1st Grade Year-at-a-glance

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First Grade Treasures Unit 1, Week 1 Phonics Skill: short a Vocabulary Words: down, Family, fly, Friends, jump, neighbor, not, up Spelling Words: man, cat, hat, mat, ran, can, up, down Unit 1, Week 2 Phonics Skill: short a Vocabulary Words: Help, it, Move, over, Push, too, tree, yes Spelling Words: dad, sad, back, nap, tap, sack, too, over, man mat Unit 1, Week 3 Phonics Skill: short i Vocabulary Words: be, learned, mama, puppy, ride, run, talk Spelling Words: pin, win, hit, sit, miss, kiss, be, ride, sad, map Unit 1, Week 4 Phonics Skill: r-blends (br, cr, fr, gr, tr) Vocabulary Words: come, good, on, that pet, rope, need, living, things, care Spelling Words: crib, crab, grab, grass, trap, trip, that, good, hit Unit 1, Week 5 Phonics Skill: blends (nd, st, nt, nk) Vocabulary Words: very, help, use, now, soccer, game, ball Spelling Words: land, sand, fast, trip, sink, ant, help, very, west, grass

First Grade Treasures Unit 2, Week 1 Phonics Skill: short o Vocabulary Words: one, two, they, her, does, animal, baby, food, bug Spelling Words: hop, top, log, hog, hot, lot, one, they sand, sink Unit 2, Week 2 Phonics Skill: short e Vocabulary Words: plant, who, some, of, no, eat, wheat, bread, water, kernel, factory Spelling Words: leg, beg, men, hen, let, get, who, some, hop, hot, plant Unit 2, Week 3 Phonics Skill: digraphs (sh, th) Vocabulary Words: live, into, out, many, prairie, dog, meet, claws, caring Spelling Words: fish, shop, ship, with, thin, thank, lives, many, beg, get Unit 2, Week 4 Phonics Skill: short u Vocabulary Words: Aunt, bandstand, instrument, make, music, put, rattles, show, sounds, stop, take, three, under, want Spelling Words: run, fun, cut, bug, rug, under, put, thin, shop, nut Unit 2, Week 5 Phonics Skill: blends (bl, cl, gl, fl, pl, sl) Vocabulary Words: today, way, school, away, why, apes, crocodile, late, tree, gate gumdrop(s), pool, stop Spelling Words: clip, clock, flag, flip, black, block, school, today, fun, nut

First Grade Treasures Unit 3, Week 1 Phonics Skill: long a (a_e) Vocabulary Words: hello, could, walk, pull, all, oh, stuck, feet, tail, address, city, post, office Spelling Words: make, take, came, game, gate, late, walk, all, black, flag Unit 3, Week 2 Phonics Skill: s blends (sl, sm, sn, so, st, sw) Vocabulary Words: boy, girl, people, when, care, water, together, animals, bread, brother, cook, home, leaves, llama, neighborhood, recycled, river Spelling Words: sled, slip, snake, snap, spill, spin, people, water, make, game Unit 3, Week 3 Phonics Skill: digraphs (ch, tch, wh) Vocabulary Words: our, again, would, your, light, change, moves, earth, shadow Spelling Words: whip. Whale, catch, match, chin, chop, our, your, slip, spin Unit 3, Week 4 Phonics Skill: long I (i_e) Vocabulary Words: call, how, more, funny, there, so baby, bubbles, happy, hungry, grandmother, grandfather, aunt Spelling Words: like, spike, ride, hide, bike, mine, call, whip, chop Unit 3, Week 5 Phonics Skill: blends (scr, spl, spr, str) Vocabulary Words: say, says, about, give, read, were, grandmother, story, learn, boats, flowers, salt, cook, tree, celebrate, relatives, parade Spelling Words: strike, string, splash, split, scrub, scrap, says, were, like, ride

First Grade Treasures Unit 4, Week 1 Phonics Skill: long o (o_e) Vocabulary Words: opened, every, any, saw, soon, sparkled, floating, pelican, dolphin, turtle, coconut Spelling Words: joke, woke, nose, hose, note, vote, every, any, splash, string Unit 4, Week 2 Phonics Skill: long u (u_e) Vocabulary Words: find, after, done, old, new, work, terrific, creation, robot, cleans, room, noise, tomorrow, recycling, sort, plastic Spelling Words: use, June, tune, flute, cute, mule, done, after, woke, nose Unit 4, Week 3 Phonics Skill: long a (ay, ai) Vocabulary Words: great, warm, cold, sound, know, extreme, predict, storms, clouds, sky, thunder, blizzard, tornado, their Spelling Words: mail, rain, chain, way, play, day, great, know, cute, use Unit 4, Week 4 Phonics Skill: long e (ee, ea) Vocabulary Words: knew, kinds, house, friends, by, far, curious, idea, lightening, sky, electricity, iron, sparks, key, scientists, microscope, photographs Spelling Words: me, we, feed, keep, seat, beak, friends, knew, main, day Unit 4, Week 5 Phonics Skill: long e (y) Vocabulary Words: glared, heard, mother, happens, falls, before, began, told, haste, banana, lion, tiger, forest, rabbit, elephant, deer Spelling Words: bumpy, penny, puppy, sandy, funny, bunny, before, heard, keep, seat

First Grade Treasures Unit 5, Week 1 Phonics Skill: long o (oa, ow) Vocabulary Words: mother, try, always, father, love, firm, supposed, castle, combs, favorite, museum, ears, artists, color sculpture Spelling Words: low, row, boat, coat, no, go, mother, father, puppy, funny Unit 5, Week 2 Phonics Skill: long I (y, igh) Vocabulary Words: ball, discs, flew, glide, head, laughter, meadow, motor, never, perhaps, robins, short, should, shout, third Spelling Words: find, kind, night, right, by, my, never, head, low, boat Unit 5, Week 3 Phonics Skill: r-controlled vowel (ar) Vocabulary Words: better, children, company, contest, discovery, hospital, machine, or, record, round Spelling Words: cart, art, barn, yarn, arm, harm, better, children, right, by Unit 5, Week 4 Phonics Skill: r-controlled vowel (or) Vocabulary Words: along, athlete, carton, corner, early, errand, grocery, instead, mirror, nothing, record, suddenly, thought, whirled Spelling Words: born, corn, cork, fork, horn, pork, nothing, thought, barn, art Unit 5, Week 5 Phonics Skill: r-controlled vowel (er, ir, ur) Vocabulary Words: animals, apple, avocado, banana, beautiful, crowded, cucumber, from, ground, kiwi, melon, orange, part, pear, places, tiny, tomato, vegetables Spelling Words: her, fern, bird, dirt, fur, burn, fork, corn

First Grade Treasures Unit 6, Week 1 Phonics Skill: diphthong (ou, ow) Vocabulary Words: been, butterflies, clues, detectives, gone, goose, grasshopper, insects, invisible, other, protects, searching, senses, sparrow Spelling Words: cow, how, town, out, mouse, mouth, gone, been, her, burn Unit 6, Week 2 Phonics Skill: variant vowel (oo) Vocabulary Words: astronaut, bear, birds, earth, feathers, flew, fooling, guess, helmet, planet, space, table, tumbled, weightless Spelling Words: book, took, look, hood, cook, wood, earth, bear, town, mouth Unit 6, Week 3 Phonics Skill: variant vowel (oo) Vocabulary Words: chemicals, ever, flavor, goes, honey, interesting, laboratory, laugh, medicine, only, ordinary Spelling Words: broom, room, pool, cool, soon, moon, laugh, ever, hood, took Unit 6, Week 4 Phonics Skill: variant vowel (au, aw) Vocabulary Words: across, air, bottle, cub, doctor, enough, eyes, healthy, learn, pounces, scary, wild Spelling Words: haul, claw, cause, paw, saw, dawn, air, enough, cool, soon Unit 6, Week 5 Phonics Skill: diphthong (oi, oy) Vocabulary Words: bucket, build, building, circle, frozen, grew, leave, protect, rinse, structures, tomorrow, toppled, toward, welcoming, wreck Spelling Words: joy, toy, boy, spoil, coin, join, toward, circle, dawn, cause

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