240909 Mc Meeting

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AIESEC in Singapore 2009/2010 MC Weekly Meeting Minutes TAKEN BY: ADRIAN ONG



TIME END: 2230

Gildas Yombi, Low Wan Xin, Tran Thu Trang, Han Ling, Genevieve Marett, Cheryl Chen, Ong Chah Yiin, Adrian Ong, Rachel Chan, Victoria Chen,




Agenda CHAIR:




ICX • Goals – Raise : 166 Matched : 80 Realised : 59 • Actual – Raised : 00 Matched : 00 Realised : 00 • Goal variance – Raised : -100% Matched : -100% Realised : -100% • Opened applications to membership of AIESEC Singapore for a task force to research on old TNs who have discontinued working with us. They will also research on areas pertaining to accommodation, intern’s engagement as well as publications for the ICX department. • Have liaised with LC VPs ICX on arranging the National ICX Training • Not yet followed up with the YOG Committee • Have contacted the housing agent to inform about terminating the tenancy of the Marsiling House. • Have finished analysing how ICX can tap on the National Integration Council Fund. In terms of intern servicing and reception. Looking to submit application for the fund in the 2nd week of October 09. • Have met with OGX and Communications on how they can possibly tap on the interns. Looking to met the rest of the MCVPs next week. OGX • Goals – Raise : 30 Matched : 03 Realised : 04 • Actual – Raised : 00 Matched : 00 Realised : 01 • Goal variance – Raised : -100% Matched : -100% Realised : -75.0% • LC NTU received 17 applications for internal DT promotion. However, they will be redoing the promotion as there was something wrong with the materials which were communicated to the members. • NUS and SMU will also be doing internal promotion next week onwards • Officially handed over the management of the country partnerships to NST Aravinda. • Have followed up with as well as provided NST Guo Meng the template for her to better execute and collate the information required for the country research. Have also set the deadline for completion to be on the 2 nd week of October. Talent Management • Have not finished developing the coaching schedule. To be ready by tomorrow. • Met up with Lava IP but not EON Training • Have ran a round of recruitment analysis but the LCs did not provide complete data which allowed the analysis to proceed effectively. Hence, Wan Xin and NSTs will be going to do an LC visit in 2 weeks time. • Tracking structure finalised • Finalised Trainers team application, information session to be held this Sunday. • Have met with the trainers team rd th • Have met Genevieve for ideas on searching for possible H4TF partners. Will be surveying AIESECers in their 3 or 4 year of study. • Have updated TM budget • NLDS


Have updated the NLDS agenda Will be looking through Lucy Simmons CV as well as interviewing her possibly Have done up a need analysis for NLDS 09 faci team. Will be releasing application next week

Finance • Q1 will be projected to be in deficit • Have been helping NLDS OC in their grant applications as well as defining the payment method for NLDS. • Will be meeting NUS and SMU next week. • Not yet followed up with DBS on the change of signatories for the cheque book • Have yet to do up the Finance Wiki • Have not done a bank reconciliation for the months of July and August 09 • Have yet to finalise the TN pricing for alumni who take in interns • Finalised the policies for giving a discounted price for members who have been through LR (LC EB & MC). • Have yet to revised the pricing components for the OGX Financial Contracts Business Development • Finished conducting the sales training • Have followed up with Aetos Origin • Have transferred the billing of the Javelin CRM to Han Ling • Working with Genevieve on the partnership packages • Have updated the BD Wiki with the updates policies as well as documents • Have yet to open the AYS OCP applications. Will be doing so next week • Have yet to do up a TN Costing Sheet (For external use only) Business Development Manager • Met with representatives from the Women’s Association. • Also met up with Reckitt & Beckiser, Ms. Lambousta who is interested in taking in an intern from Italy. • Have finalised the product packages for LCs and MC • Have been working on the AP Sales Case competition with AIESEC HK & Japan. However, AIESEC HK appears to be the main partner so far. Looking at the companies to contact within each country as well as the products that can be sold in conjunction with this event. • Have yet to follow up with the prospected list of companies identified to partner with for NLDS or general partnerships. • Have not followed up with the current network of alumni to refer us more alumni (the ones who expressed that they can refer us to more alumni) • Have yet to develop a comprehensive sales catalogue for internal usage • Have been tracking the activities of the NLDS marketing team. Currently vetting through their proposals. • Have uploaded the contacts of alumni on the Javelin CRM • Working on the materials for the case competition with AIESEC in HK • Have been tracking the alumni team for Yuan Tian. Also held meeting to discuss and get updates who what the team has been doing and what else needs to be done. • Have discussed with Wan Xin on the possible external speakers for NLDS as well as possible H4TF partners • Have passed on the contacting of Sheraton Group to Victoria • Discussing with Cheryl on the overall Alumni Strategy will be done next Wednesday. External Relations • Have yet to decide on which Chamber of Commerce to register with for AIESEC Singapore. Will require input from the rest of the MC • Have rearranged the National ER Strategy to be in line with the realities of Singapore. Will need to further discuss this proposed amendment with the rest of the Business Strategy Team (Genevieve and Victoria) • Have yet to design and upload the yearly ER training schedule and notified the LCs as well as updating it on the BD wiki • Have been working with Genevieve on the partnership Proposals • Have been working on the agenda and scope of the AI ER manager’s visit. Have been selecting companies from the MC prospect list and arranging for meetings with those companies during her stay in Singapore. Communications • Internal Communication structure will be ready by next week. Currently awaiting input from the other MCVPs • Halfway through the external communications strategies • Have finished updating as well as uploading the SIM promo materials on the AIESEC Singapore external website • Have worked on the OGX Country Partnership Campaign. Briefed the LC VPCs on how to go about building the publicity material • Have met Chah Yiin regarding intern engagement HGS/ LC Development SONA • Have yet to finish up the instructions booklet for the Q1 SONA Data Collection. As computer hardisk has crashed. Will have to redo the booklet again. • Have yet to create a page in the SONA Masterfile to analyse financial statements


• Liaised with the school administration on publicizing in SIM. The school administration has already posted the promo for SIM recruitment on their student portal. Have since received about 3 calls a day enquiring on SIM. Projects • • • • •

Have yet to review all the projects plans which have been ubmitted by the LCs and advising and providing feedback on their plan. Have been chasing NUS for the SE plan. Have been tracking BEADS on their outreach Liaising with the AI representative for the SCB outreach criteria. She has yet to get back to us. Chasing for the budgets for BEADS

BOA • • • •

Followed up with Mr. Keoy on the meeting we’ve had last week on engaging Diana Ser as a BOA of AIESEC Singapore Will be contacting BOA for the MC-BOA meeting on 9th October 2009 Have yet to book the MC-BOA meeting venue. Will do so on Monday. Have yet to draft out the BOA agreement for BOA term renewal

Legal Admin • Delivered the Financial statements of FY ended 2006 to IRAS MCP • Marcus and Siddhant to handle the budgeting for our IPM 2012 bid • Have gone down yesterday to NTU and met with the NTU EB. • Will be meeting the NUS EB tomorrow evening to discuss their LC matters as well as team related matters • Met with Touty and finalised aspects of her job as well as expectations • Have yet to contact Lucy Simmons as chair of NLDS until after Wan Xin has read her CV ACTION ITEMS

Priorities for the coming week: Chah Yiin • Call Emma • Call and inform the housing agent on the termination of the tenancy of the Marsiling House as well as liaise for the collection of the keys with the Landlord • Internal Communications details to be sent to Rachel • Doing a GEP engagement plan with Shubanghi • Finish talking with all the departments about the interns engagement • Update the ICX wikis with the internal ICX policies as well as standards and files for download • Finalise the ICX standards Han Ling • Meeting Wan Xin to discus about the Preperation Seminar and the EP Preparation Conference • Talk about the OGX application form and interview questions • Doing a Q1 consolidation after October • Developing and collating the information for the Q1 OGX Newsletter • Helping LCs on recruitment • Working with NST on promoting various countries • Force LCs to clear their exisiting EP Pools • Upload national training slides onto the OGX wiki • Prepare OC application for National OGX events Wan Xin • Finish the internal comms plan and send to Rachel • Open NLDS Faci application • Open NTT application • Do up JS & NLDS 2010 application • Search for NLDS trainers • Getting Yuan Tian to upload the JS slides • Produce the coaching schedule for the year Trang • Bank Correspondence for the change of signatories for the cheque book • To do up the Finance Wiki • Do Bank Reconciliation for the months of July & August 09 • Finalise TN pricing for alumni who take in interns. Working with Genevieve. • Revising the pricing components for the OGX Financial Contracts. Will be informing Adrian on this update once completed. • Finish Internal Comms plan and send to Rachel • Meeting NUS and SMU EBs • Sending out the National Budgets to the MCVPs • Key in the accounting entries from April 09 till now and then do a bank reconciliation for those months. • Relook at the OGX pricing and to factor in the overheads of AIESEC Singapore

• Planning of National Finance Training • Continuing the grants application for NLDS with the OC. Victoria • Opening up AYS OCP Applications next week • Doing up a TN Costing Sheet (For external Use only) • Following up with companies such as Microsoft on the software training and others • Work with Trang on sorting out the pricing for Aetos Origin. As well as the rebate structure Genevieve • Follow up on the prospect list of companies for the MC • Leveraging on the alumni database to expand the number of alumni who are being contacted by us • Developing a sales catalogue for internal use • Meeting with an external for venue sponsorship for NLDS • Start collating the content for a newsletter • Attend the AAC meeting • Working with Gildas on doing the product structure • Follow up with Reckitt and Beckiser • Working with the other AP countries on the Regional Sales Conference • Finish the Internal comms structure and email to Rachel Gildas • Make the decision to register AIEsEC with an international chamber of commerce • Design and upload the yearly ER Training schedule and send to the LCs as well as update it on the BD wiki • Finish Internal communications structure and send to Rachel • Revise and enforce ER strategy with the LCs Rachel • External and internal communications structure and strategies • Working with Touty on getting a wiki up and linking all the national wikis together • Working on the BEADS awareness week Adrian SONA • Finish up the instructions booklet for SONA and disseminate to the LCs • Finalise the SONA masterfile and insert in the page to analyse financial statements SIM • Publicise on Facebook and Linked-In using the groups and also amongst personal contacts • Prepare for Info talk on 6th Oct • Work with Feng Ying in defining the selection process and as well as logistics for the recruitment process Projects • Reviewing all the projects plan which have been submitted by the LCs and advising on their plan • Chasing NUS for the SE plan • Tracking BEADS on their outreach • Liaising with AI representative for SCB on the outreach • Chasing for the budgets for BEADS BOA • Follow up with Mr. Keoy on the meeting on the Singapore Chinese Chambers of Commerce Young Entrepreneurs network • Contacting all BOA on MC-BOA meeting date on 1st week of October • Booking venue with Yuan Zhi for MC-BOA meeting • Contacting balance of the BOA who I have not met to discuss about the MC-BOA dates availability • Drafting out BOA Agreement Legal Administration • Filing of returns once the treasurer’s password arrives by post Cheryl • Settle the NUS crisis • Track and preparation of the Q1 data required for the colouring of the BSC DISCUSSION


Any other Business

MC Team Days To be held at Cheryl’s house instead. MC/LC EB Pricing Model Need to talk to Trang and Wan Xin to reconfirm the pricing next week NUS Emergency Conveying to NUS to not find a replacement for VP Projects as Ying Shean wishes to step down. Bochao and Bernice having a conflict on a variety of issues related to work Case Challenge MC VPs to look through the agenda proposed and provide feedback to Genevieve by next Thursday



Sales Conference Countries in the planning process (HK, China, Indonesia) look to host it in Singapore. Its a 3 day conference for about 100 delegates. The aim is to foster a higher standard of training with respect to ER and sales and bringing more participation for developing regional products and partnerships. Reckitt & Beckiser Student from Milan want to work in SEA through this company who also wants to hire him. Decision is to ask the person to contact the LC in Milan. All will depend on the decision of the LC in Milan. Laura Company in Australia wants its Singapore branch to raise TNs to hire an intern from Australia as well as US. But selection will be done by AIESEC Australia, including matching. NLDS Agenda has been updated. NLDS will be run in a project team format to complement LC’s engagement and operations plan. MC will faci in the Mid term review segment. YOG Emailed contacts and 20 people from a mixture of alumni and members to say they are interested to be in the GV Country Visit by AP Director Vishal, AI VP TM will be visiting and coaching in lieu of AP Director, David Benjamin due to the expertise areas.

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