Maxims Of Saint Teresa

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  • Words: 1,258
  • Pages: 4
Maxims of Saint Teresa From Minor Works of St. Teresa, 1913 1. MANS mind is like good ground which, left untitled, grows thorns and thistles. 2. Always speak well of spiritual persons, such as religious, priests and hermits. 3. Talk little when with many people. 4. Be modest in all your words and actions. 5. Never contend much, especially about trifles. 6. Speak with quiet cheerfulness to everyone. 7. Never ridicule anything. 8. Correct others prudently, humbly and with selfabasement. 9. Accommodate yourself to everyone’ s humour: be cheerful with the happy, grave with the sad,—in short, be all to all, that you may win all. 10. Think before you speak, recommending your words earnestly to our Lord that you may say nothing displeasing to Him. 11. Never excuse yourself except in grave matters. 12. On no account mention anything to your own credit, such as learning, good points or lineage, except with the hope of doing some good by it: then, speak humbly, remembering that such things are Gods gift. 13. Do not exaggerate, but state your opinion humbly. 14. Introduce religious topics into all your talk and interviews, which will prevent idle gossip and detraction. 15. Never affirm anything of the truth of which you are uncertain. 16. Unless charity requires, do not obtrude your opinion unasked. 17. Listen humbly as a learner to religious conversation, and take care to profit by it. 18. Obtain advice and help respecting your temptations, faults and aversions by revealing them candidly to your superior and confessor. 1

19. Remain in your cell: do not leave it without good cause, and then beg God for grace not to offend Him. 20. Do not eat or drink except at meal times and then give God fervent thanks. 21. It is a great help to the soul to perform all your actions as if you saw God present. 22. Listen to or speak ill of no one but yourself: when the latter becomes a pleasure, you are making good progress. 23. Perform all your actions for God; offer them to Him, begging Him that they may promote His honour and glory. 24. Do not laugh immoderately when you feel cheerful: let your gaiety be humble, modest, genial and edifying. 25. Look upon yourself as the servant of all: see Christ in others and you will show them respect and reverence. 26. Obey as promptly as if Jesus Christ Himself spoke through your prioress or superior. 27. Examine your conscience in all your actions and at all times, endeavouring by the grace of God to amend the failings you discover: thus you will attain perfection. 28. Do not reflect on other peoples faults, but on their virtues and your own defects. 29. Desire with all your heart to suffer for Christ on every occasion and in every way. 30. Offer yourself fifty times a day to God with great fervour and longing for Him. 31. Be most careful to keep your morning meditation before your mind throughout the day, for it is most helpful. 32. Be mindful of the sentiments with which our Lord inspires you during prayer, and act upon the desires He then gives you. 33. As far as possible avoid singularity, which is a great evil in communities. 34. Read your Constitutions and Rule frequently, and observe them strictly. 35. Recognise the providence and wisdom of God in all created things, and praise Him for them. 36. Detach your heart from all things; seek God, and you will find Him. 2

37. Never show outwardly devotion which you do not feel, but you need tell no one which devotions do not appeal to you. 38. If possible avoid revealing your interior devotion. My secret is for myself, said St. Francis and St. Bernard. 39. Do not discuss your food and whether it is well or badly cooked. Remember the gall and vinegar of Jesus Christ 40. Never speak at meals nor raise your eyes to look at any one 41. Think of the heavenly banquet and its food, which is God Himself, and of the guests, who are the angels; raise your mind to that feast and long to be there. 42. Never speak in the presence of your superior,—in whom you must see Jesus Christ,—without need, or without deep reverence. 43. Do nothing that the whole world might not see. 44. Never compare people with one another: it is odious. 45. Receive reprimands with interior and outward humility and pray for your admonisher. 46. If one superior gives you some order, do not object that you have received a contrary command from another authority, but obey, believing that they both acted from a good motive. 47. Do not evince curiosity by talking and asking questions about matters which do not concern you. 48. Keep in mind your past life and present tepidity, to obtain repentance; discover why you are unfit for heaven: you will thus live in fear, the source of great blessings. 49. Always accede to your sisters' requests, unless contrary to obedience; answer them humbly and gently. 50. Ask for no special food nor clothing without absolute necessity. 51. Never cease to humble and mortify yourself in every way as long as you live. 52. Accustom yourself to make frequent acts of love, which inflame and melt the soul. 53. Make acts of all the other virtues. 54. Offer all things to the Eternal Father in union with the merits of His Son Jesus Christ. 55. Be indulgent to others, rigorous to yourself. 3

56. On the feasts of any Saint, think of his virtues and ask God to give them to you. 57. Be very careful about your nightly examination of conscience. 58. Consider during your morning prayer before Holy Communion that, miserable as you are, you are to receive God, and at night reflect that you have received Him. 59. No superior should give a correction while angry, but should wait until she feels calm, when her reproof may be beneficial. 60. Strive earnestly for perfection and devotion, performing all your actions by their aid. 61. Cultivate the fear of God, which makes the soul contrite and humble. 62. Remember how soon men change and how little one can trust them, and cling closely to God Who never changes 63. Treat of your soul with a spiritual and learned confessor and follow his advice in everything. 64. Whenever you receive Holy Communion beg some gift from God for the sake of His great mercy in visiting your poor soul. 65. However numerous may be your Patron Saints, always rank St. Joseph first, for he has great power with God. 66. When sad or troubled do not omit your accustomed prayers or penances, which the devil is then striving to make you leave off. Pray and mortify yourself more than usual and you will find that God will soon come to your aid. 67. Do not discuss your temptations and faults with the least advanced in the house, which would harm you both, but confide them to the holiest among your sisters. 68. Remember you have but one soul; you will die but once; you have only one life, which is short, and which you must live on your own account; there is only one heaven, which lasts for ever,—this will make you indifferent to many things. 69. Desire to see God; fear to lose Him; grieve to be so far from Him; rejoice to be brought near Him,—thus you will live in profound peace. 4

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