Call To Conference

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OCTA Conference 2009!

Yo! Ho! Ho! on the O-hi-o! Ohio Community Theatre Association Labor Day Weekend 2009, Cincinnati

Aye, and Ahoy mateys!

A Message from the Captain of the Pirate Ship 2009 OCTA Conference Steering Committee

These folks be at the helm!

Linda Roll, Conference Chair Mike Robb - 1st Mate Terri Wilson - 2nd Mate Lynne Aronson Judy Berrens Michelle Burdette Laureen Catlin Betty Coulter Abby Doensch Dee Dunn John Falkenbach Keith Gabbard Shannon Gabbard Koben Hinman Nancy Hughes Peggy Kenney Dan Phares Patt Robb Tim Rogers Tom Triplett Jon Vater Amy Shaffer Waldfogle Larry Weber Robert Weidle Becca Weisman

We command all who hereby read this missive, ta present yourself ’s ta the Pirates Lair come Labor Day Weekend, whar our motley crew has lots in store for ye. Durin’ that time, ye will experience lots o' thin’s ta keep ye entertained. Be it shows, workshops or games, we be determined ta show ye a good time. Thar is a huge pirate ship that someone will take home. And if ye be lucky enough ta earn the most gold, ye and yer closest friends can expect an excitin’ getaway ta the land o’ mountains. If ye don’t make your presence known, then ye may be walkin’ the plank the next time we see ye. Fun times ahead Your pirate mistress,

Captain Linda, “Gar”

ARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!! OCTA sails the seven seas with these mates:

American Association of Community Theatre

Here’s the Weekend Schedule Onboard Ship! FRIDAY NIGHT 7:00-8:00pm 8:00-10:00pm 9:00pm


MORE SATURDAY 1:40-5:20pm 5:30pm

4:00-10:00pm Registration First Timers Welcome OCTA JR. Performances 5:20-6:35pm WelcomeReception Laser Ta g for Youth 7:30-10:15pm 11:00pm Octawood Squares

SATURDAY 7:00-10:00am Registration 8:30-9:30am First Timers Breakfast WORKSHOPS 8:00-10:00am 8:00-8:40am Walk stage Excerpts 1,2,3 10:10am Announcements 10:20am-11:10pm EXCERPTS 1,2 12:15-1:30pm Registration 12:10-1:30pm Lunch Break Load out 1,2

Registerin’ Early Saves Silver!

Load in 4,5,6 EXCERPTS 3,4,5,6 Dinner on own or Delegates Dinner/ Annual Meeting Load out 3,4,5,6 Load in 7,8,9 EXCERPTS 7,8,9 Late Night Games

SUNDAY 7:00-10:00am Registration Walk stage excerpts 10,11 8:30-9:30 AM First Timers Breakfast 8:00-10:00am WORKSHOPS Announcements 10:10am 10:20am-11:10pm EXCERPTS 10,11 12:15-1:45pm Registration 12:10-1:30pm Lunch Break -

1:30pm 1:40-5:20pm 5:20pm 8:30pm Midnight

Load out 10,11 Load in 12,13,14,15 Announcements EXCERPTS 12,13,14,15 Load out 12,13,14,15 DINNER PIRATE BALL AWARDS Late Night Games


8:00-10:00am WORKSHOPS 11:00-11:30am NEW BOARD MEETS BRUNCH with 11:45am AWARDS


The 2009 Conference Steerin’ Committee has a treasure chest full o’ fun waitin’ fer ye at this year’s event. Led by chair, Linda Roll, the weekend promises ta be ev’ry pirate’s dream! Thar’s a whole lotta ways to experience the conference. Come fer a day, come fer two, come fer the whole weekend, so’s ye don’t miss a thing! Choose the option ye like when ye be fillin’ out the registration form on page 7. Ye can mail the forms and send your silver by them paper check things or them strange plastic cards. If ye register by August 8th, ye can save silver. And if ye want to be havin’ grub at the two meals provided, you gotta pre-register by August 15th. Cap’n Linda’ll be lookin’ for that postmark. August 15th also be the deadline to reserve your room at the Holiday Inn Eastgate at the discount rate. Be sure ta say, “Aargh, I be one o’ them pirates with OCTA!”

This be a Community Theater event, so ye better b’ware that all times and events are subject ta change!

4501 Eastgate Boulevard Cincinnati, OH 45245 Call 1-800-465-4329 or visit “Find a Hotel”

Place your Conference Reservation by August 15, 2009 to assure the discounted rate of $84.00 plus 12.5% tax per room. Be sure to mention Ohio Community Theatre Association (or OCTA)!

Page 2

Train Ta Be a Responder! Have ye always wanted ta be a responder … or ta gain a better understandin’ of the responding process! Here be yer chance! Thar’s gonna be an 8-hour extended workshop with Michael Shacherbauer designed ta train potential OCTA Responders or ta let the OCTA Membership have an opportunity to better understand the process involved in bein’ a responder. Topics covered will include: Past responder experiences (good and bad), responding procedures, OCTA responder guidelines, criteria for evaluating responders, what responders look for, a list of responder “No, no’s,” practice giving oral critiques, practice writing a written critique, and, perhaps, an actual opportunity to respond to one of the performing groups in a private setting. Attention directors … some past trainees have stated that this makes fer a great directin’ workshop, bein’ able ta see directin’ from an alternative point o’ view. Sign up early, ‘cause 12 is the maximum number of pirates allowed, and thar must be at least 8 buccaneers ta have the workshop. Thar be a $20 registration fee to attend. (Be sure to indicate this workshop on the registration form on page 7.) The registration deadline be August 21st. Sessions for this workshop will NOT be held durin’ the delegates’ annual meetin’, so’s ev’ry pirate can choose ta attend. The first “Meet and Greet” for this here extended workshop will be Friday, September 4th at 7:00 PM. If it be necessary to have a class durin’ a lunch break, box lunches will be provided at a small additional cost. Details will be sent ta attendees before conference. If ye have questions about the workshop, contact Peggy Kenney, [email protected].

Page 3

There’s A Bounty O’ Great Workshops! As the pirate ship lands at Eastgate Holiday Inn, thar be a plethora of workshops ta meet the tastes of all the ship’s mateys. Workshop Coordinator Peggy Kenney focused on the three areas of theatre: the board, the tech crew, and the performers/ directors. She’s hopin’ ye’ll plan ahead, and rest before ye come so’s ya won’t miss out on any of these learnin’ experiences. Workshops for the board include: Grant Writing with Suzy Dorward, in Financial development with YMCA AACT Up? with Ron Ziegler from the American Association of Community Theatre (AACT)

Getting Past Personalities, Board Building with Larry

Neilsen from AACT Technical workshops include workshops on the following topics: Costuming with Jonn Schenz of Schenz Theatrical Supply, Inc, Cincinnati Make Up with Wendy Goldstein, Costume Specialist, Columbus Set Building with Ray Pershing, Centerville, OH Pyro Tech with John Gradwohl, Parkersburg, W. Va Lighting, with Vincent Lighting, Kentucky Making Props presenter TBA The workshops which should interest performers and directors are: Children’s Theatre with Fred Tacon, author & director

Auditioning for a Musical

with Mark Femia, music director and performer

Choreography for the Non-Dancing Director with

Gavan Pamer, professional actor, director and choreographer Script Analysis with Jhon Marshal, actor, director, and International Thespians responder Dance with Brian Anderson, choreographer, director and actor Rehearsing for a Scene John Proccacino, professional actor, stage, movies and TV. Plus an additional MTI workshop to be announced. And ye won’t want ta miss the one time presentation of the

Directors Forum and Round Table discussion with award

winning directors from each region: Bonnie Freilich (NE), Jeremy Sony (C), Ginny Weil (SW), Charlie Matthews (SE), and Claudia Lillibridge (NE), moderated by Dennis Murphy. Also thar be an Extended Adjudicators Workshop, that be open to all even if ye never plan ta be a responder. It be givin’ ye an insight into the process them responders use and could help ye when yer pickin’ an excerpt ta bring ta competition. See the separate article on this here page to larn how ta pre- register for this workshop. It promises ta be an exciting’ weekend, so’s take advantage of this educational part of the conference. The workshops will provide an opportunity for ye ta bring a fresh idea back ta yer own theatre. As an added bonus, attendees will be gettin’ a coin ta add to their treasure!

Delegates Be Important Ta Runnin’ the Ship! Every member OCTA Theater should send a delegate to the annual conference to collect information about OCTA services, to vote in the election and on other issues that come before the membership. The delegates attend a required meeting to caucus and vote on Saturday before the delegate dinner starting at 5:30 in the Atrium. Delegates who represent 501( C) (3) tax-exempt theatres may deduct the expenses required to fulfill their responsibilities as voting delegates.

Pirate Patrons Are Worth Their Weight In Gold! The Ohio Community Theatre As-

sociation started in 1953 with sixteen theatres. Today, in 2009 we are competing our 59th year and still going strong with over a hundred community theatres as members of the organization. Due to the economy of the state and the nation, grant funds are decreasing very quickly and OCTA’s grant monies have decreased tremendously during the last decade. As a result of this decrease in funding, OCTA has to depend on its Annual Conference to make money and our patrons to help keep all of the organizational programs functioning throughout the year.

Let’s be talkin’ treasure here! OCTA can sure use your help to keep its coffers full! At conference it’s a lot o’ fun. Ye can be takin’ home yer very own pirate frigate. A specially designed ship, suitable for travel will be raffled off. OCTA’s annual Silent Auction will once again be on deck and logo items will be on sale. Or ye could become one o’ them patrons, so’s we don’t call ya a blaggard!

To become a patron, fill out the information on the enclosed registration form, or ask at the conference registration table.(ye be gettin treasure fer this too!) You could also contact your regional rep, or any of the OCTA Board Members. They will see that you get a patron form to complete OCTA provides you with the opportunity to use your credit card, use cash or use a check to make your contribution. Simply complete the requested information and return the form to the address provided. Remember OCTA is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501( C) (3) organization and your donation is tax deductible except ofr $5.00 which covers the cost of OCTA’s newsletter throughout the year.

Can’t sail without a flag! Aaargh, we be needin’ some pirate flags ta show our colors at the Pirate Ball. Them thar Southwest theatres’ll be scarin’ up special flags fer centerpieces, but ye theatres from nor’ a the Ohio be invited to bring a pirate flag all ye own! Make it no more than 12”x12” with a 6” base if ye’d like it ta be free-standin’ and be decoratin’ it on both sides and the cap’n will fly it from the mast … er one o’ them yardarms anyways.

Page 4

Thar be something’ goin on All the time

Are Ye Wonderin’ What Collectin’ Treasure Gets Ye? The Buccaneer what collects the most treasure throughout the conference will win a weekend getaway in Log Heaven (shown above) located in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Ye can invite some mates to join ye there, if ye’d like. Log Heaven be a traditional log cabin with a view o’ them thar mountains. It sleeps ten in five bedrooms and has three baths, a pool table, a bar, a hot tub, a sauna, a washer/dryer, a wood fireplace and a kitchen. It sure beats the ship’s galley and the brig! Thar be lots o’ ways to collect coins by participatin’ in the many activities of the weekend. Ye can be collectin’ coins at workshops, selected excerpts, in the contests and games of the weekend, and now and then, when ye least expect it.

Sunday evenin’ it's time ta hoist sail for distant seas in search of buried treasure, i n t e n s e adventure, and the odd bottle o' rum. Yer invited to join the crew while we plunder the shores o’ celebration! Come dressed in yer best buccaneer garb, and thar may be some booty awarded to ye. Pick up yer heels and dance the night away with yer mates, or even a favored landlubber. What a Fiddler’s Green! Any swine who scuttles the merriment will spend some time in Davy's grip. Savvy? OCTAfeud and Match Game will return and the cap’n and crew ha’ been cookin’ up an excitin’ new late night game ta shiver your timbers. Some lads and lassies will be singin’ shanties with them buckos from MTI. And thar always be them that deal cards for pieces o’ eight.

Be Stoppin’ at the Registration Table! Friday, September 4 - 4:00-10:00 pm Saturday, September 5 - 7:00-10:00 am Saturday, September 5 - 12:15-1:30 pm Sunday, September 6 - 7:00-10:00 am Sunday, September 6 - 12:15-1:30 pm

Page 5

On Friday night the OCTA Jr’s are givin’ excepts. Don’t ye dare miss these talented apprentices. And we be plannin’ somethin’ special f or them young scallywags when they be finished on the boards Friday night. Aargh, but what better place to be sendin’ em than to Scallywag Tag where thar be laser tag and video games. That’s just the beginnin’ of all the merriment and tomfoolery. Jus’ bein’ with yer maties is worth a treasure chest full o’ doubloons! From the four corners and the center of the state, thar’ll be excerpts on Saturday and Sunday to entertain ye. Then come to the awards feast on Monday while we divvy up all the loot. What a great way to end this little excursion.

Commercial Displays Too! Commercial displays will be setup for viewing starting Friday evening, and will continue throughout the weekend. Don’t just swagger by without stoppin ‘ to see what these enterprisin’ enterprises have to show ye. And be quick about it, they’ll be gone on Sunday night.

Shiver Me Timbers, OCTA Be Lookin’ Thar be Pirates on Stage ! for Board Members

From the Midlands

From the Nor’East Wally’s Café Accomplice Godspell

From the Nor’West



Don’t Hug Me Ravenscroft Songs for a New World

Kitchen Witches Hidden in This Picture You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

From the South East Big—The Musical

From the SouthWest You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown Tick….Tick….Boom Pirates of Penzance The M-Word / Post-its

OCTA has eight positions on its governing board open for election this year in Cincinnati. There are 6– 3 year terms and 2– 2 year terms. Successful candidates are energetic advocates of theatre who enjoy working with other enthusiasts to serve and promote community theater in Ohio. Interested candidates should contact Ruby Classen at [email protected], or any of the Regional Representatives to receive a packet with complete information and a board candidate application. The election is held during the delegate’s annual meeting on Saturday evening. Octa needs good people from every region in Ohio.



Parrots Be Talkin’ at This Conference! Ahoy, mateys, look at what’s new this year! We be publishin’ a daily newsletter called Parrot Talk. Each morning this newsletter will be available ta update ye on all the activities of the day, any changes to the those activities (change of location, change of time, cancellations, etc.), a quick review of the yesterday’s exciting’ events and much more. Thar also be copies posted in various locations throughout the hotel. We hope this will become a part of your daily scheduling so you can get the most out of your convention experience.

First Timers Be Welcomed in Spades! Welcome packets be at the registration desk complete with schedules, histories and other bounty Yer very own welcome reception on Friday Then ye be comin’ ta breakfast on Saturday Y’ll want ter have breakfast again on Sunday, too!

Be Wearin’ That Thar Logo Stuff With Pirate Pride! A variety of items bearing the OCTA logo will be on sale at the 2008 Conference. Look for the sales table near registration and make a purchase to show support. OCTA's Finance Committee is acquiring new items, as well as restocking favorite items from years gone by. Conference T-Shirt orders should be sent in with your Conference registration. These 100% cotton tshirts will sport the conference logo. Available for only $13.00 to $21.00, these shirts can be ordered in any sizes from adult S through XXXXL. Show your support and wear the logo.

Page 6

OHIO COMMUNITY THEATRE ASSOCIATION 2009 OCTA CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM - (September 4-7, 2009) “Yo-Ho-Ho on the Ohio!” (Please use one form per person and type or print the information)








I receive the OCTA Newsletter “CUELINES”: Yes No This is my first State OCTA Conference: Yes I will be my theatre’s voting delegate at the Annual Meeting on Sunday to elect new Board Members: Yes

No No

CANCELLATION and RETURNED CHECK POLICY Registration refund, minus a $10.00 administration charge, will be made for cancellations received on or before August 15, 2009. NO REFUNDS will be made for cancellations after August 15, 2009. Refunds will be mailed after the close of the conference. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE FEATURED REGISTRATION PACKAGE. ANY REGISTRATIONS POSTMARKED AFTER AUGUST 15 WILL NOT BE PROCESSED - AT DOOR REGISTRATION WILL BE THE ONLY OPTION. Registration rate is determined by POSTMARK DATE. Registrations not postmarked before the two deadline dates will be billed at the next rate. A $20.00 fee will be charged for all returned checks. • • • • • •

NON-CAST/CREW REGISTRATION FORM PRE-REGISTRATION COMPLETE - EARLY BIRD PRIOR TO AUGUST 8 (includes 2 meals, excerpts, regular workshops & entertainment) PRE-REGISTRATION COMPLETE - AFTER AUGUST 8 UNTIL AUGUST 15 (includes 2 meals, excerpts, regular workshops & entertainment) PRE-REGISTRATION-DAILY (one day of excerpts, regular workshops - attendance only) I’m coming - SAT AFTER AUGUST 15 REGISTRANTS MUST PAY AT THE DOOR (includes excerpts, regular workshops & entertainment only—no meals) AT THE DOOR SAT OR SUN DAILY REGISTRATION (includes excerpts and regular workshops only) RESPONDER EXTENDED WORKSHOP REGISTRATION

$95.00 $115.00 SUN

$55.00 $115.00 $60.00 $20.00

Logo ordering and payment deadline is August 15, 2009. Please circle size: Conference T-Shirt Sizes: S M L XL $13 XXL








INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP - 10% DISCOUNT (Individual Membership Card Number =


OPTION - OCTA PATRON DONATION ($5.00 of donation is used for “Cuelines” balance is tax deductible) Please provide a VEGETARIAN MEAL


The hotel is wheelchair accessible. Deadline to request the following services is August 15, 2009: Sign language interpreter audio description large print program EASTGATE HOLIDAY INN, 4501 Eastgate Blvd, Cincinnati, OH 45245—Room reservation deadline is August 15, 2009. PHONE: 1-800-465-4329 or use Holiday Inn Find-A-Hotel at ROOM RATE: $84.00 + 12.5% tax Make Checks payable to OCTA. Mail this form and check to: Linda Roll, OCTA Conference Chair 5775 Tall Oaks Dr Milford, OH 45150-2557

CREDIT CARD INFORMATION: Visa Mastercard Card Number: Expiration Date: Signature:

OHIO COMMUNITY THEATRE ASSOCIATION 4042 Blendon Point Dr Columbus, OH 43230 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED OCTA was founded in 1953 for the purpose of promoting excellence and creativity in live theater by providing its members educational opportunities for growth in artistic and technical aspects of theater, to promote community awareness and understanding of, and access to, live theater. OCTA Call to Conference 2009 Edition is a publication of the Ohio Community Theatre Association Conference Chair: Linda Roll Editor: Laureen Catlin

Ohio Community Theatre Association Annual Conference Holiday Inn Eastgate Cincinnati, Ohio September 4-7, 2009

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