Andover Primary School
Eco Committee Meeting Minutes - 22/9/09 Present: Thomas Carrol Heather Dallas Logan Duke Kayleigh Cameron Martha Grieve- P.6 Ben Harper Miss Duncan Mrs. Apologies:
P.1 Kyle Walker - P.2 P.2 Isabella Mimiec - P.2/3 P.3 Finlay Grieve - P.4 P.5B Hannah Church - P.5M Lucas Aston - P.6/7 - P.7 Miss Travis Mathieson Mr. Johnston
All staff members have applied for eco-schools cpd
Mrs. mathieson nominated herself to attend “taking your eco-schools forward”
The eco-committee was split into 3 sub-groups o o o
Miss travis / miss Duncan: ben, Hannah, logan, Thomas Mrs. mathieson: Lucas, kayleigh, Isabella Mr. Johnston: Martha, finlay, heather, kyle
The environmental review will be carried out by the 3 sub groups with each sub group reviewing 3 different areas: ben, Hannah, logan, Thomas –
lucas, kayleigh, Isabella biodiversity/school grounds/water Martha, finlay, heather, kyle – Transport/health/sustaining our world •
Sub groups to meet 29nd September to start environmental review
Whole committee to meet again 27th october with completed environmental review