2008 Legal Staffing Guide1

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Midwest Legal Staffing Guide 2008 Welcome to the 9th annual Midwest Legal Staffing Guide. As the Midwest legal market continues to evolve through firms merging and emerging hot practice areas, the job market reflects those changes. If you’re a hiring partner, legal administrator, attorney who just got sworn in or a secretary looking for a better position, the Midwest Legal Staffing Guide will be an excellent aid in your search. Firm administrators, corporate counsel can use this guide as a resource when there is a need of temporary or permanent attorneys or support staff. This directory includes legal staffing firms and recruiters throughout the Midwest that are among the most respected and experienced in the legal community. You will find articles authored by experts touching on important topics for the job seeker as well as the employer. We hope this guide will provide you the information you need to begin your search for a new job or to assist you in filling a position.

Advertising 312-644-7800 312-644-0542 fax Law Bulletin Publishing Co. 415 North State Street Chicago Illinois 60610-4674 www.LawBulletin.com The special Legal Publications are published by Law Bulletin Publishing Company. This is a product of the Legal Advertising Department. Copyright 2008 by Law Bulletin Publishing Company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system. Reproduction available from the publisher.

Law Bulletin Publishing Company O th er L egal P ublica tions Continuing Legal Education Guides Midwest Legal Technology Guides Midwest Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Guide 40 Illinois Attorneys Under 40 to Watch Illinois Jury Verdicts Midwest Legal Staffing Guide

Forecast: “White Hot” Legal Career Market Cools Slightly in 2008 by Brian Solem, Classified Advertising Representative

them to graduate with a mountain of debt.”

The BigLaw dream is one that law schools, based on fact or fiction, are more than eager to sell to prospective students. The backlash against these practices made headlines this fall, when the Wall Street Journal led its September 24 edition with the story “Hard Case: Job Market Wanes for U.S. Lawyers.”

2007 marked a year in which law firms, staffing firms, and headhunters consistently reported above-average years, both financially and in terms of growth, even amidst economical and ethical turmoil in the legal field and beyond. Although 2007 was a banner year for the legal industry, the field sustained pointed examinations from top to bottom. Public debates ignited about the techniques law schools use to market the profitability of a JD, the increase in legal outsourcing, and the effects of 2007’s economic uncertainties on the legal market.

The report suggested that law schools were promoting career potentials and alumni salaries based on misleading or incomplete data, and that growth in the legal career field was not projected to match graduating class sizes from national law schools.

In his review of current trends in law, Kramer writes, “Students say they want a better work/life balance, yet invariably choose the firm that ranks highest in The American Lawyer’s list of the top 100 law firms. Having spent their lives learning to collect gold stars, they apparently find it impossible to stop—something we (that is, law schools) make easy by forcing most of

Although most participants in this discussion have sympathized unilaterally with the plight of newly-minted attorneys, Ilene Breitbarth takes a more pragmatic approach. As the Membership & Marketing Division Manager of Law Student Field Recruitment for the American Bar Association, Breitbarth’s unique perspective makes her suggest that although “law school career services offices are trying to help those students by providing networking opportunities and different types of programs and resources,”

To begin this review, it is helpful to consult the fall issue of Stanford Lawyer, the university’s law school alumni publication, in which dean Larry Kramer hypothesizes that the legal profession is caught in an endless cycle based on an “insidious pressure to increase profitability,” which has affected the way we approach careers in this field today, from law school to partnerships.

In the article, UCLA law professor Richard Sander suggests that prospective law students are “mesmerized by what's happening in big firms, but clueless about what's going on in the bottom half of the profession.”


there is an “unrealistic expectation that the career services office should find him/her a job.”

sent to South Asian legal firms at the request of a firm’s clients to cut costs by as much as 75 percent.

Rubenstein estimates that this trend will continue to gain popularity for tasks that don’t require the attention an on-site attorney could offer, “particularly with the rapid escalation of associate salaries and the resistance of corporate clients to continued significant fee increases.”

Meanwhile, although major firms report earnings that consistently trump the previous years’ figures, the pebble of the “credit crunch” has sent undulating pulses through the legal tide pool. The New York Law Journal’s report on London-based Clifford Chance laying off six of its tenured structure finance associates in early November sent worried murmurs through US firms, marking what could be the beginning of long-term effects of lenient lending practices on the legal field.

Amidst the regional, national, and global fears that materialized in 2007, Chicago’s legal job market remained unshaken, according to the region’s top legal staffers and recruiters.

Sarah Brule, Branch Director for Robert Half Legal in Chicago, reports an upsurge in the hiring of contract attorneys in 2007. Even as some of Chicago’s larger firms increase their outsourcing tendencies, “Corporate legal departments and law firms are utilizing contract attorneys more often in response to increased e-discovery requests for litigation matters.” Brule also noted a striking increase in the number of legal secretaries she has placed this year.

Alan Rubenstein, Executive Vice President of Chicago Legal Search, noted that “In the subsequent days and weeks [after economic turbulence became apparent], we have seen a noticeable slowdown in precisely the areas that were the most active, i.e., corporate, finance, M&A, private equity and real estate.”

To allay fears, however, he remarks, “this is a slowdown from a white hot market. We have not seen evidence yet of a slowdown to the point of widespread layoffs.”

Curtis Linder, president and founder of Linder Legal Staffing, stated that in 2007 “the number of direct-hire placements our firm has made of in-house counsel with our corporate law department clients is up fourfold over 2006.” Linder suggests that this surge can be attributed to “increased demand by area GC’s for lawyer talent equal to the level of demand of law firms, coupled with the fact that the pendulum is now swinging back in the direction of corporations deciding to hold on to a larger portion of the legal work they would previously have assigned to outside counsel.”

As corporations of all sorts anticipate the effects of a recessive economy, new costcutting techniques become more commonplace. In 2007, temporary and contract attorneys faced some competition from overseas document review services prepared to complete comparable work for a fraction of the cost.

In August, Bloomberg reported a sharp increase in outsourcing contract work in major US firms to Indian companies, including at several national, Chicagobased firms. In most situations, tasks are


As the managing principal of LegalQuest LLC, Ginger Wilson witnessed a shift toward the recruitment of more specialized lateral associates. “Headhunters were used more to fill niche areas for law firms and corporate law departments,” Wilson noticed. She suggested that many litigation positions, in contrast, were filled without the assistance of headhunters. Similarly, “as law firms sought to fulfill their diversity initiatives, they partnered with headhunting services that specialize in the recruiting of diversity candidates.”

remain unchanged, she also posits that “we may see some firms that are willing to reduce their billable hour requirements for select associates who are willing to take a reduction in their salary.” Rubenstein predicts that 2008 will mark “a moderation towards a more average year” in legal hiring, in contrast with what he labels an “above-average” 2007. He nevertheless anticipates that the recently opened Chicago branches of national law firms will insulate the Midwest from any significant recession in the legal field.

Jina Hubbard-Boerman agrees; as a legal recruiter for Spherion, she notes, “Large national firms typically keep the Chicago market on an up-swing while trying to be competitive with each other. Typically there is modest growth or modest decline...not large swings in one direction or the other.”

Similarly, Law Resources Branch manager Heidi Gottberg noticed that staffing firms were most frequently patronized “for the really difficult positions to fill, and then it was only after they had exhausted their inhouse recruiting through on-line recruiting services.”

Wilson insists that, for job seekers, these legal powerhouses will provide a variety of new opportunities “to join nationally recognized firms at a time when such firms are in a strategic growth mode here in Chicago.”

In terms of the new year’s salary expectations, Robert Half’s 2008 Salary Guide predicts that large and mid-size law firms will see salary increases of 6-8% from 2007, while smaller firms will see increases between 3.2 and 3.4%. “Similar to other major markets, hiring at large to mid-size firms in Chicago is competitive, especially for hot practice areas, including intellectual property, commercial litigation, commercial real estate and corporate law,” Brule notes. “Legal professionals with specialized skills and knowledge in these areas will see the greatest salary increases.”

Larry Kramer, in his eloquent plea for reform in the legal field, writes, “For now, we must wake up to what is happening and muster our will to secure the future of our profession, preserving the qualities that attracted so many of us to the study of law in the first place.” The start of another year serves as an ideal platform for contributing dialogue to these and other debates in the legal community, all while continuing successful techniques and rethinking approaches to this field.

Wilson suggests otherwise. Not only does she anticipate that salaries for 2008 will


PARTNERING WITH YOUR RECRUITER By: Joyce M. Hitt President, Preferred Legal Staffing, Inc.

consider what it was that made those effective

recruiters stand out in my mind. It always

comes back to the quality of their recruiting

In this article I will address the ways in which

services. They became familiar with my firm

clients may want to consider further utilizing

and they presented candidates who “fit in.”

their recruiters, thus capitalizing on improved

They had knowledge of everything from the

and rapid results from their recruiters. Clients

layout of our office space to our benefits

will spend less time engaging recruiters,

package. It goes without saying that their

reviewing resumes, interviewing candidates,

information came from me, the Administrator

and will fill their openings sooner rather than

and it required an initial investment of my time


and cooperation. It required that I go beyond

The days of “exclusives” are gone; today it is

the scope of the job description and salary of

not unusual for clients to engage three, four

the open position; it required me to “partner”

or even five recruiters on the same search.

with my recruiter.

There is a reason for this and it is, for the

most part, today’s recruiters differ in few

Occasionally, you will pick up the phone and it

guarantees; they provide testing, and, in

causes you to consider working with them and

searches, criminal background checks and

then. This is where a recruiter should take

will be a recruiter who says something which

ways. They all offer competitive fees and

you may even give them a job order right

some cases, personality tests, background

advantage of the opportunity and ask to meet

drug testing. These are excellent and

with you for 15 to 20 minutes. A recruiter who

necessary services, but they are generic and

takes the time to personally introduce herself

constant in the industry. The one thing that is not constant is the client and the law firm.

will, almost certainly, have taken the time to

Therefore, it is critical for a successful

visit your firm’s website and become familiar

only meets the required skills, experience and

size, history, location(s) and the firm’s

the firm’s culture, philosophy, environment

critical information as one should know as

become very familiar with their client and their

why in a moment. In addition to getting up to

into” the firm. This can only be accomplished

recruiter should be prepared to ask you

placement to present a candidate who not

with the firm’s law practice, areas of expertise,

knowledge of the position but also fits in with

philosophy and/or mission statement. This is

and personality. To do this, a recruiter must

much as possible about their client. I’ll tell you

client’s employer: they should be “plugged

speed with readily available information, the

with the cooperation and support of the client.

questions about your firm’s benefits, shifts,

turnover, attrition, structure, policies,

I have been fortunate enough to have first-

technology and processes. If time permits, the

hand experience as a Legal Administrator for

recruiter should also ask for a tour of your

many years. During those years, I worked

office or, at the very least, the location where

with a few wonderful, talented and highly

the candidate will work. More specifically, this

successful recruiters. Today, as a recruiter, I 5

is a time when the recruiter can “get inside” of

Recruiters have particular and specific

This information is important as it

of secretaries and paralegals; or attorneys

the job for which they are seeking a candidate.

strengths. These may include the placement and legal managers; or IT and word

differentiates you from clients. It is what helps

processors; as this is often the case; clients

in determining which candidate would be the

best “fit” for the client.

have a need for the services of several

costly and time consuming for you, the client,

well spent meeting with those recruiters who

recruiter to the extent suggested in this

interest in visiting and getting to know their

recruiters. I believe an Administrator’s time is

We all know that it would be unproductive,

connect with them on the phone and show an

to take on the task of engaging every

firm. Recruiters who are looking to develop a

article. The recruiting industry is one where

relationship with you rather than just wanting

people move around quite a bit and it is

highly competitive – everyone wants your

and asking for a job listing are those who will

seemed every call was from a recruiter

tremendous loyalty to my clients as they have

business. I’m sure you all had days when it

serve you best. Personally, I have developed

asking for your business. By the same token

given me the opportunity to get to know them

you most likely have experienced successful

and their firm. That is not to say it was easy or

relationships with a couple of recruiters who

happened in short order. Administrators must

consistently “hit the mark” when presenting a

be pursued professionally and consistently

candidate for your consideration. Often this

and timing is everything.

occurs because a strong relationship, bond or

A recruiter may present 5 resumes of

attachment has developed between you and the recruiter, and the recruiter has taken an

candidates who have similar experience and

most likely will have welcomed them to visit

candidates, you will have connected with one

skills set. After interviewing the five

interest in what your firm is all about. You

or maybe two because they strike you as

your offices and openly shared information

being a good fit for the firm and assignment.

about your firm’s benefits, structure, culture,

support staff successes and other information

The reason being: no matter the candidate’s

germane to your mutual objective of finding

experience, skill level or employment history, if

the right candidate. You will have discussed,

you don’t think they are going to fit in then you

to the extent possible, the personalities of the

will not extend an offer of employment.

attorneys and or paralegals in your firm as

A recruiter who is “plugged in” will present

well as those for whom the candidate will be

only those candidates they believe are the

working. Your recruiter is now “plugged in”

right fit. Of course, like any strong

and will naturally keep up on what’s new with

your firm in terms of expansion, mergers,

relationship, it takes trial and error to succeed

more likely to give you a heads up when they

Partnering with your recruiter will only

on a consistent basis, but it is time well spent.

acquisitions and relocations. They will be

meet a candidate who would be a good fit,

strengthen your professional relationship and

with them.

the business transaction.

will result in success for everyone involved in

even when you don’t have a position listed


Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms



Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms CAREER ENHANCEMENT/ OUT PLACEMENT

Full Service Career Consulting For: —Lawyers Exploring Career Alternatives Inside, Outside and Around the Law —Employers Seeking Traditonal and Non-Traditional Legal Candidates 203 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 2100 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 558-1536 [email protected] Contact: Cheryl Rich Heisler, J.D.

ILLINOIS Abbott & Case 70 West Madison Street, Suite 1400 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: (888) 850-2LAW Contact Name: Donald Naglich

BCG Attorney Search 200 South Wacker Drive, 31st Floor Chicago, IL 60606, TEL: (800) 285-9937 www.bcgsearch.com [email protected]

85 years of combined legal and recruiting experience. According to the American Lawyer’s two most recent surveys, our recruiters have placed more attorneys than any other search firm in Chicago. Our clientele include law firms, boutiques, corporations, non-profits, financial institutions and professional associations. We are a NALSC member.

Blackman Kallick 10 South Riverside Plaza, 9th Floor Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: 312/980-2997 FAX: 312/756-3997 [email protected] Contact: Jill Elden Rorem

CMC CONSULTANTS INC 875 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1550 Chicago, Illinois 60611 TEL: 312 670.5300 FAX: 312 670.5333 [email protected] www.cmcconsult.com

Broadview, Inc. Legal Search Consultants 70 West Madison Street, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60602 TEL: (312) 214-3242 FAX: (312) 214-3216 [email protected] www.broadviewinc.net Chicago Legal Search, Ltd. 180 North LaSalle, Suite 3525 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 251-2580 FAX: (312) 251-0223 chicagolegalsearch.com [email protected]

Adams & Martin Group 333 W. Wacker Drive Suite 1840 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 346-0001 FAX: (312) 346-5368 www.adamsmartingroup.com Ajilon Legal 10 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1310 Chicago, IL 60603 TEL: (312) 201-8020 FAX: (312) 201-8028 [email protected] www.ajilonlegal.com

Chicago Legal Search, Ltd., Chicago's preeminent legal search firm, is celebrating its 19th year in the legal search profession. We focus solely on attorney placement and are dedicated to the Chicago legal market, with affiliates in other states who place relocating attorneys. Our seven recruiters (five of whom are attorneys) have over


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Credentia, Inc. 980 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60611 TEL: (312) 649-0522

Darlington Professional Resources, Inc. 134 North LaSalle Street, Suite 1502 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: (312) 357-4010 FAX: (312) 357-0105 www.darlingtonresources.com Darlington Professionals Resources is a full-service legal placement and staffing firm, providing some of Chicago’s finest law firms and corporate law departments with Direct Placement, Temp to Hire, and Temporary employees. As former legal professionals, we understand how law firms operate and how differences in “cultures” can make all the difference in your employees’ happiness and productivity. Call Carol or Eric to learn more about our services at (312) 357-4010.

Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms corporate law departments and law firms on structure, management and expansion strategies. Early Cochran & Olson One East Wacker Dr., Ste. 2510 Chicago, IL 60601 TEL: (312) 595-4200 FAX: (312) 595-4209 www.ECOLLC.com Contact Names: Corinne Cochran, B. Tucker Olson, Bruce R. LeMar, Bert H. Early Early Cochran & Olson enjoys a national reputation for its executive search services. Focused on retained lawyer search, the firm serves a national clientele of corporations and law firms for whom we conduct systematic searches for experienced lawyers. Our corporate clients are largely Fortune 500 companies. Our law firm clients range from among the nation’s largest to small highly specialized boutiques. Together, our search consultants possess over fifty years of retained search experience focused almost solely in the legal profession. In addition to retained lawyer search, the firm consults with

Evers Legal Search 1910 South Federal St., Suite B Chicago, Illinois 60616 TEL: (312) 255-1144 FAX: (312) 255-2277 www.everslegalsearch.com General Counsel Consulting 980 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60611 TEL: (312) 649-1959 www.gcconsulting.com [email protected] Gunther Group LLC Civic Opera Building 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 1920 Chicago, Illinois 60606 TEL: (312) 629-4900 FAX: (312) 629-4901 [email protected] www.gunthergroup.com


HIRE Counsel 750 North Michigan Avenue Suite 2800 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 624-7668 www.hirecounsel.com Hudson 10 South Wacker Suite 2600 Chicago, Illinois 60606 TEL: (312) 795-4200 FAX: (312) 795-4288 www.hudson.com Hudson’s Legal group delivers a comprehensive portfolio of placement services to private practice, corporate and non-profit entities. We place accomplished attorneys at all levels of experience as well as paralegals, litigation support, managing clerks, and support staff. As the world’s largest legal recruiting firm, we provide significant insight into the market for legal employment.

Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms Interviewing Consultants Inc. 20 N. Clark St., Ste. 2620 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: (312) 263-1710 FAX: (312) 977-4630 www.ici-staffing.com JB Consulting Group, Inc. Three First National Plaza 70 West Madison Avenue, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60602 TEL: (312) 214-6122 CELL: (312) 560-9300 FAX: (312) 214-3420 [email protected] www.jbcginc.com Keith Ross & Associates 490 E. Roosevelt Road, Suite 203 West Chicago, IL 60185 TEL: 630.293.4000 FAX: 630.293.9800 [email protected] www.keithross.com

Klingmangroup 875 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 3520 Chicago, Illinois 60611 TEL: (312) 943-4321 FAX: (312) 223-1242 [email protected] www.klingmangroup.com Kelly Law Registry 111 West Washington Ave., Suite 711 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: (1-800) 248-4LAW LawyerLink LLC Sears Tower 233 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 5025 Chicago, Illinois 60606 (312) 962-5750 www.lawyerlinksolutions.com LawyerLink LLC, a nationally certified Womens Business Enterprise, helps corporations and law firms successfully integrate contract legal staffing and project management solutions into their work processes. Our End-to-End Legal Staffing and Project Management services remove the burden of routine but critical activities that surround document reviews and other projects. To further streamline legal staffing pro-

jects, our LawyerLink Project Center provides hosting, training, facilities and equipment for up to 100 attorneys in our private, secure, state-ofthe-art Sears Tower office facility geared to maximize eReviewerTM speed, efficiency and accuracy.

Temporary and Permanent Paralegal and Attorney Placement

227 W. Monroe Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: 312/372-0390 Fax: 312/372-0235

Contact Name: Heidi Gottberg, Senior Managing Director [email protected]

Legalpeople 311 W. Superior St., Suite 402 Chicago, Illinois 60610 TEL: (312) 644-5100 FAX: (312) 644-5300 Contact Names: William D. Colman, Esq., Heather Downs Russell, Esq., Carrie L. Groskopf, Esq., and James F. Kosciolek, Esq. www.legalpeoplegroup.com Legalpeople matches outstanding lawyers and paralegals with top law firms and corporate law departments. Based in Chicago, our staff is comprised of experienced legal professionals who have the expertise, focus and knowledge to effectively place lawyers and paralegals in both temporary and permanent positions in the legal industry.

Specializing in the temporary and permanent placement of paralegals and attorneys since 1986.


Legal Placements, Inc. Chicago (312) 523-2185 DC (202) 682-1661 VA (703) 917-1829 New York (212) 651-8275 Boston (617) 459-5640 [email protected] www.legalplacements.com Principal Contact: Lori DiCesare Legal Placements, Inc. provides permanent, temporary and contract-todirect hire staffing needs for law firms in Chicago, Washington, DC, Northern VA, New York and Boston. Our ability to provide quality service has made LPI a trusted resource for our clients. We specialize in permanent attorney placements, contract attorneys, legal assistants, legal secretaries, accounting and IT professionals to hundreds of law firms and corporate legal departments.


LegalQuest LLC 161 N. Clark St., Suite 4700 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 523-2077 FAX: (312) 523-2076 [email protected] www.legalquestllc.com Legal Solutions, Inc. 2001 Butterfield Road, Suite 104D Downers Grove, IL 60515 TEL: (630) 968-0504 www.legalsolutions.com

We’ve got the top legal talent you are looking for. *** *** *** *** The Law Bulletin Resume Center is designed to connect legal employers directly to the top legal talent throughout Chicagoland.


Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms Linder Legal Staffing Inc. 39 South LaSalle Street, Suite 907 Chicago, Illinois 60603 TEL: (312) 236-6400 FAX: (312) 236-6446 [email protected] www.linder.jobs Contact Names: Curtis A. Linder, President and Nancy Roberts Linder, CFO Linder Legal Staffing hires lawyers, paralegals, law clerks, law school students and graduates, and any other legal support staff. Our contractors work on a contract or temporary basis for projects at Chicagoarea law firms and corporate legal departments. Direct-hire placements and “temp-to-hire” conversion assignments also offered. Lucas Group 230 West Monroe Street, Suite 850 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 357-1160, www.lucasgroup.com/legal

offices throughout the U.S., Hong Kong and London, MLA recruiters are dedicated to understanding and meeting clients’ and candidates’ needs while maintaining the highest degree of professionalism and confidentiality. At MLA, we consider every search a diversity search, and have been committed to diversity in the law since our inception. For these reasons, MLA was voted “Best Legal Search Firm in the U.S.” in the most recent national survey of America’s top law firms. To learn more about MLA visit our website at www.mlaglobal.com.

McCormack Schreiber ™L E G A L S E A R C H ™

303 West Madison Street, Suite 2150 Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: 312-377-2000 Toll Free: 1-866-819-4091 Fax: 312-377-2001 E-mail: [email protected] www.thelawrecruiters.com

Preferred Legal Staffing 540 North State St. Suite 4004 Chicago, Illinois 60610-7241 www.PLS-Call.com Contact Name: Joyce M. Hitt President TEL: 312-296-6510 FAX: 312-276-8181 [email protected] Preferred Legal Staffing, Inc. is a woman owned business servicing the legal community. We provide exceptional assistance in the placement of legal professionals within law firms and corporations. PCHS Staffing Solutions. 111 W. Washington Street Chicago, IL 60602 TEL: (312) 553-0851

Principal Contacts: Amy L. McCormack Gay R. Schreiber McCormack Schreiber Legal Search Inc. is Chicago’s largest all attorney search firm. At McCormack Schreiber, we place attorneys of all practice areas at large, midsize and boutique law firms, and at local and national corporations.

Major Lindsey & Africa Two offices serving the Midwest: Chicago 1 South Wacker Drive Suite 1750 Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: (312) 372-1010 Fax: (312) 372-1696 [email protected] www.mlaglobal.com Milwaukee 205 East Wisconsin Ave. Suite 205 Milwaukee, WI 53202 Tel: (414) 272-1010 Fax: (414) 272-1015 [email protected] www.mlaglobal.com Founded in 1982, Major, Lindsey & Africa is the world’s largest and most experienced legal search firm. Combining local market knowledge and a global recruiting network, MLA has earned recognition for its track record of successful General Counsel, Corporate Counsel, Partner and Associate placements. With

The principals and recruiters at McCormack Schreiber have over 100 years of combined experience as practicing attorneys and as legal recruiters. We have graduated from top law schools, including Harvard Law School, the University of Virginia School of Law and Northwestern University School of Law, and have practiced at such law firms as Winston & Strawn LLP, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, and Jones Day. We welcome the opportunity to assist you with your search and placement needs. McCormack Schreiber Legal Search is a member of the National Association of Legal Search Consultants. All inquires to McCormack Schreiber are kept strictly confidential.

Mestel & Company 150 N. Michigan Ave., Ste 1800 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 624-7660 FAX: (312) 624-7702 [email protected] www.mestel.com


Providus 230 W. Monroe, Suite 2210 Chicago, Illinois 60606 TEL: (312) 726-9775 FAX: (312) 726-9774 www.providusgroup.com The members of Providus pioneered the concept of contract legal staffing in 1988, making us the most experienced in the industry. Our staff at Providus is comprised of many of the same people with whom you may have previously worked. Thus, you can expect the same degree of commitment, dedication and expertise that you have known from us for the past 19 years. Providus is the preferred resource to assist clients in managing fluctuating workloads while maintaining high standards and a competitive edge. Through times of economic prosperity or decline, Providus is your resource. We have earned the reputation as the people to call for substantive, high-quality contract and permanent placement opportunities. We will match the right lawyer or paralegal to your assignment every time.

Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms River West Consultants, Ltd. 200 W. Monroe Suite 2110 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: 312/332-8300 FAX: 312/332-8303 [email protected]

Schulman Professional Search, Ltd. 150 N Wacker Drive Suite 1760 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: 312-251-8600 FAX: 312-251-8408 www.spsearch.com

Robert Half Legal 205 N. Michigan Ave #3301 Chicago, IL 60601 TEL: 312-616-0220 FAX: 312-616-8560 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com

Special Counsel 150 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2115 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 814-0240 FAX: (312) 814-0241 [email protected] www.specialcounsel.com

Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we


offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

Spherion 11 S. LaSalle St., Ste 2115 Chicago, Illinois 60603 TEL: (312) 499-4300 www.spherion.com [email protected] Staffwise Legal Inc. 77 West Washington Street, Suite 500 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: (312) 782-8800

Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms Staffing Now, Inc. 200 W. Adams Street, Suite 1001 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 263-3900 [email protected] www.staffingnow.com Contact: Ari Epstein Strategic Workforce Solutions 208 South LaSalle Street, Ste. 1250 Chicago, IL 60604 TEL: (312) 541-9000 Todays Legal Staffing 122 South Michigan Avenue, Ste. 100 Chicago, Illinois 60603 TEL: (312) 566-0420 FAX: (312) 566-0427 Update Legal 55 West Monroe Street, Ste. 1130 Chicago, Illinois 60603 www.updatelegal.com [email protected] Wexler Siegel Group LLC 900 N. North Branch, Suite 722 Chicago, IL 60622 TEL: (312). 640-1860 [email protected] Winston & Green 111 W Washington Street, Suite 841 Chicago, IL 60602 TEL: (312) 201·9777 FAX: (312) 201·9781 [email protected] [email protected] www.winstonandgreen.com Zenner Consulting 400 North Michigan Avenue, Ste. 1220 Chicago, Illinois 60603 TEL: (312) 645-0400 www.lawposition.com

We’ve got the top legal talent you are looking for. *** *** *** *** The Law Bulletin Resume Center is designed to connect legal employers directly to the top legal talent throughout Chicagoland.

INDIANA Bindley Associates 320 North Meridian Street, Suite 612 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 TEL: (317) 464-8144 FAX: (317) 464-8145 Contract Counsel 3815 River Crossing Pkwy, Suite 100 Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 Contact Name: Amanda Vernon TEL: (317) 566-2155 FAX: (317) 566-2065

IOWA Kaplan & Jass, Inc. 3737 Woodland Avenue, Suite 630 West Des Moines, Iowa 50266 FAX: (515) 457-7272

KANSAS Legal Resources 14 Corporate Woods 8717 West 110th Street, Suite 150 Overland Park, Kansas 66210

MICHIGAN Brookside Consulting Group, LLC 27600 Farmington Rd. Farmington, MI 48334 Contract Counsel 30801 Barrington Avenue, Suite 100 Madison Heights, Michigan 48071-5134 TEL: (248) 597-0400 FAX: (248) 597-0410 F-O-R-T-U-N-E Personnel Consultants of Detroit, Inc. 17515 West Nine Mile Road, Suite 770 Southfield, Michigan 48075 TEL: (248) 557-7250 Kelly Law Registry 50 West Big Beaver Rd., Suite 136 Troy, Michigan 48084 TEL: (248) 526-3002 Newman Hawkins 31017 Westwood Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 TEL: (248) 661-8900 [email protected]

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Special Counsel 50 W. Big Beaver Rd., Ste. 475 Troy, Michigan 48084 TEL: (248) 524-9131 FAX: (248) 524-9136 www.specialcounsel.com [email protected] Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

MINNESOTA Adams & Martin Group 100 S. Fifth Street, Suite 1250 Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL: (612) 659-0110 FAX: (612) 659-0121 www.adamsmartingroup.com Ajilon Legal 100 South Fifth Street Suite 420 Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL: (612) 339 7717 FAX: (612) 341-3284 [email protected] www.ajilonlegal.com Kelly Law Registry AT&T Tower 901 Marquette Avenue, Suite 2880 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 TEL: (612) 339-9595 FAX: (612) 339-2286 Larson Allen Search 220 South 6th Street, #300 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-4850 TEL: (612) 376-4500 FAX: (612) 376-4850

Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms LawCorps 701 4th Avenue South, Suite 500 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 TEL: (612) 337-9517 FAX: (612) 337-9518 24 Hour: (612) 589-0427 [email protected] Legal Liaisons, Ltd. Citadel Building, Suite 303 1516 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408 TEL: (612) 827-5165 FAX: (612) 823-1280 [email protected] www.LegalLiaisons.com Contact Names: Jodi Standke and Thomas Stephan Lieberman-Nelson, Inc. 311 First Avenue North, Suite 503 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401

Robert Half Legal 800 Nicollet Mall #2700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL: 612-349-2810 FAX: 612-349-3614 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments. RSM McGladrey, Inc. 227 W. 1st St., Suite 700 Duluth, Minnesota 55802 TEL: (218) 727-8253 [email protected] rsmmcgladrey.com Contact Name: Robert Riskin

Spherion 80 South Eight Street, Suite 3918 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 TEL: (612) 313-7997 www.spherion.com [email protected] Temporary and full-time placement of attorneys, paralegals and their legal support staff.


Special Counsel The 15 Building 15 South Fifth Street, Suite 1000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 www.specialcounsel.com [email protected] Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level. Todays Legal Staffing 120 South 6th Street, Suite 1160 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 TEL: (612) 339-2772 FAX: (612) 339-9868 Whitbeck & Associates Inc. P.O. Box 873 Stillwater, Minnesota 55082

Your best sources for filling a staff opening: Chicago Daily Law Bulletin Legal Employment Weekly www.lawbulletin.com


Aaron Consulting, Inc. P.O. Box 4757 St. Louis, MO 63108 TEL: (314) 367-2627 FAX: (312) 367-2919 Adams & Martin Group One City Place Suite 120 Creve Coeur , MO 63141 TEL: (314) 432-1119 FAX: (314) 432-4075 www.adamsmartingroup.com JurisTemps 8000 Maryland, Ste. 650 Saint Louis, MO 63105 TEL: (314) 862-5554 FAX: (314) 862-5654 [email protected] www.juristemps.com Kelly Law Registry 1 Metropolitan Sq. St. Louis, MO 63102-2711

Robert Half Legal One Metropolitan Sq #1250 St. Louis, MO 63102-2733 TEL: 314-621-2223 FAX: 314-621-4621 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

Spherion 4435 Main Street, Suite 845 Kansas City, Missouri 64111 TEL: (816) 753-4644 www.spherion.com [email protected]

Directory of Legal Recruiting Firms

Spherion 12647 Olive Blvd., Ste. 590 St. Louis, Missouri 63141 TEL: (314) 514-0202 www.spherion.com [email protected]

Robert Half Legal 277 W. Nationwide Blvd #200 Columbus, OH 43215 TEL: 614-221-1544 FAX: 614-629-0096 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com

StaffWise 7700 Bonhomme Avenue, Suite 620 St. Louis, Missouri 63105 TEL: (314) 863-8900 FAX: (314) 863-8969 www.Staffwise.com Contact Name: Taka Yanagimoto, Esq.

Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

OHIO Beckman & Associates Legal Search Rivercenter P.O. Box 75142 Cincinnati, Ohio 45275 TEL: (513) 654-2992 FAX: (513) 657-2240 Counsel Search Co. 124 North Summit, Suite 305 Toledo, Ohio 43604 Major Legal Services Erieview Tower, Ste. 1414 1301 E. 9th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44114 TEL: (216) 579-9782 FAX: (216) 579-1662 Contract Counsel 470 Olde Worthington Rd., Suite 200 Columbus, Ohio 43082 TEL: (614) 410-6740 FAX: (614) 410-6616 [email protected] Contact Name: Mary Beth Schmidt

Special Counsel PNC Center 201 East Fifth Street, Suite 1400 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 TEL: (513) 721-4400 FAX: (513) 721-4401 www.specialcounsel.com [email protected] Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

Special Counsel 50 Public Square 1707 Terminal Tower Cleveland, OH 44113 TEL: (216) 622-2100 FAX: (216) 622-2110 www.specialcounsel.com [email protected] Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

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Directory of Legal Staffing Firms


Directory of Legal Staffing Firms ILLINOIS Adams & Martin Group 333 W. Wacker Drive Suite 1840 Chicago , IL 60606 TEL: (312) 346-0001 FAX: (312) 346-5368 www.adamsmartingroup.com Ajilon Legal 10 South LaSalle Street Suite 1310 Chicago, IL 60603 TEL: (312) 201-8020 FAX: (312) 201-8028 [email protected] www.ajilonlegal.com Avanti Staffing, Inc. 104 South Michigan Avenue Suite 820 Chicago, Illinois 60603

Blackman Kallick 10 South Riverside Plaza, 9th Floor Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 980-2997 FAX: (312) 756-3997 [email protected] Contact: Jill Elden Rorem Career Services, Inc. 18430 South Halsted, Suite 208 Glenwood, Illinois 60425 CLS Legal Staffing 180 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 3525 Chicago, IL 60601 TEL: (312) 251-2588 FAX: (312) 251-0816 www.clslegalstaffiing.com [email protected] Founded in 2001, CLS Legal Staffing, a division of Chicago Legal Search, Ltd., is a results-oriented company that specializes in recruiting and placing highly qualified paralegals, legal secretaries, administrators and support staff. We recruit for Chicago’s premier large, mid-size and small law firms, boutiques and branch offices, Fortune 500 companies, real estate developers, financial institutions and consulting companies. We have created the most comprehensive database in Chicago, which consists of over 9,000 highly

qualified candidates. Whether your need is in litigation, real estate, corporate, IP, securities, employee benefits, trusts & estates or any other practice area, CLS Legal Staffing is committed to recruiting the best talent for your organization. Counsel On Call 30 South Wacker Drive Suite 2200 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 466-5741 FAX: (312) 466-7608 www.counseloncall.com

Darlington Professional Resources, Inc. 134 North LaSalle Street, Suite 1502 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: (312) 357-4010 FAX: (312) 357-0105 www.darlingtonresources.com Darlington Professionals Resources is a full-service legal placement and staffing firm, providing some Chicago’s finest law firms and corporate law departments with Direct Placement, Temp to Hire, and Temporary employees. As former legal professionals, we understand how law firms operate and how differences in “cultures” can make all the difference in your employees happiness and productivity. Call Carol or Eric to learn more about our services (312) 357-4010. Esquire Staffing Group One South Wacker Drive Suite 1616 Chicago IL 60606 TEL: 312-795-4300 FAX: 312-795-4329 www.esquirestaffing.com Evers Legal Search 1910 South Federal St., Suite B Chicago, Illinois 60616 www.everslegalsearch.com First Attorney Consultants, Ltd. 3356 West 95th Street Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805


First Associates 28 East Jackson Blvd., 3rd Floor Chicago, Illinois 60604 TEL: (312) 939-7544 www.firstassoc.com Furst Legal Staffing 8410 W. Bryn Mawr, Ste. 1000 Chicago, Illinois 60631 Hire Counsel 150 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2800 Chicago, IL 60601-1226 TEL: (312) 624-7668 www.hirecounsel.com [email protected] Hobart West Solutions 311 W. Monroe St., Ste. 1200 Chicago, IL 60606 Hudson 10 South Wacker, Suite 2600 Chicago, Illinois 60606 TEL: (312) 795-4200 FAX: (312) 795-4288 www.hudson.com Hudson’s Legal group delivers a comprehensive portfolio of placement services to private practice, corporate and non-profit entities. We place accomplished attorneys at all levels of experience as well as paralegals, litigation support, managing clerks, and support staff. As the world’s largest legal recruiting firm, we provide significant insight into the market for legal employment. Interviewing Consultants Inc. 20 North Clark St, Suite 2620 Chicago, Illinois 60602 www.ici-staffing.com Jean Kripton, Inc. 221 N. LaSalle St., Suite 1450 Chicago, Illinois 60601 www.jki-inc.com JurisTemps 8000 Maryland, Ste/ 650 Saint Louis, MO 63105 TEL: (314) 862-5554 FAX: (314) 862-5654 [email protected] www.juristemps.com Kelly Law Registry 111 West Washington Ave., Suite 711 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: (1-800) 248-4LAW

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Temporary and Permanent Legal Placement

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Directory of Legal Staffing Firms neys in our private, secure, state-ofthe-art Sears Tower office facility geared to maximize eReviewerTM speed, efficiency and accuracy. Klingmangroup 875 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 3520 Chicago, Illinois 60611 TEL: (312) 943-4321 FAX: (312) 223-1242 [email protected] www.klingmangroup.com

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Specializing in the temporary and permanent placement of paralegals and attorneys since 1986.

Legal Edge, Inc. 155 North Michigan Ave., Suite 500 Chicago, Illinois 60601

LegalQuest LLC 161 N. Clark St., Suite 4700 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 523-2077 FAX: (312) 523-2076 [email protected] www.legalquestllc.com

Legalpeople 311 W. Superior St., Suite 402 Chicago, Illinois 60610 TEL: (312) 644-5100 FAX: (312) 644-5300 Contact Names: William D. Colman, Esq., Heather Downs Russell, Esq., Carrie L. Groskopf, Esq. and James F. Kosciolek, Esq. www.legalpeoplegroup.com

Legal Solutions, Inc. 2001 Butterfield Road, Suite 1040 Downers Grove, IL 60515 TEL: (630) 968-0504 www.legalsolutions.com

Legalpeople matches outstanding lawyers and paralegals with top law firms and corporate law departments. Based in Chicago, our staff is comprised of experienced legal professionals who have the expertise, focus and knowledge to effectively place lawyers and paralegals in both temporary and permanent positions in the legal industry.


LawyerLink LLC Sears Tower 233 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 5025 Chicago, Illinois 60606 (312) 962-5750 www.lawyerlinksolutions.com LawyerLink LLC, a nationally certified Womens Business Enterprise, helps corporations and law firms successfully integrate contract legal staffing and project management solutions into their work processes. Our End-to-End Legal Staffing and Project Management services remove the burden of routine but critical activities that surround document reviews and other projects. To further streamline legal staffing projects, our LawyerLink Project Center provides hosting, training, facilities and equipment for up to 100 attor-

Legal Placements, Inc. Chicago (312) 523-2185 DC (202) 682-1661 VA (703) 917-1829 New York (212) 651-8275 Boston (617) 459-5640 [email protected] www.legalplacements.com Principal Contact: Lori DiCesare Legal Placements, Inc. provides permanent, temporary and contract-todirect hire staffing needs for law firms in Chicago, Washington, DC, Northern VA, New York and Boston. Our ability to provide quality service has made LPI a trusted resource for our clients. We specialize in permanent attorney placements, contract attorneys, legal assistants, legal secretaries, accounting and IT professionals to hundreds of law firms and corporate legal departments.


Linder Legal Staffing Inc. 39 South LaSalle Street, Suite 907 Chicago, Illinois 60603 TEL: (312) 236-6400 FAX: (312) 236-6446 [email protected] www.linderlegalstaffing.com Contact Names: Curtis A. Linder, President and Nancy Roberts Linder, CFO Linder Legal Staffing hires lawyers, paralegals, law clerks, law school students and graduates, and any other legal support staff. Our contractors work on a contract or temporary basis for projects at Chicagoarea law firms and corporate legal departments. Direct-hire placements and “temp-to-hire” conversion assignments also offered. Mack & Associates 100 North LaSalle Street Suite #2110 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: 312-368-0677 FAX: 312-368-1868 [email protected] www.mackltd.com Millennium Personnel Services 223 W. Jackson Blvd. Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: 312-935-3402 FAX: 312-935-3403 [email protected] www.mpsnetwork.com

Directory of Legal Staffing Firms

Preferred Legal Staffing 540 North State St. Suite 4004 Chicago, Illinois 60610-7241 www.PLS-Call.com Contact Name: Joyce M. Hitt President TEL: 312-296-6510 FAX: 312-276-8181 [email protected] Preferred Legal Staffing, Inc. is a woman owned business servicing the legal community. We provide exceptional assistance in the placement of legal professionals within law firms and corporations.

Providus 230 W. Monroe, Ste. 2210 Chicago, Illinois 60606 TEL: (312) 726-9775 FAX: (312) 726-9774 www.providusgroup.com The members of Providus pioneered the concept of contract legal staffing in 1988, making us the most experienced in the industry. Our staff at Providus is comprised of many of the same people with whom you may have previously worked. Thus, you can expect the same degree of commitment, dedication and expertise that you have known from us for the past 19 years. Providus is the preferred resource to assist clients in managing fluctuating workloads while maintaining high standards and a competitive edge. Through times of economic prosperity or decline, Providus is your resource. We have earned the reputation as the people to call for substantive, high-quality contract and permanent placement opportunities. We will match the right lawyer or paralegal to your assignment every time.

Robert Half Legal 205 N. Michigan Ave #3301 Chicago, IL 60601 TEL: 312-616-0220 FAX: 312-616-8560 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments. Soleli Recruiting 1 S. Dearborn, Floor 21 Chicago, IL 60601 TEL: (312) 212-4444 [email protected] www.soleli.com

Special Counsel 150 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2115 Chicago, Illinois 60601 TEL: (312) 814-0240 (800) 737-3436 FAX: (312) 814-0241 [email protected] specialcounsel.com Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

Spherion 10 South Riverside, Suite 2200 Chicago, Illinois 60606 TEL: (312) 499-4300 [email protected] www.spherion.com Staffwise Legal, Inc. 77 West Washington Street, Suite 500 Chicago, Illinois 60602 TEL: (312) 782-8800 Strategic Workforce Solutions 208 South LaSalle Street, Ste. 1250 Chicago, IL 60604 TEL: (312) 541-9000 Staffing Now, Inc. 200 W. Adams Street, Suite 1001 Chicago, IL 60606 TEL: (312) 263-3900 [email protected] www.staffingnow.com Contact: Ari Epstein Todays Legal Staffing 122 S. Michigan Avenue, Ste. 100 Chicago, Illinois 60603 Update Legal 55 West Monroe Street Suite 1130 Chicago, IL 60603 TEL: (312) 345-1125 FAX: (312) 345-1124 [email protected] www.updatelegal.com Watson Dwyer, Inc. 25 East Washington, #1927 Chicago, Illinois 60602 Wordspeed 200 N. Dearborn Street, Apt. 807 Chicago, IL 60610 TEL: (312) 201-1171

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Directory of Legal Staffing Firms INDIANA Contract Counsel 3815 River Crossing, Suite 100 Indianapolis, Indiana 46268

MICHIGAN Brookside Consulting Group, LLC 6689 Orchard Lake Road Suite PMB 358 West Bloomfield, Michigan 48322-3409 Contract Counsel 30801 Barrington Avenue, Suite 100 Madison Heights, Michigan 48071-5134 TEL: (248) 597-0400 FAX: (248) 597-0410

support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

MINNESOTA MINNESOTA Adams & Martin Group 100 S. Fifth Street Suite 1250 Minneapolis , MN 55402 TEL: (612) 659-0110 FAX: (612) 659-0121 www.adamsmartingroup.com

F-O-R-T-U-N-E Personnel Consultants of Detroit, Inc. 17515 West Nine Mile Road, Suite 770 Southfield, Michigan 48075

Ajilon Legal 100 South Fifth Street Suite 420 Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL: (612) 339 7717 FAX: (612) 341-3284 [email protected] www.ajilonlegal.com

Kelly Law Registry 3155 West Big Beaver Rd., Suite 114 Troy, Michigan 48084 TEL: (246) 649-1001 FAX: (246) 649-2912

Career Management Consultants, Inc. 333 North Washington Avenue Suite 311 Union Plaza Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401

Newman Hawkins 31017 Westwood Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331

HIRECounsel 333 Washington Avenue North #300 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401

Special Counsel 50 W. Big Beaver Rd., Ste. 475 Troy, Michigan 48084 TEL: (248) 524-9131 FAX: (248) 524-9136 [email protected] specialcounsel.com Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation

Kelly Law Registry Foshay Tower 821 Marquette Avenue, Suite 1200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402

We’ve got the top legal talent you are looking for. *** *** *** *** The Law Bulletin Resume Center is designed to connect legal employers directly to the top legal talent throughout Chicagoland.

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Robert Half Legal 800 Nicollet Mall #2700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL: 612-349-2810 FAX: 612-349-3614 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

Special Counsel The 15 Building 15 South Fifth Street, Suite 1000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 [email protected] specialcounsel.com Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

Spherion 80 S. Eight Street, Suite 3918 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 TEL: (612) 313-7997 [email protected] www.spherion.com

Directory of Legal Staffing Firms MISSOURI Adams & Martin Group One City Place Suite 120 Creve Coeur, MO 63141 TEL: (314) 432-1119 FAX: (314) 432-4075 www.adamsmartingroup.com

Robert Half Legal One Metropolitan Sq #1250 St. Louis, MO 63102-2733 TEL: (314) 621-2223 FAX: (314) 621-4621 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

Spherion 4435 Main Street, Suite 845 Kansas City, Missouri 64111 TEL: (816) 753-4644 [email protected] www.spherion.com

Spherion 8860 Ladue Road, Suite 120 St. Louis, Missouri 63124 TEL: (314) 862-1922 [email protected] www.spherion.com

OHIO Beckman & Associates Legal Search Rivercenter P.O. Box 75142 Cincinnati, Ohio 45275 Contract Counsel 9435 Waterstone Blvd., Suite 140 Cincinnati, Ohio 45241 Contract Counsel 580 South High Street, Suite 210 Columbus, Ohio 43215-5644 Counsel Search Co. 124 North Summit, Suite 305 Toledo, Ohio 43604 Major Legal Services© 510 Park Plaza 1111 Chester Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Project Lawyers 2400 Corporate Exchange Drive Suite 250 Columbus, Ohio 43231 TEL: 614-839-0555 FAX: 614-839-0203 [email protected] www.projectlawyers.com

Robert Half Legal 277 W. Nationwide Blvd #200 Columbus, OH 43215 TEL: (614) 221-1544 FAX: (614) 629-0096 [email protected] www.roberthalflegal.com Robert Half Legal is the premier provider of experienced project and full-time professionals for law firms and corporate legal departments.

The place where people go to look for their next legal job. Post your ad or search our Resume Database today!

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Special Counsel PNC Center 201 East Fifth Street, Suite 1400 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 TEL: (513) 721-4400 FAX: (513) 721-4401 [email protected] specialcounsel.com Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

Special Counsel 50 Public Square 1707 Terminal Tower Cleveland, OH 44113 TEL: (216) 622-2100 FAX: (216) 622-2110 [email protected] specialcounsel.com Special Counsel is the single most comprehensive source of legal workforce solutions across the nation and overseas. We specialize in temporary and direct hire staffing, as well as project management and trial consulting services. Today, more than ever, our clients appreciate the benefits of Special Counsel because we offer superior, world-class solutions. We provide immediate to long-term staffing, project consulting, litigation support, trial preparation, courtroom automation and electronic trial presentation to leading law firms and Fortune 1000 companies. Special Counsel is committed to the highest standards of excellence, and our services are distinguished by uncompromising quality at every level.

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