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Q. Recently which of the following country signed an accord to join NATO to become the 30th member of the US-led alliance? हाल ही में, निम्ननलखित में से निस दे श िे अमेरििी िेतृत्व वाले गठबंधि िा 30 वां सदस्य बििे िे नलए िाटो में शानमल होिे िे नलए समझौते पि हस्ताक्षि निए? 1. 2. 3. 4.

Cuba Brazil Mexico Macedonia

Q. Recently with which of the following Indian Coast Guard signed an MoU for coordination in the aeronautical and maritime search and rescue operations? हाल ही में निम्ननलखित में से निस भाितीय तटिक्षि बल िे वैमानििी औि समुद्री िोज औि बचाव िायों में समन्वय िे नलए एि समझौता ज्ञापि पि हस्ताक्षि निए? A.

B. C. D.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Airports Authority of India Indian Oil Corporation Hindustan Aeronautics Limited

Q. Smriti Irani launched the India Size project in which of the following cities? स्मृनत ईिािी िे निम्ननलखित में से निस शहि में इं निया साइज प्रोजेट शुरू निया ? 1.

2. 3. 4.

Mumbai New Delhi Indore Surat

Q. RBI has increased the the limit of collateral free agricultural loans to________. RBI िे संपानविि मु क्त िृनि ऋण िी सीमा बढािि ________ िि नदया है ।

1. 2. 3.


1 Lakh 1.5 Lakh 1.6 Lakh 1.9 Lakh

Q. The Tehreek-ul-Mujahideen (TuM) with the objective of “liberation of Kashmir” came into existence in which of the following year? निम्ननलखित में से निस विि में "िश्मीि िी मुखक्त" िे उद्दे श्य से तहिीि-उलमु जानहदीि (TuM) संगठि अखस्तत्व में आया? 1.

2. 3. 4.

1970 1980 1990 2000

Who is the head of the committee which is constituted by the Maharashtra to review welfare schemes for tribals? आनदवानसयों िे नलए िल्याणिािी योजिाओं िी समीक्षा िििे िे नलए महािाष्ट्र द्वािा गनठत सनमनत िा प्रमुि िौि है ?

A. B. C. D.

Vasantrao More Sudhakar Wagh A T Nana Patil Vivek Pandit

Who is appointed as the Ambassador of India to the Republic of Colombia? िोलंनबया गणिाज्य में भाित िे िाजदू त िे रूप में निसे नियुक्त निया गया है ?

A. B. C. D.

Sanjay Kumar Verma Sanjiv Ranjan Sripriya Ranganathan Ruchi Ghanashyam

SGS-1, Communication Satellite belongs to ________. एसजीएस -1, संचाि उपग्रह ________ िा है ।

A. B. C. D.

USA India China Saudi Arabia

Which city is hosting the National Meet on Grassroot Informatics- VIVID 2018? ग्रासरूट इं फॉमेनटक्स- VIVID 2018 पि िेशिल मीट िी मेजबािी िौि सा शहि िि िहा है ?

[A] Pune [B] Nagpur [C] New Delhi [D] Jabalpur

Who has become the world’s first female cricketer to take 200 wickets in One-Day Internationals (ODI)? वि-िे इं टििे शिल (ODI) में 200 नविेट ले िे वाली दु निया िी पहली मनहला नििेटि िौि बि गई है ?

[A] Jhulan Goswami [B] Veda Krishnamurthy [C] Smriti Mandhana [D] Neetu David

















The 5th India-Bangladesh Joint Consultative Committee Meeting held in New Delhi 5 वीं भाित-बां ग्लादे श संयुक्त सलाहिाि सनमनत िी बैठि िई नदल्ली में आयोनजत हुई - All India Radio

The 5th India-Bangladesh Joint Consultative Committee Meeting held in New Delhi. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Foreign Affairs Minister of Bangladesh Dr. A. K. Abdul Momen cochaired the meeting. The last Joint Consultative Committee Meeting between the two countries was held in October 2017. It is the first high-level visit from Bangladesh since Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's victory in the parliamentary elections in December last year.

5 वीं भाित-बां ग्लादे श संयुक्त सलाहिाि सनमनत िी बैठि िई नदल्ली में आयोनजत आयोनजत आयोनजत िी गयी । नवदे श मंत्री सुिमा स्विाज औि बां ग्लादे श िे नवदे श मंत्री िॉ ए िे अब्दु ल मोमि िे बैठि िी सह-अध्यक्षता िी। दोिों दे शों िे बीच आखििी संयुक्त सलाहिाि सनमनत िी बैठि अटू बि 2017 में हुई थी। प्रधािमंत्री शेि हसीिा िी नपछले साल नदसंबि में संसदीय चुिावों में जीत िे बाद यह बां ग्लादे श िी पहली उच्च स्तिीय यात्रा है ।

Latest FIFA rankings released िवीितम फीफा िैं निंग जािी -

News 18

The Indian football team slipped out of the top 100 in the latest FIFA rankings. The change in rank is due to their back to back group league defeats during the AFC Asian Cup in the UAE. In the FIFA rankings released, skipper Sunil Chhetri and team slumped six places to be ranked 103 with 1219 points.

भाितीय फुटबॉल टीम फीफा िी िवीितम िैं निंग में शीिि 100 से बाहि हो गई। यूएई में एएफसी एनशयाई िप िे दौिाि उििी बैि टू बैि ग्रुप लीग हाि िे िािण िैं ि में बदलाव हुआ है । जािी िी गई फीफा िैं निंग में िप्ताि सुिील छे त्री िी टीम छह स्थाि खिसििि 1219 अंिों िे साथ 103 वें स्थाि पि िहे ।

Mirabai Chanu notched up gold at EGAT Cup in Thailand नमिाबाई चािू िे थाईलैंि में ईजीएटी िप में स्वणि पदि जीता -

All India Radio

World champion Indian weightlifter Saikhom Mirabai Chanu won a gold medal at the EGAT Cup in Thailand. Chanu won the 48kg category gold with an effort of 192 kg in the silver level Olympic qualifying event. Points earned from this tournament will come in handy when the final rankings for Tokyo 2020

नवव चैंनपयि भाितीय भािोत्तोलि शेिोम मीिाबाई चािू िे थाईलैंि में ईजीएटी िप में स्वणि पदि जीता। चािू िे नसल्वि लेवल ओलंनपि क्वालीफाइं ग इवेंट में 192 निलोग्राम िे प्रयास िे साथ 48 निग्रा वगि िा स्वणि पदि जीता। इस टू िाि मेंट से अनजित अंि तब िाम आएं गे जब टोक्यो 2020 िे नलए अंनतम िैं निंग होगी

Dinkar Gupta takes over charge of DGP Punjab नदििि गुप्ता िीजीपी पंजाब िा पदभाि संभालते हैं -

Indian Express

Dinkar Gupta has taken over the charge of Director General of the Punjab Police. He took over the charge as DGP from Suresh Arora at a simple ceremony at the Punjab Police headquarters at Chandigarh. Previously, Gupta was posted as Director General of Police, Intelligence, Punjab.

नदििि गुप्ता िे पंजाब पुनलस िे महानिदे शि िा पदभाि संभाल नलया है । उन्ोंिे चंिीगढ में पंजाब पुनलस मुख्याालय में एि सादे समािोह में सुिेश अिोडा से DGP िे रूप में पदभाि ग्रहण निया। इससे पहले, गुप्ता पुनलस महानिदे शि, इं टेनलजेंस, पंजाब िे पद पि तैिात थे।

Chennai Police Commissioner A.K. Viswanathan launched mobile App 'DigiCop' of the city police चेन्नई िे पुनलस आयुक्त ए.िे. नवविाथि िे शहि पुनलस िा मोबाइल ऐप 'निजीिॉप' लॉन्च निया। All India Radio

Sethupathi said the App makes citizens feel that the police is always with them. Using the App, people can track the status of stolen two-wheelers and cell phones. Using DigiCop App, people can also verify IMEI, report lost two-wheelers and phones, know the nearest police station, police news and traffic alerts. The details of 18,000 stolen mobile phones are stored in the App.

चेन्नई िे पुनलस आयुक्त ए.िे. नवविाथि िे शहि पुनलस िा मोबाइल ऐप 'निजीिॉप' लॉन्च निया। सेतुपनत िे िहा नि ऐप िागरििों िो लगे गा िी पुनलस हमेशा उििे साथ है । ऐप िा उपयोग िििे, लोग चोिी निए गए दोपनहया औि सेलफोि िी खस्थनत िो टर ै ि िि सिते हैं । DigiCop ऐप िा उपयोग िििे, लोग IMEI िो सत्यानपत िि सिते हैं , िोए हुए दोपनहया औि फोि िी रिपोटि िि सिते हैं , नििटतम पुनलस स्टे शि, पुनलस समाचाि औि यातायात अलटि जाि सिते हैं । ऐप में 18,000 चोिी निए गए मोबाइल फोि िा नवविण संग्रहीत निया गया है ।

2018 fourth warmest year on record रििॉिि पि 2018 चौथा सबसे गमि साल -

All India Radio

An independent analysis by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have found that earth's global surface temperatures in 2018 were the fourth warmest since 1880. Globally, 2018's temperatures rank behind those of 2016, 2017 and 2015. The past five years are collectively the warmest years in the modern record. It founds that 2018 global temperatures were 0.79 degrees Celsius above the 20thcentury average.

िासा औि िेशिल ओशनिि एं ि एटमॉस्फेरिि एिनमनिस्टर े शि द्वािा एि स्वतंत्र नवश्लेिण में पाया गया है नि 2018 में पृथ्वी िी वैनवि सतह िा तापमाि 1880 िे बाद चौथा सबसे गमि था। नवव स्ति पि, 2018 िा तापमाि 2016, 2017 औि 2015 िे मुिाबले पीछे है । नपछले पां च साल सामूनहि रूप से आधुनिि रििॉिि में सबसे गमि साल हैं । यह पाया गया नि 20 वीं सदी िे औसत से 2018 वैनवि तापमाि 0.79 निग्री सेखियस अनधि था


Key Facts About Pakistan • •

• • • •

• • • •

Capital: Islamabad Currency: Pakistani rupee President : Arif Alvi Prime Minister Imran Khan Official languages: Urdu National Animal : Markhor National Bird: Chukar Dominion : 14 August 1947 Current constitution : 14 August 1973 Neighbouring countries : India, China, Afghanistan, Iran

Facts about Pakistan • • • •

• • •

Pakistan is a country in South Asia and is the world’s sixth-most populous country. It has a semi-industrialised economy with a well-integrated agriculture sector and a growing services sector. Pakistan is a member of the UN, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the OIC, the Commonwealth of Nations, the SAARC and the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition It has the sixth-largest standing armed forces in the world and is also a nuclear power as well as a declared nuclear-weapons state, the second in South Asia and the only nation in the Muslim world to have that status. Jinnah, the President of the Muslim League, became the nation's first Governor-General as well as the first President-Speaker of the Parliament. The first Prime Minister of Pakistan was Liaquat Ali Khan. Pakistan has the world’s largest Irrigation System.

Facts about Pakistan • • • • • • • • • •

Pakistan has the highest paved international road – The Karakoram Highway (KKH). Two people have won the Nobel Prize from Pakistan. Malala Yousafzai for Peace in 2014 and Abdus Salam for Physics in 1979. 14. Sugarcane juice is the national drink of Pakistan. In Pakistan, it is also known as “roh.” K-2 (Chagori) is the highest mountain peak in Pakistan and the second highest in the world. Pakistan has the only fertile desert in the world – the Tharparkar desert – located in Sindh province. Pakistan is so far the only nation in the world to get established on the basis of ‘Religion’. Benazir Bhutto became the first female Prime Minister of Pakistan, and of any Muslim nation. Changa Manga is a manmade forest located in Pakistan. It is the largest manmade forest, and it is also the oldest. Gwadar is the world’s largest deep sea port. Pakistan is the land of oldest Civilization – Indus Valley and Mohenjo-Daro.



Q. According yo latest FIFA ranking, India ranked ________. Q. िवीितम फीफा िैं निंग िे अिुसाि, भाित _______ स्थाि पि िहा

A. B. C. D.

98 103 113 108

Q. Who among the following has been appointed as as Civil Aviation Secretary? Q.निम्ननलखित में से निसे िागरिि उड्डयि सनचव िे रूप में नियुक्त निया गया है ?


B. C. D.

Pradeep Singh Kharola Rono Dutta Vinay Dube Jehangir Wadia

Q. Who among the following has won a gold medal at the EGAT Cup in Thailand? Q. निम्ननलखित में से निसिे थाईलैंि में ईजीएटी िप में स्वणि पदि जीता है ?

A. B. C. D.

Mirabai Chanu Manika Batra Vinesh Phogat Heena Sidhu


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