2008-10-19 Pentecost 23

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  • Words: 1,451
  • Pages: 5
Pentecost 23 October 19, 2008 Matthew 22:15-22 “And they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, ‘Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully, and you do not care about anyone’s opinion, for you are not swayed by appearances. Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?’ . . . And Jesus said to them, ‘Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” In the Name of Jesus. Amen. Refreshing! That is one way to describe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not only because it gives new life to those who hear and believe; not only because it provides us with meaning in our daily lives; not only because in the waters of baptism it delivers us from the dry heat of hell; but also because the Gospel falls upon our ears like spring rain on verdant leaves. The Gospel lesson for today is no exception, for it is especially pertinent for the times in which we live. Presidential candidates make outlandish promises that simply can’t be kept—soleley for the sake of getting elected. Millions and millions of dollars are spent on campaigns that make the claim that their only concern is for the good of the people. People themselves pay more attention to style than they do to substance. And more trust is placed in an earthly leader than an eternal savior. In the midst of this unholy babble we hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it sounds forth with truth, calling us to place our faith, yes, our 1

very well-being in the hands of someone greater than any ruler, emperor, politician or president—to be loyal only to the Lord Jesus Christ; the One who was elected from the beginning to put an end to sin and death; who was chosen by the populace to be pierced for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities; Who conducted His campaign against the devil; Whose coronation was marked by a crown of thorns, and whose throne was a wooden cross. This is too great to be captured by a campaign slogan or in a sound bite—for this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Interestingly enough, when we look carefully at the Gospel lesson for today we find a scene similar to the ones we see being played out in Washington D.C. The Herodians and Pharisees had formed a political alliance. Though they were rivals—the Herodians being followers of Herod who was himself a descendant of Esau and concerned with secular, not religious matters; and the Pharisees who, as we know, were self-righteous religious hypocrites. In spite of their differences they agreed on one thing—they both were threatened by Jesus, and wanted to get rid of Him. So they put together a plan to trap Jesus in His words. They would ask Him a “Catch 22” question. No matter how He answered, He would be ensnared. “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar?” They say. If He says “yes” then it will indicate that as a Jew He recognizes the authority of Caesar in the Holy Land, and in essence will qualify as blasphemy. If He says “no” then He will be speaking against Caesar and thus guilty of Treason or Sedition. Either answer will make Him worthy of death. But we must remember what Jesus’ opponents seemed to have forgotten—Jesus is God. As such the sinful words of 2

men are no match for the Holy Word of God. “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.” At first glance we might think that Jesus is advocating paying our taxes—which is in fact how this verse is used—as a proof-text for paying what we owe to the govt. But what Jesus is really testing is their loyalty. In whom do they place their trust, their faith? In Caesar? In the coinage that bears his image? Or in God? It’s a pertinent question not only for Jesus’ opponents but for each of us as well? In whom, or in what, do you trust? In Barak, McCain, or Jesus? Do you put more attention to the message of national “change” being promoted by these politicians than you do in the message of personal change—it’s called repentance—that is proclaimed by the prophets, apostles, and your pastor? Do you place more stock in the well-being of the stock market than you do in the well-being of your soul? Do you lose sleep over the investments that you have made in your retirement fund, but don’t give a second thought to the treasures you are storing up in heaven? Dear friends, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is calling us to re-examine our loyalties. It is a first commandment issue. And what is the first commandment? (Thou shall have no other god’s before me.) The Gospel of Jesus Christ calls us away from the opinions of the populace; reminds us not to place hope in the empty promises of politicians; and instead plants us firmly in the proclamation of the Truth: the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Even Jesus’ opponents recognized this. For they say, “Teacher, we now that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully, for you do not care about anyone’s opinion, and are not swayed by appearances.” 3

How Refreshing! We live at a time that some have described as being “Post-modern”, which, among other things, means that people do not believe in a single truth—but that there are many shades of truth. What matters most in the minds of many, whether it be in regard to one’s personal life or eternal life, is what a person thinks, feels, or the opinion that they hold. And that everyone’s opinion is equally valid. But our God is not one who cares about opinions. He doesn’t care what people think about Him—He cares that they BELIEVE in Him— in Him and no other. As He says to Cyrus in the lesson from Isaiah, I am the Lord, and there is no other.” The One true God is not a God of Post-modernism—He is not a God crafted for the ages, but who has existed for time and eternity. He is not a God who puts his finger into the wind to determine which it is blowing, and then goes in the direction that the people are going. This is the God who makes exclusive claims, which, to modern ears, sound quite intolerant. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me. How refreshing—and freeing—One does not have to carefully consider the countless choices offered these days in seemingly delightful deities, or worry if they are on the right path in life and to life--for there is only one—Named Jesus Christ. As St. Peter reminds us in the book of acts— There is no other Name under heaven by which we must be saved. Furthermore, the Lord Jesus Christ is “Not swayed by appearances.” Literally, He doesn’t look at people’s faces. Wow! Again, refreshing! Our Culture, the church, and the culture of the church are ALL ABOUT appearances. But not Jesus. Yes, many were astonished at Him—as Isaiah reminds us—but not because He had a 4

face and body that would qualify Him for the cover of GQ. Rather, his appearances was marred beyond human semblance and his form beyond that of the children of man. He had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire Him.” His face reflected love, compassion, and care for those who were hurting and helpless; and His body was built not for modeling, but for acts of mercy. Jesus was not a suit—He is our savior. He came to rescue us not from an economic crisis, but the crisis of sin. As the hammers were pounding nails into His hand He was constructing for us a home in heaven. The Crucified One has purchased us a home in heaven-- one bought not with man’s money—whether it bears the image of Caesar, Washington, or Lincoln—but with the precious blood and innocent suffering and death of the one who bears the perfect image of God—Jesus Christ our Lord. Our heavenly home is one that we don’t pay taxes on—for it is given to us by grace. It is a home which no hurricane could annihilate, no mortgage default can devastate, no greedy CEO can confiscate; and no depression can obliterate. Our future is secure in Christ Jesus. What a comforting . . . and refreshing truth! Amen.


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