)


Sl. Name of the No. Scheme/Project

Name of No. of the position position Senior 01 Research (One) Fellow


All India Network Project on soil BiodiversityBiofertilizers


Gender issues in Senior rice based production Research system and refinement Fellow of selected technology in women perspective

_âû[ðú @ûagýK

@´e, ù`gù^af ùUKèÁûAf i_ú, bêaù^gße (iêUòõ / iûUòðõ / gûXÿú / _òfûu aÈ / ùeWÿòùcWÿ ù_ûhûK / @«üaÈ / iûfIßûe iêUþe _âZòÂòZ ùgûeêcþ) _ûAñ Zêe« @ûagýK KeêQ«ò:1) KûCe ùifþi Mûfð (6Uò ù_ûÁ): gòlûMZ ù~ûMýZû: +2 / MâûRêGUþ, gûXÿú / _òfûu aÈ / ùeWÿùò cWþ ù_ûhûK / @«üaÈ / iûfþIûß e iêUþ aòKd â e 3 eê 4 ahðe @bòmZû [ôa, jò¦ú / IWÿò@û Kjò _ûeê[ôùa ö (Kû~ðý ^òNð : iKûk 9 NUòKûeê eûZâ 9 NUòKû, c¤ûjÜ aòeZò : 2 Nû)ö 2) KûCe ùifþi ad (4Uò ù_ûÁ): gòlûMZ ù~ûMýZû: +2 / MâûRêGUþ, iêUõò / iûUòõð / gûXú/ _òfûu aÈ/ ùeWÿùò cWþ ù_ûhûK / @«üaÈ / iûfþIûß e iêUþ aòKd â e 3 eê 4 ahðe @bòmZû [ôa, jò¦ú / IWÿ@ ò û Kjò_ûeê[ùô a ö (Kû~ðý^òN ð :ñ iKûk 9 NUòKûeê eûZâ 9 NUòKû :, c¤ûjÜ ùbûR^ aòeZò : 2 Nû ö 3) _ò@^ (4Uò ù_ûÁ): gòlûMZ ù~ûMýZû: @Ác _ûiþ, @`òi / ùgûeêcþ iù`A / Pû / Rk_û^ _eòùahY / Rò^òh_Zâ _ýûKòõ AZýû\òùe 3 eê 4 ahðe @bòmZû [ôa, jò¦ú / IWÿò@û Kjò _ûeê[ôùa ö (Kû~ðý ^òNð : iKûk 8.30 NUòKû eê eûZâ 9 NUòKû, c¤ûjÜ ùbûR^ aòeZò : 2 Nû)


01 (One)

Rate of Fellowship/ Remuneration Rs. 12,000/p.m. (Fixed) for 1st two years & Rs. 14,000/3rd year onwards


Requisite qualification Essential: M.Sc. in Botany/ Zoology with specilization in Microbiology /M.Sc.(Ag.)/ M.Sc. in Microbiology/ Molecular Microbiology with a minimum of one year experience in molecular microbiology Desirable: Use of Molecular Microbilogy Sofrware Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in any specialization or Master Degree in Social Work/ Social Science/Rural Development from recognized University. Desirable: Exposure in field level research/ Extension and Computer skills including working knowledge of M.S. Office.

Maximum age as on 01.07.2009 35 yrs. for men and 40 yrs. for women.


Advertisement No.4/2009/SRF Duration Date & Time Place of of Interview posting One year (to be extendable or till completion of the project which ever is earlier

08.07.2009 at 9.30 a.m. at CRRI Committee Room

CRRI, Cuttack/ CRURRS, Hazaribagh as per need need of project

Upto 2012 or till completion of the project whichever is earlier.

09.07.2009 at 9.30 a.m. at CRRI Committee Room.


Terms & Conditions: 1. The above position is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the scheme/project. The services of appointed candidates will stand terminated automatically after expiry of the scheme/project or completion of period indicated in the selection ofeer, whichever is earlier and the candidate will not have any right for absorption in CRRI/ICAR. The reservation and age limits are applicable for SC,ST,OBC and Disabilities candidates as per Govt. of India norms. 2. Eligible candidates desirous to be considered for the above-mentioned position are advised to bring one coy of their bio-data along with Xerox copy of all the certificates and mark sheets affixing recent photograph thereon together with original copies of educational certificate with mark sheets (matriculation onwards) and appear for a walk-in-interview comprising of a written-cum-personal interview on prescribed date, time and place. 3. Director, CRRI reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of position and also to cancel the recruitment process for the position mentioned above. Director’s decision will be final and binding in all aspects. No TA and DA for appearing in the interview are admissible. 4. For more details in our website http://www.crri.nic.in. 5. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the position. Senior Administrative Officer


27Rê^þ-03 RêfûA 2009



Applications are invited in the prescribed form from Police/Central Paramilitary Forces/Armed Forces/Coast Guard Personnel who have retired from the ranks of ASI/SI/ Inspector or equivalent for filling up of 17 posts of Special Police Officers on a contractual basis. The applications should reach the Office of Commissioner of Police, Bhubaneswar-Cuttack, State Guest House Annexe, Bhubaneswar-751001 on or before 15.07.2009. Incomplete application/ applications received after the last date of submission will be summarily rejected. The candidates should give specific choice for posting to Cuttack or Bhubaneswar Urban Police Districts in order of preference in the event of their selection in the selection test. 1. Eligibility: In order to be eligible to appear in the selection test for the post of Special Police Officers, the retired personnel must: (i) Be a permanent resident of Orissa. (ii) Not be more than 60 years of age as on 01.06.2009. (iii) Be able to speak, read and write Oriya (iv) Has unblemished service records. (v) Has not been convicted in any criminal case nor awarded with any major punishment in the departmental proceedings during their service career, (vi) Has no criminal case pending against them (vii) Not has more than one spouse living. The candidates are required to execute an agreement for re-employment on contract basis for not more than one year. The contract will be renewed subject to satisfactory performance and need of their services. No person shall be re-employed after attaining the age of 62 years. 2. Pay: The Special Police Officers on appointment will get a consolidated monthly pay as mentioned below. (i) Retired Inspector or equivalent rank Rs.8,000.00 (ii) Retired Sub-Inspector or equivalent rank Rs.7,000.00 (iii) Retired A.S.I, or equivalent Rs.6,000.00 3. Allowances: The posts of Special Police Officer shall carry the following allowances: (i) Kit Maintenance Allowance Rs.75.00 per month (ii) Clothing Allowance Rs.3,856.00 per month. 4. Date and Venue of Selection Test: The selection test will be held at Reserve Police Lines, Bhubaneswar on 25.7.2009 at 10.00. The test includes verification of original documents, medical test, physical test and interview. 5. Medical Test: The candidates shall be put through a medical test. A Medical Board shall test the physical fitness of the candidates and the decision of the Board is binding. Persons with physical deformities are not eligible for appointment. Only those who are found medically fit will be allowed to participate in further tests. 6. Physical Test: The candidates should be physically fit and mentally alert. They will be put to a physical test for testing their physical capabilities for discharging field duties. They have to cover a distance of 5 (five) kilometres on foot within a period of one hour and twenty minutes. Those who fail to cover the above distance within the specified time will be disqualified. 7. Interview: The candidates who qualify in the medical test and physical test will appear before the Selection Board for interview. The Selection Board shall test the suitability of the candidates for appointment as Special Police Officers. The reemployed persons shall have to wear the uniform and the badge as prescribed by D.G. & I.G. of Police, Orissa. 8. Submission of documents: The candidates are required to submit the copies of following documents alongwith their application form. 1.Two passport size self-attested photographs. 2.Selfattested copies of certificates in support of age and qualification. 3. Self attested copy of discharge certificate. 4. Two character certificates attested by two different Group-B Gazetted Officers. The applicants shall fill up and submit their applications with all the relevant documents in the application form (Annexed herewith), correctly and completely: Dy. Commissioner of Police/HQ, Bhubaneswar-Cuttack. APPLICATION FORM FOR CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYMENT OF OFFICERS RETIRED IN THE RANK OF ASI/SI/INSPECTOR AND EQUIVALENT RANKS IN STATE POLICE/CENTRAL POLICE FORCES/ARMED FORCES AS SPECIAL POLICE OFFICERS (SPOs) (A) 1. Name & Sex 2. Father’s/Husband’s Name 3. Address for correspondence 4. Permanent address 5. Date of Birth 6. Age as on 01.06.2009 7. Educational Qualifications 8. Rank last held just before retirement 9. Organisation/Force from where retired 10. Details of last three postings held, date & duration 11. Date of retirement 12. Last pay drawn (Gross) 13. Nationality 14. Whether able to read, write and speak Oriya 15. Category-UR/SC/ST/SEBC 16. Whether any criminal case/Vigilance enquiry/case/ Departmental proceeding was initiated during the service career. If yes, did it lead to conviction or imposition of punishment or, is, it still pending? Give details 17. Details of rewards/punishments (other than above) earned during the service career 18. Details of post retirement engagements, if any 19. Physical measurement Height Weight 20. Any other information, the candidate wants to give 21. Preference for posing if selected (Cuttack/Bhubaneswar/Both) (B) I, Sri/Smt............................................. S/o/D/o/W/o.......................do hereby solemnly declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. If at any time, the information furnished is found to be incorrect, I will be liable to be discharged from the contract without assigning any reasons thereof. FULL SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT Place: Date: (C) DECLARATION OF THE CANDIDATE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PHYSICAL TEST I Sri/Smt. ......................, S/o/D/o/W/o...................., At ......................, PO ..............................., PS ..................... Dist ..................... do hereby declare that I am in good health and fully capable to participate in the physical test for contractual employment as Special Police Officer. The Authority will not be held responsible in the event of any accident or injury to me during the Physical Test. FULL SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT Place: Date:


27June-03 July 2009



Vyasa Vihar, Balasore- 756019 (Estd. under Govt. of Orissa, Recognised by UGC, Govt. of India)


SELF FINANCING(REGULAR) (Regular Classes to be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m)





Name of the Degree



Integrated MBA

5 Years

Higher secondary/ +2 in any stream with minimum 40% of mark in aggregate.

Master in Personal Management 2 Years Any Graduate with honours or pass with 45% and Industrial(PMIR) mark in aggregate. Application Form along with Prospectus can be obtained from the office of the Center of Distance & Continuing Education, Fakir Mohan University from 17/06/2009 on payment of Rs.200 in cash/ Draft & also by post by sending DD amounting to Rs.250 to the Director, CDCE, F.M.University, Balasore.(Demand Drafts Should be purchased in favour of Comptroller of Finance, Fakir Mohan University, Payable at Balasore) Last date for Admission is 31/08/2009 For details contact us at www.cdcefmu.org/ www.fmuniversity.nic.in Phone at(06782) 241840 Sd/- DIRECTOR

* Excellent Residential Facility * Free Laptop * Active Collaboration with XIMB * All efforts for Campus Placement * AICTE, NOC Obtained Application Date Extended upto June 30th 2009. for details, see website ‘www.ravenshawuniversity.com’ Director, RMC.

aò\ýûkd I MYgòlû aòbûM, IWÿògû ieKûe The Orissa Education(Amendment) Act,1989(Orissa Act 15 at 1989) Section 7-E @^êiûùe Zû14.08.1989eòL Vûeê ùKøYiò NùeûA gòlû^êÂû^Kê iòUò aû aòAWò _ûVýKâc _ûAñ @^êcZò aû NOC (No Objection Certificate) _â\û^ Keû~ûA^ûjóö aðcû^ eûRýùe aò\ýûkd I MYgòlû aòbûM @]ú^ùe aòAWÿò _ûVýKâc _ûAñ 14Uò I iòUò _ûVýKâc _ûAñ 63Uò ieKûeú gòlû^êÂû^ ejòQöò Gjû aýZúZ iòUò _ûVýKâc _ûAñ ùMûUòG ieKûeú iûjû~ý_âû¯ @^êÂû^ I @^êiP ì Z ò RûZò I R^RûZò C^Üd^ aòbûM @]ú^ùe 2(\êAUò) cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd ejòQöò Gjòiaê @^êÂû^cû^ue ^ûc ^òcùÜ e \ò@ûMfûö

aòAWòò _ûVýKâc _ûAñ gòlû^êÂû^e ^ûc 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

eû]û^û[ CyZe gòlû @^ê¤û^ _âZ ò û^, KUK Wü _gêe ð ûc cògâ @MâMûcú gòlû _âZ ò û^, i´f_êe \òaûKe _…^ûdK CyZe gòlû MùahYû _âZ ò û^, aâj_ à e ê Kaò icâûU Cù_¦âb¬ gòlK gòlû cjûaò\ýûkd, b¬^Me gòlK gòlû cjûaò\ýûkd, eûCeùKfû gòlK gòlû cjûaò\ýûkd,aûùfgße gòlK gòlû cjûaò\ýûkd, afûwúe

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

^kò^ú ù\aú cjòkû gòlK gòlû cjûaò\ýûkd, bêaù^gße gòlK gòlû cjûaò\ýûkd, KkûjûŠò CKôkcYò ùMû_a§ê gòlK gòlû cjûaò\ýûkd, cdìeb¬, aûeò_\û ^aKé¾ ùPø]êeú gòlK gòlû cjûaò\ýûkd, @^Mêk \dû^¦ @ûõùMäûùa\òK gòlK gòlû cjûaò\ýûkd, ùKûeû_êU @û^¦_êe @ûkòK _âgl ò Y cjûaò\ýûkd, `Kòe_êe ieKûeú gòlK _âgl ò Y cjûaò\ýûkd, `êfaûYú

iò.Uò _ûVýKâc _ûAñ gòlû^êÂû^e ^ûc 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, ùQŠò_\û, @^Mêk Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, afûwúe Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, ùecêYû, aûùfgße Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, aeMWÿ Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, @ûMe_Wÿû, b\âK Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, baû^ú_ûUYû, KkûjûŠò Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, ^eiòõj_êe, KUK Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, ùXuû^ûk Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, ùWûfò_e ê Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, _ûekûùLcêŠ,ò MR_Zò Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, LfòùKûU, M¬ûc Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, RMZþiõò j_êe Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, Rd_êe, ùKûeû_êU Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, ùK¦êSe Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, aûfò@û, ùK¦âû_Wÿû Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^,ùLû¡ðû Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^,aûeò_\û, cdìeb¬ Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, ^aew_êe Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^,eûRiê^ûLkû, ^dûMWÿ Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, _êeú Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, aòhcKUK,eûdMWÿû Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, i´f_êe Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^,iê¦eMWÿ Ròfûä gòlû I _âgl ò Y _âZ ò û^, UòKûaûfò Ròfäû i´k ùK¦â, ùaø¡ Ròfûä i´k ùK¦â, ù\aMWÿ Ròfûä i´k ùK¦â, __Wÿû, SûeiêMW ê ûÿ Ròfûä i´k ùK¦â, PòZùâ KûŠû, cûfKû^Mòeò Ròfûä i´k ùK¦â, ^ì@û_Wÿû Ròfûä i´k ùK¦â, ùiû^_êe _ûMWÿ @^w ^ùe¦â gòlû aò\ýûkd, aûùuûA eû]û^û[ ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, KUK ieKûeú cjòkû cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, aâj_ à e ê ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, @ûVMWÿ

35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63.

ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, aûMêWòÿ ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, afûwúe ieKûeú c¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, aûeò_\û ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, b¬^Me ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, bêaù^gße ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, PòKU ò ò ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, ]cðMWÿ ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, `Kòe_êe ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, ùMûeêcjòhûYò ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, MêY_ ê e ê ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, ùK¦âû_Wÿû ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, Kòùgûe^Me ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, Kê@ûñecêŠû ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, KêŠùê Kfû ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, Kêgk\û ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, fwùkgße ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, ^òcû_Wÿû ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, _ûjòcjêeû ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, _ûU^ûMWÿ ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, _ò_f ò ò ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, ù_ûfieû ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, eMWÿò ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, eòck ê ò ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, iûlúùMû_ûk ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, Uûwò ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, UòUf ò ûMWÿ ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd,ZêWM òÿ Wÿ@ ò û ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, CceùKûU ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd,(DŸê)ð , KUK

1. 2.

ieKûeú cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, bûfêfZû ieKûeú WòGbò cû¤còK _âgl ò Y aò\ýûkd, Rkòwû


[µi^ cjòkû _âgl ò Y _âZÂ ò û^, KUK

@^êiìPòZ RûZò I R^RûZò C^Üd^ aòbûM @]ú^ùe

ieKûeú iûjû~ý_âû¯

Gjûiùß The Orissa Education(Amendment) Act,1989e aòeê¡ûPeY Keò ùKùZK NùeûA gòlû^êÂû^, QûZâQûZâúcû^uê iòUò/ aòAWòò _ûVýKâcùe ^ûc ùfLûC[ôaûe Lae còkQ ò öò GYê iaðiû]ûeYu @aMZò ^òcù« RYûA \ò@û~ûCQò ù~, @YißúKéZ_ ò ûâ ¯ gòlû^êÂû^ùe ^ûc ùfLûeê ùicûù^ ^òa é eêj«êö a¦^û Kêcûeú ùR^û, _âcêL gûi^ iPòa


23 Rê^þ 2009




23 June 2009



No. 11-R : Applications in the prescribed format printed below are invited from the intending candidates for selection and appointment to the post of Jr.District Sports Officer and Junior Coach in the following sports disciplines on contractual basis at consolidated remuneration of Rs.5,500/- per month.

(Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India) Shed No. S-3/79, Sector-A, Zone-B, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar-751010 Ph. No. : 0674-2588203, 2588087

Name of the post



Total Vacancy & Category

Junior District Sports Officer

07 (Seven), SC-1, ST-1, ST(W)-1, SEBC-1, UR-3

Junior Coach

Hockey-1 {ST} Hotkey (W)-1-,ST(W) Athletics-1, Archery-1, Football-1- (SC-1 &SEBC-2)

REQUISITE QUALIFICATION: Junior District Sports Officer : Degree in Physical Education from Laxmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior or from any other University declared equivalent thereto. OR Degree from a recognized University with Diploma from Netaji Subhash National Institute of Sports, Patiala. Junior Coach : Degree from a recognized University with Diploma from Netaji Subhash National Institute of Sports, Patiala in the respective Sports disciplines. Eligibility : A candidates should (a) be a citizen of India (b) be not less than 18 years of age and not more-than 32 years of age as on 1.1.2009. The maximum upper age limit is relaxable by five years in case of SC/ST/Women candidates and by three years in case of SEBC candidates and the period of service spent in Defence Service for Ex-Servicemen (c) be a good character (d) be of sound health, good physique (e) must not have more than one spouse living (f) must have passed M.E School Examination with Oriya as language subject. He/she should be permanent resident of Orissa. Documents to be attached : Candidates should attach (a) Attested photocopy of HSC Examination or equivalent certificate in support of age (b) attested photocopy of certificate in support of qualifying education (C) attested photocopy of Mark Sheets, of all examinations, (d) Attested photocopy of Caste certificate issued by the competent authority in case of SC/ST/SEBC candidates (e) attested photocopy of experience certificate if any, (f) attested photocopy of achievement in the field of games and sports if any; (g) two pass-port size recent photographs duly signed by the candidate (One should be affixed at the top right hand corner of the application form) h) A self addressed envelope for dispatch of Interview Call letter. The selection committee may conduct a written test of the candidates, if desired so and conduct the physical test for selection of candidates for recruitment to the above posts. The Selection Committee may prepare a short-list of the applications to invite them for appearing the Selection Test. How to apply : The candidates are required to apply separately for each post on full-scape size (A-4) photocopy paper in the prescribed format. The completed application form along-with enclosures should be sent to the Director, Sports & Youth Services, C-1, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar-751012 either by post or by hand so as to reach on or before 15.7.2009. Application received after 15.7.2009 shall not be entertained. Name of the post applied for should be scribed in Block letters at the top of the envelope containing the application, (the copy of this advertisement and application format will also be available in the website of the Directorate of Sports & Youth Services, http:// www.orissa.gov.in/sports&youthservices/dsys/index.htm. Director, Sports & Y.S Orissa, Bhubaneswar-12

Applications are invited for admission into the following ITI Trades approved by NCVT/DGE&T No.

Name of the Trades



Age limit



10th Pass

2 Years

14 to 40yrs.



10th Pass

2 Years



Information Tech. & ESM

10th Pass

2 Years

14to40 yrs,



8th Pass


14 to 40yrs,

Application & Prospectus can be purchased from (1) CIPET, Mancheswar Ind. Estate, Rasulgarh (Near Mancheswar Police Station), Bhubaneswar or (2) CIPET, B/25, CNI Complex, Patia (Near Infocity), Bhubaneswar on payment of Rs.200/- by cash upto 07.07.2009. The Last date for submission of filled in application forms is 07.07,2009.


II. CCNA(CISCO CERTIFIED NETWORK ASSOCIATE) (3Months) Rs. 16.000/-(Authorised Testing Centre for Global Certification) Eligibility : ITI (Electronics, IT) / Diploma / Degree/ Any Graduate III.CAD CAM COURSES MASTER PROGRAMME IN CAD/ CAM (MPCC) (05 Months): Rs. 25,000/(AutoCAD, Pro-E, CATlA, MasterCAM, UG & Ansys) Eligibility : ITI (Fitter, Draughtsman), Diploma (Mech./ Automobile) AutoCAD Rs.3,500/CATIA Rs.5,000/Pro-E Rs.5,000/Master CAM Rs.4500/Unigraphics Rs.5,000/ANSYS Rs.5,000/Hostel facilities available for girls and boys separately. Govt, of India Certification For details contact Mob. No. 9437171558 / 9437034163/ 9861066883


e-mail: [email protected] Gram: Agritech From Dr.H.K. Senapati Dean, PGF-Cum-DRI

Name of the Examination passed

Year of passing

Name of Board/ University



i) +2 .Science from CHSE. Orissa or its equivalent with Mathematics as one subject, ii) Any Graduate from a recognised University with at least 50% of marks in aggregate for General & 45% of marks in aggregate for SC/ ST/PH Candidates.

M.Sc. (Microbiology)

i) 4-2 Science from CHSE, Orissa or its equivalent with Biology as one ot the subject. ii) B.Sc, with Hons. in Botany/Zoology/Microbiology/Bio technology/ B.Pharma/B.Sc. (Ag.)/B.V.Sc. & A.H./B.F.Sc./MBBS/BHMS/B.Tech. (Diary Science/Technology) from any recognised University with at least 50% of marks in aggregate for General & 45% of marks in aggregate for SC/ST/PH candidates

M.Sc. (Bioinformatics)

i) +2 Science from CHSE, Orissa or its equivalent with Mathematics and / or Biology as one of the subject. ii) B.Sc.(Hons.)/B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc.(Forestry)/B.Sc.(Hort)/B.V.Sc.&A.H./ B.Tech. (Diary Science/Technology/B.Tech, (Ag.Engg.)/B.F.Sc./BCA/ BAMS/MBBS/B.Pharma/BDS/BIT/BITM/BHMS/B.Tech./B.Sc, (Biotech) from any recognised University with at least 50% of marks in aggregate for General & 45% of marks in aggregate for SC/ST/PH candidates.

M.B.A, (Agri-Business Management)

i) +2 Science from CHSE, Orissa or its equivalent. ii) B.Sc. (Ag.)/ B.V.Sc. & A.H./B.Tech. (Ag. Engg.)/B.Tech. (Diary Scie nce/Technology/B.F.Sc./B.Sc. (Forestry)/B.Sc. (Hort.)/B.Sc. (Home Science) from any recognised University with at least 60% of marks in aggregate for General & 55% of marks in aggregate for SC/ ST/PH candidates.

HSC (Matric) + 3 (Degree) Diploma / Post Graduate/ BPEd/ MPEd/ Others 11. Experience if any: 12. Achievements in the field of Sports & Games if any: List of enclosures: (1) (2)



I hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read the details of the Advertisement Notice carefully and hereby declare that, I will fulfill all the conditions of eligibility prescribed for admission to the recruitment examination.I have informed my Head of Office/Department in writing that, I am applying for this examination (for in-service candidates only). Place.......................... Date........................ Full signature of the Candidate


Course Programme

Percentage in aggregate

+2 (Intermediate)

No.133/PGF. 22.06.09

Applications in prescribed form are invited from candidates for admission into the following P.G. Courses under Centre for Post-Graduate Studies, OUAT for the session 2009-10 as per the eligibility indicated against each course.


Advertisement No........................ Dt................................ 01. Full Name (in Block Letters): 02. Father’s Name : Passport 03. Date of Birth: size 04. (a) Marital Status, photograph (b) Sex (Male/Female) 05. Present Address (Address for correspondence): 06. Permanent Address: 07. Community (SC/ST/SEBC/Others): 08. Are you an Ex-serviceman/Sportsman/Physically Handicapped ? If so; Give details : 09. If you claim age relaxation ? Indicate the reason thereof: 10. Education Qualification

Ph : 0674-2397457 (Office) PBX : 0674-2397970 (ext.-124) FAX: 0674-2397424

The Prospectus and Application forms will be available in the State Bank of India OUAT Campus Branch, Bhubaneswar on Payment ol Rs.715/- at the Sale Counter on all working days between 10.30 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. from 23.06.2009 to 15.07.2009. To get the application forms and prospectus by post, the candidates may send a request letter along with a non refundable Bank Draft of Rs 750/ - (drawn in favour of Comptroller, OUAT, Bhubaneswar & payable at any Nationalised Bank located at Bhubaneswar) to the Dean, PGF-Cum-DRI, OUAT Bhubaneswar-751003 before 15.07.2009. The application forms and prospectus are also available in OUAT website ouat.ac.in from dt. 23.06.2009 to 15.07.2009. The filled in application form is to be sent by Registered Post/ Speed Post/Courier Service so as to reach the Dean, PGF-Cum-DRI, OUAT, Bhubaneswar-751003 on or before 15.07.2009. The authority will not be responsible for any postal delay or loss. (H.K SENAPATI),DEAN, PGF-CUM-DRI


23 Rê^þ 2009


IWÿògû ieKûe Cygòlû aòbûM

K’Y Gaõ Gjû ùKCñ KùfRcû^uùe @ûe¸ Keû~òa ? 1. IWÿògû ieKûe 2009-10 gòlûahðVûeê +2 Éeùe 50Uò ieKûeú Rê^ò@e cjûaò\ýûkd, ùaiòKþ iûA^è KùfRþ, OUAT, bêaù^gße Gaõ eûdMWÿû, ^aew_êe, ùiû^_êe, ùaø¡, ù\aMWÿ, SûeiêMêWÿû, ^dûMWÿ, RMZiòõj_êe I ùK¦âû_Wÿû Ròfäûcû^ue i\e cjKêcûùe [ôaû Rê^ò@e KùfRcû^uùe PòeûPeòZ ^ûcùfLû _âYûkú _eòað^ Keò e-Admission aýaiÚû _âPk^ KeòaûKê ~ûCQ«ò ö 2. Gjò 60Uò Rê^ò@e KùfR ^ûcùfLû _ûAñ GK ÊZª \eLûÉ `cð (Common Application-FormCAF) _âÉêZ Keû~ûAQò ö icÉ 60Uò Rê^ò@e KùfRe aòhdùe i¹òkòZ Z[ý GK iìP^û _êÉòKû (Common Prospectus-CP)ùe iÚû^òZ Keû~ûAQò ö Cbd \eLûÉ `cð (CAF) Gaõ iìP^û _êÉòKû (CP) Cygòlû aòbûMe websiteeê www.dheorissa.in) K_ò Keû~ûA_ûeòa Kò´û ù~ùKøYiò 60Uò KùfRcû^ueê Zû 22.06.2009eòLVûeê ~[ûKâùc U. 10/- (CAF) I U. 20/-(CP) ùe Kâd Keû~ûA_ûeòa ö IWÿògû ieKûeu Toll free ^´e 155335 ùe ù`û^ Keò @ûùa\^Kûeúcûù^ G aòhdùe @]ôK aòaeYú RûYò_ûeòùa ö 3. +2 Éeùe ^ûc ùfLûAaû _ûAñ IWÿògû cû¤còK gòlû ùaûWÿð (BSE, Orissa) Kò´û icZêfý ùaûWÿð (Equivalent Board) eê \gc ùgâYú _ûiþ Keò[ôaû \eKûe ö 4. Important Dates: Gjû iìP^û _êÉòKû (CP) ùe CùfäL @Qò (5.2) ö Gjò ZûeòLMêWÿòK @^êiûùe eAdmission e aòbò^Ü Kû~ðýKâc Keû~òa ö BSE, Orissa e 2009 ciòjûe 10th Board _eúlû `k _âKûg _ùe G ZûeòLcû^uùe iûcû^ý KòQò _eòað^ Keû~ûA_ûùe ö B. e-Admission _ûAñ Kò_eò @ûùa\^ Keòùa ? 1. ùMûUòG \eLûÉ `cð (CAF) ùe ù~ùKøYiò 60Uò Rê^ò@e cjûaò\ýûkde ùKøYiò C_f² aòhd (Kkû, aòmû^ I aûYòRý) _ûAñ @ûùa\^ Keû~ûA_ûeòa ö ùMûUòG (CAF)ùe RùY @ûùa\^Kûeú ajê iõLýK _i¦ (OPTION) _ûAñ @ûùa\^ Keò_ûeòùa ö cìk (CAF) ùe 13Uò _i¦ ù\aû_ûAñ aýaiÚû [ôaûùaùk RùY @ûùa\^Kûeú @Zòeòq `cð (additional form) c¤ ù~ûMKeò @]ôK _i¦MêWÿòK _ûAñ @ûùa\^ Keò_ûeòùa ö 2. ùMûUòG KùfRe ùMûUòG aòhdKê (~[û- ùeùb^þiû Rê^ò@e cjûaò\ýûkd-aòmû^) Kê ù MûUòG _i¦ ùaûfò ]eû~òa ö ùijò KùfRe \ßZ ò úd aòhd (~[û Kkû) _ûAñ @ûùa\^ Kùf, Zûjû \ßZ ò úd _i¦ bûùa ]eû~òa ö 3. @]ôK iõLýK _i¦ _ûAñ @ûùa\^Kûeúuê @]ôK ù\d ù\aûKê _Wÿòa ö _â[c _ûUò _i¦ _ûAñ ù\d jûe 50 Uuû [ôaûùaùk, hÂeê ^ac _i¦ _ûAñ ù\d jûe 75 Uuû Gaõ \gceê Zâùdû\g (13th) _i¦ _ûAñ ù\d jûe 100 Uuû eLû~ûAQò ö ùijòbkò PZêŸðg (14th) _i¦ aû Zû’Vûeê D¡ßð _i¦ _ûAñ ù\d jûe 200 Uuû eLû~ûAQò ö C\ûjeY: RùY@ûùa\^Kûeú ~\ò 5Uò _i¦ (5 Options) (KùfR I aòhd) ^òR (CAF)ùe ù\A[ûG, Zûjûùf Zûuê 250 Uuû `òiþ @ûKûeùe ù\aûKê _Wÿòa ö Kò«ê 9Uò _i¦ (9 options) _ìeY Keò[ôùf, Zûuê 550 UuûGaõ 13Uò _i¦ _ûAñ Zûuê 950 Uuû ù\d ù\aûKê _Wÿòa ö 4. RùY @ûùa\^Kûeú ùKak ùMûUòG (CAF) _ìeY Keò_ûeòùa Gaõ ù~ùKøYiò 60Uò Rê^ò@e cjûaò\ýûkdùe GjûKê \ûLf Keò_ûeòùa ö \êAUò aû @]ôK (CAF) \ûLf Kùf, @ûùa\^Kûeúu icÉ (CAF) MêWÿòK LûeR (reject) Keò\ò@û~òa ö 5. G icÉ aòhd iìP^û _êÉòKûùe (CP) CùfäL ùjûAQò ö \eLûÉ Keòaû _ìaðeê @bòbûaK I @ûùa\^Kûeú GjûKê bf bûaùe _Xÿ«ê ö aòùgh Keò _i¦ (option) MêWÿòK _ìeY _ìaðeê ^òRe ^´e Gaõ aòMZ ahðcû^uùe aòbò^Ü KùfRcû^ue cut off ^´e aû percentage (CP ùe C_f²) ij Zêk^û Ke«ê ö ùijò_eò (CAF) ijòZ ùKCñ ùKCñ document \ûLf Keû~òa Zûjû iìP^û _êÉòKûùe aòÉéZ bûùa a‰ð^û Keû~ûAQò ö (CP item No. 5.6) 6. Zû 09.07.2009 eòL c¤ùe aû BSE (O)e 10th _eúlû `k aûjûeòaûe 15 \ò^ _~ðý« @ûùa\^Kûeú ù~ùKøYiò 60Uò Rê^ò@e KùfRcû^uùe ù\d ij CAF \ûLf Keò_ûeòùa ö ù~CñVûùe RùY CAF \ûLf Keòùa, ùiA KùfR Zûu _ûAñ Applied College bûaùe aòùaPòZ ùja ö Applied College @ûùa\^Kûeúuê ùMûUòG eiò\þ ij Kâcûu (Money Receipt with Index number) ù\a ö Gjò Kâcûu i¹òkòZ eiò\þ _eaðú @aiÚûùe \eLûÉ (CAF) e iÚòZò RûYòaûùe Gaõ ^ûcùfLû icdùe Kû~ðýùe @ûiòa ö G aòhdùe @]ôK iìP^û iµéq KùfRe @¤l aû ^ûcùfLû \ûdòZßùe [ôaû @¤û_Ku ij _eûcgð aû Toll free number 155335Kê ù`û^ Keò RûYò_ûeòùa ö B. e-Admission ùe Pd^ _âKâòdû I ^ûcùfLû 1. icÉ \eLûÉ (CAF) Kê KµêýUe cû¤cùe Processing Keû~ûA ^ûcùfLû _ûAñ Pd^ Keû~òa ö @ûùa\^Kûeúu \gc ùgâYú Board ùe eLò[ôaû ^´e Z[û _i¦ Keê[ôaû Rê^ò@e KùfR I aòhd @û]ûeùe Pd^ Keû~òa ö Gjò Pd^ùe aòbò^Ü aMð _ûAñ iõelY aýaiÚû Gaõ aòbò^Ü Kû~ðý _ûAñ weightage aýaiÚû _âPkòZ @ûA^ @^êiûùe fûMê Keû~òa ö ùijòbkò IWÿògû aûjûùe ejê[ôaû IWÿò@û bûhûbûhú QûZâQûZâúu _ûAñ Gaõ IWÿògû aûjûee QûZâQûZâúu _ûAñ _ìað aòmû_òZ iðMêWÿòK _âPkòZ ejòa ö 2 . _â[c Pd^ ZûfòKû _ìað ^ò¡ðûeòZ \ò^ùe _âKûg Keû~òa ö Gjû icÉ 60Uò Rê^ò@e KùfRe ù^ûUòiþ ùaûWÿðùe I Cygòlû aòbûMùe website eê (www.dheorissa.in) ùe C_f² ùja ö Pd^ ùjûA[òaû @ûùa\^Kûeúuê (ù~Cñcûù^ CAF ùe ^òR ùcûaûAfþ ^´e ù\A[ôùa) SMS cû¤cùe RYûA \ò@û~òa ö @ûùa\^Kûeúuê _Zâ cû¤cùe Gaõ Toll free number 155335 c¤ Pd^ Z[ý còkò_ûeòa ö 3. ù~Cñ Rê^ò@e KùfRùe @ûùa\^Kûeú ^ûc ùfLûAaûKê Select ùjùa, ZûjûKê Destination College Kêjû~òa ö ~\ò Applied College I Destination College icû^ ùjûA[ûG Zûjûùjùf Applied Collegeùe \eLûÉKûeú iìP^û _êÉòKûùe aû Intimation _Zâùe fòLôZ @û^êiwòK KûMR_Zâ I _âû_ý \ûLf Keò iò]ûikL Final Admission ù^A_ûeòùa ö 4. ~\ò Applied College I Destination College _é[K ùjûA[ûG, ùZùa \eLûÉKûeú Applied College ùe _âû[còK ^ûc ùfLûAùa Gaõ Destination College ùe _ûVýKâc @ûe¸ ùjaûe (@û_ûZZü Zû 19.08.2009eòL) \êA\ò^ _ìaðeê Final Admission ù^ùa ö 5. iû]ûeY QûZâQûZâú Z[û @bòbûaKcû^uê @~[û Lyðû« ùjaû, cû^iòK Pû_ I @^ò½òZZûeê cêq Keòaû e-Admission aýaiÚûe flý ö iìP^û I _â~êqò aò\ýû _âùdûM cû¤cùe ^ûcùfLû aýaiÚû \l I Êz Keû~ûA_ûeòa ö Gjû GK ^ìZ^ aýaiÚû ùjûA[ôaûeê @bòbûaK I QûZâQûZâúu ijù~ûM @ûagýK ö A. e-Admission



23 June 2009

@ûfþ`û Uâû^è`eceiþ fòcòùUWþ 3337, cùgße gòÌûk, bêaù^gße- 751010 ù`û^þ- 0674-2580484, 2581036

gúNâ @ûagýK

_âûd 6 cûi _ûAñ Zòùâ _ûfò (fòad ò û)ùe Uâû^iþ`ece eòù_dûeòõ Kûc Keòaû_ûAñ @ûagýK 1. @bòm A¬ò^d ò e/iê_e bûARe (\ecû @bòmZû @^êiûùe) 2. Uâû^è`cðee icÉ eòù_dûeòõ Kûc RûYò[a ô û Kêgkú KûeòMe \ecû @bòmZû @^êiûùe cûiKê U. 10,000eê 15,000uû) \ecûQWÿû, CWÿûRûjûRùe ~òaû @ûiòaû Lyð, LûAaû I ejòaû Lyð, ùcWÿK ò ûf I A^þiýê eû^è Lyð Kµû^ú aj^ Keòa ö ùUfòù`û^þ ^´e ij 5 \ò^ bòZùe C_ùeûq VòKYûùe @ûùa\^ Ke«ê ö

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bêaù^gße GRò QK ^òKUiÚ A¦òeû Aõfòiþ còWd ò c Äêfe ^òcf Ü L ò Z ô ùKùZK _\aú _ìeY ^òcù« ^ò~q ê ò iûlûZKûe @ûi«û Zû 30/6/2009 _ìaûð jÜ 11 NUòKûùe Cq Äêfùe @^êÂòZ ùja ö AzêK _âû[ðú/_âû[ôð^úcûù^ ^òR ^òRe _âcûY_Zâ ij Gjò iûlûZKûeùe ù~ûMù\A _ûeòùa ö 1. @ûdû (cjòkû)-2, ù~ûMýZû iað^c ò Ü Gcþ.A._ûgþ I iùaðûy adi 30eê 40 ö 2. ùeûùhdû (_êeêh)-2, adi: 25-40 c¤ùe Lû\ýe§^ _âYûkúe aòùgh _ûe\gðòZû [ôa ö 3. @`òi/KûCe @ûiòÁû (_êeêh aû cjòkû)- aûYòRýùe iÜûZK WòMâú, Äêf @ûKûCiþ _âÉZ ê I _eúlû Kû~ðýKâc, KµêýUe Giaê ùlZâùe _ûe\gðZ ò û _ìað @bòmZû [ôaû, GZ\þaýZúZ \êAùMûUò _ò@^ _\aú _ûAñ iað^c ò Ü @Še cûUâK ò Kò´û cûUâK ò _ûiþ _âû[ðú @ûagýK ö @¤l


At/Po/Dist: SUNDARGARH, Oirssa, PIN- 770001, Phone/Fax: 06622-272266 ENGAGEMENT OF ASST. ENGINEER (CIVIL) Application with complete bio-data is invited from eligible candidates for engagement as Assistant Engineer (Civil) on contractual basis under Backward Region Grant Fund Scheme as per the following terms and conditions. E d u c a t i o n a l 1. Qualification and Experience: A degree in Civil Engineering from Govt. recognized Institution and university. Domicile, Age and 2. Reservation: The applicant must be a permanent resident of Orissa having minimum age of 21 years and maximum age of 35 years. Though this post is unreservd, preference will be given to suitable ST or SC candidate is available. Pay and other 3. conditions: This post is purely temporary in nature and co-terminus with BRGF Scheme at Sundargarh Municipality. A consolidated amount of Rs. 7000.00 per month will b paid from BRGF as provided from Govt. No other allowance like HRA, DA, TA etc. are payable other than the consolidated pay. The authority may terminate the service at any time without prior notice if found his/her performance unsatisfactory. Application and 4. Interview: Application with complete bio-data and attested copy of certificated should reach the office of the undersigned on or before 04.07.09. Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview in 2nd week of July-09 by post. Applicants are requested to provide their phone/mobile number for this purpose. Sd/Executive Officer Sundargarh Municipality

Requires Accountans

(Both Junior & Senior) candidates with tally knowledge and good exposure will be preferre. Both male and female can apply within 5 days with photograph. Also apply by e-mail. M/s. Sharp Agensies Near A.D. Market, Link Road, Cuttack- 12 E-mail: [email protected]



Ambikapur (Chhattisgarh)

Requires suitable teachers to teach MATHS & PHYSICS at senior secondary level.

Free Accomodation Salary- 7,000/- to 8,500/Contact the principal phone: 07774 227522, mobile: 094252 54291 Principal

BHUBANESWAR CLUB LTD. Rajpath, Unit-6, Bhubaneswar- 751001 Ph.: 239221/2391654


RECEPTIONISTS: Male/Female. Age Limit: 25 Years. Educational Qualification: Graduate. Job: Should be well versed with frontoffice work, PBX Operation, Guest relation and coputerised billing. DATA ENTRY OPERATORS: Male/Female. Age Limit: 30 Years. Qualification & Experience: A Diploma/ certificate course in computer application with at least 3-4 years of experience from a reputed organisation. Salary will be commensurate with qualification/ experience and will not be a limiting criterion for right candidates. Interested candidates may send their CV with proof of experience with latest photograph within 8 days from the date of advertisement to The Secretary, Bhubaneswar Club Ltd., Rajpath, Unit-6, Bhubaneswar- 751001.


Baba Gangnath Marg. Munirka, New Delhi- 110067 VACANCY NOTICE National Institute of Health and Family Welfare is an autonomous Institute funded by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is an apex technical Institute for promoting health and family welfare programmes in the country through Education and Training, Research and Evaluation, Consultancy, Advisory and Specialized Services. Applications are invited by the Director from the citizens of India for the following posts: On Regular basis: Sr. Name No. of Scale of pay Reservation No. Post 1. Reader (Nursing) 01 Rs.15600-39100 Unreserved +AGP 8000 2. Reader(Medical Care 01 Rs.15600-39100 Unreserved & Hospital Administration) +AGP 8000+NPA 3. Lecturer (Reproductive) 02 (1 Male Rs.15600+39100+ Both Posts are Bio-medicine-Clinic) &1 Female) AGP6000)+ NPA reserved for OBC category. In addition one post is reserved for OH candidates. 4. Lecturer (Statistics& 01 (Rs. 15600-39100 SC Demography) +AGP 6000) On deputation basis: 5. Professor 01 Rs.37400-67000+ AGP10000+NPA (Planning & Evaluation 6. Professor 01 Rs.37400-67000+ AGP10000+NPA (Education &Training) For details please visit Institute’s website: www.nihfw.org. Completed applications should reach Dy. Director (Admn.). NIHFW at the above address before 24.08.2009. NOTE: Those who have applied earlier in response to our earlier advertisement need not apply again. Director


23 Rê^þ 2009




(d) (i) (ii)


(a) ASSISTANT COMMANDANT (GENERAL DUTY) (b) ASSISTANT COMMANDANT GENERAL DUTY(PILOT / NAVIGATOR) (c) COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENCE (CPL) HOLDERS FOR SHORT SERVICE APPOINTMENT (d) ASSISTANT COMMANDANT TECHNICAL (ENGINEERING/ELECTRICAL BRANCH) The Indian Coast Guard, an armed force of the Union, offers you a challenging and’inspiring career as a Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officer in the pay scale of Rs.15600-39100(Revised) with Grade Pay Rs.5400/- Applications are invited from Indian citizens as per following details:Type of Entry Branch/type of Entry Asst. Commandant (General Duty)

Educational Qualification


Bachelor’s degree in any discipline of a recognised university by the Central/State Government/UGC with Mathematics and Physics as subject up to 12th Std of 10+2+3 scheme of education.

Male / Female Unmarried

* Born between (01 Jul 85 to 30 Jun 89)

Asst.Commandant (General Duty-PilotNavigator) The candidates failed in Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) neet not apply

B.Sc. with Mathematics and Physics.

Male / Female Unmarried

* Born between (01 Jul 83 to 30 Jun 91)

Asst. Commandant General duty Branch (Pilot-Commercial Pilot License (CPL) Holders for Short Service Appointment) for period of 08 years, which may be extended to 10 years and may be further extended up to 14 years by the competent authority)

12th calss Passed or equivalent and should possess current commercial pilot License (CPL) on the date of submission of application.

Male / Female Unmarried

* Born between (01 Jul 83 to 30 Jun 91)

Asst. Commandant Technical branch (Engineering and Electrical)

(i) Degree in Naval Architecture/ Marine Mechanical/ Electrical / Tele-Communication & Electronics/ Design / Production / Aeronautical/ Control Electrical) Engineering or equivalent qualification, disciplines in any of the above, recognised by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) or Marine Engineering graduates of IMET Kolkata, or (ii) In possession of Government of India, Ministry of Surface Transport Certificate of Competency as 1st Class Engineer of Motorship or other similar certificate recognised by the Government, or (iii) Possesses final examination certificate of the College of Marine Engineering under the Department of Surface Transport, Government of India, or (iv) Have passed section ‘A’ & ‘B’ of Institute of Engineers (India) Examination in any of disciplines listed at sl.no. (i).

Only for Male



4. 5. 6.

* Born between (01 Jul 80 to 30 Jun 89)

Note (a) The upper age limit is relaxable.as per Govt of India rules in vogue. (b) The candidate is eligible to apply only for one post. More than one application received from a candidate shall be liable for rejection. (c) The candidates who have already applied in response to previous advertisement within last three months need not apply again. 2. Medical Standard (a) Height in Cms , (i) Asst Commandant (GD): 157 cms minimum, may be reduced by 5 cms in the case of Gorkhas, Nepalese, Assamese( including those from Nagaland, Mizoram, Me’ghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Tripura) Garhwal, Sikkim, Local tribes of A & N islands and 2 cms in case of candidates from Lakshadweep, mainland settlers in Andaman and Nicobar. (ii) Asst Commandant Technical branch (Engineering and Electrical): 157 cms minimum, may be reduced by 5 cms in the case of Gorkhas, Nepalese, Assamese (including those from Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Tripura) Garhwal, Sikkim, Local tribes of A & N islands and 2 cms in case of candidates from Lakshadweep, mainland settlers in Andaman and Nicobar. (iii) Asst Commandant (Pilot) and Asst Commandant Commercial Pilot License (CPL) holders for Short Service Appointment) : Minimum 162 cms and maximum 197 cms, leg length 99 cms. (b) Weight: Proportionate to the Height and Age, + 10 % acceptable. (c) Chest : Well proportionate, minimum expansion 5 cms



9. (a)

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 10. 11.

23 June 2009


Eye Sight Asst Commandant (GD) 6/6(Good Eye) 6/9' (Bad Eye) without glasses Asst Commandant (Pilot) and Asst 6/6(Both Eyes) without glasses Comdt pilot entry for Commercial Pilot License (CPL) holders for Short Service Appointment, (iii) Asst Commandant (Tech) 6/12 (Good Eye) and 6/36 (Bad Eye). The Coast Guard Offers You (a) Allowances: As Assistant Commandant, the officer on enrolment will be placed in the pay scale of Rs.15600-39100(Revised) with Grade Pay Rs 5400/- along with following additional pay and allowances, (i) The officers in the flying branch on award of wings will be entitled to get flying pay ranging from Rs. 9000/ to Rs 14000/- per month depending on their ranks and years of service, (ii) Dearness Allowance (iii) Outfit Allowance (iv) Sea going Allowance (v) Hard lying money (vi) Island Special Duty/Allowance (b) Group Insurance & Gratuity: Insurance cover of Rs. 30 lakhs (on contribution) as per latest rules in vogue. Gratuity will be granted to the officer as per the latest rules in vogue. (c) Leave & Leave Travel Concession: Officers are entitled to (subject to service exigencies) 45 days earned leave, 8 days casual leave, LTC to hometown/anywhere in India as approved by Govt of India for all central Govt employees. (d) Adventure and Sports: The Indian Coast Guard provides, opportunities to pursue sports and adventure activities such as river rafting, mountaineering, hot air ballooning, hang gliding and wind surfing etc. (e) Other Benefits: Entitled ration as per scale, accommodation and allied service at concessional rates, free medical facilities for self, family and dependent parents, Canteen facilities, Low rate interest loan from Govt. sources for purchase “of Car/Personal Computer/Scooter and construction of House (as per applicability). Probation: Two years or till completion of training whichever is later. Training: The basic training is scheduled to commence for Asst Comdt {GD/GD(P/N)/CPL/ Tech in Jan 2010 in Indian Naval Academy , Ezhimala, Kerala. The cost of training including books and reading materials will be borne by the Indian Coast Guard. Selection Procedure. (a) Short-listed candidates will be called for selection test/interview at Kolkata/Bhubaneshwar/ Vishakhapatnam/Chennai/Kochi/Mumbai/Nagpur/Port-Blair/Noida(UP). Candidate’s excellence in Academics, Sports and NCC will be given due weightage whilst shortlisting the candidates. The date of entrance test will be intimated to the short-listed candidates through call up letters by Mid August 2009. Candidates who do not receive call up letter may assume that they have not come in the zone of short-listing. (b) The selection process consists of two phases: (i) Preliminary Selection Boards (PSB) are conducted at Kolkata/Bhubaneshwar/ Vishakhapatnam/Chennai/Kochi/Mumbai/Nagpur/Port-Blair/ Noida (U.P). It consists of General Mental Ability Test in which the candidates will be tested for General Awareness, General Intelligence and Reasoning. (ii) Final Selection Board (FSB) at Chennai, Mumbai and Coast Guard Selection Board (CGSB) Noida (U.P). It consists of Psychological Test, Group Testing and Interview (Personality Test). (c) Selection will be made only on the basis of performance of the candidate in FSB. Those found medically fit will be placed in the merit list. The candidates who qualify in the merit list vis-a-vis number of vacancies available will be issued with appointment letter and called to CGSB Noida (U.P) for two weeks Pre - Naval - Orientation Training Programme (P-NOT-P) and thereafter sent to Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala, Kerala to undergo basic training with the Indian Navy. (d) Medical examination will be held at Chennai/Mumbai/Delhi. How to Apply. Application on plain paper in the form appended below (type written or hand written in English/ Hindi) is to be sent so aslo reach on or before 13 Jul 2009 to the Director (MPR&T), Post Box no. 127, Noida (UP) - 201301. Under Postal Certificate (UPC) only. Central/state govt. employees should apply through proper channel. Attested copies of certificate of age, caste of the candidate, educational qualification including statement of marks, NCC, sports and self addressed unstamped envelope of size 25 x 10 cm are to be attached with the application. Applications can also be downloaded from Indian Coast Guard website www.indiancoastguard.nic.in. Travel Allowance: .No claim of reimbursement of expenses including in connection with the interview before the PSB/FSB is admissible except the travel expenditure for SC/ST candidates who are not employed in the central/state govt. and if the home station is beyond 75 kms from the place of interview. General Guidelines. Candidates are to specify clearly in column (2) of the application form the choice of center nearest to the present address at which they wish to appear for PSB. While every effort will be made to allot the center of their choice, however, Indian Coast Guard may allot a different center to the candidates depending on the number of candidates for particular centre. Request for change of examination centre/date will not be entertained. Attested copy of Caste Certificate (if applicable) has to be enclosed. Character certificate (issued six months prior to exam/interview) shall be enclosed with the application. Candidates should be prepared to stay for 2-3 days for PSB and 10 days for FSB for which they have to make their own arrangement. No TA/DA will be admissible. Proof of residence (domicile certificate) is to be attached with the application in support of column (5) of the application form. Commercial Pilot License (CPL) holder candidates are to attach attested photocopy of license with the application: Physical Fitness: The basic training for Asst Comdt {GD/GD(P/N)/CPL/Tech in Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala, Kerala is physically demanding. Therefore; candidates are advised to build up stamina by physical exercise, sports, running, swimming etc. Last Date of Receipt of Application is 19 Jul 2009. In respect of application received by post from candidates residing in North East Regions (Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland.Tripura and Sikkim) and Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep & Kavarati Islands the last date is 25 Jul 2009. See next page....


23 Rê^þ 2009




23 June 2009


Guidelines for Filling Up Application Form. All the columns in the application should be filled in block letters. Do not split words. Fill column (3), ‘Name of the candidate’and column (9) ‘Date of birth’ as per the example given below, (a) Write DHARAM DEO SHARMA. (a)Write DHARAM DEO SHARMA.













and 16 Sep 1985 as 1








(b) Give exact percentage of marks. For example 59.9% should not be rounded off to 60 %. 13. Guidelines for Giving Details on Envelope The envelope containing the application form should be marked on top as per the example given below. APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ASST COMMANDANT GD/GD(PN)/CPL HOLDERS FOR SHORT SERVICE/TECHNICAL(ENGINEERING AND ELECTRICAL) DOB(dd/mm/yy) CAT: OBC/ % in Graduation Sports Level NCC Choice of SC/ST and 12th for CPL (National/State) (Yes/No) Centre (PSB) To The Director (MPR&T) Post Box No. 127, Noida, U.P - 201 301 DOB



: : :

LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATION 19 JUL 09 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Regn. No. For Official use only) (1) Name of the post applied for _____________________________ (2) Centre at which you wish to appear for PSB. (a) Centre I : ________________ (b) Centre II: ________________ (CPL Holder and Pilot apply Chennai / Delhi) (3) Name of the candidate (as in Matriculation / Degree certificate)

Date of birth in Christian era

GEN/OBC/SC/ST Write % of marks obtained in Bachelor Degree. Write whichever is applicable, National level- N, State level .-S, School/ University -U’, otherwise -X. NCC : Write ‘A’, ‘B’ ‘C’ certificate of NCC as applicable. If none, then indicate-X CENTRE : Centre at which you wish to appear for PSB (To be mentioned clearly). NOTE : CANDIDATES BELONGS TO OBC/SC/ST ARE REQUIRED TO ATTACH THEIR CASTE CERTIFICATE AS PER FOLLOWING FORMAT AT THE TIME OF SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION. Appendix’A’ FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED BY OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES APPLYING FOR APPOINTMENT TO POSTS UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA This is to certify that ................S/O ................................. of Village....................................... District/ Division .................. In the ........................State belongs to the .....................................Community which is recognized as Backward Class under :(i) Govt of India, Ministry of Welfare, resolution No. 12011/68/93-BCC (C) dated 10th Sep 1993, published in the Gazette of India Extra ordinary Part-l, section-l, dated the 13th Sep 1993, ** (ii) Govt of India, Ministry of Welfare, resolution No.12011/9/94-BCC dated 19.10.94, published in the Gazette of India Extra Ordinary Part-l, section-l, No.163, dated the 20.10.94. Shri ................................ and/or his family ordinarily reside(s) in the ............ District/Division of the ......................State. This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the person/section (Creamy layer) mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to the Govt. of India, Department of Personnel and Training O.M No.36002/ 22/93-Estt. (SCT), dated 08.09.93. District Magistrate Dated : Deputy Commissioner etc. SEAL Appendix ‘B’ FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED BY SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES APPLYING FOR APPOINTMENT TO POSTS UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA This is to certify that Shri/Shrimati /Kumari*................................Son/Daughter* of ........................ Village/ town*..... ........................... in District/Division*.................of the ................. .........State/Union Territory* belongs to the caste/tribe* which is recognized as a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes* under :The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) order 1950* The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) order 1950* The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) (Union Territories) order 1951* The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) order 1951* [As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) Order, 1956, the Bombay Reorganization Act, 1960, the Punjab Reorganization Act 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act 1970 and the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganization) Act, 1971 and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act 1976] The Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order 1962* The Constitution(Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order 1959 as amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act 1976* The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order 1962* The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order 1962* The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order 1964* The Constitution(Scheduled Tribes) (Uttar Pradesh) Order 1967* The Constitution (Goa Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order 1968* The Constitution (Goa Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order 1968* The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order 1970* The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order 1978* The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order 1978* 2. Shri/Shrmati/Kumari* ................... And/or his/her*, family ordinarily, reside(s) in village/ town*............ of*...............Dist./ Division*...............of the State/Union Territory* of ............... Signature_______________ *Designation.;____________ Place _____________ (with seal of office) Date _____________ State/Union Territory** * Please delete the words which are not applicable. ** Officers competent to issue Caste/ Tribe certificates. Note : The term ‘ordinarily reside(s) used here will have the same meaning as in section 20 of the representation of the People Act, 1950.



First Name Current postal Address


Permanent Address.

Middle Name


Affix self attested passport size colour photograph taken recently


Pin Code

(6) (7)

E-mail ID Father’s name & occupation Govt Servant/ Pvt. Sector / Business / Ex-Servicemen etc.


Category : GEN / OBC / SC / ST (Attach photocopy of certificate as per format, in case OBC/ SC/ ST)_______________________________ (i) Date of Birth.


Day Month Year (ii) Date of Birth (in words) ___________________________________________________ (10) Nationality : ________________________________________________________________ (11) Educational qualification from matriculation onwards (attach attested photocopies of certificate) Exam passed

(12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

(18) (19) (20)

Name of the Institution




Percentage of marks obtained.

Do you know swimming: (Yes / No) _____________________________________________ Proficiency in sports (attach photocopies of certificate)______________________________ NCC certificate obtained (attach photocopies of certificate)___________________________ Whether father is / was in Defence services, If yes, attach proof _____________________ Marital status : (i) Married / Single _________________ (ii) If married, number of living children ______________________ Details of appearance in all previous preliminary / final Selection Board of Indian Coast Guard and SSB. Roll No./ Chest No./ Batch No. / Course No. / Month / Year / Centre. (i) PSB __________________________________________ (ii) FSB __________________________________________ (iii) SSB __________________________________________ Whether employed in Central / State Govt./ Public sector undertaking, if so, details thereof. Date of release and length of service in case of Ex-serviceman_____________________ Declaration : I, hereby solemnly declare that all the statements made in the above application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I fully understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect, appropriate action can be taken against me.

Place _______________

Signature _____________________ (Left hand thumb impression of the Applicant) Date___________________ Name of the Applicant____________ Note: (i) The envelop containing the application must be superscribed APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ASST. COMMANDANT GENERAL DUTY/ GENERAL DUTY PILOT- NAVIGATOR/ CPL HOLDERS / TECHNICAL BRANCH (ENGINEERING AND ELECTRICAL)”. (ii) Give specific details. Vague replies will render the application liable for rejection. (iii) All activities connected with recruitment including medical examination will be conducted FREE OF COST. (iv) An additional passport size, photograph recently taken is to be separately enclosed. (v) The choice of first centre may change if sufficient number of applicant do not opt for the centre. INDIAN COAST GUARD............... LEAN, EFFICIENT & VISIBLE CAUTION : SELECTION IN INDIAN COAST GUARD IS FAIR AND ON MERIT ONLY. CANDIDATE SHOULD NOT FALL PREY TO UNSCRUPULOUS PERSONS POSING AS RECRUITMENT AGENT. FOR ANY QUERY, CANDIDATE MAY APPROACH DIRECTOR (MPR&T) INDIAN COAST GUARD HEADQUARTERS, NATIONAL STADIUM COMPLEX, NEW DELHI - 110 001.


27Rê^þ-03 RêfûA 2009



No. 30211/UAT,

Dtd. 20.06.09 Acd. l-IV-2/04 ADMISSION NOTICE Application in the prescribed forms are invited for admission Into the following Post Graduate Programmes for the session, 2009-2010. 1. (A)M.Sc. (Ag.) Agronomy, Plant Breeding” & Genetics, Agricultural Economics, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Horticulture, Plant Physiology, Nematology, Agricultural Statistics, Extension Education and Seed Science & Technology. (B) Ph.D. (Agril.) Agronomy, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Agricultural Economics, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Soil & Agricultural Chemistry, Horticulture, Plant Physiology, Nematology and Extension Education. 2. (A) M.V.Sc. Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary Clinical Medicine Ethics and Jurisprudence, Veterinary Surgery & Radiology, Animal Breeding & Genetics, Animal Nutrition, Live Stock Production & Management, Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology & Obstertics, Veterinary Parasitology, Veterinary Microbiology, Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology, Veterinary Bio-chemistry, Veterinary Anatomy & Histology, Veterinary Physiology and Poultry Science. (B) Ph.D. (Vety,) Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Ethics and Jurisprudence, Veterinary Surgery & Radiology and Veterinary Pathology, 3. M.Tach. (Ag. Engg.) Farm Machinery & Power, Soil & Water Conservation. Engineering and Post-Harvest Processing & Food Engineering. 4. (A) M.RSc. Aquaculture. (B) Ph.D, Aquaculture The following seats are also available on cost sharing basis : General NRI/ Foreign Students (A) M.Sc. (Ag.) Seeds Science & Technology 02 02 (B) M.Sc. (Ag.) Bio-Technology 05 05 The candidate may purchase the form from the SBI, Campus Branch of OUAT, Bhubaneswar on payment of Rs. 515.00 from 23rd June 2009 to 18th July, 2009. To get the application form by post, the candidate has to send a Bank Draft amounting to Rs. 550/- payable at any nationalized bank located at Bhubaneswar in favour of “Comptroller, OUAT, Bhubaneswar” along with an application addressed to the Assistant Registrar (Acd.), OUAT, Bhubaneswar - 751003 so as to reach OUAT well In ahead of closing date of sale of application. Candidates’ may also access the OUAT website - ouat.ac.in. to download the Application forms and Prospectus. In case of online application form the candidates must have to attach a B.D./B.C. of Rs. 500.00 in favour of Comptroller, OUAT payable on any nationalized bank located at Bhubaneswar. Bank Drafts/Bankers Cheque received after the closing date will not be returned to the.pandidate. The completed application forms shall be received by the Assistant Registrar (Acd.) through post/ Registered Post/Speed Post/Courier service on or before the closing date i.e. 18.07.2009. The authority will not be responsible for any postal delay or loss. Candidates should be permanent resident of Orissa or Oriyas permanently residing outside Orissa or those parents are serving in Orissa. OUAT Employees, who are desirous of taking admission as In-service candidate in P.G. & Ph.D. Courses, 2009-2010 in above subjects may apply to the Registrar, OUAT through their respective Deans/Directors/A.D. Rs./P.C.s. along with all academic & service particulars by 20th July, 2009 for consideration. Please visit us at ouat.ac.in. Sd./- D. Shatapaathy, 20.06.2009 Registrar


No.Estt-II/1262/27453/2009 Dated: 19.06.2009 Applications in the prescribed format (5 copies) are invited by 20th July, 2009 from the eligible candidates for the following categories of non. teaching posts under the Utkal University. Cat Name of Post Scale of Pay Nature of No of Reservation No. (Pre-revised) Posts Post ST SC U R A-1 Deputy Registrar Rs.9,350- On deputation 01 - 01 14,550/basis A-2 *System Manager Rs. 10,650Regular 01 - 01 Computer Centre 15,850/A-3 System Engineer Rs.9.350Regular 01 - 01 Computer Centre 14,550/A-4 **Chief Librarian Rs.9.350Regular 01 - 01 14,550/A-5 Manager Press Rs,9,350Regular 01 - 01 14,550/B-1 Assistant Rs.6,500Regular 03 01 01 01 Librarian 10,500/B-2 Curator, Geology Rs.6,500Regular 01 - 01 10,500/-


Subject to the final decision of the Hon’ble High Court of Orissa in W.P.(C). No.8323 of 2009 and Misc. Case No. 6433 of 2009. ** Subject to the final decision of the Hon’ble High Court of Orissa in W.P.(C). No. 8322 of 2009 and Misc. Case No. 6432 of 2009. The details of qualification, experience and other terms and conditions for the above posts are given in the University Website www.utkal-university.org. The reservation for physically handicapped candidates will be as per Government rules. The prescribed application form can also be downloaded from the University website. Sd/- REGISTRAR



27June-03 July 2009


(Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Palkalaiperur, Trichy - 620 024. Phone: 0431 2407071, 240 7072; www.bdu.ac.in ADMISSION NOTIFICATION FOR 2009-2010 Professional Courses - Semester Pattern M.B.A., M.C.A Selection is based on entrance test, M.Sc. IT. (Information Technology), M.Sc. ST. (Software Technology), M.Sc. (E-Commerce & its Application), M.C.A* - Lateral Entry (Degree with PGDCA/ B.C.A Degree Courses are eligible for admission to 2nd year M.C.A. Programme, +2 passed candidates completed 3 year Diploma are eligible for admission to 1st year M.C.A. Programme), PG. Diploma in Computer Appllication (Any Degree). PG Semester Pattern M.Sc.Electronics, M.Sc. Computer Science, M.Sc.Physics, M.Sc. Hotel Management & Catering Science, M.Com. Bank Management, M.Com. Financial Management, M.Com. Co-operation, Master of Library & Information Science (M.L.I.S). PG Non - Semester Pattern MA Women Studies, MA Public Administration, M.A.Sociology, M.A.Journalism & Mass Communication, M.A. Tamil, M.A.English, MA History, MA Economics, M.H.R.M. (Any Degree), M.Sc.Mathematics, M.Com, M.Com. (Computer Apllications), M.A. Philosophy. UG Semester / Non - Semester Pattern

B.Sc.Hotel Mgmt & Catering Science, B.Sc.Multimedia Web Design & Internet Technology / Visual Communication / Computer Science / Information Technology / Physics, B.C.A., BATamil / English / History / Co-operation / Economics, B.BA, B.Com., B.Sc. Maths, B.C.A* - Lateral Entry (Direct Admission - 2nd year), B.Com.* - Lateral Entry (Direct Admission 2nd year). Instructions

Application forms and prospectus can be had from The Director, Centre for Distance Education, Bharathidasan University, Palkalaiperur, Trichy - 620 024. Main branch of State Bank of India and from the PCP / Study centres listed below. Requisition with a crossed demand draft drawn in the favour of Centre for Distance Education, Bharathidasan University, Payable at Tiruchirappalli from any Nationalised Bank. Application forms can also be downloaded through our website COURSES Cost of Application Last date for issue and receipt U.G /Diploma/Certificate Courses Rs. 100/of filled - in applications 31-07-2009 P.G. Semester / Non-Semester / P.G Diploma Rs. 200/MBA /MCA Rs. 500/For Further, Details, Please contact Study Centres or visit our Website: www.bdu.ac.in STUDY CENTRES

KOLKATTA: Mr. U.K. Sharma, kolkata Institute of Management, Jyitirmoy Knowledge Park, Kalikapur, No.24, Parganas (S), Kolkata Mega City’- 743 330. Ph: +91 - 328201094 / 95, M: 097484 15462, 099806 91201. Mr. Bannarjee, Mumbai School of Business, Chatterjee International Building, 33-A, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, 15th Floor, Flat 3-A, Kolkatta - 71. BIHAR: Shri. Niraj Jha, Gurukul Senior Secondary School, Veer kunwar Singh Colony, Kashipur, Semastipur, Bihar - 848 101. M: 098358 28348. Dr. N.BASKARAN DIRECTOR

Email: [email protected]



(An autonomous Institution under Department of Atomic Energy Government of India) Institute of Physics Campus, Sachivalaya Marg, PO - Sainik School, Bhubaneswar - 751005 The National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) has been set up at Bhubaneswar by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India to be a unique institution of its kind, pursuing undergraduate and post graduate education in science combined with frontline research. The institute is now looking for suitable Indian Nationals for appointment on regular/deputation basis, to the following posts: Post Code

Position & No of posts

Pay Scale (in Rs.) (Grade Pay)


Upper Age limit (As on 1.5.2009)


Scientific Officer (E) - (3)

15600-39100 (6600)


50 years


Administrative Officer - III - (1)

15600-39100 (6600)


55 years


System Administrator - (1)

9300-34800 (5400)


35 years


System Manager - (1)

9300-34800 (4200)


30 years


Section Officer - (6)

9300-34800 (4200)

1 OBC, 5 GEN

45 years


Scientific Assistant (C) - Civil (1)

9300-34800 (4200)


35 years


Office Assistant (Multi Skill)-(15)

5200-20200 (2000)

3 OBC, 2 SC, 1 ST, 9 GEN

40 years


Lab Technician - (6)

5200-20200 (2000)


35 years


Tradesman (Library) - (1)

5200-20200 (1800)


40 years

The reservation criteria and the percentage thereof, for physically Handicapped will be as per current Central Govt. Orders. Althouth some of the post is advertised as unreserved but other things being equal, preference will be given to the candidates of reserved categories. The details of qualification and experience and other terms and conditions for the above posts are given in the institute website http:/ /niser.ac.in. Prescribed application form can be obtained free of cost, either in person or by sending self addressed envelope of 28 cm x 12 cm size bearing postage stamp of Rs.10/-. The prescribed application form can also be downloaded from the Institute’s website http://niser.ac.in. Application should be accompanied with a non-refundable demand draft of Rs.200/- drawn in favour of “THE DIRECTOR NISER” payable at Bhubaneswar. SC/ST and Physically handicapped candidates are not required to submit demand draft. The completed application, along with the relevant certificates for qualification and experience in a sealed envelope superscribed with “NISER Advt. No. 01/2009; Post applied for _________________ (Name of the post as in the table above) must reach the Director, NISER, Institute of Physics Campus, Sachivalaya Marg, PO- Sainik School, Bhubaneswar - 751005 on or before 31st July, 2009. Sd/- Director


27Rê^þ-03 RêfûA 2009


Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (A Govt. of India Undertaking)



ENERGISE YOUR CAREER WITH A FORTUNE GLOBAL 500 COMPANY SPECIAL RECRUITMENT DRIVE FOR l OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES (OBCs – Non Creamy Layer Only) & l PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (PWD) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, a Fortune 500 and a leading Navratna Public Sector Company with an all India presence, engaged in Refining, Marketing of Petroleum Products and Exploration of Oil & Gas, is looking for energetic and ambitious Engineering, Management & Finance Professionals to join as “Management Trainee /Executive(Accounts)” VACANCIES No.of Vacancies for OBCs (Non-Creamy Layer)

No. of Vacancies for PWD Orthopaedically Handicapped (OH)

Hearing Handicapped (HH)

Visually Handicapped (VH)






Educational Qualifications from Institutions/ colleges and Universities/Deemed Universities duly recognized by AICTE/ UGC/ AIU

Minimum Percentage of Marks at Final Degree Examination For OBC Non-Creamy Layer)


Mechanical Should have Electrical,Electronics completed 4 Years full time Engineering Computer Science. Degree course in B.Tech / B.E / B.Sc. (Engg.)



Finance and Accounts.





1) CA’s who have passed CA Final Exam in maximum two attempts or 2) Should have completed 2 years full time MBA (Finance) course or Post Graduate Diploma in Finance from a premier Institute or Equivalent.


Should have completed 2 Years full time MBA (Marketing) course or Post Graduate Diploma from a premier Institute or Equivalent



Human Resources

Should have completed 2 years full time MBA (Human Resources) course / MA(PMIR)/Post Graduate Diploma from a premier Institute or equivalent



Note: 1. Those candidates, who have appeared for the Final Degree Examination and are expecting their results latest by August 2009, and have secured aggregate marks (upto previous semester) as stipulated above, may also apply. However, their final selection would be subject to their getting minimum marks as stipulated above, in the Final Degree Examination. 2. Wherever CGPA / OGPA or Letter Grade in a degree is awarded, equivalent percentage marks should be indicated in the online application (as per norms adopted by the University/Institute). No rounding off percentage would be allowed. AGE LIMIT Category OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)

Upper Age Limit as on 01.06.2009 28

PWD (General)


PWD (OBC – Non Creamy Layer)




For PWD candidates, based on the physical requirements, the categories of disabled suitable for jobs/ disciplines are as follows: Disciplines

Categories of disabled







Computer Science


Finance & Accounts




Human Resources


OL – One Leg, OA - One Arm, OAL – One Arm & One Leg, BL – Both Legs, HH – Hearing Handicapped, B – Blind, LV – Low Vision. SELECTION PROCESS The selection methodology will comprise of written test, group discussion and personal interview. The written test will be objective multiple choice test paper consisting of two parts Part I – Test on General Aptitude and Part II – Test on Academic Knowledge. The candidates short-listed in the written test will be required to appear for group discussion. The candidates who are shortlisted in the Group Discussion will be required to appear for personal interview. However, final selection will be subject to the candidates clearing medical examination. Further, the Management reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards / criteria in order to restrict the number of candidates to be called for Group Discussion/Personal interview, if so required. Management may also relax / lower the qualifying standards / criteria in case required number of candidates are not available. TEST CENTERS The written test will be conducted in the month of August 2009 at Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Bangalore, Baroda, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chennai, Chandigarh, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Kochi,Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna & Vishakhapatnam. Two preferred choices will have to be opted by the candidate. However, BPCL reserves the right to cancel or add any centre depending on the response in that area/centre.


27June-03 July 2009


Note: Visually handicapped candidates who have asked for Scribe in the application form will be provided Scribe for the written test. Candidates are not allowed to bring their own Scribe. MEDICAL FITNESS Final selection will be subject to the candidate’s clearing the medical examination. The candidate should be of sound health and appointment of the selected candidate will be subject to meeting the health standards prescribed by the company. DISABILITY CERTIFICATE PWD candidates will have to submit a valid Disability Certificate issued by a competent authority satisfying the minimum degree of disability of 40% in respective categories. EMOLUMENTS, TRAINING & PLACEMENT Engineering Professionals will be appointed in Job Group “A” as “Management Trainee” on a basic pay of Rs.23,000/- (in the provisional scale of pay Rs.23,000/- Rs.46,500/-) Plus VDA and other allowances / benefits admissible as per the rules of the Company. Management Professionals (Finance/Marketing/HR) will be appointed as “Management Trainee” and Chartered Accountants will be appointed as “Executive (Accounts)” in Job Group “A” on a basic pay of Rs.27,600/- Plus VDA and other allowances/benefits admissible as per the rules of the Company. After successful completion of probation, they will be confirmed in Job Group ‘B” (in the provisional scale of pay Rs.27,600/- to Rs.50,500/-) Plus VDA and other allowances/benefits admissible as per the rules of the Company. Selected candidates will be on training/probation for one year. Posting can be at any place in the country and the services are transferable as required by the Company. RELAXATIONS/CONCESSIONS l Relaxation in age will be given for Ex-Servicemen and Commissioned Officers (including ECO’s & SSCO’s) and to those who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 as per Government Directives. l Outstation PWD candidates will be reimbursed to & fro travel fare at actual, up to a maximum of 2nd class rail fare by the shortest route to examination centre for written test (provided the distance traveled is not less than 30 Km.). The travel claim forms will be available at the respective test centre. The candidates are required to submit the travel claim forms properly filled in, along with the proof of travel, at the time of written test. The reimbursement will be made at later date. Kindly note that travel claims sent subsequently by post will not be entertained. HOW TO APPLY Eligible candidates have to apply through online registration system of BPCL i.e. www.bpclcareers.in Online submission of the applications will be allowed on the website between 16th. June 2009 to 30th June 2009. No other means/mode of application shall be accepted. While applying on-line, candidate should have the following readily available. l E-mail ID (which must be valid for at least one year from the date of application) l Crossed demand draft of Rs. 400/- as processing and Examination fees for OBC candidates only. PWD candidates are exempted from processing and examination fees. l The DD details (if applicable) and valid e-mail ID are mandatory fields without which applications will not be registered. l The Demand Draft is non refundable and should be drawn in favor of “Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited” payable at Mumbai only. Demand drafts payable at locations other than Mumbai will not be accepted. Money Order / Postal Order or any other mode of payment is not acceptable. STEPS FOR APPLYING Step 1 Visit www.bpclcareers.in website Step 2 Go to link Careers@BPCL Current Openings to view the full Advertisement Details. Step 3 Read the details very carefully before applying. ”Apply” & “Reprint Registration Slip” links are placed at the bottom of this page. Step 4 Click on “Apply” to fill up the application form. Step 5 After you fill the Application form, click SAVE to take a print of the registration slip Step 6 Paste a recent passport size photograph on the registration slip, attach the DD and Caste / Disability Certificate (as applicable) and send the same by ordinary post at the address given below. Only original registration slip (no photocopy) shall be accepted. Step 7 If your candidature is found eligible you will be intimated by e-mail latest by 25th July 2009 regarding the written test. On receipt of the e-mail you will have to once again login to www.bpclcareers.in and go to the link “Careers@BPCL (Current Openings)” and click on “PRINT THE ADMIT CARD”. Step 8 Print the admit card and paste a recent passport size photograph and carry the ADMIT CARD to the examination centre on the date and time indicated therein. Photograph affixed on the registration slip and admit card, should be the same. NOTE: Please do not try to retain/copy the Application Form as well as the Registration Slip on your Computer as you can reprint the registration slip till the offer is open. After applying online, candidate is required to print the system generated Registration Slip with unique registration number and other essential details with space for passport size photograph & signature. In order to save the data entered, candidate should click “Save” button and then print the Registration Slip. The original Registration Slip with required Demand Draft (having name and registration number duly written on the back of DD) and Caste / Disability Certificate (as applicable) is to be sent, only by ORDINARY POST so as to reach latest by 7th July 2009 to


The envelope should be super-scribed with “SPECIAL RECRUITMENT DRIVE FOR OBC/PWD FOR THE POST OF MANAGEMENT TRAINEE/EXECUTIVE (ACCOUNTS)”. Candidates should take special care not to staple the Demand Daft. They should use pins for fastening all documents / demand drafts. The on-line registration site would remain open from 16th June 2009 to 30th June 2009. Intimation regarding examination schedule, admit card along with specimen questions, etc shall be sent by email. In addition, the admit card along with specimen questions shall also be sent by post to the address provided. BPCL will not be responsible for any loss of email/admit card sent, due to invalid / wrong email ID/wrong postal address/postal delays/loss in transit, etc. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS : l Only Indian Nationals belonging to OBC-(Non Creamy Layer) & PWD candidates need to apply. l The OBC (Non Creamy Layer) candidates are required to submit valid caste certificate issued by a competent authority in prescribed format for Central PSUs. Further, such candidates will have to give a self –undertaking indicating that they belong to OBC (Non Creamy Layer) category, in case candidate is short-listed for interview. l PWD candidates belonging to OBC(Non creamy layer) /SC/ST category will have to submit a valid Caste Certificate issued by a Competent Authority in the prescribed format along with the Disability Certificate.

See page.....15


27Rê^þ-03 RêfûA 2009




27June-03 July 2009



Applications are invited from unmarried Male Indian citizens for Permanent Commission Officers in the Law Cadre of Executive Branch of the Indian Navy for Course commencing Jan 2010 at Indian Naval Academy (INA), Ezhimala, Kerala.



15. Sports & Adventure. The Navy provides facilities to pursue any sport of your liking. In addition, one can learn and participate in adventure sports, such as river rafting, mountaineering, hot air ballooning, hang gliding, wind surfing etc.

A Degree in Law qualifying for enrolment as an advocate under Advocates Act 1961, with minimum 55% marks.

16. Physical fitness. In the Naval Academy’s curriculum, a lot of emphasis is laid on physical fitness. You are therefore, advised to prepare yourself by physical training, sports, running, swimming, etc. so that you meet the training goals successfully.

Age. 22 to 27 years(candidate must have been 01 Jan 1988 both dates inclusive).

born between

02 Jan 1983



14. Leave Entitlements. On Commission, officers are entitled to 60 days annual and 20 days casual leave every year (subject to service exigencies). They are also entitled for 40% rail concession to any place and free travel (as per extant rules) for self and family. Leave during training period will be as per the Training Policy in vouge.

Candidates who have not completed their Law Degree (i.e. appearing candidates) need not apply, their applications will not be accepted.

Regd. No....................


Height and Weight: Minimum height Male-157 cms with correlated weight.


Eye Sight: The minimum acceptable standard for distant vision 6/60, 6/60 correctable to 6/6, 6/12 with glasses. Should not be colour/night blind.




If you meet the above requirements, apply on plain A4 size paper (typed or handwritten) in the prescribed format duly completed in all respects with superscription on the envelope “LAW CADRE - Jan 2010 COURSE, Educational Qualification ………………….. Aggregate Percentage..........%” are to be sent to the address given below by 20 Jul 2009. Application sent by Speed Post/ Regd Post/Courier/E-mail will not be accepted.

Last date for receipt of application 20 Jul 2009 (The application is to be filled in by the candidate in English and in BLOCK CAPITALS; strike out whichever is not applicable) Candidates submitting more than one application will be disqualified 1.

Candidate’s Name:Affix self (a) Name: ....................................................................................... attested (As in Matric/Equivalent Certificate) passport (b) Surname or last name .............................................................................. size colour photo (c) Expanded full name (if abbreviated)..................................


Date of Birth:-


Application must be sent in the format given in this advertisement, otherwise it will be rejected.


Application must be accompanied by attested copies of :- (i) 10th standard certificate for verification of date of birth and other educational certificates. (ii) Marks statement of all semesters/years.


Application and requisite enclosures must be properly tagged/stitched by thread only. IHQ-MoD (N) will not be responsible for loss of Enclosures if sent loose.








The candidates will be issued call up for Services Selection Board (SSB) interviews based on their performance in Law Degree. If a candidate possesses higher qualification with better percentage, his higher qualification will be considered for cut off. Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence(Navy) [IHQ-MoD(Navy)] reserves the right to shortlist applications and to fix cut off percentage without assigning any reason. No communication will be entertained on this account.


SSB interviews for short listed candidates will be scheduled during Jul to Dec 09 at Bangalore/Bhopal or Coimbatore.


The total duration of SSB interviews is of 5 days, consisting Stage I (Day one) and Stage II (Four days). Stage I Tests consist of Officers Intelligence Rating Tests (OIRT) and Picture Perception and Discussion Tests (PDPT). Candidates who fail to qualify in Stage I will be routed back on the same day from SSB centre. Stage II Tests consist of Psychological Tests, Group Task Tests, Group Discussion and Interview. Successful candidates will thereafter undergo Special Medical Examination at the same venue (approx duration 5 days at nearest military hospital).


Candidates recommended by the SSBs and declared medically fit, will be appointed for training in order of All India Merit depending on the number of vacancies. The confirmation in the service is subject to satisfactory Police Verification Report and Character & Antecedent Certificate.


Change of SSB centre for interview is not permissible under any circumstances.


Any correspondence regarding change of SSB dates be addressed to the President of the SSB on receipt of call up letter and copy endorsed to Directorate of Manpower Planning & Recruitment (OI&R), Room No. 204, ‘C’ Wing, Sena Bhawan, IHQMOD(N), New Delhi-110011 (Fax No. 011-23011282).


No compensation will be paid in respect of any injury sustained as a result of tests.


Return 2nd Class Sleeper rail fare is admissible for the SSB interview, if appearing for the first time for the entry.

(a) Father ’s Name :.............................................................................................. (b) Father ’s Occupation/Designation.................................................................. Address:For Correspondence ............................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ......................................................... Pin ................................................................. Telephone/Fax No, if any.................................. E-Mail............................................. Permanent Address .................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ......................................................... Pin ................................................................ Telephone/Fax No, if any.................................. E-Mail....................................... 5. Write Marital Status (Married/Unmarried)........................................................ 6. Write State to Which You Belong.................................................................. 7. Nationality............................................................................................................ 8. Educational Details:(a) Educational Qualification................................Aggregate percentage….........%. (b) Name of the College/Institution along with Address from where Studied ................................................................................................................................... ( c ) N a m e & a d d r e s s o f U n i v e r s i t y, t h e c o l l e g e / i n s t i t u t i o n i s a ff i l i a t e d w i t h ........................................................................................................................... 9. Details of Marks Secured in Graduation & Above: (Candidates who have not completed their Law Degree (i.e. appearing candidates) need not apply, their applications will not be accepted). Examination Subjects Semester/Year wise Passed (Main subjects including Marks secured Graduation/Post Electives) Graduation Or Semester/ Maximum Marks % of any other Y ear marks obtained Marks Qualification 1 2 3 4



Candidates will be inducted as officers in the rank of Sub Lieutenant in Jan 2010 and undergo Naval Orientation Course at the Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala followed by professional training at various Naval Training Establishments/Units/Ships. Full pay and allowances are admissible to the officers whilst undergoing training

TERMS AND CONDITIONS 8. Selected Candidates will be on a probation for 02 yrs from the date of reporting to the Indian Naval Academy or the date of commencement of training whichever is later. Any candidate found married or who marries while undergoing training will be discharged. He shall be liable to refund full pay & allowances drawn by him/her and any other expenditure incurred on him by the Govt. DUTIES OF LAW OFFICER 9. The Challenge is for those who want to operate on a legal battlefield that intensifies when area of work transcends National boundaries. Law officers render advisory role on multifarious subjects of law. The duty of a law officer is not restricted at the policy making stage but to see its implementation and execution in Navy in sync with the legal principles. THE NAVY OFFERS YOU 10. Pay Scale & Promotions. The promotion from Sub Lieutenant to Commander is on time scale basis and thereafter on selection basis subject to fulfilment of requisite service condition. The Pay Scale is as follows:-







Should be between 02 Jan 1983




(As per Matric/Equivalent Certificate; 01 Jan 1988, both dates inclusive)

PAY BANDS/SCALE PB-3/15600-39100


MSP 6000





















Allowances (as applicable). The rates of allowances applicable to officers are as follows:Allowances Instructional

To whom granted All Officers posted as Instructor

Rate Per Month (pm) 1800/pm

(in Rs)


All Officers

16000 (Initial grant) & 5000 (Every 3 Yrs)

Hard Area

All Officers posted in Hard Area as declared by Govt.

25% of basic Pay

House Rent Accommodation

All Officers not provided Govt.

10-30 % of (Pay Band +Grade Pay +MSP)


All Officers

1600-3200 ( + DA thereon)

6 7 8 Total:



(Certified copies of mark sheet of each semester/year must be attached. In case evaluation is in grades, certified equivalent marks to be indicated). 10. Sports .................................................................................................................. (Give level of participation/achievement i.e. National/ State/ University/ College/ School) 11. NCC .................................................................................................................... (indicate what certificate you are holding) 12. Extra Curricular Activities .................................................................................. (Full details of activities) 13. Have you attended any other SSB interview earlier? If yes, indicate (for all the earlier attempts) :Navy Army Air Force (a) Type of Entry ................................................................................................. (b) Name and Station of SSB ............................................................................. (c) Batch No ......................... ................................................................................ (d) Month and Year of Interview ...................................................................... (e) Whether Recommended ................................................................................. 14. Details of service under Central/State Govt., if any ............................................. (Candidates already in service should apply through proper channel and obtain NOC from the present employer). 15. List of documents attached :(a) ................................................................................................................. (b) ................................................................................................................ (c) ................................................................................................................. (d) ................................................................................................................. DECLARATION 16. I, hereby, declare that I am unmarried Indian Citizen and have never been debarred from appearing at any examination nor have I, ever been arrested/ prosecuted and convicted by a criminal court or involved in any other case registered by the Police. 17. I, hereby, solemnly declare that all the statements made in the above application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 18. I, fully understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect, appropriate action can be taken against me. Place : ........................ Signature..................................... Date : ..........................

12. Privileges. Free Medical Facilities for Self & Family, canteen Facilities, Entitled Ration, Mess/Club/Sports Facilities, Furnished Govt. Accommodation, Car/Housing Loan at subsidised rate. 13. Group Insurance & Gratuity. Insurance cover of Rs. 30 lakhs (on contribution) and Gratuity will be granted to the officer as per the latest rules in vogue.


Other Qualification

Name of the Applicant....................

T h e t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s , g i v e n i n t h i s Ad v e r t i s e m e n t , a r e s u b j e c t t o change and should, therefore, be treated as guidelines only Details are also available on website : www.nausena-bharti.nic.in davp10701/11/0047/0910


27Rê^þ-03 RêfûA 2009




27June-03 July 2009

THE INDIAN ARMY NCC SPECIAL ENTRY SCHEME 27TH COURSE-APR 2010 SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION (NT) FOR MALE & FEMALE The Indian Army is looking for a few good men and women. For the best and the brightest amongst them. Men/Women with intellect, idealism and courage. Men/Women who can lead and inspire others. Think about it, it’s a challenge that’ll change your life forever. And that’s a soldier’s word. Applications are invited from UNMARRIED/MARRIED male and unmarried female or widow of defence personnel candidates for grant of Short Service Commission in the Indian Army. 1. VACANCIES: 50 for men (10% Reserved for Wards of Battle Casualties of Army only) and 07 for Women . 2. CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILITY: (a) Nationality: A candidate must either be : (i) A citizen of India, or (ii) A subject of Bhutan, or (iii) A subject of Nepal, or (iv) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st of January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or (v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya. Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. Certificate of eligibility will, however, not be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal. (b) AGE LIMIT: 19 to 25 years (not born earlier than 02 Jan 85 and not later than 01 Jan. 91). (c) The criteria of NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders to appear directly for SSB for Short Service Course (Non Technical) at Officers Training Academy, Chennai: (i) Educational Qualification: Degree of a recognised University or equivalent with aggregate of minimum 50% marks taking into account marks of all the years. (ii) Service in NCC : Should have served for minimum two academic years in the senior Division/Wing of N.C.C. (iii) Grading: Should have obtained minimum of ‘B’ Grade in ‘C’ Certificate Exam of NCC. 3.

(a) : For Wards of Battle Casualties holding of NCC ‘C’ certificate is not applicable. (b) : Applicants under category of Wards of Battle Casualties send their applications direct to Addl. Dte Gen of Recruiting, Recruiting NCC Entry, West Block-III, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066. In such case candidates are required to attach following documents with the application. (i) A letter to the effect that the parent has been killed/wounded/reported missing in action issued by MP/Dte/Respective Regimental Records and a copy of Part II Order notifying injuries and being classified as Battle Casualties in case of Serving/Medically boarded out pers. (c) : Last date for receipt of application at Rtg Dte 15 Sep 09 for Wards of Battle Casualties. (d) : The vacancies under Wards of Battle Casualties are available to Wards (sons and daughters including legally adopted) and specified as under:(i) Killed in action. (ii) Died of wound or injuries (other than self-inflicted) (iii) Wounded or injured (other than self inflicted), (iv) Missing. (e) : Other terms and conditions are same as NCC spl. Entry.

4. METHOD OF SELECTION: (a) All applications as per format given are to be forwarded to Rtg. Directorate (NCC Entry) through HQ DG NCC. The NCC Units/Gp HQs will forward the applications to State Directorates who in turn will forward the same to HQ DG NCC. (b) Thorough screening/ Shortlisting of applications based on qualifications of the candidates will be carried out by the NCC Directorates and HQ DG NCC. (c) Candidates not in receipt of call letter from any of the Selection Centres for SSB interview should presume that either their applications have been received after due date or have been found ineligible or rejected during short- listing. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Candidates after shortlisting will be detailed for SSB interview by Additional Directorate General of Recruiting. The decision of Headquarter DG NCC and Addl. Dte Gen Rtg in Army HQ, in the matter of Shortlisting and forwarding of applications to SSBs will be final (d) On arrival at the Selection Centre the candidates will be administered stage-I of the two stage testing procedure. Candidates failing in stage-I will be Sent back on the same day and those who qualify will be detained to undergo Group Tests. Psychological Tests and Interview which will extend for a duration of 5 days. (e) Candidates recommended by SSBs will be required to go through Medical Exam. Candidates who are found medically fit will be placed in order of merit as per the marks obtained in SSB interview amongst the recommended candidates. Boarding and lodging during interviews at SSBs are free. Recommendation by SSB confers no right of admission to the Officers Training Academy. The final selection will be made as per the order of merit subject to medical fitness and suitability in all other respects and number of vacancies available. 5. MEDICAL EXAMINATION: Candidates recommended by the Service Selection Board will undergo medical examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers. Candidates recommended by Service Selection Board will undergo medical examination by a medical board of male/female doctors/ Specialists/Gynaeocologist. However, there will be a Lady Medical Officer as member the Medical Board for female candidates. Only those candidates will be admitted to the Academy who are declared fit by the Special Medical Board. However, the candidates declared unfit will be intimated by the President of the Special Medical Board and procedure for request for Appeal Medical Board (AMB) will also be intimated to the candidates. Candidates who are unfit may apply for Appeal Medical Board (AMB) to be completed within 42 days of SMB and may request for Review Medical Board (RMB) within 1 day of completion of Appeal Medical Board. Candidates for AMB shall automatically report to the hospital opted by them on any working day, keeping in view the time taken by postal authorities to deliver their Medical documents at the Hospital for medical examination. No call shall be given by the opted hospital and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. Candidates are advised in their own interest to appear for AMB well in time and should not wait for the last date given by the SMB. Candidates are advised to note that Recruiting Directorate has no role to play in Appeal Medical Boards; the procedure advised by medical authorities is strictly to be adhered to. The candidates will also be intimated that Review Medical Board (RMB) will be granted at the discretion of DGAFMS based on the merits of the case and that RMB is not a matter of right. Candidates will only be considered medically fit on receipt of the approved medical board proceedings from concerned medical authorities in Addl Dte Gen Rtg. 6. In their own interest the candidates are advised to undergo a preliminary medical checkup for wax in ears, refractory error of eyes and fungal infection of skin before reporting for the SSB interview. 7. ENTITLEMENT FOR TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE : Candidates appearing for SSB interviews for the first time for the same entry shall be entitled for second class Sleeper to and fro railway fare or bus fare including reservation -Cum-Sleeper Charges within the .Indian Limits. 8. PHYSICAL STANDARD: (a) Height and Weight: The minimum acceptable height is 157.5 cms. For

Gorkhas and individuals belonging to hills of North Eastern region of India, Garhwal and Kumanon, the minimum acceptable height will be 5 cms less. In case of candidates from Lakshadweep the minimum acceptable height can be reduced by 2 cms. Height and weight standards are given below:


Height in cms (without shoes) 152 155 157 160 162 165 168 170 173 175 178 180 183 185 188 190 193 195

Weight in Kgs 18 years

20 Years

22 Years

44 46 47 48 50 52 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 70 72 74 77

46 48 49 50 52 53 55 57 59 61 62 64 67 69 71 73 76 78

47 49 50 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 63 65 67 70 72 74 77 78

Height and Weight Standards (Female) Height in Centimeters (Without shoes) 148 150 153 155 158 160 163 165 168

20 years 39 40 42 43 45 46 47 49 50

Weight in Kgs.

25 years 41 42 43.5 44 46 47 49 51 52

(b) 10% departure from the average weight given in the table is to be considered within normal limits. However in individuals with heavy bones and broad builts as well as individuals with thin built but otherwise healthy, this may be relaxed to some extent on merit. (c) VISUAL STANDARDS: (i) The minimum acceptable visual acuity are: Distant Vision (corrected) better eye 6/6, worse eye 6/18, myopia of not more than minus 3.50 for men and 3.5 women including astigmatism. (ii) Candidates who have under-gone or have the evidence of having undergone Radial Keratotomy to improve the visual acuity, will be permanently rejected; also candidates aged 20 years or above who have undergone Laser Surgery for correction of refractive error will be considered for commission in Army If they fulfill following criteria :(i) Uncomplicated stable LASIK/Excimer (PRK) laser procedure done for. Myopia or Hypermetropia, with stable refraction for a period of six months after the procedure. (ii) A healthy retina. (iii) Corrected vision should be 6/6 in better eye and 6/9 in worse eye, with maximum residual refraction of : ± 1.50 in any meridian for myopia or hypermetropia. (iv) Axial length within permissible limits. 9. Physcial Fitness Standards: Prospective candidates are advised to exercise and keep themselves physically fit, in order to avoid any injury due to the rigorous physical training at Service Selection Centre/Officers Training Academy. In order to be able to adjust to the regime there, candidates are advised to achieve following standard before joining the OTA, if finally selected:(a) Running 2.4 km in 15 minutes, (b) Push Ups-13 Nos. (c) Sit Ups-25 Nos. (d) Chin Ups 6 Nos. (e) Rope Climbing 3-4 Meters. 10. Training : Approximately 11 months training at OTA, Chennai, On successful completion of which Candidates will be granted commission in the rank of Lt. The final allocation of Arms/ Services will be made prior to passing out of Gentleman Cadets/Lady Cadets from OTA. 11. Terms and Conditions of Service : (a) Period of Probation: An officer will be on probation for a period of 6 months from the date he/she receives his commission. If he/ she is reported on within the probationary period as unsuitable to retain his/her commission, his/her services may be terminated any time whether before or after the expiry of the probationary period. (b) Posting: Personnel granted Short Service Commission are liable to serve anywhere in India and abroad. Tenure of Engagement: Officers will be required to serve for ten years extendable by a further period of four yeas, subject to their performance having been found fit for extension of tenure and having given option for the same. (d) Termination of Commission : An officer granted Short service commission will be liable to serve for ten years but his Commission may be terminated at any time by the Government of India for (i) misconduct or if his/her services are found to be unsatisfactory, or (ii) On account of medical unfitness, or (iii) if his/her services are no longer required, or (iv) if he/she fails to qualify in any prescribed test or course, (v) An officer may on giving 3 months notice be permitted to resign his/her commission on compassionate grounds of which the Government of India will be the sole judge. An officer who is permitted to resign his/her commission on compassionate grounds will not be eligible for terminal gratuity. (e) Gratuity: SSC Officers coming from civil life on expiry of their 10 years term are entitled to terminal gratuity @1/2 month’s emoluments for each completed six monthly period of Services. (f) Reserve Liability: On being released on the expiry of 10 years of Short Service Commission or extension thereof they will carry a reserve liability for a period of five years or upto the age of 40 years whichever is earlier. See next page.....


27Rê^þ-03 RêfûA 2009


THE INDIAN ARMY...... Continuation of page...14

(Note: All other services conditions of Short Service Commission (NT) will be applicable). 12. (a) PAY ALLOWANCES AND OTHER BENEFITS APPLICABLE: During the period of training the candidates will be given a stipend of Rs. 21,000/- p.m. (Rs. 15,600/- as pay in Pay Band plus Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/-). On completion of training. Officers are commissioned as Lt and entitled to the pay band of Rs. 15,600-39,000 with DA at present with other benefits like MSP, transport allowances, furnished accommodation, free medical facilities, LTC, 60 days annual leave, 20 days casual leave, canteen facilities, entitled, ration as per scale and certaiin other allowances based on place of posting etc. 12. (b) All candidates selected to undergo pre-commission training at OTA will be insured for Rs 30 lac for death. Those who are medically boarded out of the Academy on account of disability, the disability cover provided for 100% disability is Rs 15 lac reduced upto Rs 3 lac for 20% disability. However, for disability less than 20%, an ex-gratia grant of Rs 20,000/- will be paid. Monthly subscription at the rate of Rs 2190/- will have to be paid in advance on a monthly basis by the Gentlemen/Lady cadets. Disability due to alcoholism and drug addiction will not qualify for disability benefits and ex-gratia. 13. CHANGE IN INTERVIEW DATES: (a) Request for change of SSB interview dates will not be accepted. However under most unavoidable circumstances such a change may be considered based on the circumstances of the case. This will be an exception rather than the rule. Requests for such change duly supported by a certificate from Government Gazetted Officer should be sent to the Selection Centre from where the call-up letter for SSB Interview has been received and NOT to additional Directorate General of Recruiting. (b) Candidates failing to intimate the reasons for not attending SSB interview on the due date, to the selection Centre from where the call up letter was received, will not be afforded any further chance to attend SSB interview. (c) No request for change of interview Centre will be entertained under any circumstances. 14. HOW TO APPLY: (a) Apply on plain paper as per the format given in the advertisement, duly typed. (b) Applications should be posted to the nearest OC, NCC Unit from where NCC ‘C’ certificate has been issued. (c) Applications of Candidates serving in the Armed Forces duly counter-signed by Commanding Officer should be sent to the OC, NCC Unit from where NCC’ ‘C’ certificate has been issued and advance copy be sent direct to DG NCC West Block- IV, RK Puram, New Delhi-11 0066. (d) All NCC Units will forward the applications to DDG, NCC of the concerned State, (e) Additional Direcrorate General of Recruiting (Rtg 6), Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Army), reserves the right to shortlist applications on the basis of grade obtained by the candidates in NCC ‘C’ certificate examination/percentage of marks in degree examinations. (f) DDG, NCC States will process all applications and forward them to Dte Gen NCC. Special emphasis will be laid on the following points: (i) Check date of birth from class X Certificate, (ii) Check Degree/Provisional degree is from a University recognised by AIU. (iii) Check marks sheets of all years and ensure that candidate has minimum 50% marks in the aggregate for all three years* (iv) Check NCC ‘C’ Certificate with minimum ‘B’ Grading. (g) The last date for receipt of applications is as under: (i) Last date for receipt of application at NCC Bn/Gp HQ-10 Aug. 09 (ii) Last date for receipt of application at Rtg Dte from Dte Gen NCC-01 Oct 09. 15. Important Instructions: (a) In case the Provisional degree certificate/marksheets do not indicate clearly the maximum marks and marks obtained for all the years, a certificate from University/ College duly signed by the Controller of Exams/Principal must be enclosed stating that “Mr/Miss .........................................................has obtained .........................................marks out of ............................... marks as aggregate in the Degree examinations taking all the years marks into account” In such cases if this certificate is not found enclosed, the application will he rejected. (b) Candidates withdrawn on disciplinary grounds from NDA, IMA, OTA or any other Service Training Academy are NOT eligible to apply for commission into Army. (c) Candidates will neither be allowed to marry during the period of training nor will she be allowed to live with parents/Guardians. Candidates must not marry until they complete the full training at the Officers Training Academy. A Candidate, who marries subsequent to the date of her application though successful at the Service Selection Board Interview or medical examination, will not be inducted for training. A candidate if he/she marries, while under training, shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him/her by the government. It is also applicable to issuless widow/issuless divorcee/widows of defence personnel. (d) Final Merit List will be displayed at the Recruiting Directorate (Offrs Selection) West Block III, RK Puram, New Delhi before induction for pre-commissioning training. For any queries regarding result, merit list and call up details contact : 011-26173215/26175473. Merit list will also be published on the Indian Army Website i.e. www.indianarmy.gov.in. 16. COMMON MISTAKES RESULTING IN REJECTION OF APPLICATIONS: (a) Photographs are not attested (b) Percentage below 50% (c) Application incomplete in any respect and or/ without copies of requisite certificates will be rejected summarily. Documents whatsoever submitted at a later stage will not be acted upon. No correspondence will be entertained by NCC/Rtg Dte in this regard. (d) Variation (if any) in names and spellings as recorded In Matriculation or equivalent certificate and Graduation certificate should be supported by an affidavit (e) Copies of certificates are not found attested. (f) Certified true copies of Matric or equivalent certificates are not found enclosed with applications (for verification of age) No other certificate is valid for authentication of age. (g) Application NOT received on due date. (h) Candidates who submit more than one application will be disqualified for this course as well as from applying for commission in th army in future, (i) Any

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd...... Continuation of page....12


l l l l l l l l

All qualifications should be full time regular courses from an Indian University / Institute recognized by AICTE / appropriate statutory authority. The courses offered by Autonomous Institutions should be equivalent to the relevant courses approved/recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU)/ UGC/AICTE. Photographs affixed on registration slip and admit card should be the same. Registration slip should not have any enclosure except the demand draft and Caste/ Disability certificate (as applicable) Registration slip received with more than one Demand Draft and photocopies of Registration slip/ Demand Draft will be rejected. The candidature of such candidate whose registration slip along with documents received after 7th July 2009 shall be rejected. BPCL will not be responsible for any loss of email/admit card sent, due to invalid/wrong email id/ wrong postal address/postal delays/loss in transit etc. Candidates will be allowed to appear for the Written Test only with Admit Card and not with the Registration Slip. Candidates should retain a photocopy of their Demand Draft and Registration Slip for future reference. BPCL reserves the right to cancel / restrict / enlarge / modify / alter the recruitment process, if need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereafter.


27June-03 July 2009


ambiguity/erasure/unattested cutting/ false information/concealment of information detected at any stage of selection in above certificates/ application will result in the cancellation of the candidature. 17. Place of SSBs will be displaced on Army website in first week of Dec 2009. 18. Format of Application given on Army website is also acceptable. 19. FOR QUERIES CONTACT RECRUITING DIRECTORATE TELEPHONE NO : (011) 26173215, 26175473. Fax No. 26196205, 26100388, website : www.joinindianarmy.nic.in


1. 2. 3. 4 5.


7. 8.

9. 10. 11.

passport size

Full name (in Capitals) : ............................................................................ photograph (As per Matriculation/equivalent Certificate) attested by Father’s name (in Capitals) ...................................................................... Gazetted Officer Date of birth ............................................................................................. Are you applying under the category of wards of Battle Casualties? Write Yes or No Postal Address with Telephone Number at which interview call letter is to be sent .................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................... Dist ..................................................... State ........................... Pin Code ........ E-maiI ID Permanent Address .................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. Dist ....................... State ...................Pin Code ................... E-maiI ID ........................ Nationality : (a) Indian yes/No (b) Migrated from (if no Indian) Qualification: (a) Aggregate marks in Graduation Exam. (i) I Yr Marks obtained ..................................... out of .............................................. (ii) II Yr Marks obtained .................................... out of .............................................. (iii) III Yr Marks obtained ................................... out of .............................................. Total 3 Yrs aggregate marks .............................. out of .............................................. Percentage of aggregate marks .................................................................................... (b) Grading in NCC ‘C’ Certificate ............................................................................... (c) Discharge from NCC : .............................................................................................. Sex - Male/Female Write 1, if unmarried Write 2, if married Marital Status Details of all previous interview in all three services. (Write NA if not appeared earlier.)

Type of Commission i.e. NDA,TES,IMA, TGC,SSC,UES or any other

Selection Centre

Batch/ Chest No.

Date of Reporting at SSB

If recommended write ‘R’ If screened out write ‘S/O’ If not recommended write ‘NR’

12. Document to be attached (No originals please) : (a) Marksheets of Graduation Exam (all years along with provisional / degree certificate) attested by class I Gazetted Officer. (b) NCC’ ‘C’ Certificate duly attested. (c) Class X Certificate (with Date of Birth) duly attested. (d) In the case of Wards of Battle Casualties, attested copies of documents in support thereof. DECLARATION : 1. I hereby declare that all the statments made in the application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 2. I will not avail any SSB interview for the same course (SSC (NT)-91) and SSC (NT) women 5th as CDSE candidate for OTA commencing in Apr. 2010. 3. I have never been withdrawn from NDA, IMA, OTA or any other service training academy on disciplinary grounds/debarred from appearing at any examination nor have I ever been arrested, prosecuted or convicted by criminal court or involved in any other case registered by the Police. 4. I undertake not to make any claim for compensation if at any stage of my selection, my ineligibility for the candidature is detected and my candidature is cancelled as a result thereof. 5 This is the only application submitted by me of NCC Entry/(Short Service Commission) and if any duplicate application is detected, my candidature be cancelled and I may be debarred permanently from applying for commission in the Armed Forces. 6. Any wilful misrepresentation of facts or concealment of information will result in cancellation of my candidature and may also debar me either permanently or for a specified period from applying for future courses. Place : Counter Signature Yours faithfully Date: Cde Signature of candidates NCC GP HQ

l l l l

Candidate employed in Govt. Departments / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies have to produce NOC at the time of interview. In case any ambiguity / dispute arises on account of interpretation in versions other than English, the English version will prevail. Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Mumbai. While applying for the above post, the applicant must ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned above, as on the specified dates and the particulars furnished are correct in all respects. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment / selection that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and / or that he/she has furnished any incorrect / false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will automatically stand cancelled. If any of the above shortcoming(s) is / are detected even after appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated without any notice.

IMPORTANT DATES Commencement of online registration of applications by candidates Last date for receipt of online applications Last date for accepting registration slips with required documents by post Intimation to candidates regarding admit cards by email latest by All India Written Test

16th June 2009 30th June 2009 7th July 2009 25th July 2009 In the Month of August 2009

RNI No. 52621/93, Postal Regd. No. BN/43/09-11 Approved by Govt. of India (DAVP, Min. of I & B) & Govt. of Odisha

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ùUKÜi ò @ ò û^ ‘G’(`òUe)



bûeZ ieKûe Wò_ûUðùc @`þ ùiÝiþ

aòmû_^ ^õ. Gfþ_òGiþiò/03/2009

27 June- 03 July 2009

Zûeò L -17.06.2009

The Union Public Service Commission will be conducting the Indian Forest Service Examination 2009 at 122 Venues located in 41 Centres throughout the country commencing on 11th July, 2009 (Saturday). Admission Certificates to the candidates have been dispatched. Letters of rejection to the candidates stating reason(s) for rejection have also been issued. If any applicant has not received any of the above communications, he/she may contact UPSC Facilitations Counter on Telephone Nos. 011 -23381125, 011 -23385271 and 011 -23098543 between 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. on all working days. The candidates may also send fax messages on Fax No. 011-23387310. Information on venues of the examination is also available at Union Public Service Commission website www.upsc.gov.in. MOBILE PHONES AND OTHER SIMILAR I.T. GADGETS ARE BANNED IN THE CAMPUS OF U.P.S.C. EXAMINATION HALLS

gòlûMZ ù~ûMýZû _â[c ùgâYú ij ùcKû^òKûf A¬ò^d ò eòõùe Wòù_äûcû _â[c ùgâYú ij AùfKùUâû^òK/è AùfùKÖûâ ^òKè Kcêý^òùKi^þ/ AùfùKÖûâ ^òKè@ûŠ A^þÁùî cùi^ùe Wòù_äûcû

14(iû]ûeY-09,@^êiP ì Z ò RûZò-02, @^ýû^ý _Qê@û aMð-03) 546 ùUKÜi ò @ ò û^ ‘G’(ùIßfWÿe þ ) 02(@^êiP ì Z ò RûZò-01, @^ýû^ý _Qê@û aMð-01) 547 ùUKÜi ò @ ò û^- ‘G’ 05(iû]ûeY-03, @^êiP ì Z ò RûZò-01, AùfKþùUâû^òKè ùcKû^òK @^ýû^ý _Qê@û aMð-01) GiþGiþGfiò/ GiþGiþiò _ûi + iõa§òZGaõ gûLûùe G^þUi ò ò 548 ùUKÜi ò @ ò û^ ‘G’ (U‰ðe) 4(iû]ûeY) 4Uò _\c¤eê 2Uò _\ gûeúeòK @lcu _ûAñ iõelòZ adi iúcû: 20.7.2009iê¡û 35ahð/@^êiìPòZ RûZò/ @^êiìPòZ C_RûZò/ @^ýû^ý _Qê@û aMð/ _ìaðZ^ iûceòK KcðPûeú/ gûeúeòK @lc _âû[ðúu _ûAñ ^òdcû^êiûùe adi iúcûùe ùKûjk Keû~òaö \ecûjûe: ùUKÜòKûf @ûiòÁû: ù_ aýûŠ- U 9300-U 34800/- ùMâWÿþ ù_- 4200/ùUKÜòiò@û^ ‘G’ ù_ aýûŠ- 5200-20200/- ùMâWÿþ ù_- 1900/@ûùa\^ ùKak @^fûA^þ cû¤cùe MâjY Keû~òaö AzêK _âû[ðú 29 Rê^þ 2009Vûeê Zû 20 RìfûA 2009 c¤ùe Kµû^ú ùIßaþiûAU www.ipsc.gov.in ùe ùeRòÁe Keòùaö ùeRòÁe Kfû_ùe ‘ùNûhYû’ R^òZ GK _ò⍠@ûCU aûjûe Keò, ùMûUòG _ûiþ ù_ûUð iûAR `ùUû (ùMùRùUWÿ @`òieu \ßûeû @ûùUùÁWÿ ùjûA[ôaû) fMûA ^òcf Ü L ò Z ò VòKYûùe Zû 31.7.2009eòL iê¡û _VûAùa ö VòKYû:- Administrative officer(Recruitment), Liquid Propulasion Systems Centre Valiamala P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-695547

Bhava Institute of Medical Science & Research



(Recognised by Govt. of Orissa) (AN ISO 9001:2000 CERTIFIED INSTITUTION) Under Utkal University Approved by Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi & State Nursing Board, Orissa.



A walk-in-interview will be held in the Vidyalaya premises ON 04th July -2009 for the following posts in order to prepare a panel of teachers in different subjects on contractual daily need basis against leave vacancies during the academic year 2009-10. Interested candidates fulfilling the qualifications may appear for the interview along with their ORIGINAL MARK SHEETS and certificates with a set of Photocopies as per the details given below. SI. NAME OF NO. THE POST

No. of post vacant




PGT (Commerce)


Master’s Degree (with 50% in commerce with accountancy/cost accounting / financial accountancy/ as. a major subject of study. (Holder of degree ofM.Com in applied/ Business Economics shall not be eligible) and B.Ed. Degree.

04/07/2009 Registration 8 AM to, 10 PM Interview: 10AM to 2PM


TGTs Hindi


Graduation in the subject with minimum 50% of marks and B.Ed, from recognized university/Institution.

04/07/2009 Registration 8AM to 10 PM Interview: 10AM to 2PM


Primary Teacher

10+2 with at least 50% marks and CT/JBT candidates BA.B.Sc & BEd. can also appear for the same post

04/07/2009 10AM onwards


Spoken English Instructor

Graduate with Honours in Phonetics or Linguistics in English /M.A. in English with Phoentics and Linguistics as special paper/or equivalent or M.A. in English with one year Diploma

04/07/2009 Registration 8AM to 10 PM Interview: 10AM to 2PM


Note: 1. Candidates should bring Xerox copy of the one set of all certificate and testimonials duly attested and one pass port size photograph for submission at the time of registration. 2. After 10. AM strictly no registration will be made. 3. NO TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. 4. The posts are purely contractual/part time basis and purely temporary. 5. Proficiency of teaching in Hindi and English in the subject is required. 6. For candidates having 1$t class career and experience of teaching in recognized/CBSE schools, the professional qualification B.Ed, may be relaxed. (S. Pradhan)Principal Offg.


^òbðeù~ûMý _âZòÂû^, ~ûjû _âgòlY I Zûfòc _ûAñ _äû^òõ Kcòi^þ, bûeZ ieKûeu \ßûeû _âù~ûRòZ Gaõ bûeZúd iõi\ \ßûeû @^êùcû\òZ ö

PòKò›û aòmû^ _ûVýKâc ^ûcùfLû aòmû_^

@ûMâjú ù~ûMý QûZâQûZâúcû^uVûeê ^òcÜfòLôZ _ûVýKâcùe PkòZ gòlûahð 2009 ^ûcùfLû _ûAñ \eLûÉ @ûjßû^ Keû~ûC@Qò ö COURSES

BPT (Bachelor of Physiotherapy) GNM (General Nursing & Midwifery) Boys & Girls ANM (Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery) DRIT (Diploma in X-Ray & ECG) DMLT (Diploma in Medical Lab. Technology)

Duration Eligibility 4½ years

+2 Science (PCB)

3½ years

+2 Arts/Sc./Com.

1½ years

10th Pass & above.

1yr./ 2 Yr.

10th Pass & above.

1yr. / 2 yr.

10th Pass & above

`òRòIù[eû_ò, ^iòðõ, _ûù[ûùfûRò I ùeWÿòIùfûRò AZýû\ò ùUâ^òõ _ùe gZ_âZògZ ^ò~êqòe iêaò]û ejòQò ö ùUâ^òõ icdùe ieKûeú jÆòUûfùe _âûKÖòKûf ùUâ^òõe iêaò]û ejòQò ö aòMZ 19 ahð c¤ùe ajê QûZâQûZâú ùUâ^òõ icû¯ _ùe NRHM/RNTCP/State Aids Cell I ÊûiÚý aòbûM AZýû\òùe ^ò~êqò _ûA _ûeòQ«ò ö Plot No.1480, I.R.C. Village, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar-15 Phone : 0674-2553122 & 9861134443






2 ahð

cûUâòKþ _ûi


cûUâòKþ _ûi


cûUâòKþ _ûi


cûUâòKþ _ûi

`cð I ^òdcûakú ^òcÜfòLôZ Kû~ðýûkdeê U. 100/- aò^òcdùe còkò_ûeòa ö Website: www.rmti.in



Ph: (0674) 2370415, 9937440788

Printed, Published & Owned by SATYAJIT PANDA, Published at TS-3/193, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar-751 010, Printed at Nijukti Khabar Prakashan , TS-3/193,Mancheswar Ind.Estate, Bhubaneswar-751010, Editor - SUDHIR KUMAR PANDA iµû\K - iê]úe Kêcûe _Šû Phone No.(0674) 2587532, 2582533, FAX: 2582535 e-mail: [email protected]


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