2008-0917 Cdc Minutes Conference Call

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Church Development Committee Minutes September 17th, 2008 Conference Call Meeting 1.

Format is conference phone call: open with prayer by Mike Denton, Conference Minister.


Introductions of new and continuing committee members: group at conference office (Mike Denton on strategic planning, Doug Gunwaldsen, Steve Hanning, Brandon Duran, Pete Robertson, Dan Stern), Sandy Neal, Mary Miller, Jim CastroLang (chair).


Jim: purpose of CDC, evolution from task force in 1989 to conference committee soon after 1998. Funding decisions. In process with 5 churches: Broadview, Forks, Prospect, Richmond Beach, Walla Walla. When CDC proposal presented to BOD, Executive Summary accompanies, and BOD decides.


Brandon: confused with Broadview request, 2 motions and 2 dollar amounts. Jim clarifies regular and supplemental for sign’s electrical hookup.


Dan re church sign: lots of other church inquiries over city process. Considerable curiosity from community, hopes it spills over into church interest.


Brandon: RB renewal, why loan repayment 4-6 years? Jim: loans are new to CDC, time frame gives church some flexibility. Loan especially useful to RB as they needed a transition effort. Question of how CDC will manage a loan, involving the conference in this.


Brandon: WW request had no breakdown of how grant would be used. Peter: 3 sources, $13K each, goal of being selfsustaining. Sandy: sometimes grant is less scientific.


Doug: CDC ever turn down request? Jim: WW revised request after being turned down. Other grants have revised or decreased the request.


Jim: question for future consideration: CDC’s ongoing assessment of committee’s actual help to a church and its role in church’s progress, towards being more helpful. Sandy: form for churches reporting back to us on how grant was helpful. Jim notes CDC has barely begun this assessment process.


Bill Stanley joins, thanks Mary for taking notes to date, and the above is actually based on listening to the recording. Mary, is this what you got?


RB approved in August.


Jim will submit summary for Prospect and RB, info from Myles.


Q of renewals: change the conference landscape?

A. Other models? B. Mike: need strategy: most effective use, transformative processes. C. Getting the word out about UCC. D. We do try to partner with churches on issues other than money. E. Share information on how churches have used their facilities to bring in new members or rent out their facilities for income. F. How is conference or CDC creating a new environment? G. Publicize CDC-funded consultant work to other similar churches. H. Conference is seeking more collaboration between committees and work groups. I. Can October CDC meeting be more retreat-oriented about these issues? J. 6 churches considering affiliation with conference. (2 Marshalese, Samoan, Juneau, Fairbanks, Yakima Metropolitan, Tacoma) Is working with these churches more CDC than COM? A process of discernment and conversation over covenant. K. Communication with Samoan churches: patience, different focus/interest, pastor-led congregations, make video/audio links. L. Assessment of what’s happening in the conference: politically, economically. M. Clarify what we’re trying to do. N. Role of younger members in articulating a different world. Next meeting: develop strategy for CDC. Ideas of what is working in our churches currently? 1. 2 committee members under 40. 2. Asking people what works for them in a church experience, all ages. 3. How to develop secure web site library of CDC documents connected with the PNCUCC web site. Brandon says he will take this on. Jim has lots to feed in to it. 4. Backend church financial accounting: how did the project actually work out? 5. Retreat in Seattle area, location TBA. 6. On line number: 6417153420, 726234#. Respectfully submitted, Bill Stanley, Scribe

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