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Health Around FLoree! cal © ! Your Corner Magazine

Natural Living Alternatives in North Texas May/June 2007 • Vol. 2, No. 3 • Issue No. 9

Healthier Choices for City & Country Life Tips for Handling & Enjoying Greens ~ 2 More Water & Water Features ~ 2 Organic Guide to Plant & Pet Pests ~ 4 Paddling Through the Years ~ 8 Drooling Horses ~ 10 Let’s Talk About Arthritis ~ 13 The Rusty Hinge Story ~ 14 Healthcare, Democracy, The Healer, and Us ~ 15 Thermography Center Finds Unsuspected Polyps ~ 16

Why Are We Losing Our Minds?...p.6

Keep Your Energy Flowing ~ 18 Q&A With Biological Dentist ~ 19 Over 35? Bella Spa Diva Skin Care ~ 20 Optimal Pre-Natal Nutrition ~ 23 Vitamin C & Cancer ~ 24 Nutritional Brain Support ~ 26 Signs of Poor Health Self-Test ~28 Melamine & Food Safety ~ 33 Thermography & Breast Cancer ~ 37 CLASSIFIEDS! ~ 39


Tips for Handling & Enjoying Fresh Greens! It’s now the season for fresh greens in North Texas, but when the heat arrives they will be short lived, so let’s enjoy their taste and high nutrition while we can! The more sturdy greens such as collards, reens of all kinds are less likely to wilt when picked in the morning, kale and chard are easy to crisp up if they especially the tender lettuce leaves, become wilted. The smaller leaves can be so let’s harvest them first. When the plants soaked in water for 10 minutes or so and are 5” to 8” tall, gather leaves gently in one washed the same as lettuce. Lettuce tends by Melody hand and cut with scissors, leaving an inch to get water logged if soaked and doesn’t McCullough crisp up like the sturdier greens, so don’t or so to grow back. Tim & Melody The best way to wash greens is to float in try this with lettuce. Larger leaves can be a basin or bowl of clean water and agitate crisped by cutting about an inch of the stems down on medium high heat, stirring now and to loosen soil from leaves. Put them in a and setting in water like a bunch of flowers. then. Olive oil works fine for this dish, or strainer and draw more clean water and They take up the water and become crisp try toasted sesame oil or even butter if you repeat. It takes at least 3 rounds and maybe again, making them easier to chop for dare. Add any desired seasonings such as more, if after a rain. Run your hand to the cooking. They’ll stay fresh for 2 weeks and garlic powder (if you haven’t used fresh), paprika, cayenne pepper, black pepper, fresh bottom of the basin and, if you don’t feel maybe longer. Salads can be made with endless or dried herbs of your choice, and salt. I like sand, you’re finished. A final rinse under running water and then a round in the salad combinations of your favorites from any raw to add chopped, roasted red bell pepper (you spinner and you’re ready to bag and vegetables to walnuts to boiled eggs, but my can buy these whole in the jar), or chop fresh refrigerate. This makes salad-making time personal favorite is cooked beets with fresh red bell pepper and sauté with onion and a breeze and the greens should last from 7 minced ginger topped with the juice of a garlic. When cooked to desired tenderness, days to 2 weeks, depending on refrigerator fresh orange and a drizzle of olive oil. A add either pepper vinegar, rice vinegar, simple salad can be enjoyed with just lettuce lemon juice or even pickle juice and you’ve temperature, 36° being ideal for lettuce. got a really healthy and delicious dish. They tossed with cottage cheese ~ delicious! Braising greens is simple as well. While can also be boiled or steamed in which case WOLF CREEK FARMS sautéing onions and garlic, stack or bunch you don’t need to cut so finely. Just stack the leaves and roll tightly, then slice thinly up and cut into about 2” pieces. I like mine (¼” to ½”) with a large knife. Run the knife well done, but I know the less they are Find Wolf Creek Farms certified organic through the opposite direction a couple cooked the more nutritious they are, and produce at Cupboard Natural Foods in Denton, R&C Dairy in Collinsville, and times to make the strips shorter (3” or 4” many prefer them that way. Do your own Texoma Wellness Co-op in Whitesboro. long). Add the greens to skillet and cook thing, but just do it!


Texoma Landscapes & Garden Center • Denison • 903-465-5456

More Water

by Jonathan Castro

How should you go about getting, creating or finding that special water feature? Call Jonathan Castro, an organic specialist who has been building aquatic water features for over 15 years. here there is water, there is life. by focusing on two types of water features, filter. Secondly, the pond should look natural It’s one of those absolutes of life. I have been able to adapt my waterfalls to and be natural. This is accomplished with So, having come out of a drought almost any environment. I built a waterfall beautiful stone that makes you say, “Wow!” I have a couple of ways to keep water last year, and with record rains as of late, in a bar/dance hall near Willis Bridge two years ago. gardening quite simple to enjoy. First of all, why more water? The factors that play into low maintenance aquatic plants keep the water crystal clear In a garden, the sound and sight of a waterfall is special. We all want to have a are all based on having a balance with because the root systems feed off natural special space where we can go to be at nature. Water needs to be moved with an nitrates, waste materials from fish and birds, peace, to just “chill out,” or to share with electric pump, contained with an EPDM and particulate matter found in the air. The that special someone. And, if we build it, liner in order not to leak, and filtered, as if balance of plants filtering your water feature copying the Everglades with a wetland type is very important. With our extreme summer God’s creatures will come. temperatures, it is very important to have Maintenance and upkeep? I have a 90/10 enough plants to keep your pond or waterfall rule for my water gardens and pondless in balance. Second, air-blown debris always waterfalls. “You should be able to enjoy your water feature 90% of the time with 10% (continued on pg. 5) maintenance or labor.” See Jonathan every Thursday on ChanHow is that possible? Quite simply by nel 12 Morning Show between 6 and 7 using Aquascape products out of Botavia, a.m. Go to and find videos of past programs at Illinois, I have been able to reproduce Texoma Gardening icon. He is totally ornature-friendly creations that are easy to ganic and known for his innovative waenjoy and genuinely easy to maintain. And, ter features.



Health Around Your Corner Magazine Published by Schloss Dasfels L.P. P.O. Box 580 Tioga, Texas 76271 1-888-642-0249 Letters to the Editor [email protected] Advertising Information [email protected] Editor S. A. Cranfill Business Manager B. D. Cranfill Advertising Sales Jean Heney Dallas Distribution & Sales Merrily Smith Web Site Pam Morrisson Layout Assistant Pam Morrisson Published bimonthly and designed for readers and advertisers in North Texas.

Distributed FREE of charge. Also available ON LINE. Printed in Gainesville by Texoma Web Offset Printing Copyright 2007 Schloss Dasfels L.P.

HAYC reserves the right to refuse any advertising we deem inappropriate for this publication. HAYC also reserves the right to edit all materials published herein. Article contributions are from advertisers only. Advertisers will approve all final drafts of their own ads, articles, or interviews prior to publication. HAYC is a medium of communication between you and your area’s natural health and product providers. HAYC provides useful information to help you make your own informed choices. Advertisers and contributors are responsible for their own claims or opinions. HAYC does not endorse practitioners or products. Contributors may answer general questions, but nothing in HAYC will constitute personal medical advice.

From the Editor’s Desk Alert-itis?


ost of us are so busy ~ even over whelmed ~ with the demands of day-to-day living, that we just don’t take time to read about urgent issues and email, write, or call legislators. And it seems that lately, the fire bell has been ringing incessantly ~ enough to give us “alert-itis.” Of course, that’s how “the other side” wins, with persistent attacks that wear us down. Health freedom is a never-ending issue on many fronts. Bio-identical hormones and the very existence of compounding pharmacies are under ongoing attack. Texas dieticians continue to lobby to license nutritional counseling only to them and medical doctors, while the FDA wants to classify supplements, etc., as drugs or medical devices, putting naturopaths, health food stores, and wellness clinics at risk. Concerns for food safety may put raw nuts, and fresh produce in danger of chemical treatment or some type of pasteurization or irradiation. Legislation may increase the ability to obscure or withhold vital labeling information. Organic standards continue to be watered down. Terminology is tricky. What does “cage free” really mean? The mind-boggling National Animal Identification System (NAIS) continues to be a threat, and the Texas Governor’s office is doing an end run around the Trans Texas Corridors moratorium. The war against dirty coal plants is not over. Many more important issues are vying for our time, energy, and money. Thankfully, it seems there are always those special individuals who make great personal sacrifices to lead the fight against one issue or another. We certainly salute them all.

HAYC will try to do its small part, keeping the fire bells ringing to keep you alerted and informed. We’ve added pertinent health headlines to our web home page. We’re increasing dynamic content. Check it out at! And here’s to those who fight the good fight in so many arenas.

Interesting Individuals Jean Heney and I met two very interesting individuals recently. Josh Christian is originally from what we used to call Bombey. He offers counseling services and is especially dedicated to helping people “unbottle” anger, fear, and isolation. Years ago, in India, he abandoned the big city life (17 million people), moved north to 20 acres of family land, and took up organic farming. He joined with a whole community of organic farmers and connected with a wealthy individual in Bombey who set up a CSA (community supported agriculture) co-op. He even joined with activists to protest a large dam that threatened many poor landowners. The dam was built, but the people received a much improved deal. I’m hoping he will share these fascinating stories with us in the future. We also met a fellow with an uncanny gift for making horses drool. He’s an equine sports massage therapist who learned to “talk horse” from an old Choctaw racehorse trainer. A thoroughbred and quarter-horse jockey for many years, Tony Houston, LMT, ESMT can now massage riders as well, connecting horse to rider in a unique way. His ability to tell trainers what’s bothering a horse quickly gets the attention of equine professionals. Look for both Tony and Josh among our columnists on the new section of our website, along with many other new and familiar HAYC practitioners and product experts. This special section is under development, so keep checking back as we try to build it up as fast as we can.

S. A. Cranfill

Check out the dynamic changes at • Important Health Headlines • Quote of the Day • Current & Back Issues

• CounterThink Cartoon • Health & Urgent Issue Alerts • Latest Web Stats

Special Web Section Coming Very Soon: • Web Columnists • Health Products • Web-exclusive articles • Book Reviews & Recipes • Comment on articles! • Exclusive Publications Now free to everyone ~ then special section will become subscriber only. See details at!


Organic Guide to Plant & Pet Pests! Farm & Home

Ingestion killers, contact killers, and repellants ~ tips on products & methods, all safe & organic!


he first all-around organic pest killer Alan points to is a sprayable formula featuring Spinosad (Spinosyn A&D). When the borers, bagworms, hornworms, leafminers, tent caterpillars, or spider mites ingest just a little bit of this substance, a fungus fills their “bellies” and they can’t eat anymore. This marvelous water-based formula can be sprayed on fruit trees, vegetable plants, ornamentals, lawns, and even ant piles. It is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute. Spider mites need to be stopped early. Often by the time their presence is recognized (usually by the web stage), too much damage is done. They suck the chlorophyll right out of a leaf. A little mottling in leaves can be an early sign. Spray at the outset for prevention or early damage control. Insects like shade and love to hide on the undersides of leaves. Place white paper under a leaf and hit the top of the leaf to shake off any mites. If you see little dots, run your finger over them. If they smear red or green, they are tiny spider mites. It is important to spray under leaves! Also

spray the root zone at the base of plants. Texas heat and dryness are common stressors to our plants, and stressed plants attract bugs. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is another organic insecticide. It will get all worms and, whether dust or spray, it won’t harm fish, livestock, or birds. Alan has mosquito dunks with Bt that can be put in livestock water troughs, ponds, old tires, and bird baths to stop mosquito reproduction the safe way. (No neurotoxins!) Ask Alan about the variety of products available. Horticultural Oils These can be used when it’s 80° or under. There is a lighter, “all seasons” oil, but oils are designed to smother eggs. Let Alan show you the different kinds of oils and explain when it’s best to use them. Again, he has products that are 100% organic. Contact Killers Diatomaceous Earth and pyrethrins are natural contact killers. Alan has several types of combination products that can be used on

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by Alan Vargo Texas Certified Nursery Professional Nursery Manager, D&L Farm & Home, Aubrey plants, pets, people, and personal property to get rid of fleas, ticks, lice, fire ants, and more. DE is also used alone as a wormer for dogs, cats, horses, and cows. It is full of healthy trace minerals. It is an excellent soil amendment. But always use food-grade DE. Ask an expert like Alan to show you what to use and how to do it. Once you have the information you need, it’s easy. Repellants Alan has cedar oil products that smell nice and don’t stain, and can be used on people, animals, plants, and furniture, repelling mosquitoes, flies, flease, gnats, etc. Citronella oil is also an all-natural repellant and is derived from the “mosquito plant.”

D&L ORGANIC SEMINARS! Learn organic products & methods! 10 to Noon with free hot dog lunches and plenty of Q&A June 2 ~ Celina Store June 23 ~ Aubrey Store See D&L ad on pg. 22 for phone numbers & call for details. Aubrey • Denton • Celina • McKinney • Grandview



Neem oil is an insecticide, miticide, and a fungicide. Molasses repels fire ants. Whether dried or liquid, molasses is repugnant to ants. It is also a marvelous soil and compost energizer. It stimulates beneficial organisms. Spray or spread horticultural molasses on your compost pile, lawn, or pasture. Hot pepper waxes (capsaicin products) are good repellants. So is garlic spray ~ and it’s also a fungicide. Cedar bedding for dogs and mulch for plants are naturally aromatic pest repellants, and cedar is a plentiful natural resource in North Texas. Plentiful Natural Solutions There are so many effective organic products today that it is really not necessary to use dangerous chemicals. Alan also reminds us that healthy soils build healthy plants, and healthy plants are not as attractive to bugs, and much more able to fight off bugs, fungus, and disease. Once you gain some knowledge of organic methods and products, it becomes easy and pleasant to use them. Alan can show you a wide variety of product solutions and explain how and when to use them. Go see Alan at D&L Farm & Home in Aubrey today!

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(continued from pg. 2)

More Water seems to muck up a water garden. With a skimmer, air-blown debris can easily be maintained. To keep the water from disappearing under the rock and stone as it cascades from one level to the next, gaps can be filled with black expanding foam. This foam and the shape and placement of stone manipulate the direction the water will flow. I’m choosy about the stones I use, even to not using about a third of the stone I buy for any given job. Thus, I can look to my store of stones leftover from various jobs to provide those that are just the right shape and size to make the current project look and work best. Stone is forever. It’s worth getting it right the first time. A water garden becomes a 365, 24/7 enjoyment. You find yourself looking at it every chance you get. As with an old friend, there is always something new to be learned, experienced and discovered about it. The first time you watch a butterfly take a drink of water forms a vivid memory. Watching dragonflies, birds, and even your dog come to take a drink just seems natural.

Dr. Wise

Dr. Bowden

Dr. Martz

Dr. Powell

Founder & Owner

Michelle Martz

Donna Bowden DC, NMD, CCN, DACBN DC, NMD, CCN, DACBN, FICPA Doctor of Chiropractic Board Certified Nutritionist & Naturopath Doctor of Chiropractic Advanced Training in Bioenergetic Medicine Board Certified Nutritionist & Naturopath Certified in Electrodermal Screening Certified in Pediatrics & Pregnancy Autoimmune & Chronic Diseases Hormone & Endocrine Management Jennifer Powell, BS, DC

Sharyce Wise, BS, DC

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972-317-WELL 5

An HAYC Guest Feature Article

Trinity Wellness Center • Highland Village • 972-317-WELL

Why Are We Losing Our Minds? Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia are tragic conditions that seem to be increasing at a frightening rate. Is this a curse of modern-day life? Can we do anything to prevent, slow, or improve these conditions? Some important information from the naturopathic practitioners of Trinity Wellness Center.


ver the past several decades, Americans have witnessed a staggering increase in the prevalence of brain-deteriorating illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. Anyone who has watched a loved one suffer with one of these illnesses knows the heartache they can cause for patients and family members. Currently in America, it is estimated that 5.1 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease with someone developing the disease every 72 seconds! It is estimated that 42% of adults over the age of 85 suffer with Alzheimer’s disease. In the year 2000, there was an estimated 411,000 new cases of Alzheimer’s disease. In the year 2030, it is estimated that approximately 7.7 million people will

It is estimated that someone develops Alzheimer’s every 72 seconds! have Alzheimer’s disease, a greater than 50% increase over the number currently affected. By the year 2050, is it estimated that there will be 959,000 new cases a year with someone developing the disease every 33 seconds. In this article, we will explore some possible reasons that these dementing diseases are becoming more prevalent at such a rapid rate, what to do if you or a loved one begins to develop symptoms, and some possible ways to deter, slow or even prevent the onset and progression of these conditions. What Is Alzheimer’s? Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disorder characterized by a specific set of physiological changes in the brain. There are a variety of symptoms that often present with the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Progressive mental deterioration occurs that interferes with the patient’s ability to function socially and at work. As the disease progresses, there is severe memory loss, particularly in short-term memory. Other common symptoms include disorientation, dysphasia (the inability to find the right word), unpredictable mood swings, poor or weaker judgment, problems with abstract thinking, misplacing things, changes in mood or behavior, personality changes, and loss of initiative. In it’s final stages, Alzheimer’s disease can cause severe confusion and disorientation, and possibly even hallucinations and delusions. In this final stage, patients may become angry and violent, or docile and passive. Other disorders exhibit symptoms that are similar to those of Alzheimer’s disease. Vascular dementia is caused by an interruption of blood flow to the brain. This can be caused by arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) that cuts off some or all of the blood flow to the brain, a series of minor strokes which cause death to part of the brain, an accumulation of fluid exerting pressure on parts of the brain, blood clots that block the flow of blood to the brain, reactions to medications or combinations of medications, and a nutrient-poor diet. People with dementia caused by any of these things, can exhibit the same symptoms as people with Alzheimer’s disease.


What Causes Dementia? It is widely accepted that one of the causes of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia is the failure of neurons that have been damaged or destroyed by free radicals. One of the causes of freeradical generation is inflammation. Inflammation is increased in the body with the consumption of certain foods, the intake of certain medications, and other factors such as stress. Preventing inflammation in the body is also paramount in decreasing the risk factors for many other illnesses such as cancer and arthritis. Viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites also attach to brain cells and harbor in the brain. For example, Lyme disease and Epstein Barr Virus, especially when in combination with heavy metals, intensify free-radical attachment, sometimes as much as 100 times. High-Risk Occupations & Devices Studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between occupations that expose individuals to higher levels of electromagnetic radiation and the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. These “high-risk” occupations include electricians, machine operators, seamstresses, welders, and many others. In today’s society with the wide-spread use of hand-held cell phones, personal computers and other electronic devices, it is a concern that this constant exposure to electromagnetic radiation might be at least partially responsible for the increasing prevalence of these diseases. We as Americans live in an increasingly toxic environment. Exposure to toxic heavy metals such as aluminum and mercury is another commonly accepted risk factor for the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Since metals are in everything from aluminum cans, plastics, foils and dyes, to anti-perspirants and shampoos, Americans are exposed to metals more than they realize.

A major contributor to neuron damage is inflammation. Aluminum and other metals can be found in high levels in some municipal drinking water. In our food supply, aluminum can be found in some non-dairy creamers, self-rising flours, cake mixes, and a large variety of processed foods, and mercury is also found in dental amalgams (silver fillings) and some fresh and canned fish. Decline in Nutritional Diet Overall, we are also seeing a marked decline in the quality of the typical American diet. Most Americans eat a diet much too high in quick-prepared processed foods, fast foods, artificial sweeteners, These are opinions and information gathered by the authors and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition or individual. Before modifying your diet or nutritional intake and before beginning any exercise program, consult a licensed and experienced healthcare practitioner. Do not discontinue use of any drug treatment or therapy unless recommended to do so by a licensed and experienced healthcare practitioner.

“ At Trinity Wellness Center, we specialize in supporting patients with chronic conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.”

Michelle Martz

Donna Bowden

Jennifer Powell




Founder of TWC Nutrition & Naturopathy Chronic Disease Support.

Nutrition & Naturopathy Hormone & Endocrine Management

First Line Therapy Cranial/Fascial Therapy Pediatrics

food colorings and dyes, and much too low in fresh whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. Prevention Is the Key! When it comes to these dementing illnesses, whether it is before or after the symptoms begin, prevention is key. We can all do things throughout our lives that lower our risks of developing these diseases. If we, or someone we love, start to develop symptoms, no matter how old they are, it is even more important that they do everything possible to prevent the disease from progressing. Eating a healthy diet, one that is high in natural, whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats (especially fish), and nuts and seeds is a very important factor in preventing these diseases. Whole grains contain B vitamins that are extremely important for a variety of reasons for the health of the nervous system. Nuts and seeds contain calcium and magnesium, minerals that also support nervous system health. Essential fatty acids, particularly omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are also very important for supporting nervous system health. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in foods such as fish and flaxseed oils, while omega-6 acids are found in substances such as Evening Primrose oil, Borage oil, and Black Current oil. Anti-oxidants, found in many fresh fruits and vegetable as well as a variety of other foods, are known to decrease free-radical production in the body, lowering risk factors for a variety of health concerns including Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. In addition to including these foods, excluding certain foods can also play an important role in preventing these diseases. Arachidonic acid, a substance found in meats (especially red meat), meat

The average human body contains traces of over 400 synthetic chemicals. products, and eggs, increases inflammation, increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. While these foods should not be completely eliminated from the diet, they should be eaten in moderation. In addition to increasing inflammation in the body, refined sugars also deplete the body of its supplies of B vitamins and magnesium, which are both crucial nutrients for mental function. Refined sugars accelerate brain aging! The average American eats 135-200 lbs. of sugar, 8 lbs. of salt, and 14 lbs. of chemical additives each year! Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and splenda are neurotoxins that have a wide variety of negative effects on the nervous system, especially the brain. Many other food additives such as coloring and dyes can also be very toxic to the nervous system.

Sharyce Wise BS, DC

Cold Laser Therapy Spinal Decompression Therapy

Common Medication & Shot Risks? Certain medications or combinations of medications should also be avoided. Acetaminophen (the main ingredient in Tylenol) has been shown to decrease glutathione production. Glutathione is one of the primary brain anti-oxidants, so its deficiency can lead to an increase in free radicals in the brain, which is thought to be one of the leading causes of dementing illness. Many other medications commonly used today interfere with our body’s ability to metabolize vitamins, minerals, and other valuable substances. There is also recent research that indicates that people who get flu shots on a regular basis have an increased risk of developing

Even something as simple as walking can help improve the blood flow to the brain. Alzheimer’s and dementia. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of these vaccines before coming to an informed decision about whether or not to get them for yourselves or your children. As mentioned earlier, we live in a very toxic society. From the food we eat and the water we drink, to the air we breathe, we live in a polluted, toxic environment. The average human body contains traces of over 400 synthetic chemicals. A whopping 3200 tons of dye is added to food every year. It is important that, whenever possible, we avoid these toxins. We can do this by buying clean, organic foods, drinking filtered water, and using air purifiers. Detox the Body & the Brain! Even doing all of these things, we are still exposed to more toxins than our bodies can handle. When this occurs, our bodies can either eliminate the toxins or store them. The ones that we cannot eliminate are often stored in the brain, building up a large toxic load over the course of a lifetime. Detoxifying the body on a regular basis is very important for assisting the body in ridding itself of these damaging substances and lowering our risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Exercise! Physical & Mental! Exercise significantly increases the density of the blood vessels in the brain, improving their integrity as well as improving blood flow. Nutrients are carried to the brain in the blood, so blood flow is very important. Exercise also acts to pump cerebrospinal fluid, which coats the brain and spinal cord, providing it with the nutrients it needs. Studies have shown that people who engage in regular (continued on pg. 8)


Adrenaline • Denison • 903-465-4300

Tim (in back) and his father

Paddling Through the Years By Tim Malek

No matter your age or skill level, Tim and Terri Malek can help you find fitness and fun with cycling, paddling, running and hiking. Adrenaline offers a full-service bicycle shop, specialty equipment & gear, group activities, and education through free clinics.


hen I was a kid, my dad bought an old canoe for us to use on the river close to our home. It was an old, heavy canoe, but it was the means for my dad and I to enjoy days on the river. Those memories have been with me since then. When swapping paddling stories with friends, those days on the Allegheny River in Pennsylvania always come up. I recall the laughter, the thrills we had running the river, and the smile on my dad’s face when he saw how much fun I was having. I never really thought about that until recently. Since I live so far away from my family, I don’t get the opportunity to spend much time with them now. That’s why it was a special treat when my dad came down here for a visit. It was his 60th birthday present. During his visit, I took him kayaking in Hagerman Wildlife Refuge. I wasn’t sure how the trip would go since he hasn’t been paddling for a number of years. Once we launched the kayak and headed up the creek, those old feelings came back. It felt like we were on the Allegheny again. We had a wonderful time paddling and watching the wildlife along the way. We reminisced about our past trips we used to take and laughed about the time we broadsided a large rock. My dad jumped (continued from pg. 7)

Why Are We Losing Our Minds?

physical activity have a lower risk of developing both Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The more the body moves, the more blood flow and cerebrospinal flow is improved. Even something as simple as walking can help improve the blood flow to the brain. Mental stimulation is also important. An enriched environment is one that provides healthy nervous system stimulation and increased social interactions. These things stimulate the development of neurons (nerve cells) in the brain. Puzzles, mind teasers, and stimulating conversation can keep the mind alert and active at any age. The increase in the prevalence of Alzheimer’s and dementia in America is alarming. It is very important that we all take the necessary steps to decrease our risk of suffering from these debilitating illnesses. Any illness can be slowed or even reversed (God-willing) if you do two things: 1) remove the burdens and, 2) give the body what it needs. If you or anyone in your family starts to develop any of the symptoms discussed above, it is important that you contact a healthcare practitioner as soon as possible. Although medical doctors may diagnose these conditions and support these patients medically, especially for crisis management, naturopathic and nutritional support is essential to optimize stabilization and recovery potential. There are many vitamins,


out of the canoe expecting deep water only to find the water was about two feet deep. I can still see the expression that was on his face. On the drive home, we talked about our day of paddling and how much we both enjoyed it. Seeing the smile on his face, I understand what he must have felt all those years ago. I had a lot of fun that day, but what made that day special was spending it with my dad. My smile was there because of him. Kayaking and canoeing are wonderful ways to get out for exercise, enjoy the environment and wildlife, or simply share a great experience with someone you care about. When the day is over, you will always have those memories to cherish. I feel very fortunate to have shared another paddling experience with my dad. I will always have the memories of our trips when I was young, but now I have another one, one that I will appreciate and truly hold dear to me for a long time to come. Stop by Adrenaline in downtown Denison sometime and share one of your paddling stories with us. Our experiences in life are what make us who we are. I’ll see you on the water.

minerals, and herbs that have been shown to lower the risk or slow the progression of these brain-deteriorating illnesses. Chiropractic adjustments are also a key factor in decreasing the risk of these illnesses as well as preventing their progression. Chiropractic adjustments improve blood flow to the brain and improve the overall health of the nervous system. Choose a wellnessoriented or neurology-certified chiropractor and a certified clinical nutritionist or naturopathic physician for adjunctive care. Whether you (or someone you love) have been diagnosed with one of these illnesses or you are young and healthy and are simply trying to decrease your risk of developing these diseases, employing the measures mentioned above will give you the best possible opportunity to live a long, healthy, mentally sharp life. At Trinity Wellness Center, we specialize in supporting patients with chronic conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. For more information, contact Trinity Wellness Center, P.C., at (972) 317-9355. For further reading on these topics, go to or read Brighter Mind by Dr. Kyl Smith.

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Thermal Imaging:

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painless and radiation-free procedure to screen for breast cancer.

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Tony Houston, LMT, ESMT • 972-533-5059

Drooling Horses From grueling to drooling ~ former jockey Tony Houston draws from his early schooling with an old Choctaw horseman, his years on the track, and intense training by equine sports massage expert Don Doran to apply his gift for evaluating and connecting riders and horses, and putting them both in “the drooling zone.”


ave you ever seen a horse drool? It is so cool. He’ll stand there with his ears drooped to the sides, eyelids half closed, lower lip hanging down, and his back leg cocked. We call it “being in the zone.” Suddenly, you notice that there’s this long strand of slobber hanging down his chin. Utterly relaxed, the horse utters a contented sigh. I see this sight often, and it is one of the greatest pleasures of my life. I love making horses drool. I am an equine sports massage therapist. It is my job to come in and do sports massage on the horses that carry their human companions so faithfully in shows, performance events, cross-country trail rides, and around the ranch. I have the unique privilege of being thought of as “that fix-it guy” by the horses themselves ~ once they get to know me, and what I can do for them, even the most ornery of equines will utter nickers of welcome when they hear me coming. A longtime horseman myself (I was a jockey for ten years), I was astonished and elated, as I pursued my training in equine sports massage, to learn that the vast majority of the “mean,” “ornery,” and “uncooperative” horses I’d known in the past probably weren’t truly misfits of personality, but were simply in pain due to unaddressed muscular stress from their day-to-day training

programs. I found myself whispering “Yes! That’s probably why so-and-so acted the way he did under saddle!” more than once during my training. It pleases me that I can now offer specific help where the horses need it the most. Where muscles are tight or sore, the creature as a whole cannot move freely. Our beloved, naturally free-flowing companions are constricted, limited to a fraction of what their true range of motion ought to be. I have found the same to be true with people. In an effort to better serve the equine/equestrian community, I have become a licensed massage therapist for people, so I can work on both the horse and the rider. Massage is not a substitute (continued on pg. 13)

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“A Doctor’s Confession to the Town of Flower Mound…” And why, despite all, I still do what I do… Dear friend, Confessions are tough. Real tough. But, sometimes a confession can set the record straight, and I want to give credit where credit is due. Before I talk about my confession, though, let me say a few other things first. Let me start by explaining the photo in this letter. I’m the one in the middle and that’s my husband beside me. Let me tell you my story. Years ago something happened to me that changed my life forever.

off all of his medications, including his steroids for his asthma and has grown 3 inches in a year and a half. His motor development problems continue to improve. They are now both happy and healthy and not riddled with being sick and taking medications all the time! Their mom, Shannon also states that “chiropractic has also benefited us financially by saving us money! We no longer spend $400 a month on prescription medications. If the twins do get sick it never lasts long and is not as severe, they recover much faster and don’t have to take all those medications.”

“I remember like it was yesterday, although I was just in high school at the time. It was the day I got hired to work for this incredible man. The more we talk and the more I learn about him, the more I get interested in what he tells me. He tells me how excited he is to go to work everyday and how passionate he is about his job. He loves seeing kids, families and all kinds of people come to see him. And, that’s not all… You see, this incredible man is a doctor, but not just any doctor. He tells me that his type of doctor has a very different way of looking at health. They understand that the body knows how to heal itself, and because of that these doctors do not use drugs or surgery at all. But, there’s more… He tells me stories about kids that were really sick, and got help nowhere else, getting well. He tells me stories of people with terrible migraines that get well. He talks about people crawling in and walking out. I can tell he makes a positive impact on their lives and that they all love him for the miracles they see happening. By the way, this amazing doctor is a Chiropractor. After hearing my new boss’ story I am fascinated and impressed. It was soon after that I begin to witness all of these wonderful testimonies of his patients. I am so touched by what chiropractic has done for these patients that I eventually decide to go to chiropractic school myself. Now, I, too, am a chiropractor. And, you know what? I’ve never looked back; it was the best thing that I’ve ever done. I have the best job in the world. And, that’s how it happened!” Now for Michael and Alaina, they are twins and were born at 26 1/2 weeks and spent their first 3 1/2 years of life in and out of the hospital. They were taking medications three times a day everyday! Their parents were very tired of always being in the pediatricians office taking medications and thought that there had to be a better way. That’s when they decided to try chiropractic. Alaina suffered from attention deficit tendencies, asthma and was taking medications regularly. After getting adjusted not only has she been able to focus better and doesn’t struggle like she used to, but her asthma is no longer an issue and is off of all her medications! Michael also struggled with asthma and motor development issues. He was born with emphysema, a collapsed lung and suffered from a misaligned rib cage. After getting regular chiropractic adjustments, he is

It’s strange how life is, because now children come to see me for asthma and childhood illnesses. Also they come to me with their headaches, migraines, chronic pain, neck pain, shoulder/arm pain, whiplash from car accidents, backaches, ear infections, asthma, allergies, numbness in limbs, athletic injuries, just to name a few. Several times a day patients thank me for helping them with their health problems. But I can’t really take the credit. My confession is that I’ve never healed anyone of anything. What I do is perform a specific spinal adjustment to remove nerve pressure, and the body responds by healing itself. We get tremendous results. It’s as simple as that! Being a chiropractor can be tough, because there’s a host of so-called experts out there. They tell people a lot of things that are just plain ridiculous about my profession. But the studies speak for themselves, like the Virginia study that showed that over 90% of patients who saw a chiropractor were satisfied with their results. That’s just incredible! Forty-eight million Americans no longer have health insurance, and those who do have found that their benefits are reduced. That’s where chiropractic comes in. Many people find that they actually save money on their health care expenses by seeing a chiropractor. Another way to save…studies show that chiropractic may double your immune capacity, naturally and without drugs. The immune system fights colds, the flu, and other sicknesses. So you may not be running off to the doctor as much. This is especially important if you are self-employed.

And an entire week of care in my office may cost what you could pay for one visit elsewhere. You Benefit from an Amazing Offer - Look, it shouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg to correct your health. You are going to write a check to someone for your health care expenses, you may as well write one for a lesser amount by July for chiropractic. When you bring in this article (by 27, 6, 2006) 2007 you will receive our entire new patient exam for $37 out of pocket. That’s with x-rays, computerized scan….the whole ball of wax. This exam could cost you up to $250 elsewhere. And, further care is very affordable and you’ll be happy to know that We have affordable family plans and we file insurance. You see I’m not trying to seduce you to come see me with this low start up fee, then to only make it up with high fees after that. Further care is very important to consider when making your choice of doctor. High costs can add up very quickly. Great care at a great fee…Please, I hope that there’s no misunderstanding about quality of care just because I have a lower exam fee. You’ll get great care at a great fee. And best of all our office has one of the only computerized adjusting machines in the area. This computer can show you your improvements immediately on the screen. Your spine gets adjusted without hearing any “cracking” sound. It’s awesome. My qualifications…I did my undergraduate studies in Kinesiology and Health Sciences in Ontario, Canada. I’m a graduate of Parker Chiropractic College from right here in Dallas and have advanced training in prenatal and pediatric care. My husband and I practiced in Southern California seeing thousands of patients and then we moved our practice to Flower Mound over two years ago. We’ve been entrusted to take care of tiny babies to some movie stars that you may know. We just have that low exam fee to help more people who need care. Our office was voted #1 Chiropractor in Denton County for the 2nd year in a row. Our assistants names are Barbara, Bethany and Marilyn. I practice with my wonderful husband, Dr. Steven Le and they’re awesome! Our office is both friendly and warm and we try our best to make you feel at home. We have a wonderful service, at an exceptional fee. Our office is called STONE CREEK FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC and is at 2200 Morriss Road, Ste 200 (we are in Stone Creek Plaza at Morriss Road and FM 3040). Our phone number is 972874-7554. Call today for an appointment. We can help you. Thank you. -Laura Kukucska Le, D.C. P.S. When accompanied by the first, we are also offering the second family member this same examination for only $17. P.P.S. Can you imagine not having to wait at a doctor’s office? You will be seen within minutes of your appointment. Copyright 2000, KA

Stone Creek Family Chiropractic Stone Creek Plaza • Morriss Rd. & FM 3040 • FLOWER MOUND

972-874-7554 11

“We work together with each patient to help their life become more balanced. We spend more time, listen with a compassionate ear, think ‘out of the box,’ and look at the whole, unique person.”

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North Texas Family Medicine 940-686-0860 • FAX 940-686-5834 Coleman Center • 1340 N. Hwy. 377, Suite 110 • PILOT POINT, TX 76258 12

Abundant Life Health Foods • Lewisville • 972-221-1210

Talks With Peggy Mills

Over 40 years of experience with the foundations of health ~ cleansing and nutrition ~ have made Peggy Mills an invaluable resource for this region. See her article on the most effective natural remedies for parasites in us and our animals in Issue 5 which is available on line.

Let’s Talk About Arthritis!


ets talk about Arthritis. Arthritis is defined as inflammation and soreness of joints, usually accompanied by pain and changes in structure. The two main types are Osteo-Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Osteo-Arthritis develops as a result of the constant wearing away of the cartilage in the joint. Symptoms are body stiffness and pain in the joints during damp weather, in the morning, or after a heavy exercise. Diet plays a big part in both types. You should get rid of “ALL” refined sweets, caffeine, pork, carbonated drinks, foods that turn to sugar, fried foods, tap water, red meat, any foods that cause us to be over acid. If I had this problem, I would drink from one to three cups of Aloe Vera Juice by sipping on it all day, take enzymes with meals, acidophlius at least 2 times a day, Bromelain on an empty stomach for inflammation, and I would use Phenocane for pain. I would also cleanse, beginning with the colon, liver, lymph, and blood, and exercise on a mini-trampoline 20 minutes two times a day. There are formulas for joints that really seem to work, like yucca. This is due to the plant’s high content of steroid saponins, which are precursors to cortisone without all the terrible side effects. Some feel that the yucca saponins improve the body’s ability to produce its own cortisone by supplying materials needed to be

BIBLE BASED COUNSELING You + Your crisis + GOD = a Solution/ Healing/ Miracle!

Josh Christian Faith-Based Clinical Counselor [email protected] Are you or your loved ones facing any of these problems? Dysfunctional behavior Men’s issues Addictions Uncontrollable anger Relationship problems Fears and phobias Marital conflicts Grief and loss Adolescent concerns Spiritual bondage Crushing stress Emotional wounds Lack of purpose in life, etc. ~ Call Josh today!

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manufactured in the adrenal glands. We abuse our glandular systems by our diet. Our bodies are made up of cells. Our cells are also abused by our diet. I encourage everyone who has not read the book “Some Gold Nuggets in Nutrition” by Dr. Mary Ruth Swope to do so. It is only 58 pages and they are packed with much information and easy to read. (Get the book at Abundant Life!) Sugar can cause arthritis as it upsets the minerals in the body. Rheumatoid Arthritis is linked to diet. In this disease, the immune system of the body attacks its own tissue as foreign substances. It is called an auto-immune disease. Foods that produce an alkaline, as opposed to acid, pH seem to bring improvement in health. Deleting sugar, in all forms, always brings improvement in the joints. Eliminating caffeine from all sources often brings relief. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils, and raw juices, especially carrot juice with celery and spinach, are wonderful. The bottom line: Sick cells can be changed into healthy cells through good nutrition. There are many nutritional aids which help strengthen the body in its fight against arthritis. Goals are to: • Clean out wastes and toxins that have accumulated in the body • Improve digestion • Feed the body nutritious foods and purified water (chlorine aggravates arthritis) so it will have good raw materials to work with in its fight to get well. We have a herbal calcium that I think is wonderful to help. Take good care of your body, because no one else will. Until next time ~ Be Healthy! Totally new approach to joint health! FlexNow helps stimulate joint health by reducing inflammation. Patent-pending active ingredient SheaFlex 75™ from shea nut of wild South African karité tree, known for health-giving properties for centuries!

Now at Abundant Life!

Abundant Life Health Foods is on Main Street in Lewisville, but, remember ~ they ship! Call Peggy or her staff! (continued from pg. 10)

drooling horses for professional medical care. Sports massage is but one component of a complete well-care program. Man, I love watching horses drool (for people, I have plenty of paper towels)! Tony Houston, LMT, ESMT, travels all over the north Texas area massaging horses and people, and can be reached at 972-533-5059.


Texoma Wellness Center • Whitesboro • 903-564-9815

Texoma Wellness Center! Dave Tuck, DC, Talks About Arthritis Pain

The Rusty Hinge Story


ob stated that, for a long time, his back and neck were becoming more achy and stiff. “I just can’t do the things I used to do,” he complained. “I’m in too much pain.” I asked Bob, “Do you feel like you have rusting hinges?” He replied, “That is exactly how I am feeling! I’m too young to feel this old!” I then explained that certain types of arthritis could result from an unhealthy joint, perhaps from an old injury that was never properly treated and corrected. When a joint is injured, it no longer moves properly and can result in a pinched nerve, a decrease in motion, and pain, swelling and weakness. This can be described as having a hinge that gets stuck out of position and loses its proper motion. Over time, that hinge begins to rust (like arthritis in an unhealthy joint). Just like a rusty hinge, a joint that remains stuck for an extended period of time can completely fuse together and cause permanent damage. My patient then replied, “That makes perfect sense!” After proper diagnosis and beginning our recommended treatment plan, he began to feel relief and was on his way to a complete recovery. There are other forms of arthritis such as rheumatoid, which can often affect multiple joints and can be linked to toxicity in the body, pH imbalance, digestive disorders, and/or emotional stress. Through regular chiropractic care, exercise, nutrition, and coaching, you can keep your joints healthy and free of arthritis. Even when arthritis is present, proper treatment can turn an unhealthy arthritic joint into a healthy, free-moving joint. Proper diagnosis is the key to quick recovery, so you can get back to a healthy and active lifestyle.

New at TWC ~ Paraspinal Digital Infrared Imaging! Recently acquired! Our Paraspinal Digital Infrared Imaging Device is the latest in diagnostic technology. Digital infrared


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imaging is an extremely sensitive, non-invasive, risk-free diagnostic tool that quickly and accurately shows spinal nerve root irritation. For more information, please go to, or call our office. For a free scan, call Tammy for an appointment. (903) 5649815. Essential Daily Nutrients This is the most comprehensive liquid nutrient drink on the market, according to recent studies! One delicious ounce provides all of your daily vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, whole foods and herbs for the day. Call the office for a free sample. Texoma Wellness Center is dedicated to helping you and your family live healthy and active lives. See our ad on page 31 for a list of the services we provide.

Power of Health Naturopathics • Sherman • 903-893-0170

Healthcare, Democracy, The Healer,...and Us “Give me two weeks,” says naturopath Larry Mayo, “to get your attention,” on the path of discovering your body’s individualized needs and inherent ability to heal itself when properly supported. Here, Larry challenges us to think clearly about today’s healthcare system and our responsibility to truly care for our health.


hy do we seek healthcare? For most people, it is because something has gone wrong in our bodies and our brain has gotten that message. Actually, our bodies attempt to communicate a lot more than we may realize! For example, everyone knows what “hungry” feels like and what to do about it. It’s the same for “thirsty”, “sleepy”, “tired,” etc. Underlying and driving all these transmissions from the body to the brain is the most powerful and constant message of all: Survive! Most of what we do from a natural, unconscious motivation is done to promote our survival. When something happens that potentially threatens our survival, our brain is challenged to devise and execute strategies to neutralize the threat. That’s really why we seek healthcare.

Modern Medicine and Capitalism Respond As the industrialization of Western Civilizations gathered momentum around the turn of the 20th century, capitalism emerged as the most successful system for production of wealth and prosperity. The point of this article is not to make an argument against our system of commerce. No one of sound mind could or should stand in opposition to peace and prosperity. But, as with all human endeavors, there are flaws in our systemic pursuits ~ flaws which need to be re-examined and adjusted. Healthcare is one aspect of our society that is clearly in desperate need of a major overhaul. Insurance coverage grabs all the attention through the mass media, but core-level dysfunctions are the real problem. In economic terms, every time someone is diagnosed with a serious disease, gross domestic product (GDP) goes up and lots of money will change hands. Every time someone chooses to consume food or products, which poison the body, GDP goes up. Every time one person purchases a natural or less-toxic product or food, or engages a naturopathic healthcare professional, GDP also goes up, but at a much slower rate and far less volume than the aforementioned modes. It is cheaper to build health than to fight sickness. In other words, there is far more money to be made from sickness than from wellness. Democracy!! Really? Most of us think of democracy as the right to vote during public elections for the candidate or party of our choice. But it is our economic activity that sends the most immediate message to the powers that be. The real democracy, which we all participate in every day of our lives, is called “The Free Market”. If you bought food from your local grocer that is labeled “organic” or “pesticide and herbicide free,” congratulations, you just voted in favor of a cleaner, more nutritious, and less-toxic food supply. If you asked the manager of your favorite store to please stock more of such products, thank you, you just sent a message that you are concerned about what you put in or on your body and, with enough votes, the suppliers of the free market will respond to your demands. If you chose to engage your local Chiropractor to address possible spinal problems, or your local soft-tissue specialist for possible

by Larry Mayo, NTS neuromuscular problems, or your local naturopathic technician in response to internal and/or nutritional malfunctions, congratulations, you just voted to promote the required overhaul of our healthcare system. You just voted to begin answering Dr. Juanee Surprise’s question from the previous issue: Why not try the natural way first? It is clearly time for some changes. “Thy food shall be thy medicine and thy medicine shall be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates The Healer An eight-year-old girl, riding her bicycle down the sidewalk, swerves, crashes to the ground, and her left leg, just above the ankle, shatters in several places. Doctors perform emergency surgery, stabilizing the broken bone with steel plates and pins. Months later, the bones in her leg have healed very well. To be sure, the medical professionals and facilities were necessary for a positive outcome within this story. But, who really “healed” the bones in the child’s leg? The answer is, of course, her own body rebuilt the damaged structures in her injured limb. The mechanisms in play that conducted the restructuring within her body are inherent within all of us. So it is with all of our healthcare challenges on a personal level. We may, on occasion, need assistance and/or guidance on a path toward better and sustainable health, but the point to take is that, ultimately, we must actively do whatever we can to promote our own body’s ability to heal. There are only two true healers in the universe: Yourself and Your Creator. …And Us So, here we are in the Land of Liberty and Opportunity, though our liberties are at some degree of risk these days. The forces of large corporations in collusion with some aspects of government strive daily to control our thoughts and options concerning the care and feeding of our very own bodies. It is as if the so-called “elites” of our nation have decided that our bodies and our health are commodities which we must purchase from them. In my personal opinion, this body and the life I live within it is a gift from a much higher and more benevolent power than exists anywhere on this planet. As for opportunity, as precious as it is, it is only that; it’s a chance, not a guarantee. It exists hand in hand with responsibility, for ourselves, for our environment (both internal and external), and for our fellow beings. There it is again, the “R” word. It sometimes seems that we must all eat responsibility pie for breakfast every day and it gets heavier all the time. However, I’ve learned something along my way that I feel is very important and even comforting: The more I search, the more I learn. The more I learn, the lighter my responsibilities become. So here we are in America and we’ve once again come full circle. Our health, the most precious thing one could ever have, is up to us. It’s up to you and I and all those we touch. Let us search. Let us learn. And let us choose wisely.


Carol & Ray Croteau

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had my first Thermography Center testing three years ago. I had never heard of it, and knew nothing about it, when my wife Carol told me she wanted to get one done. However, she kept putting it off week after week. I started to get on her case about not going. She told me if I would go with her and get one done on myself, she would go. My first thought was, “No way.” And I don’t need to spend the money for something I don’t need. And to tell you the truth, I was a little intimidated about it. After thinking seriously about her not going, I agreed. The bottom line to this story is the thermograpy test found trouble in my colon area. My doctor told me to get a colonoscopy. When I talked to the doctor doing the colonoscopy, he asked why I wanted to get one. After I told him about the thermography results, he laughted and said, “I have no faith in that kind of scanning and there is probably nothing wrong with you.” Two weeks later I had the colonoscopy done. I was told there were several large polyps as big as my thumb and a LOT of small ones. He removed all of them and found several of the large ones were precancerous. Needless to say I am a BIG believer now in having a Thermography Center test at least once a year. I have had one each year for the last 3 years and I recommend it to everyone I talk to, that they do the same. You never know. Thanks to Dr. Ann Coleman for recommending the Thermography Center to my wife.

• New Generation of Thermography • Early Detection of Underlying Causes • Computerized Functional (Not Structural) Scan • Non-Invasive Painless Reproducible Diagnostic • Evaluates All Major Body Organs • Tool in Tracking Treatment Progress • Essential in Planning Preventive Care • Your Unique Health Profile

FDA CLEARED as an adjunctive tool for diagnostic testing with an indication for exploration & possible understanding of the following conditions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

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abnormalities of the female breasts peripheral vascular disease musculo-skeletal disorders extracranial, cerebral, and facial vascular disease abnormalities of the thyroid gland various neoplastic & inflammatory conditions

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Able to detect the very early onset of functional changes throughout the body The analysis provided by the CRT 2000 ® provides focused statements of individual organ systems, indicating the severity of conditions, allergies, toxicity, and degeneration. The CRT 2000 ® Thermographic System quickly locates the focal points of chronic conditions such as: • Hormonal Imbalances • Weight Gain • Early detection of changes in breast and prostate function • Heavy Metal Toxicity • Bowel Dysfunction • Food allergies • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome • Low-grade chronic viral and fungal infections • Joint Inflammation • Lymphatic Obstructions

The CRT 2000® ~ Computer & Probe • First testing facility in the U.S. dedicated for use by all doctors ~ MDs, OBGYNs, DOs, DCs, NDs, Acupuncturists, Dentists, Nutritionists • No prescription necessary, though the report must go through a health-care professional (state law) • Appropriate for men, women & children of all ages ~ we have done ages 8 to 95. • No radiation, painless, and takes about 30 minutes.

What you don’t know may cost you your health.

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Stone Creek Family Chiropractic • Flower Mound • 972-874-7554

Are You Sick & Tired of Feeling Sick & Tired?... Keep Your Energy Flowing! Why regular chiropractic care is a key component for lifelong health for all family members, no matter what their age….


e have a number of patients who may have started regular adjustments in our office with some hesitation, but after reaping the health benefits, they are chiropractic advocates! They began to refer more family members to our office and they too have experienced the improvements that a chiropractic lifestyle can bring. Shirley Reynolds, an initially skeptical mother, recently said, “Well, Dr. Steve is our primary health provider.” In their introductory consultation, Dr. Steve had called attention to the older daughter’s badly misaligned neck, the younger daughter’s bladder/urinary tract, and everyone’s sinus problems. He was unaware of the correlating histories of headaches, UTIs, and allergies. Shirley later said, “This was a score for me, and so we decided to follow Stone Creek’s recommendations. It seemed a little frequent to me in the beginning, but I didn’t understand (at that time) that chiropractic is a way of life! We needed to correct the problem, not just ‘fix it when you think you need it.’ Now I want everyone to have this in their life!” The allergy medications are now a thing of the past and the girls’ problems are under control. Dad is now receiving regular care. Shirley told a friend that, “I should be on the once-a-week maintenance schedule, but I prefer to go twice a week because I just feel better.” She drives from Denton to Flower Mound, and has referred a number of other families to SCFC for regular chiropractic care. (And all through Health Around Your Corner Magazine.) The kids talk to their friends with allergies: and say “You need to see Dr. Steve about that.” Recently, a patient began care who is an organic farmer who drives over an hour to get here. She was convinced to come for a consultation by reading about Stone Creek in HAYC. By seeing the progress of others and just how much can be achieved, she was convinced of the efficacy of the corrective care approach. She had been to several other chiropractors in the past.

A Healthy Nervous System The nervous system is the master system


of the body. It controls all your other systems and is protected by your spine. You and your family all need to maintain maximum healthy alignment, motion, system communication, and energy flow. Chiropractic is not just for occasional injuries. It is a lifestyle wellness tool to help prevent illness and promote overall vibrant health. All your organs and cells are affected by your structural integrity and mobility. Everyday activities and stress (and those summer sports) can cause spinal misalignments, joint-motion reduction, and nervous-system blockages. Regular checkups and “tune-ups” are as important to the body as they are to a car, and can help prevent and treat many ailments such as allergies and asthma. Stone Creek uses a number of gentle adjustment techniques appropriate for the whole family. Prevention, Maintenance, & Affordable Care Let’s talk more about keeping things in check before a problem occurs. Don’t wait for a problem or pain first. Get a spinal check-up to make sure that everything is in AVA proper alignment. Being healthy isn’t just about how you feel, it’s about how you are functioning. A lot of people feel fine, but have silent health problems going on inside their body that they aren’t even aware of. A lot of problems can be prevented through early detection and proper care. It’s much easier to “prevent and maintain” that it is to “fix.” Chiropractic focuses on wellness

Laura Le, DC Steve Le, DC Please call Stone Creek Family Chiropractic to schedule your no-charge-out-of-pocket exam and x-rays. 972-874-7554. naturally! Common results of regular chiropractic care for wellness are fewer visits to the doctor, less medication (over the counter and prescription), and improved overall health. We offer affordable care that makes getting regular chiropractic care cost effective for the whole family. It is part of our mission to help as many families as possible. Free Community Education Another part of our mission is to help educate our community in wellness and healthy lifestyle choices. I speak regularly on topics such as allergies and asthma, arthritis, nutritional food and supplementation, losing weight naturally, and more. Our talks and dinners are free! They require only a reservation and are open to anyone. So, come see us! Call 972-874-7554 today to schedule your no-charge-out-ofpocket exam and x-rays!

Stone Creek Family Chiropactic Free Event Schedule Tuesday, June 5 ~ Workshop at SCFC on 16 Steps to Optimal Health ~ 6:15 p.m. Tuesday, June 12 ~ Workshop at SCFC on Why Am I Always Tired? ~ 6:15 p.m. Thursday, June 14 ~ Dinner Talk at Salerno’s in Flower Mound, 6:30 p.m., RSVP for FREE dinner. Tuesday, July 10 ~ Workshop at SCFC on The Drugless Approach to Hormone Replacement Therapy ~ 6:15 p.m. Thursday, July 19 ~ Dinner Talk at Salerno’s in Flower Mound, 6:30 p.m., RSVP for FREE dinner. Tuesday, July 24 ~ Workshop at SCFC on Decreasing Stress With Proper Time Management ~ 6:15 p.m. Tuesday, August 7 ~ Workshop at SCFC on ADHD, Depression, Alzheimers, Memory Loss, 6:15 p.m. Tuesday, August 21 ~ Workshop at SCFC on Controlling Asthma Without Medication ~ 6:15 p.m.

Alternative Biological Dentistry

Dr. Jonathan Golab,


Dr. Golab is a member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) seeking to promote mercury-free dentistry, and an accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Q & A With Dr. Golab

Flower Mound Healthier, Safer, More Comfortable Dental Techniques, With Center for Prettier Results! Cosmetic Dentistry Yes. Traditional dentistry utilizes 972-691-1700 When I visit the dentist, how do I the process of crowns (caps) to fix know if I have decay? large areas of decay or large Voted Best Dentist Denton County For many years, the standard for defective fillings. The disadvantage of these for 2006 by the readers of The News detecting decay in a tooth was the procedures is that they require the dentist Connection. Voted Best Dentist dental x-ray. Though accurate, to grind your tooth down to a tiny peg, which Denton County for 2005 by the there were some concerns. Of greatest is very aggressive and traumatic to your readers of The Lewisville/Flower concern was the exposure to radiation. A tooth. Current technology is awesome! You Mound Leader. second concern is that the decay needs to can now fix your tooth with very tooth, and keep most of your natural tooth be in an advanced stage before it is large conservative, longer lasting tooth colored structure. And as an added feature, they are enough to be detected on an x-ray. That “inlays and onlays.” These restorations are virtually “invisible” to the naked eye, unlike meant that the decay may have been present terrific in that they do not grind your tooth the porcelain crowns found currently in for quite some time before it was detected. down to a peg, actually strengthen your traditional dentistry. Current technology is utilizing dental lasers In addition to being a cosmetic dentist, on the web at If you have to detect decay in its earliest stages, before Dr. Golab maintains a full-service, general any concerns or questions for Dr. Golab, it is detected on an x-ray. That way, vital dental practice. You can contact Dr. Golab please email him from the “contact us” and important tooth structure is conserved, at The Flower Mound Center for Cosmetic page on his website. reducing the need for more invasive Dentistry at 972-691-1700, next to the procedures such as crowns and root canals. Flower Mound Library. Or visit Dr. Golab




My dentist told me that I have five cavities to be filled. Is there any way to fix them without being


Yes. Now it is possible to get dental fillings without having to be “numbed” or use needles. In our office, we utilize “air abrasion” which is also referred to as “drill-less” dentistry. It works by using air pressure to aim “sand-like” particles at your tooth, gently spraying away decay.


If I have a very large filling in my tooth that is cracked, decayed, or broken, is there a better way to fix my tooth other than a cap (crown)?

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by Ruth Cox Bella Spa Diva!


Experience the holistic path to anti-aging beauty! Look fresher and more radiant, firmer and smoother, naturally! The Bella Spa Diva recommends the professional, European Babor Gold Line regimen twice per year for those over 35. Augment the Babor Blue Line that suits your skin type with this wonderful “golden” regimen. HSR Lifting Serum - with Babor, the ella Fontana Spa offers you the world’s finest skincare products, and serums and ampoules are the most our Babor Gold Line includes the concentrated carriers. This active wonderful High Skin Refiner (HSR) system. concentrate provides an instant lifting effect. Experience the unique HSR Lifting It contains the innovative, active anti-aging Complex based on effective anti-aging indredients Microstim, Pro-tight and active ingredients with an innovative 4-fold Liftolution from Babor, activating the skin’s natural lifting functions. Used daily, it has a lifting effect. • Reduces wrinkles, moisturizes intensively gentle herbal action and combats all signs of skin aging. and tones the skin. HSR Lifting Foam Mask - rich in active • Improves elasticity - visibly enhances the elasticity of the skin, and stimulates cell ingredients in a light and skin-comforting foam. We don’t want to look like Lucy when regeneration. • Protects - safeguards your skin against free we go to bed, and scare Ricky! This radicals and harmful environmental intensively firming lifting mask with a soft foamy consistency improves skin’s influences. • Prevents New Lines - effectively stops the elasticity, and activates the skin’s own regenerative mechanisms. The HSR Lifting formation of fine lines and wrinkles! Complex used in conjunction with Liftiline, Key Components of the Babor Gold ensures an instantly noticeable firming effect. Apply once or twice per week for Regime HSR Lifting Cream and HSR Lifting firmer and revitalized skin. HSR Lifting Decollete Cream - do you pay Cream Rich - luxurious 24-hour treatment creams with a powerful lifting effect. Look attention to the skin below your chin? The fresher and more radiant, firmer and neck to decollete (low neckline) should smoother. The lifting complex minimizes remain attractive throughout our days! fine lines and wrinkles, while a luxurious Tender, loving skincare for your most blend of plant ceramides and moisture feminine area! With every application your pampers your skin, giving you a fantastically neck and decollete will become firmer and soft and youthful looking complexion. The more beautiful. The light gel cream with the basic difference that the Lifting Cream Rich HSR Lifting Complex is rich in active provides is additional moisture for extra-dry ingredients that revitalize and supply skin. You do not need a day and night cream intensive moisture. with this regimen. Just use Rich, if you need The Treasure Chest ~ HSR 28 Perfect lots of extra moisture. HSR Lifting Gel - a light lifting gel with a Effect The crowning jewel of the HSR line, these moisturizing effect. This firms and gives the skin an intensive moisture boost. For 28 ampoules are unbeatable! One treatment example, if you are using the Lifting Cream per day of this highly concentrated beauty every day, you might use the Gel on that elixir containing Pro-Elastin Complex with special night just before you apply your its unique anti-aging effect will deliver results in protecting the elastin fibers of the makeup for a radiant and lifted effect. HSR Lifting Eye Cream - the skin around (continued on pg. 21) our eyes is exceptionally delicate and prone to fine lines. The eye cream provides an intensive lifting effect to this special area. Regain elasticity by using once or twice a week as an intensive eye mask.


CAUTION: Don’t Expect These Results From A Blender!

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(continued from pg. 20)

Over 35? skin. Lastingly retain your youthful elasticity! It has been shown to prevent the reoccurrence of fine lines and wrinkles and halts the development of existing lines and restores elasticity. Regular use results in the build-up of unique anti-aging protection for the future!





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Optimal Pre-Natal Nutrition for Mom and Baby Boost Your Child’s Brain Power! Chuck Tillotson, DC, explains the advantages of specific nutrients at crucial times during pregnancy and early child development.


othing could be more important than providing optimal nutrition to your baby during pregnancy. Starting with a good quality multi-vitamin, which contains all the active forms of the Bvitamins, is essential. Activated Vitamins Essential Most vitamin producers do not utilize the activated forms of the B-vitamins because they typically have a shorter life. For example, the Thorne brand contains pyridoxial-5-phosphate (p-5-p), which is the form of B6 which the body uses; however most other brands utilize some form of pyridoxine. If this unactivated form cannot be converted by the body, then the body does not have enough B6. All of us are familiar with folic acid and its value to the fetus, especially during the first few weeks after conception; however this too is an unactivated form of B9. B9 has several activated forms, one of which is folinic acid. Morning Sickness & B6 It is important to note that, during pregnancy, the baby gets nutritional priority over the mother, and vice versa once the baby is born. A mother’s morning nausea and sickness when pregnant result from her giving up her B6 to the baby, and therefore

her levels decrease. Thus, she is unable to produce the stomach acid she needs, because stomach acid production requires B6, magnesium and zinc. As a result, bile from the gallbladder migrates into the stomach and causes the burning and nausea symptoms. Obviously, the mother needs to increase her p-5-p. Ginger tea or peppermint tea can also be helpful to mom as well. Boosting Baby’s Brain Power Numerous nutrients are of value to the fetus. My short list would include zinc, copper, iron, selenium, fatty acids, all the activated B-vitamins and another B-vitamin family nutrient called choline. Drs. Williams and Merek of Columbia University did research on rats that greatly support the supplementation of choline. The key timing of supplementation of choline appears to be the first 12-16 weeks pre-natally and the first 3 months after the baby is born. Due to the fact that choline is tied to another mineral in supplement form, it is optimal to take 1200 mg. daily. Investing a small amount of money in choline now, could prevent a lot of expenses and issues with your child’s learning later in life. It is the first 12-16

Plastics and Water


hrough the ages different materials have been used to make containers to hold and transport water, ranging from wood to silver. The most toxic of those materials has been lead (used in pipes) and the most inert, glass. Because of the cost, weight, and safety hazard of glass and the workability of plastic, glass is seldom used. (We have actually seen holes burned into car seats from the sun shining through glass water bottles). In a society where cancer is the numberone feared sickness, the top question concerning health is: What is it that causes us to have so much cancer in our affluent society? Everything becomes suspect:

by Chuck Tillotson, DC weeks of development which are key because the brain and nervous system are formed at this time. The choline, in the form of phosphatidyl-choline, is a major building block of neuronal membranes in forming the nerve and the brain. It’s also an important precursor of acetylcholine - a neurotransmitter known to be important in memory. By incorporating more choline through diet and supplementation, it may be possible to permanently enhance memory, and therefore intelligence potential, of the baby during development in the womb and in the first few months of life. Mothers may want to rethink the use of infant formula, as it is far lower in choline content (~5 mg) than breast milk. The decision not to breast feed or to supplement could have long-reaching effects, as it appears that choline is of “critical importance in memory development, the determination of adult memory capacity, and resistance to age-related memory impairments.”

by Richard Cure

plastic; lack of minerals; animal fat; chemicals; chemically-changed, foods; additives; and lack of exercise can all be sited as culprits. Possibly they all play a part in why we Americans have so much cancer and so many other degenerative diseases. Could it be though, the answer to the problem is in the statement, “Moderation in all things?” The good God made our bodies so as to be able to tolerate a great deal of abuse and poison. The kidneys and liver work full time to remove the impurities from the body, but if the body gets too much and/ or too long an exposure to something, there are visible reactions.

BYOB Water Store Lewisville 972-219-1551

For our discussion here we will consider the effects of plastic on water. As there is a difference in the types of plastics, in their chemical makeup and whether or not they give off chemicals, one needs to consider each one individually. Each chemical has a possible set of reactions. When considering the moderate use of plastics it is best not to put all the plastics together because it would misrepresent the exposure since each plastic is so different in its possible problems.....

Want to read the whole article? Go to www.HealthAYC for the rest on this important topic. Copyright by BYOB Water Store 2007


Grace Medical Association • Lewisville • 972-420-6777

Vitamin C and Cancer by Smart Idemudia, MD, PhD Oral and Intravenous C ~ Dr. Idemudia explains the differences in dose, absorption, effectiveness, and application for normal health maintenance or serious conditions like cancer.


lot has been written about the effectiveness of vitamin C in health and disease. Vitamin C is effective in maintaining health as well as in treating various disease states, including cancer. The effectiveness of this vitamin in cancer was demonstrated more than 60 years ago by Dr. Frederick Klenner, who wrote about 27 papers on vitamin C from the 1940’s to the 1970’s. Later, Dr. Linus Pauling also showed the effectiveness of this vitamin in many disease states including cancer. However, there has been a systematic political and economic bias against this vitamin and, every now and then, a “study” would come out to say that this vitamin is not effective in preventing or ameliorating the ravages of disease. On the contrary, when one searches the literature, one would find that there is a mounting and impressive body

of evidence showing the importance of this vitamin in many medical conditions. More than 90 epidemiologic studies(1) have looked into the effectiveness of vitamin C and vitamin-C-rich foods in cancer prevention. Many Functions Vitamin C plays an important role in various biological functions. Vitamin C is well-known as an antioxidant. However, it has many other functions in the body. It is a powerful free-radical scavenger and a good chelating agent of heavy metals and other environmental toxicants. Other functions of vitamin C include the synthesis of hormones, neurotransmitters and other substances in the body. It functions to boost the immune system. Vitamin C exhibits anti-cancer properties

Internal and integrative medicine specialist Dr. Smart Idemudia

in several ways: 1) It scavenges cancer-causing free radicals. 2) It regenerates active Vitamin E in lipid membranes. 3) It enhances IgA, IgG, and IgM antibody levels. 4) It neutralizes cancer-causing agents like nitrites and nitrosamines. 5) It modulates interferon synthesis. 6) It possesses anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and thereby able to prevent and treat cancers of bacterial or viral origin. 7) It increases synthesis of Prostaglandins PGE1, which is anti-inflammatory and inhibits synthesis of PGE2. 8) It enhances lymphocytic function as well as the rapid mobilization of phagocytes.

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(continued from pg. 24)

Vitamin C and Cancer

In the early days of vitamin C research, Dr Klenner gave both oral and intravenous vitamin C to a wide range of patients with a myriad of medical problems from bacterial and viral infections to cancer. His results were amazing. Decades later, the double Nobel Laureate, Dr. Linus Pauling, also studied and used vitamin C, both in oral and IV forms, in a variety of medical conditions. His results were equally impressive. Dr. Gladys Block of the University of California did an analysis of 90 epidemiological studies which looked at vitamin C or vitamin-Crich foods(1). The vast majority of these studies found statistically significant protective effect. There was strong evidence for protection against cancers of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, and pancreas. These are particularly deadly cancers with extremely poor prognosis, especially pancreatic cancer. There was substantially positive effect against breast, cervical and rectal cancers in that analysis. Furthermore, there was strong evidence for protection against lung cancer, bladder, IV Therapy prostate, and colorectal cancers. This is a very impressive record for this vitamin. Improper Dosing ~ Oral vs. IV Some of the controversy about the effectiveness of this vitamin comes as a result of improper dosing. It has been known that, while orally administered (continued on pg. 28)

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Margaret Lawson has owned and operated two natural-foods restaurants and a natural-foods cooking school in Dallas since 1989. She is author of two cookbooks: The Naturally Healthy Gourmet and Macro Café Cookbook. Both books are available by calling 903-786-9100. She has been active as a macrobiotic cooking instructor and counselor for the past 15 years and has helped many people in regaining their health. She holds a B.S. Degree from Samford University, and has studied with, and received certifications from, many health professionals. 903-786-9100 • 214-577-3130 POTTSBORO, TX • [email protected]

Optimal Skin Care

The Secret is in the Water!

What if...?


ecently, there was a conference of all the biggest skin-care companies. The challenge: “How can you justify using great products and then adding preservatives that speed up the aging of the skin? What if there was a way to have a water-based (preservative free) product now, that would have a long shelf life?” The answer: “If there was a product like that, you would have the Holy Grail !!”

We have it NOW! Practical, preservative-free, water-based skin care! Call me if you are interested in the best skin-care products on the planet! Ask for Janet! 940-437-2353


f there were a major Nobel Prize winning discovery in the area of natural, non-toxic healing that had the potential to support the body’s innate ability to repair, restore, protect and defend itself, would you or a loved one want to know about it? New technology offers hope! Call 212-990-7163 to hear a short message on this breakthrough discovery! Then call The Glyconutritional Science Center of Tioga


Optimal Wellness

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Peak Nutrition • Carrollton • 972-407-0600

Memory Loss, Dementia, and Nutritional Support for the Brain!


sk anyone what they fear most about old age and the response will many times be “reduced mental capacity,” says Anne Hill, manager of Peak Nutrition. Can we really do anything to help guard our brain neurotransmitters? Most everyone is familiar with Gingko Biloba for memory help, but many do not know that there are other helps for boosting brain power. Listed at the top as the most important neurotransmitter involved in memory and learning is acetylcholine (Dr. P. Balch). We can take precursors of this NORDIC substance to promote NATURALS healthy stores in our body of acetylcholine, or we can help to deter the loss of it. Dr. Balch’s Prescription for Nutritional Healing says that, “One reason many people suffer from

ALLPURE WATER STORE DENTON Teasley & South I-35E By Brookshire’s, behind Applebee’s

Reverse Osmosis Purified Water & Ice Bottles • Crocks • Stands • Coolers Bottles Ozone Cleaned & Filled with a Free Cap

memory loss is an insufficient supply of necessary nutrients (especially the B vitamins and amino acids) to the brain.” She also states that the brain can become malnourished because the blood has too much cholesterol and triglycerides, which do not allow nutrients to pass through to the brain.” No doubt there are many factors in memory loss, including free-radical damage from drugs, pesticides, herbicides, and other toxins in our environment. These are some good brain foods available from Peak Nutrition: Lecithin ~ contains phosphatidylcholine and inositol. Our brain is said to be made up of 30% lecithin. The myelin sheaths that line our brain, spine, and nerves are mostly composed of lecithin. B12 ~ lack of B-12 can lead to dementia, especially in the elderly. B vitamin, pantothenic acid ~ helps to transport choline to the neuro-transmitter acetylcholine. DHA ~ a most prominent essential fatty acid in the brain ~ Omega 3’s. Phosphatidylserine ~ a key help for improving and protecting memory. Peak has a product with a special bond of phosphatidylserine and DHA. Does it work, you ask? Customers notice a difference when taking this product. Clinical studies show it to be very bio-available for faster recall and increased memory. Acetyl-l-carnine and Alpha lipoic acid ~ powerful free-radical scavengers. Did you know that exposure to chemicals, drugs,

alcohol, etc., promotes free-radical damage, “the rusting out” from the inside which causes us to age more quickly, including our brain? Good herbals known for brain health include Gotu Kola, Gingko Biloba, and Huperzime A. Remember the goal: to increase brain levels of acetylcholine and decrease its deterioration. Alan Kozikowski, Ph.D., the scientist who first synthesized Huperzime A extract, says that Huperzime A may just help with both these things (Healthy Healing, 12th edition. pg. 599.) Vinpocetine, from vincamine ~ an extract of periwinkle, has been used for 25 years in Hungary for senility (Nutritional Healing). Garlic and Vitamin E ~ help to improve blood flow to the brain as well as Vitamin C with bioflavanoids. North American Herb and Spice Company has a very unique herbal formula to support mental acuity. Ask for Neuroloft in caps or Essence. See for testimonials. Things to stay away from, says Anne, are “too much sugar and foods with MSG. Sugar depletes vitamins, especially the B’s, and MSG is a neurotoxin. Staying away from artificial sweeteners is a must and a good night’s sleep is very important,” concludes Anne. Please call her at 972 4070600 for any of these products mentioned or for any additional help for memory. Anne has many years of experience in helping customers find the best product for them.

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ithout getting too sappy here, I just wondered if you see what I see? When I think about my children and all the children I know and love, they are worth our every effort toward giving them a better life. One of the factors that motivate me toward making healthy living attractive to my children is the desire to see them have long-term health. I don’t want them to come back to me in 25 or 30 years and have to revamp their entire way of eating because one of them has a health issue. I hope to cultivate their tastes and desires for health-giving foods

and lifestyle choices so it will be difficult for them to lead an unhealthy life. I want to train them in such a way that it would be truly difficult for them to get the common diseases of the day (cancer, diabetes, heart disease). I hope you see the beauty in your children and that it motivates you to help them overcome in every area. Health is just one area of life, but it touches everything. I hope you live in health and create health-giving habits for you and your children. Once you make the transition, I know you will be delighted and your children will forever benefit from your careful attention.


Signs of Poor Health Self Test

(from 7-Day Detox Miracle by Peter Bennett, ND, Stephen Barrie, ND, with Sarah Faye)

Mind, Emotions, and Attitude

… Do you have difficulty concentrating? … Do you feel mentally sluggish? … Does your thinking seem slow or fuzzy? … Do you have a generally negative outlook? … Do you experience sudden, uncontrollable mood swings? … … Do you feel apathetic, dull, or listless? … … … … …

Energy Level

… … Do you experience extreme and persistent fatigue? … … Do you feel lethargic most of the time? … … Does ordinary activity leave you exhausted? … … Are you tired, even after a good nights sleep?


… … Is your skin dull colored, pale, grayish, or slightly yellow? … … Does your skin seem loose, flabby? … … Does your skin give off a sharp, sour, unpleasant odor? … … Is your complexion unusually pale or sallow? … … Is your face marred by blemishes? … … Do you have poor facial skin tone with much wrinkling and sagging?


… … Is it swollen? … … Does it appear shrunken or flattened? … … Is it coated with a yellow, grayish-white, or thick film? … … Is your tongue shiny?


… … … …

… … … …

Do you have dark circles around the eyes? Are your eyelids swollen? Are your eyelids inflamed? Are there bags under your eyes?

… … … …


Are your eyes bloodshot? Is there yellow in the whites of your eyes?

… … Do you frequently suffer from heartburn or indigestion? … … Do you experience bloating after eating? … … Do you have excessive gas? … … Do you experience abdominal discomfort after eating? … … Do certain foods aggravate your stomach?

Bowels … … Do you have fewer than one bowel movement a day? … … Are your stools loose and unformed/ … … Do your stools contain undigested bits of food? … … Are your bowel movements uncomfortable? Do you have to strain? … … Do your stools float? … … Do your bowel movements have a strong, offensive odor? … … Is there any rectal pain or bleeding? … … Is there mucus in your stool?

Urine … … … …

… … … …

Does your urine have an offensive odor? Is it dark yellow in color? Is it frothy? Do you urinate infrequently?

Joints … … Are your joints sore after waking? … … Do you experience pain in joints after slight exertion? … … Do you experience pain in joints after eating certain foods? (continued on pg. 28)


(continued from pg. 25)

Vitamin C and Cancer vitamin C is effective in many conditions, intravenously administered vitamin C is much more potent. Some studies have used or looked at orally administered vitamin C and concluded that it was not effective. Orally administered vitamin C is actually very different from the IV form. The intravenously administered form has about 50 to 70 times more serum concentration of the vitamin compared to orally administered. There is a tight control in the amount of vitamin C that can be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Hence, with orally administered vitamin C, a ceiling is reached in the amount absorbed even when the maximum tolerated dose is given. IV vitamin C on the other hand, is not limited by this tight control. Furthermore, very high doses can be given intravenously to achieve therapeutic serum concentrations without any side effects. In summary, vitamin C is effective in preventing common infections to life-threatening cancer. Oral supplementation is effective for health maintenance. However, if one has a serious challenge to one’s health, something like cancer and severe autoimmune disease or infection, then intravenous vitamin C should be a major component in one’s treatment regimen. At Grace Medical Association, we do IV vitamin C for a wide range of medical conditions. References: 1. Gladys Block: Epidemiologic evidences regarding vitamin C and Cancer Am J. Clin. Nutr 1991;54:1310S-1314S. 2. Vitamin C Foundation News. 3. Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C by Lendon H. Smith, MD.

New Natural Clinic Opening in Sherman!

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Our Goal • to support the healing process with the use of touch therapies and research of individual needs • to bring a moment of peace in which healing can begin Behind One Grand Centre

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903-893-0170 28

Kids wellness Camp June 11 to 15 Texoma Fitness Center 8 AM to Noon Ages 5 to 12 Special Guests Everyday! Call for exciting details 903-564-9064 (continued from pg. 27)

Signs of Poor Health Self-Test Abdominal Muscle Tone … … Does your abdomen tend to hang out? … … Does the surface of your abdomen appear unevenly and irregularly distended? … … If you have a protruding belly, do you experience lower back pain?

Nails … … … …

… … … …

Are they ridged? Are they split? Are they spotted? Are they crumbling?

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Monica Brown -- 817-793-3509 [email protected]

Dr. Jan’s Webster Technique Turned a Breech Position into a Trouble-Free Delivery!

Baby Madison

Chiropractor and NET practitioner Dr. Jan Nix is also certified in the Webster Technique, which has allowed her to help several patients avoid a C-section.


began seeing Dr. Jan Nix in 2005 to treat my lowerback pain during my last pregnancy. On one visit I mentioned to Dr. Jan that my midwife had discovered my baby was in a breech position and was obviously concerned about delivery. Dr. Jan told me about something called the Webster technique, an alternative method of manipulating a baby into position for childbirth. The midwife had set up a sonogram appointment two weeks prior to my due date, noting that an external

cephalic version would have to be scheduled with a doctor at the hospital if the baby was still in the breech position at that time. I knew I had one week to let Dr. Jan “do her thing.” For five days I visited Dr. Jan and received treatments, about 16 minutes each day. I could tell there was more “internal activity” as a result of the treatments and, sure enough, the Webster technique worked, and baby Madison moved into proper position. My midwife was surprised! I am so grateful to Dr. Jan for her incredible knowledge and expertise. I delivered, trouble free, a healthy 9 lbs., 8 oz., beautiful baby girl – head first, I might add!

Emily Loiselle

Integrative Healthcare Combining Applied Kinesiology with... Chiropractic and Soft Tissue Work Individual Nutritional Assessment Emotional Health restore your health and resolve your complaint Specializing in Shoulder Problems, Fatigue & Thyroid Imbalance, Cholesterol Problems and, of course, Back & Neck Pain Dr. Jan Nix, DC Neuro-Emotional Technique Certified Webster Technique Certified

The Family Chiropractic Center

Dr. Chuck Tillotson, DC Applied Kinesiologist

1124 North Locust • DENTON, TX 76201


Spinal Decompression Therapy “Medical Breakthrough That Works” 86% Success Rate for Herniated Discs Non-Surgical, Non-Invasive Therapy Call now for your free consultation! • Developed for the treatment of lower back and neck pain caused by disc herniations, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, and pinched nerves. • Proven to help relieve pain by enlarging the disc space, which suctions the disc bulges, protrusions, and herniations back into place. • Effective against muscle spasms and strengthens ligaments that hold the spine together.




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What is BWC? A Spa? A Retreat? A Rehabilitation Center? One client says, “It’s a quiet place to relax where I can forget work for an hour and slow down my brain.” Another says she uses it as an escape from the kids. “It’s the only place I know they won’t burst in on me.” Everybody needs that place! “It helps my tennis game.” “I get away from a phone ringing. Anyone’s phone.” “I’ve only had one migraine in 4 1/2 years because of my routine massages!” “I quit smoking (and have stayed ‘quit’). One steam treatment got me over that detoxing hump in 24 hours instead of 72. So much easier.” “I got to a point where my chiropractor told me to go to a massage therapist. He couldn’t pop me, I was so tight.” This is the reason BWC is here. Our clients’ needs. BWC is a quiet office made up of independent, licensed therapists that have different techniques and specialties. Though independent, every therapist at BWC works under the same principles of health and wellness. Stress can be demolished, anxiety kept at bay, pain controlled and age defied, all from nature’s medicine bag. Myofascial Release • Headache Release • Trigger Point • Face-Lift Massage • Reflexology • Reiki • Swedish • Hot Stones Gentle Touch~Energy Work • Aromatherapy • Chair Massage • Couples Massage • Gift Certificates • Special Event Outcalls

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Texoma Wellness Center Spinal Decompression Is Here! There is a Reason You Should Think of Us First for Your Healthcare Needs Texoma Wellness Center is Dedicated to Teaching Our Patients the Value of Chiropractic Care, Proper Nutrition, Regular Exercise, Adequate Rest, and Gratitude for Life By releasing their physical, chemical, and emotional blocks, our patients are given the opportunity to have a lifetime of health and wellness! • Hydrotherapy • Complete Chiropractic Care • Inter-segmental Traction • Allergy Testing • Ultrasound • Spinal Decompression • Electrical Muscle Stimulation • Nutritional Evaluation & Products • Rehabilitation & Fitness • Therapeutic Massage • Specialty Wellness Support Products • Trigger Point Therapy • Educational Wellness Library • Needleless Acupuncture • Organ-Specific & Total Body Detoxification Programs

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After Treatment

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903-564-9815 31

Market Savvy & An Affordable Whole-Food Solution!


ogging lots of miles may be good for your legs, but when the produce you eat travels an average of 1,300 miles to get from the farm to your table, important nutrients get lost along the way. Fortunately, warm weather brings an easy solution. Your local farmer’s market offers produce, meats, and dairy products that are often organic and have likely been harvested in the last 24 hours, so they reach your table

at the peak of freshness, flavor and nutrient content. Getting these nutritional powerhouses onto your plate has never been easier, as the USDA reports that the number of farmer’s markets had more than doubled in the past 10 years, with nearly 4,000 operating across the country today. (To find markets, farm stands, and small-scale farmers in your area, visit Organic fruits and vegetables from a farm

by Leanne Harris near you can contain up to 59% higher levels of antioxidants ~ plant chemicals that help fight disease ~ than their conventionally grown counterparts, according to a study published in the journal Agriculture and Food Chemistry. Most of us are living a pretty busy and fastpaced lifestyle these days and don’t have much time to shop the farmer’s market and then prepare the meals several times a day, even though we would like to. Whole-food products are a great solution to the quandary of convenience and good nutrition. The products I am speaking of use 17 of the most powerful fruits, vegetables and grains and 7 berries full of antioxidants, and dehydrate them into a powder. This powder is put into capsules or gummies. This is the most researched nutraceutical in the world. The ease of being able to take your chemical/pesticide-free fruits and veggies with you wherever you go, for ¼ of the price, is very appealing! It is next to impossible to get in the daily requirement of 9-13 fruits and vegetables a day. If you could accomplish this, it would cost anywhere from $6 to $10 daily to buy organic produce. Juicing can be very time consuming and costly as well. I think the whole-food concept is the perfect solution! To learn more about this: please call me or visit my website ~ Leanne Harris 972-317-1107 or Find Health Around Your Corner at

Family Health Food Kathy Marksberry

Full Line of Nutritional Supplements Nature’s Sunshine • Nature’s Plus Enzymatic Organic Foods • Grass-Fed Beef & Turkey Dominion Farms Meat • Gluten-Free

1925 N. Grand Ave. SHERMAN, TX 75090 903-813-0048


Melamine, Food Safety, International Trade, and Better Living Through Chemistry?


On FDA website updated May 18, 2007: On March 15, FDA learned that certain pet foods were sickening and killing cats and dogs. FDA found contaminants in vegetable OD proteins imported into the United States from China and used as ingredients in pet food. A portion of the tainted pet food was used to produce farm animal feed and fish feed. FDA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture discovered that some Dr. Bard raises Lowline Angus grass-fed cattle with no chemicals or drugs at Bard Farms in animals that ate the tainted feed had been processed Unhealthy Soil Whitesboro. He also detoxes pastures. He is into human food. Government scientists have shown with his Lowline bull and a miniature Hereford. Sign up for his email newsletter at determined that there is very low risk to human health his web site. See his ad on pg. 40 for his web from consuming food from animals that ate tainted site, or call 940-665-7878. feed. All tainted pet food, animal and fish feed, and vegetable proteins continue to be recalled Unhealthy and destroyed. [HAYC comment: It may not Plants & Unhealthy be a high, immediate death risk for humans, Animals People but it certainly can’t be good for us!] Steve Miller said, “We are concerned that we may have been the Excerpt of Associated Press article by Christopher victim of deliberate and mercenary contamination for the purpose of making the wheat gluten we purchased appear to have a higher Bodeen released April 12, 2007: SHANGHAI, China — The list of Chinese food exports rejected protein content than it did.” Melamine is “simply not a chemical at American ports reads like a chef’s nightmare: pesticide-laden even on the radar screen for food ingredient suppliers,” he wrote. But it does have a lot of nitrogen in it, says Ron Madl, director of pea pods, drug-laced catfish, filthy plums and crawfish contaminated Kansas State University’s Bioprocessing and Industrial Value Added with salmonella. Yet, it took a much more obscure item, contaminated wheat gluten, program. The most common way to test protein levels in the grain to focus U.S. public attention on a very real and frightening fact: industry is to test for nitrogen, a major component of protein. Adding China’s chronic food safety woes are now an international concern. melamine, with its high amount of nitrogen, to wheat gluten would In recent weeks, scores of cats and dogs in America have died of give the illusion of a higher protein content, Madl said. kidney failure blamed on eating pet food containing gluten from China that was tainted with melamine, a chemical used in plastics, Take-Home Message What is the take home message from this mini-disaster? (I use fertilizers and flame retardants. While humans aren’t believed at risk, the incident has sharpened concerns over China’s food exports “mini” because there will probably be larger disasters in the future and the limited ability of U.S. inspectors to catch problem shipments. concerning people food.) When it comes to food ~ buy local. When you see a sign in the grocery store that says “organic” from “This really shows the risks of food purity problems combining with international trade,” said Michiel Keyzer, China, do not believe it! The farther food is shipped, the less nutrition it retains, and the director of the Center for World Food Studies at Amsterdam’s Vrije more likely it can be contaminated by a faceless person who doesn’t Universiteit. care about “us,” or our pets and livestock. Change your food-buying habits. Purchase from someone you can t seems that melamine has been around for decades. This dates me, but I remember as a kid, the pharmacy in my small hometown look in the eye and know if he or she is honest. We cannot change of West Virginia opened a new soda fountain. The ‘buzz’ around our buying habits overnight, but there are providers at co-ops, CSAs town was that the counter tops were constructed of Formica. Neither (community supported agriculture), local farmers who are honest hot pans nor burning cigarettes would damage the surface! This and care about you. These groups of people are growing in numbers all the time. was melamine. In the interim, buy local as much as possible and prepare your I have been puzzled with one question: Why would a Chinese company put melamine in food products? Read further for the own foods from scratch ~ this includes for our pets! answer, and read carefully, because we will see more of this, as unscrupulous people whom we don’t know personally will contaminate our food supply for their gain. Should some of the human population, or our pets, die along the way, we will be Coming to Whitesboro June 2nd! “acceptable losses.” 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the Month An April 19 article in USA Today by Elizabeth Weise and Julie 8 AM to 2 PM Schmit called attention to the following: ChemNutra, which imported the wheat gluten linked to last Parking lot of Texoma Wellness Center month’s massive pet-food recall, says it is concerned its Chinese 580 Hwy. 377 North supplier spiked the product. In a letter on ChemNutra’s website (across from Dennard’s) (’s%20letter.htm), Chief Executive Call 903-564-9815 for details

by Dr. Robert Bard,


Texoma Farmers Market


Ray of Sunshine Sitting Service of Cooke/Montague Counties Danny/Dana Knight Dave/Shelby Cranfill 112 North Dixon •Gainesville, TX 76240 940-665-2999 [email protected]

Ray of Sunshine Sitting Service of Grayson County Jean Smith • Cathy Smith 200 S. Main Collinsville, TX 76233 903-429-3511 [email protected]

Ray of Sunshine Sitting Service of Denton (Serving all of North Texas) Donna Raney • Linda Peck 1620 Nightingale Lane Denton, TX 76210 Tel: 940-243-1303 Toll Free: 866-565-8040 [email protected] Helping people of all ages cope with life in a dignified and meaningful way has been our mission for over 10 years. Giving special and compassionate care is always our purpose. • Quality, non-medical private care • Professional, compassionate independent caregivers • Assistance for senior citizens with activities of daily living and companion services • Sitting with people recovering from surgery, accidents, illness • Assistance for hospice patients needing extra care • Assistance for families when the new baby comes home • At home, in the hospital, in facilities RESPONSIBLE, COMPASSIONATE CAREGIVERS/SITTERS ALWAYS WELCOMED! CAN WORK WITH ANY OR ALL OFFICES.


Oral Versus Topical NSAIDs for Treating Injuries and Rheumatic Diseases Here is an excellent example of how the highest quality compounding pharmacies serve our communities. From a wellness point of view, NSAIDs are not a product of first choice, but this wellness-oriented pharmacy provides practical ways for the community at large, especially the elderly, to more effectively address their physical problems with much lower risk and side-effects. Note all the advantages of custom-compounded topical products. Compounding pharmacies are under constant attack by Big Pharma and other entities. Let’s support all of the quality compounding pharmacies in this region.


ral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are among the most commonly prescribed medications and are widely prescribed to relieve pain and inflammation associated with rheumatic disease such as arthritis. NSAIDs are responsible for approximately one-quarter of all adverse drug reaction reports, and approximately one in six patients experience gastrointestinal or stomach irritation. Because patients who take NSAIDs on a regular basis are often older, many are at increased risk for serious gastrointestinal (GI) complications. Studies report the benefits of NSAIDs for treatment of musculoskeletal and soft-tissue injuries as well as rheumatic diseases. Research and clinical experience provide clear evidence that topical NSAIDs are effective analgesics and may be administered in various dosage forms, including gels or sprays, to treat soft-tissue injuries. Topical administration of NSAIDs offers the advantage of local, enhanced drug delivery to affected tissues with a reduced incidence of systemic side effects, such as peptic ulcer disease and GI hemorrhage. NSAIDs applied topically also reach the synovial (joint) fluid. The goal of using

topical NSAIDs is to achieve high tissue levels beneath the site of application (such as the knee or elbow), resulting in relief of pain and inflammation, while minimizing the amount of systemic absorption and risk of side effects. Topical administration produces systemic blood levels that are only 15% of those achieved when the same dose is taken orally, yet tissue concentrations below the application site have been found to be one hundred times higher with topical administration versus oral administration. Product formulation may have a dramatic impact not only on absorption rates, but also on penetration depth, and if inactive ingredients used in a gel or cream base are not properly selected, they can be irritating to the skin. It is important that practitioners and patients select a compounding pharmacy with state-of-the-art equipment and properly trained personnel that utilize the highest grade of chemicals.

News Between Issues! Check the web site regularly for special events by our advertisers.

treat your body like you treat your car! by Joe Costantino, LMT Licensed massage therapist Joe Costantino is certified in neuromuscular therapy (NMT) and Shiatsu acupressure massage, with 1,766 hours of training, including a degree from Florida College of Natural Health. You can make appointments to see Joe in McKinney, Plano, Lewisville, or Denton. Call him at 214578-3564 for information on special discounts and to make an appointment!

Get the Knots Out!


our body is a vehicle for your soul. You are not this body ~ you’re inside. Your body is a “feeling machine” to aid in the enjoyment of this existence. When you wash it, it’s clean. Decorate it with jewelry and bright colored clothes and you’re done. But... Are you forgetting something? Your car also gets washed and primped, but is that all? What about tires (shoes), alignment (joints), fluid (drink water!), belts (muscles), battery (healthy diet), oil change (detox cleansing)?

It’s apparent the car gets more attention than your body! Why?! I’ve been an advanced muscle mechanic for seven years now and leveling out the hips to correct uneven leg length is a piece of cake. Aligning the body by releasing tight muscles is simple but fundamental to the flow of your body. I will find areas that you didn’t even

214-578-3564 for Body Work & Preventive Maintenance! In-Home Appts. Available

McKinney • Plano • Lewisville • Denton

Also, go see Joe for a chair massage!

Denton’s Cupboard Natural Foods ~ Monday 2:30-5

Check out new features at!

News Between Issues

HAYC Subscriptions Now Available! Want your own printed copy of Health Around Your Corner in your mailbox 6 times a year? Live out of our area and want a printed copy?


know had potential problems and fix them on the spot. A good mechanic will fix a small or potential problem that a client didn’t even know existed (preventive maintenance), just because he cares for his clients. So call 214-578-3564 for free phone consultation. Relaxation classes are available free as well.

he current issue and the three most recent back issues will continue to be available free in pdf form on our web site, and the current printed version will be free at our distribution sites. For those who do not find it possible or convenient to get to a distribution site every issue, or who want the convenience and reliability of a printed copy mailed to them; we now offer a year’s subscription price payable on line or through the mail by check. Also, printed copies of back issues are available while supplies last. BACK ISSUES PRINTED COPIES (While Supplies Last) MAILED TO YOU First Year ~ 6 Issues $10.99 1-Year Subscription Any 3 ~ $7.99 (6 issues) $18.00 ORDER ON LINE ORDER BY MAIL Health Around Your Corner P.O. Box 580 Tioga, TX 76271 Please be sure and enclose your mailing address!

Dr. Bob the Health Builder Diets Don’t Work -- Only 3% Lose Weight Permanently 65% of Adults Have Degenerative Diseases Childhood Cancer is Soaring Obesity Is Common Infertility At All Time High Toxins Are Everywhere Foods Are 80% Less Nutritious Than 50 Years Ago Learn How to Lose Weight, Feel Better, Look Younger, and Have Less Disease Sign up for Dr. Bard’s e-newsletter!

See Ocean Trace Minerals article on pg. 45!

940-665-7878 Robert D. Bard, OD, FAAO Optometrist • Gainesville 35

Memory Foam Queen


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Dr. Shawn demonstrating Quantum SCIO/QXCI bioresonance system are interpreted by radiologists. Breast thermography detects patterns of heat produced from the increased circulation produced by abnormal metabolic activity in cancer cells. Thus, thermography is a physiological test. Thermograms are interpreted by thermologists. Breast thermography combines advanced digital technology with ultra-sensitive infrared camera imaging to create a significant advance in the safe and early screening for breast cancer. Scientific signs and criteria established by the American Academy of Thermology are used to interpret data. Call WBHC today!

There’s no radiation, no compression, and no pain! Having a thermogram is as easy as having your picture taken.


ho is a candidate for breast thermography? Any woman, regardless of age or breast size, who seeks a painless and radiation-free prodedure to screen for breast cancer should consider a thermogram. Some of the advantages are: • Safe, easy, and pain free • No radiation exposure • No compression of breast tissue ~ as easy as a photograph! • Detects changes in breast tissue that accompany the smallest of tumors • Entire breast can be imaged • Differentiates between fibrocystic breast disease and tumors • Effectively and safely screens breasts with implants • Useful for evaluating chest wall after breast surgery • Effective for breasts of all sizes • Creates opportunities for early intervention Currently, the most utilized breast cancer screening imaging techniques are ultrasound and mammography. Because they detect the presence of a physical mass, they are classified as anatomical tests. They

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Green Market Natural Foods & Vitamins

Rely on Julie Franklin, Store Mgr. David Murray, & Green Market owner Tom Oxley for healthy food & friendly service. And don’t forget your copy of Health Around Your Corner

Read Jonathan’s Organic Principles! See Jonathan’s Water Features!

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Advertisers’ Index ADVERTISER AD PG ARTICLE PG Abrams Royal Pharmacy 21 Abundant Life Health Foods 20 13 Adrenaline 16 8 All-Pure Water Store 26 Bard, Dr. Robert 35 33 Bella Fontana Spa 24 20 Bodywork & Wellness Center 30 BYOB Water Store 14 23 Carrollton Massage Institute 32 Community Pharmacy 4 34 Costantino, Joe 35 D&L Farm & Home 22 4 Dominion Farms 37 Family Chiropractic Center, The 29 23 Family Health Food (Sherman) 32 Family Chiropractic Clinic 39 FlexNow/Abundant Life 39 Glyconutritional Science Center 25 Golab, Dr. Jonathan 10 19 Grace Medical Association 25 24 Green Market (Sherman) 37 Hometown Pharmacies Group 19 In-Home Shopping Service 28 Josh Christian 13 L&S Ion Cleanse 36 Leanne Harris 32 Lifestyle Chiropractic 22 Macrobiotic Center 25 Mattresses Plus More 36 Medical Spa 407 14 New Life Therapies 25 NT Family Medicine (Houk) 12 Peak Nutrition 30 26 Plaza Pharmacy 30 Power of Health Naturopathics 28 15 R & C Dairy and Farmstead 37 Ray of Sunshine Sitting Service 34 Stone Creek Family Chiropractic 11 18 Texoma Fitness Center 16 Texoma Farmers Market 33 Texoma Landscapes & Garden 37 2 Texoma Wellness Center 31 14 Thermography Center of Dallas 17 16 Tony Houston, LMT, ESMT 10 Trinity Wellness Center 6 5 2 Change Your Life 36 Vita-Mix® Whole Foods Machine 21 Whole Body Healing 9 37 Wolf Creek Farms 2 Your Health Source Co-ops 27

Read “Debunking Fluoride” by Juanee Surprise, DC in our new information section at


We’re just getting started ~ more to come! 38

classifieds Health-Mate FIR Sauna ~ 2-person, like new, $2,500. 903-7869100.

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Health Around Your Corner is looking for that special person who wants part-time commission sales and distribution work. Interested in natural health? Want to help us grow? 888-642-0249

We’re Growing! Oklahoma Bonham

See the Back Page!

Dallas Farmers Mkt.

Mesquite Terrell

Thank you to Family Health Market in Frisco for helping us bring HAYC to the Frisco area

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Dr. Juanee Surprise DC, DAAPM, FAAIM (Nutrition) Board Certified Nutrition • Board Certified Pain Management

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Health Around Your Corner Goes to Livestrong Day 2007 in Flower Mound on May 16. Booths and speakers were all about surviving cancer. Trinity Wellness Center of Highland Village gave out lots of valuable, free informational material. Michelle Martz, DC, was one of the speakers for the event. She is also the author of this HAYC issue’s feature article. Pictured here are Kim Stucky (TWC Acupro tech), Dr. Martz, and Jennifer Powell, DC. Genie Fields, DC, of the Thermography Center of Dallas, and Jean Heney of HAYC show us some of the important information handed out explaining the functional-health, full-body, no-radiation thermography scan available to anyone who wants to know more about the state of their health, to track treatment programs, to implement early detection of functional changes.

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Lake Kiowa

Family Health Food Bryan County Animal Hospital

Bonham Thyme for Life

Sherman Bella Fontana Spa Kelly Square ~ Downtown Green Market Family Health Food The Willows Power of Health Naturopathics


Kiowa Pharmacy


L&S Ion Cleanse


Waterscapes Outfitters Happy Cajun Great White Elephant

Mountain Springs Mountain Springs Feed Store

Flower Mound KwiK Kar Flower Mound Herbal Pharmacy Stone Creek Family Chiropractic FM Specialty Foods Flower Mound Center for Cosmetic Dentistry Diabetes Education Center

Lewisville Abundant Life Health Foods B.Y.O.B. Water Store Lewisville Library Grace Medical Association Smith Farm & Garden Senior Activities Center Lakeland Baptist Church Repairs Unlimited Home Educator’s Resource Whole Body Healing Hartwell’s Nursery The Shepherd’s House Church

Argyle Argyle Feed

Fairview Aquatic Landscapes

McKinney Mike’s Health Collection Ultimate Sport Nutrition Lundin Chiropractic

Aubrey D&L Farm and Home All About Fitness

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Carrollton Peak Nutrition Firestone (Josey Ln.) Herbal Health Traditional Chinese Herbs SpeeDee Oil Change + Tune-Up Josey Ranch Pet Hospital Carrollton Massage Institute Bic’s Restaurant Exodus Chiropractic Center

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Farmer’s Branch Norma’s Cafe

Grand Prairie Henry Guy, DDS

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Look for us to continue adding distribution points all over the Metroplex.


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