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OLEH Peter Wong Ong Yong (2018/432341/KH/09839) KELOMPOK 15.1


Kesejarahteraan Hewan Pada Peternakan Sapi Perah A. Marriage In mature cows dairy cows occur at the age of 15-18 months, usually the cows are mated first at the age of 18 months, and the highest limit of cows can be bred is the age of 10-12 years. In male dairy cows, they start to be used as brewers at the age of 18 months, and usually at the age of 2 years, these cows become reliable collectors. Strength and certainty of good marriages at the age of 5-7 years. After the male is 3-4 years old, the male can be used 4 times a week as a connoisseur, after more than two weeks of resting 10-14 days and then being used again. B.

Dry period

It is a period of cessation of milking before the mother gives birth. It usually takes 2 months. This is done because it has several objectives including 1. So that the parent body can form food reserves in the form of vitamins that can be used by the calf. 2. So that the parent body can replenish vitamins, minerals, etc. for the needs of the parents themselves. 3. So that the body condition becomes good. 4. So that the growth and health of children in the womb is guaranteed. Drying has 3 ways, namely 1. Milking intermittently: ie milking is done once a day, then 2 times a day, 3 times a day until finally not milked at all. 2. Extortion is incomplete: This milking is done every day, but not all putting is done with milking, this is done several days, until finally it is not milked anymore. Drying that is done suddenly: Drying is done suddenly. And it was preceded by not providing reinforcing food 3 days before and food in the form of forage was reduced to one-fourth. In the third drying it also causes controversy whether or not to violate animal welfare, this is because the way taken to dry is to reduce feed intake, especially concentrates. Logically, of course you have to increase feed intake, for fetal growth and milk formation (laktogenesis). As a result, there is no high-yielding

dairy cow, even though it is genetically derived from a high-production parent. Even more than that, cows exposed to malnutrition syndrome, deficiency disease and metabolic diseases with all its complications (phenomenon 4) around old pregnant women and childbirths. Therefore in the name of this reproductive technology the rules of the game must be reviewed, paying attention to animal welfare. Cows must not suffer let alone die in vain during 'exploitation'. Reduce its physiological burden, by not giving pregnant opportunities but milk production and children (through embryo transfers) must keep going. Cows must receive good and correct feed intake throughout the lactation period. Feed Feed for dairy cows can be forages, concentrates and additional food. Forage This material is usually thick and rough, the water content can reach 70-80% while the rest is coarse material. These include the nation's grass field or other grass / leguminose, beans, and other plants. Concentrate This concentrate contains high levels of energy and protein. The ingredients of the concentrate itself are: 1. Grains (corn, groats, bulgur), 2. The results of follow-up at the plant: katul, bran, peanut meal, coconut, soybeans. 3. Various tubers. Additional food This additional food is usually in the form of vitamin supplements, minerals, and urea Water is absolutely needed in the dairy farming business. This is because milk produced 87% in the form of water and the rest in the form of dry matter. To get 1 liter of milk, a dairy cow needs 3.5 - 4 liters of drinking water. In this farm, water is used to drink cows, bathe cows and clean cages. Especially for drinking, cows should be given a drink ad libitum or present at all times II. Management of Dairy Cattle Health in accordance with Animal Welfare Standards A. Prevention of Calf Disease Scours avoidance

This disease usually results in death in calves aged 1-3 weeks, especially in cold conditions. The cause can be from E. coli bacteria. Prevention is done by: Placing the calf on the floor clean and warm and replacing as soon as possible the liquid akiba from diarrhea. Bedding Is the manufacture of floor mat from sawdust or straw, the thicker, the better, because it can absorb urine and other impurities and cow dung must be cleaned every day. The use of this bedding is, 1. Make the calf warm, 2. The body of the cow is not dirty quickly, 3. The liquid from the cow is easily absorbed, 4. The pressure of the floor is broken, and the dirt is easy to clean. Nilai nilai spiritualitas Keagamaan Give him food to drink, if the animals are hungry and thirsty, because the following postulates: Word of the Prophet : Against those who have a wet heart there is a reward , (Narrated Ahmad and Ibn Majah). Who does not love, he will not be loved , (Muttafaq Alaih). Love whoever is on earth , surely you will be loved by anyone in the sky (narrated by Ath-Thabrani and Al Hakim). Love him, and be merciful to him, because of the following arguments: When the Messenger of Allah saw people make birds as a target for arrows , he said: Allah cursed anyone who made something that had a life as a target , (Narrated Abu Daud with saheeh sanad) . The Prophet forbade holding animals to death with his words: Whoever hurts this (bird) with his child; return his child to him , (Narrated Muslim). The Prophet said that, because he saw a flying bird looking for his children taken by a friend from his nest. If he wants to slaughter it, or kill him, then he does it well, because the Prophet said: Verily Allah obliges to do good to all things. Therefore, if you kill, then kill it well. If you slaughter, then slaughter well. Let one and you calm the animal to be slaughtered, and sharpen the knife , (Narrated Muslim, At Tirmidhi, An-Nasai, Abu Daud, and Ahmad).

Daftar pustaka - https://www.google.co.id/search?safe=strict&ei=xET9W7SNJcH5 vATD6bDoBg&q=manejemen+usaha+peternakaan+sapi+perah+ju rnal&oq=manejemen+usaha+peternakaan+sapi+perah+jurnal&gs_l =psyab.3...60461.63784..64150...4.0..0.201.1374.0j8j1......0....1..gwswiz.......0i22i30j33i21j33i160.YRobu4Xt5o0 - https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_dan_hewan



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