1st Semester Study Guide Honors

  • July 2020
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1st Semester Study Guide 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

Global Studies II – Honors

Polis First Greek State Oligarchy What happened at Thermopylae? Wrote Oedipus Rex According to Plato… how individuals achieved a good life Euripides Thucydides Result of Alexander the Great’s conquests What is Elements, and who wrote it Stoicism What is a republic? Describe the Roman Senate Pax Romana Constantine Visigoths Etruscans Law of Nations First Triumvirate Paterfamilias Theodosius the Great Economic and social policies of Diocletian and Constantine Shari’ah What did the revolt led by Hussein in the early Umayyad period lead to? Europe’s largest city after Constantinople How do we know of the works of Aristotle and other Greek philosophers What is a bazaar? What is a vizier? List the Five Pillars of Islam Who is Muhammad? Why did resentment against Umayyad rule grow? What was the impact of the Crusades on Southwest Asia? Who is Ibn Sina? General Mu’awiya is know for what outstanding virture? What did the counts of Champagne do to encourage trade between Flanders and Italy? What is a carruca? Who were serfs different from peasants? Francis of Assisi Scholasticism Vernacular Spain’s two strongest kingdoms, Castile and Aragon, were united when _____________ Tithe – who paid and to whom did they pay it? How were elections for city council in medieval cities held? What is an interdict? Hildegard of Bingen The Inquisition Result of the Black Death taille War of the Roses How did the war between France and Spain (for control of Italy) end? Leonardo da Vinci Christine de Pizan Masaccio Christian humanists Lutheranism

56. Peace of Augsburg 57. Ignatius of Loyola 58. Baldassare Castiglione 59. Why did parents in the Renaissance Italy arranged marriages of their children 60. What movement of the Renaissance had a profound effect on education? 61. artists of the High Renaissance I Italy 62. Desiderius Erasmus 63. Compare the doctrine of Luther with that of Calvin 64. Anabaptists 65. Council of Trent 66. Vasco da Gama 67. First European settlers of the Hudson River Valley 68. Ibo 69. Why African slaves were originally brought to the Americas 70. Moluccas 71. Buddhism 72. How did the Dutch try to dominate the clove trade? 73. Gold Coast 74. Treat of Tordesillas, signed in 1494 75. Jon Cabot 76. Benin 77. What were aggressive Dutch traders able to do? 78. Why European rulers and merchants were determined to gain control of the islands of SE Asia. 79. Why did Europeans have less impact on the mainland states of SE Asia? 80. Balance of Trade 81. House of ____-- ruled the southern French kingdom of Navarre 82. Belief in the “divine right” of kings 83. Puritans 84. Oliver Cromwells 85. English Bill of Rights 86. Absolutism 87. Louis XIV 88. William Shakespeare 89. Edict of Nantes 90. Thirty Years’ War involved what European powers? 91. Rump Parliament 92. “Glorious Revolution” 93. Toleration Act of 1689 94. Cardinal Richelieu 95. Jean-Baptiste Colbert 96. Gian Lorenzo Bernini 97. John Locke 98. Isaac Newton 99. Francis Bacon 100. Voltaire 101. Jean-Jacques Rousseau 102. First country to grant diplomatic recognition to the new American state. 103. The Constitutional Convention began as what? 104. Describe the Ptolemaic system 105. What did Galileo’s observations indicate? 106. Andreas Vesalius 107. Montesquieu 108. Adan Smith 109. Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 110. William Pitt the Elder 111. Treaty of Paris, 1783

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