2-- Pfhl 610-- Suggested Answers

  • May 2020
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Friendship Scripture Questions and Answers (by Bill Stevenson on July 25, 2003) Isaiah 41:8-9, James 2:20-24, Genesis 12:1-9 & 17:1-24, 2 Chronicles 20:5-7, & Galatians 3:614-- Who was a friend of God? Why was he considered such? Abraham, because of his faith in God and obeying God’s instructions. Exodus 33:7-17-- Who was a special friend of God? How do you know? Why did the Lord promise that He would do what Moses asked? What did God mean by saying “I know you by name”? Moses. Verse 11 says, “The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend.” Because He was pleased with him. (Remember the Biblical word “name” means more than the name given usually by one’s parents.) that He knew the character or character traits of Moses. 1 Samuel 20:42-- What did David and Jonathan do about their friendship? David and Jonathan made a forever friendship covenant, not just for themselves, but for their descendants. Proverbs 17:17, 18:24, & 22:11-- What is God pleasing friendship and what are two things that it requires? God pleasing friendship is at all times, even when there is adversity, and is closer or more meaningful than what brothers or sisters can give. It requires loving a those with pure “hearts” and who speak graciously. Job 2:11-13-- What did Job’s friends do when they heard about all of his Satan-given horrible troubles and later when they first saw him? They decided to “go and sympathize with him and comfort him.” Later when they saw him, they wept aloud, tore their robes, sprinkled dust on their heads, and did not speak to him because they saw how much he was suffering. Job 6:14, 12:4-5, 19:19-22-- What did Job expect from his friends? (3 things, check the context for the third answer) What did he not expect? (4 things) Devotion from them, pity, and not criticism. Laughing, ridicule, contempt, rejection. Job 29:1-5-- What did Job want from God? How do you think God showed that to Job in the time before He allowed Satan to test him? Restoration of His intimate friendship. Answers will vary but should include answered prayers, blessings for him and his family members, inner guidance for decision-making, and inner peace. Job 16:16-21 & 19:23-25-- Why do you think that Job might have had divine revelation about the New Testament? What endtime prophecy did he make? Because he indicated in these verses that he seemed to know the current ministries of Jesus Christ for Christians: being the advocate and an intercessor (as a true friend) to God the Father, and redeemer. That Jesus Christ would be stand on Earth at the end of time. Job 42:7-16-- What did Job do right in relating to his three critical friends and what did he apparently not have against them? He prayed for them and apparently did not have bitterness or hatred against them. Psalm 119:63-66-- What quality did the friends of the writer of Psalm 119 have? What does that actually mean and what does it lead to? Fear of God which is having an awesome respect of God which leads to obedience to Him. 1

Proverbs 12:26, 16:28, 22:24-25, & 27:5-6 & 9-- What did Solomon think about choosing friends? Write your answer as if you are advising someone. You should be careful in choosing who to be friends with. Do not be friendly with the wicked, the perverse or dissension creators, the gossipers, the hot-tempered and easily angered, and superficially friendly enemies. Be friends with those who will rebuke and earnestly counsel you. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10-- What is one reason to have a trustworthy and caring friend? He or she can help you when working together in case of failure or a need to correct mistakes. Luke 5:17-21-- Who did Jesus Christ call friend early in His human-form ministry? paralytic man.


Luke 7:33-39-- Who else was Jesus unexpectedly friendly with? tax collectors, sinners, and a Pharisee. Luke 12:1-4-- Who else did Jesus call “friend”? His disciples. Matthew 26:47-50-- Who did Jesus surprisingly call “friend” just before He was unjustly put to death? Judas, the betrayer. Luke 21:12-19-- What did Jesus Christ warn His disciples about in relation to friends of theirs? that they could be betrayed by them, even for death. John 15:9-17 & 21:1-5-- What did Jesus say was the greatest love and what did He call His Disciples? “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” He also said that He called His disciples “friends”. Romans 12:17-20, 1 Corinthians 10:11-14, 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 & 12:19-21, Philippians 2:1218, & Hebrews 6:9-12-- When did Apostle Paul call the readers of his epistles “friends”? when he wrote something very important. James 4:1-6-- What are Christians not to be a friend with? (Also read Romans 12:1-3, 1 Peter 2:11-12, & 1 John 2:15-17 before answering and be specific in what the James passage says-- 8 things.) the world-- anything that causes fights and quarrels, wrong selfish desires, killing, coveting, fighting, quarrelling, asking with wrong motives for spending on pleasures, adultery (spiritual as well as physical). Luke 14:12-14-- Who did Jesus say that we should invite to eat instead of our friends, relatives, and rich neighbors? the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. Essay about God-pleasing friendship qualities will vary.


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