2009 Midwest Legal Staffing Guide

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2009 Midwest

Legal Staffing Guide A supplement to Chicago Daily Law Bulletin®


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Midwest Legal Staffing Guide 2009 Welcome to the 10th annual Midwest Legal Staffing Guide. As the Midwest legal market continues to evolve through firms merging and emerging hot practice areas, the job market reflects those changes. If you’re a hiring partner, legal administrator, attorney who just got sworn in or a secretary looking for a better position, the Midwest Legal Staffing Guide will be an excellent aid in your search. Firm administrators, corporate counsel can use this guide as a resource when there is a need of temporary or permanent attorneys or support staff. This directory includes legal staffing firms and recruiters throughout the Midwest that are among the most respected and experienced in the legal community. (You will find articles authored by experts touching on important topics.) We hope this guide will provide you the information you need to begin your search for a new job or to assist you in filling a position.

Advertising 312-644-7800 312-644-0542 fax Law Bulletin Publishing Co. 415 North State Street Chicago Illinois 60610-4674 www.LawBulletin.com The special Legal Publications are published by Law Bulletin Publishing Company. This is a product of the Legal Advertising Department. Copyright 2009 by Law Bulletin Publishing Company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system. Reproduction available from the publisher.

Law Bulletin Publishing Company O th er Leg al P ublica tions Continuing Legal Education Guides Midwest Legal Technology Guides Midwest Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Guide 40 Illinois Attorneys Under 40 to Watch Illinois Jury Verdicts Midwest Legal Staffing Guide

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Back to The Future: Rediscovering The Basics Of Job Search in Tough Economic Times by Cheryl Rich Heisler, January 2009

this legal recession; the lending crisis has extended from real estate to banking to business in general, slowing down litigation and everything else in its path. No wonder we’re all depressed!

Maybe it’s just me.

Maybe there is too much “rah-rah” optimism in my personality for my own good, but I think I see a silver lining peeking out of this intensely dark economic cloud currently hanging over us.

SO, where exactly do I see the good news in all this? The glimmer of hope I keep clinging to is in the approach that a proactive, motivated job seeker can apply to the process. From a job search perspective, that means a throwback to oldfashioned work ethics and strategies. Old fashioned adages like “pounding the pavement” and “never give up” have got to become part of the vernacular of every job hunting lawyer. Old fashioned ideals like “no honest job is beneath you” and “the harder you work the luckier you get” have to mean something again. And, at least for the foreseeable future, I envision successful job searchers relying less on the internet and more on the interview, especially the informational type.

Let me set the record straight. While I am typically an optimist, I am not naive. Nor have I been hiding under a rock. I read the same blogs and tune in to the same media that we all do, but I am convinced that underlying all the chatter is a burning desire to return to what works. That means a return to spending less and saving more…..to fixing things up instead of throwing them out….to bringing our personal values into clearer focus.

As with our personal lives, we must also get back to basics in our professional lives in order to turn things around. Everything I’ve read about people who survived the psychological mind set of the Great Depression highlights their ability to embrace hard work and commit to making it through intact. Now I realize how tough this sounds, especially to those of you out there looking for work, but part of why times seem so rough is that the legal field has had a pretty good run over the last two decades. Some of you have never even faced an economic slowdown, much less a complete meltdown like the one we are currently experiencing. Making times even harder is the across-the-board nature of

Now I am not saying that modern technology and its corresponding tools like social networking and internet listings have no value, but I am suggesting that hiding behind a computer screen and responding to on-line postings and friendship requests is not enough of an energy expenditure in this economy. This is the time to hone in on interpersonal relationships; to create or recreate bonds that can only come from real-time, real-people interactions. If you haven’t made time to keep in touch


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with other professionals, start again ASAP.

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your daily routine as eating, drinking and sleeping. It is these skills, these talents, that can be your ticket to job (or even career) transition.

(Re)join your local Bar Associations. Take an old friend out to lunch. Show up at a neighborhood block party and actually talk to the neighbors. Introduce yourself to the person next to you on the plane or train or in the bleachers at your kids’ basketball game. Volunteer your time at a local charitable organization. Take on project or part-time work to keep your skills sharp and your name in front of people. Buy into the statistics that prove the best odds of finding a job derive from your own efforts at cultivating interpersonal connections.

What does all this have to do with good old fashioned hard work? Everything. The tighter the market, the more likely it is that whatever jobs exist will be going to those job hunters who are really hungry for them and who demonstrate that hunger by aggressively pursuing all leads. If you send a resume then never follow up with a call, forget about it. If you see an interesting ad and you don’t even try to make contact with someone who knows someone at that organization, you are busted! If there is a great job at another company, in another state, and you don’t automatically start to wonder who in your city might offer parallel positions, you are not fully using your cognitive powers.

Once you inject this kind of singleminded focus on hard work and selfreliance into your job prospecting, you are bound to increase your chances of success. And here’s a bonus: not only will the networking make you feel good about your job search efforts, it will make you feel good about yourself. The more effort you put into preparing for and meeting with others, and the more you learn about what is “out there” job-wise, the more determined you will become about garnering one of those spots for yourself. Although you may feel a bit beaten down right now, remember that, as lawyers, we have historically comprised some of the best and brightest minds in our communities. No matter where you studied or in what area of practice you specialized, you have thinking, analyzing, issuespotting and organizing skills “par excellence.” Lawyers are communicators at their core: writing, speaking, persuading and negotiating are all part and parcel of your transferable skills package. Advising, counseling and instructing are as much of

Clearly nobody wished for a job market like the one we now have but, since it’s here, our only real choice is to meet the challenge head-on. If we are to learn anything from history and those who got through hard times before us, now is the time to put our “noses to the grindstone” and “make our own breaks.” While the optimist in me believes that the legal work world will return to some form of normalcy in the not-too-distant future, when the going gets tough for future generations of lawyers (as it inevitably will) perhaps they will look back at us and thank us for re-teaching them the value of conducting a job search the old-fashioned way. Cheryl Rich Heisler is the President and Founder of Lawternatives, a Chicago-based career consulting firm specializing in assisting lawyers in making

career transitions, inside, outside and around the law.


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Looking For Top Legal Talent?

We’ve Got It.

Find the right resumes, at the right time, from a source you already know and trust. Chicago Daily Law Bulletin Resume Center

Subscribe to the Law Bulletin’s new Resume Center and gain access to the most comprehensive, legal-specific resume database in the Chicago area. The website is designed to connect local legal employers directly to the top local legal talent from the company that knows the Chicago legal marketplace better than anyone.

Call 312-644-2801 today to get more information and go to Jobs.LawBulletin.com to take a free test drive to see for yourself. ©LAW BULLETIN PUBLISHING COMPANY


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How to Help a Staffing Firm Help You variety of legal positions but will still benefit from detailed explanations of your responsibilities, achievements and unique qualifications.

By the Career Experts at Robert Half Legal Working with a staffing firm that specializes in your industry is an excellent way to uncover potential job opportunities and, ultimately, land a new position. Many job seekers remain uncertain, though, about how best to interact with a recruiter to get the most out of the relationship.

In describing your credentials, call the recruiter’s attention to specific job titles and special skills or responsibilities that should be included in your database profile. By helping the recruiter identify descriptive key words that best represent your qualifications, you’ll increase the odds of your profile popping up when there’s a compatible job posting in the firm’s computer system.

If you’ve ever felt uneasy about what to expect when contacting a staffing firm or what to do if a recruiter calls unexpectedly, these tips can help:

Interview to impress. Prepare for a first meeting with a recruiter as you would an interview with a prospective employer. The recruiter’s main goal with this meeting is to decide if you are someone he or she is willing to introduce to clients, so it’s essential to make a positive and memorable impression.

Be honest. Before they can feel comfortable making an introduction to employers, recruiters must be confident that a candidate is being completely candid about all aspects of his or her career history, especially matters such as the reasons behind a resignation. By being completely upfront about your work history – even if it means revealing potentially negative information – you’ll enhance your credibility and earn a recruiter’s trust.

Dress professionally in a suit or comparable business attire and arrive with copies of your resume and a notepad. Greet your interviewer with a smile and firm handshake, and allow your personality to come through during the interview. Recruiters want to feel that they’ve gained a sense of what you’re like and the work environments in which you’d be successful.

The resume is the first step in building trust with the recruiter. All dates should be accurate, and employment gaps should be disclosed. In addition, be frank when it comes to discussing your current salary and career motivations. Contrary to what some job seekers believe, you won’t pigeonhole yourself by revealing your current salary; rather, you’ll help the recruiter determine a minimum threshold

Assist with packaging. When you first meet with a recruiter, he or she will seek to understand the nature of your current and past professional roles and the type of opportunity you’re seeking. If you work with a specialized firm, the recruiter will be knowledgeable of the requirements for a


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Provide referrals. Whether or not you’re currently working with a staffing firm, you may be contacted by a recruiter. He or she may want to gauge your current career satisfaction, or may be seeking referrals to other skilled candidates in your network. It’s always wise to listen to the reason for the recruiter’s call and to be as helpful as possible. Recruiters have a long memory for professionals who are willing to invest in a relationship over time by sharing information and referrals. By serving as a resource, you’ll be in a strong position to enlist the recruiter’s help if you should need it later on.

for compensation. Similarly, by explaining what might motivate you to consider one opportunity over another, you help to build a picture for the recruiter of the environments and situations you’re willing to consider. If the recruiter doesn’t get a realistic feel for what you’ll ultimately accept, valuable time is likely to be wasted. Heed advice. By working with a staffing firm, you gain an inside perspective on the job market. Trust the judgment of recruiters, and carefully consider their suggestions, which are typically based on feedback from hiring managers. Use the information they supply you with to improve your preparation for your next interview.

Finally, keep in mind that recruiters appreciate candidates who are pleasant to interact with and easy to represent. Who can blame them? By taking note of these pointers, you’re more likely to be one of the candidates at the top of the recruiter’s placement list.

This paid off for one candidate who was trying to obtain a position as a legal office manager. The candidate had dropped her experience as a medical office manager off her resume because it was in a different field and in a job she had held some years ago. She thought it was preferable to focus on her work in a legal environment, even if her role was more limited. After acting on her recruiter’s suggestion to revise her resume to highlight the office management experience, she landed the law office position she sought.

Robert Half Legal is a leading staffing firm specializing in the placement of attorneys, paralegals, legal administrators and other legal professionals with law firms and corporate legal departments. Based in Menlo Park, Calif., Robert Half Legal has offices in major cities throughout the United States and Canada. For more information, visit www.roberthalflegal.com.


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Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms


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Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms CAREER ENHANCEMENT/ OUT PLACEMENT

Full Service Career Consulting And Outplacement Services For: • Lawyers exploring career alternatives inside, outside and around the law • Firms/Employers seeking alternatives to traditional terminations 203 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 2100 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 558-1536 [email protected] Contact: Cheryl Rich Heisler, J.D.

ILLINOIS Adams & Martin Group 333 W. Wacker Drive Suite 1840 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 346-0001 FAX: (312) 346-5368 www.adamsmartingroup.com Ajilon Legal 10 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1310 Chicago, IL 60603 TEL: (312) 201-8020 FAX: (312) 201-8028 [email protected] www.ajilonlegal.com BCG Attorney Search 200 South Wacker Drive, 31st Floor Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (800) 285-9937 FAX: (312) 321-9421 www.bcgsearch.com [email protected]

Blackman Kallick 10 South Riverside Plaza, 9th Floor Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 207-1040 FAX: (312) 207-1066 [email protected] Contact: Jill Elden Rorem

Broadview, Inc. Legal Search Consultants 70 West Madison Street, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60602 TEL: (312) 214-3242 FAX: (312) 214-3216 [email protected] www.broadviewinc.net Chicago Legal Search, Ltd. 180 North LaSalle, Suite 3525 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 251-2580 FAX: (312) 251-0223 www.chicagolegalsearch.com [email protected] Chicago Legal Search, Ltd., Chicago’s preeminent legal search firm, is celebrating its 20th anniversary. We focus solely on attorney placement and recruit for in-house legal executives and counsel as well as associate, partner, practice group and law firm merger searches. Our recruiters have over 75 years of combined private practice and recruiting experience. Our clients include law firms, boutiques, companies (from local enterprises to global Fortune 500 corporations) and organizations based primarily in the Chicago metropolitan area and the Midwest. Each search is conducted with the highest level of professionalism and confidentiality with a commitment to diversity initiatives. Chicago Legal Search, Ltd.’s custom database of nearly 40,000 Chicago area attorneys allows us to pin-point highly-qualified candidates for even the most specialized positions. We are a proud member of NALSC. (National Association of Legal Search Consultants) CMC CONSULTANTS INC 875 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1550 Chicago, Illinois 60611 TEL: (312) 670-5300 FAX: (312) 670-5333 [email protected] www.cmcconsult.com Credentia, Inc. 980 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60611 TEL: (312) 649-0522


Early Cochran & Olson One East Wacker Dr., Ste. 2510 Chicago, IL 60601 TEL: (312) 595-4200 FAX: (312) 595-4209 [email protected] www.ECOLLC.com Early Cochran & Olson enjoys a national reputation for its executive search services. Focused on retained lawyer search, the firm serves a national clientele of corporations and law firms for whom we conduct systematic searches for experienced lawyers. Our corporate clients are largely Fortune 500 companies. Our law firm clients range from among the nation’s largest to small highly specialized boutiques. Together, our search consultants possess over fifty years of retained search experience focused almost solely in the legal profession. In addition to retained lawyer search, the firm consults with corporate law departments and law firms on structure, management and expansion strategies. Evers Legal Search 1910 South Federal St., Suite B Chicago, Illinois 60616 TEL: (312) 255-1144 FAX: (312) 255-2277 [email protected] www.everslegalsearch.com Gunther Group LLC Civic Opera Building 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 1920 Chicago, Illinois 60606 TEL: (312) 629-4900 FAX: (312) 629-4901 [email protected] www.gunthergroup.com Haydon Legal Search 5225 Old Orchard Road, Suite 8 Skokie, Illinois 60077-1027 TEL: (847) 965-8222 FAX: (847) 966-6173 [email protected] www.haydonlegal.com

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Finally, a website designed to connect local legal employers directly to the top local legal talent from a company that knows the Chicago legal marketplace better than anyone.


We’ve got the Top Legal Talent you have been searching for.

Find the right resumes, at the right time, from a source you already know and trust.

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Jobs.LawBulletin.com For more information call 312.644.2801


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Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms HIRECounsel 150 North Michigan Avenue Suite 800 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 624-7668 FAX: (312) 624-7703 [email protected] www.hirecounsel.com

Hudson 10 South Wacker Drive Suite 2600 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 795-4200 FAX: (312) 795-4288 www.us.hudson.com/legal For over 25 years, Hudson Legal has provided clients a full range of temporary staffing, permanent recruitment and discovery solutions with unparalleled access to highly qualified legal professionals and review expertise. With our customized discovery solutions, companies and their outside counsel can manage any size project, reduce overall costs and increase profitability. We specialize in large-scale litigation matters, antitrust reviews, government investigations and other document-intensive projects. As the world's largest legal recruiting firm, we provide significant insight into the market for legal employment. Interviewing Consultants Inc. 20 N. Clark St., Ste. 2620 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: (312) 263-1710 FAX: (312) 977-4630 [email protected] www.ici-staffing.com

JB Consulting Group, Inc. Three First National Plaza 70 West Madison Avenue, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60602 TEL: (312) 214-6122 FAX: (312) 214-3420 [email protected] www.jbcginc.com Contact: Jeff Berkowitz JB Consulting Group, Inc. specializes in retained executive level attorney search for corporations and law firms. The firm also does acquisitions, practice group transfers, contract attorney search, outplacement and job search advising. The firm combines fundamental search skills and extensive law firm and corporate networks with an approach that listens carefully to clients and prepares a detailed profile of the targeted candidate or practice group. This emphasis on systematic legal search consistently produces a strong panel of candidates with demonstrated excellence who meet the client’s specific needs. Jeff Berkowitz has been doing legal search for a dozen years. Prior to that, he was a partner with a major Chicago law firm, an economic consultant and a visiting faculty member in economics at Indiana and Ohio State Universities. Berkowitz has also appeared on national network television (Fox News Channel) and local radio news (WLS and Chicago Public Radio) programs to provide political and economic analysis, predictions and commentary. Berkowitz received his J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School (Law Review), B.A. from UCLA

(Magna Cum Laude), M.A. from the University of Chicago (Economics) and completed all requirements, except a dissertation, for a Ph. D. from the University of Chicago Economics Department, where he was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow. Keith Ross & Associates 490 E. Roosevelt Road, Suite 203 West Chicago, IL 60185 TEL: (630) 293-4000 FAX: (630) 293-9800 [email protected] www.keithross.com Kelly Law Registry 111 West Washington Ave., Suite 711 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: (1-800) 248-4LAW

Temporary and Permanent Paralegal and Attorney Placement

227 W. Monroe Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: 312/372-0390 Fax: 312/372-0235

Contact Name: Heidi Gottberg, Senior Managing Director [email protected]

Specializing in the temporary and permanent placement of paralegals and attorneys since 1986.


LawyerLink LLC Sears Tower 233 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 5025 Chicago, Illinois 60606 TEL: (312) 962-5750 www.lawyerlinksolutions.com

The place where people go to look for their next legal job. Post your ad or search our Resume Database today!



LawyerLink LLC, a nationally certified Womens Business Enterprise, helps corporations and law firms successfully integrate contract legal staffing and project management solutions into their work processes. Our End-to-End Legal Staffing and

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Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms Project Management services remove the burden of routine but critical activities that surround document reviews and other projects. To further streamline legal staffing projects, our LawyerLink Project Center provides hosting, training, facilities and equipment for up to 100 attorneys in our private, secure, state-ofthe-art Sears Tower office facility geared to maximize eReviewerTM speed, efficiency and accuracy.

Legalpeople 311 W. Superior St., Suite 402 Chicago, Illinois 60610 TEL: (312) 644-5100 FAX: (312) 644-5300 www.legalpeoplegroup.com Legalpeople matches outstanding lawyers and paralegals with top law firms and corporate law departments. Based in Chicago, our staff is comprised of experienced legal professionals who have the expertise, focus and knowledge to effectively

place lawyers and paralegals in both temporary and permanent positions in the legal industry.

LegalQuest LLC 161 N. Clark St., Suite 4700 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 523-2077 FAX: (312) 523-2076 [email protected] www.legalquestllc.com Legal Solutions, Inc. Downers Grove office: The Esplande 12001 Butterfield Road, Suite 104D Downers Grove, IL 60515 TEL: (630) 968-0504 Chicago office: 225 W. Washington St., Suite 2200 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 252-1190 www.placementsolutions.com [email protected]

Linder Legal Staffing Inc. 39 South LaSalle Street, Suite 907 Chicago, Illinois 60603 TEL: (312) 236-6400 FAX: (312) 236-6446 [email protected] www.linder.jobs Contact Names: Curtis A. Linder, President and Nancy Roberts Linder, CFO Linder Legal Staffing hires lawyers, paralegals, law clerks, law school students and graduates, and any other legal support staff. Our contractors work on a contract or temporary basis for projects at Chicago area law firms and corporate legal departments. Direct-hire placements and “temp-to-hire” conversion assignments also offered.

Whether you need to add to your existing legal team or temporarily augment your staff with trained, experienced contract attorneys, Hudson Legal has you covered. We offer contract and permanent recruitment services and can also help increase efficiency and improve litigation productivity with our Discovery Solutions. We find and set up project space and can manage the whole process – from pull to production. We’re here to make the complex simple, the massive manageable and better yet, make you happy. Discover the legal experts. Discover Hudson. www.us.hudson.com/legal 312.795.4200


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Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms Lucas Group 230 West Monroe Street, Suite 850 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 357-1160, www.lucasgroup.com/legal

Major, Lindsey & Africa – Midwest, LLC Chicago 1 South Wacker Drive, Suite 1750 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 372-1010 FAX: (312) 372-1696 [email protected] www.mlaglobal.com Milwaukee 205 East Wisconsin Ave., Suite 205 Milwaukee, WI 53202 TEL: (414) 272-1010 FAX: (414) 272-1015 [email protected] www.mlaglobal.com Founded in 1982, Major, Lindsey & Africa is the world’s largest and most experienced legal search firm. Combining local market knowledge and a global recruiting network, MLA has earned recognition for its track record of successful General Counsel, Corporate Counsel, Partner and Associate placements. With offices throughout the U.S., Hong Kong, London and Tokyo, MLA recruiters are dedicated to understanding and meeting clients’ and candidates’ needs while maintaining the highest degree of professionalism and confidentiality. At MLA, we consider every search a diversity search, and have been committed to diversity in the law since our inception. For these reasons, MLA was voted “Best Legal Search Firm in the U.S.” in the most recent national survey of America’s top law firms. To learn more about MLA visit our website at www.mlaglobal.com.

McCormack Schreiber ™L E G A L S E A R C H ™

McCormack Schreiber Legal Search 303 West Madison Street Suite 2150 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 377-2000 FAX: (312) 377-2001 TOLL-FREE: 1-(866)-819-4091 [email protected] www.thelawrecruiters.com Contacts: Amy L. McCormack, Gay R. Schreiber

Mendelsohn Legal, Inc. Susan Mendelsohn, Esq. 161 North Clark, Suite 4700 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 523-2050 FAX: (312) 523-2001 [email protected] www.mendelsohnlegal.com Mendelsohn Legal places partners & associates in-house and in law firms on a permanent hire basis. As a former firm equity partner and marketing chair, founder Susan Mendelsohn partners with law firms to conduct an effective search that results in a strong placement. She also provides quality career advice to those seeking positions, finding each candidate a job that best suits their experience, skills and personality. Mestel & Company 150 N. Michigan Ave., Ste 800 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 624-7660 FAX: (312) 624-7702 [email protected] www.mestel.com



Preferred Legal Staffing 540 North State St. Suite 4004 Chicago, Illinois 60610-7241 www.PLS-Call.com [email protected] TEL: (312) 296-6510 FAX: (312) 276-8181 Contact Name: Joyce M. Hitt President Preferred Legal Staffing, Inc. is a woman owned business servicing the legal community. We provide exceptional assistance in the placement of legal professionals within law firms and corporations.

Providus 230 W. Monroe, Suite 2210 Chicago, Illinois 60606 TEL: (312) 726-9775 FAX: (312) 726-9774 www.providusgroup.com The members of Providus pioneered the concept of contract legal staffing in 1988, making us the most experienced in the industry. Our staff at Providus is comprised of many of the same people with whom you may have previously worked. Thus, you can expect the same degree of commitment, dedication and expertise that you have known from us for the past 19 years. Providus is the preferred resource to assist clients in managing fluctuating workloads while maintaining high standards and a competitive edge. Through times of economic prosperity or decline, Providus is your resource. We have earned the reputation as the people to call for substantive, high-quality contract and permanent placement opportunities. We will match the right lawyer or paralegal to your assignment every time.

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Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms River West Consultants, Ltd. 230 W. Monroe, Suite 2110 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 332-8300 FAX: (312) 332-8303 [email protected] www.riverwestconsultants.com

Schulman Professional Search, Ltd. 150 N Wacker Drive Suite 1760 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 251-8600 FAX: (312) 251-8408 www.spsearch.com

fits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

Robert Half Legal 205 N. Michigan Ave #3301 Chicago, IL 60601 TEL: (312) 616-0220 FAX: (312) 616-8560 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com

Special Counsel 150 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2115 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 814-0240 FAX: (312) 814-0241 [email protected] www.specialcounsel.com

Staffing Now, Inc. 200 W. Adams Street, Suite 1001 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 263-3900 [email protected] www.staffingnow.com Contact: Ari Epstein

Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the bene-

Strategic Workforce Solutions 208 South LaSalle Street, Ste. 1250 Chicago, IL 60604 TEL: (312) 541-9000 FAX: (312) 541-9002 [email protected]

Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

M a j o r, Lindsey & Africa


Attorney Search Consultants


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Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms Tech Law Recruiting, Inc.™ 521 S. La Grange Road, Suite 104 La Grange, Illinois 60525 TEL: (708) 482.1111 FAX: (708) 482.1112 [email protected]

INDIANA Bindley Associates 320 North Meridian Street, Suite 612 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 TEL: (317) 464-8144 FAX: (317) 464-8145

Todays Office Professionals 122 South Michigan Ave., Ste. 100 Chicago, Illinois 60603 TEL: (312) 566-0420 FAX: (312) 566-0427

IOWA Kaplan & Jass, Inc. 3737 Woodland Avenue, Suite 630 West Des Moines, Iowa 50266 TEL: (800) 478-6360 FAX: (515) 457-7272

1431 Opus Drive, Executive Tower W1 Suite 215 Downers Grove, IL 60515 TEL: (630) 512-9201


Update Legal 55 West Monroe Street, Ste. 1130 Chicago, Illinois 60603 TEL: (312) 345-1125 FAX: (312) 345-1124 www.updatelegal.com [email protected]

Legal Resources 14 Corporate Woods 8717 West 110th Street, Suite 150 Overland Park, Kansas 66210


Wexler Siegel Group LLC 900 N. North Branch, Suite 722 Chicago, IL 60622 TEL: (312). 640-1860 [email protected] Winston & Green 111 W Washington Street, Suite 841 Chicago, IL 60602 TEL: (312) 201·9777 FAX: (312) 201·9781 [email protected] [email protected] www.winstonandgreen.com Zenner Consulting 400 North Michigan Avenue, Ste. 1220 Chicago, Illinois 60611 TEL: (312) 645-0400 FAX: (312) 645 0400 [email protected] www.lawposition.com

F-O-R-T-U-N-E Personnel Consultants of Troy, Inc. 560 Kirts Blvd., Ste. 102 Troy, Michigan 48084 TEL: (248) 244-9646 FAX: (248) 244-8568 [email protected] F-O-R-T-U-N-E Personnel Consultants of Grand Rapids, Inc. 2180 44th Street Southeast Suite 107 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49508 TEL: (616) 281-2861 FAX: (616) 281-2858 Kelly Law Registry 999 West Big Beaver Rd. Troy, Michigan 48084 TEL: (248) 362-4444 [email protected]


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Lumen Legal 1025 N. Campbell Road Royal Oak, MI 48067-1519 TEL: (248) 597-0400 [email protected] www.lumenlegal.com Newman Hawkins 31017 Westwood Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 TEL: (248) 661-8900 FAX: (248) 661-9018 [email protected]

Special Counsel 50 W. Big Beaver Rd., Ste. 475 Troy, Michigan 48084 TEL: (248) 524-9131 FAX: (248) 524-9136 www.specialcounsel.com [email protected] Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

MINNESOTA Adams & Martin Group 100 S. Fifth Street, Suite 1250 Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL: (612) 659-0110 FAX: (612) 659-0121 www.adamsmartingroup.com Ajilon Legal 100 South Fifth Street, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL: (612) 339 7717 FAX: (612) 341-3284 [email protected] www.ajilonlegal.com

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Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms Kelly Law Registry AT&T Tower 901 Marquette Avenue, Suite 2880 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 TEL: (612) 339-9595 FAX: (612) 339-2286 Larson Allen Search 220 South 6th Street, #300 (US Bank Plaza – South Tower) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-1436 TEL: (612) 376-4500 FAX: (612) 376-4850 Lieberman-Nelson, Inc. 311 First Avenue North, Suite 503 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 TEL: (612) 338-2432 FAX: (612) 332-8860 [email protected]

Robert Half Legal 800 Nicollet Mall #2700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL: (612) 349-2810 FAX: (612) 349-3614 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

Special Counsel The 15 Building 15 South Fifth Street, Suite 1000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL: (612) 340-9068 FAX: (612) 340-1218 www.specialcounsel.com [email protected] Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom

automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level. Talon Performance Group 5891 Cedar Lake Road Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 TEL: (612) 827-5165 FAX: (612) 952-5016 www.talonperformancegroup.com

Counsel Search Co. 124 North Summit, Suite 305 Toledo, Ohio 43604 Major Legal Services Erieview Tower, Ste. 1414 1301 E. 9th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44114 TEL: (216) 579-9782 FAX: (216) 579-1662 www.lawplacement.com

MISSOURI Aaron Consulting, Inc. P.O. Box 4757 St. Louis, MO 63108 TEL: (314) 367-2627 FAX: (312) 367-2919 [email protected] JurisTemps 8000 Maryland, Ste. 650 Saint Louis, MO 63105 TEL: (314) 862-5554 FAX: (314) 862-5654 [email protected] www.juristemps.com Kelly Law Registry 1 Metropolitan Sq. St. Louis, MO 63102-2711 TEL: (312) 332-0655 FAX: (312) 332-4170 [email protected]

Robert Half Legal 211 N. Broadway, Suite 1250 St. Louis, MO 63102-2733 TEL: (314) 621-2223 FAX: (314) 621-4621 Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

OHIO Beckman & Associates Legal Search Rivercenter P.O. Box 75142 Cincinnati, Ohio 45275 TEL: (513) 654-2992 FAX: (513) 657-2240


Robert Half Legal 277 W. Nationwide Blvd #200 Columbus, OH 43215 TEL: (614) 221-1544 FAX: (614) 629-0096 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

Special Counsel PNC Center 201 East Fifth Street, Suite 1400 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 TEL: (513) 721-4400 FAX: (513) 721-4401 www.specialcounsel.com [email protected] Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

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Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms Special Counsel Terminal Tower 50 Public Square, Suite 1707 Cleveland, OH 44113 TEL: (216) 622-2100 FAX: (216) 622-2110 www.specialcounsel.com [email protected] Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary

and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

WISCONSIN Contract Counsel Solutions, Inc. 6737 W. Washington St. Suite 2390 West Allis, Wisconsin 53214 TEL: (414) 276-6689 FAX: (414) 276-1418 [email protected]

We’ve got the Top Legal Talent you have been searching for. Finally, a website designed to connect local legal employers directly to the top local legal talent from a company that knows the Chicago legal marketplace better than anyone.

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Jobs.LawBulletin.com For more information call 312.644.2801


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Directory of Legal Staffing Firms


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Directory of Legal Staffing Firms ILLINOIS Adams & Martin Group 333 W. Wacker Drive Suite 1840 Chicago , IL 60606 TEL: (312) 346-0001 FAX: (312) 346-5368 www.adamsmartingroup.com Ajilon Legal 10 South LaSalle Street Suite 1310 Chicago, IL 60603 TEL: (312) 201-8020 FAX: (312) 201-8028 [email protected] www.ajilonlegal.com Avanti Staffing, Inc. 104 South Michigan Avenue Suite 820 Chicago, Illinois 60603 TEL: (312) 853-3600 FAX: (312) 853-3601 Avanti-staffing@avanti-staffing www.avanti-staffing.com

Blackman Kallick 10 South Riverside Plaza, 9th Floor Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 980-2997 FAX: (312) 756-3997 [email protected] Contact: Jill Elden Rorem

Your best sources for filling a staff opening: Chicago Daily Law Bulletin Legal Employment Weekly www.lawbulletin.com

CLS Legal Staffing 180 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 3525 Chicago, IL 60601 TEL: (312) 251-2588 FAX: (312) 251-0816 www.clslegalstaffiing.com [email protected] Founded in 2001, CLS Legal Staffing, a division of Chicago Legal Search, Ltd. (Est. 1988), is a results-oriented company that specializes in recruiting and placing highly qualified paralegals, legal secretaries, support staff, management and executives in permanent, temporary/contract and temp-to-perm positions. We recruit for Chicago’s premier law firms, including boutiques, mid-sized, national and international firms. We also focus on local companies and global Fortune 500 corporations. With a highly sophisticated database of more than 15,000 candidates, CLS Legal Staffing is well-positioned to provide you with Chicago’s best talent. As a company with its finger on the pulse of Chicago’s legal community, we are committed to helping our clients find top candidates. For many years, our dedication, integrity and superior results have earned us a reputation of excellence. Given the opportunity, we’ll prove why we’re the best. Counsel On Call 30 South Wacker Drive Suite 2200 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 466-5741 FAX: (312) 466-7608 www.counseloncall.com Esquire Staffing Group One South Wacker Drive Suite 1616 Chicago IL 60606 TEL: (312) 795-4300 FAX: (312) 795-4329 www.esquirestaffing.com Evers Legal Search 1910 South Federal St., Suite B Chicago, Illinois 60616 [email protected] www.everslegalsearch.com First Attorney Consultants, Ltd. 3356 West 95th Street Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805 TEL: (708) 425-5519 FAX: (708) 425-9030 [email protected] 18

First Associates 55 East Jackson Blvd., Suite 310 Chicago, Illinois 60604 TEL: (312) 939-7112 FAX: (312) 939-8904 www.firstassoc.com HIRECounsel 150 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 800 Chicago, IL 60601 TEL: (312) 624-7668 FAX: (312) 624-7703 www.hirecounsel.com [email protected] Hobart West Solutions 311 W. Monroe St., Ste. 1200 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 673-8130 FAX: (312) 782-8087 www.hobertwestsolutions.com

Hudson 10 South Wacker Drive Suite 2600 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 795-4200 FAX: (312) 795-4288 www.us.hudson.com/legal For over 25 years, Hudson Legal has provided clients a full range of temporary staffing, permanent recruitment and discovery solutions with unparalleled access to highly qualified legal professionals and review expertise. With our customized discovery solutions, companies and their outside counsel can manage any size project, reduce overall costs and increase profitability. We specialize in large-scale litigation matters, antitrust reviews, government investigations and other document-intensive projects. As the world's largest legal recruiting firm, we provide significant insight into the market for legal employment. Interviewing Consultants Inc. 20 N. Clark St., Ste. 2620 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: (312) 263-1710 FAX: (312) 977-4630 [email protected] www.ici-staffing.com

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Law Resources

Temporary and Permanent Legal Placement

7ECANHELPYOU Maximum Flexibility and Productivity; Minimum Cost Since 1984, Law Resources has been setting the standard in legal staffing solutions. Law Resources can provide qualified temporaries with the right balance of skills, experience and professionalism to meet the requirements of your task or project. Whether you need to cover vacationing personnel, manage a sudden spike in caseload, or avoid costly permanent hires, our paralegals, attorneys, law clerks and support staff are only a phone call away. • Contract Attorneys • Experienced Paralegals • Entry-Level Paralegals • Document Coders and Clerks • Legal Secretaries and Support Staff

CHICAGO 227 W Monroe Street Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: 312.372.0390 Fax: 312.726.1699 email:[email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C. 1140 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 675 Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: (202) 371-1270 Fax: (202) 371-0979 (Fax) email: [email protected]

www.lawresources.com 19 19

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Directory of Legal Staffing Firms Jean Kripton, Inc. 221 N. LaSalle St., Suite 1450 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 346-4292 [email protected] www.jki-inc.com

Legal Edge, Inc. 155 North Michigan Ave., Suite 500 Chicago, Illinois 60601

Kelly Law Registry 111 West Washington Ave., Suite 711 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: (1-800) 248-4LAW

Legalpeople 311 W. Superior St., Suite 402 Chicago, Illinois 60610 TEL: (312) 644-5100 FAX: (312) 644-5300 www.legalpeoplegroup.com

Temporary and Permanent Paralegal and Attorney Placement

227 W. Monroe Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: 312/372-0390 Fax: 312/372-0235

Contact Name: Heidi Gottberg, Senior Managing Director [email protected]

Specializing in the temporary and permanent placement of paralegals and attorneys since 1986.


LawyerLink LLC Sears Tower 233 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 5025 Chicago, Illinois 60606 TEL: (312) 962-5750 www.lawyerlinksolutions.com LawyerLink LLC, a nationally certified Womens Business Enterprise, helps corporations and law firms successfully integrate contract legal staffing and project management solutions into their work processes. Our End-to-End Legal Staffing and Project Management services remove the burden of routine but critical activities that surround document reviews and other projects. To further streamline legal staffing projects, our LawyerLink Project Center provides hosting, training, facilities and equipment for up to 100 attorneys in our private, secure, state-of the-art Sears Tower office facility geared to maximize eReviewerTM speed, efficiency and accuracy.

Legalpeople matches outstanding lawyers and paralegals with top law firms and corporate law departments. Based in Chicago, our staff is comprised of experienced legal professionals who have the expertise, focus and knowledge to effectively place lawyers and paralegals in both temporary and permanent positions in the legal industry.

corporate legal departments. LegalQuest LLC 161 N. Clark St., Suite 4700 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 523-2077 FAX: (312) 523-2076 [email protected] www.legalquestllc.com Legal Solutions, Inc. Downers Grove office: The Esplande 12001 Butterfield Road, Suite 104D Downers Grove, IL 60515 TEL: (630) 968-0504 Chicago office: 225 W. Washington St., Suite 2200 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 252-1190 www.placementsolutions.com [email protected]



Linder Legal Staffing Inc. 39 South LaSalle Street, Suite 907 Chicago, Illinois 60603 TEL: (312) 236-6400 FAX: (312) 236-6446 [email protected] www.linder.jobs Contact Names: Curtis A. Linder, President and Nancy Roberts Linder, CFO Linder Legal Staffing hires lawyers, paralegals, law clerks, law school students and graduates, and any other legal support staff. Our contractors work on a contract or temporary basis for projects at Chicago area law firms and corporate legal departments. Direct-hire placements and “temp-to-hire” conversion assignments also offered. Mack & Associates 100 North LaSalle Street Suite #2110 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: (312) 368-0677 FAX: (312) 368-1868 [email protected] www.mackltd.com Millennium Personnel Services 223 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 935-3402 FAX: (312) 935-3403 [email protected] www.mpsnetwork.com

Preferred Legal Staffing 540 North State St. Suite 4004 Chicago, Illinois 60610-7241 www.PLS-Call.com [email protected] Contact Name: Joyce M. Hitt President TEL: (312) 296-6510 FAX: (312) 276-8181 Preferred Legal Staffing, Inc. is a woman owned business servicing the legal community. We provide

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Directory of Legal Staffing Firms exceptional assistance in the placement of legal professionals within law firms and corporations.

Providus 230 W. Monroe, Ste. 2210 Chicago, Illinois 60606 TEL: (312) 726-9775 FAX: (312) 726-9774 www.providusgroup.com The members of Providus pioneered the concept of contract legal staffing in 1988, making us the most experienced in the industry. Our staff at Providus is comprised of many of the same people with whom you may have previously worked. Thus, you can expect the same degree of commitment, dedication and expertise that you have known from us for the past 19 years. Providus is the preferred resource to assist clients in managing fluctuating workloads while maintaining high standards and a competitive edge. Through times of economic prosperity or decline, Providus is your resource. We have earned the reputation as the people to call for substantive, high-quality contract and permanent placement opportunities. We will match the right lawyer or paralegal to your assignment every time.

Robert Half Legal 205 N. Michigan Ave #3301 Chicago, IL 60601 TEL: (312) 616-0220 FAX: (312) 616-8560 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

Soleli Recruiting, Inc. 1 S. Dearborn, Floor 21 Chicago, IL 60601 TEL: (708) 763-8629 FAX: (798) 445-1706 [email protected] www.soleli.com

Special Counsel 150 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2115 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 814-0240 (800) 737-3436 FAX: (312) 814-0241 [email protected] specialcounsel.com Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level. Strategic Workforce Solutions 208 South LaSalle Street, Ste. 1250 Chicago, IL 60604 TEL: (312) 541-9000 FAX: (312) 541 9002 [email protected] Staffing Now, Inc. 200 W. Adams Street, Suite 1001 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 263-3900 [email protected] www.staffingnow.com Contact: Ari Epstein


Todays Office Professionals 122 S. Michigan Avenue, Ste. 100 Chicago, Illinois 60603 TEL: (312) 566-0420 FAX: (312) 566-0427 1431 Opus Drive, Executive Tower W1 Suite 215 Downers Grove, IL 60515 TEL: (630) 512-9201 Update Legal 55 West Monroe Street Suite 1130 Chicago, IL 60603 TEL: (312) 345-1125 FAX: (312) 345-1124 www.updatelegal.com [email protected] Watson Dwyer, Inc. 25 East Washington, #1927 Chicago, Illinois 60602 Wordspeed 200 N. Dearborn Street, Apt. 807 Chicago, IL 60610 TEL: (312) 201-1171

MICHIGAN F-O-R-T-U-N-E Personnel Consultants of Troy, Inc. 560 Kirts Blvd., Ste. 102 Troy, Michigan 48084 TEL: (248) 244-9646 FAX: (248) 244-8568 [email protected] F-O-R-T-U-N-E Personnel Consultants of Grand Rapids, Inc. 2180 44th Street Southeast Suite 107 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49508 TEL: (616) 281-2861 FAX: (616) 281-2858 Kelly Law Registry 999 West Big Beaver Rd. Troy, Michigan 48084 TEL: (248) 362-4444 [email protected] Lumen Legal 1025 N. Campbell Road Royal Oak, MI 48067-1519 TEL: (248) 597.0400 [email protected] www.lumenlegal.com

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Directory of Legal Staffing Firms Newman Hawkins 31017 Westwood Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 TEL: (248) 661-8900 FAX: (248) 661-9018 [email protected]

Special Counsel 50 W. Big Beaver Rd., Ste. 475 Troy, Michigan 48084 TEL: (248) 524-9131 FAX: (248) 524-9136 [email protected] www.specialcounsel.com Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

MINNESOTA MINNESOTA Adams & Martin Group 100 S. Fifth Street Suite 1250 Minneapolis , MN 55402 TEL: (612) 659-0110 FAX: (612) 659-0121 www.adamsmartingroup.com Ajilon Legal 100 South Fifth Street Suite 420 Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL: (612) 339 7717 FAX: (612) 341-3284 [email protected] www.ajilonlegal.com

Kelly Law Registry AT&T Tower 901 Marquette Ave., Suite 2880 Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL: (612) 339-9595 FAX: (612) 339-2286

Robert Half Legal 800 Nicollet Mall #2700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL: (612) 349-2810 FAX: (612) 349-3614 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

MISSOURI HIRECounsel 2300 Main Street, 9th Floor Kansas City, MO 64108 TEL: (816) 448-3764 FAX: (816) 448-3101 [email protected]

Robert Half Legal 211 N. Broadway, Suite 1250 St. Louis, MO 63102-2733 TEL: (314) 621-2223 FAX: (314) 621-4621 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

OHIO Special Counsel The 15 Building 15 South Fifth Street, Suite 1000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL: (612) 340-9068 FAX: (612) 340-1218 [email protected] www.specialcounsel.com Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.


Beckman & Associates Legal Search Rivercenter P.O. Box 75142 Cincinnati, Ohio 45275 Major Legal Services© Erieview Tower, Suite 1414 1301 E. 9th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44114 TEL: (216) 579-9782 FAX: (216) 579-1662 Project Lawyers 2400 Corporate Exchange Drive Suite 250 Columbus, Ohio 43231 TEL: (614) 839-0555 FAX: (614) 839-0203 [email protected] www.projectlawyers.com

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Directory of Legal Staffing Firms

Robert Half Legal 277 W. Nationwide Blvd #200 Columbus, OH 43215 TEL: (614) 221-1544 FAX: (614) 629-0096 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

WISCONSIN Special Counsel PNC Center 201 East Fifth Street, Suite 1400 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 TEL: (513) 721-4400 FAX: (513) 721-4401 [email protected] www.specialcounsel.com

Special Counsel Terminal Tower 50 Public Square, Suite 1707 Cleveland, OH 44113 TEL: (216) 622-2100 FAX: (216) 622-2110 [email protected] www.specialcounsel.com

Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce

Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and

Contract Counsel Solutions, Inc. 6737 W. Washington St. Suite 2390 West Allis, Wisconsin 53214 TEL: (414) 276-6689 FAX: (414) 276-1418 [email protected]

Jobs.LawBulletin.com The best place to search for Legal Employment Opportunities in the Midwest.

AND The best way to fill an opening in your Law Firm or Corporate Legal Department. For more information, call Myles Ahearn at (312) 644-2801 or email [email protected].


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