2009 July Final

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JULY 2009 Newsletter

Salt River Antique Power Association , Inc. JULY 2009

Next Meeting: JULY 16th. at 7:00 pm Meeting Location: We meet at the Spencer County Extension Office located at 66 Spears Drive. To get there, turn right off Hwy 155 between the Country Mart and the Citizens Union Bank on Industrial Blvd in Taylorsville, go one block and turn left on to Spears Drive. Note, this is our quarterly potluck dinner meeting, so bring a dish and join us for some great food, good fellowship and lots of valuable Club information. ==================================================================================================================

2009 Officers

President: Scott LeCompte 502-633-5030

Secretary: Teresa Scherffius 502-244-5279

Vice Pres: Jim Hance 502-220-6016

Treasurer: Steve Scherffius 502-244-5279


Additional thoughts about our meetings for new and prospective members: Our normal meeting night is the 3rd Thursday of the months January through November. We have a Christmas party on a Friday or Saturday night in December in place of that month’s meeting. Our meetings start at 7:30 pm and usually run about one hour. In January, April, July and October, we gather at 7:00 pm for our quarterly dinner before the 7:30 Meeting. ============================================================================ Our sympathy: We are sorry to have to report that Duncan LeCompte is not doing very well but he has come home from the hospital. Also, Kenny Tapp is at home, but not doing very well. Roy Wisehart is still sick, but he is out of the hospital and recovering at home. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of our members that are in poor health. ============================================================================ Harvesting the way they used to do it. From standing wheat through the JD Binder that clips it, gathers it, bundles it and turns it into a pile of work that has to be hand loaded onto the wagon. Club member John Moody runs the binder pulled be Steve Scherffius to make the bundles. The real work begins when members Tom Barber, Steve and Robert Yount load the wagon pulled by George Clements.




Upcoming Events: Oldham County Days with their annual Parade, Tractor Show and Community Festival will be held on Saturday, July 18th. This is a great event that includes a fun parade through downtown LaGrange, a beautiful area on the grounds of the Oldham County History Center for our tractor display, and lots of food vendors that will supply all types of cuisine for our dining satisfaction. We hope to see you there. Gene Crady is our Club member contact for this event at 502-592-0341. Henry County Showcase will be held at the Henry County Fairgrounds in New Castle, Kentucky on July 25th at 9:00am. There will be static displays and a tractor parade around the fairgrounds as well as a band and a lot of farm fresh produce to choose from. Our Contact for this event is Mike Ray, 502-321-7588. Spencer County Fair Tractor Pull will be put on by our Club on July 29th, at 6:00pm at the Spencer County Fair Grounds. Our Club contact is Jimmy Hance at 502-220-6016. As always, Jimmy and his team need your help to make these pulls a success, so come out and lend a hand. It is a lot of fun. Our Club Picnic will be held Sunday, August 9th, at the Finchville Ruritan Club in Finchville, Kentucky. We plan to gather at 2:00pm for a late lunch and socializing. Westport River Daze which includes a parade and tractor show will be held on August 18th at West Port Kentucky on the river. This information is in question at this time. The Robert Yount Antique Farm Machinery Show will be held on August 28th and 29th at the Yount Farm located at 5541 Bethlehem Road, Pleasureville, KY, 1.5 miles north of Bethlehem, KY. This show will feature tractors, steam engines and horses. There will be a host of working displays including haying operations, plowing and disking, the Rock Crusher, a Thrashing Machine, and two working Saw Mills. In preparation for this show, a group of us ran the binders through the wheat field where we cut and bound 3 wagon loads of wheat for the Thrashing Machine to process. We took pictures and video so you will be able to see the whole process. There will also be good food and Bluegrass music Friday night. A special part of event will be the antique Tractor Pull which will include a Steam Engine Pull on Saturday evening. You will not want to miss this! Contact Robert Yount at 502-845-4068 for show information and Reuben Yount at 502-706-0083 for information on the pull. The Brownsboro Festival is a moving target but we now understand that the final dates for the show are Friday August 21st. and Saturday, August 22nd. Our member, Gene Crady is the contact and his cell phone is 502-592-0341. The Lanesville Tractor Show will be held on Thursday, September 10th through Sunday September 13th. Our Club is always well represented at this event. The Jeffersontown, KY Parade will be held on Thursday, September 17th. We will meet at 5:00 pm at the J-Town High School. The Parade starts at 6:00pm. The Taylorsville Homecoming Festival will be held on Saturday, October 3rd. We normally meet at 9:00am for the parade that starts about 10:30am. Salt River Antique Power association has participated in this event for many years bringing 50 to 80 tractors and several hundred participants to support the show. There is some question as to the number of tractors that they plan to allow in the parade this year. If the number is limited to 8 or less as suggested, our Club may not be able to support this event. We will just have to keep you posted.





Membership news: Our Club continues to grow and is now boasting a record 143 members that have already signed up for 2009. As you know, we will accept membership applications anytime throughout the year. We will continue to keep you posted on our progress. ============================================================================

Just as a reminder, dues are $15.00 for the first member in a household, and $5.00 for other family members living at the same mailing address. ============================================================================ 2009 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM NAME (1) ________________________________________________________________________ (2) ________________________________________________________________________ (3) ________________________________________________________________________ (4) ________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________








You may turn this form in with your dues at any regular Club business meeting or you may mail the form with your check for the dues to our Club Treasurer: Steve Scherffius 13000 S. Pope Lick Road Louisville, KY 40299-4600 ============================================================================

A Board meeting has been called by our Chairman of the Board, Roger Cox, for Thursday, July 9th, at 7:30pm. The meeting will be held at the Kentucky Farm Bureau Building. ============================================================================

July 2009


=========================================================================== Our Web Sight: Thanks to our high tech member, Misty Jewel, we have a really fine web sight that has a lot of very useful information about our club. There is a list of upcoming events as well as pictures from past events that you can enjoy. There is also a page on the history of our Club as well as a lot of other related interesting information. Our thanks to Misty for the fine work. The wed address is www.saltriverantiquepower.com. ============================================================================

Closing thoughts: Our Chaplin, Roger Cox has the quote of the day: “Hope never dies where faith is strong, and faith grows strong in the pressure of hope”. That is a quote from Chad Witmeyer. It is hard to know about everyone that may be in poor health or have a special need in a Club of this size. So please try to pass along any concerns to Roger or one of the Officers so that we may get the word out. If you have any information for Roger, or need his service, feel free to contact Roger at: Cell 502-210-3159

or e-mail Roger at

[email protected].

============================================================================ Collecting correct information for the Newsletter is a never ending job. With the number of members that we have and with the fact that these members are located all over Kentucky and Southern Indiana, we should be able to know about every tractor related show that is going on. So PLEASE do your part, and keep us informed. You can e-mail us at [email protected] (Use “Tractor info” as the Subject) or you are welcome to call and leave a message at 502-244-5279. ============================================================================ Just a reminder, the Newsletter paper and printing are furnished by Bill French and his company Budget Print and Copy Center. Bill has been printing our newsletter for the past two years and we appreciate his willingness to donate this service to our club. If you have any printing needs, please give Bill and his team a call at 502-499-1517. ============================================================================ Please note: Scott LeCompte has set up an e-mail system to notify members about upcoming events. If you are not already receiving these notices, and you would like to be in the loop, please forward your e-mail address to Scott at

[email protected]

or call Scott at 502-321-0060


Newsletter Contributions may be submitted via e-mail: Please include Salt River Power in subject text,

[email protected] or call Teresa Scherffius at 502-244-5279


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