20081006 Claverdon Pta Minutes

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 581
  • Pages: 2
Claverdon School PTA Monday 6th October 2008 ACTION 1.




PRESENT: Julie Fenwick; Kate Gover; Anne Hamilton; Sue Herbert; Becky Muller; Rachel Ollerenshaw; Cheryl Pilling; Apologies : Sharon Cooke; Sian Edginton; Eleanor Ramessa; Claire Williams Financial Position • Kate has written to PTA thanking us for the funds for Reception equipment. • School have received a set of proposals now for computer improvements – there are several options and School now need to decide which is the best option. There is the possibility of School getting a loan from Warwickshire CC as well, so they need to decide how best to take this forward. Kate expects to make a decision in the next 2-3 weeks. • Radio Microphones – Neil Cusdin has costed what School would need at £1202 + VAT. The meeting agreed that the PTA should fund this. • Bird box with camera installed – Neil proposes that School get one of these installed to enable children to watch activity in the bird box on the TV screen – estimated cost £140. This was also agreed. Neil to liaise with Cheryl to arrange this 100+ Club • October 1st prize (£50.25) : No 7 Melanie Johnson • October 2nd prize (£16.75) : No 33 June Suter Committee Posts and Class Reps No firm interest confirmed yet for any of the committee posts (Chair, Vice-chair and Secretary). All to continue to encourage other parents to get involved. Class Reps: Reception – Anne Hamilton/Claire Williams Year 1 – Jane Whitehurst/Rachel Clark Year 2 – Susan Head/Lynn Whorton Year 3 – Rachel Ollerenshaw/Katherine Upton Year 4 – tbc Year 5 – tbc Year 6 – tbc








Sue to ask for volunteers for those classes where reps are not yet confirmed in next week’s letter Events This Year and Diary • Book fair – w/c 10 October – more volunteers needed to man the stall for about 1 hour at a time.  Monday – volunteers needed  Tuesday – Jane W, Nic G  Wednesday – Becky M (3.15 – 4.15), Julie & Sue – more volunteers needed  Thursday – Eleanor R, Claire W • Design a Christmas Card project – Friday letter to include arrangements to ensure that this can be completed by Thursday 16th October latest. PTA to ensure that volunteers are available at parent’s evening to assist with parents completing forms/arranging payment. • Ladies evening – 7.30pm 13th November at Church Centre. Flyer being produced for circulation from Friday 10th October. Sian is arranging the evening – any suggestions for stalls/treatments to her. • Christmas Fridays– from Friday 7th November to Thursday 18th December. This year we will encourage sales of fruit as well as chocolates to introduce a more healthy angle. • Disco – Sue to ask Phil and confirm date • Sue to do year calendar Any Other Business • Sue to include a ‘how can you help/what ideas do you have’ item in next week’s Fridays letter • Meeting discussed ways of getting parents more involved e.g. day meeting, coffee morning, Saturday meeting – include item in next Friday’s letter asking parents to let us know what they find interesting/what they would be prepared to support • Whitelining on playground – Sue to investigate who could do this Date for next meetings: Monday 6th October at School, 7.30pm AGM Monday 10th November at School, 7.30pm




Sian All Sue

Sue Sue Sue



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