2009-03-04 Parent Council Minutes

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  • Words: 556
  • Pages: 2
Andover Parent Council Meeting, 4 March 2009 Attendees: Tim Baker, Ruth Bergen, Kay Cameron, Norma Ewen, Paula Fairweather, Liz Howson, Karen Kennedy, Sheila May, Craig McKay, Jan Mimiec, Lynette Mimiec, Steve Mitchell, Duncan Ritchie, Jackie Robertson, Jackie Williamson, Sally Wood, Len Bisset, Jan MacGregor Apologies: Mary Anderson, Lorna Baker, Kim Clark, Denise Harrison, Lee Rankin 1) Approval of 14 January minutes – Jan Mimiec proposed and Jackie Williamson 2nd that the minutes be approved as written.

2) Financial Report was given by Mrs. Howson. There was £5,341.19 balance with moneys still to be paid for musical instruments, books, nursery bench and one more white board.

3) Update of Wish list – Lorna Baker comes in on Fridays and helps out with music. She has a computer programme called ‘Groovy Music’ she would like to have integrated into the musical training. The cost for the license for this programme is £199, Jan proposed that the Parent Council purchase this license. This was agreed by all. A future wish list need will be one more interactive white board. 4) Update on Homework Guide – Mrs. Howson was still needing parent quotes so that she could send this out. 5) Update of Race night – everyone involved felt this was a total success. There was £543 raised that evening. Jackie Williamson was commended for doing an excellent job and was encouraged to set up another one for the fall so that we could have two next year instead of one. 6) Co-op member Miss J. McGregor – Mrs. Batchelor will be stepping down as she is taking a position at another school. Miss Jan McGregor was voted on to take her place.

7) Parental Questionnaire – a draft of this was handed out for comments. It was suggested that this was sent home to every family and ideas were given so that the return of the survey could be better. The Parent council agreed to pay for a raffle.

8) HIT update (news)-

a) Reading week was a fantastic success. Mrs. Kennedy was applauded for getting so many famous outsiders to come into our school and share with the children. b) It was agreed that Mrs. Howson could send complimentary Andover Tea towels to all the speakers who came in for Reading Week. c) Mrs. Howson mentioned that Mrs. West was out of the office on medical leave and they were looking into a temporary replacement for her. d) Fair trade tuck shop on Fridays is going well. e) Mrs. Kennedy is doing a ‘coffee morning’ on Fridays at 11 for those moms who would like to come and have a chat with her – especially for nursery parents. 9) Letters/Traffic Control – There is still a major problem with traffic control especially after school. Mr. Len Bissett was there to help us discuss the problem. Although there were many ideas put out, there was no solution to the problem. There will be a letter mailed to leaders asking for their help in this situation.

10)Any Other Business -

a) Craig had attended a meeting which talked of what needs to be done to lobby the government. b) Craig also brought up the stone to mark the play ground. c) Lee Rankin would like to step down as treasurer. 11) Date of next meeting is April 22, 6:30 pm.

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