2007-08 Winter

  • December 2019
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December 8, 2007 Time:0945


Time: 1000


Dec. 1 - Feb. 29

Bald eagle Sub-adult I

Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill

US 220 south of Monterey 11.8 miles west side of road, about 2 miles south of trout ponds

Sub-adult I BAEA erched in tree then flew and perched in another tree.

Bald eagle Sub-adult II

Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill

US 220 south of Monterey 10.8 miles west side of road, about 1mile south of trout ponds

Sub-adult II BAEA perched in a tree, flew and perched in a different tree.

Time: 1010

Bald eagle adult

Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill

US 220 at trout ponds east side of road 9.8 miles south of Monterey

Adult BAEA perched in tree, then flew and perched in another tree.

Time: 1115

eagle unidentified

Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill

West side VA 640 about 1 mile south of WV line

Eagle perched in tree great distance from road.

Time: 1230

golden eagle adult

Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill

VA 644, Hardscrabble Road west side, one turn before top

Adult GOEA perched in tree and then flew toward peak of Snowy Mt. and disappeared in flight at tree line.


Time: 1300

golden eagle adult

Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill

VA 644 Hardscrabble Road at top.

Adult GOEA flew from north to south and disappeared as ti continued through the pass just below the mountain top in front of road.


Time: 1315

golden eagle immature

Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill

VA 644, Hardscrabble Road half mile south of top.

Immature GOEA perched in tree on east side of road, then flew west and continued flying above tree line.


Time: 1330

golden eagle immature

Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill

VA 644, Hardscrabble Road near “end of snow removal” sign

Immature GOEA flew low on west side of road and disappeared into trees.

Time: 1430

bald eagles (2) adults

Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill

East side US 220 about half mile north of Monterey Trout Company, about 6 miles north of Monterey

Two adult BAEA perched together in a tree, then one flew and perched in a different tree while the other remained perched.


bald eagles (4) adult 3 immature

Keith Carson

Southwest side of Snowy Mt. in Hardscabble Road area

Adult BAEA soared with 3 immature BAEA on southwest slope. After several minutes they moved to the east toward Margaret O’Brien house on Wimer Mtn. Rd. The birds appeared

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4 1

to be playing and doing mock dives at each other.


7 1

Time: 1530

Bald eagles (2) Adults

Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill

East side US 220 about 8.8 miles south of Monterey and one mile north of trout ponds

Two adult BAEA perched in a tree together, then one flew and perched in another tree while the other remained perched.


Bald eagle Adult

Les Kodger, Edmund Hevener

12.1 miles south of Monterey about 0.5 mile east of US 220

Adult BAEA flew over Jackson River north, fishing.

Bald eagle Immature

Keith Carson

On Carson right-of-way 0.5 mile north of VA 644 south of Snowy Mt.

Immature BAEA perched in tree flew off to the north as observer approached.

Golden eagle (1 or 2) immature

Carol Bandy, Keith Carson, Roanoke Bird Club

VA 644 Hardscrabble Rd. top

Immature GE perched then flew and perched again to the east. It sat for a long time and observers watched it through scopes. When the group drove down (south) later it observed an immature GE flying east to west in front of caravan, but couldn’t locate it after that.

Bald eagle Immature- 3-4 year

Keith Carson

East side US 220 south of Monterey 15 miles

Immature BAEA perched in Bratton’s perch at Wiley Hole along Jackson R.

Golden eagle Immature

Keith Carson

On Carson right-of-way 0.5 mile north of VA 644 south of Snowy Mt.

Immature GOEA perched in tree flew off to the east as observer approached

Bald eagle adult

Debora Ellington, Debora Colaw, Ske Ellington

East end of Ginseng Mountain above canal through farm

Adult BAEA perched on end of mountain for at least one and a half hours.

Golden eagles (2) Immature unaged

Edmund Hevener, Sandy Hevener

West side of Sapling Ridge 1-3 miles south of VA 640

Immature GOEA flew south just above tree line, second GOEA appeared with it north side of Tamarack Ridge and both eagles soared, circling into clouds and out of sight.

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

West side of US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BAEA perched in usual tree near Jackson River

December 12, 2007 Time: 1130


Time: 1200


December 14, 2007 Time: 1515


December 16, 2007 Time: 1440


December 22, 2007 Time: 1350-1500


December 25, 2007 Time: 1430


December 27, 2007 Time: 0850

December 28, 2007 Time:0830


Time: 0850

December 29, 2008 Time: 0900


Time: 0930


December 31, 2007 Time: 1530


January 3, 2008 Time: 0930

Time: 1400


January 8, 2008 Time: 1400-1500

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

300 yard east of VA 640 about 1 mile south of US 250 near Cobb driveway

Adult BAEA perched in tree 300 yards east of road south of Cobb driveway

Golden eagle Immature- late juvenile

Keith Carson

US 220 south of Monterey 15 miles, north of Midway

Late juvenile GOEA perched in tree next to road. When observer stopped car and watched in for more than a minute before it flew off to the west and up a hollow. It landed in tree 500 yards from the road. The head was golden and it had a white patch at base of tail.

Eagle Unidentified species, age

Pen Goodall

South of US 250 over Back Creek

Unidentified eagle flew south over Back Creek below the ridgeline.

Golden eagle Adult

Pen Goodall

About 2 miles north of US 250 above Goodall farm.

Adult GOEA flew over farm from west to south toward Tamarack Ridge. It flew close and appeared to be hunting.

Golden eagle adult

Pen Goodall

About 3 miles north of US 250 where Goodall farm junctions Goodall family land.

Adult GOEA on ground flew up and northeast toward Sapling Ridge.

Bald eagle adult

Debora Ellington

US 220 6 miles north of Monterey

Adult BAEA flew from Westvaco woodlot and flew low over creed at base of Ginseng Mountain toward Blue Grass.

Golden eagle Immature- juvenile

Patti Reum

US 250 east of McDowell 1 mile

Juvenile GOEA flew over road near trash station.

Eagles 5 total Golden (3) 2 immature 1 adult bald eagles (2) immature immature w/ white belly

John Spahr

Hardscrabble Road, west side of Snowy Mountain

All five eagles were flying and soaring in the wind.

January 9, 2008 Time: 1145

Eagle Probably golden, not sure

Patti Reum

US 250 top of Lantz Mountain

Eagle flew northeast. Observer thought it was a golden, stopped to get a better look, but didn’t.


Time: 1330

Golden eagles (2) Adults

Pen Goodall

About 2 miles north of US 250 above Goodall farm.

Two adult GOEA flew close together from the ESE to the north, toward Buffalo Lake-Laurel Fork area


Bald eagle adult

Jim Morse

Time: 1545

VA 638 about 0.4 mile east of VA 640

Adult BAEA flew from north over Morse cabin toward southwest.


January 12, 2008 Time:

Eagles (8) Golden2 adult, 1 immature

John Spahr, Augusta Bird Club members and guests

One each on east side of Snowy Mt (Wimer Mt. Rd., west side of Snowy Mt (Hardscrabble Rd.) and Hevener Lane

Two GE soared over ridges north of VA 644 between Wimer Mt. Rd & Hardscrable Rd.


Time: 1200

bald1 adult, 4 immature

John Spahr, Augusta Bird Club members and guests

Hevener Lane (VA 643) and Hardscrabble Rd. (VA 644) SW sides of Snowy Mt.

Adult BE perched south of crossover road and 2 immature BE on ground south of road.


January 13, 2008 Time: 1050

Golden eagles (2) Immature 3 or 4 years Adult

Edmund Hevener, Sandy Hevener, Amanda Hevener, Shaun Harvey

Up Fox Place hollow on east slope of snowy Mountain- 1 mile west of VA 640/Wimer Mt. Rd.

Immature GE flew north from a locust tree perch and into the next hollow. A second golden (too high to age) soared high on the east side and out of sight to the northwest at the same time. The two did not seem to be interacting.

Time: 1300

Golden eagle Adult

Pen Goodall

Tamarack Ridge, 1 mile north of US 250

Adult GE flew north over Tamarack Ridge.

Time: 1600

Bald eagles (2) adults

Bill Wagner

SE side of US 84 1 mile south of VA 640, Meadowdale

Pair of adult BE perched

Golden eagles (2) adults

Pen Goodall

North side US 250 about 1 mile from highway over Goodall farm

Bald eagles (3) Adult 2 immature

Pen Goodall

South side US 250 about 1.5 miles from highway over Bermen farm

10 3 10 10

January 16, 2008 Time: 1330 Time: 1645

Two adult GE flew in circles over farm very close together. The then flew NW toward Buffalo Lake. Adult BE flew very close over house and landed in a spruce tree. It perched a while, flew and two immature BE flew over and followed the adult east toward Back Creek


January 20, 2008 Time: 1452




January 22, 2008 Time:


January 23, 2008 Time: 1430


January 24, 2008 Time:1430 January 30, 2008 Time: 1000

Bald eagle Adult

Rich Holman

US 220 south of Forks of Water over Blue Ridge Lumber log yard, 6 miles north of Monterey

Adult BE flew along Straight Creek then toward the road.

Bald eagles (2) adults

Rhet Wilson

VA 678 along Bullpasture River south of McDowell

Pair BE flew along the Bullpasture River. “They seemed to be in love.”

Bald eagle adultr

Annette Naber

US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BE flew south along Jackson River and perched in tree across from Gutshall’s log cabin

Golden eagle immature

Carol Bandy

Viewed from west side of VA 640 at junction with VA 638 Snyder Lane but appeared over VA 644 junction with VA 643

Immature GE with very prominent wing spots and white tail with black band made lazy circles and drifted toward Lantz Mt.

Golden eagles (2) adults

Pen Goodall

Goodall farm 1.5 miles north of US 250 west of Tamarack Ridge

Pair of adult GE flew over farm toward Sapling Ridge to north.

Golden eagle No age ID

Bill Wagner

Lower Fork Rd. VA 616 below Jon Gwinn house, north of transmission line

GE eating deer carcass in field.

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 13.4 miles at transmission line

Adult BE perched in usual tree near Jackson River.

Bald eagles (2) adults

Keith Carson

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 13.4 miles at transmission line

Two adult BE perched in usual tree near Jackson River.

Bald eagle adult

Debora Ellington

Over South Branch of Potomac River VA 625 west of US 220 near Forks of Water

Adult BE flew west to east over river. Observer sees this bird “all the time” but doesn’t report it every time.


January 31, 2008 Time: 1550


February 1, 2008 Time: 1135


February 2, 2008 Time: 0900


Time: 0923

Golden eagle Adult with worn plumage

William Leigh & sister

VA 678 over house 1600 Bullpasture Road near Clover Creek Church

Adult GE flew low and steady over house. It had a few white spots on underwing coverts, but these didn’t form white patches , no white in tail.

Time: 1300-

Golden eagle

Tad Finnel & bird club

VA 644 Hardscrabble Road about

Sub-adult GE flew east across the



February 3, 2008 Time: 1000

1 1

0.1 mile past VA 644 Hevener Lane

road and perched on a large limb halfway up huge tree close to trunk. A squirrel ran across snow to another tree and eagle took off and started circling, gaining altitude. Shortly second squirrel left tree and joined first squirrel. Observer left west side of Snowy Mt. went to east side seeing possibly the same bird near Margaret O’Bryan, VA 640, Wimer Mt. Rd. Pair of red-tailed hawks appeared and begin diving at the eagle. The eagle tried to leave the area and rolled, extending talons upward to ward hawks off. Observer watched for several minutes before the eagle headed toward Blue Grass.

Golden eagle adult

Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill

West side 220 south of Monterey 6.8 miles

Adult GE perched in tree on mountain side of road.

Time: 1300

bald eagle adult

Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill

Top of Hardscrabble Rd. VA 644 west side of Snowy Mountain

Adult BE flew from NW into ravine east of road.


Golden eagle No age ID

Brenda Tekin, Gordy Adamski

Over Lantz mountain, seen from Hevener Lane VA 644

GE circled over Lantz Mt.

February 4, 2008 Time: 0845

Bald eagle adult

Jessica Rogers

US 84 down from Mill Gap

Adult BE on side of road


Time: 1220

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

US 220 south of Monterey 13.4 miles at transmission line

Adult BE perch in usual tree near Jackson River

3 7

Time: 1606 February 6, 2008 Time: 0815

Bald eagle adult

Sandy Hevener

NE of US 84 & VA 640 junctionMeadowdale

Adult BE perched in tree about 1500 feet from either road.

Bald eagle Immature, patchy white on back, dark head

Keith Carson

East side 220 south of Monterey 13.4 miles

Immature BE perched in usually tree 50-100 yards north of transmission line.


Time: 1330

Bald eagle Immature (same as above?)

Keith Carson

East side 220 south of Monterey about 13.3 miles

Immature BE flew south over Jackson River.


Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

VA 640 north of US 84 1 mile

Adult BE perched in tree on hill behind old school bus

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy & three couples from Roanoke Bird Club

Center of Monterey

Adult BE circled over the Highland Inn

Time: 1000

bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy & three couples from Roanoke Bird Club

West side of VA 640 about 2 miles north of US 250

Time: 1130

bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy & three couples from Roanoke Bird Club

VA 644 Hevener Lane south of VA 642 Laurel Fork Road

Time: 1200

Eagles (5) Immature golden eagle 2 adult bald eagles 2 immature bald eagles

Carol Bandy & three couples from Roanoke Bird Club

West side VA 644 Hardscrabble Road 0.25 mile north of VA 643 Hevener Lane

One adult BE and immature BE perched in tree behind scouting camera while second adult BE and immature BE circled the area above. All flew away as observers watched. The immature GE circled over the ridge above them.

Golden eagles (2) adults

Pen Goodall

Near top of Lantz Mountain about 0.75 mile north of VA 642

Observer hiked along ridge following scarf in search for GE. Pair of adult GE flew out of pinnacle north of him.

Golden eagle No age ID

Dan Foster

Bald eagles (2) Adult immature

Patti Reum, Sandy Hevener Monticello Bird Club

VA 637 0.5 mile south of US 250

Golden eagle Adult

Allen Bryan, Ricky Davis

VA 643 Hevener Lane- SW of Snowy Mountain

Ti me: 1345 February 7, 2008 Time: 0800

1 1

Time: 1400

February 8, 2008 Time: 1235 February 9, 2008 Time: 0920

Northwest side of US 84 about 1 mile south of VA 640, across from Rev. Cox residence


Time: 0940


Time: 1025

Golden eagles 3rd. year immature/juvenile

Allen Bryan, Ricky Davis

VA 644 Hardscrabble Road


Time: 1200

golden eagle adult

Patti Reum, Sandy Hevener, Monticello Bird Club

West of VA 644 about 0.25 mile north of VA 644- over Royal farm above bait & scouting camera

Adult BE circled south of Allie Hull farm, disappeared east over the ridge toward Monterey Adult BE perched in tree in pasture.

Golden eagle eating beef carcass flew off from the ground. Adult and juvenile BE perched in top of tree SW of road for several minutes and then flew north.

Adult GE flying over Royal farm viewed from Snowy Mountain Road.

1 1

Time: 1300 Time: 1030

golden eagle 3rd. year

Patti Reum, Monticello Bird Club

Over Snowy Mountain

Third year GE soared over Snowy Mountain.

golden eagle immature

Mike Shank, Ken Ranck

West side Snowy Moutain seen from VA 640

Immature GE soard on west side of Snowy.


Time: 1130

golden eagle immatuere

Mike shank, Ken Ranck

East side Lantz Mountain seen from Hevener Lane/Hardscrabble Road.

Immature GE soard along Lantz Mountain, then perched for a while and started flying again- a possible second bird seen at same time.


Time: 1220

Bald eagle Adult

Mike Shank, Ken Ranck

Lantz Mountain seen from Hevener Lane-Hardscrabble Road.

Adult BE flew around the north end of Snowy Mountain east to west


Time: 1230

Golden eagle Immature

Mike Shank, Ken Ranck

Snowy Mountain area, Hardscrable Road

Immature GE circled and headed north along Snowy Mountain where a possible second bird joined it.


Time: 1330

Golden eagles Adult Immature

Patti Reum, Monticello Bird Club

West of Snowy Mountain over Lantz Mountain- viewed from Margaret O’Bryan’s top of Wimer Mountain Road VA 640

Adult and immature GE flew over Lantz Mountain


Time: 1445

Bald eagle adult

Patti Reum, Monticello Bird Club

VA 640 near Pisgah Church about 2 miles north of US 84

Adult BE carrying prey flew very low to east.


Time: 1500

bald eagle adult

Patti Reum, Monticello Bird Club

VA 648 near Iris Hooke farm

Adult BE flew east to west


February 12, 2008 Time: 1130

Rick Webb

East side US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BE perched in usual tree near Jackson River.



VA 626 0.5 mile west of US 220

Adult and immature BE perched in tree on Ginseng Mountain.


February 13, 2008 Time: 0910


Bald eagle Adult

Debora Ellington Bald eagle adult Bald eagle Immature

Keith Carson

East side US 220 south of Monterey 13.4 miles

Immature BE perched in usual tree near Jackson River north of transmission line.

Time: 1445

Bald eagle Immature

Keith Carson

East side US 220 south of Monterey 15 miles

Immature BE perched in Bratton’s perch tree on Jackson River.

Time: 1530

Golden eagle

Keith Carson

VA 640 over High Haven farm-

Immature GE soared over farm.


February 14, 2008 Time: 1015

about 1 mile north of US 250

Golden eagle adult

Sandy Hevener, Patti Reum

West side VA 643 Hevener Lane halfway up Lantz Mountain

Adult GE chased by red-tailed hawk in area of rock outcropping on Lantz Mt.


Time: 1045

bald eagle adult

Sandy Hevener, Patti Reum

East side US 220 north of Monterey 6.2 miles

Adult BE perched in tree above river


Time: 1215

golden eagles (2) adults

Pen Goodall

About 2 miles north of US 250 on Goodall farm

Two adult GE flying


Time: 1545

Golden eagles (2) immature

Keith Carson

SW side of Snowy Mt. north of VA 644 near Carson/Newlon house site

Two immature GE soared with redtailed hawk over SW side of Snowy Mountain.


February 15, 2008 Time: 0730

Bald eagle Adult

Debora Ellington

Nest # 2 HI-06-01

Adult BE in nest

Golden eagle adult

Pen Goodall

About 2 miles north of US 250 on Goodall farm

Adult GE flew

Golden eagles (2) adults

Pen Goodall

About 2 miles north of US 250 on Goodall farm

Two adult GE did courtship display

Golden eagles (2) Adults

Pen Goodall

About 2 miles north of US 250 on Goodall farm

Two adult GE flew between his farm and where carcass & camera set up.

Bald eagle Sub-adult I

Fletcher Smith

East side VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Sub-adult I BE flew east of Hevener driveway over road.

Golden eagles (2) Adults

Pen Goodall

About 2 miles north of US 250 on Goodall farm

Two adult GE flew above deer carcass. A lot of ravens also flew around the area.

Andrew Luther

VA 637 over Union Chapel Church

Adult BE circled over Union Chapel Church

Keith Carson

East side US 220 south of Monterey 5.5 miles

Adult BE perched in oak tree just south of usual perch tree where bend in Jackson River.

10 10 ** 10 2 10

Ti me: 1300 February 16, 2008 Time: 1215 February 18, 2008 Ti me: 1230 Time: 1610 February 19, 2008 Time: 1330 Time: 1600

2 5

February 20, 2008 Time:1415

Bald eagle adult

Bald eagle adult


February 21, 2008 Time: 1300


Time: 1545


February 25, 2008 Time: 1500 Time:

Bald eagle Adult

Annette Naber

US 220 south of Monterey 5.2 miles

Adult BE flew north from Naber driveway, circled over neighbor’s property four or five times then continued north toward Monterey.

Bald eagle adult

Doug Puffenbarger

VA 626 about 0.5 mile east of US 220

Adult BE perched in tree across from Pat Hull house, flew up hollow to the east.

Bald eagle Fourth year

Royal scouting camera

West side Hardscrabble Road about 0.24 mile north of VA 643

Fourth year Sub-adult BE on ground eating deer behind Royal barn

Golden eagle adult

Josh Taylor & family

VA 640 south of US 250

Adult GE flew along Lantz mountain. Adult BE flew down center of Blue Grass Valley and perched in a tree in the middle of a field near Meadowdale visible from US 84.



February 26, 2008 Time: 0929-0956


February 27, 2008 Time: 0845


Bald eagle 4th year

Royal scouting camera

West side Hardscrabble Road about 0.24 mile north of VA 643

Fourth year BE on ground feeding on deer carcass.

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

East side US 220 south of Monterey

Adult BE perched in usual tree at transmission line

Time: 0846—956

Bald eagle 4th year?

Royal scouting camera

West side Hardscrabble Road about 0.24 mile north of VA 643

Fourth year BE feeding on deer carcass


Time: 1729-1740

Bald eagle 4th year?

Royal scouting camera

West side Hardscrabble Road about 0.24 mile north of VA 643

Fourth year BE feeding on deer carcass.


February 28, 2008 Time: 0856-0859

Bald eagle 4th year?

Royal scouting camera

West side Hardscrabble Road about 0.24 mile north of VA 643

Eating deer carcass


Time: 1053-1147

Bald eagle 4th year

Royal scouting camera

West side Hardscrabble Road about 0.24 mile north of VA 643

Eating deer carcass

bald eagles (2) 3rd year 4th year

Sandy Hevener

West side Hardscrabble Road about 0.24 mile north of VA 640

Fourth year BE perched in snag west of deer carcass flew northwest as truck approached. Third year BE flew up


Time: 1148

from ground and followed it.



Time: 1430

February 29, 2008 Time: 1530

bald eagle adult

Sandy Hevener

Nest #2 HI-06-01

Adult BE sitting on nest

Golden eagle adult

Pen Goodall, Patti Reum

About 2 miles north of US 250 on Goodall farm

Adult GE flew from area of camera/carcass toward Sapling Ridge.

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