17. Sustainable Development-proton Ashish Jagetia

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 198
  • Pages: 8
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT By…Proton By… Proton Ashish Jagetia

Proton Ashish Jagetia

Contents      

Means Concerns to Areas within the scope Consists Education Conclusion

Proton Ashish Jagetia

Means… Sustainable development… …is a collection of methods to create and sustain development …is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs presentlt as well as in future

Proton Ashish Jagetia

Concerns to…    

Relieve poverty Create healthy environment of living Satisfy the needs of all peoples and Establish sustainable political practices

Proton Ashish Jagetia

Areas within the scope         

Agriculture Atmosphere Biodiversity Biotechnology Capacity--building Capacity Climate Change Consumption and Production Patterns Demographics and Disaster Reduction and Management etc… Proton Ashish Jagetia

Consists… 

Enviornmental Sustainibility

Economic Sustainability

Sociopolitical Sustainability

Proton Ashish Jagetia

Education “Enables people to develop the knowledge, values and skills to participate in decisions, that will improve the quality of life now without damaging the planet for the future.”

Proton Ashish Jagetia

Conclusion Sustainable development is the real growth of any nation, its only the way which can fight with poverty and can create healthy environment

Proton Ashish Jagetia

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