NR/R5 Code No: 25/MBA(NR/R5) M.B.A. II-Semester Examinations, July-2007. MARKETING MANAGEMENT Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 60 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ---
Identify the main differences between Sales concept and Marketing concept and substantiate your answer with suitable examples.
What are the major concepts in demand measurement? What procedure would you recommend to ascertain the demand for consumer products?
Describe the strategies, methods and techniques that are involved in the Market Segmentation Process.
Critically examine the prerequisites that are needed to be taken care at the time of launching of the product. Discuss.
Highlight the internal factors as well as external factors that influence the pricing of products by a company.
Do you contribute to the statement that various methods used for preparing Sales Fore cast include “executive judgment survey time series analysis, correlation and regression methods and market tests”? Explain.
How far it is essential to provide explicit link between adverting goals and advertising results by clearly spelling out the objectives of each advertising campaign in measurable terms? Discuss.
Critically examine the factors that are required to be considered while designing an effective marketing organization. ---