2007 Messages From Jesus Through Little Mary

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 5
MESSAGE #2956 from Jesus January 16, 2007 My child, I am with you. Do not fear the cross or the suffering I give to you, for you are not alone. I am with you, so trust in My love for you. Trust in My love for you and allow Me to be your peace and strength. Join your suffering to Mine so more repent in this time of My mercy. Listen to Me and write each time I come to you. All must pick up their cross and follow Me. All must be willing to be persecuted for living their faith. Living in sin is not the way to true freedom. All must repent and amend their ways. All must rely on Me if they truly want to remain faithful to My Word. My child, time is short and all will happen quickly, so tell the world to change now. Live simply and let go of pride. Love one another and live in unity and harmony. Be prayerful people and respond to all that My Mother is teaching you. Respond with joy in your hearts and be thankful for life. Cherish life and assist those who are choosing darkness. My pain is immense, for life is no longer precious. Men are blind, they are choosing who should live and who should die. Punishment is near. Man must obey each Commandment instead of making up their own rules. There will be no mercy for those who are refusing to repent. I now ask the world to open their hearts before it’s too late. Come back to Me. My Heart is overflowing with love and mercy. Repent and pray and return to My Heart before it’s too late. Accept My love. I am Jesus. I am always with you.

MESSAGE #2969 from Jesus March 5, 2007 My child, Come to Me and I will strengthen and renew you. I will give you hope through all trials and suffering. I want to walk with each of you, but you must first come to Me. You must allow My light to shine through you. Open your hearts and trust in My love and forgiveness. Accept My love, and My mercy will flow and heal your broken hearts. I am here to cleanse you and protect you from all evil. Listen to Me and take refuge in My Most Sacred Heart. Listen to My cry of mercy. Pray, fast and do penance. Time is short. Devote yourself to prayer and listen to My voice. Come to Me and I will do all things for you. Follow Me along the Way of the Cross and unite your soul to Mine. I am Jesus. Respond to My words of mercy and love.

MESSAGE #3009 from Jesus August 6, 2007 My child, Pray and I will guide you. Write so more awake from their slumber. Blessed will be those who listen to My voice and prepare themselves, listen to My voice and take heed to My Mother’s heavenly requests. Humanity is being warned, yet so many continue to live in sin. Repent and believe in the Gospel. Turn away from sin and walk in My light. Pray and do penance. Return to the Sacraments so I can assist you. My mercy is great to those who repent. Woe to those who are choosing darkness. Woe to those who are living in mortal sin. Surrender yourself to My Will. Follow Me along the way of the cross. Unite your soul to Mine. Be humble, loving and prayerful. Do not choose to perish in eternal fire. Prepare your soul. Allow My light to shine through you. Do not reject My mercy and love. I am Jesus. Blessed will be those who hear My Words and listen to My voice. Pray, open your heart and begin today to practice My Words of teaching. Pray and be prepared. The hour is drawing near.

MESSAGE #3023 from Jesus October 1, 2007 My child, Be faithful and keep your heart open to what I am telling you. Be willing to suffer so more souls are saved. Many hearts are still distant from Me because they are giving in to the ways of the world. Very few are living My Mother’s messages to the world. I am pierced by many swords. Those who are living a lukewarm life cause Me so much pain. How much blood must I shed? The hour is drawing near. There will be no mercy for those who are blind and deaf to My call of love. A great punishment will happen if man does not humble himself and repent. The world is destroying itself because so many choose to live in mortal sin. My faithful servants, be prepared for what I am asking of you. Pray and atone and be willing to suffer for making the truth known. Obey each Commandment and simplify your lives. Participate in the Holy Sacrifice of Mass and join hands and pray together. Through prayer and penance, I will be ever so near to you. Do not allow man to discourage you. Accept the trials that come your way. Be humble, loving and prayerful and prepare your soul each new day. Through obedience, you will have the grace needed to persevere and survive. Blessed will be those who obey and prepare themselves. Do not be afraid. I am Jesus. I am truly with you. My child, make My Words known. Tell the world to repent and return to My Most Sacred Heart.

MESSAGE #3039 from Jesus December 6, 2007 My child, I am Jesus. Your hands and voice are needed to wake mankind. My heart is pierced because humanity does not repent. The world is growing darker due to lack of love and refusal to obey each Commandment. So many are abusing this time of My mercy and grace. My daughter, unite your heart to My tears of blood. Spend time with Me and pray for those who are refusing to repent. Listen to My Mother and make her messages known. If mankind does not pray and get down on their knees, change will happen around the world. The earth will be shaken and many will perish. Storms will arise and flames will be cast down from Heaven. The earth will open and many homes will be destroyed. Your wealth will be taken away and many will suffer. Darker days will follow. Will you be prepared for battle? I am warning mankind. Each of you must pray and do penance. You must live My Mother’s messages and join hands and pray. Do not neglect your children, pray with them each new day. I tell you, the time has come for the world to repent. Change is near. Pray and persevere. I am here to warn mankind to avoid devastation and catastrophe. My mercy is infinite for those who turn to Me and repent. Listen to My voice. Do not reject My mercy and love. Be faithful and take refuge in My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Our Heart is joined, so obey, pray and be prepared. Note: This message is also on latest audio list

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