2009 Calendar Scrbd

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2009 Catholic Calendar Made in conformity with the laws of the Only Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church by His Holiness Pope Michael. These laws vary from the Antichurch of Vatican II, called the Pog or People Of God Church in one of the Vatican II documents. This Antichurch has removed many Catholic feasts, moved a few others and retained only a mere skeleton of the Catholic Calendar that has evolved under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. In fact, the Pog Church has renamed the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit, but that is another story. This calendar retains the spirit of fasting that began after the Ascension by the Apostles. And Jesus said to them: Can the children of the bridegroom mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then they shall fast. (Matthew 9:15) The Pog Church has eliminated fasting completely and so reduced abstinence to be a joke. In fact, many in that church do not even abstain on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent as obliged by the laws of their church. Catholics were derogatorily called fish-eaters, because they abstained from meat on all Fridays of the year. This, of it self, proves that the Pog Church of Vatican II is not Catholic, because a practice which goes back tot eh time of the Apostles has been cast aside! Although they claim to have returned to ancient practices, how many ancient practices have been totally ignored. Do they begin the observance of the Lord’s Day the evening before and remain all night in church as the early Christians did? We pray that this calendar will help Catholics to live the Catholic way of life, beginning by observing the feasts and fasts of the Catholic Church in a holy manner. Pope Michael

January 2009 Lord’s Day

Feria 2

Feria 3

Feria 4

Feria 5 1 Circumcision of Our Lord Holyday of Obligation 8 Ferial Day

4 Holy Name of Jesus

5 Ferial Day

6 Epiphany of Our Lord

7 Ferial Day

11 Holy Family

12 Ferial Day

13 Baptism of Our Lord

14 Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

15 Saint Paul, the First Hermit

18 Second Lord’s Day after Epiphany

19 Commemoration of Saints Marius and companions, martyrs and St.Canute, King 26 Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr

20 Saint Fabian, Pope and Saint Sebastian, martyrs

21 Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr

22 Saints Vincent and Anastasius, Martyrs

27 Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

28 Saint Peter Nolasco, Confessor

29 Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop

Unity Octave 25 Third Lord’s Day after Epiphany Unity Octave

Feria 6 2 Ferial Day

Abstinence 9 Ferial Day

Abstinence 16 Saint Marcellus I, Pope and Martyr Abstinence 23 St Raymond of Pennafort, conf, com. St. Emerentiana Abstinence 30 Saint Martina, Virgin and Martyr Abstinence

Sabbath 3 Our Lady on Saturday

10 Our Lady on Saturday

17 Saint Anthony, Abbot

24 Saint Timothy, Bishop and Martyr 31 Saint John Bosco, Confessor

February 2009 Lord’s Day 1 Fourth Lord’s Day after Epiphany

Feria 2 2 Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary

8 Septuagesima Sunday Com. St. Matha

9 Saint Cyril, Bishop and Doctor, com.. St. Appolonia 16 Ferial day

15 Sexagesima Sunday com.. Sts. Faustina and Jovita 22 Quinquagesima Sunday Com.. St. Peter’s Chair at Antioch

23 Saint Peter Damian, Bishop and Confessor

Feria 3 3 Commemoration of Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr 10 Saint Scholastica, Virgin 17 Ferial day

24 Saint Matthias, Apostle

Feria 4 4 Saint Andrew Corsini, Bishop

Feria 5 5 Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr

11 Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lourdes

12 Seven Holy Founders of the Servites

18 Commemoration of Saint Simeon, Bishop and Martyr 25 Ash Wednesday Fast & Abstinence

19 Ferial day

26 Ferial day


Feria 6 6 Saint Titus, Bishop Abstinence 13 Ferial day Abstinence 20 Ferial day Abstinence 27 Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Confessor Fast & Abstinence

Sabbath 7 Saint Romuald, Abbot 14 Our Lady on Saturday, com.. St. Valentine 21 Our Lady on Saturday 28 Ferial day


Note: all days of Lent are Fast days. 1. On days of Fast, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals may be taken according to one’s needs; but together they should not equal another full meal. 2. On days of Partial Abstinence, meat and soup or gravy from meat may be taken once a day at the principal meal, even by those not obliged to fast. 3. On days of complete abstinence, no meat or meat soup or gravy may be taken. See chart on last page. The world takes no notice of Lent. People go to the butchers like dogs. (Our Lady of La Salette) Note well that fast and abstiencen laws of the Catholic Church bind under pain of mortal sin.

March 2009 Lord’s Day 1 First Lord’s Day in Lent

8 Second Lord’s Day in Lent Com.. St. John of God 15 Third Lord’s Day in Lent 22 Fourth Lord’s Day in Lent 29 Passion Sunday

Feria 2 2 Ferial day

Feria 3 3 Ferial day

Fast 9 Saint Frances of Rome, Widow

Fast 10 Ferial com.. the Forty Martyrs Fast

Fast 16 Ferial day

17 Saint Patrick, Bishop

Fast 23 Ferial day

Fast * 24 Saint Gabriel, Archangel

Fast 30 Ferial day Fast

Fast 31 Ferial day Fast

Feria 4 4 Ember Wednesday com. St. Casimir & St. Lucius Fast & Partial Abstinence 11 Ferial day Fast 18 Saint Cyril, Bishop and Doctor Fast 25 Annunciation of Blessed Virgin Mary Fast

Feria 5 5 Ferial day

Fast 12 Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor Fast 19 Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary Fast 26 Ferial day Fast

Feria 6 6 Saints Perpetua and Felicitas, Martyrs Ember Friday Fast & Abstinence 13 Ferial day Fast & Abstinence 20 Ferial day Fast & Abstinence 27 Saint John Damacene, Doctor Fast & Abstinence

Sabbath 7 Saint Thomas Aquinas, Doctor Ember Saturday Fast & Partial Abstinence 14 Ferial day Fast 21 Saint Benedict, Abbot Fast 28 Saint John of Capistran, Confessor Fast

* In the United States an immemorial custom sanctioned by the Bishops about a century ago permits omitting the abstinence on this day.

April 2009 Lord’s Day

5 Palm Sunday 12 Easter

Feria 2

6 Monday in Holy Week Fast 13 Easter Monday

Feria 3

7 Tuesday in Holy Week Fast 14 Easter Tuesday

Feria 4 1 Ferial day Fast 8 Wednesday in Holy Week Fast 15 Easter Wednesday

Feria 5 2 Saint Francis of Paula, Confessor Fast 9 Holy Thursday Fast 16 Easter Thursday

19 Low Sunday

20 Ferial day

21 Saint Anselm, Bishop and Doctor

22 Saints Soter and Caius, Martyrs

23 Saint George, Martyr

26 Second Lord’s Day after Easter com.. Sts. Cletus and Marcellinus

27 Saint Peter Canisius, Doctor

28 Saint Paul of the Cross, Confessor, com. St. Vitalis, Martyr

29 Saint Peter, Martyr

30 Saint Catherine of Sienna, Virgin

Feria 6 3 Ferial day Fast & Abstinence 10 Good Friday Fast & Abstinence 17 Easter Friday Abstinence 24 Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Martyr Abstinence

Sabbath 4 Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor Fast 11 Holy Saturday Fast until midnight * 18 Easter Saturday 25 Saint Mark the Evangelist Major Litanies

* In 1955, Pope Pius XII extended the fast of Lent until Midnight on Holy Saturday. Pope Michael has granted a privilege to all visible members of the Catholic Church to end the Fast of Lent at Noon on Holy Saturday, provided they have renewed their Baptismal promises. No one else may presume this permission, and the law of fasting obliges under pain of mortal sin.

May 2009 Lord’s Day

Feria 2

Feria 3

Feria 4

Feria 5

3 Finding of the Holy Cross, com. 3rd Lord’s Day after Easter

4 Saint Monica, Widow

5 Saint Pius V, Pope

6 Saint John before the Latin Gate

7 Saint Stanislaus, Bishop

10 Fourth Lord’s Day after Easter com.. St. Antoninus 17 Fifth Lord’s Day after Easter com.. St. Paschal Baylon

11 Saints Philip and James, Apostles transferred from May 1 18 Saint Venantius, Martyr

Rogation Monday * 24 25 Sixth Lord’s Day Saint Gregory after Easter VII, Pope

12 Saints Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla and Pancras, Martyrs 19 Saint Peter Celestine, Pope com. St. Pudentia *

13 Saint Robert Bellarmine, Bishop and Doctor 20 Vigil of the Ascension com.. St. Bernadine of Sienna *

26 Saint Philip Neri, Confessor com.. St. Eleutherius

27 Saint Bede the Venerable, Confessor com. St. John I, Pope

Feria 6 1 Saint Joseph the Workman Abstinence 8 Apparition of Saint Michael

Abstinence 14 15 Commemoration Saint John of Saint Baptist de la Boniface, Martyr Salle, Confessor Abstinence 21 22 Ascension of our Ferial day Lord Jesus Christ Holyday of Obligation Abstinence 28 29 Saint Augustine, Saint Mary Bishop and Magdalene de Confessor Pazzi, Virgin Abstinence

31 Pentecost * On the Rogation Days all who are obliged to recite the Divine Office are obliged to recite the Litany of Saints.

Sabbath 2 Saint Athanasius, Doctor 9 Saint Gregory Nanzianzen, Bishop and Doctor 16 Our Lady on Saturday com.. St. Ubald 23 Our Lady on Saturday

30 Vigil of Pentecost Fast & Partial Abstinence

June 2009 Lord’s Day

Feria 2 1 Pentecost Monday

Feria 3 2 Pentecost Tuesday

Feria 4 3 Ember Wednesday Fast & Partial Abstinence 10 Saint Margaret, Queen

Feria 5 4 Pentecost Thursday

18 Saint Ephraem, Deacon, Doctor com. Sts. Mark and Marcellian

7 Trinity Sunday

8 Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary transferred from May 31

9 Commemoration of Saints Primus and Felician, Martyrs

14 Second Lord’s Day After Pentecost Com. St. Basil

15 Commemoration of Saint Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia, Martyrs 22 Saint Paulinus, Confessor

16 Ferial day

17 Ferial day

23 Ferial day

24 25 Birthday of Saint Saint William, John the Baptist Abbot

29 Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

30 Commemoration of Saint Paul

21 Third Lord’s Day after Pentecost com. St. Aloysius Gonzaga 28 Fourth Lord’s Day after Pentecost com. St. Irenaeus

11 Corpus Christi Com. St. Barnabas, Apostle

Feria 6 5 Ember Friday

Sabbath 6 Ember Saturday

Fast & Abstinence 12 Saint John of Facundus, Confessor, com.. Sts. Babilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius Abstinence 19 Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Fast & Partial Abstinence 13 Saint Anthony of Padua, Doctor

Abstinence 26 Saints John and Paul, Martyrs Abstinence

20 Our Lady on Saturday com. St. Silverius 27 Our Lady on Saturday

July 2009 Lord’s Day

Feria 2

Feria 3

5 Fifth Lord’s Day after Pentecost Com. St. Antony Mary Zaccaria

6 Ferial day

7 Saints Cyril and Methodius, Bishops

12 13 Sixth Lord’s Day Saint Anacletus, after Pentecost Pope and Martyr com. St. John Gualbert 19 Seventh Lord’s Day after Pentecost com. St. Vincent de Paul 26 Saint Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary com. 8th Lord’s Day

14 Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor

Feria 4 1 Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ 8 Saint Elizabeth, Queen

Feria 5 2 Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Feria 6 3 Saint Leo II, Pope Abstinence

Sabbath 4 All Holy Popes

9 Ferial day

11 Our Lady on Saturday com.. Saint Pius I

15 Saint Henry, Emperor

16 Our Lady of Mount Carmel 19th Anniversary of the election of Pope Michael 23 Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr com. St. Liborius 30 Commemoration of Saint Abdon and Senne, Martyrs

10 Seven Holy Brothers and Sts. Rufina and Secunda, Martyrs Abstinence 17 Saint Alexius, Confessor

20 Saint Jerome Emiliani, Confessor com. St. Margaret

21 Commemoration of Saint Praxedes, Virgin

22 Saint Mary Magdalene, Pentitent

27 Commemoration of Saint Pantaleon

28 Saints Nazarius and Celsus, Pope Victor I and Pope Innocent I,

29 Saint Martha, Virgin com. Sts. Felix II, Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrice

Abstinence 24 Commemoration of Saint Cristina, Virgin and Martyr Abstinence 31 Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Confessor Abstinence

18 Saint Camillus de Lellis, Confessor com. Sts. Symphrosa & her seven sons 25 Saint James, Apostle, com. St. Christopher

August 2009 Lord’s Day

Feria 2

Feria 3

Feria 4

Feria 5

Feria 6

2 Ninth Lord’s Day after Pentecost com. St. Alphonsus

3 Finding of the Body of Saint Stephen

4 Saint Dominic, Confessor

5 Dedication of the Church of Our Lady of the Snows

6 Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ

7 Saint Cajetan, Confessor com. St. Donatus Abstinence

9 Tenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost com. St. John Vianney 16 Saint Joachim com. 11th Lord’s Day after Pentecost

10 Saint Lawrence, Martyr

11 Commemoration of Sts Tiburtius and Susanna, Martyrs 18 Commemoration of Saint Agapitus, Martyr

12 Saint Clare, Virgin

13 Commemoration of Saints Hippolytus and Cassian, Martyrs 20 Saint Bernard, Abbot

23 Twelfth Lord’s Day after Pentecost

24 Saint Bartholomew, Apostle

25 Saint Louis, King

26 Commemoration of Saint Zephyrinus, Pope and Martyr

14 Vigil of the Assumption com. St. Eusebius Fast & Abstinence 21 Saint Jane Frances Fremiot de Chantal, Widow Abstinence 28 Saint Augustine, Bishop and Confessor com. St. Hermes Abstinence

30 Thirteenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost

31 Saint Raymond Nonatus, Confessor

31st is also Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne

17 Saint Hyacinth, Confessor

19 Saint John Eudes, Confessor

27 Saint Joseph Calasanctius, Confessor

Sabbath 1 Saint Peter’s Chains com. Maccabees 8 Our Lady on Saturday com. Sts. Cyriacus, Largus & Smaragdus

15 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Holyday of Obligation 22 Immaculate Heart of Mary com. Sts. Timothy, Hippolytus and Symphronian 29 Beheading of Saint John the Baptist com. St. Sabina

September 2009 Lord’s Day

Feria 2

Feria 3 1 Commemoration of Saint Giles, Abbot and the 12 Holy Brothers 8 Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Feria 4 2 Saint Stephen, King

Feria 5 3 Saint Pius X, Pope

6 Fourteenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost

7 Ferial day

9 Commemoration of Saint Gorgonius, Martyr

10 Saint Nicholas of Tolentino

13 Fifteenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost

14 Exaltation of the Holy Cross

15 Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary com. St. Nicomedes

17 Stigmata of Saint Francis

21 Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist

22 Saint Thomas of Villanova, Confessor com. Sts. Maurice & Companions 29 Dedication of Saint Michael the Archangel

16 Ember Wednesday Com. St. Cornelius & companions Fast and Partial Abstinence 23 Saint Linus Pope and Martyr, com. St. Thecla

20 Sixteenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost com. Sts. Eustace and Companions 27 Seventeenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost com. Sts. Cosmas and Damian

28 Saint Wenceslaus, Duke

24 Our Lady of Ransom

Feria 6 4 Ferial day Abstinence 11 Commemoration of Saints Protus and Hyacinth, Martyrs Abstinence 18 Saint Joseph of Cupertino, Confessor Ember Friday Fast & Abstinence 25 Ferial day

Abstinence 30 Saint Jerome, Doctor

Sabbath 5 Our Lady on Saturday com. St. Lawrence Justinian 12 Holy Name of Mary

19 Saints Januarius and Companions, Martyrs Ember Saturday Fast & Partial Abstinence 26 Our Lady on Saturday, com. Sts. Cyprian and Justina

October 2009 Lord’s Day

Feria 2

Feria 3

Feria 4

4 Eighteenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost com. Saint Francis of Assisi

5 Commemoration of Saints Placid and Companions

6 Saint Bruno, Confessor

7 Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary com. St. Mark

11 Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary com. 19th Lord’s Day 18 Saint Luke the Evangelist com. 20th Lord’s Day

12 Ferial day

13 Mary, Mediatrix of Graces com. St. Edward the Confessor

14 Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr

25 Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, com. 21st Lord’s Day

19 Saint Peter of Alcantara, Confessor 26 Commemoration of Saint Evaristus, Pope and Martyr

20 Saint John Cantius, Confessor 27 Ferial day

21 Commemoration of Saints Hilarion, Ursula and Companions 28 Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles

Feria 5 1 Commemoration of Saint Remigius, Bishop 8 Saint Bridget, Widow

Feria 6 2 Holy Guardian Angels

15 Saint Teresa, Virgin

Abstinence 9 Saint John Leonard, Confessor com. Sts. Denis, Rusticus & Eleutherius Abstinence 16 Saint Hedwig, Widow

22 Ferial day

Abstinence 23 Ferial day

29 Ferial day

Abstinence 30 Ferial day Abstinence

Sabbath 3 Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus, Virgin 10 Our Lady on Saturday com. St. Francis Borgia

17 Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

24 Saint Raphael the Archangel 31 Vigil of All Saints Fast & Partial Abstinence

November Lord’s Day Feria 2 1 2 All Saints Day All Souls Day Com. 22nd Lord’s Day

Feria 3 3 Ferial Day

8 Twenty-Third Lord’s Day after Pentecost Com. Four Crowned Martyrs

9 Dedication of the Archbasilica of Our Saviour (St. John Lateran)

15 Twenty Fourth Lord’s Day after Pentecost (6th after Epiphany) Com. Saint Albert the Great 22 Last Lord’s Day After Pentecost Com. St. Caecilia 29 First Lord’s Day of Advent Com St. Saturninus

16 Saint Gertrude, Virgin

10 Saint Andrew Avellino, Confessor, Com. Sts. Tryphon, Respicius and Nympha 17 Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus, Bishop

23 Saint Clement I, Pope and Martyr Com. St. Felicitas 30 Saint Andrew, Apostle

24 Saint John of the Cross, Confessor Com. St. Chyrsogonus

Feria 4 4 Saint Charles Cardinal Borromeo, Bishop 11 Saint Martin, Bishop

Feria 5 5 Ferial Day

Feria 6 6 Ferial Day

12 Saint Martin I, Pope and Martyr

Abstinence 13 Saint Didacus, Confessor

18 Dedication of the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul

19 Saint Elizabeth, Widow

25 Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr

26 Saint Sylvester, Abbot Com. St. Peter of Alexandria

Abstinence 20 Saint Felix of Valois, Confessor Abstinence 27 Ferial Day Abstinence

Sabbath 7 Our Lady on Saturday 14 Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr

21 Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

28 Our Lady on Saturday

December 2009 Lord’s Day

Feria 2

Feria 3 1 Ferial Day

Feria 4 2 Ferial Day Com. St. Bibiana

Feria 5 3 Saint Francis Xavier, Confessor

6 Second Lord’s Day in Advent Com. St. Nicholas

7 Saint Ambrose, Com. Vigil of the Immaculate Conception Fast & Abstinence 14 Ferial Day

8 Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Holyday of Obligation 15 Ferial Day

9 Ferial Day

10 Ferial Day Com. St. Melchiades

Feria 6 4 Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bishop, Com. St. Barbara Abstinence 11 Ferial Day Com. St. Damasus I

17 Ferial Day

Abstinence 18 Ember Friday

13 Third Lord’s Day in Advent Com. St. Lucy 20 Fourth Lord’s Day in Advent

21 Saint Thomas the Apostle

22 Ferial Day in America St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

27 Saint John the Evangelist

28 Holy Innocents

29 Saint Thomas of Canterbury, Bishop and Martyr

16 Ember Wednesday Com. St. Eusebius Fast & Partial Abstinence 23 Ferial Day

30 Sunday After the Nativity

24 Vigil of the Nativity of Our Lord Fast and Abstinence 31 Saint Sylvester I, Pope

Fast and Abstinence 25 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ Holyday of Obligation

Sabbath 5 Ferial Day Com. St. Sabbas

12 Ferial Day In America Our Lady of Guadalupe 19 Ember Saturday Fast & Partial Abstinence 26 Saint Stephen the First Martyr

Days of Fast and Abstinence Persons

Under 7 Over 7 and under 21; or over 59 Over 21 and under 59

Fast only

Fast and Total Abstinence

Abstinence only All Fridays, except those with more obligations

No fast or abstinence

Fridays of Lent; Ash Wednesday; Vigils of Immaculate Conception and the Nativity No fast or abstinence

No fast or abstinence

No Fast, Meat once

No Fast, No Meat

No fast or abstinence No Fast, No Meat

Fast, Meat Once

Fast, meat Once

Fast, No Meat

No Fast, No Meat

All weekdays of Lent, including Holy Saturday: except Ash Wednesday; Fridays; Ember Wednesday and Saturday No fast or abstinence

Fast and Partial Abstinence Ember Wednesday and Saturday; Vigils of Pentecost and All Saints

1. On days of Fast, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals may be taken according to one’s needs; but together they should not equal another full meal. 2. On days of Partial Abstinence, meat and soup or gravy from meat may be taken once a day at the principal meal, even by those not obliged to fast. 3. On days of complete abstinence, no meat or meat soup or gravy may be taken. 4. Those not obliged to fast may eat meat several times on fast days which are not abstinence days of any kind. Prepared by Pope Michael for use in the United States. Please customize to the fast, abstinence and holyday laws of your own nation. Box 74 Delia, KS 66418-0074 USA www.vaticaninexile.com

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