2007-11: November

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Chris Pine as James T. Kirk

Zachary Quinto as Spock

Karl Urban as Leonard McCoy

Simon Peg as Scotty

John Cho as Sulu

Zoe Saldana as Uhura

Anton Yelchin Pavel Chekov

Eric Bana as Nero



NCC-2 2004

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Hephaestus Captains Announcements


XO Briefing


Communications Report


Away Team and Activity Schedule


Renewal Reminders


Fun & Games Crossword Puzzle




The Trek Life


Enterprise News Eric Bana cast as Bad Guy


Nichols Wants Characters To Be "Heroes"


Nimoy Returned to Star Trek For Abrams


Paramount Finds New Scotty & Sulu


Quinto Thought About Quitting Showbiz Before Syler, Spock 11 Urban, Pine Sign for Trek XI


"Star Trek" To Have $150 Million Plus Price Tag


Trek Actors Congratulate Those Newly Cast


Shatner: Still the Captain, But Still Not in "Star Trek" 13 Nimoy Talks Photography, Return To Film


The Anvil, Issue 200, Is the monthly newsletter of the USS Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of Starfleet, The International Star Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a devision of Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.

WEB LINKS Starfleet www.sfl.org Region2 www.region2.org USS Hephaestus www.ussheph.org

SUBSCRIPTIONS to the Anvil are available for $10.00 per year. Canadian subscription rate is $12.00 per year. Individual issues may be purchased by sending your address and two unaffixed first class postage stamps to Starfleet, USS Hephaestus, 2912 Dublin Dr N, Helena,AL 35080-3740. Back issues to January 1997 are available for $1.25 per issue. The deadline for contributions to The next Anvil is Tuesday Feb. 18th. Submissions should be sent electronically to [email protected], or on disk to Dennis Evans, 365 Belcher Dr., Midfield Al. 35228, in DOS, Word Perfect or Word format. Editor Layout, Graphics and Publishing Medical Reporting Communication Reporting Treasury Reporting

Danny Potts Dennis Evans Sheila Benton Dennis Evans Danny Potts

HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world's largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our Starfleet chapter the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and weapons for the gods. We create our own "armor and weapons" here, in our newsletter, so it is called THE ANVIL.




NCC-2 2004



Believe it or not, football season has ended! No, not that wimpy Southeastern Conference stuff the amateurs play, I’m referring the big leagues! Fifth Grade, 120-pound football!

2, then there’s a lot of open positions at the moment. Currently, the positions of Chief of Computer Operations, Quartermaster and Auctioneer are all available. If you’d like more information on these positions, contact VRC Lucy Ferron at [email protected]

Some improvement over last year, we actually won two games, and scores in just about every one we played. Why am I sharing all this? Because those of you that come to meetings know that we haven’t been...

The 2008 Region 2 Summit finally has a website. They’re not taking registrations yet, due to the uncertainty of STARFLEET’s tax situation, but you can at least go learn about the city and the hotel! Point your web browsers at: http://www.treknoid.com/summit2008

With the season over, we’ll be able to put ourselves back into things... at least until Basketball starts :) I wanted to take a second and thank Pat Hicks for taking the reigns of the ship while we’ve been busy with real life stuff. It’s nice to not feel pressured to have to choose one over the other!

As I’ve mentioned before, we’re working on moving as many people as possible to electronic Anvils. We’re down now to less than 10 members still receiving the printed copies. If you’ve got an internet connection that can handle electronic Anvils, we’d love to bring that number

As she mentions in her article, our end-of-the-year blowout is coming up on November 17th. This is the only party event this Holiday season. We’re combining Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all into one big party, rather than thin out the crowd between all three.

down even further. Just send me an e-mail at [email protected] and I’ll switch you over. It’s really nice to see it in full color, and I maintain a rolling nine (9) months of Anvils at the USS Hephaestus website, located at http://www.ussheph.org

If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to serve Region

Can you believe that it’s already November? Before we know it the holidays will be here. Speaking of holidays, remember that we are combining our Thanksgiving Feast and our Christmas party. We’ll meet on November 17 at 2:00 PM at Pete and Sue Ellen’s. There will be turkey and all the trimmings. If you have a favorite dish you would like to bring, you may., but all you really need to bring is yourself. Also, remember we will be playing the Ferengi takeaway game. If you want to participate, bring a gift under $10.


I’m still reviewing crew members’ ranks and considering promotions. If you have taken any Starfleet Academy courses during April through October of this year, please let me know. I need to know the name of the course or courses you took and the date you completed them. Just email the information to [email protected]. That’s all, folks. See you at the Thanksgiving Feast/Christmas party. Pat Hicks




NCC-2 2004


Party we have combined the events into one event to be held November 17th at the home of Pete and Sue Ellen Mohney. I expect this to be a fun night and do encourage you to attend.

It is hard to believe that this is the 200th issue of The Anvil. While, I have not done them all of course I have done my share and have loved it. I have no plans to stop any time soon either. Besides I have been told I can’t. I do hope you have enjoyed what I have done with this newsletter over the years. I have tried to make it something we could all enjoy and be proud of.

The deadline for the next Anvil is Tuesday November 20th. Please get me your submissions by that date. You can send them to me at [email protected]. Dennis

This year we will be doing something a bit different. Instead of our annual Halloween party and Christmas




Nov 5 Nov 17 Dec 3 Dec 15 Jan 7 Jan 16 Feb 4 Feb 16

Buisness Meeting Fall Feast Buisness Meeting Social Meeting Buisness Meeting Social Meeting Buisness Meeting Social Meeting

Kingdom Mohney’s Kingdom Mohney’s Kingdom Mohney’s Kingdom Mohney’s

Comics Comics Comics Comics

7pm 2pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm

* Event still in planing stages, date and time and exact event tba ALL EVENTS AND TIME SUBJECT TO CHANGE, PLEASE REFER TO THIS SECTION FOR UP TO DATE INFORMATION.





NCC-2 2004

Evans - 11/10/2007 Green - 12/18/2007 Mangina - 01/18/2008 deGruy - 03/27/2008 Simmons - 04/12/2008 Benton - 05/24/2008 Hicks - 05/22/2008 Hurst - 05/22/2008 Greening - 05/22/2008 Lindsay - 08/03/2008 Miller - 08/04/2008 Mohney - 11/03/2007 Yawn - 11/27/2007 Potts - 02/20/2010





NCC-2 2004


Executive Committee

Danny Potts, Vice Admiral – Captian

Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain

Pat Hicks, Captain - 1st Officer

Denby Potts, Rear Admiral

Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain – Second Officer

Lynnette Yawn, Lt.



Roy Green, Col - Archaeology and Anthropology

Pete Mohney, Vice Admiral

Computer Sciences

Flo Hurst, Cdr.

Engineering Vacant



Dennis Evans, Captain, Chief

Roy Green, Col, Security Intelligence, Chief

Pat Simmons, Captain

Charlie Boartfield, Crewman

Melissa Boartfield, Crewman Medical Sheila Benton, Lt Cmdr, Chief Medical Officer, SFMD



Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain, Chief of Operations and Counselor

Neil Yawn, Brigadier, SFMD

Denby Potts,Rear Admiral, Ships Stores Officer and Secretary

Roy Green, Col

Sheila Benton, Lt Cmdr, Stampede Coordinator, SFMD

Sheila Benton, Lt. Col.

Lynnette Yawn, Lt, Ship's Galley Officer

Unassigned Crew and Civilians

Cadet Training Haley Youngblood Cadet Apparent

Gloria Greening, Lt.

Matthew Potts, Cadet Recruit

Nicholas Mohney, Ensign

Katrina Mohney

Edward deGruy, Lt. Comm

Tara Mohney

MarkAdam Miller, Lt. J.G.

Athena Youngblood

Brenda Miller





NCC-2 2004


1.______ pirates, Vulcan’s first contact with other lifeforms in 139954 VOD. These invaders almost caused Vulcan to suffer xenophobia and turn to complete isolationism. 4. With 17 across & 14 down; Stask’s greeting to 1 across before he killed their leader 7. Sister ship of Enterprise 9. Anger 12. Receptacle for housing a Vulcan’s eternal spirit 13. See 4 across 15. Disciple of Zakal who became a disciple of Surak 17. For example, abbr. 18. Ancient Vulcan weapon with one blunt end and a sharp bladed axe head 20. Vulcan biological mating drive culminating in pon farr 22. Vulcan provincial capital 26. Ego 28. Kirk relinquishes it when he leaves the bridge 30. With 47 down; Earth ship which discovered a disabled Vulcan ship in the Sol system in the year 2025,Vulcan’s first contact with humans. 31. Silicone-based crystalline-structured extremely delicate lifeform 32. Vulcans are noted throughout the galaxy for their advances in this science 33. Vulcan term meaning “passion’s mastery” 34. Ch’______, planet settled by Stask 35. Middle name of McCoy, to friends 37. Map, abbr. 38. The mountains of ________; where Shanaikahr is located 39. Alert color on 8 down 40. With 36 down; IDIC credo; infinite ________ in infinite ________ 44. ________ Brownell; Enterprise’s first chief engineer 45. With 14 down & 87 across; Vulcan parting wish 46. With 92 down; Spock’s mother 48. _______-interference directive 49. Vulcan poisonous lizard 50. With 102 across; Vulcan’s highest mountain 53. Sol is one, for example 54. Thing 55. Official communica tion system, with 29 down 58. Cthia; Vulcan term meaning “reality ______” 59. Southwest American state, abbr. 62. Affirmative


63. Vulcan desert vine 64. What Eechaya is to Spock 67. Clan of the ________; founded by Kesh 68. Hall of ________, with 25 down 70. Enterprise chief medical officer 71. Ceremonial house & banquet hall at Vul can science academy 72. Vulcan goddess of fertility 73. Vulcan legislative body 76. Helium, chemical symbol 78. Enterprise communication officer 81. With 84 across; Enterprise maps? 84. Name Spock gave to his pet Sehlat 85. Follower of Zakal, defeated by Khoteth 87. See 45 across 91. Spock’s first wife 93. Vulcan term meaning “the underliers” 94. Spock’s second bondmate 95. These guide the Enterprise through space 97. Lady ________, bonded T’Thelaih to old house Yehenik 98. Vulcan term meaning, “what is, is” 99. Founder of Vulcan philosophy of IDIC 100. Vulcan seed-bearing plant 101. Home of Zakal; where Vulcan science academy is now located 102. See 50 across 103. Place of _____ _____ _____ 104. First Vulcan to cross the great desert

Down 2. First starship manned by an all-Vulcan crew 3. Noted Vulcan healer 5. Small furry rodents 6. Study of extra-terrestrial civilization 8. Home to Kirk, Spock and McCoy 10. Chemical symbol for radium 11. See 4 across 14. See 45 across 15. _______ Ut Kalifi; Vulcan rite of marriage and challenge 16. Ch’_______; star system where Stask settled 19. Vulcan belief that these beings seeded Vulcan 21. ________ Officer, Spock’s position on the Enterprise 23. Matter/anti-matter provides propulsion


24. Noted educational institution 25. Last _______, Vulcan “killing gift” 27. Neighboring star system to Alpha Arietas IV 29. See 55 across 34. Where public debates are held on Vulcan 36. See 40 across 37. French saint, abbr. 39. With 43 down; yeoman promoted to transporter chief 41. Half-dragon/half-python lifeform 42. _______ Arietas 43. See 39 down 47. See 30 across 48. Star’s death throes 51. She was bonded to old house Yehenik by Lady Suvin 52. Vulcan term meaning “revenge worse than death” 56. Fit together snugly, as in gears 57. Jim’s brother 60. Most feared of Vulcan’s ancient mind lords 61. Enterprise science officer 63. ______ space, Enterprise exploration area 65. Vulcan term meaning “friend, lover, brother, etc.” 66. Vulcan nocturnal predator 69. Vulcan name for its neighboring planet, Charis 74. Vulcan term meaning “neighbor”; usually used as an insult to out worlders 75. ______-tronics, Daytrom’s dream 77. Time period 79. Measurement of time, abbr. 80. Northern state on the Bering Strait, abbr. 82. Molten rock, after cooling; dross 83. Vulcan rite meaning divorce from all emotion 85. Vulcan term meaning “the passing on” 86. Spider-like delicate lifeform 87. I.M. ______; sublight propulsion drive 88. Ruler of Vulcan and head of house to Spock 89. Vulcan international terrorist group 90. Father of the Romulan race 92. See 46 across 96. Vulcan term meaning “the hidden” 97. Earth’s first Vulcan ambassador




NCC-2 2004




NCC-2 2004

WORDSEARCH AAmin Marritza Aldara Alpha Quadrant B'Etor Corado I Transmitter Array Dal'Rok Dermatiraelian Plastiscine Differential Magnetomer DNA Reference Scan Energy Containment Cell Falow Ferengi Rules of Acquisition Garak Gratitude Festival Gul Darhe'el Gul Dukat Hanoli System Hoex Hon'Tihl I'danian Spice Pudding Idran Isolinear Rods Kalia-Nohra Syndrome Keena Klon Peags Locutus of Borg London Kings Pottrick Syndrome Raktajino Retinal Imaging Scan Trixiam Bubble Juice Valerians Vedek Assembly Vedek Bareil






NCC-2 2004




NCC-2 2004 Beyond the name of Nero for Bana’s character, no other details on the film’s main villain were revealed. In fact, the Hollywood Reporter noted today that shrouded in so much secrecy, that many of the film’s roles were in fact offered to actors without even offering them a script to read. Abrams apparently worked the same way for his upcoming monster movie Cloverfield.

Eric Bana Cast As Bad Guy Nero In New ‘Trek’ Film Paramount Pictures today officially announced Eric Bana will be playing the role of bad guy “Nero” in the new Star Trek film. Previous rumors had suggested director J.J. Abrams wanted to cast Russel Crowe or Karl Urban as the film’s main villain, but by casting Bana his goal of casting a big-name actor for the role seems to have been fulfilled. Bana had starring roles in blockbusters such as Hulk, Troy and Munich, and will next year appear opposite Natalie Portman Scarlett Johansson in The Other Boleyn Girl.

Eric Bana was born in Australia 39 years ago as Eric Banadinovich. After building his career on the Australian sketch comedy show Full Frontal and spending a decade making acclaimed Australian movies, Bana moved over to the US when director Ridley Scott cast him in Black Hawk Down. In this film, he appeared opposite Tom Hardy, who played Shinzon on Star Trek: Nemesis.

she hoped it would continue. She described their fellow Heroes actor Zachary Quinto as “very, very excited” to have been cast in the upcoming Star Trek movie: “He himself is a Trekkie so you can imagine how excited he is to be chosen to play a young Spock.”

Nichols Wants Characters To Be ‘Heroes’ To Actresses Nichelle Nichols (Uhura) and onscreen granddaughter Dana Davis held a joint press conference at NBC Universal, where the two discussed their characters on Heroes, the upcoming Star Trek movie and their personal affection for one another.

Nichols said that she gave Quinto her best wishes when she met him. “I saw him in one of the episodes I said, ‘Oh my God, look what an actor,” she recalled. “Then when I met him in person I said, ‘This is a young Spock.’ They did a brilliant job in casting him.” Asked whether she thought William Shatner (Kirk), who is not on the cast list for the new Star Trek film, or Leonard Nimoy (Spock), who is, might be interested in appearing on Heroes like Nichols and George Takei (Sulu), the actress said, “I have no idea. And oddly enough...I was not aware that George had joined the cast, you know, for the time that he did until just before I signed on.”

“I always say I’m jealous of Monica because if I could pick a grandma, it would be Nichelle,” Davis said during the lengthy chat transcribed at ENI. “When I found out that Nichelle was joining the cast...I was so excited and I called my manager!” Nichols, who said she feels she has adopted Davis the way Nana has taken in Monica and Micah, explained that she did not know how many episodes her recurring role on Heroes would involve but said


Though Davis admitted that Monica’s powers are growing, Nichols said she couldn’t talk about whether Nana has a power or whether she is part of the older




NCC-2 2004

generation of heroes that includes Takei’s character Kaito Nakamura, Claire Bennett’s father Noah and Peter and Nathan Petrelli’s mother Angela. Asked what power she would like to have, Nichols said, “I’m going to keep that under my belt...I don’t want to jinx it.” At the time she auditioned, she added, she expected the role to be in a single episode and was delighted to learn that it would be recurring.

As for her successor as Uhura, Zoe Saldana, Nichols said that she was looking forward to meeting her and “to know that Gene [Roddenberry]’s legacy shall not only live in what was there when he was here. But that it’s going on in that same image...I know that he’s up in heaven going ‘Right on,’ you know.”

Nimoy Returned To Star Trek For Abrams

“We have an obsession with body size in the US,” Nimoy explained, saying that the project began when a woman questioned why his models in The Shekhina Project had all been slender and offered to let Nimoy photograph her “different type body.”

Leonard Nimoy had told interviewers for many years that he was retired from acting when the opportunity to play Spock came up again. So why did he choose to return to the Star Trek franchise now that his career as aphotographer is his primary artistic outlet?

“There is an enormous industry built up around selling things to women to make them feel better about themselves, essentially telling them: ‘You don’t look right’. It’s a cruel message, because being that slim is an unattainable goal for most people,” observed 76-year-old Nimoy. “I’m not suggesting that obesity is healthy,” he added. “I’m simply putting out these images. Look, the women I found are comfortable with their bodies, the photos have a joy in them, a joie de vivre.”

“A very talented man called JJ Abrams will be directing the movie. He has a very talented team of writers, and they have come up with a strong idea,” Nimoy told London’s Jewish Chronicle, which also reported - possibly erroneously - that “many of the surviving members of the original cast” will be joining him in the movie.

He said that the response to this project has been more positive than that to The Shekhina Project, which angered some Jewish groups as the photos juxtaposed nude models with religious items. “Even though a lot of people clearly hated it, I had an awful lot of people tell me that these were beautiful pictures. Many Jewish women said that they loved the photographs because they were a very positive representation of Jewish women as beautiful and sensual, compared to the way Jewish women are often portrayed as naggy and not attractive...that project had a great deal to do with my Jewish experience, my experience as an artist within Judaism and the Judaism within my heart,” said Nimoy.

Nimoy explained that the title of his 1977 autobiography I Am Not Spock was “a mistake” and added, “Anyone who read the book would be able to tell that I enjoyed playing the Spock character. I loved the Spock character.” He merely wanted to distinguish between himself as an actor and the character he had developed. Nimoy called himself “flattered, amused and delighted” by the ongoing popularity of Star Trek and said that the stories were “universal and stand up over time.” He said he appreciated both the opportunities the series had given him and the fans, who have made it easier to draw attention to his photography projects, the latest of which is Full Body Project - a book of photographs exploring preconceptions about obesity in women.


The Vulcan salute was adapted by Nimoy from a hand gesture he first observed in synagogue as a child. The Star Trek movie shoot will take three to four months, after which Nimoy expects to return to photography.




NCC-2 2004 John Cho is almost as old as Pegg, 35, but he’s often played characters that are younger than his actual age. He’s most famous for appearing as Harold Lee in Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle, for which he recently finished filming the sequel. Prior to that, Cho had the dubious distinction of being the one to popularise the slang term “MILF” with his first big role, in the teen comedy American Pie.

Paramount Finds New Scotty & Sulu The cast of the new Star Trek film expanded with two more actors today, as word came out Paramount has cast British comedian Simon Pegg in the role of Montgomery Scott, and Korean-born John Cho as Hikaru Sulu. Just like original Scott actor James Doohan, Pegg is not from Scotland himself, but his background as a stand-up comedian will likely allow him to successfully pull of the accent. Pegg is 37, and is probably best-known for his roles in the comedies Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Last year, he worked with Star Trek director J.J. Abrams on Mission: Impossible III, in which he played a remarkably Scotty-like character: technician Benji Dunn.

These two new casting announcements come at the end of the week that already saw Paramount find a main bad guy in Eric Bana (story) and a possible actor for the Captain Kirk role in Chris Pine (story). With these new additions, only the role of Dr. ‘Bones’ McCoy still needs to be filled.

Though he does not describe himself as a Trekkie, Quinto added, “From the day I found out they were making the Star Trek movie, I said, ‘I want to be Spock,’ and I started talking about it to everybody, to my friends, my agents, reporters who interviewed me. I put my intentions out there clearly and the universe responded.” He said that he had avoided internet talk about the movie, so he did not know whether fans were griping about plot rumours, but he said he appreciated the cast members announced thus far and added, “The film is being made with the longtime fans in mind, but it will also be of its own time and have a distinct voice and perspective.”

Quinto Thought About Quitting Showbiz Before Sylar, Spock Zachary Quinto very nearly quit show business before being cast as Heroes’ Sylar and then the new Spock in J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek. “I was in the depths of despair to the point where I couldn’t get out of bed...I was dealing with career obstacles that were profound,” Quinto told TV Guide. “I was asking myself, ‘What’s the point of all this? Why am I even in the game anymore?’”

As for Heroes, Quinto spoke enthusiastically about “the Sarmy” or Sylar’s Army”, who admire his character and have coined the slogan, “‘Every villain needs a legion of evil supporters.’” He finds it ironic that “they do great charity work. It’s never bad to have an army.”

At present, admitted Quinto, his career feels “very dreamlike, though Trek is feeling less so as it draws nearer...I just had my first fitting for my Vulcan ears. It felt incredible, and in that moment there was a huge shift for me. Suddenly it was real, and I was like, ‘OK! Let’s get this thing going!’”





NCC-2 2004 TrekMovie.com’s sources told the site that no final decision has been reached about Shatner’s appearance. “It is a ‘lie’ to say Shatner definitely will not be in the film, but it would also be a lie to say that he definitely will be in the film,” noted TrekMovie.com.

Urban, Pine Sign for Trek XI; Shatner Not (Yet) On Board The ink is on the contracts: Chris Pine will play Jim Kirk in the upcoming Star Trek movie, Karl Urban will play Leonard McCoy, and veteran designer John Eaves will be illustrating some of the ships for the film. But don’t count on seeing William Shatner just yet.

TrekMovie.com has also reported that Eaves - an illustrator for Deep Space Nine, Enterprise and the Next Generation movies - is working on Star Trek alongside Trek newcomer Ryan Church, whose credits include the Star Wars prequels and this summer’s Transformers blockbuster, which was written by Star Trek scribes Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci.

The Hollywood Reporter confirmed the signing of Pine and Urban, stating that Pine had indeed dropped out of the George Clooney film White Jazz to take on the iconic Star Trek role originated by Shatner. While Los Angeles-born Pine is not particularly well-known to genre audiences, New Zealander Urban brings a following from Hercules and Xena, The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Riddick as well as The Bourne Supremacy.

Eaves designed the Enterprise NCC 1701-E for the movies and the Enterprise NX-01 for Star Trek: Enterprise. TrekMovie.com said that contrary to an IESB report that the original Enterprise would undergo a major overhaul, “the Enterprise has been redesigned but it still recognizable as the USS Enterprise...complete with saucer, hull and two nacelles.”

As for Shatner himself, TrekMovie.com insisted that any possible role for him is not yet guaranteed. An Ain’t It Cool News editor had commented on a bulletin board that Shatner’s woeful statements that he would not be in the film were false (story). However,

would be considerably larger than the budget for Star Trek Nemesis or previous films in the franchise.

‘Star Trek’ To Have $150 Million Plus Price Tag Star Trek, the upcoming film by J.J. Abrams, reportedly has a budget of over $150 million dollars.

“It’s a huge story they’re doing - and boy does it sound orgasmic, even for a Non-Trekkie like me,” added writer Clint Morris. “It’s a ‘major gamble’ for Paramount, says our insider.”

“According to our contact, the film initially had a budget of $130 million but now J.J has been handed a few extra biccies,” reported Moviehole, citing “reliable word from inside the cream buildings on Melrose.” The source stated that Abrams’ budget has been raised to “the environs of $150-160 million” - which





NCC-2 2004 And Chris Doohan, son of original Scotty actor James Doohan who at one time had hoped to be considered for the film role himself, said that he was pleased with the casting of Simon Pegg, though Pegg was not his first choice. “I guess he pegged the audition,” Doohan joked to TrekMovie.com. “Even though Paul McGillion was my first choice, I believe that Pegg will do a great job...his accent is passable and he’s a great actor.”

Trek Actors and Hopefuls Congratulate Those Newly Cast As casting announcements for the upcoming Star Trek film are published, various actors involved with the production and the history of Star Trek have weighed in with their approval for J.J. Abrams’ choices. With reports widespread that Abrams’ first choice to play Kirk is Chris Pine, newly cast Spock Zachary Quinto told Access Hollywood that he would be delighted if Pine joined the cast. “I know Chris...I think he is a phenomenal actor,” Quinto said. “I would certainly love to work with him and I feel like he would be a really strong choice.”

Onetime Stargate Atlantis star McGillion also sent congratulations to British actor Pegg. “I’d like to thank you all for your tremendous support especially Chris Doohan who rallied behind me to fill his father’s footsteps,” McGillion wrote to TrekMovie.com. “I have not had the pleasure of ‘meeting’ Simon Pegg but I am familiar with his work and I think he’s a terrific talent. I wish him and the rest of the cast & crew great success with the new Star Trek film.”

George Takei’s onetime role as navigator Sulu has gone to Korean-American actor John Cho. “Sulu’s in good hands,” Takei told StarTrek.com. “I’ve seen Cho in many productions at East West Players and he always brings a vigorous sense of individuality to his roles.” Takei added that he hoped Cho would return for many more Star Trek movies.

Shatner: Still the Captain, But Still Not in ‘Star Trek’

and the official web site promises a “spectacular presentation.”

William Shatner may not be in the new Star Trek film, but he’s still getting plenty of attention as Captain Kirk.

Yet Shatner still sounds disappointed if not outright bitter that he has not been asked to be in the movie. “I couldn’t believe it...having been in on the creation of it, I was hoping to be in on the re-creation,” he told The Associated Press. “What a decision to make, since it obviously is a decision not to make use of the popularity I have to ensure the movie has good box office. It didn’t seem to be a wise business decision.”

StarTrek.com reported that Shatner’s fellow Enterprise captain Patrick Stewart (Picard) will bestow upon Shatner the Jules Verne Lifetime Achievement Award, presented during the Jules Verne Adventure Film Festival. That event will be hosted by Malcolm McDowell, who played the enemy of the two captains as Dr. Soran in Star Trek: Generations.

It isn’t that Shatner needs the work. “I’ve got a lot to do,” he said. His recent jobs include not only working on a new Star Trek book and his regular role on Boston Legal, for which he has won two Emmy Awards, but narrating the Christmas spoof Stalking Santa, which is scheduled to be released on DVD on November 6th.

The ceremony will take place on December 9th at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, preceded by four hours of remastered HD original series episodes. Many other luminaries will take place in the festival





NCC-2 2004

Shatner is not, however, likely to collect the remastered original series episodes, nor to join his longtime colleague Leonard Nimoy - who is in the upcoming Star Trek movie - in working as a photographer.

reluctantly taking pictures because what’s past is past. You can’t recapture it...the time is gone, the only thing you know is the present.” He also admitted that seeing photos of himself when he was younger is “somewhat horrifying.”

“I don’t collect those things,” Shatner told MovieWeb. “I don’t even take pictures...I find myself

including “one of a nude lying on her back with her arms folded across her chest.”

Nimoy Talks Photography, Return To Film Visiting his home state of Massachusetts for an art show in which his latest photos are exhibited, Leonard Nimoy (Spock) talked about the impact of his photography and the challenges of returning to play Spock in the upcoming Star Trek film

In a separate interview with The Republican, Nimoy called the role of Spock in the upcoming film “interesting and challenging.” He said that if viewers would “accept the fact that I am older and so is the character, that is a start.” At 76, Nimoy said he had become interested in how people define their identity and image. He plans to take photos of people as they dress and pose themselves rather than as models. “What I am saying is... ‘Show me the part that is missing’”, he explained.

“I was surrounded by museums, exhibitions, theater, and all kinds of art opportunities,” Nimoy said of his youth in the city to The Boston Globe. He considered changing careers after his stint on Mission: Impossible, but it was not until more recently that he began to work as a photographer full time. His latest book, The Full Body Project, centers on large women celebrating their bodies, which are not designed the way contemporary media suggests women should look.

Which leads back to his current project and its confrontation with the tactics of the fashion and diet industries, now on display in Northampton, Massachusetts. “In our culture, women are congratulated for losing weight,” noted Nimoy. “It’s one of the highest compliments you can pay - ‘Oh, you’ve lost weight.’” He said that he had received very little negative reaction.

“The average American woman weighs 25 percent more than the models who are posing in the clothes they are trying to sell,” Nimoy pointed out. “In our culture, there’s this worshiping of the thin body, and I became fascinated with that idea.” He said he believed that feminists would find the book liberating, though some might be uncomfortable. Nimoy added that his friend and former co-star William Shatner (Kirk) owns some of his artwork,





NCC-2 2004

Convention attendees: When calling conventions for information, don’t call collect and don’t call too late in the evening (many organizers list their home phone numbers). When writing for information, it’s frequently a good idea to include a self-addressed stamped envelope. A full worldwide listing can be viewed online at: http://dactylmanor.org/fanboy

Nov 2 - 4, 2007 Vulkon, Orlando, Florida Info: PO Box 551437, Fort Lauderdale , FL 333551437 Ph: 954-888-9697 http://www.vulkon.com/ Guests: George Takei, James Darren, Louise Fletcher, Connor Trinneer, Mark Alaimo, Max Grodenchik, Jeffery Combs, David Reddick Nov 3 Zine-A-Polooza, Atlanta, Georgia Info: PO Box 2684, Loganville, GA. 30052 http://www.zine-a-polooza.info/ [email protected]

Convention Organizers: Please send the events’s name, dates, location, and contact information to Blair Learn at 11604 King’s Arrow CT, Germantown, MD 20876 or to [email protected]. Please allow a minimum of three months time between your submission and the convention’s date.

Nov 11 Atlanta Comic Convention, Atlanta, Georgia Info: PO Box 1251, Hogansville, GA 30230 Ph: 706-837-4976 http://www.atlantacomicconvention.com/ [email protected] Guests: Sean Taylor, Jason Flowers, Ariel

Thank you to everyone who’s contributed information to the list, including: Stacy Gonzales, Mike Broder, Jody Russell, Carl Stark, Cristen Thrasher, Trey Wickwire, Gilder McCarroll, Nick Winks, Allen Kitchen, Charles Fewlass, Katrina Johnson, Jake W. Paris, Ed Dravecky, Ivarr Brokksson, Tim Brazeal, Ben Daw, David Keating, Kass James, Ray Tesi, Kevin Rohrer, Inge Heyer, Mark Marmor and Laura Inglis


Nov 30 - Dec 2, 2007 Anime Supercon, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Info: PO Box 4012, Fort Lauderdale, FL. 33338 Ph: 954-882-2950 http://www.animesupercon.com/ [email protected] Guests: April Stewart, Dana Snyder, Chris Ayres, Tiffany Grant, Brittney Karbowski, George Lowe, Gene Ha




NCC-2 2004

Dec 1 Games Day Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia Info: 3577-A Chamblee-Tucker Road #215, Atlanta, GA 30341 http://www.atlantagamefest.com/ [email protected]

Mar 19 - 23, 2008 IAFA-29, Orlando, Florida Info: ICFA Registrar, Post Office Box 50517, Eugene, OR 97405 http://www.iafa.org/ Guests: Vernor Vinge, Roger Luckhurst, Greer Ilene Gilman, Brian Aldiss

Jan 11 - 13, 2008 GAFilk, Atlanta, Georgia Info: PO Box 702, Alpharetta, GA 30009-0702 http://www.gafilk.org/ [email protected] Guests: Jeff Bohnhoff, Maya Bohnhoff, Brian Richardson, Brobdingnagian Bards

Mar 28 - 30, 2008 Naruto-Star Trek Convention, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Info: PO Box 970131, Boca Raton, FL 33497 Ph: 561479-3872 http://www.narutotrek.com/ [email protected] Guests: Maile Flanagan, James Cawley, Naruto Uzumaki, Aaron Pabone, The Punktuations

Jan 12 - 19, 2008 Richard Hatch Cruise, Miami, Florida Info: PO Box 3605, 110 Red Mountain Rd., Aspen, CO 81612 Ph: 970-9253677 http://www.RichardHatchCruise.com/ [email protected] Guests: Richard Hatch

Apr 4 - 6, 2008 Eyecon, Orlando, Florida Info: PO Box 470742, Lake Monroe, FL 32747 Ph: 407-435-1288 http://www.eyeconfla.com/ [email protected] Guests: Jared Padalecki, Chad Lindberg, Alona Tal

Jan 25 - 27, 2008 Florida Extravaganza, Orlando, Florida Info: PO Box 300546, Fern Park, FL 32730-0546 Ph: 407-401-9203 http://www.fxshow.com/ [email protected]

Apr 11 - 13, 2008 CoastCon 31, Biloxi, Mississippi Info: PO Box 1423, Biloxi, MS 39533 http://www.coastcon.org/ [email protected] Benefits: Hope Haven Children’s Shelter

Feb 15 - 17, 2008 Furry Weekend Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia Info: PO Box 1511, Madison, AL 35758 http://www.furryweekend.com/ [email protected] Guests: Bonk Longtail, Tilt Longtail

May 2 - 4, 2008 Galaxy of Stars, Jackson, Mississippi Info: 109 Fairmont Cove, Brandon, MS 39047 Ph: 601-941-3470 http://www.jimmytonerecords.com [email protected]

Feb 28 - Mar 2, 2008 Sleuthfest, Deerfield Beach, Florida Info: 6619 Roxbury Lane, Miami Beach, FL 33141 http://www.mwa-florida.org/sleuthfest.htm Guests: Lee Child, Doug Lyle

Aug 29 - Sep 1, 2008 Dragon*Con, Atlanta, Georgia Info: PO Box 16459, Atlanta, GA 303219998 Ph: 770-909-0115 http://www.dragoncon.org/ [email protected]

Mar 7 - 9, 2008 MegaCon, Orlando, Florida Info: PO Box 1097, Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Ph: 727796-5725 http://www.megaconvention.com/ [email protected]


Convention data provided by Fanboy’s Convention List, http://dactylmanor.org/fanboy/










USS HEPHAESTUS HOME PAGE http://www.ussheph.org

STARFLEET P.O. Box 94288 Lubbock, TX 79493-4288 ATTN: Membership Processing


Vice Admiral Danny Potts 2912 Dublin Drive Helena, AL. 35080 (205) 620-1302 [email protected] Fleet Captain Pat Hicks 2729 Windcrest Circle Gardendale, AL 35071 [email protected]

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