2009-2010 - Scholarship - New Applicant Application - Final

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Scholarship Award For The 2009-2010 School Year In 1982, Hal and Jimmie Lou Jacobs encouraged First Baptist Church Naplesto establish a scholarship fund to help young people fulfill God’s call on their life to vocational Christian service. Hal served 17 years as chairman of the Scholarship Committee for seminary and college students until his death in 1999. Scholarships have been awarded to 88 men and women who attended or are now attending seminaries, universities, colleges, and Bible colleges across the USA and Hungary. While our current recipients prepare to serve, many former recipients are working for Christ in churches and other ministries in the following capacities: Pa s t o r ; A s s o c i a t e Pa s to r ; Yo u t h M i n i s t e r ; M i n i s t e r o f M u s i c ; C h r i s t i a n S c h o o l Te a c h e r ; C h r i s t i a n Ps y c h o l o g i s t ; C o u n s e l o r ; E v a n g e l i s t ; Missionary; Missionary Doctor; Missionary Nurse God’s call to vocational Christian service has been reaffirmed to our recipients through God’s Word in scriptures like: “ H o w c a n t h e y b e l i e v e i n t h e o n e o f w h o m t h ey h a v e n o t h e a r d ? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? A n d h o w c a n t h e y p r e a c h u n l es s t h e y a r e s e n t . ” Romans 10:14,15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Mark 16:15 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Susan Dickson Chairperson [email protected]




239-290-0416 (Cell)

Judy Abatecola Member [email protected] Robert Kantner Member [email protected] Kevin Van Duser Staff Liaison [email protected]




239-597-2233 -





FOR COMMITTEE USE ONLY: Scholarship Awarded to: ________________________________________________ Approved by: _________________________________________________________ Date Approved: __________ Amount of Award for 2009-2010: _________________ Amount per Semester:

$ _________________________

Tuition Due Dates: 1stPayment __________

2ndPayment __________

3rdPayment __________

4th Payment __________

02/23/09 2010

Application: 2009-


CHRISTIAN VOCATION SCHOLARSHIP FOR SEMINARY AND COLLEGE STUDENTS Scholarship help is currently available for students completing a Bachelors or Masters degree while pursuing a vocational call to ministry in the following areas: Pastor, Associate Pastor (Pre-School, Children, Students, Adults, Music & Worship), Biblical Counseling, Evangelism, and Missions.

Criteria for selection and Requirements of all scholarship recipients: 1.

Applicant must first notify Susan Dickson, Scholarship Committee Chairperson, of their desire for scholarship assistance. When the application is ready, the applicant will be notified.


Application must be submitted for consideration by May 1st for the next school year. New applicants applying mid-year are to submit application by November 1st.


Applicant must be a member, in good standing, of First Baptist Church Naples at the time of first application. Dual membership is recommended between FBCN and a local church near your school. Students completing college courses in the Naples area will continue their church ministry involvement at FBCN.

4. Applicant must have made his/her call to Vocational Christian Service public by presenting himself/herself to the church body during a worship service at First Baptist Church Naples. Meet with Forrest Head to express your call and set a date to make your call public. 5.

Scholarships will be awarded to those students currently enrolled, or enrolling, in a Southern Baptist Seminary, then to applicants in Southern Baptist universities or colleges, then to schools approved by the Baptist church.

6. A personal interview before the Scholarship Committee is required after application is received. 7. Applicants must demonstrate a willingness to help himself/herself as much as possible. 8.

A financial need for scholarship assistance must be evident or anticipated.


The decision to award a scholarship resides totally with the Scholarship Committee.


The scholarship amount will be determined each year based on funds available.


Communication with the committee throughout the year is extremely important. Notify Susan Dickson immediately of any changes to your E-mail or Home Address, Phone #, School Transfer, Area of Study, Marriage Status, etc If you are selected for a scholarship, you will need to meet these additional deadlines: 12. Confirm your 2nd semester enrollment and your check information by November 1st to Susan Dickson, committee chairperson.

• •

2nd semester tuition checks will not be sent until this notification is received. All scholarship monies are disbursed directly to applicant’s school.

13. Recipients of this scholarship who wish to continue receiving assistance another year, must notify Susan Dickson, committee chairperson, by January 31st of each year. I have read the criteria and met all requirements before submission of my application. (check or initial box) 02/23/09 2009-2010



2009-2010 CHRISTIAN VOCATION SCHOLARSHIP FOR SEMINARY AND COLLEGE STUDENTS Submit application: (1) through the internet to [email protected] or (2) print and mail completed application to: First Baptist Church Naples c/o Susan Dickson, Chairperson, Seminary & College Scholarship Committee 202 Monterey Dr. Naples, FL 34119-4622

Name:____________________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle) Naples Home Address: _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (City) (State)


Naples Home Telephone: (_____)__________________________________________ Home Address (at school):

(If this information is not yet known, make a reminder note to

supply it ASAP.)

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ (City) (State) Home Telephone (at school): (


Cell # (



E-Mail Address: ____________________________________________________________ Church Membership: (yes/no) _______Where?___________________________________ I am involved in the following ministry area(s) in my church: ________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ______________________________________________________________

EDUCATIONAL PLANS Name of your College or Seminary, City/State: _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

What degree are you seeking? ______________________________________________ What is your 2009-2010status? (i.e. Freshman or 2nd yr. Masters) ____________________

Give date of completion or estimated completion date(s) of ALL the following degrees: Date

Degree Area

Bachelors Degree ____________________ in ____________________________ Masters Degree ____________________ in ____________________________ Christian Vocation you plan to follow upon completion of college or seminary. ___________ _________________________________________________________________________ Will you be a full-time or part-time student? __________ # Credits/Semester ___________ 02/23/09 2009-2010



ACADEMIC HISTORY High School Attended: ______________________________________________________ Year Graduated: __________ GPA (un-weighted) __________ GPA (weighted)__________ College(s) or Seminary(s) Attended: 1. (Name) ________________________________________________________________ Years Attended: __________ GPA ________________ Graduation: ____________ 2. (Name) ________________________________________________________________ Years Attended: ___________ GPA ________________ Graduation: ____________

HIGH SCHOOL &/OR COLLEGE ACTIVITIES Briefly describe your school ACTIVITIES – i.e., advanced academics, student clubs, honor societies, athletics, music, etc. List any offices held: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

CHURCH & CIVIC ACTIVITIES List CHURCH AND CIVIC activities in which you have been involved during the past 4 years. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


List current employment and jobs you held during high school &/or college and seminary: Employer-Job Position Dates _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


YOUR CALL TO VOCATIONAL CHRISTIAN SERVICE Date my Call to full-time Vocational Christian Servicewas made public: ________________ Location: ___________________________________________________________ God has called me to: (area of service) _________________________________________ 02/23/09 2009-2010




Will you be working during the school year? Yes ___ No ____ Hrs./Wk ____ Will you have to pay non-resident fees? Yes ___ No ____ Have you made efforts to seek other scholarships?Yes ___ No ____ (i.e.: Academic, Athletic, Community Service, ROTC, etc.) If No, why not? __________________________________________________________ Have you been awarded any other scholarship(s)? Yes ___ (list below) No ____ Type Scholarship (List on back if needed) * Value Expiration Date ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

To meet your school expenses, are you receiving, or have you applied for any type of grant, student loan, work study or other financial aid - i.e., FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)? Yes ____ (list below) No____ If no, why not? ______________________ Type Aid (List on back if needed)

** Value

Expiration Date

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Breakdown of Expenses - For Entire School Year: Tuition Books Room & Board Travel


$ $ $ $

TOTAL for Entire School Year MINUS


** Financial Aid



$ _________________ $ _________________


Family Contribution

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

$ _________________ -

$ _________________

Other (describe on back)


$ _________________

TOTAL Aid & Contributions TOTAL EXPECTED NEED Tuition Dates:


$ __________________


$ __________________

Your scholarship covers the period August 1, 2009-July 31, 2010.

(Usual payment plan is 1 check per semester.)

1stSem. Due Date

_______ 2nd Sem. Due Date ________ _______

3rd Sem. Due Date

* All scholarship checks are sent directly to the school. Provide contact information: Name of School ____________________________________________________________ School’s Business Office Address: ______________________________________________ (ATTN:) _________________________________________________________________ (Street) __________________________________________________________________ (City)_______________________________________ (State) _____ (Zip)_____________ Your Student ID #__________________________________________ School’s Business Office Telephone: ( _)_________________ Fax: (____)____________ School’s Business Office E-mail Address: ________________________________________ 02/23/09 2009-2010

- 4-


CONTACT PERSON In the rare occasion we can’t reach you, please provide a contact person (local if possible): Name_______________________________________ Relationship ___________________ Phone #: (___)__________________

FAMILY DATA Your Marital Status? ________ Is your spouse employed? ______ ________

Spouse’s Name ________________________________ Total number of dependents in your household?

Your Children (names & ages) _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Parents or Guardian Names: (Relationship) ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) _________________________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) Father’s Address:

Mother’s Address:

(Middle) (Middle)



___________________________________ (City) (State) (Zip)

__________________________________ (Zip) (City)


(hm) _________________________

(wk) _________________________


Phone (hm) _______________________ (wk) _______________________

Explain any extraordinary expenses affecting personal or family financial situation. _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Number of family members attending college during the 2009-2010 school year who are dependent upon the family’s income? _________

02/23/09 2009-2010



Include the following items with your application: 1.

Your personal testimony. (Use Page 7 below)


Your Statement of God’s call to Vocational Christian Service. (Use Page 8 below)


Photo of yourself suitable to be used for publication in First Word. Scan your photo and send it via e-mail to the committee chairman, (see Page 1), or call the chairperson to arrange delivery of your photo & we will scan it and return the photo to you.

4. Print 2 copies of the Personal Recommendation form. (Final pages below)

Ask two individuals to complete and mail the form to us upon completion. NOTE: The scholarship committee already receives input from FBCN pastors regarding all applicants. You are asked to submit Personal

Recommendation statements from others, like… 

One from a teacher, professor, or advisor.

One from someone related to a ministry you are currently involved in or attending (other than a pastor.)


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Scholarship Committee wishes to thank you for submitting your application. We will seek God’s guidance in our decision for your scholarship request. We commit to you our prayer support as you prepare yourself during the coming school year to fulfill His call on your life. We encourage you to contact us at any time. Do not hesitate to ask us questions regarding your education path, to ask for specific prayer needs, or to seek assistance with any other need which we may be able to help you. May God richly bless you, First Baptist Church of Naples Scholarship Committee <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please consider my Scholarship Application for the 2009-2010 School Year. I understand that my application will not be considered until completed in full. Your Signature: Note:


Applicant will be notified when your application is received so an interview can be scheduled.

02/23/09 2009-2010




02/23/09 2009-2010


My Statement of God’s Call to Full-time Vocational Christian Service:


02/23/09 2009-2010




2009-2010 CHRISTIAN VOCATION SCHOLARSHIP FOR SEMINARY AND COLLEGE STUDENTS I, (print applicant’s name) _______________________________________, Recommendations submitted on my behalf.

waive my right to see all Personal

(Applicant’s Signature) ______________________________________________________ (Date) ____________ The person listed above is a new applicant for a scholarship provided by First Baptist Church Naples, Florida. In awarding scholarships, it is the desire of the Scholarship Committee to support applicants who have a clear commitment to God’s call on their life to full-time Vocational Christian Service. We rely on you to aid us in this decision. We will appreciate your frank appraisal of the applicant’s character and capacity to profit from further education. Information submitted will be regarded as confidential. After filling out this form, please sign and mail directly to: First Baptist Church c/o Susan Dickson, Scholarship Committee Chairperson 202 Monterey Dr. Naples, FL 34119 Signature ____________________________________________________________________________ Name (please print) ____________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________

Date __________________________

E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________ (Use the back of this sheet or attach an additional page, to provide more details on any of the following items.) 1.

How long have you known the applicant? _________ As: Professor/Teacher____ Advisor ____ Ministry Leader ____


What has the applicant ____________________________





Other _______________________ his/her




____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.

Do you feel the applicant is making proper effort toward successful completion of his/her education and involvement in ministry opportunities? _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. From the standpoint of character, state why, or why not, you would recommend this applicant. Please include any additional comments regarding your knowledge of this student which you feel will assist our committee.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On behalf of the Scholarship Committee and the applicant, thank you for taking your valued time to complete this recommendation form. May God richly bless you. 02/23/09 2009-2010



2009-2010 CHRISTIAN VOCATION SCHOLARSHIP FOR SEMINARY AND COLLEGE STUDENTS I, (print applicant’s name) _______________________________________, Recommendations submitted on my behalf.

waive my right to see all Personal

(Applicant’s Signature) ______________________________________________________ (Date) ____________ The person listed above is a new applicant for a scholarship provided by First Baptist Church Naples, Florida. In awarding scholarships, it is the desire of the Scholarship Committee to support applicants who have a clear commitment to God’s call on their life to full-time Vocational Christian Service. We must rely on you to aid us in this decision. We will appreciate your frank appraisal of the applicant’s character and capacity to profit from further education. Information submitted will be regarded as confidential. After filling out this form, please sign and mail directly to: First Baptist Church c/o Susan Dickson, Scholarship Committee Chairperson 202 Monterey Dr. Naples, FL 34119 Signature ____________________________________________________________________________

Name _______________________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________

Date __________________________

E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________ (Use the back of this sheet or attach an additional page, to provide more details on any of the following items.) 4.

How long have you known the applicant? _________ As: Professor/Teacher____ Advisor ____ Ministry Leader ____


What has the applicant ____________________________





Other _______________________ his/her




____________________________________________________________________________________ 6.

Do you feel the applicant is making proper effort toward successful completion of his/her education and involvement in ministry opportunities? _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. From the standpoint of character, state why, or why not, you would recommend this applicant. Please include any additional comments regarding your knowledge of this student which you feel will assist our committee.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On behalf of the Scholarship Committee and the applicant, thank you for taking your valued time to complete this recommendation form. May God richly bless you . 02/23/09 2009-2010


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