2008 Global Report Core En

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  • Words: 1,245
  • Pages: 11
Global summary of the AIDS epidemic, December 2007 Number of people living with HIV in 2007

Total Women Children under 15 years

33 million [30 – 36 million] Adults 30.8 million [28.2 – 34.0 million] 15.5 million [14.2 – 16.9 million] 2.0 million [1.9 – 2.3 million]

People newly infected with HIV in 2007

Total Adults Children under 15 years

2.7 million [2.2 – 3.2 million] 2.3 million [1.9 – 2.8 million] 370 000 [330 000 – 410 000]

AIDS deaths in 2007

Total Adults Children under 15 years

2.0 million [1.8 – 2.3 million] 1.8 million [1.6 – 2.1 million] 270 000 [250 000 – 290 000]

July 2008 e


Global estimates for adults and children, 2007

• People living with HIV

33 million [30 – 36 million]

• New HIV infections in 2007

2.7 million [2.2 – 3.2 million]

• Deaths due to AIDS in 2007

2.0 million [1.8 – 2.3 million]

July 2008 e


Regional HIV and AIDS statistics and features, 2007 Adults & children living with HIV Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East & North Africa South and South-East Asia East Asia Latin America Caribbean Eastern Europe & Central Asia Western & Central Europe North America Oceania TOTAL July 2008 e

Adults & children newly Adult prevalence infected with HIV (15‒49) [%]

22.0 million

1.9 million

[20.5 – 23.6 million]

[1.6 – 2.1 million]

380 000

40 000

[280 000 – 510 000]

[20 000 – 66 000]

4.2 million

330 000

[3.5 – 5.3 million]

[150 000 – 590 000]

740 000

52 000

[480 000 – 1.1 million]

[29 000 – 84 000]

1.7 million

140 000

[1.5 – 2.1 million]

[88 000 – 190 000]

230 000

20 000

[210 000 – 270 000]

[16 000 – 25 000]

1.5 million

110 000

[1.1 – 1.9 million]

[67 000 – 180 000]

730 000

27 000

[580 000 – 1.0 million]

[14000 – 49 000]

1.2 million [760 000 – 2.0 million]

54 000 [9600 – 130 000]

74 000

13 000

[66 000 – 93 000]

[ 12 000 – 15 000]

33 million

2.7 million

[30 – 36 million]

[2.2 – 3.2 million]

5.0% [4.6% – 5.4%]

0.3% [0.2% – 0.4%]

0.3% [0.2% – 0.4%]

0.1% [<0.1% – 0.2%]

0.5% [0.4% – 0.6%]

1.1% [1.0% – 1.2%]

0.8% [0.6% – 1.1%]

0.3% [0.2% – 0.4%]

0.6% [0.4% – 1.0%]

0.4% [0.3% – 0.5%]

0.8% [0.7% - 0.9%]

The ranges around the estimates in this table define the boundaries within which the actual numbers lie, based on the best available information.

Adult & child deaths due to AIDS 1.5 million [1.3 – 1.7 million]

27 000 [20 000 – 35 000]

340 000 [230 000 – 450 000]

40 000 [24 000 – 63 000]

63 000 [49 000 – 98 000]

14 000 [11 000 – 16 000]

58 000 [41 000 – 88 000]

8000 [4800 – 17 000]

23 000 [9100 – 55 000]

1000 [<1000 – 1400]

2.0 million [1.8 – 2.3 million] 3

Adults and children estimated to be living with HIV, 2007 Eastern Europe Western & Central Europe & Central Asia

730 000

North America

1.2 million

[760 000 – 2.0 million]


[580 000 – 1.0 million]

1.5 million

[1.1 – 1.9 million]

Middle East & North Africa

230 000

[210 000 – 270 000]

Latin America

1.7 million

[1.5 – 2.1 million]

380 000

[280 000 – 510 000]

Sub-Saharan Africa

22.0 million

[20.5 – 23.6 million]

East Asia

740 000

[480 000 – 1.1 million]

South & South-East Asia

4.2 million

[3.5 – 5.3 million]


74 000

[66 000 – 93 000]

Total: 33 million (30 – 36 million) July 2008 e


Estimated number of adults and children newly infected with HIV, 2007 Eastern Europe Western & Central Europe & Central Asia

27 000

North America

54 000

[9600 – 130 000]


[14 000 – 49 000]

Middle East & North Africa

20 000

[16 000 – 25 000]

Latin America

140 000

110 000

[67 000 – 180 000]

[88 000 – 190 000]

40 000

[20 000 – 66 000]

Sub-Saharan Africa

1.9 million

[1.6 – 2.1 million]

East Asia

52 000

[29 000 – 84 000]

South & South-East Asia

330 000

[150 000 – 590 000]


13 000

[12 000 – 15 000]

Total: 2.7 million (2.2 – 3.2 million) July 2008 e


Estimated adult and child deaths from AIDS, 2007 Eastern Europe Western & Central Europe & Central Asia


North America

23 000

[9100 – 55 000]


[4800 – 17 000]

Middle East & North Africa

14 000

[11 000 – 16 000]

Latin America

63 000

58 000

[41 000 – 88 000]

[49 000 – 98 000]

27 000

[20 000 – 35 000]

Sub-Saharan Africa

1.5 million

[1.3 – 1.7 million]

East Asia

40 000

[24 000 – 63 000]

South & South-East Asia

340 000

[230 000 – 450 000]



[<1000 – 1400]

Total: 2.0 million (1.8 – 2.3 million) July 2008 e


Children (<15 years) estimated to be living with HIV, 2007 Eastern Europe Western & Central Europe & Central Asia


North America


[2600 – 7300]


[<1000 – 1800]

Middle East & North Africa

11 000

[9400 – 12 000]

Latin America

44 000

12 000

[9100 – 15 000]

[37 000 – 58 000]

26 000

[18 000 – 34 000]

Sub-Saharan Africa

1.8 million

[1.7 – 2.0 million]

East Asia


[5300 – 11 000]

South & South-East Asia

140 000

[110 000 – 180 000] 000]


1100 [1200]

Total: 2.0 million (1.9 – 2.3 million) July 2008 e


Estimated number of children (<15 years) newly infected with HIV, 2007 Eastern Europe Western & Central Europe & Central Asia


North America

<500 [<200]



Middle East & North Africa


[1500 – 2100]

Latin America


[4200 – 8300]


[2400 – 4300]


[3800 – 8000]

Sub-Saharan Africa

330 000

[300 000 – 360 000]

East Asia


[1200 – 3100]

South & South-East Asia

21 000

[14 000 – 29 000]



Total: 370 000 (330 000 – 410 000) July 2008 e


Estimated deaths in children (<15 years) from AIDS, 2007 Eastern Europe Western & Central Europe & Central Asia


North America


[<100 – <500]


Middle East & North Africa


[<1000 – 1400]

Latin America


[2300 – 4400]


[1100 – 2200]


[3300 – 5400]

Sub-Saharan Africa

240 000

[220 000 – 260 000]

East Asia


[<1000 – 1900]

South & South-East Asia

17 000

[13 000 – 20 000]



Total: 270 000 (250 000 – 290 000) July 2008 e


Over 7400 new HIV infections a day in 2007

July 2008 e

More than 96% are in low and middle income countries

About 1000 are in children under 15 years of age

About 6300 are in adults aged 15 years and older of whom: — almost 50% are among women — about 45% are among young people (15-24)


2007 global HIV and AIDS estimates Children (<15 years)

• Children living with HIV

2.0 million [1.9 – 2.3 million]

• New HIV infections in 2007

370 000 [330 000 – 410 000]

• Deaths due to AIDS in 2007

270 000 [250 000 – 290 000]

July 2008 e


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