1st Sunday In Advent November 29, 2009

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Sunday 1st Sunday in Advent November 29, 2009

Sundays @ Hennepin

Koinonia New Years Retreat

Seasons of the Spirit

New Year’s Eve at Koinonia, stargazing with weatherman Michael Lynch, and his giant telescope! Join others from Hennepin relaxing, enjoying the outdoors, a bonfire, crafts, chatting, eating, or doing absolutely nothing. Friends and family are always welcome. Begins with supper on Dec. 31 through brunch on Jan 2. Fees for the entire weekend are 2 nights lodging, five meals- Adults $100, kids $75, family $200; for one night and 3 meals - Adults 60, kids 40, family $120. You may come for as little as an afternoon. We don’t want cost to be a deterrent, so scholarship money is available. Sign-up at church or at HennepinChurch.org.

Sunday, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM - Room 201 This bible study looks into the weekly scripture readings. There is no need to do any preparation, simply show up, enter into the discussion! Sally Johnson and Rexi Warner lead the 11:00 AM class in October. Bill Tipping leads the 5:00 PM Class.


Our 2009 Advent Devotional booklets are in and available for pick-up at the literature tables and Reception Desk. It will also be readable on our church website at HennepinChurch.org/advent.

Youth Dinner Theater Come see the youth of Hennepin in their interactive dinner theater production of In Bethlehem Inn. This takes place in the Social Hall and will include a play, dinner, and musical entertainment. Tickets on sale in Carlson Hall every Sunday and are also available for purchase online at HennepinChurch.org. They are $10 for adults, $5 for students, free for children under 5, with a family cap at $30. Performances will be Saturday, Dec. 5, at 6:00 PM, as well as Sunday, Dec. 6, at 11:00 AM, replacing that day’s brunch. Hope to see you there! Also, don’t forget our upcoming Annual Youth Bake Sale: Dec. 13th and 20th in Carlson Hall.


All friends and members are asked to respond with their giving plans for 2010 as soon as possible. Yellow pledge cards are in the pews, mailed to homes, and on the church website under the giving menu. Thank You! May your gratitude guide your giving for 2010.


Sundays, Dec. 6,13 11:00 AM Join these teachers and parent educators to discuss and share resources on the spiritual nature of children and parenting, how to nurture our children’s spiritual lives, and how to answer “big” questions, even as we have questions of our own. Take a break in the early days of December to celebrate the joy of the children that grace your lives. Led by Deb Roberts and Kathryn Johnson.

QI GONG Sundays, Dec. 6/13; Jan 10/17 11:00 AM Qi Gong (pronounced: Chee Gung) is a form of exercise that works with the energy in the body to support all systems of health and wellness. James Schattauer will be share his journey with Qi Gong and some exercises in building strength, mental acuity and better health. Each session begins with an easy warm up, followed by simple exercises that will be taught so that the participant will be able to take what they learn and establish their own routine at home. Wear comfortable clothing.

UMW Bazaar!

The United Methodist Women's Christmas event will be held Dec. 5, 9:0012:30 in Carlson Hall. $12 Tickets will be on sale Nov. 22 and 29 or call (612) 8715303 to make reservations. Devotions by David Wheeler and carol singing follow the bazaar. We’ll finish fleece scarves for our Community Meals guests and Dignity Center clients. Readings by actress Anita O'Sullivan and music by the Revelers in the Art Gallery. The morning concludes with Mission Recognition ceremony & brunch. Childcare provided.


December 13 at 11:00 AM The scriptures of Advent invite us into an encounter with the One who lives among us, Emmanuel. We will use the ancient prayer practice of lectio divina to listen to familiar scriptures in new ways, allowing them to become our prayer for this most holy season. led by Sally Johnson.

Called Church Conference There will be a special church conference on Sun. Dec. 6, 9-9:15 am in Room 201, for the purpose of approving Hennepin clergy salaries for 2010. All church members may attend and vote. This action is required by the Annual Conference each year. The Staff Parish Relations Committee has recommended no increases in any staff salaries for 2010.

Beginner’s Bible Study

Breakfast @ Hennepin 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM in the Social Hall On Dec. 6, there will be NO BREAKFAST. Instead, our youth ministry will offer their dinner theatre “In Bethlehem Inn” at 11:00 AM in the Social Hall. Tickets are available from the youth.


This Bible discussion for those who don’t know that much about the Bible is led by Pastor Leah Rosso and meets 1st and 3rd Mondays from 7:00 - 8:30 PM. Just contact [email protected] or call 612-871-5303.

Dignity Center Christmas Party

RELEVANT Senior High Network Girls Book Club Christmas Party

Christmas is a time of giving for those with resources. Those without often feel left out of the seasonal gift-giving. Dignity Center volunteers want to include our clients by creating a joyous party with $20 gift certificates for each guest. Please Help by donating money for gift certificates and food for the party. Please write a check to the Dignity Center and put in the memo “client gift.” Many Thanks!

All book-loving senior high girls are invited to join the youth book group. We meet every first and third Wednesday night of the month from 7 to 8:30 PM in the Church of Youth. Our current book is Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult. Pick up a copy and join us for some discussion, snacks, and girl time!

Have some Christmas Fun and meet other United Methodists in their 20's and 30's at the Network Christmas Party! Potluck at 6-ish at Hennepin, then carpool to Brave New Workshop for “Bret Favre’s Christmas Spectacular” at 8pm. Cost: only $10! RSVP by Dec. 10 for show and childcare. Email Leah ([email protected]) or call: 612-871-5303.

INCLUSIVE Life Adventures Community Meals

For Senior Adults It’s the season when gratitude

Little Kids Big Fun Join your friends for these giving and generosity come

The 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM means a fun night for families to get out and enjoy time together. $20 per family, including dinner! Everyone is welcome! Bring friends and neighbors! Dec. 9 — Kids: Angel Tree Night! Grown-ups: Making Family Traditions All Year Long.

Check out Your Church Library!

Stop by the desk in the library and see the list of new books purchased this past month. Check out: HennepinChurch.org/Library

Kjerringsleppets This women’s spirituality group meets at 5:30 PM on the first Wednesday of the month. New participants are are always welcome! Dec. 2: Christmas Gathering in the Community Room at City Bella, 6600 Lyndale Ave. S. Jan. 6: Taming Storm Surges by Bob Onan. Contact Sally Johnson with any questions: [email protected].

outings and events! Friday Luncheons are in the Social Hall, reservations due by preceding Wednesday. Call the Church office 612-8715303. Dec. 11: It’s our Christmas Luncheon with the Plymouth Rockers, a music ensemble of 30 who will lead us in a sing-a-long! Jan.8: Bakken Museum tour. Limited to the first 24 people. $5 fee. Sign up now!

out. Guests feel HAUMC’s welcoming love through a delicious bountiful meal, U of MN Veterinary clinic, the giveaway shelf, Panera Bread table, live music and perhaps a bus token. More importantly, our volunteers serve with spirits of joyful love. Please support this ministry with your gifts!


On Sundays Dec. 13 & 20, please bring your favorite holiday treats for donation, to be sold at this event. Please package treats so they are ready to be sold, and bring them to the Bake Sale tables in Carlson Hall before 9:30 AM on the morning of the sale. Contact Ellen if you want to help: [email protected] or 952-261-7820.

Holiday Baking

(and eating) for People in their 20’s and 30’s! Come enjoy great company, learn how to make delicious desserts, and, of course, eat them! This is a cooking class for people who love to eat and don’t mind learning a few things along the way. (Recipes will be available to take home with you, and perhaps some leftovers too!) Sunday, December 6th at 4pm at the parsonage. Cost is $5/person.

Weekly Classes/Activities First Light: Jesus and the Kingdom of God 5:30 PM, Sunday Dec. 6, led by Bill Mate and Eileen Marie. Featuring Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan as they tour parts of the Holy Land talking about Jesus and his mission in life and using ancient and contemporary art, this video, shot on location makes a wonderful visual experience. The lectures are thoughtful and helpful 40 Below: People in their 20’s and 30’s gather weekly for fun and conversation. For info, contact Becca Johnson: [email protected] Faith and Life Group: Tuesdays at 8:00 PM. Come gather with others to discuss questions you have about faith. We explore what it means to be a “progressive” Christian, and how our lives are impacted by our faith. Facilitated by Kate Kennedy. Job Transition Group: 7:00 PM 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month, through December. If you are looking for a job, worried about your current job or transitioning to a new career, join this gathering of folks to discuss the world of job transition. All welcome! Faith and Fiction Book Group: Come be a part of a great conversation. We gather on the third Tuesday of the month at Dunn Bros on Loring Park at 7pm in the “stage” area in back. All welcome all of the time! Dec. 15: A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens.

Thursday Bible Study: The First Christmas, a fresh look at Nativity stories, by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan. Class meets weekly, 11:00 AM w/Chris Jackson. The Science & Faith Roundtable: If you’re interested in how science and religion can be partners in the quest for truth, this group may be for you! 7:00 PM, Thursday, Dec 3: Take a break from the books for the holidays and join us for a movie night. Bring a snack or holiday treat to share as we watch Contact starring Jodie Foster & Matthew McConaughey; Robert Zemeckis, director. Beverages provided.



The November Hunger Offering will support the Groveland Foodshelf. This neighbor of Hennepin Church plays a vital role in the lives of many. At a time when donations have decreased, the need has been increasing. Thank you for your help and generous gifts.

Reception. If you are interested in volunteering with the Center please contact Kristyn Ebert, Volunteer Coordinator, at (612) 435-1305 or [email protected]. Thank you for your interest in the D.C.

Looking ahead Knotty Quilter Teddy Bear and Quilt Sale will be held in Carlson Hall Nov. 29 and Dec. 6. at 9:00 AM. Proceeds buy quilting supplies and the extra goes to support missions of the Church. Hennepin Heartwarmers are back! As in previous years, Heartwarmers will be available Sundays in December (6, 13 and 20) in the East Entrance. 40 Below Christmas Party! Let's start the Christmas season early with a potluck on Dec.10! To be mindful of others during this Christmas season please bring a toy or game for Toys For Tots. Don't worry about keeping things warm as we have access to the kitchen, just join us for an evening of fun and friendship in the Longfellow Room at 6:30pm.

Additional food service volunteers needed for Sunday morning breakfast and other events, incl M-F. All schedules are flexible and “on-call” as needed, 5 to 25 hours/month. Interested? Contact Chris Jackson, Minister of Administration, 612435-1308 or [email protected].

Rebuilding: A Group for People who have been Separated or Divorced. Starting January 14th, a rebuilding group for people who are separated or divorced. Cost is $40 and includes a book with registration. The group will run for seven weeks. Register by calling the church (612-871-5303) or Volunteer with the Dignity Center! signing up at the reception desk. The Dignity Center is looking for a Questions? Contact Pastor Leah volunteer to help with Wednesday [email protected].

HennepinChurch.org Now Accepting PayPal

If you wish to make a gift or donation to Hennepin Church, please note we have another way to facilitate that. You may make your gift online, safely through PayPal. Just go to our new church website: HennepinChurch.org and then choose “Giving” from the top menu.

Your Full-Service Church Website HennepinChurch.org

When is the last time you’ve been to the church website? Did you know that you can read about the many upcoming events, ministry groups, concerts, bible studies and youth

activities all online? You can register for classes, buy tickets for the Youth Dinner Theater or the New Year’s Eve event at Koinonia right from the comfort of our church website. There is an online calendar, a staff page with everyone’s picture, and a place for you to donate to the church or get yourself a pledge card.

Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church

511 Groveland Avenue | Minneapolis, MN 55403 | 612.871.5303 | HennepinChurch.org

Calendar of Events

Sunday, November 29, 2009 8:30 - 9:00 8:30 - 12:30 8:30 - 12:30 8:45 - 12:30 9:00 - 12:00 9:00 - 10:00 9:30 - 10:30 9:45 - 10:45

10:00 - 11:00 10:30 - 12:30 11:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:30 4:45 - 6:30 5:00 - 6:00 5:00 - 7:00 7:00 - 8:00

Holy Communion Border Chapel Coffee Fellowship Carlson Hall Walker UMC Wreath Sale East Entry Lawn Nursery / Child Care Room 105 Quilt Sale East Entry Sacred Journey Worship Art Gallery Festival Worship Sanctuary Seasons of the Spirit Sunday School Ed. Wing Preschool Age 3, 4 & Kindergarten Room 101 First — Fifth Grade Room 1/3 Sixth through Twelfth Grade Church of Youth Seeds of Celebration Harrison Room Breakfast at Hennepin Social Hall Many Voices Border Chapel Seasons of the Spirit Room 201 Chamber Singers Choir Room Community Meals Seasons of the Spirit Room 201 Jr./Sr. High Youth Group Church of Youth Journey Choir Rehearsal Choir Room

Did We Miss You? The Thankoffering is an important event for the United Methodist Women. If you did not receive a Thankoffering envelope, it is not too late to give! Just indicate "Thankoffering" or "UMW" on your check or envelope. Thank you.

Include Steeple People in your Christmas Journey The elves, divas and staff have toiled all weekend to make this Monday special for all our customers. The tree will be lit and the door will be open at noon. You can be one of the first to choose among the ornaments and décor and decorations. There will be trees, garlands, wreaths, clothes and some very special jewelry items. Be sure you stop by Steeple People Surplus Store for your early Christmas shopping.

Sunday Spire Deadline

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30 9:00 AM Dignity Center—Open

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 8:30 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM

Library Committee Altar Choir Youth Council Meeting India Partnership Reconciling Committee Faith and Life Discussion

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 1:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM

Dignity Center—Open Knotty Quilters Recyclers Kjerringsleppets Sr. High Girls’ Book Club Sanctuary Choir

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 9:00 AM 1:30 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM

Bible Study Prayer Shawl Meeting Labyrinth Administrative Council Science & Faith Roundtable Hennepin Chime

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 7:00 AM Men’s Fellowship 9:00 AM Dignity Center—Open

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 9:00 AM UMW Christmas Luncheon 6:00 PM Youth Dinner Theater “In Bethlehem Inn”

Breakfast @ Hennepin 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM in the Social Hall

Only $4.00 per person, thanks to grants from Hennepin Foundation and our generous members!

Sunday School Note: Today: Two Room Sunday School 9:4510:45 AM; Pre3 – K Room 101; 1st – 5th Grade Room 1/3. Children will go directly to the classroom following their dismissal from the Sanctuary. There will NOT be gathering time in Carlson Hall.

Gratitude for your Giving and Continued Support

Please email all information to At the end of October the Operating [email protected] by 10:00 AM Budget Income Received in each of the past three years has amounted to: on Monday for the following 2009—74% of Budget Thank You Sunday Spire, or drop off at the 2008—73% of Budget For your church, Attn: Daniel Pederson. 2007—76% of Budget Support!



PASTORAL CARE: Please notify the church office if you, a family member or an other church member are experiencing an illness, a hospitalization, or another need for pastoral care. CONGREGATIONAL JOYS AND CONCERNS are posted each week in the Pastoral Care section on the kiosk in Carlson Hall. Greeting cards for members in need of cheer are available to sign at the reception desk near the East Entry. PACEM SINGERS are available to sing to Hennepin members and friends bringing comfort of favorite hymns and songs to your surroundings. DOWNTOWN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: Sept. through Dec. 26, this group meets Saturday mornings at the Basilica of St. Mary School, 9:30 to 11:30 AM. Dec. 5: Jean Evers shares a personal story about Spouse Loss.

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