2 What Is Health

  • October 2019
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What is Health ?

No Disease may not mean Good Health? But Good Health certainly means No Disease Health of the body refers to the condition of being not affected by any disease or degeneration at present and at the same time protected from all such illness in the future. If the body is healthy, it is able to ward off infections (& diseases) and also to resist the ageing process. This is the concept of Total & Permanent Health. By nature, human body has been designed to be healthy. Body is expected to protect itself from all kinds of ailments, whether due to infections or otherwise. Unless the body is made healthy, any amount of medications (drugs specific to diseases & symptoms) may not give a permanent recovery. In order to achieve permanent Health, the body should be constantly Detoxified (removal of unwanted / harmful materials from the body) and all the body functions be Balanced.

How Health Suffers? Man, today, is living in the modern world with high degree of automation and artificial comforts. Man is constantly drifting away from Nature and therefore the harmony with nature is disturbed. He leads a stressful life. He suffers from pollutions of all sorts air, water, food and noise. Due to these problems, the NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM of the body is weakened, leading to various infections attacking the body repeatedly. Again stress and pollution affect the body cells and their functions, leading to quicker DEGENERATION of the body organs. Thus the body suffers perennially from diseases and disorders, without a definite solution. The only way to overcome this handicap is to strengthen the body, the Natural Way. The body’s natural Immune System should be active and effective, all through the life. CELLS are the building blocks of the Body. There are trillions of cells, which make the body. If the cells are healthy, the body is healthy. If they are unhealthy, the body becomes sick. If the cells are active, the body is active; if the cells are inactive (or damaged) the body suffers degeneration. Therefore, it is essential to make the cells healthy and active. In order to achieve this, the cells should be continuously DETOXIFIED and the functions of the cells be NORMALIZED. This has forced the modern man to have a re-look into the ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS of HEALTH CARE, preferably closest to Nature. That appears to be the reliable direction and permanent solution to all perils of health.

News of Ganoderma

The article is written by 'The Edge' (It is a weekly hot selling newspaper in Malaysia) after having an interview session with DXN CEO Dr.Lim Siow Jin. Corporate News: DXN prospers on mushrooms By Isa Ismail When Dr Lim Siow Jin introduced his locally produced Ganoderma extracts and health care products to pharmacies and herb shops in his home state of Kedah, he found that there were few takers. Ganoderma is a species of mushroom that is more popularly known among the Chinese community as Lingzhi and is believed to have properties that can cure a host of illnesses from coronary diseases to ulcers and depression. Lim has found a way to mass-produce the mushroom and its end-products locally with local content. "But consumers just couldn't believe that Ganoderma could be produced in a place like Kedah," exclaims Lim. "When you talk about Ganoderma, people think that it comes from nowhere else but Japan, China and Taiwan." Numerous rejections from sceptical consumers inevitably led Lim to come up with the idea of multilevel marketing (MLM). This set the direction for Lim and the establishment of his company DXN Holdings Bhd, as it got off the ground in the early 1990s. "Compared with reading the labels on our products, MLM is more convincing because through word of mouth we can better explain how good our products are," Lim says in an interview with The Edge. "Ganoderma produced in Malaysia is as good as that produced in East Asia." Evidently, DXN's products have found acceptance in the local market, enabling the company to be listed soon on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. But still there were challenges.

How was DXN going to compete with the brand image of Ganoderma products from Japan and China? Lim says the answer came in the form of recognition for cleanliness and safety. "One of the ways was to set up a good manufacturing practice (GMP)-certified factory," Lim explains. "This is a factory with a modern set-up that meets the standards set by authorities like the Drug Control Authority of Malaysia." After DXN had established its processing facilities, the next step was the marketing strategy. Lim started small, recruiting members from Kedah and elsewhere in the country. But by 1995, he says, business boomed. DXN came up with many different products containing Ganoderma besides offering it in tablet form. Among these products are DXN's 3-in-1 Lingzhi coffee, toothpaste and cosmetics. "We may not be the only Ganoderma mushroom producer in the country but we are certainly the largest in terms of capacity," Lim claims. "We are a complete company in the sense that we do the cultivation, processing and marketing of Ganoderma. We not only sell our products locally but also sell to the whole world. We already have branches in 11 countries." Lim began to dabble in cultivating Ganoderma as a hobby in the early 1980s. His father was a herbalist and the two of them had a keen interest in this mushroom. They, too, thought that Ganoderma, like Ginseng, could only be found in China and Japan. "But in the 1980s, we found Ganoderma in our own jungles," recalls Lim. "It was great news to us as Ganoderma is a better herb than Ginseng. So in 1984, we went into the jungle to get the mushroom. We used tissue culture to acclimatise the mushroom for commercial cultivation. We did a lot of toxicity tests to ascertain that what we had found was really Ganoderma." By the late 1980s, Lim was already producing Ganoderma on a small scale. His Ganoderma extracts were introduced to friends and family members who found that the mushhroom was very effective. "[But] it was not easy to cultivate Ganoderma," explains Lim. "First you need to get the seeds, or more accurately called 'spawn', and then we had to work out what materials to use to grow the mushroom. "Books will tell you that you need cotton wood sawdust, wheat bran. But in Kedah, we only have rubber wood and rice and so we used rubber wood sawdust and rice bran. The only foreign materials that we needed were barley and corn. We only required a small amount but they are easily available in the market." As almost all of DXN's raw materials were sourced locally, Lim's products were selling at a third of the price of imported Ganoderma. And this helped DXN gain a foothold in the market. DXN registered net profits in the region of RM15 million for the financial years ending February 2002 and 2003. Turnover during these periods hovered around RM120 million. Sales in Malaysia only contributed about 20 per cent of the company's total turnover. Its largest foreign market is the Philippines, which contributes about 43 per cent. DXN's most popular product is the 3-in-1 Lingzhi coffee, accounting for 74 per cent of the company's total sales. "Our coffee was the first product that actually ran out of stock," says Lim. "Our members in the Philippines had sold all their Lingzhi coffee and we had to rush our production to meet the demand." Today, the company has up to two million members under its MLM scheme. Its products have won over not only the Chinese community and foreigners but also non-Chinese Malaysians. "A good-quality product will eventually bring in the customers," Lim says.

Healthy Coffee - DXN Coffee

Are you feeling guilty about your love for coffee? You don't need to feel guilty if you're drinking healthy coffee...

Finally... Great Tasting Coffee That is actually Good For You !!! Introducing perhaps the best-tasting "Healthy Coffee" in the world. The DXN selection of coffees and beverages are a collection of delicious, healthy blends including the remarkable Ganoderma extract which helps to strengthen the bodys immune system - providing more energy and vigor, while reducing fatigue. In fact, the DXN selections of coffees are quickly becoming internationally reknown. But how does it compare to regular coffees? We challenge you to feel the difference! You may already be an avid coffee lover... but the fears of the degenerative and controversial effects of coffee on the human body makes that cup of coffee not quite as enjoyable as it should. Those days are finally over! Introducing a perfect blending of the rich flavorful, high-quality robust Brazilian coffee beans with the powerful Ganoderma Lucidum extract regarded by the Chinese as the 'Miraculous King of Herbs'. Ganoderma Lucidum is reported to be able to improve the body’s healing ability, maintain a healthy body and to promote longevity. It's properties to strengthen the immune system are also well identified. Ganoderma Lucidum is also known by the names Reishi (Rei shi) or Ling zhi.


Spirulina is a kind of algae grown in tropical salt lakes. It was discovered by Dr. Clement from France in 1962. Besides that, it is recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and United Nations (UN) as SUPERFOOD! A well-balanced food Spirulina is the most complete organic food source enriched with nutrients and vitamins. it contains high proteins and well balanced amino acids especially essential amino acids and nuclei acids. It is also very rich in vitamins, minerals, linolenic acid (GLA), phycocyanin, phytonutrients, chlorophyll and fiber. Alkaline food Spirulina is well known as a maior alkaline food. A healthy body is slightly alkaline with the pH7.3-7.4. An acidic body condition may cause the body to be prone to various diseases.Refer to Dr. Ragnar Berg (USA), a balanced diet should consist of 80% alkaline. 80% alkaline foods - Fruits - Vegetables- Milk - Algae- others 20% acidic foods - Meats- Seafoods- Cereals- Others In modern day lifestyle, it is easy to maintain such a diet especially those who are very busy with their work and lifestyle. So, the consumption of Spirulina is ideal in the long run as it will contribute towards health improvement and help to change the weak acidic body condition to a healthy alkaline body condition.

Who should Eat Spirulina ? Infants, children and teenagers: Spirulina is rich in vegetable protein, vitamin b complex, calcium, iron and magnesium. It is beneficial for the growth of infants, children and teenagers.

Pregnant and breast-feeding mothers: Mothers during pregnancy and lactating need extra supply of nutrients in order to provide sufficient nutrients to their fetus or baby. The content of protein in Spirulina is useful for the synthesis of material and fetal tissues. Vitamin B complex such as folic acid is beneficial to the Fetus for the development of the brain, where as calcium, iron and magnesium could replace the nutrients lost from materials.

Busy adults: The complete nutrients of Spirulina is the great choice for busy working adults to maintain a balance diet.

Athletes: Athletes need additional protein for increased strength and to enhance their performance. Spirulina is rich in protein, Vitamin B complex such as vitamin B1, B2 and B3, calcium, iron and carotene which is beneficial for workouts.

Dieters: Many people find that taking a few tablets of Spirulina an hour before mealtime can help satisfy appetite, so they eat less.

The elderly: Spirulina is rich in carotene which is a powerful antioxidant with anti-aging property. Besides, its calcium content is beneficial for reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Those who are anaemic: For those who are recovering from illness, Spirulina is ideal as it is enriched with nutrients and minerals which can speed up the process of recovery. Spirulira is abundant with nutrients, minerals and vitamins. It is suitable for people in all walks of life. It is not a medicine but a very nutritious health food. So, it is riot detrimental to your health although it is consumed in a large amount. DXN is the first MLM company in Malaysia that owns factory with international standard and produces. DXN Spirulina is 100% pure, contains no artificial colouring or chemical substances. Therefore, it is absolutely well-known as King of Spirulina DXN Spirulina is complete with nutrients and its therapeutic properties have been acknowledged. It is the most popular food supplement for today's modern world

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