2-- Pfhl 240-- Suggested Answers

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,200
  • Pages: 3
"Leadership to Churches for Revival" Answer Key 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

6. 7. 8.


to minister unto God/unto/ submission/ (Answers will vary about how a minister can minister to God.) [1/1/1/3] to be definitely full of the Holy Spirit, trusting and carefully using the Bible, and living in the power of the Holy Spirit [3] properly dressed, prepared before any ministry prepared before any ministry, anointed, consecrated, sanctified/ prepared before any ministry, holy, sanctified, consecrated/ prepared before any ministry, sanctified/ spiritually c1eansed, saved to eternal life/ prepared before any ministry, anointed, consecrated/ prepared before any ministry, properly dressed/ prepared before any ministry, properly dressed/ prepared before any ministry, properly dressed/ prepared before any ministry, properly dressed, anointed, sanctified/ anointed, saved to eternal life/ anointed/ chosen specially/ chosen specially, encourage by blessing others/ controversy judge/ chosen specially/ controversy judge/ chosen specially, encourage by blessing others, controversy judge/ prayer warrior for others/ chosen specially, saved to eternal life/ appointed, thankful to God in praise/ chosen specially/ prepared before any ministry, controversy judge/ [2/4/4/2/2/3/2/2/2/4/2/1/1/2/1/1/1/3/1/2/2/1/2] (Answers may vary about how pastor or home group leader should be saved to eternal life and thankful to God in much praise.) / about seeing the grace of God shown in the new Christians/ full of goodness or righteousness, the Holy Ghost, and faith [3/2/3] (Answer's wording may vary but must include the following concepts: A Christian leader should be able to rejoice and be glad in the Lord's mercy no matter what the circumstances, even when being disciplined by God. He or she should also have a desire to recognize God's working in his or her lives, showing His beauty of grace and blessing for establishing his or her ministries.) [4] (Answers may vary about how an independent minister or a home group leader is specially chosen and specially appointed by God.) / yes [3/1] (Answers wording may vary, but should include the following concepts to be set apart and blessed as holy; devoted to righteousness.) / to righteous and mora1 living / It should be righteous and holy. [2/1/2] (Answers may vary about how a pastor or home group leader should be spiritually c1eansed-- sins confessed and changes made, prepared before-- enough sincere prayer and quality Bible study, and properly dressed for ministry-- modest enough not to offend anyone.)" [3] (Answers may vary about how a Christian leader should be an encourager by blessing others and a prayer warrior for others.) [4] 1

10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16. 17.

18. 19. 20.


22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

(Answers may vary about how a Christian leader should be a controversy judge in preaching, teaching, and counseling about what the Bible says about controversial issues or relationship problems.) [3] (Answers may vary, but hopefully all are "yes".) / (Answers may vary about church leaders who rule will being counted worthy of double honor, especially those who teach and live God's Word.) [14/3] God the Father/ what to say and what to do / yes / (Answers may vary about a pastor submitting to God for guidance in all of what he or she is to say and do.) [1/2/1/3] (Answers may vary about how a Christian leader should believing a meek, righteous life completely submissive to God's teaching and guidance.) [5] (Answers wording may vary but must include the following concepts: They should be wanting to move on from just the basics of faith and onto the other things of God's wisdom, trusting in God completely for this progress for future teaching.) / from God the Father / the prayer and the Bible (or God's Word) [3/1/2] (Answers may vary about how New Testament Christian leaders should, teach their followers and be examples of what is God's will for their way of living.) [5] no / the fathers of the children [2] greatness, righteousness, manner, goodness, forgiveness, mercy, compassion, graciousness, longsuffering, and truth / (Answers may vary about the reasons for preaching and teaching about God's greatness, righteousness, manner, goodness, forgiveness, mercy, compassion, graciousness, long-suffering, and truth so that people will love God more and want to have the same characteristics in their lives.) / yes / about Jesus Christi like helpful and cleansing rain and dew for spiritual building up and protection of Christians from false doctrines [10/3/1/1/3] (Answers may vary about how the Kingdom of God-- righteousness, peace, and joy-- are included in the type of doctrine a Christian leader should be teaching.) [3] (Answers may vary about the importance of preaching and teaching about repentance, the Kingdom of Heaven, and God's commandments.) [5] (Answer wording may vary but should inc1ude the following: A home group or building church should be a pi ace for (a) the acceptance and protection of new Christians, (b) humbleness, (c) eliminating offenses, (d) spiritual discipline, (e) forgiveness, and (f) compassion.) [6] prayer; (Answers may vary about what are the usual personal and church tradition reasons for not having much prayer, especially in churches.) / (Answers 'may vary about how one would change a church to emphasize more time in prayer.) / (Answers may vary about how one can be a doer and teacher of prayer. [1/3/3/3] (Answers may vary about what kind of present day ministries are indicated by Luke 4: 18 &/19.) [5] (Answers may vary about the importance of preaching and teaching about proper attitudes towards work, the words of Jesus Christ, Godliness, contentment, money, faith, love, patience, meekness, trust, good works, steadfastness-in righteous talk.) [5] (Answers may vary about the main responsibility of a pastor and how it should be done in church and why). Ephesians 4:11-16.) [25] (Answers may vary about what should be the main purposed and uses of every type of Christian home group and church meeting or fellowship-- Hebrews 10:24 & 25, Ephesians 2:10, and Colossians 3:12-17.) [25] (Answers may vary about why and how should the indicated ministries in Titus 2:1-8 should be applied in a church or home group-- especially to keep families together by having at least one spiritual overseer to help each spiritually.) [25] 2

27. 28 29. 30. 31.

32. 33.

(Answers may vary about the ideas for _encouraging church people to pray.) [10] (Answers may vary about the ideas to encourage church revival.) [10] (Answers may vary about the ideas to encourage more church ministry outreach.) [10] "to give, hand over, deliver, present, or submit for approval" / (Answers may vary about what rendering to the government the things that are government's and to God the things that are God) [1/7] (Answers may vary about when and how does a Christian leader disobey a command or law of government.) / (Answers may vary about what a Christian leader is to do the rest of the time in thinking about, speaking or preaching about, and relating to any aspect of secular government.) [3/3] (Answers may vary about how important one thinks Christian leader praying for government officials is.) [5] (Answers may vary about what the usual way of starting a formal or legal church is now: writing a constitution, appointing leaders and an organizing committee, renting or buying a building, etc.) / yes [3/1]

Note: There are 309 points for the course.


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