2009-04-22 Parent Council Minutes

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  • Words: 539
  • Pages: 2
Minutes Andover Parent Council 22 April 2009 Attendees: Tim Baker, Kay Cameron, Steve Grieve, Liz Howson, Karen Kennedy, Libby McLaren, Jan MacGregor, Jan Mimiec, Lynette Mimiec, Steve Mitchell, Jackie Robertson, Sally Wood, Debbie McCarle, Ruth Bergen, Douglas Murray, Morag Sterling Apologies: Kim Clark, Paula Fairweather, Denise Harrison, Sara Mathieson, Lee Rankin, Duncan Ritchie, Mandy Thomson, Jackie Williamson. 1. Feedback from any visitors here in response to letters sent out. Three apologies were sent: Jim Anderson, Ruth Leslie Melville, and Kenneth Hart - who asked Morag Sterling to represent him. Also in attendance from the letters was Douglas Murray. There was much discussion on all sides about the different issues. Here is a summary of what was decided. Walkways: Morag Sterling had been in touch with the environmental health about the walkways. She gave us the number to the Angus Access answering service. This includes the dog warden, and reports for the walk ways: 08452777778 Parking: There will be a diary set up in the school office. This will be a place where anyone can write a report as to parking, motor bikes or incautious driving on or around school grounds. This diary will be checked by the police. The parent council will be looking into obtaining CCCTV cameras, and placing signs for the parking area. Crossing: The lack of lollipop personnel is an ongoing problem. It was suggested that we set up a petition for two crossings on Montrose Street and one on South Esk Street. Ruth is to write another letter encouraging leaders to attend next meeting, the petition will presented at that time. 2. Minutes from 4 March meeting these were quickly approved due to lack of time 3. Feedback from police site visit there had been a Road Safety site visit on Tuesday, 21 April. Mrs Howson was given feedback from that visit. She was told there was ample parking on Dramachlie Park; that lollipop

personnel was not a requirement and that the crossing of streets and safety was a responsibility of the parent. Andover needs to get their ‘travel plan’ finalized.

4. Financial Report Balance as of 22/4/09 was £2683.99 5. Update on Miss Murdoch’s legacy still need to purchase plaque and plant tree 6. Dates for this term Mrs. Howson gave report of 10 weeks left of school. Every week is full with something on. Class trips will be in May. Sports Day is set for 29/05/09. Parent council will provide bottled water, the school cafeteria will provide fruit. 7. Sponsored Event the annual sponsored walk was set for the 5th of June. Each pupil will be encouraged to bring a water bottle on that day. Marshals are needed for the day. 8. Matter’s arising – because of the time; other matters were tabled to next meeting. 9. Any other business – Debbie McCarle was wondering about an end of year advent for the P7 classes. There were several suggestions, with a decision to ask the pupils to see what they wanted. There was also a discussion as to purchasing high school ties for the P7 pupils as a ‘leaving’ gift from Parent Council. Mrs. Howson was to speak to Mr Dempsey as to price. 10.Date of next meeting – 26 May, 6:30 pm.

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