20080922 Claverdon Pta Minutes

  • October 2019
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Claverdon School PTA Monday 22nd September 2008 ACTION 1.


PRESENT: Sian Edginton; Julie Fenwick; Kate Gover; Anne Hamilton; Sue Herbert; Jenny Phillips; Cheryl Pilling; Eleanor Ramessa; Jane Whitehurst; Claire Williams Apologies : Lois Bransby; Sharon Cooke; Nic Gotrel; Susan Head; Rachel Ollerenshaw Financial Position  Jenny updated the meeting on 07/08 fund-raising and spend, although these are draft figures and yet to be finalized.  We raised £10,409.35 (plus some outstanding ticket money from the Summer party)  We donated to School £10,771.88 including for the colour photocopier, the Abacus scheme, a projector, library furniture, contributions to Science week and Quantum theatre, equipment for the outside area  Current balance is £9153  Kate noted the School’s thanks for all the PTA efforts.  Thanks also to Jim Ward for the match giving from his employer. We are keen to arrange more match giving if possible.  Spending opportunities for 08/09 include: - Laptop trolley (07/08 priority but waiting on decisions from School on what computer equipment is required – meeting confirmed that spend on computer equipment is a priority but we are content to wait for School to re-assess their needs) - Digital camera – Sue to inquire in a Friday letter whether any parents have any unwanted digital cameras they could donate to School - Radio microphones for main hall – use in assembly etc – Julie will get a price from Neil Cusdin - White-lining in playground – Julie to investigate - Regular music/singing provision – Kate/Cheryl to follow this up with Warwickshire CC



Julie Kate/Cheryl




100+    

Club July 1st prize (£47.00) : No 13 – A M Locke July 2nd prize (£16.00) : No 74 – Sarah Healey August 1st prize (£47.00) : No 18 – Chris Sharp August 2nd prize (£16.00) : No 34 – Rachel Ollerenshaw  September 1st prize (£47.00) : No 28 – P Hargreaves  September 2nd prize (£16.00) : No 69 – Kim Panting

Current balance is £656.95 Sian will send out a letter about the 100 Club to Reception and new parents. Committee Posts The current Chair, Vice-chair and Secretary will be standing down at this year’s AGM. All to consider/ encourage other parents to get involved in the committee. Jenny confirmed she is willing to continue as Treasurer. Sian confirmed she is willing to continue with the 100 Club. Class reps will need to be established for this year. Events This Year and Diary  Friday 26th September : MacMillan Coffee morning – Katherine Upton will arrange coffee on the day but volunteers needed to help – Jane and Anne offered to help. Sian will provide 100 Club forms  Book fair – w/c 10 October – volunteers needed to man the stall for about 1 hour at a time. Sue to include in Friday letter.  Design a Christmas Card project – forms have arrived and School will arrange this over the next couple of weeks. Drawings will be available for parents to view at Parent’s evening on 15th. Orders can be placed then – full details in Friday letter and on web site.  Bag2School collection – this has been arranged for 18th November. Sue to include in Friday letter.  Ladies Night – it was agreed to hold this again this year – Sian to arrange – Julie to provide details.  Christmas disco – need to confirm date and Phil Upton’s availability. Claire agreed to arrange this – Sue to provide details.



Jane/Anne/ Sian Sue



Sue Sian/Julie Claire/Sue


Any Other Business  None


Date for next meetings: Monday 6th October at School, 7.30pm AGM Monday 10th November at School, 7.30pm

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