#168 Day Star

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IDqe g,qepqrrb's Q];qnpel P.O. Box 416, Gravett e, A R 72736 50 1-787-6026 Dr. Arn o ld Murray, DR E Newsletter A Day Star shines in the day in the night in tbe middle of the day, in tbe middle of the night in other word s il 's a continu ous light. We have many questions about wh at was the light that was spoken of in Genesis 1:2- . The sun , the moon a n d the slars were not created until the 3rd & 4th day. L et s talk a bou t the ligh t a li ll l bit. It is a very sim ple subject, something we hear so much it becomes redu nd ant. C hris t is the light, H js ligh t sh in e s, and we really lose the depth if we are not careful con­ cerning the light. . Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: And with alJ thy getting get understanding .

All wisdom comes from God, that is all wisdom that is worth anything. The only eternal wisdom comes from o ur Father. He has written us a letter; "All things will come to pa s exactly as they are written." So if you want to be successful ; be ahead f the rush . T h is is the w ay; with Hi s word exa ct ly as it c m S to pass . Prov erb s 4 : 14-15 Enter not into the path of the wicked, An d g o not in the way of evil men . &Av oid it, pass not by it.

The su bject is the path.

#168 - O ct. 1, 1992

you can pray all yo u want to, but if y ou don't have th e Light within you; wbich is to say "the ev idence of faith, " you r wa sting yo ur lime. M an may n ot be able to se the ev idenc ~ of fa ith in yo u, should that be of g rea t im po r ­ tance ? N o ! W h en ma n can n ot see the evid en ce of faith in you, Ch rist does. You can ' t hide it fr o m him . He se es rig ht through you in th at respec t. Genesis 1: 1-3 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. LAnd the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.'!..And God said "Let there be Light :" and there was Light the first day. Genesis 1:14,15 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days , and years: &God made two great lights . The greater light to rule the day , and the lesser light to rule the night , He made the stars also .

What was the light that actually came in and separated the da y f rom night? Back in the firs t day you might s ay it was the Source, the Spirit of God. Now then, He p rovid e d the m o on for the night. Does the moon give off ligh t ? No, it only cop ie s or refl ects that light of the day, wh ich is to say the sun or the "Days tar." Y ou must remem ber the ligh t is important, but it is the Sou rce of ligh t that is most important.

P r overbs 4 : 16- 18 For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; And t h e ir sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall . !.!..For they eat the bread of wickedness, And drink the wine of violence. 1.! But the path of the just is as the shining light, That shineth more and more unto the perfect day .

II Peter 1: 17 For He received from God the F ather honour and glory, when there came such a voice to Him from the excellent glory, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am weJl pleased. "

It seems tha t th e 'd o un to your brother before he d oe s u nto you ' type people must always plot and connive . Ra ther than thinking in a pro perous way as t o how th ey ca n get ahea d on their own me rit, they want to rip somebody off. "Nega tive, bad th oughts." When yo u get ahead with G ods bles sings there's n o sin in be ing rich and pr os pe rous. Th at is God's bless­ ing. But to be rich with ill gotten ga in s is a sin, you've just lost everyt hing.

II Peter 1:19 A great light, a more sure word of prophecy as unto a light that shines in a dark place, (a d ark sinful w orld) until the day dawn a nd the "Day Star" arise in your hearts.

The Light of course is our Saviour, and as much as this path is the ligh t; the Light is i mporta nt. O ur F ather is th e Source of the light , and the Source is most i mportant. Many people say if you do good w rks, then your lighl can shine. Fa lse ! Your light must f irst shin e and t be n you will do good works. The path is the pa th you walk and work. W hen you are walking th at path, yo u are a lam pstand . Lampstands com e in a ll sha pes , sizes a nd col ors . It h old s th e L ig ht, an d as yo u a re working th at Light w ill shin e. It 's th e Sou rce that ke eps th e light coming . (f you want God's blessing, He's nol g ing to h elp you,

This was the ho ly Spirit speaking;

Which is to say in your minds, the "Day Star" shines all the t im e, for the "Day Star" is the prophecy that God sha ll never depart from you. He sha ll never leave you alone. Why, H e is the Source of the "Day Star." Jame s 1: 17-20 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above , and cometh down from the Father of lights, with Whom is no variableness, neither s hadow of turn­ ing. 'I!.Qf His own will begat He us with the word of truth , that we should be a k i nd of fir s tfruits of His c r e atures. ~ Wherefore, my beloved brethen, le t every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow t o wrath : lJ!..For the wrath of man worketh not the righteous­ ness of God .

come from Him. What is your gift? If His word, you have a purpose, you Some of you might use God created own will. Why, what firstfruits receive a portion, His Elect. He created them for a purpose, a very special purpose, to be a lampstand to the rest of the world. That's all just a ! A holds a lighL The lampstand is not as as the light, but light is important, so is lampstand. But The is more important. ~!.!.l..!.~.!....2:.:...w=-

Now when Jesus had heard that John was He departed into Galilee;

This was prophecy. It has to do sense the migration from Zabulon & When Jesus had heard that John the into prison, this prophecy had to be People which have sat in darkness saw and to them which set in the region and death, light had sprung up.

The shadow of death is of death is he that passed over, the first night of passover, when that did not have the blood the the ligbt) died. By God's will He gave wanted you to be a firstfruit. As it was not written only in the New in the first 3 verses of the book of It was written concerning Zabulon. That came to pass. It was fulfilled at that that was shining from that cross, and it was the way for our sins that causes death to us and allow that light to come into your mind !.!t.L!±~~!..-:.f..::...!.."-:-_,From that -H"nl"nt· for

time Jesus the kingdom

Your source must trust your within. Y ou must and there is no knows we are not short. If you ever for a among us. We all in the way of your think self is to help you get rid better pray to the forth and the The source that Satan will of own, it only reflects do not have instead-of-christ you've got that that is that which is drawn a false christ that only from the sun Revelation 2 1.23 neither of the did lighten it,

had no need of the sun, to shine it: for the glory of God Lamb is the light thereof.

Did it say i hat the sun and the moon were needed anymore than il did back in Genesis 1:2-3? No! When our eye is able [0 understand that the Spirit of God becomes that then man reflects that light. It comes from the Stlurce, for there is only one Source of life and that is the Creator of life. the is very The holds that need it can be useful to porlant, but the I more lampstand, and belnved the Source more important than that. Don't ever let Salan confuse your priori­ of God. You ties, and you'll always have the will have an understand ing thaI many people desire. It makes you special because then you are gifted. You are one of God's firstfruits. Dpn't ever let the true light seem meaningless to Y"l!, for it is vour life, your eternal life.


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to preach, heaven is at

time, it had come to pass. !.!t.L!±!..!.!.!.~!.....:x!.:...!..:!:.::...!.2LYe

are the light of the world. A city that on an cannot be hid. 1JLNeither do men and put it under a bushel, but on a stick; it giveth light unto al/ that are in the house. 2!Let your light so shine before men, that they see good works, and glorify your Father Which in

In John 8:12 it says "Jesus is the light of the world." Now, did it say Jesus was the light to heaven? No, it didn't. It said Jesus is the light of the world. Why? It's His office. While you are in this world, your is a reflection of Christ's lighL Do the need saving? That office won't fly you'll never read of anybody ever in heaven. It happens bere, and that's what Messiah who is our Saviour. of the body is the eye: If be (clear), thy whole u..But thine eye be evil, thy shall be of darkness. If therefore the light that thee be darkness, how great is that darknessl

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