July 23 Conference Call

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CR LEADers 2009: July 23rd Conference Call Attendees: Steffanie Kolbus Jeff Colton Jim Keysor Derek Deroche Beth Konop Kelsey Angle Ashley Brooks Katy Branham Jeff Boyne Kelly Kramlich

Liz Stoppkotte Lisa Schmit Unable to Attend Todd Hamilton Jamie Bielinski Jennifer Zeltwanger Facilitator: Steffanie Kolbus

Meeting Logistics • Lisa brought up her desire to centralize communications somewhat, since there are so many ways we are getting information out to each other (Blogger, Facebook, email). It was decided that for conference call/logistical information (official things), an email will be sent to our NOAA accounts. The blogs/facebook/etc. will be used for other things (conversation topics, idea sharing, etc.). Drawing/logo development • ACTION ITEM: Ashley will continue working on this and should have something together in the next week or two. She will share it on the blog. Johnny’s Calendar • Johnny’s calendar is still empty. o ACTION ITEM: Lisa will take pictures of her Bowling for Backpacks event next week, since Johnny wouldn’t be able to make it here soon enough (can photoshop him if necessary). We can use these if needed. o Liz has a Habitat for Humanity event coming up soon too, will add it to the calendar when the exact date is set over the next week or two. •

If anyone is having trouble getting into the calendar, contact Steffanie.

Survey Results See the full results on the Blog along with the Power Point from the call

Likes: Doodle polls, surveys, brainstorming/free flow of ideas approach to meetings Improvement areas: o Calls:  Need facilitator and agenda for each one • People like to keep the call moving on a scheduled agenda • Have the agenda out ahead of time (via the blog) so people can contribute. Feel free to submit comments/ideas, etc for the agenda ahead of time on the blog • have one person (facilitator) do the facilitating/scheduling/polling/webinar/etc. for each particular call  Announce yourself when speaking  The general consensus was to keep the call internal at this time, and not have an outside recorder.

Committees: • Jeff C. brought up that smaller committees will likely function more efficiently…possibly 3-5 people o Month of Service:  general consensus is to have a committee  we all need to have input during the planning stage  the committee would give updates and take input from the larger group on the blog and implement whatever plan we come up with o Marketing:  Webinars: Consider having a standard/common theme threaded through the series • motto and Johnny may help with this • Some were opposed to having a standard background/font, etc for each Webinar so using a motto/logo/Johnny or showing how everything is inter-related could help tie everything together. Post comments about this on the blog.  Don’t necessarily need to bring in an outside marketing person (plenty of creativity within the group) o DVD  can probably do this as a group, rather than needing to formulate a committee  will table this for now until we get rolling Webinar Ideas:

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30 second pitch at the end of each webinar giving a preview of the upcoming one, promoting the 2010 LEAD Experience, and also ask for feedback from those who attended the webinar Be catchy o Open with a story or example o Be interactive. Perhaps ask some of the audience for examples to share with everyone about a particular topic Address the doubters o Try to bring about “Ah-ha!” or light bulb moments o Influence and encourage people to want to change themselves and show how these things are valuable Record webinars so offices can be flexible in how/when they use these webinars Should we keep the Servant Leadership webinar first, or wait to do it until just before the Month of Service? o Keep it at the beginning but continue to remind people what is coming up o People might lose their enthusiasm if the webinar on servant leadership is too far from the Month of Service o The Month of Service is more for highlighting what we have been doing all along, not just for people waiting until it arrives to get started and do something o Will talk more about this next meeting, leave things as are for now but feel free to comment on the blog.

Servant Leadership Webinar (tentatively November 29 – December 5, 2009) o See comments above about possibly rethinking the order of the webinars and moving the Servant Leadership webinar around • Ideas: o Examples of leaders living this out o personal stories from our group o importance of it both inside and outside of work o focus on agape love & crossing the river o offer ideas for office to serve others o give a good (academic) explanation of it o use Johnny’s travels o stress that Everyone can lead by SL Core Values Webinar (tentatively February 28 – March 6, 2010) • At the center of all decision-making o Hiring

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o Reactions o Daily communication Emphasize how debilitating it is to live with compromised core values Everyone’s different, we can’t define them Others-centered, instead of self-centered Present LEAD Core Values o Challenge offices/individuals to create their own not only for work, but for all arenas of life

Power vs. Authority Webinar (tentatively May 30 – June 30, 2010) • May be redundant • Show people that having positive influence is the only way to achieve loyalty and trust • Ask participants who has been most influential in their lives, and then ask why Mentoring Webinar (August 29 – September 4, 2010) • Hand-in-hand with empowerment • Could yield a lot of open discussion • Focus on o Follow through (progress, allowing others to succeed/fail) o Marriage/kids, friends, relationships outside work o Most successful mentoring relationships aren’t arranged, but formed on own  natural mentoring Grassroots Efforts: • Be open to and initiate conversation • Get together with neighboring offices for training (gotomeeting) • Hold joint service projects with other offices • Mentor another office in developing or improving a leadership team • Service challenge with another office • Office advocates-with contact to one of us Month of Service Committee • Fall committee onset (Oct/Nov) o focus now on big picture • Allow offices to choose own projects o rural difficulty Possible Teams: • Please see results from Steffanie’s last poll on the blog, along with the Power Point from this conference call. • ACTION ITEM: Liz will do a doodle poll to have people rank their interest. Since some people showed high or moderate interest in more

than one area, it was decided that we each work on only one webinar and be a part of one committee. Keep this in mind when ranking your interests in the next pre-conference call poll. • •

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Servant Leadership Team: o High: Kelsey, Jim, Beth, Jeff B., Jen o Moderate: Juiceman, Derek, Liz Core Values Team: o High: None o Moderate: Juiceman, Lisa, Todd, Kelsey, Stef, Jeff B., Jen o Since no one has a high interest in this topic, should we re-think this topic? Is there another topic that would make a webinar on core values? These questions will be addressed in the poll for the next conference call. Power vs. Authority: o High: Lisa, Katy, Jamie, Kelly, Stef, Liz, Ashley o Moderate: Kelsey, Jeff B. Mentoring: o High: Juiceman, Lisa, Todd, Jamie, Liz, Ashley o Moderate: Kelsey, Katy, Jim, Beth, Derek, Jen Marketing o High: Lisa, Kelsey, Beth, Derek, Jeff B., Jamie, Kelly, Stef, Liz, Jen o Moderate: Katy, Jim, Juiceman

Volunteer for the next call: • ACTION ITEM: Liz will be the facilitator, do the scheduling, send out an agenda, conduct poll, etc. • The call will be next month (August, probably the last week of the month) Review: Known Action Items 1. Ashley will continue working on the logo and should have something

together in the next week or two. She will share it on the blog. 2. Lisa will take pictures of her Bowling for Backpacks event next week (Johnny) 3. Liz will conduct a poll to have people rank their interest for the committees and to gather opinions on whether or not we should lump the Core Values into another one of the Webinars and, if so, what should we do to replace the Core Values webinar. 4. Liz will be the facilitator, do the scheduling, send out an agenda, conduct poll, etc.

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