Jeannette Boy's Basketball Open House Fundraiser . at Johnathan Michael's Boutique
You are invited! Join us November 11th through November 14th Monday-Friday 10-5:30 Thursday 10-7 Satu rday1 0-3 --
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at Johnathan Michael's Boutique Route 30, Jeannette 724-523-0722 Shop with Johnathan Michael's Boutique on the above days, and they will donate 20% back to Jeannette Boy's Basketball team. What a great way to support our school and enjoy the wonderful products that Johnathan Michael's Boutique has to offer. If you like Vera Bradley, Brighton, Pandora, children's clothing and more ... then you will have no problem enjoying a great experience and awesome products while helping our team raise money. 1. Choose your day that suits you 2. Purchase anything at Johnathan Michael's Boutique (excluding clearance) . 3. At the check-out provide this invitation 4. Credit will be applied to our team 5. Special orders are welcome 6. Cash, Check •. C.C. accepted 7. Bring a friend 8. Give an invitation to your family" friends
Any questions ... Johnathan Michael's Boutique 724-523;'0722-Jane
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: Date you attended: : Guest Name:
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