2006-05 The Action

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n o i t c A The May 2006 Kathy Main 637-0050 (home) 451-8515 (cell) President Liz Boyer 637-0373 Community VP Kim Clapper 632-3229 Individual VP Matt Boyer 812-1490 Financial VP Scott Strausbaugh 632-0646 Membership VP Lori Noel 630-0459 Treasurer Brenda Chenault 637-9459 Secretary Deb Baber 624-9239 451-1494 (cell) Chairman of the Board

Katie Rohrbaugh 637-1259 Director

The Official Publication of the Hanover Area Jaycees

Volume 65 Issue 05

Hello Jaycee friends! Rain, rain go away, come back another day. We sure know how to barbeque chicken in the rain. For the second year in a row we have had rain along with our chicken barbeque. Despite the weather we still had the best chicken barbeque around with Jon Bower’s secret recipe. Thank you to everyone who helped the day of and also to those who bought chicken. BIG thank you to Brenda Chenault who handled the ticket sales and manpower. Thank you to chairman, Christine Smith. Growing, growing, growing...6 new members in 2 weeks! Scott Strausbaugh has been busy having M-nights and New Member Orientations. Good job to everyone who recruited within the last month. Pennsylvania is proud to be hosting the Eastern Institute Meeting coming up June 23rd-25th. It is being held at the Harrisburg Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center. Registration by May 31st at $75 or by June 10th at $85. However if you are not interested in going for the whole weekend, they are doing JCI ACHIEVE training on Friday the 23rd starting at 1:00PM for only $10. You do need to be one of the first 25 paid registrations for this training. See Ed’s report for more details. Coming up this month...first we have the May Board meeting at the Holiday Inn in Grantville, we have about 10 going at this point. On Saturday during the training they will be having an awesome training called JCI Super 7. Also at the State Board meeting they will be collecting school supplies for Hurricane Katrina victims. Deb Baber has donated $100 from her t-shirt sales last year, so we will be shopping for school supplies to take along to the board meeting. Also at the Membership Meeting on Thursday, May 4th we will have a box that you can bring school supplies if you would like to donate. After we come back from the State Board meeting we have the 65th Anniversary meeting on Monday, May 8th. On Wednesday, May 10th, fathers bring your children out to make a gift for their mom at the Mother’s Day Craft night. Tuesday, May 16th we are having a M-night, so bring along prospective members. State Bingo will be on Friday, May 19th. The next day will be our JAM Social at the Land of Little Horses. If you did not have enough Jaycees this weekend then come out Sunday, May 21st to the Codorus Clean Up, we will be painting handicap spaces. Also that weekend is Upper Adams Relay for Life. A handful of us usually go to help with the concession stand there. Finally we will be going to visit York at the York Chili Cook-off on Saturday, May 27th. As you can see we are quite busy this month, come out when you can.

Jeremy Myers 428-3064 Director

If you have not noticed this year is our 65th Anniversary. Some of us have decided we want to have a 65th Anniversary Open House/ Past President Reunion. I am having a committee meeting on Monday, May 8th at 7:00 at the Chapter House. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please plan to attend; and let me know if you are coming.

Kim Leese 225-3182 Director

If you are interested in receiving this newsletter in the future via e-mail, please let me know by e-mailing me at [email protected].

Tammy Trish 229-2956 Director Ed Cornelius 449-0167 State Director Chapter House 637 - 8778 22 York Street Rear P.O. Box 368 Hanover, PA 17331

Please don’t forget to recycle glass, plastic, paper, and cans when at the Chapter House.

Now let’s go out there team and Make it Happen! MAY MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday, May 4, 2006 Social begins at 7:00 pm Meeting begins at 7:30 pm http://groups.msn.com/HanoverAreaJaycees [email protected]

Yours in Jaycee Spirit, Kathy L. Main 67th President Hanover Area Jaycees

Community Hands at Work Liz Boyer, 2006 Community Vice President

This Spring, give a HAND in making your community beautiful!

First, I would like to send a HUGE THANK YOU to Jamie Haines for stepping up and chairing Pitch, Hit, and Run at the last minute! I would also like to send a HUGE THANK YOU to Adam Martin and Eddie Cornelius for sub-chairing this project last minute! You all are doing an EXCELLENT job in “Making it Happen!” THANK YOU! I will have more to report about this project in the next newsletter. The event will be held at South Western Baseball field on April 30 from 1-4! Second, I will also have more information about the Hunter’s Safety Course that is being held on April 27 and April 29 at the Chapter House. Bobby Shearer and Jason Quinnan having done a great job in preparation to make this project a success!

CODORUS CLEAN-UP! Want to contribute to the improvement of your community? Here’s your chance! We will be painting handicap parking spaces at the Codorus State Park on May 21st from 1:00-4:00PM. Meet at the park office at 1:00. If you have any questions, please contact Kim Leese at (717)-965-5237.

Hanover Halloween Parade! YES! It is time to start planning!! We will hold our first meeting on Tuesday, May 9th at 7:00PM at the Chapter House! If you are interested in helping out, please come on out to this meeting! It is such a BIG project, but it is such a FUN project! Coming in June! ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY! We will have another Adopt-a-Highway day on June 11. Please meet at the Chapter House at 1:00PM! We will be cleaning the stretch of road on Rt. 116 between Cooper Motors and Smith Station Road. If you have any questions, please call Adam Martin! For more information about ANY of our Community Projects, please call me at (717)-968-3203!

The Financial Times Matt Boyer, 2006 Financial Vice President

May is a busy month for Financial projects… Bingo on Friday, May 19. Three people will be needed to participate in this event, please call me if you would like be one of them. I can be reached at 717-873-5986.

Great job to everyone who participated at the Chicken BBQ. It wasn’t quite like last year, but it was cold and wet. We sold out of chicken, and you can’t do more than that! Good job Christine Smith and committee for setting it up, and hats off to those that put up with mother nature on that day.

Coming up on June 17th is the 4th Annual Car Show. It will be held at the South Hanover Shopping Center, where Giant is located. Deb Baber and her committee is working hard on getting things together. If you are interested in helping call Deb at 717-451-1494.

Adam Martin will be chairing the Kids Karnival coming in July. The last Saturday of July, the day of Dutch Days, if that helps. This event, held at Wirt Park, is a rest place for parents who decide to take their kids to the festival. Games, baked goods and candy, face painting, etc. The kids have fun, and we enjoy giving out the prizes, making the hot dogs and snow balls. We still need sub-chairs for the project, if you want to help out call Adam @ 717-632-5831. Let’s make this project happen!

Chair people are still needed for the following: Crab Feed Apple Harvest Cadillac Banquet


Happy May Birthday’s

Dues Reminder for June (due now)

Heidi Dutterer Ryan Hastings Jeremy Gallagher Alecia Harner Galen Shelly Anne Marchio Angel Nace

Up coming Dues for July

Brenda Chenault Krystal Landis Matt Boyer Jon Bower Shanna Crawford Monica Miller Katie Kenworthy James S. Taylor, II Brad Crawford Donna Adams Brad Hilbish Michael Link

Jamie Haines Kim Leese David Maus Diana Sterner

___________________________________________________________ WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Angel Nace Anne Marchio Randy Noel Christina Rosensteel

Thomas J. Hufnagle, III Michael Kaguyutan Becky Kuhn

MEMBER NEWS Thanks to all of you who attended the New Member Orientation. The program was a great success. The next New Member Orientation will be held in June 13, 2006 at 7:00pm at the Chapter House. If you see Mike Johnson or Matt Boyer please let them know the Jaycees is thinking of them. Mike is still recovering from back surgery and Matt sustained some bumps and bruises in an auto accident. NOTEBOOK TRAINING IN MAY We will be holding a training session on May 23, 2006 at 7:30pm at the Chapter House to assist Project Chairs with the preparation of the notebooks for any upcoming projects. Please advise if you would like to attend this training session. RECAP ON JAYCEE GROWTH WEEK As you can see from the new members listed above, we had a great Jaycee Growth Week. We also had fun recruiting new members. We visited some local restaurant/taverns and experienced a wine tasting at Marburg Estates. If anyone has any ideas for future M-nights, please feel free to give me a call.

Hello Everyone, •

We have a very busy month coming up here in May. We have the May Board Meeting May 5-7 at Grantville , also this weekend the PAJCS will be offering Super Seven. This is a national program to help you manage your chapter and recruit new members.

May 19-20 Upper Adams Relay For Life. We will be helping with their concession stand, you may work anytime during the day or night.

May 27th is the York Chili Cook-off. Where you can either help judge the chili or go and just have fun.

Then we move into June we have the Eastern Institute June 23-25 at Harrisburg West Holiday. They will be offering JCI Achieve. This is a way to see where we stand with other non -profit industry. This is to help improve planning and management skills. The program is divided into five sessions this all done in one day.

Let’s go to jail on Sunday, June 25—we will go to Altar Rock for their Family Picnic.

On July 8th, Schuylkill Haven Jaycees are having a kiddie carnival, this is where they have the best fireworks, even better then Hanover’s.

Then on the 30th the Northern Schuylkill is holding a family picnic at Knoebels.

Lastly, we are planning for the August Board Meeting August 4-6, this is also when we honor the OYP Recipients.

If you have any questions or you are interested on going to any of these events, let me know. Thank you, Ed Cornelius State Director 717-449-0167

Question from the President… There were 3 people from the past that were chairmen of the board, but not presidents. Whoever can name all the people at the May Membership Meeting when I ask, you will win a prize.

Make It Happen” April Membership Meeting April 6, 2006 Meeting Called to Order: 7:40pm by Kathy Main. Chaplain’s Invocation: Diana Rumsey Pledge of Allegiance: led by Jon Bowers Program: Ann Barricks from Heavenly Paws Animal Shelter Introduction of Members and Guests: Secretary’s Report: Brenda Chenault - Dispense with the reading of the minutes by Diana Rumsey; 2nd by Christine Smith. Motion carries. Motion to approve the Secretary’s Reports by Nick Cracium; 2nd by Diana Rumsey. Motion carries. Treasurer’s Report: Lori Noel - Balances as of 04/06/06: Building & Renovations $16,532.07; Checking $3,851.74; Savings $862.48; Total $21,246.29. Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Melanie Adams; 2nd by Deb Baber. Motion carries. Community VP’s Report: Liz Boyer - 03/18 Hart Bowling, Thanks for helping w/ this project and thanks mostly to Jeff McCloskey on his first project he did a great job. 03/19: Adopt-a-Highway: Thanks to Adam Martin for getting that together. 04/19: Deadline for OYP award. Please see Liz or Mike Johnson for nominations. 04/27 & 04/29: Hunter’s Safety: See Liz or Bobby Shearer if you know someone that wants to participate in this project or want to help at this project. REQUIRED TO ATTEND BOTH DAYS TO GET CERTIFICATE FOR THIS PROJECT, for ages 11 +, lunch is provided. 04/30: Pitch, Hit & Run: Jamie Haines is chairman, located at South Western Baseball field along Baer Avenue from 1:00 to 4:00 for ages 7 - 14. Individual VP’s Report: Kim Clapper: 04/09: Easter Egg Hunt to be held at Kid’s Kingdom. 04/29: April Jam Social @ Land of Little Horses (family social). May Sign-up Sheet for Snacks for Membership Meeting. Thanks to everyone who did bring food for tonight’s membership meeting. COMPETITORS ARE NEEDED FOR MAY STATE BOARDS; INCENTIVES—If you participate as a competitor money is taken off the expensive of your hotel room and also gift certificates will be give to you. 05/10: Mother’s Day Craft Night at 6:30 @ the Chapter House; Brenda Chenault chairman. HELP IS NEEDED FOR: May Social, Father’s Day Craft Night & June Social. Financial VP’s Report: Matt Boyer - Chicken BBQ is this Saturday from 5:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Help is needed. Set-up Friday at 2:00 p.m. Shrimp Feed total,: $2,702.13. Joe Corbi’s went well and Jen Lupp did a good job w/ that. Car Show is going to be June 17, Deb Baber as chairman, South Hanover Shopping Center on Baltimore Street. 07/29: Kids Carnival, chairman is needed. 04/21: State Bingo, 3 people are needed to go. Membership VP’s Report: Scott Strausbaugh - Welcome, to our newest member Rebecca Kuhn. 107 members as of now. 100% retained for the month of April. Six new members for in the past 2 to 3 months. 04/11 @ 7:00, Chapter House: New Member Orientation, please RSVP to Scott. 04/18: M-Night at the Winner’s Circle Lounge. 04/16 - 04/22: Jaycee Growth Week: bring out perspective members, 1/2 off dues for anyone who joins this week. 04/22, from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.: Wine Tasting at Marburg Estates, see Scott for directions. State Director’s Report: Ed Cornelius - 04/08: Regional Meeting from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Harrisburg University. 05/05/06 - 05/07/06: May Boards in Grantville @ Holiday Inn. 05/19/06 & 05/20/06: Adams County Relay for Life. 05/27: York is having their annual Chili Cook-off. 06/23 - 06/25: Eastern Institute in Harrisburg. Sign up sheet for visitation at Altar Rock from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on 06/25/06 (prison chapter), you MUST be signed up for clearances to be checked. Good job to Deb and Kathy for competing at Nationals. Debs is on of the top 50 people to watch in the nation. 09/10: Gettysburg Jaycees ask for us to help them host a Golf Tournament. President’s Report: Kathy Main - I can’t believe the 1st Quarter is over. Thanks to everyone that has helped in the pass few months w/ projects. May Boards sign up sheet is now available, competition deadline is 04/21, Friday night: Quarterly Competition, Saturday morning: Mid-year Competition. Planning a host a celebration of the 65th year of the Hanover Chapter. 09/09: Open House for the 65th Year of the Hanover Jaycee’s at the Chapter House. If you would be interested in helping please see Kathy. Would like past president’s, former members and current members to give involved with input for ideas for this important celebration. Question of the Month: How many years has the Halloween Parade ran? Andy Bolin winner; prize Easter basket w/ candy. Induction of New Members: Rebecca Kuhn recruited by Kim Clapper. Break: Move to dispense with break by Nick Cracium; 2nd by Fred Baber. Motion carries. Discussion: none Old Business: none New Business: none Announcements: Collection of memorial contributions in honor of Clair Amspacher. Jamie Haines: Luxury Banquet for the Westminster, MD Chapter (semiformal), if you are available to help or want to attend see Jamie for details. Deb: Polo shirts are available. Brenda M.: Friends of Codorus (volunteer work). Tammy: Wade is a Grandpa. Kathy: after the meeting Board Members need to meet for a short meeting. Good of the Order: Kathy: slips of paper w/ candy. Happy Easter to you! Prize given to the person that had the pink bows. Nick: Happy Birthday to Matt (Chapter sings to Matt.) Jaycee Creed: led by Melanie Adams Adjournment: Andy Bolin motion to adjourn; 2nd by Nick Cracium. Motion carries. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm. Submitted by: Brenda Chenault Secretary


This year the Hanover Area Jaycees are celebrating their 65th Anniversary and we would like all of you to join us. We will be having an Open House on September 9th at the Chapter House. And we need your help. We have many names, addresses and phone numbers in our database, but we don’t want to miss inviting anyone. Please contact Fred & Deb Baber with a list of the board members from your time as a Jaycee officer. Home phone (717) 624-9239, Deb’s cell phone (717)4511494, or email at [email protected] Fred’s cell phone (717) 891-5464 or email at [email protected].

We are also looking for Jaycee memorabilia from the years gone by. I’m sure that many of you have boxes of stuff collecting dust in your basements or attics. Why not share your Jaycee history with other Jaycees past and present?

Please join us at our next committee meeting on Monday May 8th at 7:00 pm at the Chapter House.

May 2006 SUN







4 5 May State 6 May State Membership BoardsBoardsMeeting 7:30 Grantville Grantville

7 May State 8 9 Boards65th AnniverGrantville sary Meeting

10 11 Mother’s Day Craft Night





18 Board Meeting 7:30

19 Bingo

20 JAM Social




16 M-night

21 Codorus Clean up








Upper Adams Relay for Life

27 York Chili Cook-off Special Bingo

June 2006 SUN








1 2 Membership Meeting 7:30






5 6 65th Anniversary Meeting

11 Adopt-AHighway


13 14 New Member Father’s Day Orientation Craft Night

15 Board Meeting 7:30

16 Bingo

17 Car Show







24 ID College & JAM Social

25 Altar Rock Visitation






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